Workshop For Financial Literacy
Workshop For Financial Literacy
Workshop For Financial Literacy
Life Happens
1ST MONTH LIFE HAPPENS: You got sick and go to the doctor for check-up and spent Php500.00 for
consultation fee and Php200.00 for prescribe medicine.
2ND MONTH LIFE HAPPENS: You have a friend that urgently needs PhP2,000 from you for personal
reasons. But in one condition, you will only lend him/her, if there is 2% interest which is payable after
one month.
3RD MONTH LIFE HAPPENS: You are using mobile phone as an aid for academic requirements and other
educational/academic purposes. Unfortunately, your cell phone got damage due academic breakdown
and incidentally throw it because of that your phone was broke and it requires Php2,500.00 for repair.
However, on the same day, your friend decided to pay its debt including its interest.
4th MONTH LIFE HAPPENS: In your way home, you notice that your money amounting to PhP1,000 was
missing. You have been looking anywhere but it was gone.
5th MONTH LIFE HAPPENS: It’s the time to announce who among you in your class are included in the
Dean’s Lister. Fortunately, your name was there. Because of this, your mother gives you an additional
allowance of PhP500.00.
Answer: Adjusted Monthly Budget Based on Life Happens