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Kamal Sng igh, Takul?, BHM cT.2nd sem | vate 19,05, 23 eee Posed Promega I at Explain the Orying curve Bi, a ewer inne eS tus — ee Ang | Eeadanc Cord 8 » pt a Cidicol moisture, —s p. SS Content Paes: 2 pies / € Pree. mrs OAR ae : x + aepresentative, cue pikes preclanct cam te cleter- mined. of specific empectaacs pvelouties and presi 4 peur cue of a, sped fit, product fs Aafars rech fo ia 4a auve, “dependin ow tHe cowed, with velouty and, Jemparctire , Hho, wswe Wil exhibit . ifltart variationds Understanding Ho curve FL extremely helpful when it comes Tp understancting— is suse re behavior . tha proces of deying op can G2, were tere 1 tve te Prest foloin - dein Aate peuocl. 2: z ais 2 tt) ldecon faltine aate patod » = A es __tii}|| G@nstartt dying sate period... Fs s + [Mate Material eva moss ofmaterab, fro constant” perfec, : lleontaina much water, seselting ina Mouth suiface thay difes L'ka an oper body, ef warter, fla. dang a4 Surfecds ton, Jlaksfons aman saturated, evoperaton occurs ot os ___ ___| canstant gate duc to AP pfasTory of mal akete fasion wsTth | Pay He deoplet, thats are two proe tser fave | in aeyin cuufng to falting sete puvtod Rt) | Surface motstete, tamnval oe ii) | motstiae te trana petted Zo Pho Surface, Powe wil Hire | tho material. E aan ee co | — @2- | what do gow understancl bi) fv ond bound, maid-_ tus 7 f Ange] utatter, that can he catty aemovedl from foo Pro meisturs whewas, meictiro, that can [net be temovecd ae fo teem at hounch muidty, Bound moithure, if the water, scat Pro small tax | pallesies at gob'd SutVare aj solution fr cell ob i fins. Mound mstatuer iy ee AEP fieutt to wading ofthe mind and of se wp = _@un fn Sun duyin » methoch tnvelve fast ancl veqetab Spreacl on feuds ot or He, fleet te diy, Tn He, J d je; 0-2 i epee ie: —— Ce hos method tt Limited. to ackeu'ns ! | Aetsatns apricot peaches ,daltedt fishy of te Pruitt Sicch a5 dt day of dying Hho product, ie cs L Polar drying me: | Solar de ev Pam _ inclined gectanquler ef 1X See gogzm3, the Pntervor ef the bow az mack up o ze | wood and. thenaceL. pac - Be | Tin chet of golay d24 et ate, attached aj a toyer pe re _jinsido whide helps fn diying pred F | —__ | Tenineb depen methect Thig, toon Frnprovement fi the Koy deytr though & tunnel, whee ich: the hoy, aunk ooeeeeeeelnl Qa Date = ee heat Fu. giver off ancl, vapect, es Ry any food fs be: I Aemoved . Tunnel drying. f4 vet “ep Ncient method, a iy: ing Ee. a f

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