Micro Fubar Core Rules 0 1 PDF

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Micro-FUBAR – One Page Modern/SF Small Unit 6mm Wargames Rules Draft 0.

The Cardinal Rule: where a rule does not make Ground cover by one. Similarly vehicles can have armour also.
sense in a particular situation, ignore it or modify it. Cannot fire weapons or Armour allows troops or vehicles to shrug off so
These are one page rules after all. throw grenades. many hits per attack.
Aimed 0cms All figures in Unit get +1 Type Ignore
Six-sided Dice Conventions Fire to firing. None 0
Any unmodified roll of a Six is a success. Mount 5cms A Unit that has an Light 1
Any unmodified roll of a One is a failure. Up assigned vehicle can Medium 2
Some situations may result in a player being called mount up or dismount Heavy 3
upon to score more than six on a six-sided die. If a that vehicle. Remember that only AT Dice can be rolled against a
player requires a score of 7 then to achieve this the Cannot fire weapons or vehicle.
player must first roll a six, and then roll a second throw grenades.
die. If the Unit then rolls a 4,5 or 6 it has succeeded. Units that fail to activate are On Guard. D-markers & Casualties
For an 8 the second die must roll 5 or 6, or for 9 a If units that fail have taken 50% casualties they A D-marker represents disorder, disorientation and
second roll of 6. Withdraw 10cms away from the nearest visible demoralization. It is a temporary condition that
enemy, or towards their deployment point if there lasts until the affected unit’s activation in the
Units following turn.
A player has one or more Units, as defined by the are none.
Infantry move through cover at their normal speed. If a unit or vehicle is hit it may choose to take up to
relevant Force Supplement. A Unit consists of one two D-markers instead of casualties (one per hit).
to four bases of infantry figures or vehicle models. Force projection The use of a counter is recommended to show this
Some infantry come mounted in vehicles & in this A unit of infantry or a Vehicle is measured on its condition.
case a vehicle can carry two bases of infantry. capability to project force at a series of ranges. Any further hits will destroy bases.
Each Unit is defined by its level of training & The ranges are: A D-marker increases a unit's rating when trying to
experience & by its weapon/armour selection. Point Blank Close combat activate [+1 per D-marker] and also reduces its
All bases of a Unit must remain within 2cm of each Short 0-10cms Force Projection by 1 dice per D-marker at all
other or incur a penalty on their activation of 1 per Medium 10.1-30cms ranges except Point Blank.
figure that is out of touch. Long 30.1-50cms
Unit Training/Experience Very Long 50.1-75cms Vehicles
Level Rating
Green 5 Depending upon its mix of weapons it will get a These are activated like Units, however their
Seasoned 4 number of dice per base at each range. For choices are more limited.
example: They can move up to 20cms in the open, or 10cms
Veteran 3 through Soft Cover, & fire one weapon. Medium &
Elite 2 Space Tactical Devastator Assault
Marines [AT2] [AT4] [AT1] Heavy Tanks can move 5cms through Heavy Cover
Playing the Game Point 4 2 6 but cannot fire if they do.
This game is played in ‘Turns’. Blank A stationary vehicle can fire all its weapons and gets
In a turn all players get to attempt to activate & use Short 4 2 4 an Aimed Fire bonus of +1.
every Unit under their command. Medium 2 4 0 For each hit not ignored by armour roll on the
Long 2 3 0 following table:
Initiative Roll Effect
V. Long 0 1 0
At the beginning of a turn each player rolls 1D6 & 1-2 Vehicle immobilised until the following
adds any scenario modifiers. Reroll any ties. turn. It can still shoot.
Imperial Infantry Support Command
The player that scores the highest can attempt to 3-4 Vehicle immobilised until the following
Guard [AT1] [AT2] [AT1]
Activate a Unit first. If this succeeds then that unit turn. It cannot shoot at all.
Point 1 1 3
can choose one action & carry it out. 5-6 Vehicle Destroyed. Each infantry base
He can continue to activate units until he fails an being carried by a vehicle takes 1D6 hits,
Short 3 2 2
activation, then the initiative passes to his resolve as .
Medium 2 3 2
Long 2 3 1
The initiative passes to & fro as players pass and fail
V. Long 0 1 0
Activation rolls, until they have all had a chance to
try & activate each Unit in their command. Only units designated as having anti-tank (AT)
In larger, multi-unit games it can help to place a capability can engage vehicles successfully. The
counter next to a Unit after their Activation. number of FP dice that can be used against vehicles
is listed after the unit name, i.e. [AT2].
Activation A Unit can fire at any enemy figures or vehicles that
To Activate a Unit or Vehicle a player must roll
they have a clear line of sight to. It can split its fire
equal to, or more than, the Unit or Vehicle’s
amongst more than one target.
Training/Experience Rating.
Throw the number of dice per base/vehicle model,
Add one to the roll if there are no visible enemy.
as indicated by the range, and try to score equal to
Once activated a Unit can do one of the following:
or more than the Unit or Vehicle’s
Choice Move Notes
Training/Experience Rating.
Walk 5cms Can also fire a small arms
Units may only fire into or out of cover if the figures
weapon, or throw a
counted as firing and/ or the targets, are within
grenade, at any point
3cm of the edge of the area of cover each inhabits.
during their move.
Figures more than 3cm inside an area of cover may
Run 10cms Cannot fire weapons or
only target units that are sharing that cover & that
throw grenades.
are within 6cm. Both the unit firing & their target
Duck & 8cms Cannot fire weapons or
will benefit from that cover.
Weave throw grenades.
If a target is not at Point Blank range and is in soft
Figures count as being in
cover increase the shooter’s rating by one. If it is
Soft Cover.
hard cover increase the shooter’s rating by two.
On 0cms Can react once per turn
A defined area of cover will block line of sight to
Guard by firing at enemy
objects, figures or models beyond it.
movement across their
field of fire. Armour
Gone 8cms Drop into nearest cover. Some Modern & SciFi troops have personal armour.
to Increase the level of that They train in this so it does not slow them down.

Editor: Craig Cartmell. Credits: Edgar Traverso, & the members of the Forge of War Yahoo! Group. These rules are free for you to use & copy.

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