Scrub Safety Data Sheet EN
Scrub Safety Data Sheet EN
Scrub Safety Data Sheet EN
SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking
1.1. Product identifier
Product name : SCRUB
Registration number REACH : Not applicable (mixture)
Product type REACH : Mixture
1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
1.2.1 Relevant identified uses
Detergent according to Regulation (EC) No 648/2004
3.2. Mixtures
Name CAS No
Conc. (C) Classification according to CLP Note Remark
REACH Registration No EC No
alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated < 2.5 mol EO, sulfates, 68891-38-3 C≤2% Eye Dam. 1; H318 (1)(8) Constituent
sodium salts 500-234-8 Skin Irrit. 2; H315
01-2119488639-16 Aquatic Chronic 3; H412
(1) For H-statements in full: see heading 16
(8) Specific concentration limits, see heading 16
Created by: Brandweerinformatiecentrum voor gevaarlijke stoffen vzw (BIG) Publication date: 2014-08-01
4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
4.2.1 Acute symptoms
After inhalation:
No effects known.
After skin contact:
No effects known.
After eye contact:
Redness of the eye tissue.
After ingestion:
Vomiting. Diarrhoea. Headache. Abdominal pain. Disturbances of consciousness.
4.2.2 Delayed symptoms
No effects known.
4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
If applicable and available it will be listed below.
No (test)data on the mixture available
Judgement is based on the relevant ingredients
No (test)data on the mixture available
Judgement is based on the relevant ingredients
alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated < 2.5 mol EO, sulfates, sodium salts
Route of exposure Result Method Exposure time Time point Species Value Remark
Eye Irritating OECD 405 24; 48; 72 hours Rabbit Experimental Aqueous solution
Eye Serious eye Literature study
Skin Irritating OECD 404 4h 24; 48; 72 hours Rabbit Experimental
Not classified as irritating to the skin
Not classified as irritating to the eyes
Not classified as irritating to the respiratory system
No (test)data on the mixture available
Judgement is based on the relevant ingredients
alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated < 2.5 mol EO, sulfates, sodium salts
Route of exposure Result Method Exposure time Observation time Species Value determination Remark
Skin Not sensitizing OECD 406 24; 48 hours Guinea pig Experimental value
Not classified as sensitizing for skin
Not classified as sensitizing for inhalation
No (test)data on the mixture available
Judgement is based on the relevant ingredients
alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated < 2.5 mol EO, sulfates, sodium salts
Route of exposure Parameter Method Value Organ Effect Exposure time Species Value
Oral (stomach NOAEL OECD 408 > 225 mg/kg No effect 90 day(s) Rat (male / Experimental
tube) bw/day female) value
Dermal NOEL Equivalent to ≥ 195 mg/l No adverse 13 weeks (5 days / Mouse (male / Read-across
OECD 411 systemic week) female)
Not classified for subchronic toxicity
No (test)data on the mixture available
Judgement is based on the relevant ingredients
No (test)data on the mixture available
Judgement is based on the relevant ingredients
alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated < 2.5 mol EO, sulfates, sodium salts
Result Method Exposure time Test substrate Organ Value determination
Negative OECD 475 Mouse (male / female) Bone marrow Experimental value
Not classified for mutagenic or genotoxic toxicity
No (test)data on the mixture available
Judgement is based on the relevant ingredients
alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated < 2.5 mol EO, sulfates, sodium salts
Route of Parameter Method Value Exposure time Species Effect Organ Value
exposure determination
Unknown Data waiving
Not classified for carcinogenicity
Reproductive toxicity
No (test)data on the mixture available
Judgement is based on the relevant ingredients
alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated < 2.5 mol EO, sulfates, sodium salts
Parameter Method Value Exposure time Species Effect Organ Value
Developmental toxicity NOAEL OECD 414 > 1000 10 day(s) Rat No effect Experimental
mg/kg value
Maternal toxicity NOAEL OECD 414 > 1000 10 day(s) Rat No effect Experimental
mg/kg value
Effects on fertility NOAEL Equivalent to 300 mg/kg Rat (male / No effect Experimental
OECD 416 bw/day female) value
Not classified for reprotoxic or developmental toxicity
No (test)data on the mixture available
No effects known.
Not classified as dangerous for the environment according to the criteria of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008
12.2. Persistence and degradability
alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated < 2.5 mol EO, sulfates, sodium salts
Biodegradation water
Method Value Duration Value determination
EU Method C.4 100 %; GLP 28 day(s) Experimental value
The surfactant(s) is/are biodegradable according to Regulation (EC) No 648/2004
12.3. Bioaccumulative potential
Log Kow
Method Remark Value Temperature Value determination
Not applicable (mixture)
alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated < 2.5 mol EO, sulfates, sodium salts
Log Kow
Method Remark Value Temperature Value determination
OECD 123 0.3 23 °C Experimental value
Contains bioaccumulative component(s)
12.4. Mobility in soil
alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated < 2.5 mol EO, sulfates, sodium salts
(log) Koc
Parameter Method Value Value determination
log Koc Other 0.34 QSAR
Percent distribution
Method Fraction air Fraction biota Fraction Fraction soil Fraction water Value determination
Mackay level I 0.000000004 % 0.00000997 % 0.0159 % 0.0158 % 100 % Calculated value
Contains component(s) with potential for mobility in the soil
12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment
Due to insufficient data no statement can be made whether the component(s) fulfil(s) the criteria of PBT and vPvB according to Annex XIII of Regulation
(EC) No 1907/2006.
12.6. Other adverse effects
Fluorinated greenhouse gases (Regulation (EU) No 517/2014)
None of the known components is included in the list of fluorinated greenhouse gases (Regulation (EU) No 517/2014)
Ozone-depleting potential (ODP)
The informa on in this safety data sheet is based on data and samples provided to BIG. The sheet was wri en to the best of our ability and
according to the state of knowledge at that me. The safety data sheet only cons tutes a guideline for the safe handling, use, consump on,
storage, transport and disposal of the substances/prepara ons/mixtures men oned under point 1. New safety data sheets are wri en from
me to me. Only the most recent versions may be used. Unless indicated otherwise word for word on the safety data sheet, the informa on
does not apply to substances/prepara ons/mixtures in purer form, m ixed with other substances or in processes. The safety data sheet offers
no quality specifica on for the substances/prepara ons/mixtures in ques on. Com pliance with the instruc ons in this safety data sheet does
not release the user from the obliga on to take all measures dictated by common sense, regula ons and recommenda ons or which are
necessary and/or useful based on the real applicable circum stances. BIG does not guarantee the accuracy or exhaus veness of the
informa on provided and cannot be held liable for any changes by third par es. This safety data sheet is only to be used within the European
Union, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. Any use outside of this area is at your own risk. Use of this safety data sheet is
subject to the licence and liability limi ng condi ons as stated in your BIG licence agreement or when this is failing the general condi ons of
BIG. All intellectual property rights to this sheet are the property of BIG and its distribu on and reproduc on are limited. Consult the
men oned agreement/condi ons for details.