DBMS Important Questions

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BCA III Semester


Questions Unit-1

Q.1 What is DBMS? What is RDBMS? What is the difference between File System and Database
System? Explain in detail. (14 Marks)

Q.2 Explain the followings in detail:

(i) Data Independence (7 Marks)

(ii) Architecture of a DBMS (7 Marks)

Q.3 What are Data Models? Explain various types of Data Models in detail. (14 Marks)

Q.4 Describe the followings in detail:

(i) Database Schemas (7 Marks)

(ii) Database Languages (7 Marks)

Q.5 Explain the followings in detail:

(i) Database languages (4 Marks)

(ii) Tuples and Attributes in a table (4 Marks)

(iii) Data Integrity (3 Marks)

(iv) Data Redundancy (3 Marks)

Q.6 Explain the followings in detail:

(i) Object Oriented Data Model (7 Marks)

(ii) Relational Model (7 Marks)

Q.7 Describe the followings:

(i) Hierarchical Data Model (7 Marks)

(ii) Network Data Model (7 Marks)

Q.8 Explain the following basic DBMS terminology:

(i) Fields (3 Marks)

(ii) Records (3 Marks)

(iii) Domain (4 Marks)

(iv) Data Consistency (4 Marks)

Q.9 What is Data Modelling? Explain in detail. (14 Marks)
Q.10 Explain E-R Model in detail with an example. (14 Marks)
Q.11 Describe the followings:

(i) E-R diagram (7 Marks)

(ii) Mapping Constraints (7 Marks)

Q.12 Explain the followings with examples:

(i) Generalization (7 Marks)

(ii) Aggregation (7 Marks)

Q.13 Explain the followings with examples:

(i) Super Key (7 Marks)

(ii) Candidate Key (7 Marks)

Q.14 Explain the followings with examples:

(i) Primary Key (7 Marks)

(ii) Foreign Key (7 Marks)

Q.15 Explain the fundamental operations of Relational Algebra and their implementation in detail.

(14 Marks)

Q.16 Explain the interdependence of operations in Relational Algebra in detail. (14 Marks)

Q.17 Explain the followings in detail:

(i) Functional Dependencies (7 Marks)

(ii) Loss Decomposition (7 Marks)

Q.18 What are Normal Forms? Explain 1st, 2nd & 3rd Forms in detail.

(14 Marks)

Q.19 Explain the followings in detail:

(i) Dependency Preservation (7 Marks)

(ii) BoyceCodd Normal Form (7 Marks)

Q.20 What are Transactions in DBMS? Explain various Transaction sates in detail. (14 Marks)

Q.21 What is SQL? What are the advantages of SQL? Explain the characteristics of SQL in detail.

(14 Marks)

Q.22 Explain various types of SQL commands with examples. (14 Marks)

Q.23 Explain various SQL data types and literals in detail. (14 Marks)

Q.24 Explain about SQL operators and their precedence in detail. (14 Marks)

Q.25 Explain the followings:

(i) Tables (3 Marks)

(ii) Views (3 Marks)

(iii) Indexes (4 Marks)

(iv) Queries and Sub Queries (4 Marks)

Q.26 Explain the followings aggregate functions using Group By in SQL with example:

(i) Sum() (3 Marks)

(ii) Max() (3 Marks)

(iii) Count(*) (4 Marks)

(iv) Avg() (4 Marks)

Q.27 Explain the following types of queries with example:

(i) Create (4 Marks)

(ii) Insert (4 Marks)

(iii) Update (3 Marks)

(iv) Delete (3 Marks)

Q.28 How will you perform the following tasks in SQL:

(i) Create a Database (3 Marks)

(ii) Add a new column in a table (4 Marks)

(iii) Drop a column in a table (4 Marks)

(iv) Delete all records from a table (3 Marks)

Q.29 Explain the followings in detail in context of SQL:

(i) Join (4 Marks)

(ii) Union (3 Marks)

(iii) Intersection (4 Marks)

(iv) Minus (3 Marks)

Q.30 How will you perform the following tasks in SQL:

(i) Create a table with Primary Key (3 Marks)

(ii) Add a foreign key in an existing table (3 Marks)

(iii) Modify the width and data type of a column in an existing table (4 Marks)

(iv) Order By(Ascending/Descending) on a column (4 Marks)

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