4 Report-Ghatgaun
4 Report-Ghatgaun
4 Report-Ghatgaun
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Background ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Objective of the Assignment ....................................................................................... 2
1.3. Scope of the Assignment ............................................................................................. 2
1.4. Methodology ............................................................................................................... 3
2. PROJECT AREA............................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Location and Accessibility .......................................................................................... 5
2.2 Topography, Climate and Vegetation ......................................................................... 6
2.3 Population and Educational Institutions ...................................................................... 6
2.4 Economic Characteristics ............................................................................................ 7
3. TECHNICAL ASPECTS ................................................................................................ 8
3.1. Existing Water Supply and Sanitary Situation ............................................................ 8
3.2. Proposed Project .......................................................................................................... 8
3.3. Water Quality .............................................................................................................. 8
3.4. Design Criteria ............................................................................................................ 9
3.4.1. Coverage and Population ..................................................................................... 9
3.4.2. Service Level ....................................................................................................... 9
3.4.3. Water Demand ................................................................................................... 10
3.4.4. Peak Factor......................................................................................................... 10
3.4.5. Domestic Demand .............................................................................................. 10
3.4.6. Wastage and Leakage ........................................................................................ 11
3.4.7. Total Water Demand .......................................................................................... 11
3.4.8. Consumption Pattern.......................................................................................... 11
3.4.9. Pipe Materials .................................................................................................... 12
3.4.10. Pressure and Velocity ..................................................................................... 12
3.5. Components of the Project ........................................................................................ 12
3.6. Sanitation................................................................................................................... 14
3.7. Environmental Consideration .................................................................................... 14
Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
Annex-A : Quantity & Cost Estimate
Annex-C : Design
1.1. Background
Poverty alleviation is the overriding objective of development efforts in Nepal. The tenth Plan
(2002-2007) document of the Government of Nepal has renewed in commitment towards this
objective. Equitable access to social and economic infrastructure for the poor and marginalized
groups is regarded as one of the four pillars towards achieving this overriding goal of poverty
alleviation. The government has acknowledged that development of water supply and
sanitation is an important link towards achieving this social equity. Periodic plans and policy
documents of the government have therefore advocated for improving the access to safe water
supply and sanitation facilities in order to improve the quality of life and productivity,
especially in rural areas, which will ultimately lead to poverty reduction.
The water supply and sanitation sector has received a well-deserved priority from both the
governmental and non-governmental sector and several international funding / aid agencies
have supported this endeavor. The vision of this sub-sector is to provide safe drinking water
and adequate sanitation services to the entire population in a sustainable manner and at an
affordable cost by mobilizing resources and communities and applying appropriate technology.
The development of this sector, in addition to saving time in fetching water, will improve the
health of the people and therefore create a healthy manpower that will contribute to productive
economy of the country. The 10th plan aims to develop healthy manpower with additional
economic productivity, reduce medical expenses, and ultimately achieve the target of poverty
alleviation through development of the water supply and sanitation sector which is expected to
play a critical role in this process.
Department of Water Supply & Sewerage is the lead agency in the water and sanitation sector
under the Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation. The department facilitates and executes
water supply and sanitation projects through users committees under the supervision of its
district based division and sub-division offices to achieve the sector goals set by the
Detailed Engineering Study and Design (DESD) of a project is to be carried out after the project
is selected for implementation. The study will be conducted for all new projects, and for all
existing projects to be selected for rehabilitation. The detailed study reports are produced as
the outcome of the detail survey and design of the projects so that immediate actions could be
undertaken for their implementation
Now, Water Supply, Irrigation & Energy Development Office, Khalanga, Salyan has a
goal to carry out detailed survey and estimate of water supply projects in Salyan district of
Karnali Province as per 2076/77 annual program. Due to the limited appropriate technical
manpower, the office seeks for consultancy service (consultant) to conduct following job.
Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
The main objective of this project is to support interested potential and qualified user
associations/ communities for improvement in the living standard of the people by providing
safe, reliable, adequate and sustainable water supply and sanitation services. The overall
objective of the study is to formulate technically sound and cost-effective water supply and
sanitation projects. Specific objectives are:
The detailed scope of the work mostly includes, but not necessarily limited to the following:
To assess existing situation of water supply and sanitation in the project area;
To carry out detailed engineering and socio-economic survey, prepare checklist for
environment parameters of the project area. The survey will determine existing
levels of services and coverage, income and other poverty indicators, vulnerable
groups and willingness to pay.
To verify the source yield, water quality, intake/deep tube well boring site, reservoir
site, pipe alignment and number and location of public taps and other major
To clarify the community enthusiasm on the execution of the project and willingness
to contribute for construction and undertake operation and maintenance
responsibility upon commissioning;
Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
1.4. Methodology
A survey team consisting of Water Supply Engineer and an Overseer with necessary supporting
professionals were assigned for the field study. This team in close consultation with WSIEDO
personal and users thoroughly studied the project area and carried out detailed survey of the
proposed project.
The new DWSS standardization is used for the adoption of design criteria and design of all the
system components. Cost estimation is carried out according to GON Norms adopting
approved district rate and prevailing market rate of materials. Available secondary information
and relevant data from the Central Bureau of Statistics has been used where found necessary.
Final report has been prepared and presented compiling the drawings and quantity estimates
on the basis of designs, and cost estimates based on the detailed analysis of DWSS and
incorporated accordingly in the Final Report.
The consulting services mainly consist of detailed engineering design for Water Supply
components. On the basis of the scope of work, gathering additional information during the
desk study phase, field visit and reconnaissance survey of the sites and the task to be carried
out in the consulting services are identified and listed below in brief.
The following activities have been carried-out necessary during detailed engineering phase:
Field visit, field verification, preparation and submission of detail design Draft
Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
Intake design
Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
Salyan District (Nepali: स यान िज ला), a part of Karnali province, is one of the seventy-seven
districts of Nepal. Salyan covers an area of 1,462 km2 (564 sq mi) with a population of 213,500
in 2001 and 241,716 in 2011. The district's administrative center is named Salyan or Salyan
Khalanga, today it is part of Sharada Municipality.
The district is known for its Hindu temples including Shiva temples in Chhayachhetra and
Laxmipur, and the Devi temple at Khairabang in Sarda municipality, one of nine in Nepal.
Kumakh Rural Municipality (कुमाख गाउँ पा लका) was established in 2017 (2073 BS) as a local
government of Nepal. The headquarters of the Kumakh Rural Municipality Gaunpalika is
located in Ragechaur, Salyan district, Karnali Province of Nepal. This village is situated 450
to 2000 meters from the surface of the sea level. It is 28 ° 41 '03 North Latitude and 28 ° 56' is
spread to 43 Eastern latitudes. There are also high mountains of Salyan district like Kumakh in
this village. Marmaparikanda, Kalagaun, Badagaun, and Jimali Village Development
Committee (VDCs) were incorporated into Kumakh Gaupalika. This rural municipality came
into existence on 10 March 2017 (Falgun 27, 2073 BS), fulfilling the requirement of the
Constitution of Nepal 2015 (2072 BS). Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration
replaced all old VDCs and Municipalities into 753 new local level bodies.
According to the 2011 census, the total population of the Kumakh Rural Municipality is 33,347.
It is surrounded by the Darma Rural Municipality and Bagchaur Municipality in the east,
Bangad Kupinde Municipality in the west, Rukum and Jajarkot district in the North and Siddha
Kumakh Rural Municipality in the South. The total area of this Gaupalika is 177.27 square
kilometers and density is 140 Km2. This rural municipality is divided into 7 wards.
This is the historical and religious significance of this place in the form of the holy temple of
Salyan district, Sidddhababa temple, and mysterious Siddha Cave. This village is mainly
inhabited by regional, Brahman, Magar, Thakuri and Dalit communities. The native language
of 100 percent of people is Nepali, in this village where Hindus are in prosperity. The main
profession of the people here is agriculture. There is an emergency drinking water facility. The
centers of this village are connected to the road network. Due to the convenience of the
villagers, the villagers have been deprived, but the electricity has expanded the work very
tremendously. Telephone service has become a bit less functional.
1. General Information
Name of Project : Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
District : Salyan
RMP/MP : Kumakh Rural Municipality
Ward : 4
Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
2. Accessibility
Distance from district headquarter to project area (Avg.) : 70 km
Name of the nearest market for construction materials : Shreenagar
Distance from project area to nearest market (Avg.) : 70 km
Name of the place of nearest all weather roadhead from the project area : Shreenagar -Tharmare -Site
Although Salyan is considered a hilly district, its southwest salient is actually outside the
Pahari-inhabited hill region, in the lower Siwalik Hills that are more an extension of the Terai.
The Babai River flows through the southwestern Siwaliks section after draining Dang Valley.
A tributary Sharad Khola drains the eastern half of Salyan's hill region—including the district
center, then exits these hills by cutting through the Mahabharat Range to its confluence with
the Babai. The western half of Salyan's hill region is drained by the Bheri.
The soil in the project area is gravel and boulder mixed type. The area has moderate vegetation
with sub-tropical forest species. Main crops are maize, wheat and paddy, potato, sugarcane etc.
The project area includes ward-12 of the Baghchaur Municipality of the project area in 2076
B.S. according to the survey is 235 distributed in 44 households with 5.2 people in average per
Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
There is no institutions operating in the project area, both community and institutional. Local
manpower is increasing overseas for wages and study. The municipality has educational
institutions providing basic to higher education. Local students of this municipality have
moved to other neighboring districts for technical education and upper level studies.
The sample survey results show that the Business, Government officers, Abroad, agriculture
and farming are the dominant occupation in all of the households. Some of the residents are
engaged in local trade and business and service. Farming and livestock are closely linked as
livestock provides manure for fertilizer, milk and meat. Residents looking for alternatives to
the traditional agricultural systems of agriculture are gradually enjoying the modern
agricultural system and lifestyle.
Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
Water Supply, Irrigation & Energy Development Office, Khalanga, Salyan had decided to
provide water supply facilities in the village because the existing systems are quite insufficient
and miss-functional to meet the present demand of the area due to increase as well as migration
of the population. As the area is located in the hill, scattered settlement and based on demand
of local people, a new setup of system, we had to propose separate pipe supply for different
location system. Comparatively, the sanitary condition of the area is quite good.
In the Project area, Solar Lift water supply scheme is proposed to the newly implementation
for providing water supply facilities in the identified area. The schemes include intakes,
distribution chamber, water storage tanks, and transmission and distribution pipelines with
necessary appurtenances in the system. The consumers in the village area will be served
through private tab connection.
3 Wards Covered 4
4 Number of Scheme 1
Water quality of selected sources is good with pleasant taste with no visual turbidity was found.
Chemical tests of the water samples were not done however, physically the selected sources
are acceptable.
Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
The water supply systems are designed based on criteria of the DWSS Design Guidelines unless
specific site conditions demand otherwise. Design Guidelines are adopted for design period of
the project is taken as
For Gravity System: - 20 years from base year and 23 years from survey year assuming
3 years as construction period.
For Lift System: - 15 years from base year and 18 years from survey year assuming 3
years as construction period.
PN P 1
P = Present Population
N = Number of years
Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
level in emerging towns. Service level improvement means essentially providing reliable and
efficient supply predominantly through house connections (fully plumbed), yard connections
and a few community connections for very poor disadvantaged groups. The type of connection
is based on social survey i.e. monthly income of each HH and choice of the type of tap. The
system is designed for optimum water demand. The per capita demand of 45 lpcd is proposed.
Majority of the households will obtain water through private house connections. The main
features associated with the improvement on service level are continuous 24 hours supply of
collected water, with a minimum of 5-15 meter of residual head at house connection point as
far as possible. In most of the places the residual head is maintained more than 10m.
Other demands to be considered are Livestock demand i.e. 20 % of domestic demand, leakage
and wastage from the system by 10 %.
Each type of tap connection has different rate of water consumption. The percentage of the
population served by each category has been estimated through socio-economic survey. Rate
of consumption per person is based on the design guidelines and discussion with Rural
Municipal Officers & Water Supply, Irrigation & Energy Development Office, Khalanga,
Salyan. However, domestic water demand is determined considering optimum water use i.e.
45 lpcd (14,040 liters). and also, water yield capacity of sources.
Water demand has been based also on the living standard of the people. The change in the types
of connection from community connection to yard connection to fully plumbed connection will
reflect the increase in their living standard of the beneficiaries. The percentage of different
types of tap connection is based on the present situation of the community.
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Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
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Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
Based upon the above consumption pattern, the peak factor has been calculated and found as
2.4 and is applied for the design of distribution system.
Similarly, there should be minimum cleansing velocity in the pipe sections. An attempt had
been made to have at least 0.3 m/sec velocity in all pipe sections. However, the pipe size
governs the velocity at dead end in few stretches of pipe length. Slightly, higher residual heads
are provided in the design for better service in most of the places. In a few places the residual
head is below 5m but can be managed to flow water by repositioning of structure.
The minimum self-cleaning velocity has been maintained in distribution system wherever
possible. The velocities are non-scoring and are enough for self-cleaning. In some cases, the
size of the pipe governs the nominal velocity.
a. Intakes
DWSS approved standard type of Sumpwell intake Structure is proposed to tap water from
selected source for distribution. Safety of intake structure as well as protection of sources from
pollution is taken into consideration in selecting the intake location.
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Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
i) Design demand;
ii) Supply from source; and
iii) Water consumption pattern.
Location of the proposed reservoirs is selected at geographically stable, centrally located and
easily accessible sites.
The average 10m length of 15mm dia. medium class GI pipe has been estimated up to meter
for each public connection. The meter shall be kept near and adjoining the compound of the
public Tap. The necessary fittings have been designed.
e. System Appurtenances
Necessary appurtenances such as collection and distribution chambers, brake pressure
chambers required along the pipelines are provided for proper functioning of the system as
needed. Control valves are provided in each private tap to regulate and control the flow. Some
other components have been proposed for the project in addition to components explained
above. Appurtenances such as wash out, air valve, control valve etc. are provided as needed.
Control valves/ pipe valve box have been designed in suitable distribution junction having more
than two mains or in required place to regulate the design flow in the main. The design flow is
based on design population, non-domestic demand. The future demand in the main may vary
from the demand envisaged during design phase. The control valve is necessary to regulate the
flow in the distribution system and is useful to deliver the required flow in pipeline.
The guard/pump house is also included in the design and project cost estimate.
f. Flow Chart
Schematic flow diagram of the schemes showing intakes, storage tanks, tap stands and designed
pipe sizes and lengths with designed flow in the pipelines is submitted.
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Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
3.6. Sanitation
The survey year of 2076 B.S. shows that about 90 percent of households have proper latrines
in their houses. Sanitation and domestic latrines in the remaining households shall be promoted
as per the principle of School Led Total Sanitation (SLTS) approved by the DWSS. Provision
has been made in the cost of the project to cover all households of the project area during
implementation of the systems.
No major adverse effects on agriculture land, forest, vegetation, ground water will be caused
due to the implementation of the proposed system. It will not create the problem of wastewater
disposal and drainage. No potential threat could be anticipated even in the long-term
perspective. There would not be any major threat to the agricultural land and other
infrastructure because of excavation.
Appropriate training to the VMWs, WUSC members, teachers, municipal officers and female
CHVs are necessary for the sustainability of the water supply systems. Several categories of
training area routinely held at district, regional and national levels. Training of VMWs and
WUSCs are regular activities of the WSS district-based offices. Provisions of necessary
training are made in the project cost estimate.
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Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
4.1 General
For estimation of the project cost, unit rates of relevant work items have been developed. The
cost of proposed components such as civil structures, pipe laying and jointing, trench
excavation and backfilling, etc. were estimated using the worked-out unit rates.
All the construction materials, except those available locally, are to be procured and transported
from outside district. Rates of all construction materials have been worked out adopting
approved district rates for materials and labors summing up the procurement cost and
transportation cost. HDPE pipes required are to be procured and transported directly from the
Unit rates of civil works are developed as per GoN norms. Unit rates of the items are worked
out adding 15% contractor’s overhead in the material and labor cost. 13% VAT is added
separately in the total of component costs.
The project cost comprises of the cost of civil works of water supply and sanitation components
including the cost of detail survey and design work and cost of materials and equipment like
pipe, fittings, and tools. The total cost of the project is worked out adding up 4% for the
contingencies required for the miscellaneous minor expenses and 10% price contingencies and
10% physical contingencies on the total project costs.
The total cost of the project is estimated at Rs. 13,206,296.70. The communities’ contribution
of this project is of greater than 20 percent of total cost with providing labor for excavation and
refiling of trench in distribution and/or transmission pipelines, if needed.
The ownership of the schemes is transferred to the local user committees after completion,
which takes over the responsibility of regular operation and maintenance of the system.
The operation and maintenance cost include the remuneration of VMW (personnel) and the
maintenance cost. The remuneration of VMW is left to decide by the WUSC and maintenance
cost may be taken as 0.4% of total investment cost. The operation and maintenance cost are
escalated at the rate of 10% per annum.
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Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
Water tariff should be adequate to pay the salaries to the operation and maintenance staff, pay
for small repairs and replacement of parts and build reserve fund to finance minor
improvements in the system. The WUSC should make decisions on water tariff taking into
consideration the regular and sustainable operation and maintenance of the project.
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Final Report of Ghatgaun Ghatchaur Water Supply Project
The overall schedule shall include three major activities, which are tendering, procurement and
transportation of materials, and construction. The planning of the schedule should be based on
the nature and scope of work, availability of local manpower during slack seasons of
agricultural works, beneficiary’s preferences, budget allocations, and inter-relation of different
The proposed project area is nearby from the district headquarters but due to geography,
facilities are not sufficiently available in the area, which lies relatively in the remote area. The
present supply of drinking water in the area is highly unreliable and inadequate. To improve
the health and sanitary condition of the people and to enhance the development, it is necessary
to provide reliable and adequate water supply service in the identified area. Beneficiaries are
quite enthusiastic about the project and have agreed to participate in the implementation of the
project. If any, and make the land available free of cost necessary for water supply components.
WUSC has also assured to provide full co-operation during implementation.
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