En. 636 Water Engineering: Kandahar University Faculty of Engineering Water & Environmental Engineering Department

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636 Water Supply Engineering

Instructor: Asst. Prof. Mohammad Aslam Haziq

Kandahar University
Faculty of Engineering
Water & Environmental Engineering
 Introduction

 Estimating the water demand for a town or city

 Types of water demand

 Total per head (per capita) per day water demand

 Factors affecting rate of water demand

 Variation in rate of demand of water on the design capacities of different components of water
supply scheme

 Population forecasting

 Illustrative Examples

Lecture # 2: Water Demand
• The most important step before we design a water supply project is to
determine the water demand.

• Both current and future water requirement should be considered after we

have a reliable source of water.

• Water purification, before it is supplied to consumer is a part of water

supply project.

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 3

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

For an accurate water demand determination, the following factors are to be

 Rate of demand

 Design period

 Population

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 4

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Rate of demand :
• The average water consumption (per head/ per capita) per day is known as
rate of demand.
• It is usually expressed as liter per head per day (lphd) or liter per capita per
day (lpcd).

• lpcd or lphd is known by: 𝑞 = 𝑜𝑟 ∀= 𝑞 𝑥 𝑝 𝑥 365

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 5

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Design period:
• An interval of future period for which a design life is considered known as
design period.
• Design period should neither be too long nor too short.
• Too long DP will result in a heavy financial burden on the present
generation and too short DP may render the project to be uneconomical.
 The complete water supply project will have several components such as:
• Source of water (might be surface or groundwater)
• Treatment plant
• Distribution network and pumping stations

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Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Design period … cont…

• It is not easy and optimal to replace them at the shorter interval
• The design period is generally taken is 20 to 30 years.
 The design period is generally effected by the following factors:
1. Useful life of component structure. 2. Ease and difficulty in future expansion.
3. Availability of funds. 4. Rate of interest on the borrowings.
5. Anticipated rate of population growth

 Design period for important components of a water supply project

can be stated in following table as follows.

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 7

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Design period in
S.No Component
1 Dams and storage reservoirs 50
2 Conveying pipes for raw water and clear water 30
3 Filtration works 30
4 Pumping
i: Pump house (Civil Work) 30
ii: Electric motors and pumps 15
5 Water treatment units 15
6 Pipe connection to several treatment unit and other small appurtenances 30

7 Clear water reservoir at the head works 15

8 Distribution system 30

Source: (Modi, 2010)

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 8

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

• Total No. of the persons in a town or city at any particular time who are to
be served by the water supply project is known as population.
• Water supply projects are planned to meet both current and future
population according to design period.
• Several method are adopted to be used for estimation of future population.

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 9

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

The water demand may be divided into the following categories:

1. Domestic Water Demand
2. Commercial and industrial water demand
3. Demand for civic or public uses
4. Fire demand
5. Loss and waste of the water

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 10

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

This includes the water required in private building for:

 Cooking

 Washing

 Bathing

 Gardening

 Sanitary purposes

The domestic demand depends upon the living conditions of the consumer.

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 11

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Average domestic water consumption for Indian Towns or Cities with full
flush system.
Consumption of water
S. No. Description
Per capita per day in liters
1. Drinking 5
2. Cooking 5
3. Bathing 75
4. Washing of clothes 25
5. Washing of Utensils 15
6. Washing of House 15
7. Lawn watering and gardening 15
8. Flushing of W.C 45
G. Total 200 Liters
(Source: Modi, 2010)

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 12

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Average domestic water consumption for small Indian Towns or Cities.

Consumption of water
S. No. Description
Per capita per day in liters
1. Drinking 5
2. Cooking 5
3. Bathing 55
4. Washing of clothes 20
5. Washing of Utensils 10
6. Washing of House 10
7. Flushing of W.C 30

G. Total 135 Liters

(Source: Modi, 2010)
En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 13
Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Domestic water consumption in Afghanistan

• Hamidi et al., 1993 has assumed the water consumption:
o 60 lpcd for warm regions
o 40 lpcd for cold regions
• However, it should not be considered as real water consumption for said areas. As it is estimated amounts
based on assumption.

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 14

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Domestic water consumption in Kandahar City

• Following are the six main categories of water consumers in Kandahar City with their water consumption
in lpcd:
Water Source Mean water consumption(lit) N Std.
Tap Water 35.7 31 6.7

Tap Water+ PTW 116 27 23.03

PTW (Private Tube Well) 67.8 194 15.3

Public Hand Pump + Neighbor 35 77 10.9

Buying Water (SV) 43.8 50 13.2

Tap water+ PHP+ Neighbor 69.3 21 9.95

Average 59.4 400 25.4

Source: (Haziq, M.A., 2012)

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 15

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

o This consumption includes water use in business centers

• Hotels
• Restaurants
• Stores
• And other private enterprise
o This demand depends upon the nature of the city.

o On an average, 20 to 25% of the total water demand may be allowed for

these (industrial and commercial ) types of demand in design.

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Lecture # 2: Water Demand

• This consumption includes water used in processing and non- processing

• This demand depends upon the nature, number and types of industries.

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Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Water Demand for Factories (Lal, 2007)

S. No. Factory Products Liters/kg. of products

1. Coal mining 14
2. Sugar 10
3. Oil refining 12
4. Butter 13
5. Cheese 20
6. Steel 5
7. Glass 75
8. Paper 170
9. Synthetic fibers 225
10. Ice 1.85

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 18

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

 Public water demand includes the quantity of water required for public
utility purposes, such as:
• Watering for public parks
• Gardening
• Sprinkling on roads and public fountains
 In many water supply scheme theses demand are not believed as essential.
 A nominal amount of (5 to 10)% of the total demand is kept on an
arbitrary basis.

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 19

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Water Requirement for Public Use (Lal, 2007)

Purpose Water requirements

Public parks 1.5 liters/m2/day
Street washing 1.0 - 1.5 liters/m2/day
Sewer cleaning 5.0 liters/head/day

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Water Demand for Fire fighting

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 21

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

• The quantity of water required for fire fighting purposes, can be calculated
by some of empirical formulas .
• Generally, for a moderate fire break out three jet streams are
simultaneously thrown for each hydrant.
• The discharge of each stream must be 1100 lit per minute. So, if a city has
300000 population, fire demand for four fires a day which lasts lets say 3
hrs, will be as follow :
• Fire demand = 3 x 1100 x 60 x 3 x 4
• = 23,763,000 liters per day
• Fire demand per head = 3𝑥105
≅ 1 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑟 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 22

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Some empirical formulas which can be used for fire demand:

(a): Buston’s formula : Q = 5663√P , Q = Water lit/day
P = Population (used in U.K. for moderate provision)
(b): Kuichling’s formula : Q = 2650√P , Q = Wat-lit/min
(c): John R. Freeman’s formula: Q= 946 ( P/5 + 10)
where, p = population in 1000, and Q = Water required (lit/min).
(d): National Boar of Fire Underwriter’s formula:
NBFU suggests for :
A:Buisness towns or cities
B: Residential towns or cities

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 23

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

(d): National Boar of Fire Underwriter’s formula (contd.):

A: For Business towns or cities:
Q = 3861√P(1-0.01√P)
B: For residential towns or cities:
(i) Sections where buildings are small and with low height:
Not less than 1893 liters per minutes.
(ii) sections with larger and higher buildings:
Up to 3785 liters per minuets

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Lecture # 2: Water Demand

(d): National Boar of Fire Underwriter’s formula (cont.):

B: For residential towns or cities (cont.):

(iii) Sections with closely buildings , or buildings approaching the dimensions of

hotels or high value residences.
5678 to 11355 liters per minutes

(iv) Densely built sections of three story buildings :

Up to 22710 liters per minuets
Note : Formula b , c and d give the high value.

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 25

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

• This includes the quantity of water lost in leakage at the joints and fittings,
stolen water due to unauthorized water connections, etc.

• Following factors can cause water losses in a system:

1. Water tightness of joints
2. Pressure in the distribution system
3. System of supply of water
4. Metered or unmetered water supply
5. Unauthorized water connections

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 26

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

It is the annual average amount of daily water required by one person

and include the domestic , industrial and public use and the water lost in
thefts and wastes.

If Q = total quantity of water required by a city per year (in liters) and
P = Population of the city

Then the per Capita Demand in liters per day =
𝑃 𝑥 365

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 27

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

1. Population
2. Climate
3. Economic level
4. Population density
5. Degree of industrialization
6. Cost of water
7. Supply pressure
8. Supply metered or un-metered
9. Quality of water
10. Standard of living, social customs
11. Extent of sanitary equipment at homes
12. Types of sewage disposal system
13. Distance to nearest water supply

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 28

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

• As we have studied the per capita demand is the average consumption of water
by a person throughout the whole year. In practice it has been seen that this
demand does not remain uniform during the year but varies from season to
season, even from hour to hour.

• Variation in rate of demand may be termed as:

Seasonal or monthly variation

Daily variation

Hourly variation

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 29

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

• Seasonal Variation :
• The water demand varies from season to season.
• In summer the water demand is maximum because people will use more water
• Bathing
• Cooling
• Lawn watering
• Street sprinkling
• These demand reduce in winter and it become minimum.
• This fluctuation may be up to 150% of average annual consumption.

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 30

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

• Daily Variation :
• The rate of water demand may vary from day to day. This variation is due to
 The habits of the consumers
 Climatic condition
 Holidays, etc.

• Water demand on Sundays is generally more than other days of the week which
in Afghanistan it can be more on Fridays in a week.
• On hot and dry days water requirements will be more as compared to a rainy
• The maximum daily consumption may be as much as 180 percent of the
average annual consumption.
En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 31
Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Hourly Variation:
The rate of water demand for water during 24 hours does not remain uniform
and it varies according to hours of the day.

 During day the peak consumption

may be from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM and
from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
 The minimum flow may be between
12:00 AM to 4:00 AM.

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 32

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Maximum hourly, daily, weekly and monthly water demand (WD):

• For designing various components of water supply scheme, it is must to assess the maximum monthly,
weekly , daily and hourly demand. Following factors are based on R.O. Goodrich ( 𝑝 = 180 𝑡 −0.10).
• Max. monthly water demand = 1.28 (Annual average monthly WD)

• Max. Weekly water demand = 1.48 (Annual average weekly WD)

• Max. daily water demand = 1.8 (Annual average daily WD)

• Max. hourly water demand = 2.47 (Annual average hourly WD)

• Note: In formula above stated; p is in percentage of annual basis, t is in days, for more understanding,
pleaser refer to text book pages (26-28).

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Lecture # 2: Water Demand

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 34

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

• The following components of water supply project should be adopted for a

maximum water demand.
 Source of water supply
 Conduits or pipe mains (from source to service reservoir)
 Conduits or pipe mains (from service reservoir to distribution system.
 Pumps
 Filters and other units at treatment plant
 Distribution system
 Service reservoir

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 35

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

• After deciding the quantity of water required by an individual and time period of the
project, the next step in the design of water supply scheme will be to find the total
quantity required by a community within mentioned period.
• Both present and future population is to be known prior to the actual design of water
supply scheme, and it is highly required to forecast future population correctly.
Factors affecting population growth:
• Different factors govern the growth of population of a town or city such as:
 Birth Rates
 Death Rates
 Migration Rates

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 36

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Population growth curve:

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 37

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Population growth curve … (Cont.):

• As in the figure can be seen that it is S-shaped and it is also known as logistic

• If population increase dP in the time interval dt is constant, rate of growth of

population dP/dt = a, constant (ka). The population growth is arithmetic .

• If the population increase dP in the time interval dt is proportional to the size

of population P , dP/dt = ∝ Or dP/dt = kg p . The population growth is

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] September/Semester (2016) 38

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Population growth curve … (Cont.):

• Calculating Pm (desired mid-year population) in the tm (desired date) for
arithmetic and geometric increase is as follow:
• Arithmetic Estimation :
Inter censal --- Pm = Pe + {(Pl –Pe)(tm-te) / (tl-te)}
Post censal --- Pm = Pl + {(Pl –Pe)(tm-tl) / (tl-te)}

• Geometric Estimation:
Inter Censal, loge Pm = loge Pe +{(loge Pl – loge Pe)(tm-te) / (tl-te)}
Post Censal, loge Pm = loge Pl + {(loge Pl – loge Pe)(tm-tl) / (tl-te)}
En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 39
Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Methods of population forecasting:

• Various methods are considered to forecast or estimate future population which are named as
1. Arithmetical increased method:
• This method assumes that population will increase constantly with a constant growth rate in a past successive
decade and it is show by :

P1 = P0 + n*C

P1 = population in a required after n decades.
P0 = present population and
C = growth rate in successive decades.

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 40

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Methods of population forecasting:

2. Geometrical increase method:
• This method is based on past increased percentage and it will remain the same for in future decades as well (Compound Manner).
• It is expressed by: 𝑃𝑛 = 𝑃0 (1 + 100)𝑛
r = Percentage increase, and
n = Number of decades.
𝑃0 1
• r can be found by (i): 𝑟 = ( ) 𝑡 −1 𝑥100

Where ,
Pi is initial known population, and
t is number of decades between P0 and Pi
Note: For the rest of methods, please refer to textbook, pages (36-45).

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Lecture # 2: Water Demand

3. Incremental increase method

4. Changing rate of increase method
5. Graphical method
6. Comparative /curvilinear method
7. Decreasing rate of growth method/Declining GM.
8. Logistic method
9. Zoning method
10. Ratio and correlation method

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 42

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

• A water supply scheme is to be designed for a town with an estimated future

population of 100,000.Determine the various demands of water for an average water
consumption of 250 lpcd. Also determine the required capacity of the main
components of the proposed water supply scheme for the town using a river as the
source of water supply. Assume suitable data where needed.

(i) Average daily water demand:

Q = 100,000 * 250 = 25Mld (Million Liters/day).

(ii) Maximum daily water demand:

Q = 1.8 * 25 = 45Mld.

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 43

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Solution (Cont.):
(iii) Maximum hourly demand:

Q =1.5 * (45/24) * 24 = 67.5 Mld.

(iv) Fire demand (As per IS):

Q = 2* 1800*60*24 = 5.184 Mld.

• Intake, conduits, service reservoir, and distribution system should be designed

for maximum daily and hourly water demand.

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 44

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Solution (Cont.):
i) Intake Structure: The intake structures may be designed for maximum daily draft or demand of water, i.e.,
for 45 Mld.
ii) Intake Conduit, and Conduit to service reservoir: It can be designed for maximum daily draft or demand of
water, i.e., 45 Mld.
iii) Filters and other units of treatment plant: These may be designed for maximum daily demand of water plus
some reserve. Hence, for two times average daily draft of water, i.e., for 2 x 25 = 50 Mld.
iv) Pumps: The pumps may be designed for 2 times the average daily demand of water, i.e., for 2 x 25 = 50
Mld. However, if the pumps are operated only for say 8 hours a day then the pumps should be designed for
(24/8) x normal design capacity, i.e., for (24/8) x 50 = 150 Mld.
v) Conduit from service reservoir to distribution system: Conduits towards Distribution system is designed for
maximum hourly draft of water, i.e., 67.5 Mld, because it is more than the coincident draft plus the fire
demand viz., 50.2 Mld.
vi) Distribution System: The distribution system may also be designed for the maximum hourly draft of water,
i.e., 67.5 Mld because it is more than the coincident draft plus the fire demand viz., 50.2 Mld.
En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 45
Lecture # 2: Water Demand

• The population of a city obtained from censes report is as given below:

Census Year 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991
Population 20,000 22,000 25,000 27,000 34,000 41,500 47,050 54,500 61,000

• Estimate the population of the city for the year 2021 by arithmetical increase
• The increase in population during each successive decade and the average
increase in population per decade are computed as indicated the following table
(Next slide).

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 46

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Solution: Census Year Population Increase in population

1911 20000 -
1921 22000 2000
1931 25000 3000
1941 27000 2500
1951 34100 6600
1961 41500 7400
1971 47050 5550
1981 54500 7450
1991 61000 6500

Total 41000

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 47

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Solution … (Cont.):

Average increase in population per decade:

𝑐= = 5125
Once we found the value of c (average increase) and the value of n =3, we can find
out the population for the year 2012 as follows:
𝑃𝑛 = 𝑃0 + 𝑛𝑐
𝑃𝑛 = 61000 + (3 ∗ 5125) = 76,375

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 48

Lecture # 2: Water Demand

Question 1: Water Demand is the ------------------------ required for a utility.

A: Maximum water

B: Minimum Water

C: All the Water

D: Total Quantity of water

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 49

Lecture # 2: Water Demand
Quiz … cont.
Question 2: Demotic water demand includes:

A: Street washing

B: Gardening

C: Cooking

D: All above

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 50

Lecture # 2: Water Demand
Quiz … cont.
Question 3: Fire demand is estimated by:

A: Empirical formulas

B: Forecasting formulas

C: Per head formula

D: No one is right

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 51

Lecture # 2: Water Demand
Quiz (contd.)
Question 4: Public use water demand can be taken as a ------------- % of domestic demand:

A: 2-5

B: 5-8

C: 5-10

D: 10-15

En. 636 [Water Supply Engineering] 52

Thank You


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