Forecasting The Receipts: Sales Based Receipts
Forecasting The Receipts: Sales Based Receipts
Forecasting The Receipts: Sales Based Receipts
If a firm has positive net float (i.e. , the payment float is more than the receipt float) .
issue more cheques even if the net bank balance shown by the books of account may not b; it can
cient. A firm with a positive net float can use it to its advantage and maintain a smaller cas:~fi-
ance than it would have in the absence of the float. aJ.
The course of action adopted by a firm to manage the payment and the receipt float is kno
as playing the float, which has emerged as an important technique of cash management in most:~
the firms. Float management helps avoiding stagnation of funds. Money paid by cheques by cus.
tomers to the firm but not yet available to the latter, as it is tied in the float is a stagnant money.
Similarly, cheques issued but not presented to the firm's bank is stagnant money. This can be used
by a proper and careful float management.
Tiffin Services Ltd. issues cheques of Rs. 3,000 per day and receives cheques of Rs. 2,000 per day.
The payment float is 7 days while the receipt float is 2 days on an average. Find out different
floats for the firm.
Different floats for the firm are as follows :
Disbursement = Amount x No. of days
= Rs.3,()()() X 7
= Rs.21,000
Collection Float = Amount x No. of days
= Rs.2,000 x 2
= Rs.4,000
Net Float = Disbursement Float - Collection Float
= Rs.21,000- Rs.4,000
= Rs.17,000
So the firm's net book balance is Rs.17,000 less than the actual balance available in the bank.
Jn;esting Surplus Cash : On the basis of the cash budget, the financial manager may fin:,':
excess cash will be available for some time. This excess cash may be temporanly 1dl~ or may P
t a permanent ,surplus balance. If the cash budget indicates that ithe excess cash 1s a permanen1
accumulation, then. it may be invested in some profi1table capita
sen . 1proJec
. t
. a particular
Howe ver if a surplus cash is expected m • mon th , or tor a short period ofdaearn
' · th· cess money
. onths only, then the financial manager should take steps to m~~st ts ex_ nd a lot depends an
m e in ~ome The determination of the surplus cash is a very cnt1cal exercise at1· ons precaution·
som " · . . H h uld take care of the transac ,
the experience of the fmanc1a1 manager. e s o . t h . estment of the sur-
upondeman d as well as sudden fluctuations in market before gomg or t e mv
sh- He should also
th be caref~l ~n .selecting the investments and proper attention shou~d ~e
us ca_th reference to ~ safet~, liquidity, return and maturity period of the investment. This as-
aid wt
has been discussed m detail at a later stage .