Generic E Coli E Coli Petrifilm AOAC 998.08
Generic E Coli E Coli Petrifilm AOAC 998.08
Generic E Coli E Coli Petrifilm AOAC 998.08
AOAC 991.14 and 998.08 differ only in the time of incubation at 35C. AOAC 998.08 is a validation
study for incubation of Petrifilm at 35C for 24 ± 1 h and applies only to raw meats, poultry and
seafood (including carcass sponge samples). Other foods have not been validated and plates must
be incubated as per AOAC 991.14, i.e. 35 ± 1°C for 48 ± 4 h. Note that 3M Petrifilm is not supplied
by a NATA certified media supplier and therefore new batches of media must undergo quality
control prior to use. A checklist for 3M Petrifilm QC is provided for guidance.
These methods are applicable to:
AOAC 991.14 - all foods
AOAC 998.08 - poultry, seafood, raw and cooked meat
3M Petrifilm (modified violet-red bile media) contains 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride
and glucuronidase indicator which forms a blue precipitate around any E. coli colonies that
may be present1. Plates are hydrated with sample and gelling agents cause the media to
solidify. Gas is formed as a result of the fermentation of lactose by coliform bacteria (including
E. coli). Glucuronidase negative bacteria form red colonies as a result of the reduction of 2,3,5-
triphenyltetrazolium chloride.
The enumeration of E. coli is broken down into stages as follows:
▪ Inoculation
Sample is diluted, as specified in the relevant standards or methods, in Butterfield’s buffered
phosphate diluent2, Buffered Peptone Water3 or 0.1% Peptone Salt Solution4 and one mL
plated onto 3M Petrifilm. Plates are incubated in stacks (maximum of 20 units per stack).
Carcase sponges should be hydrated with 25 mL of diluent and can be enumerated without
further dilution. Serial dilution must be prepared using Butterfield’s buffered phosphate
diluent or Buffered Peptone Water.
▪ Incubation
E. coli 3M Petrifilm plates are incubated at 35C for 24 ± 1 h (AOAC 998.08, meat, poultry and
seafood samples) or 48 ± 4 h (AOAC 991.14, all other food samples; count coliforms after 24 ±
2 h and incubate additional 24 ± 2 h for E. coli count). Count all colonies in the countable range
(1-150). Estimate count on plates with >150 colonies. If an estimation is not possible due to
overgrowth, repeat the test with a higher dilution.
▪ Interpretation
All blue colonies associated with gas are counted as E. coli. Red colonies with gas are non-
E. coli coliforms. The total coliform count is the sum of red and blue colonies (with gas).
1 Most E. coli O157:H7 are glucuronidase negative and will not form blue colonies on E. coli Petrifilm.
2 0.0425g/L KH2PO4 adjusted to pH 7.2
3 Enzymatic digest of casein (10g); NaCl (5g); Na2HPO4.12H2O (9g); KH2PO4 (1.5g); water 1,000 ml, as per AS 5013.10
4 Peptone 1 g, sodium chloride 8.5 g and water 1 L. Autoclave at 121 ±1°C for 15 min, pH after sterilization 6.9 ± 0.2, store in the dark at
Inoculation Are the correct diluents used for preparation of
samples and dilutions?
Is a positive control run with each batch of
samples analysed?
Incubation What is the expiry date of opened packs?
How is the expiration date of opened packs of
Petrifilm controlled?
How are open packs stored?
What are the incubation conditions and period?
Are Petrifilm incubated in stacks of <20?
What is the maximum number of colonies
counted on Petrifilm plates (150)?
Are colony counts above 150 estimated?
Is a higher dilution used when count is too
numerous to count?
Interpretation What colonies are identified and counted as
E. coli?
What colonies are identified and counted as
Is the count reported as CFU/cm2 for swabs and
surface samples?