Introduction To Reinforced Concrete Design Part 2
Introduction To Reinforced Concrete Design Part 2
Introduction To Reinforced Concrete Design Part 2
• At different positions along the beam, v and f
change, and thus the directions of the principal
stresses change. • It can be seen from the preceding
• SLAB equation that at the neutral axis, the principal stresses
SHEAR STRESS will be located at a 45° angle with the horizontal.
• You have previously learned that in elastic • Diagonals cracks are produced due to shear stress.
homogeneous beams, where stresses are proportional • For slabs, there is no reinforcement for shear due to
to strains, two kinds of stresses occur (bending and its thickness (100-150 mm are relatively thin)
shear), and they can be calculated with the following
expressions: * Furthermore, according to engineering mechanics, if
pure shear is produced in a member, a principal
stress of equal magnitude will be produced on
• An element of a beam not located at an extreme plane. Because the tensile strength of concrete is less
fiber or at the neutral axis is subject to both bending than its shearing strength, the concrete will fail in
and shear stresses. These stresses combine into tension before its shearing strength is reached.
inclined compressive and tensile stresses, called
principal stresses, which can be determined from the
following expression:
• Vertical structures that resists compressive forces.
SLAB • Suffer against BUCKLING.
TWO-WAY SLAB -BUCKLING EFFECT is due to moment and
• Two-way slabs can be strengthened by the instability because of the applied compressive
additional of beams between the columns, by force.
thickening the slabs around the columns (drop
panels), and by flaring the columns under the slabs
(column capitals).
1. Pedestals
2. Short columns
3. Long columns
• Longitudinal Bars
- Provided to sustain compressive forces
• BEAMS AND GIRDERS caused by axial loads and tensile forces
caused by bending moments.
• Confinement
- Individual hoop ties with cross-ties or
continuous spiral bars to provide:
a) Lateral bracing of longitudinal bars to prevent
buckling when concrete cover breaks.
b) Prevention against spitting of the column due to
shear failure
c) Confinement of concrete column core for increased
strength and ductility.
*COLLAPSE STAGE (Ultimate Strength) is when
FACTORED LOADS (service loads are multiplied with
LOAD FACTORS) provide non-linear inelastic behavior.