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This project aims at undertaking a detailed overview of Indian Stock

Market and increase in the individual investors in the stock market.
Technological enablement and rapid growth of Indian capital market since
the new economic policy of 1991 has given more importance to investors.
Investor behaviour also tend to move into savings to investment, short
term trading of capital market instruments. Stock markets today are
emerging as a very popular and a better financial market instrument for a
large number of investors.
This project is backed by relevant data and statistical information.

A Hypothesis is an assumption, an idea that is proposed for the sake of

argument so that it can be tested to see if it might be true. In the scientific
method, the hypothesis is constructed before any applicable research has been
done, apart from a basic background review.

This study takes into consideration two hypothesis. The first one being the null
hypothesis and the second one being the alternative hypothesis.
The hypothesis being tested under this study assuming it to be true is called the
null hypothesis and is denoted by H0. The hypothesis which differs from the
null hypothesis is the alternative hypothesis and is denoted by H1

Following are the hypothesis of the study:-

1. H0: Indians have started investing in the stock market.

H1: Indians only invest in FD’s and Gold.

2. H0: Millenials are investing in the stock market.

H1: Millenials are not investing in the stock market.

3. H0: Stock market is for long term investing.

H1: Stock market is for short term trading.

4. H0: Stock market is not only for experts.

H1: Stock market is exclusively for experts.

5. H0: Equity shares is the most sought out investment tool.

H1: Equity shares is not the most sought out investment tool.

The objectives of this study are:-

1. To study about the emerging stock markets in india such as NSE and
2. To understand how does a stock exchange work.
3. To study the importance of stock exchange.
4. To study the overview of The Regulatory Framework Of The Capital
Market in India .
5. To study about the type of trading preferred by the investors in stock
6. To analyse why more and more individual investors are increasing in the
Indian stock market in the recent times

The scope of the study is to get a detailed overview of what is a stock market,
The in-depth study of the stock market, Importance of the stock market. To
study how the stock markets are emerging in the recent times and the increase in
the individual investors in the market.

The study was conducted mainly based on the secondary data. As

our study was during the time covid-19 pandemic and lock down,
the data collection was narrowed by online sources. So, there was
a dependency on various sites. The unavailability of books and
other physical materials had been a major limitation of our project.
The limited knowledge of the respondents regarding the topic may
hamper the true conclusion of the study. As the data was through
online google forms, there might be chances of biased information
being provided by respondents. The research was limited towards
people staying in urban and metropolitan regions.

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