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Analyze the performance of FIFO, Priority and WFQ

Queuing Techniques

AIM: To analyze the performance of FIFO, Priority and WFQ Queuing techniques.

NetSim Software Version 12.0.18


As part of the resource allocation mechanisms, each router must implement some
queuing discipline that governs how packets are buffered while waiting to be
transmitted. Various queuing disciplines can be used to control which packets get
transmitted (based on bandwidth allocation) and which packets get dropped (based
on buffer space). The queuing discipline also affects the latency experienced by a
packet, by determining how long a packet waits to be transmitted. Examples of the
common queuing disciplines are first-in-first-out (FIFO) queuing, priority queuing
(PQ), and weighted-fair queuing (WFQ).

Open NetSim and click on Examples > Experiments > Analyze-the-

performance-of various- queuing-disciplines > Sample-1 as shown below:
NetSim UI displays the configuration file corresponding to this experiment as shown


Sample 1: (FIFO)
The following set of procedures were done to generate this sample:

Step 1: A network scenario is designed in NetSim GUI comprising of 4 Wired

Nodes and 2 Routers in the “Internetworks” Network Library.

Step 2: TCP Protocol is set to Disable in all the devices.

Step 3: Wired Link Properties is set as follows:

Link Properties Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link Link

4 5
Max Uplink Speed (Mbps) 10 10 10 5 5
Max Downlink Speed 10 10 10 5 5
Step 4: In the Interface WAN > Network Layer Properties of Router 1, Scheduling
Type is set as FIFO. Similarly, Scheduling Type is set as FIFO for Router 2.

Step 5: Three different applications are generated as per the table given below:
NOTE: For Voice application set codec as Custom.
Application Properties Application 1 Application 1 Application 1
Applocation type Voice Video Custom
Source_Id 3 4 5
Destination_Id 6 6 6
Packet Size
Distribution Constant Frame_Per_Sec Constant
Value (bytes) 1460 50 1000
Inter Arrival Time
Distribution Constant Pixel_Per_Frame Constant
Value (micro secs) 2336 100000 1333
Step 6: Run the Simulation for 10 Seconds. Note down the Application Throughput.
The following changes in settings are done from the previous sample:

Sample 2: (Priority)
Step 1: In the Interface WAN > Network Layer Properties of Router 1, Scheduling
Type is set as PRIORITY. Similarly, Scheduling Type is set as PRIORITY for
Router 2.

Step 2: Run the Simulation for 10 Seconds. Note down the Application Throughput.

Sample 3: (WFQ)
Step 1: In the Interface WAN > Network Layer Properties of Router 1, Scheduling
Type is set as WFQ. Similarly, Scheduling Type is set as WFQ for Router 2.

Step 2: Run the Simulation for 10 Seconds. Note down the Application Throughput.

Measurements and Outputs:

Applicatio Traffic FIFO- Priority- WFQ-

n Generation Sample-1 Sample-2 Sample-3
Rate Throughput Throughput Throughput
(Mbps)* (Mbps) (Mbps) (Mbps)
Voice 5 1.75 3.81 1.89
~ (5 / 13.6)
Video 2.6 0.89 0.28 0.85
~ (2.6/13.6)
Custom 6 2.12 0.70 2.02
~ (6/13.6)
Total 13.6 4.76 4.79 4.76
~5 ~5 ~5

NOTE: For Traffic Generation Rate calculation

Traffic Generation Rate=(Packet size / Inter Arrival Time )*8

*The traffic generation rate is based on settings done in step 5.

The 5 mentioned above refers to 5 Mbps which is the data rate of link 4.

In FIFO, packets will get served based on their packet arrival time to router.
Therefore, since link 4 is a 5 Mbps link, the throughputs of Voice, Video and Custom
applications is equal to the ratio of their generation rates.
Priority scheduling technique processes packets based on their priority. Hence voice
and video which have higher priority take up the complete bandwidth available.
Weighted fair queuing (WFQ) assigns a weight to each application and hence gives a
result between that is in between priority and FIFO.

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