Industrial Training Report

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Diploma of Engineering
Civil Engineering

Group 7

Under the guidance of

Miss. Priyanka Lawate

Department of Civil
Engineering 2021-2022


This is to certify that the report entitled “INDUSTRIAL TRAINING.
” Has been submitted by “Group 7” under the guidance of Miss.Priyanka
Lawate in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Diploma of
Engineering in Civil Engineering from Maharashtra State Board of Technical


Training Guide H.O.D

Miss. Priyanka Lawate Mrs. Nizhat Shaikh

Sr. No. Content Page No.

1 Abstract 1
2 Acknowledgment 3
3 Introduction of 5
4 Project Information 7
5 Machineries Required 9
for Construction
6 Surveying instrument 12
7 Construction of 14
8 Topics cover due to 19
9 Activities 23
10 Weekly Progress Report 24
11 Costing Estimate 25
12 Safety Procedure 27
13 Conclusion 29
14 Reference 30
The industrial training report contains 10 contents in which I try to explain
my one month experience in organization. The content of all chapters broadly
explained on the basis of information collect about organization.

In Content 1 I give detail organization of industry. Content 2 contain

introduction of industry. Content 3 contain project information. Content 4
includes information of machineries and instruments used at site while
Content 5 refers to construction procedure of Tower.

The Content 6 consist of methods of construction. Content 7 give

information of test on raw materials. Content 8 gives information about
safety procedure followed. Content 9 carries conclusion on project. Content
10 gives reference points

And Our all introduction to end all part training was held at online mode.
Industry also given us assignment to solve which we completed on time. The span
of our training is 5 weeks. The supervisor helped is to understood the every part
of our subject such as parts of building
I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the
opportunity to prepare this visit report. I would like to thank Assistant
Engineer sir for his kind suggestion, inspiration & guidance during
preparation of this visit.

I express my deep sense of gratitude towards Head of Civil Engineering

Department for providing me all facilities.

Last but not list, this acknowledgement would be incomplete without

rendering any impartial gratitude to all those people who have help me
directly or indirectly in the preparing of this report



The construction firm where we have placed complete our industrial

training is named as the “Office of Morya Enterprises” At “Wada, Tal-Wada,Dist
Industry office ( Office of Morya Enterprises )
Project Information
Name: Construction of Jio Tower
Location: Wada, Taluka: Wada District:
Type of Construction: Tower
Machineries Required for Construction

Concrete Mixer

Specification – 800 LTR

Price – 4 Lakh

Functions – Concrete Mixer is used to mix the sand, cement aggregate &
water in proper way


Capacity – 20 tones Price

– 15 lakhs
Function – for transportation of material
Price – 30 Lakh

Capacity – 1800KG
Function – for excavation, lifting small structure

Poclain – 200

Price – 60 Lakh
Economy – 30 Tones
Function – Use for excavation
Surveying Instruments

A surveyor’s tripod is a device used to support any one of a

number of surveying instruments, such as theodolites, total stations, levels
or transits.

Leveling Staff
A level staff, also called levelling rod, is a graduated wooden or
aluminium rod, used with a levelling instrument to determine the difference
in height between points or heights of points above a vertical datum. It
cannot be used without a levelling instrument.

Dumpy level

A level is an optical instrument used to established or verify points in

the same horizontal plane in a process known as levelling, and is used in
conjunction with a levelling staff to establish the relative heights level of
objects or marks. It is widely used in surveying and construction to
measure height of differences and to transfer, measure, and set heights of
known objects or marks.

Compass surveying

A compass is an instrument used for navigation an

orientation that shows direction relative to the
geographic cardinal directions (or points).
Construction Process of Tower

Cement concrete footings shall be used for all types of towers, in conformity with the present-
day practice followed in the country, and the specifications laid herein. RCC foundation may
be used for locations where cement concrete footings are not possible to be laid. All the four
footings of the towers shall be similar.

Foundation Depth
The depth of the foundation may vary from 1.5 to 3.5 meters.
Classification of Foundation
Depending on the type of soil, the sub-soil water table and the presence of surface water, four
types of foundation will be used for each type of tower location. classified in the following
(a) Normal dry type: To be used for location in normal day cohesive or non-cohesive soils
To use for locations-
Where sub-soil water is met at 1.5 m or more below the ground line.
(b) Wet type: Which are in surface water for long periods with water penetration
not exceeding one meter below the ground line.
iii) In black cotton soils
Partially sub-
To be used at locations where sub soil water table is met between
(c) merged
0.75 meter below the ground line.
Fully sub-merged To be used at locations where sub-soil water table is met at less than
type: 0.75 meter below the ground line.
In addition to the above, depending on the site conditions, other types of foundations
may be introduced suitable for-
i) Intermediate conditions under the above classification to effect more economy, or
ii) For locations in hilly and rocky areas.
For locations where special foundations (well type or piles) are necessitated. The
proposal for this shall be submitted by the contractor based on the Board.
Properties of Earth
The following general physical properties of earth under various conditions have been
assumed for the design of foundation-
Particulars Normal dry Wet earth due Wet earth due Dry black
earth to the presence to presence of cotton soil
of sub-soil surface water

Effective 1440 940 1440 1440

weight of earth
in Kg/Cu meter

Angle of repose 30 15 15 30
of earth in

Ultimate 27350 13675 13675 13675

bearing strength
of earth in
Kg/Sq. meter

Testing of Soil
It is desirable to undertake testing of soil for all the tower locations and report should be
obtained about the sub-soil water table, as prevalent in the month of September and October
type of soil encountered, bearing capacity of soil, possibility of submergence and other soil
properties required for the correct casting of casing of foundations. Testing should be carried
out about soil resistively in dry season and its record should be kept properly along with route
alignment map. After soil investigation along the line alignment, the final quantities of
foundation types should be worked out based on the soil investigation carried out and such
foundations should be casted and installed only after proper checking and approval.
Except as specifically otherwise provided, all excavation for footings shall be made to the
lines and grades of the foundation. The excavation walls shall be vertical and the pit
dimensions shall be such as to allow a clearance of not more so as to maintain a clean sub-
grade, until the footing is placed, using timbering, shoring or casing, if necessary. Any sand,
mud, silt or other undesirable materials which may have accumulated in the excavation pit
shall be removed before placing concrete.
The soil to be excavated for tower foundation shall be classified as under-
Normal soil: Soil removable by means of ordinary pick axes, shovels & spades such as types
of soil found in gigantic plains, black cotton soil etc.
Wet Soil: Soil where the sub soil water table is encountered within the range of foundation
depth, the soil below the water table and that at locations where pumping or bailing out of
water is required due to presence of surface water, will be treated as wet soil.
Rocky Soil:
Soft rocks-This will mean decomposed rock, hard gravel, kankar, lime stone, laterite or any
other soil of similar nature which can be easily excavated with pick axe or spade.
Hard rocks- Hard rock will be that which requires chiselling or drilling and blasting.
Where rock is encountered, the holes for tower footings, shall preferably be drilled, but where
blasting is to be resorted to as an economy measure, it shall be done with the utmost care to
minimize the use of concrete for filling up the blasted area. All necessary precautions for
handling and use of blasting materials shall be taken. In case where drilling is done, the stubs
may be shortened suitably with the approval of the Engineer.
Shoring of pits with shuttering will be done when the soil condition is so bad that there is
likelihood of accident due to the falling of surrounding earth. However, the necessity of
shoring of pits with shuttering shall be decided by the Supervising Engineer, depending upon
the site conditions.
Depending on the condition of water available in the pits, following methods of dewatering
will be adopted
Manual: Where dewatering is done by men with the help of buckets etc.
Mechanical: Where dewatering is done by hand pump.
Power driven: When engines or electrical power-driven pumps with power input not less than
half H.P. are used for dewatering.

Setting up of Stubs
The stub shall be set correctly in accordance with approved method at the exact location and
alignments and alignment and in precisely correct levels. The stub setting templates shall be
used for proper setting of stubs. Stubs shall be set in the presence of well conversant Junior
Engineer/Assistant Engineer.
The foundations are to be made as per designs and drawings approved by the Engineer. Extent
of the work as defined by such drawings shall not be exceeded except in very exceptional
cases where the prior approval of Supervising Engineer is to be obtained.
Setting of stubs at each location shall be approved by the Assistant Engineer/Executive

Details of Foundations
The thickness has been designed such as to satisfy those conditions specified herein.
The thickness of concrete in the chimney portion of the tower footing would be such that it
provides minimum cover of not less than 100 mm from any part of the stub angle to the
nearest outer surface of the concrete in respect. of all dry locations limiting the minimum
section of chimney to 300 mm square. In respected of all wet locations chimney should have
an all-round clearance of 150 mm from any part of the tub angle limiting to 450mm square
The chimney top or muffing must be at least 225 mm above ground level and also the coping
shall be extended up to the lower most joint level between the bottom lattices and the main
corner leg of the tower.
The spread of concrete pyramid or slabs will be limited to 45 deg. with respect to the vertical.
At least 50 mm thick pad of size equal to the bases of pyramid with its side vertical will be
provided below the pyramid to account for the unevenness of soils and impurities likely to be
mixed in concrete due to direct contact of wet concrete with earth and for allowing stone
aggregate reaching up to corner edges. This pad will also be provided in cases where pyramids
are provided over concrete slabs.
In case of fully submerged type foundation one base slab, not less the 200 mm thick has been
The minimum distance between the lowest edge of the stubs angle and the bottom surface of
concrete footings shall not be less than 100 mm or more than 150 mm in case of dry locations
and not less than 150 mm or more than 200 mm in case of wet locations.
The portion of the stub in the pyramid has been provided with the cleats.

All the properties of concrete regarding its strength under compressing, tension, shear,
punching and bending etc. as well as well as workmanship will conform to IS :456 FO 1978.
shall conform to specifications for coarse & for concrete as per IS: 383 of 1970.
The sand used for the concrete shall be composed of hard siliceous material. It shall be clean
and of a sharp angular grit type and free from earthy of organic matter and deleterious salts.
The aggregate shall be of clean broken hard granite or other stone specified or approved by the
Supervising Engineer. It shall be of hard, closed grained quality. It shall also be as far as
possible cube like, perfectly angular, but not flaky, perfectly clean and free from earth, organic
or other deleterious matters, aggregate shall be of size as well pass through a mesh. 40 mm
measured in the clear and 20 mm aggregate through 20 mm square mesh measured in clear.
The water used for mixing concrete shall be fresh clean and free from oil, acid and alkali,
organic material or other deleterious substances. Saltish or blackish water should not be used.
Potable water is generally satisfactory.
The concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer. Hand mixing shall not be permissible.
Mixing shall be continued until there is uniform distribution of material and the mix is
uniform in color and consistency but in no case the mixing be done for less than two minutes.
Normally mixing shall be done close to the foundation but in case it is not possible, the
concrete may be mixed at the nearest convenient place. deposit as rapidly as practicable by
methods which shall prevent the segregation or loss of any ingredient. The concrete shall be
placed and compacted before setting commences.
The concrete should be mixed as stiff as the requirements of placing the concrete in the forms
or molds with ease and the degree to which the concrete resists segregation. Hence the
quantity of water used should not be too much.
Proper forms or molds adequately braced to retain proper shape while concreting should be
used for chimney or pyramid and slab portions. The mould should be made water-tight so that
cement cream should not come out leaving only sand and jelly consequently forming of honey
combing in the concrete. The form boxes shall be cleaned and oiled before these are used for
The stub angle shall be free of rust and cleaned thoroughly and painted with cement paste,
made of 1 part of cement and 3/4 part of water (cement-slurry) to a thickness of 1.6 mm (1/16
inch) before the concrete is laid against the stub angles. The painting with cement slurry shall
be done each time to such a height that concrete will be laid to that height before the cement
wash becomes dry.
The concrete shall be laid in 150 mm layer and consolidated well so that the cement cream
works up to the top and no honey combing is left in the concrete. Concreting is to be done
continuously so that the subsequent layers are laid before the initial setting of the bottom layer
begins. If fresh concrete is to be laid on old concrete less than a week old, the surface of the
old set concrete should be chipped and cleaned thoroughly with wire brush and washed with a
layer of thick cement slurry before the new concrete is laid. If, However, the concrete is more
than10 days old, the top layer of the set concrete should be chipped and cleaned thoroughly
with wire brush and water, and layer of cement mortar (1: 1) 12 mm thick shall be laid evenly
after giving a coat of cement slurry, as specified above to ensure proper bonding between old
and new concrete.
After concreting the chimney portion to the required height, the top surface should be finished
smooth, with slight slope towards the outer edge to drain off the rain water falling on the
In wet locations, the site must be kept completely dewatered both during the placing of the
concrete and for 24 hours after completion. There should be no disturbance of concrete by
water during this period.
The forms of moulds shall not be removed before a lapse of about 24 hours after the
completion of concreting. After removal of the forms, the concerted surface, where required
shall be repaired with a rich cement and sand mortar in the shortest possible time.
In case pozolona cement is used, longer time at least 72 hours shall be permitted for proper
setting of concrete. Before removing the form box, it should be ascertained by opining one
plank of shutter whether strength of concrete has been achieved. If not, extra time shall be
given till the concrete sets fully.

Back - Filling and Removal of Stub Template

Following opening of Form-Box and removal of shoring and shuttering, if any back filling
shall be started after repairs, if any, to the foundation concrete. Back filling shall normally be
done with the excavated soil, unless it consists of large boulders which shall be broken to a
maximum size of 80 mm.
The back fill materials should be clean and free from organic or other foreign materials. The
earth shall be deposited in maximum 200 mm layers, levelled, and wetted and damped
properly before another layer is deposited. Care shall be taken that the backfilling is started
from the foundation end of the pits, towards the outer ends. After the pits have been backfilled
to full depth the stub template may be removed.
The backfilling and grading shall be carried to an elevation of about 75 mm above the finished
ground level to drain out water. After backfilling, 150 mm high earthen embankment (bandh)
will be made along the sides of excavation pits and sufficient water will be poured in the
backfilled earth for at least 24 hours.
The stub setting template shall be opened only after the completion of backfilling. level of
backfilled earth does not go below the surrounding ground level. However, level with the
surrounding ground.

The concrete after it is 24/72 hours (as the case may be) old shall be cured by keeping the
concrete wet continuously for a period of 10 days after laying. The pit may be backfilled with
selected earth sprinkled with necessary amount of water and will consolidated in layers not
exceeding 200 mm of consolidated thickness after a minimum period of 24/72 (as the case
may be) hours and thereafter both the back filled earth and exposed chimney top shall be kept
wet for the remainder of the prescribed time of 10 days. The uncovered concrete chimney
above the backfilled earth shall be kept wept wet by providing empty cement bags dipped in
water fully wrapped around the concrete chimney for curing and ensuring that the bags are
kept wet by frequent pouring of water on them.

The footing resistance of all towers shall be measured in dry weather after their erection
before the stringing of earth wise. In case the tower footing resistance exceeds 10 ohms, pipe
type earthling/counterpoise earthling, wherever required shall be done in accordance with
stipulations made in this specification.
Pipe Earthing
The grounding shall be effected by making about 300 mm dia 3750 mm deep pit at a distance
of not less than 3650 mm away from the stubs and filling in the pit with finely broken coke
having the granule size not more than 25 mm and salt in such a way that minimum cover of
125 mm thick salt mixed coke shall be maintained from the pipe on all sides and that the top
edge of the pipe shall be at least 600mm below the ground line. The G.S. strip shall be buried
not less than 600 mm deep from the ground line.
Counterpoise Earthing
In place of high resistivity soil, special earthing arrangement shall be employed in the form of
counterpoise earth to bring down the tower footing resistance to 10 ohms. The counterpoise
earth shall be composed of 7/9 SWG Galvanized steel wire having suitable G.S. lugs soldered
or compressed at its one end, complete with 16mm dia. bolts and nuts, required for connecting
the earthing to the tower end. The counterpoise shall be buried radially away from the tower
base at 600 mm below ground level. The lug should be preferable buried in the chimney
portion of the foundation to avoid pilferage.
Steel Reinforcements
In case of R.C.C type foundations, mild steel red forcemeat bars conforming to IS:226 along
with binding wires etc. shall be used.

Topics cover due to training

1)Role of civil engineers in Building construction

2) Construction Drawing Reading
3)vazious Software used in civil Engineering.
4) Design Standards & Is code
5) Presentation of Architectural drawing working.
6)drawing & RCC Drawing [Auto CAD 8 STAND]
7)principal steps in Design. Material Specification & Testing
8) Load 8 Load combinations.
9) Safety factors fors material & loadhood
10) Civil Engineering thumb rules.
11) Quantity Estimation of project.
12] Rate Analysis.
13] Billing

1. Excavation for Tower
2. PCC (Plain Cement Concrete) For Tower

3.Reinforced of 25m Tower with Foundation and Column

4. Foundation Work for 35m Tower

5. Rough Drawing For 25m Tower

6. Bar Bending Schedule For 25m & 30m

7. RMC Filling For 40m Tower

8. 25m Three Leg Tower

9. Foundation Filling with Concrete with Grade of m20

10. Foundation filled with concrete m25

11.Earthing Pit of 40m Tower

12. Working Process for Tower

13. Cube test at site

14. Final 30m Three leg Tower



Week 1 ( 03/08/2021 to 09/08/2021)

In very first week I get clear idea about Industrial training. RP Engineering Solution and
Ecostruct’s Structural engineer Mr. Himalay sir explain detail schedule of industrial training.
Types of Architectural Drawing. how to read Drawing. Which Software is use in this field.
But before starting all this topic sir taught us outer knowledge & all quiries of student which
we don't know before that. At the end of we week they give us Assignment to Solve which we
Complete on time to time.

Week 2 ( 10/08/2021 to 17/08/2021)

In 2nd week by Starting lecture Sir ask all student about their quiries & Assignments details.
We have learn more much things which we ever seen or hear before it. In this week we study
the Duty of Civil engineer in Building Construction that is
1)Project Management.
2) Planning.
4) Working Drawings.
5) Estimation.
6) Billing This point to be manage by civil engineer in office.
• On site engineer Should look first
2) Surveying
3) Excavating
4) Inspecting
5)Material testing
6) quality checking
7)Consulting Afterward all the software name and uses of that software details given to us.
Most common software use in this is AutoCAD and STAAD. They start to teach the basic
point of drafting. By end they give us all command by google classroom and assignment both
they thought all points perfectly and which we can understand easily.

Week 3 ( 18/08/2021 to 24/08/2021)

In this week we have learn basics things of building construction such as line plan. First upon
they taught us drawing reading then how to draw centre line plan.
By starting sir tought the uses of software and importants. Its advantages of :
1) AutoCAD
2) Sap 2000
5) Revit
6) 3-ds max-modeling
In Week AutoCAD Drafting tought us how to draw line plan, Developed plan, First floor plan,
Stais case, slab & beam Plinth Beam & At last how to make Blue point.
Point to point Drafting on AutoCAD All Command was given us on google class room. How
to make Schedule of openings for Doors & windows.

Week 4 (25/08/2021 to 31/08/2021)

In this week we have learn STAAD PRO

1) Adoptable Modelling Environment
Software allows users to create a 3.D. version of the structure. It has impressive feature with
the advanced graphical environment and different language, it helps is user to design the right
2) Broad range of design code
The software comes up with a large range of design codes making it a one stop point for
building design with the help of the wide range of design codes, the software determines the
drift, deflection and the depth.
3) Open architecture
The best thing about this software is that it is developed with an open architechture called
open STAAD.
Most of students reply in feedback lecture including me that we can not understood this app
that much it is not possible to learn STAAD pro by online lecture after this topic to estimating
and costing Estamiting and Costing is the technique of calculating or computing the various
quantities and the expected Expenditure to be incurred on a particular work or project.

Week 5 (01/09/2021 to 07/09/2021)

In this week we have learn drafting in AutoCAD of line plan, column footing design drafting,
plinth beam drafting and also what is FSI, what is TDR, Block creation and hatching pattern.
IS codes standards introduced to IS-codes for
1) Loads
2) RCC design
3) Steel design
After that topic to estimating and :
1) Excavation estimation
2) PCC and footing
3) Column and beam estimation
4) Slab estimation for steel and concrete All interior estimation and costing given to is by this

Week 6 (08/09/2021 to 15/09/2021)

In this week we visited at construction site of cell tower which was completely constructed.
We observed the base of cell tower which was perfectly constructed. We also see the actual
working process of cell tower. Thus we have seen all the steps like excavation, PCC for
tower, Foundation construction, bar bending process, RMC filling, construction of three leg
tower, Final structure of tower & noticed all activities done in construction cell tower.
Costing Estimate for Construction of Tower
1. RMC (ready mix concrete): - 25000 ₹ per site for tower of 40m.
2. Cement for 25m & 30m: - 100 bag each site cost 30000 ₹.
3. Stone per brass cost 2000 ₹+600 ₹ royalty and travelling 1000 ₹.
4. Workers charge 500 ₹ per worker cost 2000 ₹.
5. Steel 1.5 lakhs ₹ for 40m tower & 75000 ₹ for 25m and 30m tower.
6. Mixer machine for 25m & 30m per day 1500 ₹
7. Shuttering 25000 ₹ used on multiple site
8. Safety material cost 3000 ₹ on multiple site

Safety Procedure Followed

1. Site security:

Restricted site access should not only be put in place to simply protect
equipment from damage or theft. Security in and outside of work hours is integral
to protect pedestrians from potential construction hazards. This includes
supervision or authorized site visitors.

2. Environmental conditions:

Extreme weather conditions can cause serious safety hazards. Your on-site
emergency plan should provide clear guidelines for workers who need to
stop work in the event of natural disaster severe environmental conditions or
other emergency circumstances.

3. Provide personal protective (PPS) equipment:

In many situations an employer is obligated to provide PPS such as high

vies vests, safety goggles and safety harnesses to construction site
workers. To find what PPS you are required to provide for a specific project.

4. Dropped objects:

It is your responsibility to secure objects onsite and minimize the risk of

them falling

Safety Gear Used

 Head Gear
 Face and Eye Protection
 Hand Safety
 Hearing Protection
 Foot Protection
 Reflective Gear

 By this online training we have learn much more we have things that
we learn can’t hears before.
 In the field training we have experienced all the concerned
activities of the construction.
 In the Industrial training we observed the organization.
 Observed the industrial environment and work culture at office
of organization.

 Understood the office procedures.

 Understood terminologies use in surveying and the
construction of dam.

 Understood the responsibilities of Assistant Engineer and their

work in office.

 Got some knowledge of municipal by laws and various

criteria for Construction.

 In the industrial training we had a very experienced &

exposure through theoretical study.

 At end I like to say this online training is most useful to

us in this lockdown period we not visit on but feel like
we learn much things of this field.

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