Mind Map Money and Credit

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Money and Credit

Medium of Exchange

Ancient form of Money Medeival form Modern form of Money

of Money

Barter System
Exchange of goods Cattle, grains,
for goods silver, gold
Currency notes Demand
and coins deposits
Limitations with banks
Lack of double (cheque)
coincidence of wants Authorised by the
Reserve Bank of India

Sources of Credit
Two main activities of Modern Banking System

Formal Sector Credit Informal Sector Credit

Accepting Deposits Giving Loans
Types Types
Banks lend money to people Banks, Cooperatives Money lenders, traders,
People deposit money
employers, relatives
in back accounts
Charge interest on the loans (credit) Features
Banks provide interest Charge low/nominal rate Features
on that money of interest, take collateral Charge high rate of interest,
This is main source of
collateral not necessary
income for the banks
People can withdraw Supervision
money with cheques They are borrowers Tight control by RBI, Supervision
no exploitation No supervision so
They are depositors exploitation of borrowers

Credit (loans)

Self Help Groups

Components of Credit

Consists of 15-20 members

Terms of Credit Members save per month

Includes rate Asset like land,
of interest, Group take loans collectively
livestock given
duration of credit, as guarantee.
mode of payment Collateral not needed to take loans

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