Syllabus Grade 3

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Cambridge International School

First Term Syllabus (2017 – 2018)

Subject - English
Grade – III

Maple Tree Literature Reader
Maple Tree Main Course Book
Maple Tree Work Book
April- May July-September
Literature Reader  The Sorcerer’s Apprentice  A Special Sports Day
 Kind Mousie  The Worthy Successor
 The Most Beautiful Child  If My Dad Were Free
 The Spirit in the Bottle

Objectives of Skills  Reading with proper stress, intonation  Reading with proper stress, intonation and
and pronunciation. pronunciation.
 Responding to questions based on text.  Responding to questions based on text.
 Use writing as a tool for thinking and  Use writing as a tool for thinking and learning.
learning.  Develop skill in planning, writing and
 Develop skill in planning, writing and completing tasks.
completing tasks.  Appropriately apply conventions of writing.
 Appropriately apply conventions of  Speak with clear diction and appropriate
writing. intonation.
 Speak with clear diction and appropriate  Listen to detailed explanations, presentations
intonation. and recordings for specific task.
 Listen to detailed explanations,
presentations and recordings for specific
Main Course Book  The Elephant and the Crocodile  A Promise To Keep (Reading, Grammar,
 (Reading, Grammar Writing- Story ) Listening )
 A Crocodile Sat Crying(Reading,  Special Brother
Listening)  (Reading)
 Living In Space( Reading , Paragraph  Fingerprint Detective
Writing, Grammar)  ( Reading, Grammar, Speaking )
 Moon (Reading)
 Timothy Toad (Reading, Vocabulary,
Grammar, Speaking)
 Over In The Meadow(Reading )
 The Closet Creature  Puppies for Sale
Workbook  Ocean life  Tell Me Why
 Bats

Writing  Paragraph Writing  Letter Writing(Informal)

 Story Writing

Grammar  Nouns(Common, Proper, Material,  Punctuation

Collective) (Recap)  Prepositions(with ,in, on, under, between,
 Abstract Nouns behind, up ,down, of ,to, before, after, from,
 Articles (Recap)
into, beside, over, below, by, near, at)
 Tenses-Past ,present, future
(Simple and continuous form)  Conjunctions(and, or, but, because, for, if, so,
 Pronouns(Personal ,Possessive and as, till)
Internal Assessment 1 Internal Assessment 2
Assessments  The Sorcerer’s Apprentice  The Spirit in the Bottle
 Kind Mousie  Unseen Passage
 Paragraph Writing  Letter Writing
 Articles  Prepositions
Kindly note:
 Vocabulary in the form of Spell Bee, Crossword, Grid, Word Search, Synonyms and Antonyms.
 Class test to be conducted that will include reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary skills.
 Notebook maintenance for assessment.
Cambridge International School
Final Term Syllabus (2017 – 2018)
Subject - English
Grade – III
Maple Tree Literature Reader
Maple Tree Main Course Book
Maple Tree Work Book
October-December January-February
Literature Reader  My New Rabbit  The Princess and the Woodcutter
 How the Camel Got His Hump  Why the Ostrich Has a Long Neck
 The Table and The Chair  Atalanta and the Three Golden Apples

Objectives of skills  Reading with proper stress, intonation  Reading with proper stress, intonation and
and pronunciation. pronunciation.
 Responding to questions based on text.  Responding to questions based on text.
 Use writing as a tool for thinking and  Use writing as a tool for thinking and learning.
 Develop skill in planning, writing and
 Develop skill in planning, writing and completing tasks.
completing tasks.
 Appropriately apply conventions of writing.
 Appropriately apply conventions of
writing.  Speak with clear diction and appropriate
 Speak with clear diction and appropriate
intonation.  Listen to detailed explanations, presentations
 Listen to detailed explanations, and recordings for specific task.
presentations and recordings for specific
Main Course Book  The Baker And The Farmer (Reading  Willie Worm (Reading ,Listening)
,Vocabulary ,Grammar)  A Worm in My Pocket
 Hurt No Living Thing(Reading) ( Reading)
 The Honest Driver  A Pavement For Smelling
 ( Reading, Writing, Grammar)  (Reading)
 Today I Had A Rotten Day (Reading)
 Ant Lessons( Reading, Writing)
 Ants(Reading)
 The Spider and the Fly  The Magic Beads
Workbook  Honesty Pays  Seventeen Oranges
 How Do Insects Protect Themselves?

Writing  Dialogue Writing  Diary Entry

 Letter Writing (Informal)

Grammar  Tenses(Past, Present, Future-till  Modals(can, may, would, should, could, will)
Continuous) (Recap)  Adjectives and Degree of Adjectives
 Subject verb agreement  Prepositions
 Subject and Predicate
Internal Assessment 3 Internal Assessment 4
Assessments  How the Camel Got His Hump  The Princess and the Woodcutter
 Unseen Comprehension  Unseen Comprehension
 Dialogue Writing  Adjectives
 Subject-Verb agreement  Diary Entry

Annual Test Literature Grammar

Syllabus  How the Camel Got His Hump  Tenses (Present, Past and Future Continuous)
 The Most Beautiful Child  Prepositions
 The Princess and the Woodcutter  Subject Verb Agreement
 The Worthy Successor  Articles
 A Special Sports Day (Poem)  Adjectives
 The Table and the Chair (Poem)
Writing Reading
 Dialogue Writing  Unseen Comprehension
 Paragraph Writing
Letter Writing

Kindly Note:
 Vocabulary in the form of spell bee, crossword, grid, word search, synonyms and antonyms.
 Class test to be conducted that will include reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary skills.
 Notebook maintenance for assessment.

April to May July to August

CONTENTS  Numbers  Multiplication

 Addition and Subtraction  Fraction
 Measurement of Length, Weight and Capacity
TESTS Internal Test 1: Internal Test 2 :

 Numbers  Multiplication
 Addition  Fraction
 Mental Maths  Mental Maths
 Dodging tables  Dodging tables

SKILLS  Number sense related concepts and  Multiplication and Problem solving
computation  Fraction- Concept and applications
 Arithmetic operations: Addition, Subtraction  (Word and visual problems)
 Computation skills  Application in daily life- Measurement
 Representing numbers on abacus  Conceptual understanding of multiplication
 Place value and Face value  Properties of multiplication
 Numbers in figures & words  Multiplication tables
 Comparing Numbers & ordering numbers  Multiplication of 3-digit numbers by single and double
 Building Numbers digit(with/without regrouping)
 Expanded form & Standard form  Multiplication by 10, 100, 1000
 Before/After/Between  Mental Math
 Skip counting  Application in daily life
 Even/Odd numbers EXCLUDING:
 Rounding off numbers  Multiplication sets(pg-70)
 Application based sums on Place Value  Concept of factors(pg-74,75)
ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION (UPTO 4-DIGITS)  Maths lab activity(pg-92)
 Properties of addition & subtraction FRACTIONS
 Addition and Subtraction of 4-digit  Concept of fraction
numbers(with/without regrouping)  Write in words
 Adding & subtracting together  Visualization by drawing figures
 Application of addition and subtraction in daily  Concept of numerator and denominator
life  Meaning of Like fractions & unlike fractions
 Estimating sums and differences  Fraction of collection of objects , numbers
 Mental Maths  Equivalent fractions
EXCLUDING:  Comparison of fractions(like fractions)
 Addition/Subtraction by splitting numbers.(Pg.-  Addition/subtraction of like fractions
31,32,48,49)  Concept of “of”
 Checking subtraction(pg-57)  Application of fractions in daily life
 Facts of length/mass/capacity
 Measuring & Drawing of line segment
 Conversion of larger units to smaller units
 (m to cm, km to m, l to ml, kg to g)
 Estimation of units
 Mathematical operations: addition/ subtraction/
multiplication excluding division using different
 Word problems
 Conversion of smaller units to bigger units
ASSESSMENT  Pen Paper Test  Pen Paper Test
 Activities  Activities
 Mental Maths  Mental Maths
 Tables/Dodging  Tables/Dodging
 Worksheets  Worksheets
 Notebook  Notebook
 Class work  Class work
 Home work  Home work

List of Activities: List of Activities:

 Crossword puzzle based on numbers, addition &  Fractions with Jodo Fraction Kit

October to December January to February

CONTENTS  Lines,Shapes& Symmetry  Time

 Division  Data Handling
 Money  Revision Of Four Operations

TESTS Internal Test 3: Internal Test 4 :

 Division  Time
 Money  Data Handling
 Mental Maths  Mental Maths
 Dodging tables  Dodging tables

Annual Test
 Money, Division, Time, Data Handling, Mental Maths&
Dodging tables
SKILLS  Number sense
 Computation skills  Data interpretation and time
 Application in daily life  Application in daily life


SUBTOPICS  Types of lines(Concept of point, line  Reading and writing time in exact hours & minutes
segment, line, ray)  Concept of a.m/p.m
 Open & closed shapes  Time durations
 Regular & irregular shapes  Timeline
 Properties of plane and solid shapes  Calendar Reading
 Drawing of plane & solid shapes  Estimating time
 Exploring & drawing objects related to  Conversions
environment (1)Weeks to days
 Drawing of line of symmetry in different (2)Year into months
 Number Patterns and Geometrical  Importance of Data
patterns(To be done in the book)  Tally marks
DIVISION  Reading of tally marks table, pictograph &bargraph
 Division as equal sharing through activities  Drawing of pictographs
 Division as repeated subtraction
 Properties of division
 Division of 3-digit numbers by 1-digit and 2-  Addition and subtraction of 4 digit numbers
digit numbers(till 25) with and without  Multiplication and division of 3 digit number by 1and 2
remainder digit numbers
 Division & multiplication facts
 Application of Division in daily life
 Divisibility rules (pg-112)
 Understanding use of money (buying and
selling) & Concept of money
 Expressing money in figures & words
 Counting money
 Conversion of rupees into paise/paise to
 Breaking money into different
 Mathematical operations on money(add,
subtract, multiply excluding division)
 Application of money in daily life.
 Making money bills
ASSESSMENT  Pen Paper Test  Pen Paper Test
S  Activities  Activities
 Mental Maths  Mental Maths
 Tables/Dodging  Tables/Dodging
 Worksheets  Worksheets
 Notebook  Notebook
 Class work  Class work
 Home work  Home work
List of Activities: List of Activities:
 Shapes with Jodo Straw Kit  Timeline
 Money (market Scene)  Pictograph


 Food and Feeding Habits of Animals  Birds-Food And More(Activity)
 Our Food  Man :The Living Machine
 Safety  Measurement(Activity)
 Housing and clothing(Activity)  Light Sound And Force
 Solid, Liquid and gases  Weather
 Living and Non-Living Things  Pollution
 Parts of Plant  Our earth and its neighbours
 Going To Space(Activity)

Internal Assessments Internal Assessment 1: Internal Assessment 3:

 Food and Feeding Habits of Animals  Man:The Living Machine
 Safety  Light ,sound And Force
Internal Assessment 2: Internal Assessment 4:
 Living and Non-Living Things  Pollution
 Solid , Liquid and Gas  Our Earth And Its Neighbours

*LPP(At the end No Assessments Annual Test

second Term) Chapters:
From Term 1:
 Solid, Liquid and Gas
 Parts of Plant
From Term 2:
 Man:The Living Machine
 Light Sound And Force
 Our Earth And its Neighbours
 Writing  Observation and application
 Drawing  Kinaesthetic skill
 Analysing  Synthesis
 Observation and interpretation skills  Communication skill

Note Book Assessment Monthly Report Monthly Report

Home work /Class

performance Home Assignments/Class Activities Home assignments/Class Activities
April - May July - August
CONTENTS Introduction to Edubuntu Open Word Processor
Open Word Processor

TESTS Internal Test 1: Internal Test 2 :

 Introduction to Open word processor  Working with tables
 Text editing features
 Text Formatting features
 Text Alignment

SKILLS Listening, Self direction, Critical thinking, Reasoning, Listening,Critical thinking, Reasoning, Organizing,
Organizing, Presenting, Self Direction, Observation and Presenting, Observation and Problem Solving.
Problem Solving.

Introduction to Edubuntu Open Word Processor

SUBTOPICS  Introduction to Linux  Insert Picture
 Linux for the Young  Working with tables:
 Educational software’s in Edubuntu  Adding a table in document
Open Word Processor  Method to insert a table
 Introduction to word processor  Entering and selecting text in a table
 Start with Word Processor  Text alignment and applying borders to table
 Commands(new, save, open and close)  Deleting a table from document
 Text editing features  Calculations in table
 Text Formatting features  Page layout and print command
 Text alignment
 Bullets and Numbering
ASSESSMENTS Class Test Class Test
Lab Practical/Group Activities Lab Practical/Group Activities
Class work/ Notebook Class work/ Notebook
Homework Homework
October - December January - February

CONTENTS Fun with LOGO Programming Fun with LOGO Programming

TESTS Internal Test 3: Internal Test 4 :

 LOGO Commands(Introduction till drawing of  LOGO Commands(All Pen Commands till
different shapes topic) RGB combinations)
SKILLS Self-direction, Leadership, Critical thinking, Reasoning, Self-direction, Leadership, Critical thinking,
Inquiry, Observation, Prediction, Problem solving, mental Reasoning, Inquiry, Observation, Prediction, Problem
skills, Organizing and presenting. solving, mental skills, Organizing and presenting.

Fun with LOGO Programming Fun with LOGO Programming

SUBTOPICS  Introduction to programming language  Use of pen commands like penup,
 Features of LOGO pendown,penwidth,pencolor
 Starting with LOGO  Commands to cleanup like ccl,reset
 Kturtle Interface  RGB combinations
 Kturtle terminology
 Commands for moving and turning the turtle—fw,
 Drawing of different shapes
 Recaptulation of commands

ASSESSMENTS Class Test Class Test

Lab Practical/Group Activities Lab Practical/Group Activities
Class work/ Notebook Class work/ Notebook
Homework Homework

FINAL SYLLABUS Fun with LOGO Programming

Annual Test
kOMiba`ja [MTrnaoSanala skUla
ihndI paz\yaËma 1³2017– 18´
kxaa¹ tRtIya ivaYaya–ihndI
pustkoM ­1Á AaojasvaI ¹3
2Á maorI BaaYaa Baaga¹3

mahInaa Ap`Ola -ma[- jaulaa[--Agast

ivaYaya saamaga`I  ]zao laala Aba AaÐKo Kaolaao ³kivata´ BaaYaaÊ vaNa-Ê SabdÊ vaa@yaÊ  GamaMDI ka baaga
maa~aeÐÊ pyaa-yavaacaI Sabd maugaa- AaOr laaomaD,I µ saM&a Ê  ica~ vaNa-na
ilaMga  jaD, AaOr fUla
 panaI va QaUp ³kivata´ ivaprIt Sabd  ivaSaoYaNa
 saccaI ima~ta sava-naama  jaMgala maoM Aaja,adI ka idna³kivata´
 nanha paOQaa³kivata´ vacana  idnaaoM ko naamaÊ
 ibanaa ivacaaro jaao kro AnaucCod laoKna  saBaI Anamaaola
 jaanavaraoM AaOr pixayaaoM kI baaoilayaaи
 saMvaad laoKna
 kOlaoMDr va %yaaoharÊ iËyaa

kaOSala  pznaÊ EavaNa AaOr laoKna kaOSala  pzna Ê EavaNa Ê laoKna kaOSala
 vaacana kaOSala va ivaYaya p`stutIkrNa  BaaYaa ka vyaavahairk &ana AaOr kizna SabdaoM ko Aqa- ga`hNa
 BaaYaa ka vyaavahairk &ana AaOr kizna SabdaoM ko Aqa- ga`hNa  Sabd saMpda ka p`yaaoga va nayao SabdaoM ka inamaa-Na
 Sabd saMpda ka p`yaaoga va nayao SabdaoM ka inamaa-Na  saaqa-k vaa@ya laoKna AaOr rcanaa%mak laoKna
 saaqa-k vaa@ya laoKna AaOr rcanaa%mak laoKna  vaacana kaOSala va ivaYaya p`stutIkrNa

]pivaYaya AaOr  kivataAaoM ko pizt kavyaaMSa AaOr Sabd saMpda ka p`yaaoga  kivata ka pizt kavyaaMSa AaOr Sabd saMpda ka p`yaaoga
gaitivaiQa  vastuinaYz p`SnaavalaI  vastuinaYz p`SnaavalaI
 gaitivaiQa³ jala caË ka ica~ banavaanaa´  Paizt gad\yaaMSa
 vyaakrNa ko ivaYayaaoM ka mau#ya ivaYayaaoM sao talamaola  gaitivaiQa³ %yaaoharaoM saMbaMQaI kaolaa^ja´
 vaacana kaOSala  p`Snaao<arÊ vaa@ya inamaa-NaÊ APaizt gad\yaaMSa³kaya-pi~ka´
 p`Snaao<arÊ vaa@ya inamaa-Na  vyaakrNa ko ivaYayaaoM ka mau#ya ivaYayaaoM sao talamaola
 AnaucCod laoKna  ica~ vaNa-na
maUlyaaMkna Internal -Assessment 1 Internal -Assessment 2

kaya-pi~ka³ saccaI ima~ta Ê nanha paOQaa³kivata´¸ pyaa-yavaacaI Sabd Ê saM&a ´  kaya-pi~ka³ GamaMDI ka baaga Ê jaMgala maoM Aaja,adI ka idna³kivata´ ¸ ivaSaoYaNa Ê
ivaprIt Sabd ´
 ]zao laala Aba AaÐKo Kaolaao ³kivata vaacana´

]<ar puistka  ga`IYmaavakaSa kaya-

 ]<ar puistka

gaRhkaya- pzna Ê paznaÊ rcanaa%mak laoKna pzna Ê paznaÊ rcanaa%mak laoKna

saUcanaa p`%yaok ivaYaya kI daohra[- saaqa­ saaqa hI calaogaI.

kOMiba`ja [MTrnaoSanala skUla
ihndI paz\yaËma 11³2017– 18´
kxaa¹ tRtIya ivaYaya–ihndI

mahInaa A@tUbar -navambar idsambar­janavarI

ivaYaya  tIna maCilayaaÐ  garma jaamauna

saamaga`I  iganatI³1­40´ µmaohnat ka maaola  mauhavaro
 ivarama icah\na³pUNa- ivaramaÊAlp ivaramaÊ p`Snavaacak icah\naÊ ivasmayaaid baaoQak icah\na´  puNyakaoiT gaaya
 ek baUÐd³kivata´  Anaok SabdaoM ko ilae ek Sabd
 p~ ³dixaNa Baart kI saOr´  AMQakar kI nahIM calaogaI
 AnaaOpcaairk p~  AnaucCod laoKna
 haiqayaaoM ka ]phar  QartI fT rhI hO
 mahInaaoM ko naama
 sabasao baD,a gau$

kaOSala  Sabd saMpda ka p`yaaoga va nayao SabdaoM ka inamaa-Na  Sabd saMpda ka p`yaaoga va nayao SabdaoM ka inamaa-Na
 saaqa-k vaa@ya laoKna AaOr rcanaa%mak laoKna  saaqa-k vaa@ya laoKna AaOr rcanaa%mak laoKna
 pzna AaOr laoKna kaOSala  pznaÊvaacanaÊ EavaNa AaOr laoKna kaOSala
 vaacana kaOSala va ivaYaya p`stutIkrNa  BaaYaa kaOSala ka vyaavahairk &ana AaOr kizna SabdaoM ka Aqa- ga`hNa

]pivaYaya AaOr  p~ laoKna  AnaucCod laoKna

gaitivaiQa  vaacana kaOSala  vaacana kaOSala
 vastuinaYz p`SnaavalaI  vastuinaYz p`SnaavalaI
 kivataAaoM ko pizt kavyaaMSa AaOr Sabd saMpda ka p`yaaoga  kivataAaoM ko pizt kavyaaMSa AaOr Sabd saMpda ka p`yaaoga
 vyaakrNa ko ivaYayaaoM ka mau#ya ivaYayaaoM sao talamaola  vyaakrNa ko ivaYayaaoM ka mau#ya ivaYayaaoM sao talamaola

maUlyaaMkna Internal- Assessment 3 Internal -Assessment 4

 kaya-pi~ka³ haiqayaaoM ka ]phar¸ ek baUÐd³kivata´¸
 iganatI³1­40´ ¸ivarama icah\na ´  kaya-pi~ka³garma jaamauna ¸ QartI fT rhI h¸O
 p~ laoKna  Anaok SabdaoM ko ilae ek Sabd ¸mahInaaoM ko naama ´
 ]<ar puistka  EavaNa kaOSala
 ]<ar puistka
gaRhkaya- pzna Ê paznaÊ rcanaa%mak laoKna pzna Ê paznaÊ EautlaoKna
vaai--Y-ak prIxaa
 jaD, AaOr fUla
 AMQakar kI nahIM calaogaI
 ilaMga
 iËyaa
 sava-naama
 pizt gad\yaaMSa
 pizt kavyaaMSa
 AnaucCod
 ]%tr puistka Ê gaitivaiQa³ pSau¹pxaI ka mauKaOTa lagaakr vaacana´

saUcanaa p`%yaok ivaYaya kI daohra[- saaqa­ saaqa hI calaogaI.

kYNbirj ieMtrnYSnl skUl
pihlI iCmwhI jmwq- qIsrI, pwTkRm (2017-18)

(AprYl-meI) (julweI-Agsq)
ivSw-sUcI ivSw-sUcI
1.pwT-pusqk 1.pwT-pusqk
 sB dw pwlxhwr-kivqw bhwnybwz-khwxI
 bwl nwnk- khwxI
ivAwkrn  AS`uD-Su`D
 ilMg bdlo  nWv
 igxqI-1-30  ilKx-kOSl AiBAws
 ivroDI Sbd  bol-ilKq
 Axif`Ty pYrHy  vcn bdlo

2.kOSl 2.kOSl
 pVHn kOSl  pVHn kOSl
 ilKx kOSl  ilKx kOSl
 suxn kOSl  suxn kOSl
 aucwrn  aucwrn
 kOSl  kOSl

3.gqIivDI 3.gqIivDI
ivAkqIgq gqIivDI smUihk gqIivDI

4. mulWkx 4. mulWkx
kwrj pMny rwhIN[(sB dw pwlxhwr-kivqw, kwrj pMny rwhIN[(bhwnybwz-khwxI, AS`uD-Su`D,
igxqI-1-30, Axif`Tw pYrHw) Axif`Tw pYrHw)
kwpIAW dy ADwr ’qy kwpIAW dy ADwr ’qy
kYNbirj ieMtrnYSnl skUl
jmwq- qIsrI, pwTkRm (2017-18)
dUsrI iCmwhI

(AkqUbr qoN dsMbr) (jnvrI –PrvrI)

ivSw-sUcI ivSw-sUcI
1.pwT-pusqk 1. ivAwkrn
 qoqy dI kuVmweI-kivqw  ASu`D-Su`D (vwk)
 dosqI- khwxI  ic`qr vrnx
 dwdw jI dI is`iKAw- khwxI  Axif`Ty pYrHy
ivAwkrn  ilKx-kOSl AiBAws
 ilMg bdlo (vwk)
 igxqI-(31-50)
 ivroDI Sbd (vwk)
 vcn (vwk)
 ikirAw
 ic`qr vrnx
 Axif`Ty pYrHy
 ilKx-kOSl AiBAws
2.kOSl 2.kOSl
 pVHn kOSl  pVHn kOSl
 ilKx kOSl  ilKx kOSl
 suxn kOSl  suxn kOSl
 aucwrn  aucwrn
 kOSl  kOSl

3.gqIivDI 3.gqIivDI
ivAkqIgq gqIivDI smUihk gqIivDI
4. mulWkx 4. mulWkx
 kwrj pMny rwhIN[(qoqy dI kuVmweIo-khwxI,  kwrj pMny rwhIN[(dwdw jI dI is`iKAw-khwxI, ikirAw
igxqI-(31-50)y ,Axif`Tw pYrwH ,ilKx kOSl  Axif`Tw pYrHw,ilKx kOSl
 kwpIAW dy ADwr ’qy  kwpIAW dy ADwr ’qy

5.slwnw prIiKAw
 pwT-pusqk
 bwl nwnk- khwxI
 AS`uD-Su`D
Cambridge International School
First Term Syllabus (2017 – 2018)
Subject - Social Science
Grade – III
April - May July - August

CONTENTS  Our Environment  Earth : Our Home

 This is My India  The Earth and it’s Neighbours
 The Food We Eat  Festivals of India
 The Water on Earth  How We Travel

TEST Internal Test-1 Internal Test-2

 Our Environment  Earth : Our Home
 This is My India  Festivals of India
 The Food We Eat  How We Travel

SKILLS  Thinking Skill  Thinking Skill

 Social Skill  Social Skill
 Emotional Skill  Emotional Skill
 Speaking Skill  Speaking Skill
 Psycho motor Skill.  Psycho motor Skill.

Our Environment Earth : Our Home
 Meaning of environment,  Composition and movements of the earth
pollution The Earth and it’s Neighbours
 Ways to rectify pollution  Solar System

This is My India
 Location and political divisions
of India Festivals of India
 India’s unity in diversity  Different kind of festivals
How We Travel
The Food We Eat  Different means of transport
 Sources of food
 Importance of a balanced diet
The Water on Earth
 Importance of sources of water
 Ways of conserving water

ASSESSMENT  Pen Paper Test  Pen Paper Test

 Scrap Book Activities  Scrap Book Activities
 Notebook  Notebook
 Class work  Class work
 Home work  Home work

Cambridge International School

Second Term Syllabus (2017– 2018)
Subject Social Science
Grade – III
October - November January - February
 Work We Do  Important Cities of India
 How We Communicate  Our Beautiful Country
 Fire, Farming and Wheel
 Indian Villages

TEST Internal Test-3 Internal Test-4

 How We Communicate  Important Cities of India
 Fire, Farming and Wheel
 Work We Do
 Important Cities of India
 How We Communicate
 Work We Do

SKILLS  Thinking Skill  Thinking Skill

 Social Skill  Social Skill
 Emotional Skill  Emotional Skill
 Speaking Skill  Speaking Skill
 Psycho motor Skill.  Psycho motor Skill.

 Various kinds of occupations Important Cities of India
How We Communicate  Location and culture of Kolkata, Mumbai,
 Use of various modes of communication Chennai and Delhi
Fire, Farming and Wheel Our Beautiful Country
 Discovery of fire ,farming and wheel by early humans  Various landforms of India
Indian Villages
 Life and occupation in villages

 Pen Paper Test  Pen Paper Test
 Scrap Book Activities  Scrap Book Activities
 Notebook  Notebook
 Class work  Class work
 Home work  Home work
Cambridge International School
First Term (2017-2018)
Physical Education
Grade III

April to May July to August

1. Fitness 1. Fitness
2.Skating 2.Skating
3.Gymnastics 3.Gymnastics
4.Swimming 4.Swimming
5. Yoga 5. Yoga

SKILLS 1. Basic Fitness:- Running, Jumping , Throwing. 1. Basic Fitness:- Running, Jumping , Throwing.
2. Skating:- Walking and Balancing with Skates, 2. Skating:- Walking and Balancing with Skates,
Speed, Rolling & Cutting. Speed, Rolling & Cutting.
3. Gymnastics:- Body balance, Flexibility & Basic 3. Gymnastics:- Body balance, Flexibility & Basic
skills. skills.
4. Swimming :- Leg exercises, Recreational activities 4. Swimming :-Leg exercises, Recreational activities
& Breathing. & Breathing.
5. Yoga:- Concentration, Breathing techniques, Deep 5. Yoga:- Concentration, Breathing techniques, Deep
breathing, Simple asanas, Flexibility, Body breathing, Simple asanas, Flexibility, Body
balancing, Om Chanting & Gayatri Mantra. balancing, Om Chanting & Gayatri Mantra.

 Life Skills  Life Skills
 Performance in Skill/Game  Performance in Skill/Game
 Active Participation  Active Participation
 Viva  Viva
Cambridge International School
Final Term (2017-2018)
Physical Education
Grade III
October- December Jan- Feb
1. Fitness 1. Fitness
2.Skating 2.Skating
3.Gymnastic/Yoga 3.Gymnastic/Yoga
4. Swimming 4. Swimming

SKILLS 1.Basic Fitness:- Techniques Of Start, Technique of 1.Basic Fitness:- Techniques Of Start, Technique of
Standing Broad Jump, Technique Of Throw Standing Broad Jump, Technique Of Throw
2. Skating:- Zig Zag Skating, Competitive Activities, 2. Skating:- Zig Zag Skating, Competitive Activities,
Technique of starts, Endurance & Speed with Skates Technique of starts, Endurance & Speed with Skates
3. Gymnastics:- Flexibility, Floor exercises, Body balance 3. Gymnastics:- Flexibility, Floor exercises, Body balance
& Group Participation. & Group Participation.
4. Swimming:- Leg Exercises, Breathing & Recreational 4. Swimming:- Leg Exercises, Breathing & Recreational
activities. activities. 5. Yoga:- Concentration, Breathing techniques,
5. Yoga:- Concentration, Breathing techniques, Deep Deep breathing, Simple asanas, Flexibility, Body balancing,
breathing, Simple asanas, Flexibility, Body balancing, Om Om Chanting & Gayatri Mantra.
Chanting & Gayatri Mantra.

 Life Skills  Life Skills
 Performance in Skill/Game  Performance in Skill/Game
 Active Participation  Active Participation
 Viva  Viva

Note:- Games can be opted according to School Infrastructure.

Syllabus for the Year 2017-18
Subject – Dance
Class – III

Contents  Regional Dance
 Thematic Dance
 Basics of Kathak dance
 Indian Patriotic dance

Sub – topic  Punjabi Folk dance

 Western theme dance based on social issues
 Pranam technique
 Tatkaar
 Tode of tentaal
 Tihai of teentaal
 Patriotic dance (Indian)

Skills  Aesthetic Understanding

 Understanding of rhythm
 Expressions according to the lyrics.
 Performance skills

Assessment  Co-ordination
 Energy
 Rhythm
 Expressions
 Notebook
 Art appreciation
Syllabus for the Year 2017-18
Subject – Music
Class – III

Contents  Prayer and devotional songs
 Classical Singing
 Patriotic Song
 Carols
Sub – topic  Prayers for assembly singing
 Devotional songs in different languages
 Alankaars
 Basics of classical Music
 Sargam song
 Hindi Patriotic song
 Carols

Skills  Melody
 Rhythm
 Performance Skills
Assessment  Synchronization
 Rhythm
 Melody
 Notebook

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