9014E-Bujes Plasticos

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CAT. No. 9014-#/E


High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

Table of contents

1 Plastics………………………………………………………………………………04

1. 1 Advantages and disadvantages of plastics ………………………………04

1. 2 Classification of plastics ……………………………………………………04
1. 3 Main features of plastics ……………………………………………………08
1. 4 Relation of continuous heat resistant temperature and price of main plastics …11

2 Features and positioning of BEAREE resins …………………………12

2. 1 Typical grades of BEAREE resins and their features ……………………12

2. 2 Features and positioning of BEAREE resins ………………………………13

3 Manufacturing process of key BEAREE products ……………………16

4 Design of BEAREE resin bearings …………………………………………17

4. 1 Procedure of bearing selection ……………………………………………17

4. 2 Checkpoints of engineering plastic product operating conditions ……18
4. 3 Design of bearings ……………………………………………………………19
4. 4 Handling method of bearings ………………………………………………21

5 BEAREE resin technical data ………………………………………………22

5. 1 Wear properties ………………………………………………………………22

5. 2 Friction properties ……………………………………………………………23
5. 3 Chemical characteristics ……………………………………………………24
5. 4 Typical characteristics ………………………………………………………25

6 Applications of BEAREE products…………………………………………28

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7 Introduction of products by applications ………………………………30

7. 1 Sliding material for food processing equipment …………………………30
7. 2 Sliding material for use in water (chemicals) ……………………………31
7. 3 Conductive (antistatic) sliding material ……………………………………32
7. 4 Sliding material for high surface pressure…………………………………33
7. 5 Material for resin gears ………………………………………………………34
7. 6 Sliding material dedicated for machining tools …………………………35
7. 7 Material for separation claw …………………………………………………36
7. 8 Seal material for sliding ………………………………………………………37
7. 9 Coating material ………………………………………………………………38
7. 10 Fluorine based sliding rubber………………………………………………39
7. 11 NBR Series sliding rubber …………………………………………………41
7. 12 Resin rolling bearings ………………………………………………………42
7. 13 Miniature resin sliding screw ………………………………………………43
7. 14 Compound products ………………………………………………………44

8 Introduction of standard products …………………………………………45

8. 1 Sliding bearings ………………………………………………………………45 7

8. 2 Miniature resin sliding screw ………………………………………………56
8. 3 BEAREE resin material ………………………………………………………57
9 Naming of engineering plastics ……………………………………………60

9. 1 Material name …………………………………………………………………61 9

9. 2 Product name …………………………………………………………………62

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

1. Plastics

1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of decomposition (Some have high heat

plastics resistance such as polyimide).
1 Advantages of plastics (6) Some are vulnerable to organic solvent
and oil, resulting in swelling, melting and
The following summarizes the advantages of cracking.
plastics: (7) Some may deteriorate from ultraviolet rays
(1) Lightweight. (Some are light enough to and oxygen.
float on water) (8) Highly sensitive to temperature; physical
(2) Usually transparent with high refraction property is governed by temperature and
index. Easy coloring by blending pigments. frequency. Subject to creep and stress
(3) Vibration and sound are not easily relaxation phenomena. (Viscoelastic
conducted but absorbed. (Viscoelastic property).
property) (9) Potential shrinkage immediately after
(4) Often slippery with a small friction molding and temporal variation over time.
coefficient. Non-viscous plastics are also (10) Persistent as waste resulting in high cost
available. of disposal. (Recycling is available).
(5) Often exhibits excellent flexibility.
(6) Heat is not easily conducted. 1.2 Classification of plastics
(7) Excellent electric insulation property.
Dielectric substance. Transparent to radio 1.2.1 Classification by chemical structure
waves. and processing characteristics
(8) Impervious to water. Often exhibits high Plastics are broadly classified into
tolerance against acid and alkali. thermoplastic resin and thermo hardening
(9) Some plastics are permeable to gasses resin based on the chemical structure and
while preventing liquid to pass through. processing characteristics and the
(10) Surface is treatable. (Plating, painting, thermoplastic resin is further classified into
metallicon, adhesives, etc.) crystalline and amorphous (non-crystalline)
(11) Easily formed; suitable for mass plastic. (Table 1.1)
(1) Thermoplastic resin
Disadvantages of plastics Softens and melts when heated and solidifies
when cooled; this melting and solidifying by
The following summarizes the disadvantages heating and cooling can be reversibly repeated.
of plastics: a) Crystalline resin
(1) Lower strength than steel. Some have Crystallizes when appropriate conditions
superior specific strength (strength/specific are given. In general, no resins are 100%
weight). crystallized, but rather, crystalline, semi
(2) Rigidity (Young’s modulus) is smaller than crystalline and amorphous substances
metal. Some have comparable specific are locally formed and the formation of
rigidity (Young’s modulus/specific weight). crystalline organization, such as degree of
(e.g. carbon fiber reinforced plastics). crystallinity, crystal size, degree of
(3) Low surface hardness, vulnerable against orientation of crystals, depending on the
scratches. (Surface hardening treatment is conditions, such as the forming process,
available). during which crystalline substances are
(4) Larger thermal expansion than metal. formed.
(5) Low heat resistance with potential thermal The typical relation between the
deformation, degradation and mechanical strength and temperature is

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

shown in Fig. 1.1. This can be easily with a three-dimensional network molecular
understood if you consider that Tg (glass- structure. Therefore, different from
transition point) is the temperature that thermoplastic resin, its melting and 1
amorphous substance is softened and Tm solidification process is irreversible and it is
(melting point) is the temperature that not soluble once hardened.
crystalline substance is also softened. The relation between the mechanical
b) Amorphous resin strength and temperature is shown in Fig. 1.3.
The substance that cannot take a Its reduction in strength due to temperature is
crystalline state. Fig. 1.2 shows the smaller compared with thermoplastic resin.
relation between the mechanical strength Although there is no melting point, it
and temperature. Its change of strength decomposes over Td (thermal decomposition
due to temperature is smaller than temperature).
crystalline resin.

Mechanical strength
Mechanical strength

Tg Td Temperature
Tg Tm Temperature Fig. 1.3
Fig. 1.1
1.2.2 Classification by performance
Plastics may be classified into general
Mechanical strength

purpose resins and engineering plastics by

performance, versatility (availability, price and
production volume), etc. The definition of
enterprise plastics, sometimes also called as
highly functional resins, is not yet
standardized, however, it is generally defined
as the “general name for plastics used mainly
as an alternative to metals in industrial fields
such as components and housings of
Tg Temperature
machinery and equipment.”
Fig. 1.2 Engineering plastics may also be further
classified into general engineering plastics,
high engineering plastics and super
(2) Thermo hardening resin engineering plastics (specialized engineering
Hardens with heat or a hardening agent. It is plastics). Table 1.2 shows an example.
composed of relatively low molecular-mass However, this classification is not explicit or
material before hardening which is hardened primary and other classifications are also
by a chemical reaction from heat or a often used.
hardening agent to become insoluble resin

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

Table 1.1 Classification of plastics by chemical structure and processing characteristics and relation with
BEAREE resins

1 Name of engineering
Classification Name of plastics Acronym plastic material
Aromatic polyester ARP BEAREE LC
Polyetheretherketone PEEK
Polyetherketone PEK
Polyethernitrile PEN BEAREE TP
Fluoro resin (tetrafluoroethylene) PTFE BEAREE FL
Fusible fluoro resin
(other than tetrafluoroethylene)
Crystalline FEP
Polyphenylene sulfide PPS BEAREE AS
Polyacetal POM BEAREE DM
Polyethylene terephthalate PET BEAREE ET

Polybuthylene terephthalate PBT BEAREE PB

Polyamide PA BEAREE NY
Polyethylene PE
Polypropylene PP BEAREE UH
Other polyolefin PO

Polyetherimide PEI BEAREE EI

Polyethersulfone PES BEAREE ES
Thermoplastic polyimide (can be crystalline) TPI BEAREE PI
Polyamideimide PAI BEAREE AI

Amorphous Polyphenylene oxide PPO BEAREE PD

property Polycarbonate PC BEAREE PC
Polyarylate PAR BEAREE RA
Polyvinyl chloride PVC
Polystyrene PS
ABS resin ABS
Methacryl resin PMMA
Polyimide PI BEAREE PI
Epoxy resin EP BEAREE EP
hardening Phenolic resin PF BEAREE PF
Melamine resin MF
Urea resin UF

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

Table 1.2 Classification of plastics by performance and versatility and relation with BEAREE resins

Name of engineering 1
Classification Name of plastics Acronym plastic material
Aromatic polyester ARP BEAREE LC
Polyetheretherketone PEEK
Polyetherketone PEK
Polyethernitrile PEN BEAREE TP
Polyetherimide PEI BEAREE EI

Super Polyethersulfone PES BEAREE ES

engineering Fluoro resin (tetrafluoroethylene) PTFE BEAREE FL
Fusible fluoro resin
(other than tetrafluoroethylene)
Engineering plastics

Thermoplastic polyimide TPI
Thermo hardening polyimide PI
Polyamideimide PAI BEAREE AI

High engineering Polyphenylene sulfide PPS BEAREE AS

plastics Polysulfone PSF,PUS BEAREE SU

Polyacetal POM BEAREE DM

Polyphenylene oxide PPO,PPE BEAREE PD
Polyethylene terephthalate PET BEAREE ET
Polybuthylene terephthalate PBT BEAREE PB
engineering Polycarbonate PC BEAREE PC
plastics Polyamide PA BEAREE NY
Polyarylate PAR BEAREE RA
Epoxy resin EP BEAREE EP
Polyethylene PE
Polypropylene PP
Polyolefin PO
Polyvinyl chloride PVC
Polystyrene PS
General purpose
ABS resin ABS
Methacryl resin PMMA
Phenolic resin PF BEAREE PF
Melamine resin MF
Urea resin UF

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

1.3 Main features of plastics well as have a good forming property, it is used
as heat-resistant structural material and because
1 1) Aromatic polyester (ARP)
of its excellent environmental properties (impact
from temperature, humidity, etc.) it is also used
Most of this type are called liquid crystal for precision machines. Another noteworthy
polymer and have high mechanical strength, property is only a small amount of smoke is
particularly, high rigidity even without filling generated during combustion, with which its use
materials because of their self reinforcing is being studied in the aviation industry.
property (reinforcing effect similar to filling As a sliding material, it has a large friction
material derived from the liquid crystal molecular coefficient (about 0.4) and inferior wear
orientation). In addition, some of them have the resistance. Its chemical resistance is superior
highest heat resistance among all the compared with polyethersulfone, which shows
thermoplastic resins. similar heat resistance, however, it is a little more
The material organization is anisotropic with a expensive.
very small thermal expansion coefficient, similar
to metals, in the flowing direction as well as a 4) Polyethersulfone (PES)
very small shrinking percentage, almost zero,
however, in the direction perpendicular to the It is an amorphous resin having similar heat
flowing direction, the mechanical strength is resistance as polyetherimide (PEI), with superior
reduced with a larger thermal expansion hydrolysis resistance, creep resistance, strength
coefficient and shrinking percentage. against temperature, dimension stability and
flame resistance.
It is used as the material for medical equipment
2) Polyetheretherketone (PEEK)
and kitchen appliances due to its superior
It has the highest heat resistance among hydrolysis resistance, as the heat resistant and
thermal plastic resins with 240˚C of continuous load resistant material due to its superior creep
operating temperature and 300˚C of short-term resistance in high temperature up to 180°C, and
heat resistance temperature. Self lubricates and as the material for precision components due to
excels particularly in impact resistance, fatigue its dimension stability. Its melt fluidity is not as
resistance, radiation resistance and chemical good as PEI, however, its moldability is good.
resistance (except strong sulfuric acid), as well Although its friction coefficient is large (about
as electric insulation and flame resistance. 0.4), it can be improved with solid lubricant, etc.
It exhibits fast crystalline formation speed and so it can be used as structure material and
low weld strength in molded articles. Also, its sliding material.
wettability as a filling agent is inferior with little It's weak point is its inferior chemical
reinforcing effect. Since it shows large resistance.
dimensional variation in its crystalline process
and large shrinking percentage during the 5) Fluoro resin
forming process, it is not suitable for precision
components. There are different types of fluoro resins other
than tetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), which is the
main constituent of BEAREE (FL material). The
3) Polyetherimide (PEI)
following are the typical substances. They have a
Its heat-resistant temperature is a little inferior superior lubricating property although it is not as
to polyimide and polyamideimide; however it is good as PTFE. In addition, they can be used for
short-term heat resistant to 200˚C and 170˚C in melt-molding (injection, extrusion molding, etc.).
long-term heat resistance, and exhibits excellent They are superior to PTFE in creep resistance
mechanical strength, electric characteristics and and impact resistance and are harder than PTFE.
flame resistance. With stable strength and a
thermal expansion coefficient up to
approximately 200˚C, as amorphous resin, as

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

¡PFA (tetrafluoroethylene – perfluorovinylether polyimide (PI).

copolymer resin) In particular, it largely exceeds thermo
It has equivalent or superior non-viscosity to
PTFE and has a continuous operating
hardened PI in tensile strength and impact
resistance. Although it is inferior to PI in sliding
temperature of 260˚C, the same as PTFE. Its property, it can be used as a sliding material by
friction coefficient is larger than PTFE, however, adding solid lubricant such as graphite.
it is the smallest among the fluoro resins with It can be used for injection molding, however in
which melt-molding can be used. order to obtain the complete physical property,
The moldability is not as good and toxic gas long heat treatment after molding (post cure) is
may be generated during molding. It is also more indispensable. In addition, due to its high melt
expensive than PTFE. viscosity, attention is required for weld strength of
the molded product.
¡ETFE (tetrafluoroethylene – ethylene It has a disadvantage of a large water
copolymer resin) absorption rate and the heat resistant
It is superior in moldability and adhesion temperature decreases due to absorbed water.
strength of powder coating to the base material is
particularly high. Although inferior to other fluoro 8) Polyhpenylene sulfide (PPS)
resins, its chemical resistance is excellent. The
friction coefficient is larger than PTFE and its It is a crystalline resin with very high heat
continuous operating temperature is about 150˚C resistance (continuous operating temperature of
240˚C) and high rigidity, as well as superior flame
¡FEP (tetrafluoroethylene – resistance, chemical resistance and electrical
hexafluoropropylene copolymer resin) characteristics. It is relatively inexpensive for the
Its continuous operating temperature is 200˚C. excellent performance, thus it is a proven resin
It shows an excellent non-viscosity and is exhibiting superior cost performance.
relatively inexpensive, however, it has a relatively It has very good melt fluidity, however, there
larger friction coefficient. are issues such as burrs from molding, gas
burning and appearance of void due to generated
gas, mold corrosion, etc. In addition, since the
6) Polyimide (TPI/PI)
shrinking percentage can significantly vary
There are two types, i.e. thermoplastic and depending on the difference of wall thickness, the
thermo hardening. Thermoplastic polyimide dimension accuracy is critical.
becomes crystalline resin by the crystalline Since the friction coefficient and wear
process (annealing) to obtain a nearly equivalent resistance can be significantly improved by
property as thermo hardened material. The adding reinforcing material and lubricant, it is
polyimide is well known to have superior heat widely used as heat-resistant sliding material that
resistance. They have especially superior can be used for injection molding.
dimensional stability in high temperature, a high Compared to polyetherimide, polyethersulfon,
retention rate of mechanical strength and etc. its sliding property excels, however, since it
excellent wear resistance, as well as a stable is very brittle, it requires reinforcing with fiber
friction coefficient. In addition, they have reinforcing materials, etc, which results in an
excellent radiation resistance, electric insulation anisotropic property in dimension, strength, etc.
and chemical resistance, however, they are
affected by alkali. 9) Polyacetal (POM: Polyoxymethylene)
It is a crystalline resin with balanced
7) Polyamideimide (PAI)
mechanical properties, particularly, superior
It is a resin which can be used for injection fatigue resistance and creep resistance. It has a
molding, while having excellent heat resistance, self lubricating property, superior wear resistance
electric characteristics, chemical resistance and dimension stability with a small water
(except alkali) and radiation resistance close to absorption rate.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

It has good resistance to oil and organic compared with polyacetal with low moisture
solvent, however, it is affected by strong acid and absorption. In addition, it excels in chemical
1 alkali. In addition, as it includes abundant oxygen
in the molecule, it is difficult to give it flame
resistance compared with polycarbonate and
hydrolysis is less likely during molding compared
retardancy. The continuous operating with PET.
temperature range is about -40˚C to 120˚C.
It has excellent melt fluidity, however, filling
13) Polycarbonate (PC)
materials used for property improvement
potentially drives thermal decomposition. It is an amorphous resin and is transparent. It
Therefore, selection of filling materials is very has a small water absorption rate, shrinking
much restricted. percentage and excellent dimension stability. It
has good mechanical strength, particularly
excellent impact and creep resistance, good
10) Polyhpenylene oxide (PPO)
electrical characteristics and weatherability,
PPO is originally a trademark of DuPont. It is however, cracks may potentially result from strain
also called modified PPE (polyphenylene ether). of molding and is poor in chemical resistance.
It has excellent electrical insulation over a wide
temperature range with high mechanical
14) Polyamide (PA)
It has excellent rigidity in high temperature It's general name “nylon” is very well known,
compared with polyamide and polyacetal. Its however, it was originally DuPont’s product
chemical resistance is superior to polycarbonate name. It has excellent mechanical strength, wear
(PC) and its shrinking percentage in molding is resistance (particularly, abrasive wear),
small similar to PC. Moldability and dimension moldability and is inexpensive, however, it has a
stability are also excellent. Its small specific large water absorption rate resulting in significant
weight can also be cited as one of the features. reduction of the physical property and
The sliding property is not good, so it is often dimensional variation due to water absorption,
used as structure material. therefore, its operating environment is restricted.
11PA and 12PA with a reduced water
absorption rate has a lower heat resistance
11) Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
temperature, and 46PA, 66PA and 6PA are
Basically, it has the same properties as superior in heat resistance, however their water
polybuthylene terephthalate (PBT), however, it is absorption rate is high.
less expensive than PBT with higher rigidity and
superior heat resistance.
15) Polyethylene (PE)
Currently, it is mainly used as film and PET
bottles, however, research is underway to use it It is an inexpensive material, classified into a
as an alternative material of polyphenylene few types by molecular weight and density. It has
sulfide by reinforcing it with glass fiber, etc. a number of excellent properties, such as a
lubricating property (low friction coefficient), wear
resistance, non-viscosity, electrical
12) Polybuthylene terephthalate (PBT)
characteristics (low permittivity) and chemical
It is a type of saturated polyester with resistance. It has one of the smallest specific
thermalplasticity, similar to polyethylene weights among resins.
terephthalate (PET). It possesses balanced In particular, ultrahigh molecular weight PE
mechanical properties, with low water absorption excels in creep resistance and wear resistance
and self lubricating properties. It also has a large (especially, abrasive wear), however, melt
shrinking percentage during molding and inferior viscosity is very high making injection molding
forming accuracy. difficult.
It is inferior in impact resistance compared with On the other hand, some types can be used for
polyamide, however superior in flame retardancy injection molding, however, their wear resistance

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

is significantly inferior compared with ultrahigh

16) Epoxy resin (EP)
molecular weight PE. All types of PE have heat
resistance of 80 to 100˚C and a shrinking
percentage during molding and a very high
It has good heat resistance next to polyimide
among thermo hardening resins (around 200˚C)
thermal expansion coefficient, therefore, care with good physical properties for the low price,
must be taken if used for precision components. and therefore it is widely used. Excellent
It also has very poor adhesiveness. dimensional stability, electric insulation chemical
resistance and adhesiveness, however, it is poor
in toughness and impact strength due to a low
extension property. Although it exhibits good
moldability, melt viscosity is very small, therefore,
it is difficult to eliminate burrs from being

1.4 Relation of continuous heat resistant temperature and price of main plastics
Continuous heat resistant temperature ˚C

300 PI

150 PBT
50 ABS

100 500 1,000 3,000 10,000 50,000

Price yen/kg

Fig. 1.4 Relation of continuous heat resistant temperature and price of main plastics

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

2. Features and positioning of BEAREE resins

2.1 Typical grades of BEAREE resins and their features (Table 2.1)
Table 2.1 Features of typical grades [    ]:Forming method
Grade Base resin Features
Fluoro resin, which is the base resin of BEAREE FL, is an excellent resin for low
Fluoro resin friction, non-viscosity, heat resistance, chemical resistance and weatherability.
BEAREE FL (tetrafluoroethylene) BEAREE FL is a material with filling agents added for various applications
2 based on this fluoro resin with superior properties.
[Compression molding, extrusion molding, coating]

Fusible fluoro resin BEAREE FE has slightly lower properties than BEAREE FL, however, it has
excellent moldability. It is also superior in low friction and wear resistance,
BEAREE FE (other than tetrafluoroethylene)
suitable for non-viscous coating material and surface treatment material.
Fluorine oil [Injection molding, extrusion molding, coating, surface treatment]
This is a material with improved properties with a special filling agent added to
polyimide, which is the highest heat-resistant resin. It has excellent heat
BEAREE PI Polyimide resistance and strength. There are two types, thermo hardening and
thermoplastic, which are to be selected based on applications. In product
design, care should be taken for its high water absorption property.
[Injection molding, extrusion molding, compression molding, coating]
It has lower heat resistance than BEAREE PI, however, it has excellent
mechanical properties such as impact resistance and fatigue resistance.
BEAREE AI Polyamideimide In product design, care should be taken for its high water absorption property.
[Injection molding, extrusion molding]
It has lower heat resistance than the material based on super engineering
plastics, however, it is a material with excellent low friction, wear resistance,
non-viscosity, chemical resistance, impact resistance and electrical
BEAREE UH Polyethylene characteristics, inherent from polyethylene. It is a material with a large
shrinking percentage from forming and thermal expansion coefficient, and poor
[Injection molding, extrusion molding, compression molding]
It is a material most widely used based on polyphenylsulfide, excellent in heat
resistance, chemical resistance, mechanical strength and moldability. It is
BEAREE AS Polyphenylene sulfide excellent for volume production and cost performance.
[Injection molding]
Excels in heat resistance and mechanical strength (particularly, rigidity).
Especially, the production design of liquid crystal polymer based material
BEAREE LC Aromatic polyester should take the anisotropic property of the material organization into
[Injection molding]
It is a material based on polyetheretherketon which has excellent heat
resistance similar to polyimide and chemical resistance, impact resistance,
fatigue resistance and self lubricating property. It has properties similar to
BEAREE PK Polyetheretherketone BEAREE PI and AI, however, with smaller water absorption. Product design
should consider its large shrinking percentage from forming.
[Injection molding, extrusion molding]
It is a material based on polyamide, which is a typical general purpose
engineering plastic.
It excels in impact resistance and wear resistance. Although it has lower heat
BEAREE NY Polyamide resistance than super engineering plastics, it is more economical.
In product design, care should be taken for its high water absorption property.
[Injection molding]
It is a material based on polyoxymethylene, which has excellent fatigue
Polyoxymethylene resistance, creep resistance, wear resistance and dimensional stability.
BEAREE DM (Polyacetal) As it includes abundant oxygen in the molecule, it is difficult to give it flame
retardancy. Similar to BEAREE NY, it is economical compared to the materials
based on super engineering plastics. [Injection molding]

Elastomer BEAREE ER is based on elastomer. “Sliding rubber” is a material with both

BEAREE ER (Sliding rubber) rubber elasticity and sliding property. It has excellent elasticity, heat resistance,
low friction property, wear resistance and creep resistance.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

2.2 Features and applications of various BEAREE resins

Table 2.2 Material for mechanical processing
Material name resin Features Applications
• Small deformation caused by • Sliding bearing
BEAREE FL3000 PTFE compression load • Valve seat
• Excellent friction and wear properties • Piston ring 2
• Small friction coefficient under high
BEAREE FL3020 PTFE surface pressure • Sliding support
• Excellent weatherability
• Less likely to cause damage to soft • Sliding bearing / friction plate
BEAREE FL3030 PTFE mating material such as SUS • Seal ring
• Stable friction coefficient • Piston ring

• Less likely to cause damage to soft • Piston ring

BEAREE FL3040 PTFE mating material • Piston cup seal

BEAREE FL3060 PTFE • Excellent creep resistance • M liner dedicated material

• Excellent sliding performance and creep

BEAREE FL3071 PTFE resistance
• Compressor seal

• Very small deformation caused by

compression load • Piston ring
BEAREE FL3082 PTFE • Excellent friction/wear properties under high • Sliding bearing
surface pressure and oil lubrication

• Sliding area of machining

BEAREE FL3307 PTFE • Excellent compression creep property tool

• Approved by food related standards • Sliding bearing

BEAREE FL3642 PTFE • Excellent wear resistance • Seal

• Excellent wear resistance in water • Bearings used in water

BEAREE FL3700 PTFE • Excellent chemical resistance • Bearings used in chemical
• Electrically conductive
(volume resistivity: 10Ωcm) • Earth button
BEAREE FL3900 PTFE • Brush
• Excellent friction and wear properties
• Excellent friction/wear properties in low • Sliding bearing
BEAREE UH3000 PE PV value • Washer
• Excellent impact resistance • Seal ring
• Antistatic effect • Noise prevention washer
BEAREE UH3954 PE • Low abrasive wear • Cassette shim
(wear from sand and paper)
2 • Sliding bearing
BEAREE FL9000 PTFE • Suitable for low-speed/high-load
• Swinging bearing

• Elastic body with low friction coefficient

• Excellent sealability, chemical • Seal for food processing
1 resistance, heat resistance, wear
BEAREE ER3000 E equipment
resistance, creep resistance and non- • Sliding bearing

1 • Elastic body with low friction coefficient • O ring

BEAREE ER3201 E • Excellent sealability and wear resistance • Lip seal

1 E: Elastomer 2 BEAREE FL9000 is a material exclusively for tapes.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

Table 2.3 Material for injection molding (1)

Material name Base Features Applications

• Sliding bearing
BEAREE PI 5001 PI • Excellent wear resistance • Washer
• Piston ring
2 • Less likely to cause damage to soft • Sliding bearing
BEAREE PI 5010 PI mating material • Thrust pad

• Less likely to cause damage to soft

BEAREE PI 5014 PI mating material • Bearing for fixing roller
• Sliding material for high temperature

• Moldability with high dimensional • Separation claw

BEAREE PI 5022 PI accuracy • Electric/electronics
• Excellent strength as separation claw component

• Gear
BEAREE PI 5033 PI • High mechanical strength • Cage

• Gears
BEAREE PI 5040 PI • High rigidity and electrically conductive • Insulating sleeve bearing

• Insulating material
• Excellent impact resistance
BEAREE AI 5003 PAI • High mechanical strength
• Electric/electronics

• Excellent impact resistance

BEAREE UH5000 PE • Strong against abrasive wear • Sliding bearing

• Sliding material for high temperature • Sliding bearing

• Large permissible surface pressure (Pmax=5MPa)
BEAREE AS5000 PPS • Less likely to cause damage to soft mating • Friction plate
material • Reciprocating motion bearing
• Sliding material for high temperature
• Large permissible surface pressure (Pmax=5MPa)
BEAREE AS5005 PPS • Less likely to cause damage to soft mating • Sliding bearing

BEAREE AS5056 PPS • Sliding material for high temperature • Bearing for fixing roller

BEAREE AS5965 PPS • Sliding material for high temperature • Bearing for fixing roller

• Roller
BEAREE FE5002 PFA • Excellent non-viscosity • Separation claw
• Cage

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

Table 2.3 Material for injection molding (2)

Material name Base Features Applications

• Bearing used in
• Excellent wear resistance in water water
BEAREE AS5704 PPS • Excellent chemical resistance • Bearing used in
chemical solution
BEAREE A S 5912 PPS • High modulus of elasticity • Lens holder

• Excellent wear resistance • Sliding bearing

BEAREE P K 5900 PEEK • Excellent impact resistance • Bearing used in oil
• Excellent wear resistance in oil and water • Bearing used in water
• Excellent wear resistance, low friction
property, chemical resistance and heat resistance
BEAREE P K 5301 PEEK • Excellent leak characteristics • Seal ring
• Excellent friction property in water and excellent
wear property
• Excellent wear resistance and a long-term • Sliding bearing
BEAREE DM5030 POM stable low friction coefficient • Gear
• Suitable for aluminum and copper materials • Roller

Table 2.4 Coating material

Material name Features Applications

• Excellent friction and wear • Washer
BEAREE FL7075 properties • Valve plate
• Strong coating is possible • Roller

• Thick and strong coating is

BEAREE FE7010 possible • Root pump rotor

BEAREE FE7030 • Excellent non-viscosity • Separation claw

BEAREE FE7031 • Strong coating is possible • Slide guide

BEAREE FE7092 • Excellent non-viscosity • Separation claw

• Excellent friction property under • Sliding material for compressor

BEAREE FL7067 high surface pressure and • Hydraulic jack plate
excellent wear property

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

3. Manufacturing process of key BEAREE products

Raw material

(including granulation)

Compression Ram Paste

molding extrusion extrusion
Injection molding
(Including compound

Skiving Mechanical Coating


Standard bearing Standard bearing Bearing Standard bearing Separation claw

(ML/TW types) (AR/ARF types) Components (BRF type) (coated)
Tape Bearing for Separation claw Vane
Thrust washer Seal ring compound (not coated) Pin for optical
Bridge bearing Earth button molding Bearing (DCB) pickup
Machining tool Gear
sliding bearing Insulating sleeve
Cassette shim Lens holder
Vibration isolation Seal ring (for AT)

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

One point advice

Brief knowledge about Injection molding
engineering plastics
●Principle of injection molding
The principle of injection molding is as follows: The material supplied to the hopper is sent to
the front of the cylinder along with the rotation of the screw. Here, the material is softened while
being heated by the heater and becomes fluid (plasticized state).
When the plasticized material in the cylinder is pushed out by the screw, the material is
injected from the tip of the cylinder into the closed mold. When the material in the mold is cooled
and solidified, the molded article is taken out by opening the mold. (Fig. 1 shows the principle of
screw type injection molding.)

Mold Hopper
Cylinder Drive gear Hydraulic cylinder

Material Heater
Molded article

Fig. 1 Principle of screw type injection molding

●Mold of injection molding Runner

Locating ring
Fig. 2 shows the structure of the Gate Fixed mounting plate
typical mold for injection molding. Cavity
Cooling water hole
Molded article Guide pin
Core pressure plate
Knock-out pin
Knock-out pin Return pin
retention plate
Knock-out pin Support
receiving plate Movable mounting

Fig. 2 Mold of injection molding

●Type of gate for injection molding

Figs. 3 to 5 indicate the types of standard gates.


Fig. 3 Side gate Fig. 4 Pin-point gate Fig. 5 Disk gate

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

4. Design of BEAREE resin bearings

4.1 Procedure of bearing selection achieving the expected functions of the

machines and devices.
There are many types, models and While there are various selection
dimensions for sliding bearings. It is important procedures, the following figure shows the
to select the most appropriate bearings for typical procedure.

Steps Checkpoints

¡Function and structure of machines and devices ¡Application area of bearings

Verification of ¡Mating material ¡Bearing load (magnitude/direction) ¡Sliding velocity
environmental conditions ¡Operating temperature (ambient temperature/increase in temperature)
¡Atmosphere ¡Flame retardancy

Selection of ¡Mating material ¡Bearing load (magnitude/direction) ¡Sliding velocity

¡Operating temperature (ambient temperature/increase in temperature)
bearing material
¡Atmosphere ¡Permissible surface pressure ¡Estimate of wear amount

4 Selection of ¡Function and structure of machines and devices ¡Application area of bearings
¡Permissible space for bearings ¡Bearing load (magnitude/direction)
bearing formats

¡Design life of machines and devices ¡Bearing load (magnitude/direction)

Selection of ¡Sliding velocity ¡Operating temperature (ambient temperature/increase in
bearing dimensions temperature) ¡Estimate of wear amoun ¡Safety index ¡Permissible space
¡Fitting ¡Bearing clearance

Verification of
¡Installation related dimension ¡Assembly/disassembly procedure
handling methods

4.2 Checkpoints of engineering plastic product operating conditions

Item Verification content

1. Operating machine
2. Application area
3. Ambient temperature Min.    °C to max.    ˚C
4. Ambient humidity %
5. Ambient environment Atmosphere, in water, in sea water, in oil
6. Type of load Dynamic/static/impact/repetitive/other ( )
7. Load behavior Rotating/swinging/reciprocating/other ( )
8. Operating time h/d
(desirable life: )
(lifetime) cycle/min
9. Revolution speed r/min
10. Speed m/min
11. Load Radial     N{kgf},Axial     N{kgf}
12. Pressure (seal ring) MPa{kgf/cm2}
13. Lubrication No, Yes ( )
Dimension :
Material :
14. Shaft (piston)
Hardness :
Roughness :
Dimension :
Material :
15. Housing (cylinder)
Hardness :
Roughness :

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

4.3 Design of bearings

Allowable P

Surface pressure P
For designing NTN Engineering Plastics sliding
bearings, it is necessary to clearly understand Allowable PV values
various conditions such as operating (constant)
temperature, load, sliding velocity, PV value, Operating
mating material, torque, accuracy, environment, range Allowable V
behavior pattern and expected life.
Sliding velocity V
4.3.1 Selection of bearing material (PV value)
When selecting bearing material, it is PV≦Allowable PV values
P≦Allowable surface pressure
necessary to consider the permissible surface
PV≦Allowable sliding velocity V
pressure and sliding velocity of bearing Equation of surface pressure P and sliding velocity V
material, as well as to review operating P=Fr/d≦・l
temperature, mating material, lubricating V=π・d・n×10-3
P : Operating surface pressure MPa
conditions, etc. Fr : Radial load N
PV value is a product of the surface pressure d : Shaft diameter mm
l : Bearing width mm
P and sliding velocity V, and is widely used to V : Sliding velocity m/min
determine the possible operating range of n : Shaft rotation speed rpm
bearing materials. However, because the Fig. 4.1 Allowable PV values
surface pressure and sliding velocity also have
permissible values, the operating range is
determined as shown in Fig. 4.1.
4.3.3 Housing fit and bearing clearance
4.3.2 Estimate of wear amount Sliding bearings are usually used press fit into
The life of sliding bearings is determined by housing.
the wear of the sliding surface which prohibits The recommended mounted clearance of
use of the bearings. bearings depends on the shaft diameter. The
The wear amount of sliding bearings depends required minimum clearance is 2 to 7/1000 of
on various operating conditions such as sliding the shaft diameter. When the operating
velocity, surface pressure, operating patterns, temperature significantly varies, the clearance
lubricating conditions, surface roughness of the becomes smaller as the bearings expand.
mating material and ambient temperature. In Therefore, the mounting clearance must be
general, a guideline of wear amount is obtained larger for that amount.
from the following equation: When bearing accuracy needs to be
R=K・P・V・T increased by reducing the clearance, the bore
Where, diameter can be worked by a lathe or reamer
R: Wear amount (mm) after the bearings are installed into the housing.
K: Specific wear rate (mm3/N·m) For standard sliding bearings, the bearing
P: Surface pressure MPa (N/mm2) dimension table lists the recommended
V: Sliding velocity (m/min) dimensions of the shafts and housings and
T: Time (min) mounting clearance after fitting. For housings
of soft material or thinned-wall housings, the
The wear of sliding bearings is affected by mounting clearance must be larger than the
surface roughness of the mating material. clearance listed in the dimension table. In
Therefore, it needs to be finished at around 0.1 addition, when they are used in low
to 0.8 Ra. temperature, the press interference fit may
In addition, the wear amount can be reduced become loose, therefore, bearings need to be
by the hardness of the shaft, therefore, it is locked by using a knock pin or key, or using
recommended to use HRC22 or better. adhesives.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

¡ Calculation of clearance between the shaft and the bearing (excluding M liner bearings
and MLE bearings)
The calculation procedures of the clearance between the shaft and the bearing are different for
“baseline temperature”, “equal to or above 25˚C” and “equal to or below 20˚C”. Fig. 4.2 shows the
respective calculation procedures.

Baseline temperature (20 to 25˚C)

Shaft and housing dimensions are fixed. Shaft, housing and bearing dimensions
• Determination of bearing dimension are fixed.
• Calculation of clearance • Calculation of clearance
• Calculation of interference • Calculation of interference

4 In case the ambient temperature is equal to or above 25˚C

In case the ambient temperature is below 25˚C
• Calculation of clearance
• Calculation of bearing bore diameter
• Calculation of shaft outside diameter
• Calculation of housing bore diameter
• Calculation of interference
Remark: In general, the procedure for baseline temperature can be used for ambient temperature of 15 to 50˚C.
Fig. 4.2 Calculation procedure of clearance of the BEAREE sliding bearings

1. Calculation of clearance for baseline Remarks

temperature (25˚C) 1. In general, the minimum clearance of sliding bearing of
around 2 to 7/1000 of the shaft diameter is required,
1) Interference when used dry, to reduce the impact of heat.
Max.:FH=DH−HL 2. Shrinking percentage due to interference should be
Min. :FL =DL−HH usually 100%.
2) Bearing bore diameter reduction by interference BEAREE FL3000 AR type sleeve bearing
Max.:Emax=λ・FH(λ=1.0) Calculation for R-AR1010 is used.
Min. :Emin =λ・FL(λ=1.0) Use the recommended values in the catalog for
shaft and housing dimensions.
3) Bearing bore diameter dimension for installation at 25˚C
Max.:d25H=dH−Emin Shaft dimension:
Min. :d25L =dL−Emax SH=10, SL=9.991 from 10h6(-0.009 )
Housing dimension:
4) Mounted clearance for installation at 25˚C -0.018
HH=14, HL=13.982 from 14M7(-0.018 )
Min. :Cmin =d25L−SH Bearing bore diameter dimension:
dH=10.24, dL=10.19 from 10(+0.19 )
SH :Maximum dimension of shaft outside diameter Bearing outside diameter dimension:
DH=14.10, DL=14.05 from 14( +0.05 )
SL :Minimum dimension of shaft outside diameter
HH :Maximum dimension of housing bore diameter Maximum interference:
HL :Minimum dimension of housing bore diameter FH=DH−HL=14.10−13.982=0.118
dH :Maximum dimension of bearing bore diameter
dL :Minimum dimension of bearing bore diameter Minimum interference:
DH :Maximum dimension of bearing outside diameter FL=DL−HH=14.05−14.00=0.05
DL :Minimum dimension of bearing outside diameter

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

Reduction of bearing bore diameter: Reduction of bearing bore diameter:

Emax=FH×λ=0.118×1=0.118 Max.:
Emin =FL ×λ=0.05×1=0.05 CLmax= (HH)2{1+α11(TL-25)}2 -{(HH)2 -(d25H)2{1+α33(TL-25)}2

Bearing bore diameter dimension for installation -SL{1+α22(TL-25)}

at 25˚C: Min. :
d25H=dH−Emin =10.24−0.05=10.19 CLmin = (HL)2{1+α11(TL-25)}2 -{(HL)2 -(d25L)2 }
d25L=dL−Emax =10.19−0.118=10.072 -SH{1+α22(TL-25)}

Mounted clearance for installation at 25˚C: Where,

Cmax=d25H−SL=10.19−9.991=0.199≒0.20 α11:Linear expansion coefficient of housing
Cmin =d25L−SH =10.072−10=0.072≒0.07 material at TL˚C
α22:Linear expansion coefficient of shaft
4.2 Calculation of clearance for high material at TL˚C
temperature (TH˚C) operation α33:Linear expansion coefficient of bearing
material at TL˚C
1) Housing bore diameter dimensions
Min. :HHL =HL{1+α1(TH−25)} 4.3 Assembling method of bearings
Avoid hammering the bearing when pressing
2) Shaft outside diameter dimensions
it into the housing.
Min. :SHL =SL{1+α2(TH−25)} Use a press arbor as depicted in Fig. 4.3,
provide a guiding surface large enough for the
3) Mounted clearance
opening of the housing, then by aligning the
bearing and the housing bore diameter, push
CHmax= (HH)2{1+α1(TH-25)}2 -{(HH)2-(d25H)2}{1+α3(TH-25)}2
it down with a press. In addition, when they
Min. :
are used in low temperature, the press
interference fit may become loose, therefore,
CHmin = (HL)2{1+α1(TH-25)}2-{(HL)2-(d25L)2}
bearings needs to be locked by using a knock
pin or key, or using adhesives.
Where, Remark: When installing large resin bearing,
α1:Linear expansion coefficient of housing
the bearing can be cooled down with dry ice
material at TH˚C
for easy fitting.
α2:Linear expansion coefficient of shaft
material at TH˚C
α3:Linear expansion coefficient of bearing
material at TH˚C
Press ram
4.3 Calculation of clearance for low
temperature (TL°C) operation
1) Housing bore diameter dimensions
Max.:HLH=HH{1+α11(TL−25)} Bearing
Min. :HLL =HL{1+α11(TL−25)} Housing
2) Shaft outside diameter dimensions
Min. :SLL =SL{1+α22(TL−25)}
Fig. 4.3 Assembling method

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

5. BEAREE resin technical data

5.1 Wear properties

Table 5.1 Specific wear rate of BEAREE resin materials

Test condition
Material name Mating Surface Sliding Ambient wear rate
Test type pressure velocity Lubrication temperature ×10-7mm3/N・m
material MPa m/min m/min

BEAREE FL3000 Thrust SUJ2 0.2 128.0 No 1.0

BEAREE FL3030 Thrust SUS304 1.95 32.0 No 1.6

Thrust SUJ2 1.95 128.0 No 6.23
Thrust SUJ2 0.2 128.0 No temperature 1.0
BEAREE PI5014 Radial AS5052 0.3 9 No 250 9.5

Nickel plating
BEAREE AS5056 Radial 3 4.6 No 150 53
(base SUM)

BEAREE PK5900 Thrust SUS304 0.5 100.0 Yes 6.2

Thrust SUJ2 0.3 32.0 No Room 1.5

Thrust A5056 0.3 32.0 No 5.0

Thrust SUJ2 0.2 128.0 No 3.3
Thrust A2017 0.2 128.0 No temperature 2.9

BEAREE FL7075 Thrust SUS304 0.5 32.0 No Room 10.0


BEAREE FL7067 Thrust ADC12 — 60 Oil temperature 49

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

5.2 Friction properties

Table 5.2 Friction coefficient of BEAREE resin materials

Test condition
Material name Mating Surface Sliding Ambient wear rate
Test type pressure velocity Lubrication temperature ×10-7mm3/N・m
material MPa m/min m/min

BEAREE FL3000 Thrust SUJ2 1.0 10.0 No 0.13

BEAREE FL3030 Thrust SUS304 1.95 32.0 No 0.18

Thrust SUJ2 1.0 10.0 No 0.3
Thrust SUJ2 0.5 128.0 No 0.1
BEAREE PI5014 Radial AS5052 0.3 9 No 250 0.07

Nickel plating
BEAREE AS5056 Radial 3 4.6 No 150 0.07
(base SUM)

Room 0.28
BEAREE PK5900 Thrust SUS304 1.0 10.0 Yes

Thrust SUJ2 1.0 10.0 No Room 0.21

A5056 1.0 10.0 Room 0.13
Thrust No

SUJ2 0.3 1.0 Room 0.28

Thrust No
Thrust SUS304 0.3 1.0 No 0.22

BEAREE FL7075 Thrust A5056 0.2 2.4 No Room 0.13


BEAREE FL7067 Thrust ADC12 — 60 Oil 0.03

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

5.3 Chemical characteristics

Table 5.3 Chemical characteristics of BEAREE resin materials

Strong sulfuric acid × × × ×
15% acetic acid × × ×
75% acetic acid × × × ×
Hydrochloric acid × ×
15% nitric acid × ×

70% nitric acid × × × × ×

Formic acid × × × × ×
85% phosphoric acid × × ×
40% chromic acid × × ×
100% lactic acid ×
Hydrogen peroxide ×
30% ammonia water × ×
5 Ferric chloride
Calcium chloride

Calcium hydroxide ×
Mineral water
Methyl alcohol ×
Acetone × ×

Benzene ×
Carbon tetrachloride × ×
Ethyl ether × ×
Ethylene glycol
Diesel engine oil
Lubricating oil ×
Animal oil, vegetal oil

Kerosene (lamp oil)

Naphtha ×
Nitrate ester ×
Hydrocarbon fuel
Fluorine gas × × ×* × ×
Molten metallic sodium

× × × × ×
Fluorocarbon 134a ×
Liquid oxygen
Carbon dioxide
Nitrogen dioxide
Code description: ◎:Excellent, ○:Good, △:Fair, ×:nappropriate, *:High temperature/high pressure
Remark: This table is only a guideline. The characteristics may vary depending on the grades.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

5.4 Typical characteristics

Table 5.4 Material for mechanical processing

Compre- Flexural Water Linear 2 Operating
ssion 1 Tensile Elongation Bend modulus absorption expansion temperature
Material name Specific creep Hardness strength strength
coefficient limit
gravity rate
MPa % MPa MPa
% % ×10-5/℃ ˚C

BEAREE FL3000 2.28 8.1 66 15 200 ̶̶ ̶̶ 0.03 8.3 260

BEAREE FL3020 2.23 7.0 64 22 250 ̶̶ ̶̶ 0.03 ̶̶ 260

BEAREE FL3030 1.98 5.0 62 12 170 ̶̶ ̶̶ 0.09 9.0 260

BEAREE FL3040 2.19 6.0 63 14 170 ̶̶ ̶̶ 0.02 8.5 260

BEAREE FL3060 3.80 3.2 70 10 100 ̶̶ ̶̶ 0.09 6.8 260

BEAREE FL3071 2.09 7.8 68 17 230 ̶̶ ̶̶ ̶̶ 6.1 260 5

BEAREE FL3082 2.15 2.5 66 18 254 ̶̶ ̶̶ ̶̶ 11.5 260

BEAREE FL3307 3.39 4.0 67 17 160 ̶̶ ̶̶ ̶̶ 9.9 260

BEAREE FL3642 2.02 8.4 64 20 230 ̶̶ ̶̶ 0.02 7.0 260

BEAREE FL3700 2.10 3.0 70 16 130 ̶̶ ̶̶ 0.07 7.2 260

BEAREE FL3900 2.07 1.4 70 14 30 ̶̶ ̶̶ ̶̶ 8.7 260

BEAREE UH3000 0.94 11.0 65 20 200 20 610 0.01 20.0 80

BEAREE UH3954 0.94 10.0 65 40 200 ̶̶ ̶̶ 0.01 17.0 80

BEAREE FL9000 4.25 ̶̶ ̶̶ 46 15 ̶̶ ̶̶ ̶̶ 1.9 260

BEAREE ER3000 1.78 ̶̶ Hs70,80,90 10 290 ̶̶ ̶̶ 0.05 10.0 230

BEAREE ER3201 1.30 ̶̶ Hs70 15 500 ̶̶ ̶̶ ̶̶ ̶̶ ̶̶

1 Hardness: No mark indicates durometer, Hs indicates rubber hardness and the rest indicates Rockwell scale
2 Linear expansion coefficient: average linear expansion coefficient in the range of room temperature to 150˚C.
3 BEAREE FL3060 is the ML dedicated material.
4 BEAREE FL9000 is the tape dedicated material.
Remark: These values indicate the typical test results.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

Table 5.5 Material for injection molding (1)

Compre- 1 Tensile Bend Flexural Water Linear 2 Operating
Material name Specific ssion Hardness strength Elongation strength modulus absorption expansion temperature
gravity creep rate coefficient limit
% MPa % MPa MPa % ×10-5/℃ ˚C

BEAREE PI5001 1.49 ̶̶ M94 67 1.3 108 8 500 0.10 2.2 240

BEAREE PI5010 1.46 <0.2 M70 76 7 116 3 700 0.25 4.5 240

BEAREE PI5014 1.52 ̶̶ R107 56.2 1.6 82.4 3 540 0.12 6.0 240

BEAREE PI5022 1.80 ̶̶ M107 138 1 190 14 100 0.3 3.4 240(300)

BEAREE PI5033 1.63 ̶̶ M97 118 1.3 216 11 300 0.3 4.9 240

5 BEAREE PI5040 1.43 <0.2 M99 230 2 360 21 000 0.25 0.4 240

BEAREE AI5003 1.40 <0.2 E91 190 12 220 4 700 0.28 4.0 250

BEAREE UH5000 0.94 11.0 R60 41 10 41 1 600 0.01 17.0 80

BEAREE AS5000 1.53 0.3 80 51 3 61 ̶̶ 0.05 8.1 230

BEAREE AS5005 1.55 0.3 81 51 3 61 ̶̶ 0.03 7.0 230

BEAREE AS5056 1.58 ̶̶ R102 58 4 96 4 700 ̶̶ 8.7 230

BEAREE AS5965 1.62 ̶̶ R112 43 2.9 67 5 300 ̶̶ 7.3 230

BEAREE AS5040 1.66 ̶̶ R120 177 1.7 235 ̶̶ 0.01 1.8 230

BEAREE AS5302 1.44 ̶̶ M88 65 1.6 119 4 730 ̶̶ 6.1 230

1 Hardness: No mark indicates durometer, Hs indicates rubber hardness and the rest indicates Rockwell scale
2 Linear expansion coefficient: average linear expansion coefficient in the range of room temperature to 150˚C.
3 Within operating temperature limit ( ): crystalline treated material.
Remark: These values indicate the typical test results.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

Table 5.5 Material for injection molding (2)

Compre- 1 Tensile Bend Flexural Water Linear 2 Operating
Material name Specific ssion Hardness strength Elongation strength modulus absorption expansion temperature
gravity creep rate coefficient limit
% MPa % MPa MPa % ×10-5/℃ ˚C

BEAREE AS5704 1.64 ̶̶ R112 54 0.7 103 10 000 0.04 4.5 230

BEAREE AS5912 1.57 ̶̶ ̶̶ 137 1 167 26 500 ̶̶ 1.2 230

BEAREE PK5900 1.39 ̶̶ R118 126 2 207 7 400 ̶̶ 4.4 250

BEAREE PK5301 1.43 ̶̶ R117 82 3.5 153 7 800 ̶̶ 6.2 250

BEAREE DM5030 1.42 ̶̶ ̶̶ 50 35 80 2 650 ̶̶ ̶̶ 100

1 Hardness: No mark indicates durometer, Hs indicates rubber hardness and the rest indicates Rockwell scale
2 Linear expansion coefficient: average linear expansion coefficient in the range of room temperature to 150˚C.
Remark: These values indicate the typical test results.

Table 5.6 Coating material

Film Adhesion strength Continuous Baking Coating method

Material name thickness Crosscut Pencil hardness Drawing operating temperature Spray Powder
μm test Dented Broken test ˚C ˚C coating coating

BEAREE FL7075 10∼30 100/100 H 3H 5 180 230

BEAREE FE7010 500∼1 000 100/100 6H ̶̶ 5 180 315

10∼20 100/100 3H 5H 5 180 230

BEAREE FE7092 10∼20 100/100 B H 4 330 370

BEAREE FL7067 10∼30 100/100 H ̶̶ 5 220 230

Remark: These values indicate the typical test results.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

6. Applications of BEAREE products

Office/information equipment Automotive/electric equipment

Resin materials in precision components Superior materials selected depending on
such as bearings and gears contribute to applications such as seal materials that
improvement of reliability, quietness, have advantages over aluminum
lightweight and compactness of OA contribute to vehicle performance and
equipment. CAFE compliance.

AV equipment Home/electric appliances

Resin products of high precision in Air conditioning, microwave ovens,
micron (1/1000) order and excellent refrigerators, etc. provide unique
sliding properties satisfy all the functions performance under tough conditions, in
required for AV equipment. hidden places, lightly, quietly and cleanly.

Machining tools Civil/construction

The materials used in sliding areas of Sliding materials of Engineering Plastics
machining tables have unparalleled high are used to withstand earthquakes and
speed sliding performance. The evolution typhoons and to absorb the impact of
of material technology will further thermal expansion.
advance these characteristics.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

Aerospace equipment Equipment for water section

The materials are used in aerospace Engineering Plastics products are used in
equipment where high reliability is required. familiar places such as faucets, showers
The characteristics in vacuum and ultra low and water purifiers. They support our
temperature (-235°C) are proven for comfortable lives.
applications in space and liquid fuels.

Chemical equipment Food processing equipment /

Engineering plastics with the highest vending machines
chemical resistance among all resins play For food processing equipment, sanitary safety
an important role in bearings and seals in with rustless materials is of utmost importance.
chemical equipment. Engineering Plastics products with materials
approved by food related standards are used. They
are used in vending machines which require no
maintenance with their advantages in reliability.

Transportation system Construction machinery

Key areas of transportation system such as Resin products can maintain the functions
the seals for axle shafts of Shinkansen even under tough conditions. They have
trains, automatic wicket and ticket machines demonstrated results in rotational and
are supported by the sliding performance of sliding parts of civil/construction
Engineering Plastics products. machinery.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7. Introduction of products by applications

7.1 Sliding material for food processing equipment

No materials have fully satisfied the functional

requirements as sliding material for food
processing equipment.
For example, ultrahigh molecular weight
polyethylene has a limited allowable temperature
range and unfilled fluoro resin has poor wear
Also, carbon based materials have a high
friction coefficient and unfavorable color.
Fluoro resin series “BEAREE FL3642”
developed by NTN is an epoch-making material
that has overcome these issues.

■ Approved by the Synthetic Resin Equipment and

Container Packaging Standard Test (Japan Food Photo 7.1 BEAREE FL3642 product
Research Laboratory)
◆Test condition: Thrust tester
<Features> Surface pressure: 0.98MPa
Circumferential velocity: 32 m/min
1. Low friction coefficient without lubrication. Mating material: SUS304
2. Excellent wear resistance. Lubrication: Dry, water
3. High allowable PV value. Time: 50 h
4. Unlikely stick-slip because of an extremely low
100 000
Specific wear rate x10-8mm3/(N・m)

friction coefficient at the start and very low Dry

speed operation. Water
10 000
5. Good compatibility with mild steel and
(logarithmic scale)

stainless steel.
7 6. Clean-looking light yellow. 1 000
7. Insusceptible to acid, alkali and solvent.
¡Food processing equipment 10
¡Drug manufacturing equipment
¡Vending machines for food and drink 1
FL3642 FL3700 FL3000 FL3030
For use in water For For use against
(black) general use soft mating material
Fig 7.1 Comparison of specific wear rate of FL3642
In addition to BEAREE FL3642, other materials and our other materials
approved by the standard test are also available.
Select the materials based on the applications.

Table 7.1 Typical materials approved by the Synthetic

resin equipment and container packaging standard test
Material name Color Applications
For use against soft mating
BEAREE FL3040 Black materials
BEAREE FL3700 Black For use in water
For excellent friction and wear
BEAREE UH3000 White resistance with low PV value
Light For injection molding/volume
BEAREE AS5000 brown production
Photo 7.2 Products for food processing equipment

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7.2 Sliding material for use in water (chemicals)

Materials with excellent properties in

atmosphere (dry) may exhibit disadvantages
such as fast wear and/or damage to the mating
materials when used in water/chemical. We have
materials to solve these problems appropriate to
various conditions.

¡Bearings for use in water (sea water)
¡Bearings for chemical pumps
¡Vanes, rotors, casings for vane pumps
¡Bearings for sewage treatment equipment

Table 7.2 Allowable surface pressure and machining

Base surface Machining
Material name pressure P
resin method
Photo 7.3 Products for use in water (chemical)

V=128 m/min mating material SUS304 grinding finish

1 000
Specific wear rate mm3/N・m




0.1 0.5 1 5

Surface pressure MPa

Fig 7.2 Thrust in-water wear test

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7.3 Conductive (antistatic) sliding material

It has conductivity in addition to excellent

friction/wear properties. It is possible to eliminate
the need for grounding by using it as the bearing
material at the locations where an antistatic
property is required.
Compared to the conventional carbon-based
brush materials, it is less likely to crack or chip
and is quiet in sliding motion.

¡Sliding components and grounding materials
for computer-related equipment.
¡Bearings and gears for copiers, printers,
facsimile equipment.

Photo 7.4 Conductive bearings and gears

Table 7.3 Volume resistivity and main applications
Material name resistivity Main applications
Ground button
BEAREE 3900 10 for disk drive

BEAREE PI5040 1 ×105 Gear

7 BEAREE AS5965 1×103 Bearing

BEAREE AS5963 3.3×103 Insulating sleeve

BEAREE NY5910 10 Gear

Photo 7.5 Ground buttons for disk drive

Thrust test
Test piece: φ3 ball
Wear amount μm

150 Mating material: Phosphor bronze Carbon

Load: 0.25N
Rotation speed: 3400 min-1

0 500 1000
Operating time h

Fig 7.3 Comparison of wear between

BEAREE FL3900 and carbon

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7.4 Sliding material for high surface pressure

In general, resin materials have a lower

allowable surface pressure compared with
metallic materials, however, they can be used
under high surface pressure by adhering them to
back metal, adding reinforcing material, selecting
high allowable surface pressure materials, etc.

1. BEAREE PI5001
BEAREE PI5001, which uses polyimide series
resin, can be used up to the allowable surface
pressure of 50 MPa.

Table 7.4 Allowable surface pressure and machining methods

Allowable Machining
Material name surface pressure method Photo 7.6 High surface pressure bearings
BEAREE PI5001 50 Injection molding
Surface pressure MPa

<Applications> 250 ˚C 0˚C


=1 T=
¡Oilless pillow block, anchor bearing for buoy, 200
T= T
transmission thrust bearing 150
2. BEAREE FL9000 50
It can be used for high surface pressure up to
100 MPa and low speed applications. This 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14
Amount of strain mm 7
material has a structure to prevent creep of resin
from bronze wire fabric. Therefore, it can be used Fig 7.5 Strain due to load
under high surface pressure. (surface pressure) (compression strain)
Fig. 7.4 shows the cross section of this (Note) The strain is measured by applying the load for 60
minutes on BEAREE FL9000 placed between two
structure. Its thin structure of 0.5 mm allows for a steel plates. When BEAREE FL9000 is adhered to the
compact design. It is recommended to adhere it base material, it is further reduced.
to solid backing material such as metal when
used under surface pressure of 40 MPa or more.
1 000
Table 7.5 Allowable surface pressure and structure
Material name surface pressure Structure
Surface pressure MPa



100 metallic wire fabric
¡Oilless ball sliding bearing, king pin bearing,
crane, shock absorber, door hinge

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Sliding velocity m/sec
Metallic wire fabric
Fig 7.4 Structure of FL9000 Fig 7.6 Allowable PV values of BEAREE FL9000

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7.5 Material for resin gears

Resin gears show excellent

qualities in being lightweight, no Ï
lubrication, low noise, corrosion
resistance and volume production, ı ‰
which enable them to be used in
broad applications. NTN provides a
wide range of Engineering Plastics
materials for gears from super
engineering plastics to general-
purpose engineering plastics for
various applications, from which the
users can select the most Å
appropriate materials. Î

1. High strength and long life.
2. Excellent sliding performance. Ç
3. Excellent heat resistance.
Å With locking mechanism (D-shape hole)
■ Typical shape ı With locking mechanism (key))
Type: Spur gear, helical gear
Ç Idle gear (gear itself slides)
Module: 0.8 – 1.5
Î Idle gear (compound type with the shaft side made of sliding material)
Pitch circle diameter: 15 – 60 mm
‰ Two-stage gear
Ï Two-stage gear
Photo 7.7 Gear products

Table 7.6 Gear materials and their features
Performance assessment
Material name Base Main applications
resin Heat Sliding
Strength Conductivity
resistance performance

BEAREE PI 5030 Drive gear (fixed part)

BEAREE PI 5033 Drive gear (fixed part)
Drive and idle gear
(fixed part)
BEAREE AS 5040 Drive gear (fixed part)

BEAREE AS 5044 PPS Drive gear (fixed part)

BEAREE AS 5057 Idle gear (fixed part)

◎:Excellent  ○:Good
* Select the material based on operating conditions, mating gear material, life, accuracy, etc.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7.6 Sliding material dedicated for machining tools

BEAREE FL3307, with improvement of wear

resistance, creep resistance and heat conductivity
based on fluoro resins of a low friction coefficient,
is the sliding material dedicated for machining tools
with the smallest friction coefficient under oil

1. Smallest friction coefficient under oil lubrication.
2. Stick-slip is unlikely.
3. Galling and seizure are unlikely.
4. Small compression strain.
5. Unlikely oil shortage at the start-up, making it
appropriate for frequent start/stop.
6. Small friction coefficient and long life.

Photo 7.8 Sliding part of machining tool bed

[Test condition] [Test condition] [Test condition]
Test equipment: Creep tester (JIS) Test equipment: Test equipment:
Test piece dimension: NTN-made reciprocating friction/ NTN-made reciprocating friction/
12.7×12.7×0.76mm wear testing equipment wear testing equipment
Load direction: Direction of thickness Mating material: Meehanite metal Sliding velocity: 50 m/min
Load duration: 24 hr Surface roughness: Ra 0.25 Travel distance: ±100mm
Surface pressure: 13.7MPa Surface pressure: 0.49MPa Mating material: Meehanite metal
Test temperature: Room temperature Travel distance: ±100mm Surface roughness: Ra 0.25
Lubricating oil: Tonna oil T68 Lubricating oil: Tonna oil T68
Test temperature: Room temperature Test temperature: Room temperature
Compression creep strain rate (%)

2 0.08
Dynamic friction coefficient
Specific wear rate (mm3/N·m)

FL3307 FL3307
Material from other manufacturer Material from other manufacturer
1.5 0.06
(after 10 min.)

1 0.04


0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
FL3307 Material from
other manufacturer 10m/min 30m/min
Surface pressure (MPa)

Fig 7.7 Creep strain rate Fig 7.8 Wear amount Fig 7.9 Dynamic friction coefficient

Refer to P. 58 for standard dimensions.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7.7 Material for separation claw

With copiers and printers, the toner image

adhered onto the paper is heated and pressed by
the roller for fixing. For scraping off the paper
which is stuck on the roller, separation claws with
sharp tips are used.
The separation claw is required to have rigidity
in high temperature, sliding performance to avoid
damage to the mating roller and non-viscosity
against the melt toner.
NTN Engineering Plastics provides the
appropriate claw material for the operating
temperature and coating material.

1. Excellent mechanical strength and heat
2. Good fluidity and excellent molding of the
shape of claw tips
3. Excellent impact resistance
4. Excellent friction and wear properties Photo 7.9 Material for separation claw

Table 7.7 Combination of separation claw material and recommended coating material
Heat resistance Recommended
7 Material name temperature, ˚C coating material Applications
Claws on the fixed part,
BEAREE PI 5022 300 BEAREE FE7092 high functionality

BEAREE AI 5003 230 BEAREE FE7030, FE7031 Claws on photoreceptive drum

Claws on the fixed part,
BEAREE FE5002 200 No coating is required high functionality, inexpensive

Heat roller
Claws for heat rollers

Claws for pressing roller Pressing roller

Fig 7.10 Applications of separation claws

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7.8 Seal material for sliding

NTN Engineering Plastics material is a material

with excellent sealability for gas and liquid, as
well as wear resistance and a low friction

1. High fitting and sealing properties.
2. Low friction coefficient and excellent wear
3. High self lubricating property requiring no
lubricating oil.
4. Excellent chemical resistance allows use in
special environments.
(Refer to Table 5.3 in page 24, for chemical

Photo 7.10 Different types of seal rings

Table 7.8 Selection of materials based on the mating materials and environment and their applications

Mating material Environment Elongation Machining

Material name
Mild Cast Alumi-
method Applications (examples) 7
steel iron num Dry Oil Water %

Mechanical General use, power steering,

BEAREE FL3000 × 200 machining automatic transmission

Mechanical Air suspension

BEAREE FL3030 × 170 machining Air compressor

Mechanical Car air conditioning

BEAREE FL3071 230 machining Automatic transmission
BEAREE FL3082 × 254 machining Power steering
BEAREE AS5302 1.6 molding Scroll compressor
BEAREE PK5301 2.5 molding Automatic transmission
BEAREE PK5900 × × 2.0 molding Automatic transmission

○:Good  △:Fair  ×:Inappropriate

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7.9 Coating material

BEAREE coating material forms a

solid film, and because it is thin and
uniform, it can be used in those
places where thermal expansion may
become an issue or high accuracy is
required. It can be used taking
advantage of its high wear resistance
and non-viscosity.
Depending on the type of the
material, different coating methods
can be used such as spray coating
and powder coating.

1. Excellent friction and wear
2. Excellent non-viscosity.
3. Excellent heat resistance. Photo 7.11 Coating products
4. Excellent chemical resistance.

Table 7.9 Coating materials and features

Features Baking Film
7 Material name Low friction Wear Non-
temperature thickness
˚C µm
coefficient resistance viscosity
Excellent under Guide pin
BEAREE FL7060 230 10∼30
low surface pressure
BEAREE FL7075 General purpose 230 10∼30 Piston, washer, vane
Thick film, for high
BEAREE FE7010 surface pressure 315 500∼1000 Supercharger rotor
For high surface High surface pressure
BEAREE FL7067 pressure 230 10∼40 sliding part
Slide guide,
BEAREE FE7030 230 10∼30 separation claw

BEAREE FE7092 370 10∼30 Separation claw

* Coating can be applied to resins, in addition to metals, however, the material must withstand the baking temperature
of coating.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7.10 Fluorine based sliding rubber

It is a material that holds both elasticity of

rubber and the sliding property of fluoro resin. It
has the following excellent features:

1. Excellent sealability due to its elasticity.
2. Excellent chemical resistance. (Refer to Table
6.3 in page 28)
3. Excellent heat resistance. (Continuous
operating temperature of 230˚C)
4. Low friction coefficient and excellent wear
5. Excellent creep resistance
6. Excellent non-viscosity.
7. Can be used for food related applications. Photo 7.12 Sliding rubber products

¡O ring V=30m/min
¡V ring Mating material SUS304
Specific wear rate mm3/N・m

¡Mechanical seal 1 000 Fluororubber

*Unmeasurable due to
large wear
100 BEAREE ER3000
General 10
Dynamic friction coefficient

1.0 1
General purpose
0.8 fluororubber PTFE with 20% glass fiber
0.6 Super 1 10 100
0.4 plastics PV value MPa・m/min
Fig 7.13 PV value and specific wear rate

0 1 10 102 103 104 105

Elastic modulus MPa
Elastomer Plastic

Fig 7.12 Position of BEAREE ER3000

as sliding material

Table 7.10 Features and applications

Material name Hardness Color Features Applications

Hs 70
BEAREE ER 3000 Hs 80 Black Wear resistance Bearing
Hs 90

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7.11 NBR Series sliding rubber

NBR rubber, with its poor sliding property,

requires lubrication such as grease, however,
BEAREE ER3201 s a new rubber material with
low friction and excellent wear properties using
NBR as the base material.
It can be used for a dynamic seal with no
lubrication, providing lower friction and higher
durability compared to the conventional NBR
rubber seals.

1. Low friction, low wear and good seal Photo 7.13 Sliding rubber products
2. Low friction, low wear and good sealing
3. Non-viscosity to prevent adherence.
4. Excellent applicability.

¡O ring/V ring/Different types of seals

We have conducted comparison tests of ER

3201 and general-purpose NBR using the tester
in the right figure.
O ring shape : P10
7 Traveling direction : Reciprocating
Stroke : ±2mm
Air pressure : 0, 0.2, 0.45 MPa
Frequency : 5 Hz
Testing time : 100 h Air
Grease application : No
Housing material : SUS304

Table 7.12 Sealing property of traveling O ring and presence of cracks

Test condition Assessment after test
Test piece Presence
Air pressure Sealing property of cracks Photo observation

0.0MPa ̶ No

ER3201 0.2MPa Air leak No

0.45MPa Air leak No

0.0MPa ̶ Yes
NBR 0.2MPa No air leak Yes

0.45MPa No air leak Yes

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

Table 7.11 General properties of ER3201

Item Test method SI unit ER3201 rubber (1 Class A)
Hardness JIS-K6253 JIS-A 70±5 70±5
Specific gravity JIS-K6301 ̶ 1.3 ̶
Tensile strength JIS-K6251 MPa 15 9.8 or above
Elongation percentage JIS-K6251 % 500 250 or above
Tear strength JIS-K6252 N/mm 35 ̶
Permanent elongation percentage JIS-K6301 % 15 ̶
Permanent compression strain rate (100˚C×22h) JIS-K6262 % 10 ̶
Ozone resistant property (40˚C, 50pphm, 42days) JIS-K6259 ̶ No cracks ̶


General-purpose NBR

Friction force, N

Reciprocating O ring tester
O ring : P10
5 Shaft diameter : φ10
Housing bore diameter : φ13

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Internal pressure, MPa

Fig 7.14 Relation between internal pressure and friction force

at reciprocating O ring

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7.12 Resin rolling bearing

General bearings cannot be used in special

environments (in water, in chemicals, etc.),
however, resin rolling bearings can be used with
no lubrication and in lower torque than sliding
bearings, since they use material with corrosion
resistance and a self lubricating property for
inner/outer rings, balls and cages. However,
since the inner/outer rings are made of resin, the
load capacity and rotational speed are for low
range applications.

Photo 7.14 Bearings for corrosion environment

Table 7.13

Inner/outer rings Ball Cage

Bearings for 66 nylon with glass reinforced fiber

BEAREE PK5031 Ceramic
corrosion environment or BEAREE FL3700 (PTFE Series)

<Application record>
¡Film developing machine (#6202, 6203 types)
Operating conditions: Radial load: Max 9.3N, rotational speed: 1000 rpm, environment:
development agent of PH 0.9 -12
¡Aluminum foil chemical conversion line (UC205, 206 types)
Operating conditions: Radial load: 127 – 147 N, rotational speed: 1 rpm, environment: acid, water
¡Photomagnetic disk sputtering equipment (φ20×φ25×4)
Operating conditions: Radial load: 9.8 N, rotational speed: 120 rpm, environment: vacuum
¡Hard disk cleaning equipment
Operating conditions: Radial load: 19.6 N, rotational speed: max 400 rpm, environment: pure water

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7.13 Miniature resin sliding screw

BEAREE AS5000 is adopted as the nut

material of the sliding screw, therefore, it can be
used in a wide range of temperatures without
lubrication. And since the screw shaft is made of
SUS304, it provides excellent corrosion
resistance and is usable in special environments
such as in water.
However, different from ball screws, it cannot
be used for accurate positioning and for high
load, but it is usable as the feeding mechanism of
various machines.
The standard dimensions are screw shaft
nominal outside diameter of φ4・6・8・10・12
mm with lead of 1 and 2 mm. In addition, the
leads of three times the shaft diameter are added
for screw shaft nominal outside diameter of φ6・
8・10・12mm as high leads. Photo 7.15 Miniature resin sliding screws

1. Can be used in a wide range of environments.
(no lubrication, corrosion resistance)
2. Low noise compared to ball screws.
3. High screw efficiency due to low friction resin
¡Actuator, measurement equipment,
semiconductor manufacturing devices, medical 7
devices, automatic control equipment, etc.
Fig. 7.15 An example of actuator application
Table 7.14 Reference: General features of various feed screws
Guideline of Operating performance
Corrosion Screw Screw
Grease operating ambient High Load Operating Remarks
resistance accuracy efficiency
temperature speed resistance noise
NTN resin 1 Applicable in the areas where
Not −40∼ general-purpose engineering plastic
sliding required ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ▲ ⃝ sliding screws were not convention-
screw ally usable.
General-purpose 2 Oil impregnated polyacetal is
(Not −20∼
engineering plastic required) ▲ ▲∼⃝ ▲∼⃝ ▲ × ⃝ common. Limited to low-load
sliding screw
+50˚C applications.

Metallic 2 Performance is significantly affected

Required −20∼ by the lubricating agent used.
sliding × ×∼◎ ×∼⃝ ×∼▲ ◎ ⃝ Suitable for low-speed/high-load
screw application.
Ball screw Required −20∼
× ⃝∼◎ ◎ ◎ ⃝ ▲ Expensive.

1 Assuming operating heat generation of up to 100˚C and NTN resin sliding screw resin nut operating temperature limit
of 230˚C, the operating ambient temperature is set to 230˚C-100˚C=130˚C for the high temperature side. In case the
operating heat generation is lower, it may be used up to around 230˚C. However, it is necessary to confirm/set the
initial clearance so that the axial clearance does not become negative at the operating temperature.
2 Various references have been considered.

Refer to P. 56 for standard dimensions.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

7.14 Compound products

By combining BEAREE group materials with other materials, you can take advantages of their features.
1. Allowable surface pressure can be improved.
2. Reinforcing materials can be chosen depending on applications.
3. Weight can be reduced.
4. Thermal expansion can be reduced.
5. Machining accuracy can be improved.
6. Compact design can be achieved by integrating with mating housing.
7. Number of components can be reduced.
■ Examples of applications
Copier fixing roller bearing, pressure roller bearing, carriage bearing, mirror slide bearing, recorder
sliding bearing, seal rings for automotive application, elevator door guide shoe
■ Examples of compound materials
• BEAREE material + rubber
• BEAREE material + rubber + metal
• BEAREE material + metal
• BEAREE material + general-purpose engineering plastic + metal

Photo 7.16 Compound products

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

8. Introduction of standard products

8.1 Sliding bearing

The following 6 types of standard products are available for a wide range of applications.

ARE, AR type [sleeve bearing]

The ARE type is a product which achieved zero environmental
emission by the auto mold approach based on BEAREE
FL3000. The performance is equivalent to the AR type. The bore
diameters of 3 mm to 12 mm are standardized. The AR type is a
product worked from rod or pipe shaped BEAREE FL3000
material. These bearings can only receive radial loads. The bore
diameters of 15 mm to 50 mm are standardized.

ARF type [sleeve bearing with flange]

The ARE type is a flanged version of the AR type which can
also receive axial loads. The bore diameters of 3 mm to 50 mm
are standardized.

BRF type [sleeve bearing with flange]

The BRF type is a product produced with an injection mold of
AS5005 material.
These bearings are flanged and can receive radial loads and
axial loads.
The bore diameters of 3 mm to 25 mm are standardized.
These bearings can be designed lighter and more compact than
the ARF type.

TW type [thrust washer]

The TW type is a thrust washer worked out from BEAREE
FL3000 tape. The thickness of 0.8 mm and bore diameters of 6
mm to 50 mm are standardized.

ML type [M liner bearing]

The ML type is a winding bush where BEAREE FL3060 tape is
adhered to the inner surface of the steel plate which is
galvanized for rust prevention. These bearings withstand higher
surface pressure than the AR and ARF types and its thinness
allows for a compact design. The bore diameters are
standardized for 3 mm to 70 mm and several widths are
standardized for each bore diameter dimension.

MLE type [MLE bearing]

The MLE type is three-layer structured lead-free bearings with
tetrafluoroethylene resin with a special filling agent impregnated
into porous sintered layer which is made by sintering bronze
powder onto the backing steel plate. Bearing MLE for radial
loads, flanged bearing MLEF for radial loads and axial loads,
and bearing MLEW for thrust loads are standardized.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

ARE type
AR type l

Sleeve bearing

d D

Dimension measurement temperature 25˚C

Dimension mm Recommended dimensions mm Minimum

Bearing number mounting
Shaft Housing clearance
d tolerance D tolerance l tolerance C h6 M7 mm
+0.21 +0.09 0 0 0
R-ARE0305 3 +0.16 6 +0.04 5 -0.20 0.3 3 -0.006 6 -0 012 0.06
R-ARE0406 4 +0.21
+0.16 7 +0.09
+0.04 6 0
-0.20 0.3 4 0
-0.006 7 0
-0.015 0.06
R-ARE0506 5 +0.21
+0.16 8 +0.09
+0.04 6 0
-0.20 0.3 5 0
-0.008 8 0
-0.015 0.06
+0.21 +0.09 0 0 0
R-ARE0608 6 +0.16 9 +0.04 8 -0.20 0.3 6 -0.008 9 -0.015 0.06
+0.23 +0.10 0 0 0
R-ARE0708 7 +0.18 11 +0.05 8 -0.20 0.5 7 -0.009 11 -0.018 0.06
R-ARE0808 8 +0.23
+0.18 12 +0.10
+0.05 8 0
-0.20 0.5 8 0
-0.009 12 0
-0.018 0.06
+0.23 +0.10 0 0 0.
R-ARE0910 9 +0.18 13 +0.05 10 -0.25 0.5 9 -0.009 13 -0.018 0.06
R-ARE1010 10 +0.24
+0.19 14 +0.10
+0.05 10 0
-0.25 0.5 10 0
-0.009 14 0
-0.018 0.07
R-ARE1210 12 +0.24
+0.19 16 +0.10
+0.05 10 0
-0.25 0.5 12 0
-0.011 16 0
-0.018 0.07
8 R-AR1515 15 +0.27
+0.20 21 +0.10
+0.05 15 0
-0.25 0.5 15 0
-0.011 21 0
-0.021 0.08
R-AR1715 17 +0.27
+0.20 23 +0.10
+0.05 15 0
-0.25 0.5 17 0
-0.011 23 0
-0.021 0.08
R-AR1815 18 +0.20 24 +0.10
+0.05 15 0
-0.25 0.5 18
-0.011 24
-0.021 0.08
R-AR2020 20 +0.33
+0.21 26 +0.11
+0.06 20 0
-0.25 0.8 20 0
-0.013 26 0
-0.021 0.08
R-AR2220 22 +0.33
+0.21 28 +0.11
+0.06 20 0
-0.25 0.8 22 0
-0.013 28 0
-0.021 0.08
R-AR2525 25 +0.33
+0.21 31 +0.11
+0.06 25 0
-0.25 0.8 25 0
-0.013 31 0
-0.025 0.08
R-AR2830 28 +0.33
+0.21 34 +0.11
+0.06 30 0
-0.25 0.8 28 0
-0.013 34 0
-0.025 0.08
R-AR3030 30 +0.33
+0.21 36 +0.11
+0.06 30 0
-0.25 0.8 30 0
-0.013 36 0
-0.025 0.08
R-AR3230 32 +0.38
+0.22 40 +0.11
+0.06 30 0
-0.25 1.0 32 0
-0.016 40 0
-0.025 0.09
R-AR3535 35 +0.38
+0.22 43 +0.11
+0.06 35 0
-0.25 1.0 35 0
-0.016 43 0
-0.025 0.09
R-AR4040 40 +0.38
+0.22 48 +0.11
+0.06 40 0
-0.25 1.0 40 0
-0.016 48 0
-0.025 0.09
R-AR4550 45 +0.39
+0.23 53 +0.11
+0.06 50 0
-0.25 1.0 45 0
-0.016 53 0
-0.030 0.09
R-AR5050 50 +0.39
+0.23 60 +0.11
+0.06 50 0
-0.25 1.0 50 0
-0.016 60 0
-0.030 0.09
Remark 1. Use 1.0×10-7mm3/N・m as a guideline for the specific wear rate K.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

ARF type l
Sleeve bearing R
with flange

D2 d D1


Dimension measurement temperature 25˚C

Dimension mm Recommended dimensions Minimum

mm mounting
Bearing number Shaft Housing clearance
d tolerance D1 tolerance l tolerance D2 t tolerance h6 M7 mm
+0.21 +0.09 0 +0.10 0 0
R-ARF0305 3 +0.16 6 +0.04 5 -0.20 9 1.5 0 3 -0.006 6 -0.012 0.06
+0.21 +0.09 0 +0.10 0 0
R-ARF0406 4 +0.16 7 +0.04 6 -0.20 9 1.5 0 4 -0.008 7 -0.015 0.06
+0.21 +0.09 0 +0.10 0 0
R-ARF0508 5 +0.16 8 +0.04 8 -0.20 11 1.5 0 5 -0.008 8 -0.015 0.06
+0.21 +0.09 0 +0.10 0 0
R-ARF0608 6 +0.16 9 +0.04 8 -0.20 12 1.5 0 6 -0.008 9 -0.015 0.06
R-ARF0710 7 +0.18 11 +0.10
+0.05 10 0
-0.25 15 2 +0.10
0 7 0
-0.009 11 0
-0.018 0.06
+0.23 +0.10 0 +0.10 0 0
R-ARF0810 8 +0.18 12 +0.05 10 -0.25 16 2 0 8 -0.009 12 -0.018 0.06
R-ARF0910 9 +0.18 13 +0.10
+0.05 10 0
-0.25 17 2 +0.10
0 9 0
-0.009 13 0
-0.018 0.06
R-ARF1015 10 +0.19 14 +0.10
+0.05 15 0
-0.25 18 2 +0.10
0 10 0
-0.009 14 0
-0.018 0.07
+0.24 +0.10 0 +0.10 0 0
R-ARF1215 12 +0.19 16 +0.05 15 -0.25 20 2 0 12 -0.011 16 -0.018 0.07
R-ARF1520 +0.27
15 +0.20
21 +0.05 20
-0.25 27 3
0 15
-0.011 21
-0.021 0.08 8
R-ARF1720 17 +0.20 23 +0.10
+0.05 20 0
-0.25 29 3 +0.10
0 17 0
-0.011 23 0
-0.021 0.08
+0.27 +0.10 0 +0.10 0 0
R-ARF1820 18 +0.20 24 +0.05 20 -0.25 30 3 0 18 -0.011 24 -0.021 0.08
+0.33 +0.11 0 +0.10 0 0
R-ARF2025 20 +0.21 26 +0.06 25 -0.25 32 3 0 20 -0.013 26 -0.021 0.08
R-ARF2225 22 +0.21 28 +0.11
+0.06 25 0
-0.25 34 3 +0.10
0 22 0
-0.013 28 0
-0.021 0.08
R-ARF2530 25 +0.21 31 +0.11
+0.06 30 0
-0.25 37 3 +0.10
0 25 0
-0.013 31 0
-0.025 0.08
R-ARF2830 28 +0.21 34 +0.11
+0.06 30 0
-0.25 40 3
-0.05 28 0
-0.013 34 0
-0.025 0.08
+0.33 +0.11 0 +0.10 0 0
R-ARF3035 30 +0.21 36 +0.06 35 -0.25 42 3 -0.05 30 -0.013 36 -0.025 0.08
R-ARF3235 32 +0.22 40 +0.11
+0.06 35 0
-0.25 48 4 +0.10
-0.05 32 0
-0.016 40 0
-0.025 0.09
R-ARF3540 35 +0.22 43 +0.11
+0.06 40 0
-0.25 51 4 +0.10
-0.05 35 0
-0.016 43 0
-0.025 0.09
R-ARF4045 40 +0.22 48 +0.11
+0.06 45 0
-0.25 56 4 +0.10
-0.05 40 0
-0.016 48 0
-0.025 0.09
R-ARF4550 45 +0.23 53 +0.11
+0.06 50 0
-0.25 61 4 +0.10
-0.05 45 0
-0.016 53 0
-0.030 0.09
R-ARF5060 50 +0.23 60 +0.11
+0.06 60 0
-0.25 70 5 +0.10
-0.05 50 0
-0.016 60 0
-0.030 0.09
Remarks 1. The corner R inside flange area is 0.2 mm or less.
2. Chamfering C dimension is the same as the AR type if the bore diameter is the same.
3. Minimum mounting clearance is the value when mounted on M7 ultra hard housing.
4. Use 1.0×10-7mm3/N・m as a guideline for the specific wear rate K.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

BRF type t

Sleeve bearing
with flange

D2 d D1

Dimension measurement temperature 25˚C

Dimension mm Recommended dimensions Minimum

mm mounting
Bearing number Shaft Housing clearance
d olerance D1 olerance l olerance D2 t olerance h7 H7 mm
+0.21 +0.11 0 +0.012
R-BRF0304 3 +0.16 6 +0.06 4 ±0.2 9 1.5±0.1 3 -0.010 6 0 0.05
R-BRF0404 4 +0.22
+0.17 7 +0.12
+0.06 4 ±0.2 10 1.5±0.1 4 0
-0.012 7 +0.015
0 0.05
R-BRF0505 5 +0.22
+0.17 8 +0.12
+0.06 5 ±0.2 11 1.5±0.1 5 0
-0.012 8 +0.015
0 0.05
+0.22 +0.12 0 +0.015
R-BRF0605 6 +0.17 9 +0.06 5 ±0.2 12 1.5±0.1 6 -0.012 9 0 0.05
+0.26 +0.14 0 +0.018
R-BRF0806 8 +0.20 12 +0.07 6 ±0.2 15 2 ±0.1 8 -0.015 12 0 0.06
R-BRF1008 10 +0.27
+0.21 14 +0.14
+0.07 8 ±0.2 17 2 ±0.1 10 0
-0.015 14 +0.018
0 0.07
+0.28 +0.14 0 +0.018
R-BRF1208 12 +0.21 16 +0.07 8 ±0.2 19 2 ±0.1 12 -0.018 16 0 0.07
R-BRF1510 15 +0.30
+0.23 21 +0.15
+0.07 10 ±0.2 24 3 ±0.1 15 0
-0.018 21 +0.021
0 0.08
R-BRF2012 20 +0.31
+0.23 26 +0.15
+0.07 12 ±0.2 29 3 ±0.1 20 0
-0.021 26 0 0.08
8 R-BRF2515 25 +0.32
+0.24 31 +0.16
+0.08 15 ±0.2 34 3 ±0.1 25 0
-0.021 31 +0.025
0 0.08
Remarks 1. Chamfer C dimension is 0.3 mm when bore diameter is 6 mm or less and 0.5 mm when it is 8 mm or more.
2. The corner R inside flange area is 0.2 mm or less.
3. Use 1.5×10-7mm3/N・m as a guideline for the specific wear rate K.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

TW type
Thrust washer

Dimension measurement temperature 25˚C
Dimension mm
Bearing number d D T
+0.25 0
0 -0.25 ±0.06

R-TW0613 6.2 12.8 0.8

R-TW0715 7.2 14.8 0.8
R-TW0815 8.2 14.8 0.8
R-TW0920 9.2 19.8 0.8
R-TW1020 10.2 19.8 0.8
R-TW1225 12.2 24.7 0.8
R-TW1530 15.3 29.7 0.8
R-TW1735 17.3 34.6 0.8
R-TW1835 18.3 34.6 0.8 8
R-TW2040 20.4 39.6 0.8
R-TW2245 22.4 44.5 0.8
R-TW2550 25.4 49.5 0.8
R-TW2855 28.4 54.4 0.8
R-TW3060 30.4 59.4 0.8
R-TW3260 32.4 59.4 0.8
R-TW3565 35.6 64.3 0.8
R-TW4070 40.6 69.3 0.8
R-TW4575 45.6 74.2 0.8
R-TW5080 50.8 79.2 0.8
Remarks 1. Use 1.0×10-7mm3/N・m as a guideline for the specific wear rate K.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

ML type Joint area l

M liner bearing
C d D



Bore Outside Bearing number

diameter diameter
d D Length l (tolerance 0
-0.25 ) mm
mm mm 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 15 20
3 5 R-ML0303 R-ML0304 R-ML0305 R-ML0306
4 6 R-ML0404 R-ML0406 R-ML0408
5 7 R-ML0504 R-ML0505 R-ML0506 R-ML0508
6 8 R-ML0605 R-ML0606 R-ML0607 R-ML0608 R-ML0610
7 9 R-ML0705 R-ML0707 R-ML0710 R-ML0712
8 10 R-ML0806 R-ML0808 R-ML0810 R-ML0812
9 11 R-ML0910
10 12 R-ML1006 R-ML1007 R-ML1008 R-ML1010 R-ML1012 R-ML1015 R-ML1020
12 14 R-ML1206 R-ML1208 R-ML1210 R-ML1212 R-ML1215 R-ML1220
13 15 R-ML1315
14 16 R-ML1410 R-ML1412 R-ML1415 R-ML1420
15 17 R-ML1510 R-ML1512 R-ML1515 R-ML1520
16 18 R-ML1610 R-ML1612 R-ML1615 R-ML1620
17 19 R-ML1715
18 20 R-ML1810 R-ML1812 R-ML1815 R-ML1820
19 22 R-ML1915
8 20 23 R-ML2010 R-ML2012 R-ML2015 R-ML2020
22 25 R-ML2210 R-ML2212 R-ML2215 R-ML2220
24 27 R-ML2415 R-ML2420
25 28 R-ML2510 R-ML2512 R-ML2515 R-ML2520
26 30 R-ML2620
28 32 R-ML2812 R-ML2815 R-ML2820
30 34 R-ML3012 R-ML3015 R-ML3020
31 35
32 36 R-ML3220
35 39 R-ML3512 R-ML3520
38 42 R-ML3820
40 44 R-ML4012 R-ML4020
45 50 R-ML4520
50 55 R-ML5010 R-ML5020
55 60
60 65
65 70
70 75
Remarks 1. Use 1.2×10-7mm3/N・m as a guideline for the specific wear rate K.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

▼ Indication of product number

Length dimension
Bore diameter dimension
Type code

Dimension measurement temperature 25˚C

Bearing number Recommended dimensions
Mounting clearance
mm When mounted on H7
Housing ( ultra hard housing )
Length l (tolerance 0
-0.25 ) mm C
25 30 40 50 60 80 mm h7 H7 Min. Max.
0 +0.012
0.3 3 -0.010 5 0 0.025 0.075
0 +0.012
0.5 4 -0.012 6 0 0.025 0.085
0 +0.015
0.5 5 -0.012 7 0 0.025 0.095
0 +0.015
0.5 6 -0.012 8 0 0.025 0.095
0 +0.015
0.5 7 -0.015 9 0 0.025 0.100
0 +0.015
0.5 8 -0.015 10 0 0.025 0.100
0 +0.018
0.5 9 -0.015 11 0 0.025 0.100
0 +0.018
0.5 10 -0.015 12 0 0.025 0.100
0 +0.018
0.5 12 -0.018 14 0 0.025 0.115
0 +0.018
0.5 13 -0.018 15 0 0.025 0.115
0 +0.018
0.5 14 -0.018 16 0 0.025 0.115
0 +0.018
R-ML1525 0.5 15 -0.018 17 0 0.025 0.115
0 +0.018
R-ML1625 0.5 16 -0.018 18 0 0.025 0.115
0 +0.021
0.5 17 -0.018 19 0 0.025 0.115
0 +0.021
R-ML1825 0.5 18 -0.018 20 0 0.025 0.115
0 +0.021
0.7 19 -0.021 22 0 0.025 0.130
R-ML2025 R-ML2030 0.7 20 0
-0.021 23 +0.021
0 0.025 0.130 8
0 +0.021
R-ML2225 0.7 22 -0.021 25 0 0.025 0.130
0 +0.021
R-ML2425 R-ML2430 0.7 24 -0.021 27 0 0.025 0.130
0 +0.021
R-ML2525 R-ML2530 0.7 25 -0.021 28 0 0.025 0.130
0 +0.021
R-ML2625 R-ML2630 0.9 26 -0.021 30 0 0.025 0.130
0 +0.025
R-ML2830 0.9 28 -0.021 32 0 0.025 0.135
0 +0.025
R-ML3025 R-ML3030 R-ML3040 0.9 30 -0.021 34 0 0.025 0.135
0 +0.025
R-ML3125 R-ML3140 0.9 31 -0.025 35 0 0.035 0.165
0 +0.025
R-ML3225 R-ML3230 R-ML3240 0.9 32 -0.025 36 0 0.035 0.165
0 +0.025
R-ML3525 R-ML3530 R-ML3540 R-ML3550 0.9 35 -0.025 39 0 0.035 0.165
0 +0.025
R-ML3840 0.9 38 -0.025 42 0 0.035 0.165
0 +0.025
R-ML4025 R-ML4030 R-ML4040 R-ML4050 0.9 40 -0.025 44 0 0.035 0.165
0 +0.025
R-ML4525 R-ML4530 R-ML4540 R-ML4550 1.1 45 -0.025 50 0 0.035 0.165
0 +0.030
R-ML5030 R-ML5040 R-ML5050 R-ML5060 1.1 50 -0.025 55 0 0.035 0.165
0 +0.030
R-ML5530 R-ML5540 R-ML5560 1.1 55 -0.030 60 0 0.045 0.195
0 +0.030
R-ML6030 R-ML6040 R-ML6060 1.1 60 -0.030 65 0 0.045 0.195
0 +0.030
R-ML6530 R-ML6540 R-ML6560 1.1 65 -0.030 70 0 0.045 0.195
0 +0.030
R-ML7040 R-ML7060 R-ML7080 1.1 70 -0.030 75 0 0.045 0.195

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

Joint area l

MLE type T

d D
MLE bearing


20° 0.75
* Note: Chamfering dimension of bushes with an outside diameter of 10 mm or less,
or length of 7 mm or less is different from the figure, only eliminating burrs.
Bore Outside Length l -0.4
mm 0.75
diameter diameter
d D 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 15 20 25 30
3 5
4 6 MLE0404 MLE0406 MLE0408
5 7 MLE0504 MLE0505 MLE0506 MLE0508
6 8 MLE0605 MLE0606 MLE0607 MLE0608 MLE0610
7 9 MLE0705 MLE0707 MLE0710 MLE0712
8 10 MLE0805 MLE0806 MLE0807 MLE0808 MLE0810 MLE0812
9 11 MLE0907 MLE0910
10 12 MLE1006 MLE1007 MLE1008 MLE1010 MLE1012 MLE1015 MLE1020
12 14 MLE1206 MLE1208 MLE1210 MLE1212 MLE1215 MLE1220
13 15 MLE1308 MLE1310 MLE1315
14 16 MLE1410 MLE1412 MLE1415 MLE1420
15 17 MLE1508 MLE1510 MLE1512 MLE1515 MLE1520 MLE1525
16 18 MLE1610 MLE1612 MLE1615 MLE1620 MLE1625
17 19 MLE1715 MLE1720
18 20 MLE1810 MLE1812 MLE1815 MLE1820 MLE1825
19 22 MLE1910 MLE1915
20 23 MLE2010 MLE2012 MLE2015 MLE2020 MLE2025 MLE2030
22 25 MLE2210 MLE2212 MLE2215 MLE2220 MLE2225 MLE2230
24 27 MLE2410 MLE2415 MLE2425 MLE2430
25 28 MLE2510 MLE2512 MLE2515 MLE2520 MLE2525 MLE2530
26 30 MLE2630
28 32 MLE2810 MLE2812 MLE2820 MLE2825 MLE2830
30 34 MLE3010 MLE3012 MLE3015 MLE3020 MLE3025 MLE3030
31 35 MLE3115
32 36 MLE3220 MLE3225 MLE3230
8 35 39 MLE3512 MLE3515 MLE3520 MLE3525 MLE3530
38 42 MLE3820 MLE3825
40 44 MLE4012 MLE4015 MLE4020 MLE4025 MLE4030
45 50 MLE4520 MLE4525 MLE4530
50 55 MLE5012 MLE5015 MLE5020 MLE5025 MLE5030
55 60 MLE5525 MLE5530
60 65 MLE6020 MLE6030
65 70 MLE6515 MLE6530
70 75 MLE7015 MLE7020 MLE7030
75 80 MLE7520 MLE7530
80 85 MLE8015 MLE8020 MLE8030
85 90 MLE8530
90 95 MLE9020
95 100 MLE9530
100 105 MLE10030
105 110
110 115 MLE11020 MLE11030
120 125
130 135 MLE13020
140 145
150 155
160 165

Remarks 1. The minimum clearance when using the recommended shaft and housing is 0.025 mm.
2. Use 1.7×10-7mm3/N・m as a guideline for the specific wear rate K.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

▼ Indication of product number

Length dimension
Bore diameter dimension
Type code
Dimension measurement temperature 25˚C
Length l 0
-0.4 mm Wall Recommended Recommended
thickness shaft housing bore diameter
35 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 100 T da Da
ー0.025 +0.012
3 ー0.035 5 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.012
4 ー0.037 6 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.015
5 ー0.037 7 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.015
6 ー0.037 8 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.015
7 ー0.040 9 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.015
8 ー0.040 10 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.018
9 ー0.040 11 (H7)
 0 ー0.025 +0.018
1.0 ー0.025 10 ー0.040 12 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.018
12 ー0.043 14 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.018
13 ー0.043 15 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.018
14 ー0.043 16 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.018
15 ー0.043 17 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.018
16 ー0.043 18 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.021
17 ー0.043 19 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.021
18 ー0.043 20 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.021
19 ー0.046 22 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.021
20 ー0.046 23 (H7)
 0 ー0.025 +0.021
1.5 ー0.030 22 ー0.046 25 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.021
24 ー0.046 27 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.021
MLE2535 MLE2540 25 ー0.046 28 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.021
26 ー0.046 30 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.025
28 ー0.046 32 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.025
MLE3035 MLE3040 30 ー0.046 34 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.025
MLE3140  0
31 ー0.050 35 (H7)
2.0 ー0.030 ー0.025 +0.025
MLE3235 MLE3240 MLE3250 32 36 (H7)
MLE3535 MLE3540 MLE3550 35
39 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.025
MLE3840 38 ー0.050 42 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.025
MLE4035 MLE4040 MLE4050 40 ー0.050 44 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.025
MLE4535 MLE4540 MLE4550 45 ー0.050 50 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.030
MLE5035 MLE5040 MLE5050 MLE5060 MLE5080  0
50 ー0.050 55 (H7)
2.5 ー0.040 ー0.025 +0.030
MLE5535 MLE5540 MLE5560 55 ー0.055 60 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.030
MLE6035 MLE6040 MLE6050 MLE6060 MLE6070 60 ー0.055 65 (H7)
+0.035 +0.030
MLE6540 MLE6550 MLE6560 MLE6570 65 +0.005 70 (H7)
+0.035 +0.030
MLE7035 MLE7040 MLE7050 MLE7060 MLE7080 70 +0.005 75 (H7)
+0.035 +0.030
MLE7535 MLE7540 MLE7550 MLE7560 MLE7580 75 +0.005 80 (H7)
+0.035 +0.035
MLE8040 MLE8050 MLE8060 MLE8080 80 +0.005 85 (H7)
+0.035 +0.035
MLE8540 MLE8550 MLE8560 MLE8580 85 0 90 (H7)
+0.035 +0.035
MLE9035 MLE9040 MLE9050 MLE9060 MLE9090 90 0 95 (H7)
+0.035 +0.035
MLE9540 95 0 100 (H7)
 0 +0.035 +0.035
MLE10035 MLE10040 MLE10050 MLE10070 MLE10095 2.47 ー0.050 100 0 105 (H7)
+0.035 +0.035
MLE10550 MLE10595 105 0 110 (H7)
+0.035 +0.035
MLE11035 MLE11040 MLE11050 MLE11060 MLE11070 MLE11095 110 0 115 (H7)
+0.035 +0.040
MLE12040 MLE12050 MLE12060 MLE12070 MLE12095 120 0 125 (H7)
+0.035 +0.040
MLE13050 MLE13080 130 ー0.005 135 (H7)
+0.035 +0.040
MLE14050 MLE14070 MLE14080 MLE140100 140 ー0.005 145 (H7)
+0.035 +0.040
MLE15040 MLE15050 MLE15080 MLE150100 150 ー0.005 155 (H7)
+0.035 +0.040
MLE16050 MLE16080 MLE160100 160 ー0.005 165 (H7)

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

Bore Outside outside Length l 0
-0.4 mm
diameter diameter diameter
MLEF type d D FD 4 5 6 7 8 10
5 7 10 MLEF0504 MLEF0505

MLE bearing 6 8 12 MLEF0605 MLEF0606 MLEF0607 MLEF0608 MLEF0610

7 9 13

Wall thickness T1
8 10 15 MLEF0806 MLEF0808 MLEF0810
l 10 12 18 MLEF1006 MLEF1008 MLEF1010
Small crack is allowed
12 14 20 MLEF1206 MLEF1208 MLEF1210
R3.5 or less
14 16 22 MLEF1410
15 17 23 MLEF1510


16 18 24 MLEF1610

18 20 26 MLEF1810
20 23 31 MLEF2010
R Note 1)
22 25 33 MLEF2210
24 27 35
25 28 36 MLEF2510
Wall thickness T2  26 30 38
28 32 40
Note 1) R dimension in the above figure is 0.75 or less when the wall 30 34 42
thickness T1=0 and 1.0 or less when the wall thickness
31 35 45
T1=1.5 or more.
2) Chamfering dimension of bushes with an outside diameter of 32 36 46
10 mm or less, or length of 0.28in or less is different from the
35 39 49
figure, only eliminating burrs.
38 42 52

▼ Indication of product number 40 44 54

R-MLEF ○○○○
45 50 60
50 55 65
Length dimension 55 60 70

Bore diameter dimension 60 65 75

Remarks 1. The minimum clearance when using recommended the shaft and
Type code housing (ultra hard) is 0.025 mm.
2. Use 1.7×10-7mm3/N・m as a guideline for the specific wear rate K.

Bore Outside Wall

Bore diameter
8 MLEW type ofbush to be Bearing
mm mm mm
MLE bearing +0.25 0 -0.03
6 MLEW06 8 0 16 -0.25 1.5 -0.08
8 MLEW08 +0.25 0 -0.03
10 0 18 -0.25 1.5 -0.08
T Bushing +0.25 0 -0.03
One knock pin hole 10 MLEW10 12 24 -0.25 1.5 -0.08
12 MLEW12 +0.25 0 -0.03
14 0 26 -0.25 1.5 -0.08
+0.25 0 -0.03

14 MLEW14 16 30 -0.25 1.5 -0.08



16 MLEW16 +0.25 0 -0.03

18 0 32 -0.25 1.5 -0.08
18 MLEW18 +0.25 0 -0.03
20 0 36 -0.25 1.5 -0.08
Recess 20 MLEW20 +0.25 0 -0.03
22 0 38 -0.25 1.5 -0.08
d 22 +0.25 0 -0.03
MLEW MLEW22 24 0 42 -0.25 1.5 -0.08
D 24 +0.25 0 -0.03
MLEW24 26 0 44 -0.25 1.5 -0.08
25 +0.25 0 -0.03
MLEW25 28 0 48 -0.25 1.5 -0.08
▼ Indication of product number 30 MLEW30 32
54 -0.25
1.5 -0.08
R-MLEW ○○ 35 +0.25 0 -0.03
MLEW35 38 0 62 -0.25 1.5 -0.08
40 +0.25 0 -0.03
MLEW40 42 0 66 -0.25 1.5 -0.08
Bush bore diameter +0.25 0 -0.03
45 MLEW45 48 0 74 -0.25 2.0 -0.08
Type code 50 +0.25 0 -0.03
MLEW50 52 0 78 -0.25 2.0 -0.08
Remarks 1. Use 1.7×10-7mm3/N・m as a guideline for the specific wear rate K.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

Dimension measurement temperature 25˚C

Length l 0
mm Wall thickness Recommended Recommended
housing bore diameter
12 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 T1 T2 da Da
ー0.025 +0.015
5 ー0.037 7 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.015
6 ー0.037 8 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.015
MLEF0712 7 ー0.040 9 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.015
MLEF0812 8 ー0.040 10 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.018
MLEF1012 MLEF1015  0  0 10 ー0.040 12 (H7)
1.0 ー0.025 ー0.2
ー0.025 +0.018
MLEF1212 MLEF1215 MLEF1220 12 ー0.043 14 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.018
MLEF1412 MLEF1415 MLEF1420 14 ー0.043 16 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.018
MLEF1512 MLEF1515 MLEF1520 MLEF1525 15 ー0.043 17 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.018
MLEF1612 MLEF1615 MLEF1620 MLEF1625 16 ー0.043 18 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.021
MLEF1812 MLEF1815 MLEF1820 MLEF1825 18 ー0.043 20 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.021
MLEF2012 MLEF2015 MLEF2020 MLEF2025 MLEF2030 20 ー0.046 23 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.021
MLEF2212 MLEF2215 MLEF2220 MLEF2225  0  0
22 ー0.046 25 (H7)
1.5 ー0.030 ー0.2 ー0.025 +0.021
MLEF2430 24 ー0.046 27 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.021
MLEF2512 MLEF2515 MLEF2520 MLEF2525 MLEF2530 25 ー0.046 28 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.021
MLEF2615 MLEF2620 26 ー0.046 30 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.025
MLEF2830 28 ー0.046 32 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.025
MLEF3012 MLEF3015 MLEF3020 MLEF3025 MLEF3030 MLEF3040 30 ー0.046 34 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.025
MLEF3125  0  0
31 ー0.050 35 (H7)
2.0 ー0.030 ー0.2 ー0.025 +0.025
MLEF3230 32 ー0.050 36 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.025
MLEF3512 MLEF3520 MLEF3525 MLEF3530 MLEF3540 MLEF3550 35 ー0.050 39 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.025
MLEF3840 38 ー0.050 42 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.025
MLEF4012 MLEF4020 MLEF4030 MLEF4040 MLEF4050 40 ー0.050 44 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.025
MLEF4525 MLEF4540 MLEF4550 45 ー0.050 50 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.030
MLEF5020 MLEF5030 MLEF5040 MLEF5060  0
50 ー0.050 55 (H7)
2.5ー0.040 ー0.3 ー0.025 +0.030
MLEF5560 55 ー0.055 60 (H7)
ー0.025 +0.030
MLEF6030 MLEF6040 MLEF6060 60 ー0.055 65 (H7)

Dimension measurement temperature 25˚C

Knock pin hole Knock pin position Depth of

diameter P.C.D housing recess 8
mm mm mm
1.100∼1.300 12 ±0.12 0.95∼1.20
1.100∼1.300 14 ±0.12 0.95∼1.20
1.625∼1.875 18 ±0.12 0.95∼1.20
2.125∼2.375 20 ±0.12 0.95∼1.20
2.125∼2.375 23 ±0.12 0.95∼1.20
2.125∼2.375 25 ±0.12 0.95∼1.20
3.125∼3.375 28 ±0.12 0.95∼1.20
3.125∼3.375 30 ±0.12 0.95∼1.20
3.125∼3.375 33 ±0.12 0.95∼1.20
3.125∼3.375 35 ±0.12 0.95∼1.20
4.125∼4.375 38 ±0.12 0.95∼1.20
4.125∼4.375 43 ±0.12 0.95∼1.20
4.125∼4.375 50 ±0.12 0.95∼1.20
4.125∼4.375 54 ±0.12 0.95∼1.20
4.125∼4.375 61 ±0.12 1.45∼1.70
4.125∼4.375 65 ±0.12 1.45∼1.70

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

8.2 Miniature resin sliding screw

It is the type of low-noise sliding

screws which can be used in a broad
range of environments by the
combination of BEAREE AS5000
nuts and stainless steel (SUS304)
screw shafts.

30˚ 30˚
R - MSS 06 18 □
P.C Nut material code

Screw shaft, nominal lead, mm



Screw shaft, nominal outside diameter, mm

B Miniature resin sliding screw
L T NTN Engineering Plastics Corp. product

Nut material: BEAREE AS5000 mm

Screw shaft Resin nut ①
Part number Nominal Outside Length Flange Hole for mounting Width shaft
diameter Nominal diameter Hole diameter Number across flats Pitch
lead length
D -0.2 L A B P.C.D of holes
8 R-MSS0401Y
10 11.5 23
15 2.9 15
R-MSS0402Y 2 2
R-MSS0601Y 1
3.5 1
R-MSS0602Y 2
6 12 14.5 26 18 17
R-MSS0609Y 9
4 300
R-MSS0618Y 18
R-MSS0801Y 1
R-MSS0802Y 2 4
8 14 18 29 4 21 18
R-MSS0812Y 12 4
R-MSS0824Y 24 6
R-MSS1002Y 2 1 300
R-MSS1015Y 10 15 16 22 33 24 21 4
R-MSS1030Y 30 6
5 4.5
R-MSS1202Y 2 1 300
R-MSS1218Y 12 18 18 25 35 26 22
6 500
R-MSS1236Y 36
① Standard shaft end of the screw is not machined (flush cut). However, machining of shaft end can be made by request.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

8.3 BEAREE resin material

NTN Engineering Plastics products are widely used in mechanical, electrical and chemical
industries, as well as other industrial fields. We provide sheet, rod and pipe materials made
by fluoro resin (BEAREE FL3000, BEAREE FL3030, BEAREE FL3700 and BEAREE FL3307)
and ultra high molecular weight polyethylene resin (BEAREE UH3000), which are typical
engineering plastic materials.

Sheet material

Sheet material is skived from large billet

material made by compression molding.
In order to use the material by bonding,
the surface must be treated through the
preparation process for bonding (TOS:
Treatment of Surface). However, BEAREE
UH3954 is not treatable for bonding.
BEAREE FL3307 is standardized for the
treatment for bonding.

Rod material

It is formed by ram extrusion

in a round rod shape.
It can be machined to the
requested shape by the turning
or milling process. 8

Pipe material

It is the material formed by ram

extrusion in a round pipe.
It can be machined to the
requested shape by the turning or
milling process.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics


R-T □×□×M□ □ T0
W Supplementary code
(T0 for treatment of surface (TOS),
no code for no treatment)
T Material code
L No code : BEAREE FL3000
Length code (unit length of 1 m)
Width code 300
(500 only for BEAREE FL3020)
Thickness code (thickness dimension)
Material code (Sheet)

Unit: mm
Dimension Material
Thickness Width Maximum
(T) (W) length* (L) m FL3000 FL3020 FL3030 FL3700 FL3307 UH3954
0.8±0.06 300 +30
1 ±0.1
8 1.2±0.1 0 for
(500 +30
1.5±0.1 FL3020)
2 ±0.2
3 ±0.3
4 ±0.3 1
5 ±0.4
6 ±0.5
○ mark indicates availability. *Length code for 1 m is M1.
Contact us for draw-formed product application.

One point advice PTFE, which is the main ingredient of BEAREE FL, has
Brief knowledge about excellent non-viscosity, which makes it, in general, not
engineering plastics bondable. Accordingly, the BEAREE FL material surface
needs to be treated by etching, using ammonia solution, etc.
Treatment of which contains metallic sodium, in order to make it bondable.
Surface (TOS) This process is called treatment of surface (TOS).

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics


Material code
No code : BEAREE FL3000
Length code (unit length of 1 m)

Outside diameter code

(Outside diameter dimension)

Material code (Rod)

Unit: mm
Dimension Material
(φD) (L) FL 3000 FL 3030 FL 3700 UH 3000
19 1 000* 8
○ mark indicates availability. *Length code for 1000 mm is M1.
Contact us for draw-formed product application.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics


Material code


No code : BEAREE FL3000

Length code (unit length of 1 m)
Outside diameter code
(Outside diameter dimension)
Bore diameter code
(Bore diameter dimension)

Material code (Pipe)

Unit: mm
Dimension Material
Bore Outside
diameter diameter Length BEAREE BEAREE BEAREE BEAREE
(φd) (φD) (L) FL 3000 FL 3030 FL 3700 UH 3000
7 22
9 19
12 20
13 21
13 28
14 23
14 25
8 15 20
15 23
15 33
16 26
16 28
1 000*
16 30
17 26
18 26
19 33
21 38
21 42
21 45
22 31
22 32
27 42
28 37
32 41
34 44
○ mark indicates availability. *Length code for 1000 mm is M1.
The material dimensions do not include lathe turning margin.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

9. Naming of engineering plastics

9.1 Material name Example:

Convention of material name FL 3 0 00
The material name consists of base material
code and supplementary code. Its convention
is as follows: Material property code
Material code Processing code
It is the code that indicates the base material Material code
of engineering plastics and is expressed by
two alphabet characters.

Resin name Resin material acronym Base material code

Tetrafluoroethylene TFE FL
Other fluoro resin PFA,ETFE FE
Polyimide PI PI
Polyamideimide PAI AI
Polyetherimide PEI EI
Polyolefin PO,PE,PP UH
Polyarylenesulfide PAS,PPS AS
Polyester ARP LC
Polyethylene terephthalate PET ET
Polybuthylene terephthalate PBT PB
Polyetherketone PEEK,PEK PK
Polyethersulfone PES ES
Polyamide PA NY
Polycarbonate PC CB
Polysulfone PSU SU
Polyphenyleneoxide PPO PD
Polyacetal POM DM
Polyarylate PAR RA
Epoxy EP EP 8
Phenol PF PF
Other thermalplastic resin TP TP
Other thermal hardening resin TSP SP
Elastomer (rubber) E ER
Other ZA

Processing code Material property code

It is the code that indicates the processing series It is the code that indicates operating properties of
material and is expressed by one digit. the material and is expressed by one digit.
Processing Material Material
Processing series series Remarks property code Property property code Property
General purpose
Compression “ 2 ” is used for 0 property material 5 ̶
Compression molding ultra heat 1 General purpose
6 Material for
molding 3 property material food use
Ram extrusion resistance 1 Material for
Paste extrusion resin. 2 ̶ 7 use in water
Material for oil Material for
3 8
Injection Injection molding 5
lubrication use in vacuum
molding Melt extrusion 4 ̶ 9 material

Coating Coating 7
Other 9
Classification code determined by the filling agent
1 Continuous operating temperature of 300˚C or more
and blending and is expressed by two digits.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

9.2 Product name R−DRML 08 12 TA V1

9.2.1 Standard product
The standard products are a series of Supplementary code
Material code
products designed under a specified design Width/outside diameter number
standard and their naming convention is as Bore diameter number
follows: Type code
Indicates NTN Engineering
(1) Type code Plastics product
The type codes and standard materials of
the standard products are shown in Table 9.1.

Table 9.1 Type code and standard material of standard products

Type Classification Type code Standard material
Cylindrical AR BEAREE FL3000
Solid sleeve bearing Flanged cylindrical ARF BEAREE FL3000
Flanged cylindrical BRF BEAREE AS5005
Thrust washer Disc TW BEAREE FL3000
Winding bush Cylindrical ML BEAREE FL3060
with slit Cylindrical (inch) DRML BEAREE FL3060
Cylindrical MLE BEAREE FL7023
MLE bearing Flanged cylindrical MLEF BEAREE FL7023
Sliding screw Sliding screw MSS BEAREE AS5000

(2) Bore diameter number

The bore diameter number is indicated by an integer, rounding down the decimals of the bore
diameter dimension (mm). However, for the type code DRML, it is indicated by an integer as a
multiple of 1/16 inch of the nominal dimension of the applicable shaft diameter.
For sliding screws, the nominal diameter dimension of the screw shaft is indicated by an integer.
(3) Width/outside diameter number
9 The width/outside diameter number is indicated by an integer, rounding up the decimals of the
width/outside diameter dimension (mm).
For thrust washers, it is indicated by the outside diameter dimension and for others, by the width
dimension. However, for the type code DRML, it is indicated by an integer as a multiple of 1/16
inch of the width dimension.
For sliding screws, it is indicated by an integer of the nominal lead of the screw.
For sliding rubber O rings, the nominal number determined by JIS B2401 is used as is. (The
width/outside diameter numbers are omitted.)
(4) Material code
The materials and their codes used for the standard products are shown in Table 9.2.
However, when standard materials of each type (Table 9.1) are used, the material codes are

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

Table 9.2 Material codes of standard products, non-standard products and raw materials
Category Material name Code
The base material is BEAREE FL3700 W
tetrafluoroethylene BEAREE FL3040 D
Other F
BEAREE AS5010, AS5030
Injection molding R
BEAREE AS5031, AS5040
Other Z
Coating Other K
The base material is BEAREE UH3000 HA
polyethylene Other H
The base material is
polyimide or
polyamideimide BEAREE AI5003 E
Other M
Other Not any of the above V

(5) Supplementary code

The different surface treatments and
dimension tolerances are indicated with
supplementary code shown in Table 9.3.
Table 9.3 Supplementary codes for standard products and raw materials
Code Application
Standard product: TOS of outside diameter of AR and ARF; one-sided TOS of TW
Raw material: TOS of tape, sheet, tube, rod
Surface treatment not included in the definition of the above TO such as TOS of
bore diameter of AR and ARF (including those with adhesive tape)
Winding bush with slit (ML) with the same bore diameter number and width/outside
diameter number and different dimension tolerance

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

9.2.2 Non-standard product

R−TBU 20 001 TA
Products that are not standard products, raw
materials or prototypes.
The naming convention of the non-standard Material code
products is shown on the right.
Dimension code
(1) Type codes of non-standard products Type code
are shown in Table 9.4. Indicates NTN Engineering
Plastics product

Table 9.4 Type codes of non-standard products

Classification Type code Remark Classification Type code Remark
Built-in Bearing MPB CSL Cup seal
Bush is pressed in or bonded to
SBU the metallic outer ring LSL Lip seal
Bush with shell Bush is pressed in or bonded to the
SBT metallic material outside diameter PSL Piston seal ring
Claw/scraper TME RDR Rider ring
Insert is bonded into the metallic
TLB outer ring SSL Slipper seal
Tape is adhered to metallic Seal ROG O ring
Mirror slide TLT material outside diameter,
ball bush, rod end DRG D ring
TAP General tape SRG Square ring
CUW For curtain wall VPA V packing (includes back-up ring)
LTP Insert CAS Cartridge seal
CSS Cassette shim SLT Other variant seal
Other standard products
(TOS, holes, etc.), not included in
SLD Slider
TAT the above classification, width 6
mm or less SGP Guide piece
Coated rod-like material,
SVL Valve slider
Pin PIN rod-like formed material
SLW Wiper
Compound DCB Radial type, rotation type
Insulated/heat HIS Heat resistant sleeve
product DCT Variant (vane blade, rubber + resistant products HIT
Insulating/heat resistant product
other than HIS, gear
BEAREE, etc.)

TBU Straight (cylindrical) bush Gears GER Gear, sprocket, toothed pulley
Flanged bush
Bush TBF (including both flanges) Damper DAM Mechanical damper, air damper
TOS, split, additional processing,
TBT etc. RPD Pad for rotation
9 Roller ROL Pad LPD Pad for linear motion
Washer WAS General washer SPD Slow-motion shim
(wall thickness is
greater than width) WAT Eccentric, ring washer, packing
Retainer for
Surface treatment ETC
Surface treatment only to the
customer supplied material, etc.
Bush, etc. are integrated into the Winding bush Products whose type numbers
Unit bearing UNT bearing box as a unit or its MLT are not registered as a standard
bearing only with slit product

Sale of raw material and other

material specified by Export
Product consisting of multiple Material MAT Trade Control Order and U.S.
Ass'y product ASY components (compound product
with bonding and pressing;
Export Administration Regulations
different from - DCB, TLB -) Products whose type number is not
Sliding screw MST registered as a standard product

Sliding damper SSB Base-isolated slide damper

Boot BOT Joint boot
Resin rolling bearing PB Resin bearing using rolling elements
Other than above XXX

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

(2) Dimension code have different suffix if the material is different.

Typical dimension of the products is (4) Material code
indicated by two digits. The materials and their codes used for the
The indication of dimensions for each type is non-standard products are shown in Table
shown in Table 9.5. 9.2.
(3) Suffix However, when standard materials of each
Suffix is indicated by 3 digits. type (Table 9.1) are used, the material codes
Products with the same dimension should are omitted.

Table 9.5 Codes by non-standard product type

Type code Indicated dimension Type code Indicated dimension
MPB Bore diameter SSL Bore diameter and outside diameter
SBU Bore diameter ROG Bore diameter
SBT Outside diameter DRG Bore diameter
TME Dimension from tip to hole and shaft SRG Bore diameter
TLB Bore diameter VPA Bore diameter
TLT Outside diameter CAS Bore diameter
TAP Thickness SLT Bore diameter
CUW Thickness SLD Bore diameter
LTP Thickness SGP Bore diameter
CSS Thickness SVL Bore diameter
TAT Thickness SLW Thickness
PIN Outside diameter HIS Bore diameter
DCB Bore diameter HIT Bore diameter
DCT Bore diameter GER Outside diameter
TBU Bore diameter DAM Bore diameter
TBF Bore diameter RPD Thickness
TBT Bore diameter LPD Thickness
ROL Bore diameter SPD Thickness
WAS Bore diameter RTR Bore diameter
WAT Bore diameter MLT Bore diameter
ETC Bore diameter Bore diameter (tube material)
UNT Bore diameter MAT Outside diameter (rod material)
Thickness; Corresponds to U.S. Export
ASY Bore diameter Administration Regulations. Raw material.
CSL Outside diameter MST Screw outside diameter
LSL Bore diameter and outside diameter SSB Outside diameter
PSL Outside diameter XXX Bore diameter
RDR Outside diameter PB Nominal number specified by JISB1513
BOT Dimension of mounting length with shaft
1. Bore diameter is indicated by an integer, rounding down decimals. Less than 1 and 100 or more are indicated by 00.
2. Outside diameter is indicated by an integer, rounding up decimals. Less than 1 and 100 or more are indicated by 00.
3. Thickness is indicated by rounding up the second decimal place. Less than 0.1 and 10 or more are indicated by .00.
(Thickness of 0.55→06, thickness of 1.5→15)
4. If the above dimension does not exist in the product line, it is indicated by 00.
5. Dimension from the tip to the hole or shaft of TME is to be rounded off.
6. Dimension of mounting length with the BOT shaft is indicated by an integer, rounding up decimals. Less than 1 and
100 or more are indicated by 00.
7. When registering raw materials corresponding to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations with MAT, it is indicated by 00.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

9.2.3 Raw material

Raw materials are the collective name for R−T 0.3×300×M1 F1 TO
fixed size tape material, sheet material, rod
material and tube material and their naming Supplementary code
convention is as shown on the right. Material code
Dimension code
(1) Shape code Shape code
The shape codes of the raw materials are Indicates NTN Engineering
shown in Table 9.6. Plastics product

(2) Dimension code

The dimension codes of the raw materials
are shown in Table 9.6.

Table 9.6 Shape code and dimension code of raw materials

Classification Catalog classification Shape code Dimension code
Tape Sheet T (thickness) x (width) x (length)
Sheet ― S (thickness) x (width) x (length)
Rod Rod R (Outside diameter) x (Length)
Tube Pipe U (Bore diameter) x (Outside diameter) x (Length)
Dimension codes are an indication of nominal dimensions (mm) in numerical codes, rounding down
the second decimal place.
When nominal dimension is 1000 mm or more and metric, it is indicated by the metric unit and M is
placed before the nominal number.
e.g. Length 2000 mm → M2
However, if a fraction of 1000 mm exists, it is indicated by the unit of mm.
e.g. Length 1500 mm → 1500

(3) Material code Table 9.7 Material codes of raw materials

The codes in Table 9.2 and 9.7 are used as Category Material name Code
material codes. BEAREE FL3900 F1
However, when FL3000 is used, the material BEAREE FL3075 F2
code is omitted. BEAREE FL3800 F5
9 In addition, the code of “Others” in Exhibit BEAREE FL3070 F7
1.1 and any codes to include more than one The base material is BEAREE FL3642 F8
tetrafluoroethylene BEAREE FL3060 F11
material should not be used.
(4) Supplementary code BEAREE FL3308 F13
The different surface treatments and BEAREE FL3082 F15
dimension tolerances are indicated with BEAREE FL3071 F16
supplementary code shown in Table 9.3. The base material is
polyimide or BEAREE PI5010 P1

1 Not to be applied for new ones.

High Performance Multi-Purpose Engineering Plastics

9.2.4 Prototype
The naming convention of prototypes should R−Z−SBU 0001−01
be as shown on the right.
(1) Type code Suffix-1
The type codes of the prototypes are shown Type code
in Table 9.4. Prototype code
Indicates NTN Engineering
(2) Suffix-1 Plastics product
Suffix-1 is indicated by 4 digits and set when
prototypes are entered for the new prototyping
The given number should be uniquely used
throughout the case until it is completed.
(3) Suffix-2
Suffix-2 is set every time the design changes
and is indicated by 2 digits.
Design change means changes in material,
dimension, dimensional tolerance, shape, etc.

One point advice ●History of NTN Engineering Plastics Corp.

Brief knowledge about
engineering plastics

1965 Oct Established Toyo Bearing Rulon Co., Ltd. as a joint venture of NTN Corporation
and Dixon Corp. of the U.S.A.
1967 Jan Constructed new molding/machinery factory in NTN’s Kuwana Works.
1968 Jan Established integrated production system from material to machining.
1970 Started production of bearings and gears for copiers.
1973 Started production of automotive components.
1978 Jun Volume production of claws for copiers by injection molding.
1981 Jul Constructed new factory in Toincho Inabe-gun, Mie-ken.
1985 Apr Registered trademark “BEAREE”, enhanced overseas sales.
1989 Oct Changed the company name to “NTN Rulon Co., Ltd.”
1991 Apr Changed the company name to “NTN Engineering Plastics Corp.
(terminated tie-up with Dixon Corp.)
1993 Apr Unified the trademarks of engineering plastic materials to “BEAREE”.
1998 May Received “ISO9001” certification
1999 Nov Received “ISO14001” certification
2003 Mar Established production of variant products by automatic powder molding


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