PLC-Based Turbine Governor System

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Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE IAS Pulp and Paper Conference


Patrick Rock Terry Bauman, P.E. Bill Granzin, P.E.
L&S Electric, Inc. L&S Electric, Inc. Smart Papers
P.O. Box 740 P.O. Box 740 200 N. First Ave
Schofield, WI 54476 Schofield, WI 54476 Park Falls, WI 54552
[email protected] tbauman@ [email protected]

Abstract - The governor system used by many pulp and these cylinders.
paper facilities with steam power generation creates many
challenges. Challenges such as inadequate response times;
poor speed regulation; analog control drifting; high maintenance
and support costs; expensive or unavailable parts; and
extended lead times. Machine availability is affected and
extended generator downtime may result. Governor
replacement provides the solution to these problems.
Advantages of upgrading to a PLC-based turbine governor
system include:
* Off-the-shelf control and hydraulic components
Governor algorithm contained in PLC-based regulating
IdGovernor system independent from lube oil system
ge Reliable hydraulic proportional valve replaces flapper
nozzle system
s User-friendly interface provides control and monitoring
and extensive alarming and diagnostics
s Open communication allows connection with existing mill
distributed control system (DCS) Fig.
i Original Analog Electronic Governor
Index Terms - steam turbine, steam turbine governor, steam The steam-supply system consists of one waste wood boiler
turbine controls, steam turbine generation, governor, controls, that generates high-pressure steam suitable for the turbine and
generation, PLC. several natural gas boilers that supply lower pressure steam
The purpose ofthesix-egawattbacpressuretubineint suitable for the processes within the plant.
mill INTRODUCTION eene mroig
imrvteoealplnoeatn gThe turbine-generator was running twenty-four hours per day,
seven days per week. Due to escalating fuel costs, it was more
themplart Ppersisantingdrependenis manufaccomplis d market economical to operate the turbine only during peak hours.
SmartPuaper andindpendentmnufacersand marer
ofpremiucora and uncoated spri pap ting However, due to the unreliability of the analog control system,
pnpa roducls,W 350sinat
mieiarFl in fine wrtng and Smart Papers did not shut the unit down in fear that the turbine-
sp ialtyam
e ter
p PSI.e f
turbine ions generator would not restart.
Thesurpoe orftesth ixoegawcat baecatkng pressure turbn inte There were several challenges with the analog system. The
ietoierove overall
the plantoperating revenue. Improing governor had limited diagnostic capabilities making
thckpresspln tupraingtotoprenueislactricmplihednbyusintheost troubleshooting difficult. The hydraulic servo valves were
backressreturbine produceetrn the costpurchnor of a major problem. They repeatedly failed and were expensive
natural gas rheqcutiredistlessyexpensive.thanthecosttopu s to repair.
poelroilerweorduce fro the m local ut iTlt proecses The existing analog control system was obsolete.
rteq uilizer pdu t atw ea 0 PSI. Thepai funtro proessue
as Replacement parts were no longer readily available and were
resuiresteaupvo station
35 PS thsteam e fussurcons aila proprietary to the manufacturer.
pressure ri ng statono toereduceh t pressure m wethe ormof The difficulty tuning the analog governor controls accentuated
rlecoerinl t eergf power. the limited diagnostic capabilities. Because of the proprietary
electrical ~~~~~~nature of the system, an original equipment manufacturer
A.Aao lcrncGvro
A. Analo
~~(OEM) representative
was required to periodically tune the
Electronic Govemor
system for proper operation. The presence of an OEM
representative was required for troubleshooting due to the
The original control system on the turbine was an analogi dignsicrlimitains inherent in the analogr design.
with the oil contamination, contributed greatly to the erratic includes closed-loop speed control and valve coordination for
actuator operation. extraction and exhaust pressure control. During offline
B. Decision for Selection of PLC-Based Turbine Governor operation, the speed control is primarily used. This includes the
turbine warming stages and synchronizing the generator to the
Smart Papers replaced the analog electronic governor with a bus. Once generating, extraction and exhaust pressure
programmable logic control (PLC) -based turbine governor. The controllers are responsible for positioning the inlet and
new PLC-based governor system has several advantages over extraction valves to control the process steam to the operator-
the original analog system. entered setpoints. Speed limiting still occurs while in pressure
control. Thus, if a separation from the utility causes the turbine
to accelerate, the speed governor will close the valves

Fig. 2 New PLC-Based Governor Control

The governor controller is a PLC-based regulating system. It
utilizes readily available PLC components commonly found in
the pulp and paper industry. Component calibration is
not necessary if the hardware fails. Moreover, replacement
parts are off-the-shelf and widely available through local
PLC distributors. Fig. 4 New Extraction Steam Rack Actuator
As part of the governor replacement, the lube oil system is
separate from the oil control system. Separating the oil systems In addition, sequencing is included to facilitate the startup
virtually eliminates the risk of contamination in the control oil. A Inoadditiow, sequeratorIS step tough the wartup
Now, the operator canstepl hruthe
process rather than manually controlling the speed aswasrmin
new high-pressure hydraulic pressure unit (HPU) operates the
two netwo yruiyidr. Th.
ew hdrauic clindrs.The yidr
position transducers provide direct control
yliners adascae
nd asocited
of the exhaust and
with the previous system. The digital implementation of the
withrthe pevious t he digitaimplemention
extraction *
steam racks. The new oi
extraction*steamracks.Thenew oil., system operates aat a
systm oeras gg~~~~~~~~~overnoreliminates the need for subsequent
q system
y tuning
The interface provides the operator monitoring and controls
higher pressure, allowing for smaller cylinders and lower oil flow, capabilities along with alarming and diagnostics. This gives the
The HPU and cylinders, in addition to the
vle,HP muchers, cnadontrolove the newsem
facit much better control overeaiysavailabe
valve facilitate
Paitl logwhaarngndigoscsTsgvete
operator the ability to quickly determine the source of a problem
and accurately control the turbine speed and pressures. The
componenc systs.
is also comprised of readily available
governor also communicates with the existing mill DCS allowing
coordination of pressure control between the turbine and
- pressure reducing valves.

Fig3rignaExracioStam ac ActuaFig. 5 Original Exhaust Steam Rack Actuator

The PLC software contains the governor algorithms. This
As a part of this project, a utility grade multi-function . The system uses common hardware and software
programmable relay replaced the generator protective relays. platforms for all plant control requirements. Training for
This new relay provides both improved electrical and those requirements is available to all personnel.
mechanical protection, along with event recording capabilities. Replacement parts for both platforms are common and
The event recording allows an engineer to analyze disturbances easy to obtain.
that affect the operation of the turbine-generator. . The control fully integrates with the boiler control system.


Converting to a PLC-based governor and independent control

oil system provides better control flexibility and greater reliability
for the steam turbine.
Off-the-shelf parts, user-friendly interface, and greater
diagnostic tools reduce expenses and eliminate the dependence
on an OEM representative to continually re-tune the system.

Patrick Rock is a Controls Engineer with L&S Electric, Inc.
He has focused on power system protection with L&S since
2003. His primary emphasis is developing protective relay
packages for independent power producers and the utility
industry. Prior to his experience with L&S Electric, Inc., Mr.
Rock spent almos six years as aClluelecrica engineer in te
pulp and paper industry. Mr. Rock graduated from University of
Twosconsin - Platteville with a Bac elor of cience degree in
Electrical Engineering, emphasis in Power Systems.
Terry Bauman is a Senior Controls Engineer with L&S
Electric, Inc. He has focused on control system solutions for
prime movers since 1986. His primary emphasis is developing
customer specific governor and unit controls that meet the
requirements of multiple facilities with a single design. Mr.
Bauman graduated from Case Western Reserve University with
Fig.o6fNew Ehaust Steam
Fig. 6New ack Acuatora
team Rack Actuator Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering.

Granzin is an E&I Process Control Supervisor with Smart
He graduated from Michigan Technological University
Twovroweeksd beorestr sceuledthi pountag, ther cuprren
the with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. Mr.
governor failed to restart the uni. Atthispoint,SmartPapers Granzin has been a member of the IEEE since 1972.
proceeded with a complete overhaul of the turbine and
generator. As part of this outage, installation of the new
governor took less than two weeks. The commissioning
process required approximately two days for complete checkout
of both the governor and generator protection. Plant personnel
trained for one day to familiarize themselves with the new
D. Benefits

The PLC-based governor control provides these additional

* The plant manager has improved process control and
efficiency of the turbine control.
* Operators have better control of turbine speed during
startup and shutdown; as well as having improved pressure
* The fast update times within the controller provides
* The govrno and prtctvrelayreach^, provide ovrspee

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