OD Syllabus
OD Syllabus
OD Syllabus
Big Question 1 Who are your family and friends? How are animals different from one another? How do people have fun?
Families and Friends Amazing Animals Having Fun
Predicting from Pictures Compare and Contrast Identify Facts
Reading Text Words) mother, father, brother, sister, Reading Text Words) festival, folk dance, wedding, family
Reading Text Words) skin, mammals, eggs, amphibians,
grandmother, grandfather, family, friend reunion, fair, race, team, winner, score, player
scales, gills, feathers, wings, fur
Vocabulary Listening Text Words) uncle, aunt, cousin, parents, Words in Context) envelopes, championship, athletes,
Listening Text Words) head, eye, ear, mouth, leg, body
daughter, son bands
Word Study) Compound Words
Word Study) Opposites Word Study) Word Families: Nouns and Verbs
Unit 1
Grammar Verb Be Subject and Object Pronouns Adjectives with -ed and -ing
Listening Listening for details Listening for specific information Listening for details about an event
Reading Text Words) elephant, tortoise, lonely, sad, Reading Text Words) worm, berries, hunt, escape, creep, Reading Text Words) kick, tag, skip, bounce, drop, plain,
scared, eat, play, sleep fight, peck, pinecone, squawk lake, canyon, cliff, stream
Listening Text Words) hamster, goldfish, bird, rabbit, Listening Text Words) strong, gentle, patient, smart, Words in Context) boa constrictor, toss, landing, balance
lizard, kitten calm, fierce Word Study) Verb Phrases with Get
Unit 2
Grammar There is ... / There are ... Adverbs of Frequency Gerunds
Listening Listening for details Listening for details Listening for game rules
Speaking Describing Friends Describing an Animal Giving Encouragement
Capitals for Names Pronouns Questions
Talk about your friend and write about him or her Talk and write about an animal and what it is like Write about how you have fun
Project Family and Friends Collage Animal Picture Cards Act in a play
Big Question 2 Where can we see colors? How do things change? Why do people move to mew places?
Who's in the Tree?
What Is Our World Made Of? Letters to a Friend
Reading Colors if the Sky
Cause and Effect Sequence of Events
Predicting from Titles
Reading Text Words) packing, moving, meeting
Reading Text Words) flow, solid, liquid, gas, heat,
Reading Text Words) yellow, red, blue, green, purple, neighbors, shopping, ice skating, fishing, raking leaves,
stream, ice, freeze, melt
black, brown, white dancing, throwing snowballs, sledding
Vocabulary Listening Text Words) ice pop, balloon, kettle, popcorn,
Listening Text Words) fireworks, dark, light, gray, orange, Listening Text Words) monsoon, surgeon, curry,
Unit 3 icicle, candle
pink classmate
Word Study) Nouns and Verbs
Word Study) The Prefix un-
Grammar There is ... / There are ... Simple Past of Verb To Be Can and Could
Listening Listening for color details Listening for details Listening for details about nationality
Speaking Inviting and Making Suggestions Accepting a Request Asking for Help
Talk about rhyming words and write a poem with Using But
Writing Talk and write about a thing that can change state
animals and colors Write about why people move to your town
Let's Make Colors! Let's Make Ice Cream! Moving from Here ... to There!
Predicting from Titles Cause and Effect Details
Reading Text Words) country, suburb, rural area, urban
Reading Text Words) mix, mural, ocean, sand, seaweed, Reading Text Words) cream, sugar, salt, pour, plastic area, shopping mall, university, hospital, factory, clinic,
seashell, jellyfish, starfish bags, mixture, open, closed, freezer zoo
Listening Text Words) jacket, shorts, sneakers, T-shirt, Listening Text Words) coffee, tea, salad, fruit, vegetables, Listening Text Words) belongings, immigrant, move
hat, pants pasta abroad, experiences
Unit 4
Word Study) Suffixes for Countries
Grammar Prepositions of Place: In, On, Under, Next To Simple Past of Verb To Be Present Real Conditional
Listening Listening for color and place details Listening for specific information Listening for answers to "why" questions
Speaking Describing Using Colors Describing Food and Ingredients Talk about Opinions
Capitals and Periods in Sentences Contractions Using Complete Sentences with Because
Talk about your favorite clothes and write about them Talk and write about a favorite food and drink mixture Write about someone who moved to a new place
Project Color Mix Chart Mixture Book Make and share a poster
Big Question 3 Where do animals live? How are things different now from long ago? Why do people write poems?
Animal Homes Then and Now Three Poets
Predicting from Titles and Pictures Main Idea and Details Theme
Reading Text Words) travel, communication, airplane, Reading Text Words) ladybug, cricket, grasshopper,
Reading Text Words) eagle, chick, nest, opossum,
news, letter, text message, e-mail, radio, Internet beetle, katydid, butterfly, thicket, kangaroo, raisin
treehollow, honeybee, hive, crab
Vocabulary Listening Text Words) boat, bus, motorcycle, cable car, Listening Text Words) insect, escaped, shooting star,
Listening Text Words) woods, field, pond, squirrel,
truck, horse leaping
Unit 5 mouse, frog
Word Study) Words in Alphabetical Order Word Study) Words That End with -le
Grammar Where Questions with Verb Be Simple Past Regular Verbs Past Continuous
Listening Listening for details Listening for specific information Listening for main ideas
Speaking Warning Popole Asking for Something to Be Repeated Similarities and Differences
Talk and write about something people did long ago but Adjective Order
Writing Talk about animal homes and write about one
they don't do now Write sentences with more than one adjective
My Friend Anak Tell Me a Story, Grandpa You Can Be a Poet
Identifying Characters Sequence of Events Visualize
Reading Text Words) sentence, rhyming words, verb,
Reading Text Words) orangutan, rainforest, reserve, Reading Text Words) arrive, ask, check, enter, poor,
noun, adjective, syllable, letter, robin, angelfish,
teach, take care of, miss, take a nap, put out crowded, clerk, visit, sick
Vocabulary snowflakes
Listening Text Words) day, night, morning, midday, Listening Text Words) couch, chair, lamp, clock, bathtub,
Listening Text Words) observe, imagine, describe, exact
afternoon, evening sink
Word Study) Syllables
Unit 6
Grammar What and Who Questions with Verb Be Simple Past Regular Verbs Past Continuous and Simple Past
Listening Listening for time details Listening for details Listening for rhyming words
Speaking Describing Animals Describing Travel and Transport Asking for Opinions
Adding -ed to Some Verbs
Question Marks Action Verbs
Writing Talk and write about traveling to a place 100 years ago
Talk about animals and their habits and write about one Write a descriptive paragraph with action verbs
and traveling there today
Project An Animal Booklet Interview an Adult Present your poem to the class
Big Question 4 How are seasons different? When do we use subtraction? How do we measure time?
The Four Seasons Subtraction Time and the Earth
Captions Reread Diagrams
Reading Text Words) minus sign, subtraction, take away,
Reading Text Words) warm, hot, cool, cold, rain, snow, column, row, test score, single-digit number, double- Reading Text Words) second, minute, hour, month, year,
long, short digit number, left noon, spin, orbit, time zone, multiply
Listening Text Words) weather, cloudy, sunny, windy, Listening Text Words) clean, dirty, tired, hungry, thirsty, Listening Text Words) axis, planet, accurate, opposite
Unit 7 snowy, rainy full Word Study) Suffix -tion
Word Study) Syllables
Grammar Simple Present with It Simple Past Irregular Verbs Future Facts with Will
Listening Listening for details Listening for number details Listening for temperatures and times
Speaking Inviting People Offering Talking about Time and Weather
Definite Article The
Writing Talk about your favorite season and write about it Talk about and write an interesting subtraction problem
Write a paragraph about a trip
The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree Bandar, the Greedy Monkey Doctor Molly
Captions Beginning, Middle and End of a Story Problem and Solution
Reading Text Words) watch, build a snowman, build a Reading Text Words) airport, passenger, passport,
tree house, make a swing, make apple pie, grow, fall, destination, sick, earache, headache, fever, doctor,
Reading Text Words) let go, steal, dig up, hide, jar,
bring medicine
Vocabulary greedy, bored, baker, cook
Listening Text Words) ride a bicycle, go to the beach, Listening Text Words) washcloth, forehead, sneezing,
Listening Text Words) knee, nose, foot, arm, face, hand
eat ice cream, drink hot chocolate, fly a kite, plant tissues
Unit 8 flowers Word Study) Contractions
Grammar Simple Present with I and You Simple Past Irregular Verbs Future Plans with Going to
Listening Listening for details Listening for number details Listening for places and numbers
Speaking Asking and Telling about Activities Say a Math Problem Asking For and Giving Directions
Commas Contractions
Writing Talk about what you do in different seasons and write Talk and write about three things that were done last
Write about travel time
about it night
Project A Seasons Journal Subtraction Board Game Make and share an ad for a vacation destination
Big Question 5 How do numbers help us? How do people get along with each other? Where does energy come from?
Working with Numbers Following Rules Green Energy For Today and Tomorrow
Predicting from Headings Categorize Paraphrasing
Reading Text Words) windmill, sailboat, wind turbine,
Reading Text Words) traffic light, take turns, polite, clean
Reading Text Words) numbers, plus sign, problem, wind farm, coal, oil, natural gas, pollution, power plant,
up, litter, librarian, crossing guard, principal, lifeguard
addition, answer, odd numbers, even numbers electricity
Vocabulary Listening Text Words) kitchen, living room, cafeteria,
Listening Text Words) pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, Listening Text Words) source, fossil fuels, nonrenewable,
classroom, swimming pool, crosswalk
Unit 9 backpack, notebook renewable
Word Study) Phrasal Verbs
Word Study) Antonyms
Grammar Simple Present with Verb Have (I, You, We, They ) Possessive Pronouns May and Might
Listening Listening for number details Listening for specific information Listening for information
Speaking Asking about Age Apologizing Asking Using Will
Talk about your school things and how many you have, Verbs with Count and Noncount Nouns
Writing Talk and write about three rules in the home
then write about them Write about sources of energy
Stone Soup The Please and Thank You Books of Poems Hector the Energy Saver!
Beginning, Middle, and End Theme Ask Questions
Reading Text Words) subway, fire engine, carpool,
Reading Text Words) pot, stone, food, sausages, carrots, Reading Text Words) knock, thoughtful, rude, grab, pass,
ambulance, escalator, train, taxi, elevator, helicopter,
onions, potatoes, soup put away, invite, wash, share
Vocabulary traffic jam
Listening Text Words) tomato, cucumber, avocado, Listening Text Words) computer, laptop, camera,
Listening Text Words) mask, button, pedal, blades
orange, mango, peach headphones, tablet, cell phone
Word Study) Prefix re-
Unit 10
Simple Present Questions with Verb Have (I, You, We,
Grammar Can and May Quantifiers
They )
Listening Listening for number details Listening for specific information Listening for gist
Speaking Speaking about Addition Being Polite Share Knowledge
Exclamation Points Subject-Verb Agreement Indefinite and Definite Articles
Talk about your favorite soup and write about it Talk and write about a thoughtful person Write about energy
Project A Bar Graph Rules Poster Have a panel discussion
Big Question 6 What do we need? Why should we take care of the Earth? How do people make music?
The Farmer and the Hat Natural Resources Mystery in the Gym
Sequence Main Idea and Details Making Inferences
Reading Text Words) cello, timpani, trombone, bassoon,
Reading Text Words) resources, wood, landfill, land,
Reading Text Words) farmer, cow, milk, market, sell, buy, orchestra, conductor, baton, astronaut, circus trainer,
trash, smoke, sunlight, reduce, reuse
plain, fancy scientist
Vocabulary Listening Text Words) camp, hike, ride a horse, surf, fish,
Listening Text Words) games, comic book, board game, Listening Text Words) mystery, gym, deafening,
doll, stickers, pins beekeeper
Unit 11 Word Study) Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Pronouns
Word Study) Suffix -ing
Simple Present with Regular Verbs and Verb Have (He,
Grammar Prepositions of Place Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
She )
Listening Listening for details Listening for details Listening for details about types of voices
Speaking Borrowing and Lending Reprimanding and Apologizing Comparative Questions
Talk about what you have and what you want, then write Talk and write about three natural resources seen every Possessive Nouns
about them day Write about musical instruments in an orchestra
Wants and Needs A Juice Carton's Diary The World of Instruments
Predicting from Titles, Headings, and Pictures Setting Compare and Contrast
Reading Text Words) job, doctor, police officer, teacher, Reading Text Words) carton, diary, paper, blow, shelf, Reading Text Words) zummara, flute, djembe, tuba,
help, money, clothes, water recycling plant, machine, stationery store, rescue panpipes, violin, didgeridoo, snare drum, erhu, clarinet
Listening Text Words) sandwich, grapes, juice, cookie, Listening Text Words) time, week, nine o'clock, nine- Listening Text Words) traditional, vibrate, material, pitch
chips, soda fifteen, nine-thirty, nine forty-five Word Study) Words with -dge
Big Question 1 Where are we in the universe? Why do we protect animals? Why do we build bridges and tunnels?
Bella's home Dreaming of Dodos The Earthworm and the Spider
Visualizing Changes Author's Purpose Author's Purpose
Reading Text Words) dodo, elephant bird, quagga, sea Reading Text Words) isolated, hazardous, wriggle,
Reading Text Words) moon, asteroid, comet, meteorite,
wolf, wooly mammoth, extinct, survive, exploit, skeptical, insist, admire, labor, strand, discouraged,
solar system, stars, galaxy, universe, spacecraft,
endangered, habitat, species, sanctuary sapphire, suspicious, exquisite, depart
Vocabulary telescope, observatory
Words in Context) eventually, existed, mammals, Words in Context) herds, fade, unseen, base, shone,
Listening Text Words) vast, dwelled, speck, disk
Unit 1 suffered, atmosphere, rare gratefully
Word Study) Words with ei
Word Study) Suffix -able Word Study) Prefixes bi- and tri-
Grammar Predictions with Will Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous Future Continuous
Listening Listening for reasons Listening for main idea Listening for key words
Speaking Talking About Differences Talking About an Opinion Correcting Someone
Complete Sentences Sentence Fragments Paragraph Breaks
Write about an object in universe Write about animals Write about a bride or a tunnel you like
Traveling Together Around the Sun Save Our Tigers! Overcoming Earth's Obstacles
Compare and Contrast in Science Monitor and Clarify Mind Map
Reading Text Words) diverse, identify, tracker, protect, Reading Text Words) varied, beam, cable, support,
Reading Text Words) astronomer, space probe, core,
naturalist, poaching, damaged, conservation, suspended, obstacle, span, overcome, situation,
gravity, orbit, matter, distance, diameter, surface, craters,
preservation, inspire, population, reserve problematic, waterway, link, explosive
Vocabulary unique
Words in Context) jungles, wildlife, hunter, injuries, Words in Context) factors, suspension, stacks, aqueducts,
Listening Text Words) bodies, explore, inner, outer
mission, national park commonly, load bearing
Word Study) Words with the suffixes -ance and -ant
Unit 2 Word Study) Synonyms Word Study) Easily Confused Words
Grammar Future Real Conditional Review of Tenses Continuous Tenses
Listening Listening for main idea and numbers Listening for details Listening for sequence
Speaking Asking About Quantity Giving Reasons Describing Steps in a Project
Connectors to Show Support
Choice Questions Irregular Past Verbs
Writing Write about something you wanted to achieve and how
Write about exploring the universe Write about animals you've studied
you did it
Project Create a model Write a persuasive e-mail Write a persuasive letter
Big Question 2 How do we know what happened long ago? What are teeth for? What is the Earth made of?
Hidden Army: Clay Soldiers of Ancient China "The cavity" and "Have You Any Idea?" Inside Our Planet
Author's Purpose Looking for Sensory Details Evaluate
Reading Text Words) mass, crust, sphere, comprise,
Reading Text Words) incisor, canine, molar, carnivore,
Reading Text Words) army, soldiers, uniform, emperor, chamber, chunk, geologist, collide, pressure, gradually,
herbivore, omnivore, slice, grip, crush, cavity, gums, jaw
armor, treasure, archaeologist, tomb, jade, clay, peasant element, erode, chemically
Vocabulary Words in Context) detective, dental, gravity, filling, treat,
Listening Text Words) battle, generals, vanish, coffin Words in Context) mantle, intense, erupt, continental,
Word Study) Words with the suffix -ist sections, enormous
Unit 3 Word Study) Prefix in-
Word Study) Homonyms
Grammar Verbs Followed by Infinitives Modals of Ability Modals
Listening Listening for similarities and differences Listening for instructions Listening for numbers
Speaking Giving Reasons Talking About Teeth Conducting an Interview
Adjective + Preposition Parentheses
Verb Tenses
Writing Write about your interests when you were little and your Write about a feature of Earth that you think is
Write about something that happened long ago
interests now interesting
Stumbling upon the Past Teeth: Not Just for Eating The Secret of Vesuvius
Predictions Using Visuals Prediction
Reading Text Words) dinosaur, skull, ravine, examine, Reading Text Words) wheeze, shower, gravel, flaming,
Reading Text Words) fang, tusk, venom, shelter, dam,
discover, excavate, layers, paleontologist, ash, pumice, charred, coughing, flutter, debris, boulder,
prey, gnaw, pierce, fend off, wear down, lap up, create
sedimentary rock, pastime spatter, boiling, gasp
Vocabulary Words in Context) powerful, intruders, supply, seal,
Listening Text Words) favorite, dream, tripped, Words in Context) scribe, observations, shifted, shore,
toppling, lodge
determine deftly, retreat
Word Study) Suffix -ment
Unit 4 Word Study) Words with ie Word Study) Words with ie and ee
Grammar Verbs Followed by Gerunds Modals of Certainty Past Perfect
Listening Listening for gist and sequence Listening for details Listening for time periods
Speaking Describing with the Senses Comparing Things Offering Suggestions
Count and Noncount Nouns Punctuation with Quotation Marks
Parallel Structure with -ing
Writing Write about something old that people might look for in Write about how you would keep people safe in a big
Write about what you or someone you know likes to do
the ground storm
Project Create a time capsule Write a report Write a speech
Big Question 3 Where does our food come from? Why are wheels important? Why do we wear masks?
The Breakfast Quest A Revolution in History A Season of Discontent
Conclusions Re-reading Internal and External Conflict
Reading Text Words) eternity, transition, irritating,
Reading Text Words) sugar cane, wheat, cinnamon, Reading Text Words) transportation, transfer, haul, axle,
spectacular, categorize, literally, wither, decay,
butter, vanilla, ingredients, bark, plantation, steamship, rotate, spoke, rim, traction, gear, grind, technology, rod
tempestuous, schedule, consistently, predictable
Vocabulary spoil, leopard Words in Context) platform, vehicle, durable, mill,
Words in Context) control, mood, adapt, accurately,
Listening Text Words) gather, introduce, peel, coax mechanical, inspiring
Unit 5 decent, doubt
Word Study) Phrasal verbs with drop Word Study) Compound Nouns
Word Study) Suffixes -er and -or
Grammar Present Continuous for Future Plans Future with Will and Going To Past Perfect Continuous
Listening Listening for examples and numbers Listening for main idea Listening for instructions
Speaking Giving a Reason for a Preference Planning a Trip Finding the Right Word
Interesting Adjectives Verb + Infinitive Choosing a Good Title
Write about a delicious meal Write about plans with friends and family Write a story and give it a little
From the World to Your Table Planet SinRota Uncovering Masks
Summarize Drawing Conclusions Identifying Facts and Opinions
Reading Text Words) convenient, export, local, process, Reading Text Words) obedient, fortunate, tedious, Reading Text Words) covering, disguise, entertainment,
package, farmer's market, agriculture, corporate farm, exciting, fragile, determined, daring, foolish, thrilling, essential, urgent, lifesaver, shield, safeguard, crucial,
decrease, century, chemical courageous, risky, fascinated performer, elaborate, central, basic
Listening Text Words) grocery stores, food labels, Words in Context) settlement, longed for, blurry, Words in Context) enthusiasm, antiquity, ridiculous,
organic food, whole food propelling, adjusted, figures operations, germs, individual
Unit 6 Word Study) Four-syllable words Word Study) Prefix mis- Word Study) Suffix -ness
Grammar Polite Offers Future with Present Continuous Defining Relative Clauses for People
Listening Listening for reasons Listening for details Listening for advice
Speaking Talking About Food in Your Area Giving Advice Discussing a Topic
More Irregular Verbs
Prepositional Phrases of Location Using Headings to Organize Your Writing
Writing Write about what you wanted to be when you were a
Write about a real or imaginary garden Write a short article with headings
child and what you want to be now
Project Create a story Write an opinion essay Write a personal narrative
Big Question 4 Why do we make art? How do animals communicate? Why do we like symmetry?
Art Through New Eyes Magdi and the Dolphin Summing Up Symmetry
Text Features Character Classify and Categorize
Reading Text Words) sketch, pastels, canvas, Reading Text Words) symmetrical, equilateral, identical,
Reading Text Words) race, drift, glide, wade, paddle,
paintbrushes, shapes, three-dimensional, prodigy, street infinite, reproduce, repetition, extend, interlocking,
dive, splash, propel, float, sprint, jog, plod
painter, carpenter, sculptor dimensions, structure, internal, arrangement, aesthetic
Vocabulary Words in Context) fishing rod, chuckled, hook, beamed,
Listening Text Words) complex, washable, combines, Words in Context) experiment, hesitate, approximately,
paddles, grinning
Unit 7 fascination constituent, practical, employ
Word Study) Letter Combination gh
Word Study) Words with the prefix dis- Word Study) Latin Roots
Grammar Indefinite Pronouns Reported Speech with Said That Defining Relative Clauses for Objects and Places
Listening Listening for reasons Listening for details Listening for reasons
Speaking Talking About a Picture Asking for Clarification Asking for Clarification
Compound Predicate Commas and Semicolons Writing Numbers as Words
Write about a work of art Write about how an animal communicates Write about an example of symmetry that you like
Sketches in a Gallery Chatterboxes Snowflake Lia
Value Judgements Asking Questions Paraphrase
Reading Text Words) exhibition, frame, landscape, Reading Text Words) communicative, locate, collaborate, Reading Text Words) image, surpass, stare, laboratory,
texture, shading, perspective, contrast, space, stained, imitate, behave, indicate, attract, threaten, defend, copious, examination, minute, fragment, triumphantly,
brilliant, pale approach, express, produce panic, eyepiece, astonishment, dazzling
Listening Text Words) ignore, worries, famous, Words in Context) underwater, decibels, territory, alarm, Words in Context) piles, bothered, forecast, flickered,
speechless signals, difficulty gust, scrambled
Unit 8 Word Study) Synonyms Word Study) Suffix -ion Word Study) Adjectives with -ed and -ing
Grammar Offers with Shall and Will Reported Speech with Told or Asked Defining Relative Clauses with Whose
Listening Listening for differences and details Listening for details Listening for gist
Speaking Expressing a Desire or Wish Summarizing What You've Learned Describing Something You Like
Prepositional Phrases of Place
The Articles A /An and The Pronoun Agreement
Writing Write about what you might see in your favorite part of
Write about an artist Write about a place you have seen animals
Project Act in a play Write a descriptive essay Write a personal response
Big Question 5 What is a city? What do different cultures give to the world? How do we use language?
Jakarta: A Big-City Snapshot Journey Back in Time Talking About Language
Paraphrasing Main Idea and Details Main Idea and Details
Reading Text Words) canal, port, architecture, rickshaw, Reading Text Words) culture, civilization, contribution, Reading Text Words) gesture, beckon, refusal,
street vendor, antiques, souvenirs, batik, exotic fruits, development, achievement, device, process, tradition, disapproval, group, lack, raised, enable, invaluable,
tuna, shrimp custom, benefit, ceremony, product consist, distress, conceal, transmit
Listening Text Words) countless, congested, haggle, Words in Context) trade, tablets, voyage, ancient, Words in Context) widely, estimate, ancestor, brand-new,
banned advanced, tools ingenious, allies
Unit 9
Word Study) Words with soft c and hard c Word Study) Word Roots Word Study) Latin Roots
Grammar Negative Indefinite Pronouns Asking Questions Nondefining Relative Clauses
Listening Listening for reasons Listening for facts Listening for gist
Speaking Giving Reasons Using Question Words Expressing Emotions
Using Parentheses
Capitalize the Names of Bodies of Water Using Connectors to Show Contrast
Writing Write about an aspect of your country's or another
Write about a city near water Write about something you're good at
country's culture
Mayor for a Day Choco Choco Boom Boom! The Whistlers
Understanding Characters Visualizing Setting
Reading Text Words) delicious, creamy, spicy, nutty, Reading Text Words) circular, radiant, shimmer, misty,
Reading Text Words) citizens, volunteers, mayor,
ladle, sticky, crunchy, runny, smooth, whirring, booming, rugged, pesky, devise, desperately, irritated, frustrated,
assistant, city council, city hall, president, garbage
spot piercingly, intently, customary
Vocabulary collectors, equipment, news conference, playground
Words in Context) square, skidded, dizzy, sniffing, molds, Words in Context) only, palms, ferns, impenetrable,
Listening Text Words) contest, ribbon, speech, members
winked insignificant, respective
Word Study) Phrasal verbs with take
Unit 10 Word Study) Suffix -ous Word Study) Connotation
Grammar Tag Questions Short Answers Passive Statements (Present Perfect)
Listening Listening for facts and opinions Listening for details Listening for similarities and differences
Speaking Asking Questions with Have To Making Suggestions Expressing Preferences
Giving Examples
Writing Coordinating Conjunctions: And , But , Or Write about some of the things you learned or did this
Write a paragraph or poem on a topic you like
Project Create a travel brochure Write a brochure Write a poem
Big Question 6 How do our bodies work? Why are mountains important? Why do we record history?
Understanding Viruses with Max Axiom, Super Scientist What’s So Good About Mountains? View from the Summit and Everest
Main Idea and Theme Cause and Effect Corroborating
Reading Text Words) glacier, mountain range, peak, Reading Text Words) summit, loom, cling, crack,
Reading Text Words) cells, microscope, virus, bacteria,
altitude, valley, steep, slope, hill, terrace, effective, water handhold, expedition, laboriously, plateau, dome, slack,
disease, influenza, common cold, mucus, immune,
cycle, vapor ledge, slim, awesome
Vocabulary paralyze, infect
Words in Context) transformed, condenses, released, Words in Context) considerable, panting, exposed,
Listening Text Words) suit, scrape, fluid, swallowed
Unit 11 flows, storing, resources satisfaction, disaster, perched
Word Study) Antonyms
Word Study) Prefixes in- and im- Word Study) Easily Confused Words
Grammar Order of Adjectives Passive Passive Questions (Present Perfect)
Listening Listening for advice Listening for key words Listening for the main idea
Speaking Asking and Answering Personal Questions Interviewing Follow-Up Questions
Give Advice with Commands Colons Reflexive Pronouns
Write about good health habits Write about something you've learned this week Write about keeping a diary
The Human Body: Systems at Work The Lost Explorer A Housemaid's Diary
Sequence of Actions The Five Ws Cause and Effect
Reading Text Words) endless, stammer, awestruck, Reading Text Words) typical, legal, butler, housekeeper,
Reading Text Words) system, blood, heart, arteries,
jagged, pointy, miniature, stern, arch, mutter, squirm, dustpan, assign, dismiss, cauldron, gristly, scone,
veins, capillary, lungs, trachea, diaphragm, carbon
scowl, stretch approve, blame, frantic
Vocabulary dioxide, pulse
Words in Context) silhouette, shielded, teasing, folded, Words in Context) range, confessed, copper, strict,
Listening Text Words) major, pumps, tubes, squeezes
embarrassed, distant appetite, passageway
Unit 12 Word Study) Verbs that end in -ate
Word Study) More Synonyms Word Study) Loan Words
Grammar Used To Past Passive Passive (Past Perfect)
Listening Listening for who's speaking and details Listening for gist Listening for facts and opinions
Speaking Explanation with That or Where Asking for Advice Telling a Story About Yourself
Subject / Verb Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns Irregular Past Participles Titles in Names
Write about exercise Write about something you've made, written, or drawn Write about how like today is different from the past
Project Conduct an interview Write a story Write a memory
Big Question 7 What is the mass media? Why do we use money? What makes birds special?
From Newspaper to Smartphones: The Rise of the Mass
The Sound of Money and the Smell of Soup The Poetry of Birds
Reading Media
Summarizing Visualize
Main idea and Supporting Details
Reading Text Words) mass media, newspaper, magazine, Reading Text Words) terrifying, nervously, rudely, Reading Text Words) argue, amuse, lazily, awkward,
printing press, publisher, advertising, broadcast, the politely, fierce, aggressively, delicate, bravely, greedy, pitifully, clumsy, limp, resemble, mock, jeers, minor,
Web, smartphone, blog, social network shyly, wise, calmly bear, key
Listening Text Words) journalist, newsreels, radio station, Words in Context) muscles, growling, stirring, mouth- Words in Context) dew, oars, comical, beak, partly,
Unit 13
latest watering, tempting, staring silences
Word Study) Words with silent k Word Study) Phrasal Verbs Word Study) Alliteration
Grammar Must, Mustn't, Have To, Don’t Have To Adjectives and Adverbs Passive (Future)
Listening Listening for gist and details Listening for details Listening for reasons
Speaking Giving Examples Future Plans Expressing Probability
Pronouns Adverbs of Degree Metaphor
Write about how news travels Write about a place you've visited Write a paragraph about birds
From the Blog of Elsa B. Garcia, Kid Reporter The History of Money Bird Brains
Conflict and Resolution Compare and Contrast Analyze
Reading Text Words) decorate, artistically, ornithologist,
Reading Text Words) reporter, editor, interview, Reading Text Words) bank, currency, coins, barter, copy,
imply, spine, mimic, annual, encounter, phenomenal,
headline, hero, website, mistake, decide, discuss, bill, spend, pay, borrow, exchange, owe, lend
impress, technique, inspect, behavior
Vocabulary investigate, search Words in Context) crops, shells, valuable, silver, print,
Words in Context) revealed, ability, spear, man-made,
Listening Text Words) mansion, terrible, donated, fair portraits
harsh, brainy
Unit 14 Word Study) Synonyms Word Study) Suffix -ive
Word Study) Greek Roots
Grammar Present Perfect Unreal Conditional Passive Review
Listening Listening for facts and opinions Listening for speakers Listening for examples
Speaking Giving Opinions Talking About Money Talking About What You've Learned
Regular and Irregular Verbs in the Present Perfect Similes Simile
Write about a mass media job Write about your home, family, or friends Write about why you think birds are special
Project Create a school news program Write a summary Write an action plan
Big Question 8 What can we learn from nature's power? How do we express ourselves? What are we afraid of?
Forces of Nature One Man's Self-Expression Fear on the Brain
Cause and Effect in a Series of Events Taking Notes Intensive Reading
Reading Text Words) flood, earthquake, tsunami,
Reading Text Words) design, innovative, remarkable, Reading Text Words) rapid, alert, numb, interpret, store,
hurricane, tornado, blizzard, thunderstorm, rescue
ambitious, permanent, settle, emerge, artificial, promote, respond, threat, frozen, reflex, trigger, tame, rehearse,
worker, victim, power lines, collapse
enclose, suitable, beneficial distracted
Vocabulary Listening Text Words) forces, funnel, horizontally,
Words in Context) cease, magnified, algae, applies, Words in Context) obvious, defensive, adrenaline,
provides, crustaceans decisions, instantly, deliberate
Unit 15 Word Study) Compound nouns with noun-verb
Word Study) Homophones Word Study) Suffix -ic
Grammar Present Perfect with Ever and Never Sense Verb + Adjective Past Unreal Conditional
Listening for problems and solutions; main idea and
Listening Listening for details Listening for clues
Speaking Possibilities Explaining Your Opinions Suggesting Solutions
Contractions in Present Perfect Sentences Quantifiers Connectors to Show Condition
Write about a force of nature Write about your city or neighborhood Write a paragraph to give someone advice
Staying Calm Before the Storm The Tempest Gripped by Fear
Making Inferences Making Connections Character Analysis
Reading Text Words) sleepover, outlandish, tiptoe,
Reading Text Words) cabin, advisor, deck, grateful,
Reading Text Words) emergency, storm shelter, first-aid creepy, snuggle, uncontrollably, upright, nocturnal,
tempest, save, break up, react, villain, stage, playwright,
kit, cash, storm shutters, sleeping bag, flashlight, peculiar, apprehensively, metamorphose, twinkle,
Vocabulary batteries, supplies, bottled water, canned food dynamic
Words in Context) aid, massive, petrified, crew, elderly,
Listening Text Words) inland, destroyed, trunk, landfall Words in Context) briefly, chattering, gripped, removing,
Unit 16 Word Study) Phrasal verbs with turn staff, weaving
Word Study) Verb + Preposition
Word Study) Connotation
Grammar Present Perfect with Already , Just , and Yet Infinitive as Subject If Only and I Wish
Listening Listening for recommendations Listening for details Listening for reactions
Speaking Talking About Needs Expressing Thanks Talking About Things That Are Scary
Adverbs of Manner Semicolons Avoiding Generalizations
Write about an imaginary, dangerous situation Write about how you like to express yourself Write about something that people are afraid of
Project Create an emergency poster Write a scene from a play Write an instructional text
Big Question 9 Why are biomes important? Why do we make buildings? Why are stories important?
The Natural Communities of Earth The World's Most Extraordinary Buildings The White Giraffe
Classify and Categorize Sequence of Events Theme
Reading Text Words) stadium, lighthouse, tower, Reading Text Words) instinct, coiled, poisonous,
Reading Text Words) biome, desert, grassland, tropical
skyscraper, warehouse, palace, courthouse, theater, unmistakable, lethal, hideous, crumpled, illicitly, tinged,
rainforest, temperate forest, taiga, tundra, freshwater,
concert hall, office, art gallery, showroom soothingly, warily, sidle, miraculous
Vocabulary equator, sloth, cactus
Words in Context) architect, function, steel, construction, Words in Context) evilly, capable, quivered, tingle,
Listening Text Words) Arctic, hatches, glides, scenes
Unit 17 countless, aquatics confided, lingering
Word Study) Words with -tch
Word Study) More Phrasal Verbs Word Study) Suffix -less
Grammar Present Perfect with For and Since A , An , The , and No Article Review of Present and Past Tenses
Listening Listening for sequence Listening for details Listening for the main idea
Speaking Describing a Sequence Giving Reasons Clarifying What You've Said
Complex Sentences with Until Run-On Sentences Reporting Verbs
Write about someone who visits a biome Write about interesting buildings you've seen Write a story of your own
Camila's Journey The Mystery of Peril Castle Why Stories Matter
Asking Open-ended Questions Making Predictions Persuasion
Reading Text Words) parrot fish, seahorse, manta ray, Reading Text Words) turrets, stables, gatehouse, moat, Reading Text Words) storytelling, impulse, breakthrough,
sea turtle, marine park, snorkel, speedboat, border, drawbridge, hall, courtyard, ramparts, mumble, stiffen, dedicated, publish, futuristic, imagination, novelist,
petition, law, astonish missing, tremble recount, relate, reminisce, intricate, purely
Listening Text Words) manage, invited, signed, Words in Context) solve, surrounded, gazed, padlock, Words in Context) incidents, biography, autobiography,
difference mysterious, vanished attitudes, available, plot
Unit 18 Word Study) Words with the suffixes -ent and -ence Word Study) Adjectives Ending in -ing Word Study) Heteronyms
Grammar Present Perfect and Simple Past Review of Tenses and Future Forms Review of Future Forms
Listening Listening for reasons Listening for details Listening for gist
Speaking Asking About Needs Accepting or Refusing Invitations Talking About Opinions
Order of Adjectives Using Numerals
Complex Sentences with Since and Because
Writing Write about a building, sculpture, or object from Write about what you think stories will be like in the
Write about protecting biomes
another country future
Project Act in a play Write a magazine article Write a story