Technical Seminar Ashish Wanve
Technical Seminar Ashish Wanve
Technical Seminar Ashish Wanve
Submitted to MIT ADT University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
award of the degree of
Submitted by
is a bonafide work carried out by him, under the supervision of Prof.
Dr. Kishore Ravande and Prof. Aniket Patil and it is submitted towards the partial
fulfilment of the requirement of MIT-ADT University, Pune for the award of the
degree of Master of Technology in Structural Engineering.
I express my profound thanks to my Guide Prof. Dr. Kishore Ravande for his
expert guidance, encouragement, and inspiration during this technical seminar work.
I also express my thanks to my Co-Guide Prof. Aniket Patil for his support and
guidance during this technical seminar work.
I am very much grateful and thankful to my Parents for their immense love,
affection, help, cooperation, and encouragement to complete this course.
Finally, a special thanks to all my classmates and friends who helped and
encouraged me to successfully complete my seminar work.
Last but not the least, my humble thanks to the Almighty God.
Sr. Page
Introduction 6
What is Concrete Canvas? 6
Market Availability of Concrete Canvas? 10
Aim of study 11
Objective of the study 11
Scope of study 12
3 Canvas Shelter 10
1 Specification of Concrete Canvas 11
Concrete Canvas is an upcoming revolution in the civil world, which in turn have a wide
range of application in rapid.
Construction in a state of emergency etc. Due to its own physical property namely flexible
and easy to use. They are cement impregnated fabric that hardens when hydrated to form a
thin, durable, water and fireproof concrete layer. This evolution may lead to a new way of
construction without the use of mixing equipment. Thus, it makes construction much easier in
just two steps placing them in position and adding water. They have faster development
around the world due to the significantly quicker and more economical.
Literally meaning
In general concrete Canvas is a flexible cement impregnated fabric that hardens on hydration
to form a thin, durable, water and fire-proof layer.
The Canvas may be hydrated either by spraying or by being fully immersed in water. They
can be easily nailed, stapled, or coated with an adhesive for easy attachment to other surfaces.
Once set, the fibre reinforces the concrete, preventing crack propagation & providing a safe
plastic failure mode. Compared to traditional concrete solutions, it is faster, easier, and, more
cost-effective to install and has the additional benefit of reducing the environmental impact of
concreting works by up to 95%.
Concrete Canvas can be laid at a rate of 200sqm/hour by a 3-man team. Typical installation
speeds are up to 10 times faster than conventional concrete solutions. It is available in man-
portable rolls eliminating the need for plants on-site and allowing concrete installation in
areas with limited access. Prior to hydration, Concrete Canvas layers can be cut to length
using basic hand tools eliminating the hazards associated with using power tools in high-risk
environments. The concrete is pre-mixed so there is no need for mixing, measuring, or
compacting but just adding water.
Fig 1: Layers of Concrete Canvas
The speed and ease of installation mean it is more cost-effective than conventional concrete,
with less logistical burden. It greatly reduces transportation logistics and on-site storage. It is
a low mass, low carbon technology which uses up to 95% less material than conventional
concrete for many applications. With an intention of finding new material in practice with a
property of flexibility and ease to work, the British engineering company had found the
revolutionary material, concrete Canvas. This revolutionary new material takes its own place
in the history of civil engineering, took the concrete work in a completely new way.
The technology was first found for emergency shelters, application to the military world, and
believed that it may not be commercialized to commercial construction work. But further
research in the concrete Canvas made incredible changes in the construction field. At first,
the British army saw the potential of concrete canvas and adopted it their daily use replacing
the regular construction materials, some of them were the method reinforcing sandbags for
defense, this reduces the degradation of sandbags in extreme climates of Afghanistan, where
the combination of wind, sand, and extreme temperature affects the sandbags for a frequent
repair. In addition to that, it can be made fireproof which resists the incoming fire and the
sparks produced by the muzzles.
This was further tested by them using small and medium calibre weapons. They are made
compact to work even in remote areas by manufacturing them in a compact size (10m or
33ft), making them easy to handle without any of the heavy lifting equipment or planting
machinery. That forms the biggest advantage when working in remote areas where the
helicopter is the only way to a mode of transport. As I said earlier the usage of the material is
easier just by unrolling the pack and just adding water, as a result there forms a new concrete
Fig 2: Military Bunkers with Concrete Canvas
The magic behind the concrete Canvas is that the fibres used in the form a reinforcing
matrix within the concrete Canvas. Thus, when impacted this property of fibres used helps
to serve the structural integrity of the concrete. A ballistic attack may pass through them,
but crack propagation is limited, as result, the sandbags remain safe inside the concrete
shell. In January 2008, a notable amount of concrete Canvass is laid in the frontline in
Afghanistan to analyse the field usage and the performance which is satisfactory for the
U.K army, as a reward the manufacturer got a huge order of the concrete Canvass of 5500
m2 to the frontlines of Afghanistan by U.K ministry of defense.
The research of concrete Canvas is to develop rapid hardening shelters only using water and
air. The original concept for Concrete Canvas was to create rapidly deployable hardened
shelters that required only water and air for construction. The key was the use of inflation to
create a surface that was optimized for compressive loading. This allowed thin-walled
concrete structures that are both robust and lightweight. The shelter, such as the one shown in
Fig 3, is deployed in the following four stages: Delivery-the shelter is supplied folded and
sealed in a sack. The 16 m2 (19 yd2) variant is light enough to transport in a pickup truck or
light aircraft.
Inflation-once delivered, an electric fan is activated to inflate the inner PVC liner and lift the
structure until it is self-supporting. The shelter is then pegged down with ground anchors
around the base; in Hydration the shelter is sprayed with water. Hydration is aided by the
fibre matrix, which wicks water into the mixture; and Setting-the Concrete Canvas cures in
the shape of the inflated inner PVC liner. The structure is ready to use 24 hours later. Access
holes allow the installation of services such as water, power, air conditioning, and heating
units. The structures are designed as part of a modular system. Units can be easily linked
together, allowing the space to be tailored to the application. If required, they can be
demolished using basic tools. The thin-walled structure has a very low mass, leaving little
material for disposal.
The University of Bath in Bath, UK, has conducted finite element analysis of the shelters,
showing that the structures can withstand a high distributed compressive load. This allows
sandbags, earth, or snow to be piled on top-giving the shelters excellent thermal properties
and protection against shrapnel, blasts, and small arms fire.
Concrete Canvas Shelters are specified to withstand 0.75 m (2.5 ft) of wet sand on the sides
(sufficient to stop 7.62 mm [.30 calibres] rounds) and 0.5 m on the roof (to protect against
shell fragments).
Concert Canvas is available in two standard roll sizes: bulk rolls or smaller batched rolls. The
quantity per roll differs between the Concrete Canvas types. Bulk rolls weigh 1.6T and are
supplied on 6-inch cardboard tubes which can be hung from a spreader beam and unrolled
using suitable plant equipment.
Bulk rolls provide the fastest method of laying Concrete Canvas and have the additional
advantage of reducing the number of joints required. Batched rolls are supplied on 3-inch
cardboard cores with carrying handles designed as a 2 to 4 man lift. All Concrete Canvas
thicknesses can be supplied batched to custom lengths for a small additional large.
There are 3 Concrete Canvas types available with the following indicative specifications:
The aim of the project is to study the Concrete Canvas sheet in detail along with its
components and properties.
1. Concrete Canvas is booming in the modern world because of its easy installation
procedure and low labor cost.
2. Due to economic reasons, the use of CC on Indian soil has been limited.
3. As the use of CC is limited in India because of its cost not much research has been
done on making the CC cost-effective.
4. There are various applications of CC that can be applied in India if made cost-
This standard practice specifies a set of instructions for preparing samples of geosynthetic
cementitious composite mat (GCCM) for index property testing. A representative sample of
dry GCCM is either cut into dry specimens or exposed to water under controlled conditions
and for a prescribed time, allowed to cure (harden), and then cut into specimens for index
testing. This practice is intended to create specimens of GCCM products appropriate for
testing for the determination of index properties. Cured (hardened) samples are not
necessarily intended to represent a field application of GCCM products but would be
representative of the correct amount of water applied to a known style of product and provide
a basis for consistent and repeatable index property testing.
The purpose of the proposed test method is to obtain a water/cementitious material ratio that
allows for a practical measurement of the compressive strength of the cementitious material
contained within a geosynthetic cementitious composite mat (GCCM). This
water/cementitious material ratio should be generally representative of that achieved
practically upon the hydration of a GCCM. Because GCCM materials do not involve mixing
or the use of exact water hydration methods when employed in the field, this method is
necessary to provide a quantitative estimate of the water/cementitious material ratio.
This method involves measuring the mass per unit area of uncured GCCM samples,
measuring the mass per unit area of the geosynthetic portion(s), and using this to calculate the
mass per unit area of the cementitious material contained within the GCCM. This mass per
unit area of the cementitious material is used in conjunction with the mass per unit area of the
cured saturated surface dry (SSD) GCCM to determine the water/cementitious material ratio
representative of a properly cured and hydrated GCCM. This water/cementitious material
ratio then forms the basis for laboratory preparation of the same cementitious material for
specimens which will then be tested for compressive strength as per the appropriate ASTM
standard methods.
3. Standard Test Method for Determining the Flexural Strength. (ASTM D8058-
This test method provides guidelines for testing the flexural strength of cured geosynthetic
cementitious composite mat (GCCM) products. A hydrated and cured GCCM specimen is
loaded as a simple beam in a three-point loading fixture, with the load applied at the centre.
The load level is recorded simultaneously with the deflection to characterize the initial and
final flexural strength, the deflection of the specimen at those loads, and the initial modulus
of the specimen.
This test method is applicable for testing geosynthetic cementitious composite mats in a
cured state. It is used with a constant rate of extension-type tension apparatus. This test is an
index test that may be used for manufacturing quality control (MQC). This test is appropriate
for characterizing the flexural properties of a GCCM.
This paper focuses the advantages of using Concrete Canvas for Rapid and fast
construction of structures like canals shelter house and many others which are
made for temporary purpose. This material has a wide range of applications
throughout the building and civil engineering industry. In the paper the
engineering properties of the material is also discussed. The material being
ceramic, fire resistant and waterproof in nature. The study shows that it’s a good
material for use at temporary as well as permanent purposes Specially in Tunnel
Lining, Defence uses, Water proofing, Fencings, and Construction of military
runways, and from cost effective point of view Concrete Canvas/Canvas is a
competitive alternate product of concrete. It’s being ceramic is of great help as
because of it its highly fire resistant and because of the three layers present its
a. The paper includes the financial study and cost comparison of flexible
concrete sheet with the conventional concrete material. The cover the major
aspect of the behavioural study of the flexible concrete sheet. The life is
determined. In this paper the results of the various test that are conducted is
given. The effect of various parameters on the bending and stability
characteristics of the homogeneous composite flexible concrete sheet panels
has been studied. The results can be summarized as follows:
b. The average compressive strength of the mortar (1:3) used in this project work
is found out to be 22.68N/mm2. It is also seen that the strength of the mortar
increases with the time and depends on the mortar mix ratio.
c. The cone puncture resistance test showed that the material does not fail under
the impact load even when the penetration of the cone rises to 2.7mm. It is
also observed that whatever penetration occurs is regained after the removal of
the load.
a. This paper focuses the advantages of using concrete Canvas for rapid and fast
construction of structures like canals and many others which are made for
temporary purpose. In the paper engineering properties of the material is also
c. The study shows that it’s a good material for use at temporary as well as
permanent purposes Specially in Tunnel Lining, Defence uses, Water
proofing, Fencings, and Construction of military runways, and from cost
effective point of view Concrete Canvas/Canvas is a competitive alternate
product of concrete. It’s being ceramic is of great help as because of it its
highly fire resistant and because of the three layers present its waterproof.
4. Prof. Shibhi Verghese, Aswanya B S, Diptilu Thalai, Meenu Mohan and Rudolf
Mathews (2017)
● Modification of Revolutionary Product Concrete Canvas
1. Ditch Lining:
● Concrete Canvas (CC) is rapidly becoming the ditch lining material of choice
for engineers and contractors around the world.
● CC is typically 10 times faster to install than conventional concrete solutions,
with installation speeds of up to 200sqm/hr possible with only a 3-man crew
for a longitudinal layup.
● CC provides a ditch lining solution which is fast, easy, and cost effective to
2. Slope Protection:
● Concrete Canvas (CC) is increasingly being used as an alternative to
shortcrete to protect slopes from surface erosion caused by weathering, surface
run-off and environmental degradation.
● In certain applications Concrete Canvas can be used as structural slope
stabilization by combining it with steel mesh and soils nails (see CC “User
guide” for more details).
● CC provides a slope protection solution which is fast, easy, and cost effective
to install.
3. Bund Lining:
● Concrete Canvas (CC) can be used for hard armour capping of earth bunds
around petrochemical tank farms, munitions depots and flood defences.
Typically, installation speeds for bund lining are approximately 800sqm/day
with a 6-man crew.
● CC provides a bund lining solution which is fast, easy, and cost effective to
4. Remediation:
● Concrete Canvas (CC) can be used to rapidly reline and refurbish existing
concrete structures suffering from environmental degradation and cracking.
5. Vent Walls:
● Concrete Canvas (CC) can be used as an alternative to brattice Canvas, plaster
board or concrete blockwork to construct blast and vent wall structures for
underground mining applications.
● Trials have shown that CC typically provides cost savings of over 20%
compared to conventional solutions.
6. Outfall: -
● Concrete Canvas has been used worldwide as an effective method of
preventing surface erosion and scour associated with water run-off from
culverts outlets, spillways, and over-toppings.
7. Gabions: -
● Concrete Canvas can be used to rapidly repair damaged and unstable gabion
walls to provide long-term protection. CC can also be used to upgrade new
structures and provide a durable solution that will
last for decades.
● Water Impermeability:
● Durability:
CC has excellent long term durability with approximately twice the abrasion
resistance of most OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) based concretes (ref DIN 52108).
Accelerated age testing based on has shown that CC has a minimum life of 50 years in a UK
climate. This is based on freeze-thaw, heat-rain and soak-dry cyclic testing during which time
CC showed minimal degradation. The reinforcing fibres within CC mean it has excellent low-
temperature performance and CC has also achieved over 200 cycles of freeze-thaw testing to
ASTM C1185.
Fig Fig 6:
● Environmental:
● Fire:
CC has excellent high temperature performance and can be used as a fire protection layer
for certain applications. CC has been subjected to Reaction to Fire testing and has achieved
Euro class B certification to BS EN 13501. CC has also been approved by the US Mine
Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) to 30CFR, Part 7, subchapter B, Section 7.24.
● Chemical:
CC has excellent resistance to chemical attack and is generally much more resistant to
aggressive compounds than conventional OPC based concretes. CC has been successfully
tested by 56-day immersion in acid down to pH 4.0 and alkaline up to 12.5 with no loss of
strength. CC also has excellent resistance to sulphates, sulphated water, ground, and sea
water, and has good resistance to many compounds that attack OPC including sewage water,
chlorides, tanning oils, vegetable oils and most mineral salts.
Rapid hardening cement is burnt at a higher temperature than that of the OPC under more
controlled conditions.
The 3 days strength of rapid hardening cement is equivalent to the 7 days strength of OPC
when the water-cement ratio for both the cement is taken to be same. The increased rate of
strength is due to the fact that higher proportion of tri-calcium silicate (C3S) is contained in
RHC along with finer grinding of the cement clinker. Though, the rate at which RHC gains
strength is higher than the rate at which OPC gains strength, the ultimate strength is only a bit
higher for RHC.
● As the curing period for rapid hardening cement is less, it turns out to be economical.
● Rapid hardening cement is a special type of cement that achieves high strength in less
time which will help CC to gain its strength faster.
● Normally the strength achieved by conventional cement in 7 days is the same as the
strength achieved in 3 days.
● The use of alternate cement will reduce the cost of the product.
● Use of Rapid Hardening Cement instead of CAC as it achieves high strength in less
time and is cheaper.
● This study helped me chose a substitute cement instead of CAC which will be
beneficial for me in my dissertation project.
● Selection of alternative type of cement and finding their viability through a study in
terms of Compressive strength and Flexural strength parameters that can help me in
my dissertation project work.
● Ranjesh M. Jajodia, Dr. S.G. Marakande, Prof. M.R. Nikhar “Behavioral study of
Flexible Concrete Sheet” IJRET Volume 03-Issue 08, August 2017.
● Ansari Umair Ahmad, Prof. Pallavi K. Pasnur “Experimental study of the mechanical
behaviour of aluminium mosquito sheet on concrete canvas panels” IJARET Volume
9, Issue 4, August 2018.