Chaplet of The Precious Blood

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Chaplet of the Precious Blood

This devotion consists of seven mysteries in which we meditate on the seven

principal sheddings of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. The Our Father,
without the Hail Mary, is said five times after each mystery, except the last,
when it is said three times, in all, thirty-three times in honor of the thirty-
three years of Our Lord’s life on earth.
While saying the Our Father we should reflect on the mystery and make
the practical application to ourselves, mentioned in each mystery.

L. O God, come to my assistance.
R. O Lord, make haste to help me.
L. Glory be to the Father ...
R. As it was in the beginning ...

FIRST MYSTERY: The Circumcision of Jesus

“When the eighth day arrived for his circumcision, the name Jesus was
given the child.” (Lk. 2:21) (The biblical readings given here are to be considered examples which can
be substituted by others.)
Pray 5: Our Fathers ...
Pray 1: Glory be to the Father ...
Then the invocation: L. We beseech you, therefore, help your servants.
R. Whom you have redeemed by your Precious Blood.

SECOND MYSTERY: The Agony In The Garden

“In his anguish he prayed with all the greater intensity, and his sweat became like drops of blood fall-
ing to the ground.” (Lk. 22:44)
Pray 5: Our Fathers ...
Pray 1: Glory be to the Father ...
Then the invocation: L. We beseech you, therefore, help your servants.
R. Whom you have redeemed by your Precious Blood.

THIRD MYSTERY: The Scourging at the Pillar

“At that, he released Barabbas to them. Jesus, however, he first had scourged.” (Mt. 27:26)
Pray 5: Our Fathers ...
Pray 1: Glory be to the Father ...
Then the invocation: L. We beseech you, therefore, help your servants.
R. Whom you have redeemed by your Precious Blood.

Chaplet of the Precious Blood

FOURTH MYSTERY: The Crowning with Thorns

“They stripped off his clothes and wrapped him in a scarlet military cloak. Weaving a crown out of
thorns they fixed it on his head.” (Mt. 27:28-29)
Pray 5: Our Fathers ...
Pray 1: Glory be to the Father ...
Then the invocation: L. We beseech you, therefore, help your servants.
R. Whom you have redeemed by your Precious Blood.

FIFTH MYSTERY: The Carrying of the Cross

“In the end, Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified. Jesus was led away, and carrying the cross by
himself, went out to what is called the Place of the Skull.” (Jn. 19:16-17)
Pray 5: Our Fathers ...
Pray 1: Glory be to the Father ...
Then the invocation: L. We beseech you, therefore, help your servants.
R. Whom you have redeemed by your Precious Blood.

SIXTH MYSTERY: The Crucifixion on Calvary

“When they came to Skull Place, as it was called, they crucified him there ... Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive
them; they do not know what they are doing.”’ (Lk. 23:33-34)
Pray 5: Our Fathers ...
Pray 1: Glory be to the Father ...
Then the invocation: L. We beseech you, therefore, help your servants.
R. Whom you have redeemed by your Precious Blood.

SEVENTH MYSTERY: The Piercing of the Sacred Side

“One of the soldiers thrust a lance into his side and immediately blood and water flowed out.” (Jn.
Pray 3: Our Fathers
Pray 1: Glory be to the Father ...
Then the invocation: L. We beseech you, therefore, help your servants.
R. Whom you have redeemed by your Precious Blood.

Let us pray, — Almighty and Eternal God, you have appointed your only-begotten Son the
Redeemer of the world, and willed to be appeased by his Blood. Grant, we beg of you, that
we may worthily adore this price of our salvation, and through its power be safeguarded
from the evils of this present life, so that we may rejoice in its fruits forever in heaven.
Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

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