A History of The History of Programming Languages
A History of The History of Programming Languages
A History of The History of Programming Languages
56 16,252
1 author:
Tim Bergin
American University Washington D.C.
All content following this page was uploaded by Tim Bergin on 27 April 2015.
FEB. 15, 1676
ming language history and environment, novelty, Speaker Paper Table 1. HOPL (I) speakers
development.4 and uniqueness. After J. Backus and paper titles.
The History of FORTRAN I, II, and III
Figure 1. The Tower of Babel
as depicted on the cover of
Sammet’s activities resulted significant discussion, A.J. Perlis The American Side of the Development of ALGOL
2. Contributions of Lan-
the January 1961 issue of in an invitation to teach a the committee identified P. Naur The European Side of the Last Phase of the Development guages
Communications of the continuing education class at the 13 languages listed 3. Mistakes or Desired
the University of California at in the accompanying J. McCarthy History of LISP Changes
Los Angeles. While at UCLA, sidebar “Rationale for J.E. Sammet The Early History of COBOL 4. Problems
Michael Melchinoff, chair of the Languages Included D.T. Ross Origins of the APT Language for Automatically Programmed Tools
70 May 2007/Vol. 50, No. 5 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM May 2007/Vol. 50, No. 5 71
Table 1. HOPL-I Speakers and Paper Title.
ming language history and environment, novelty, Speaker Paper Table 1. HOPL (I) speakers
development.4 and uniqueness. After J. Backus and paper titles.
The History of FORTRAN I, II, and III
Figure 1. The Tower of Babel
as depicted on the cover of
Sammet’s activities resulted significant discussion, A.J. Perlis The American Side of the Development of ALGOL
2. Contributions of Lan-
the January 1961 issue of in an invitation to teach a the committee identified P. Naur The European Side of the Last Phase of the Development guages
Communications of the continuing education class at the 13 languages listed 3. Mistakes or Desired
the University of California at in the accompanying J. McCarthy History of LISP Changes
Los Angeles. While at UCLA, sidebar “Rationale for J.E. Sammet The Early History of COBOL 4. Problems
Michael Melchinoff, chair of the Languages Included D.T. Ross Origins of the APT Language for Automatically Programmed Tools
70 May 2007/Vol. 50, No. 5 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM May 2007/Vol. 50, No. 5 71
Table 2 HOPL-II Speakers and Paper Titles.
the U.S. and ALGOL 60 in N. Wirth A History of Modula-2 and Oberon Makes History?” which was FORTRAN Oldest general language in use and the first to become widely used; opened the doors of
computing to large numbers of scientists and engineers.
Europe. The differing viewpoints D. Harel Statecharts in the Making: A Personal Account
sent to each author along with
GPSS Earliest simulation language; block diagram style and wide usage make it important; introduced
of the U.S. and European develop- R. Ierusamimschy, The Evolution of Lua
the reviews and comments on numerous simulation concepts in a unique language.
ers resulted in some interesting L.H. de Figueiredo, the first drafts.11 JOSS First language designed to be used in an interactive environment; spawned many dialects.
exchanges during the Q&A period and W. Celes HOPL-II was held Apr. JOVIAL Outgrowth of ALGOL 58; first language to include significant numeric, logical and data handling
that followed the presentations. J. Armstrong A History of Erlang
20–23, 1993, in Cambridge, capabilities.
Attendees were treated to a rare P.S.P.Hudak, J. Hughes,
Jones, and P. Wadler
The History of Haskell MA. Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.,
LISP The concepts in LISP are unlike those of any other language; widely used for artificial intelligence
and symbolic mathematical work.
opportunity to hear from, ask provided a keynote address on
B.B. Kristensen, The When, Why and Why Not of the BETA Programming Language PL/I First language to attempt to provide adequate facilities for scientific computation, business data
questions of, and rub elbows with, O.L. Madsen and “Language Design as Design.” processing and systems programming in one language; first of the really large languages.
the pioneers in the field. Indeed, B. Møller-Pedersen Brooks began by observing SIMULA Added simulation capabilities to ALGOL 60 and introduced the concepts of objects and classes—
not all of the pioneers were speak- L. Snyder The Design and Development of ZPL that the goals and require- on which much current theoretical work in data abstraction has been built; widely implemented.
ers; many members of the A.P. Black,
N. Hutchinson, E. Jul
The Development of the Emerald Programming Language ments of most projects change SNOBOL Widely used string manipulation language; widely implemented.
audience made significant contri- and M. Levy during the design process and
butions to early languages and K. Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of High-Performance FORTRAN: An Historical Object thus are poorly reflected in the resulting design. The Bernard Galler again served as the Master of Cere-
contributed to the conference by C. Koelbel, and
H. Zima
external environment also changes, with additional monies.15 After Robert F. Rosin explained his being
their questions and ad hoc com- W.R. Cook AppleScript
negative results. After examining the rationale for acknowledged in The C Programming Language,
ments. From the vantage point of D. Ungar and R.B. Smith Self
good language design, Brooks gave these recommen- Jean BerginSammet told oftable
sidebar her shock (5/07) when an IBM visitor
30+ years, HOPL was an incredi- dations to language designers: design a language, asked why her employees were discussing “sex” in the
ble gift to the computer commu- don’t just hack one up; study and use other people’s office. It seems that FORMAC routines were identi-
nity from some of its brightest Table 3. HOPL-III ming Languages Conference (HOPL-II) with Lee as designs; design top-down; know the application fied by “FMC” plus three letters to indicate the sub-
stars. Indeed, Fred Brooks com- authors and paper Conference Chairman and Sammet as Program well; and iterate the design with independent test routine. Thus, the subroutine for Symbolic
mented that “The best thing about Committee
table 3 (5/07) problems. EXpression was logically referred to as “FMCSEX.”
this conference (was) its character The HOPL-II Program Committee wanted con- Since it had been 15 years since HOPL, Jean E. The programmers dropped FMC from their discus-
set!”8 Readers can hear excerpts of the presentations tributed as well as invited papers. In addition to the Sammet reviewed language developments between
(along with transparencies and photographs) at HOPL and HOPL-II, and conference historian, 13See portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=234286.1057808.
14Thomas J. Bergin and Richard G. Gibson. A History of Programming Languages—
9Richard L. Wexelblat, Ed., “Pre-Prints—History of Programming Languages Con- Michael S. Mahoney, discussed “Making History.”13 II. ACM Press/Addison-Wesley, 1996; Table of contents is available at
ference.” ACM SIGPLAN Notices, (Aug. 1978); doi.acm.org/10.1145/ portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=154766.
8Annals of the History of Computing, (July 1979), contains two reviews of the HOPL 960118.808394. 15Thomas J. Bergin and Richard J. Gibson. Supplemental Material from HOPL II:
Conference by Nancy Stern and James J. Horning, 68–71; the Brooks quotation is on 10See “Anecdotes,” Annals of the History of Computing (July 1981), 283–286 (Note: 11See www.princeton.edu/~mike/articles/miscellany/whatmakeshist.pdf. Conference Banquet. SIGPLAN Notices (Nov. 1996), 9–20; doi.acm.org/10.1145/
p. 69. The creation of Annals was announced at the end of the HOPL conference. Galler also served as the first editor-in-chief of the Annals). 12Preprints were issued as the March 1993 issue of ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 240964.1198155.
72 May 2007/Vol. 50, No. 5 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM May 2007/Vol. 50, No. 5 73
Table 2 HOPL-II Speakers and Paper Titles.
the U.S. and ALGOL 60 in N. Wirth A History of Modula-2 and Oberon Makes History?” which was FORTRAN Oldest general language in use and the first to become widely used; opened the doors of
computing to large numbers of scientists and engineers.
Europe. The differing viewpoints D. Harel Statecharts in the Making: A Personal Account
sent to each author along with
GPSS Earliest simulation language; block diagram style and wide usage make it important; introduced
of the U.S. and European develop- R. Ierusamimschy, The Evolution of Lua
the reviews and comments on numerous simulation concepts in a unique language.
ers resulted in some interesting L.H. de Figueiredo, the first drafts.11 JOSS First language designed to be used in an interactive environment; spawned many dialects.
exchanges during the Q&A period and W. Celes HOPL-II was held Apr. JOVIAL Outgrowth of ALGOL 58; first language to include significant numeric, logical and data handling
that followed the presentations. J. Armstrong A History of Erlang
20–23, 1993, in Cambridge, capabilities.
Attendees were treated to a rare P.S.P.Hudak, J. Hughes,
Jones, and P. Wadler
The History of Haskell MA. Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.,
LISP The concepts in LISP are unlike those of any other language; widely used for artificial intelligence
and symbolic mathematical work.
opportunity to hear from, ask provided a keynote address on
B.B. Kristensen, The When, Why and Why Not of the BETA Programming Language PL/I First language to attempt to provide adequate facilities for scientific computation, business data
questions of, and rub elbows with, O.L. Madsen and “Language Design as Design.” processing and systems programming in one language; first of the really large languages.
the pioneers in the field. Indeed, B. Møller-Pedersen Brooks began by observing SIMULA Added simulation capabilities to ALGOL 60 and introduced the concepts of objects and classes—
not all of the pioneers were speak- L. Snyder The Design and Development of ZPL that the goals and require- on which much current theoretical work in data abstraction has been built; widely implemented.
ers; many members of the A.P. Black,
N. Hutchinson, E. Jul
The Development of the Emerald Programming Language ments of most projects change SNOBOL Widely used string manipulation language; widely implemented.
audience made significant contri- and M. Levy during the design process and
butions to early languages and K. Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of High-Performance FORTRAN: An Historical Object thus are poorly reflected in the resulting design. The Bernard Galler again served as the Master of Cere-
contributed to the conference by C. Koelbel, and
H. Zima
external environment also changes, with additional monies.15 After Robert F. Rosin explained his being
their questions and ad hoc com- W.R. Cook AppleScript
negative results. After examining the rationale for acknowledged in The C Programming Language,
ments. From the vantage point of D. Ungar and R.B. Smith Self
good language design, Brooks gave these recommen- Jean BerginSammet told oftable
sidebar her shock (5/07) when an IBM visitor
30+ years, HOPL was an incredi- dations to language designers: design a language, asked why her employees were discussing “sex” in the
ble gift to the computer commu- don’t just hack one up; study and use other people’s office. It seems that FORMAC routines were identi-
nity from some of its brightest Table 3. HOPL-III ming Languages Conference (HOPL-II) with Lee as designs; design top-down; know the application fied by “FMC” plus three letters to indicate the sub-
stars. Indeed, Fred Brooks com- authors and paper Conference Chairman and Sammet as Program well; and iterate the design with independent test routine. Thus, the subroutine for Symbolic
mented that “The best thing about Committee
table 3 (5/07) problems. EXpression was logically referred to as “FMCSEX.”
this conference (was) its character The HOPL-II Program Committee wanted con- Since it had been 15 years since HOPL, Jean E. The programmers dropped FMC from their discus-
set!”8 Readers can hear excerpts of the presentations tributed as well as invited papers. In addition to the Sammet reviewed language developments between
(along with transparencies and photographs) at HOPL and HOPL-II, and conference historian, 13See portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=234286.1057808.
14Thomas J. Bergin and Richard G. Gibson. A History of Programming Languages—
9Richard L. Wexelblat, Ed., “Pre-Prints—History of Programming Languages Con- Michael S. Mahoney, discussed “Making History.”13 II. ACM Press/Addison-Wesley, 1996; Table of contents is available at
ference.” ACM SIGPLAN Notices, (Aug. 1978); doi.acm.org/10.1145/ portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=154766.
8Annals of the History of Computing, (July 1979), contains two reviews of the HOPL 960118.808394. 15Thomas J. Bergin and Richard J. Gibson. Supplemental Material from HOPL II:
Conference by Nancy Stern and James J. Horning, 68–71; the Brooks quotation is on 10See “Anecdotes,” Annals of the History of Computing (July 1981), 283–286 (Note: 11See www.princeton.edu/~mike/articles/miscellany/whatmakeshist.pdf. Conference Banquet. SIGPLAN Notices (Nov. 1996), 9–20; doi.acm.org/10.1145/
p. 69. The creation of Annals was announced at the end of the HOPL conference. Galler also served as the first editor-in-chief of the Annals). 12Preprints were issued as the March 1993 issue of ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 240964.1198155.
72 May 2007/Vol. 50, No. 5 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM May 2007/Vol. 50, No. 5 73
HOPL Timeline ence to see the various (and con-
1966 “The Use of English as a Programming Language.” Jean E. Sammet. Communications of the ACM 9, 3 flicting) perspectives and opin-
(Mar. 1966), 228-230; http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/365230.365274. ions of the panel members as well
1967 Saul Rosen, Ed. Programming Systems and Languages. McGraw-Hill, New York. as the audience.
Note: The largest single source of articles is from Communications of the ACM.
2007 June 9-10, Third ACM SIGPLAN History of Programming Languages Conference Thomas J. (Tim) Bergin
(HOPL-III), San Diego, CA.
([email protected]) is a professor of
--By Thomas J. (Tim) Bergin computer science and information systems
at American University, Washington, DC.
sions of all subroutines!
HOPL-II ended on a rousing note with a panel of
This article is available at doi.acm.org/10.1145/1230819.1230841.
language designers Bergin
presided over bytable
timeline Michael
Mahoney. “The History of Programming: Does
Our Present Past Have a Future?” allowed the audi- © 2007 ACM 0001-0782/07/0500 $5.00
16Tim Bergin, “HOPL II—Closing Panel: The History of Programming: Does Our 17Diarmuid Pigott has created “HOPL: an interactive Roster of Programming Lan-
Present Past Have a Future?” SIGPLAN Notices (Sept. 1997), 15–37; guages” at hopl.murdoch.edu.au/home.prx. This site contains information on 8,512
doi.acm.org/10.1145/270507.270509. languages and 17,837 bibliographic records.