Geometry Concepts
Geometry Concepts
Geometry Concepts
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Cornelie Leopold
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
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Cornelie LEOPOLD
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
ABSTRACT: The relationship between geometry and architectural design are described and dis-
cussed along some examples. Geometry is the fundamental science of forms and their order. Geo-
metric figures, forms and transformations build the material of architectural design. In the history of
architecture geometric rules based on the ideas of proportions and symmetries formed fixed tools
for architectural design. Proportions were analyzed in nature and found as general aesthetic catego-
ries across nature and art. Therefore proportions such as the golden section were seen as the power
to create harmony in architecture as well as in art and music. According Pythagoras there were gen-
eral principles for harmony. They were also applied in architecture and they found a further devel-
opment especially in the renaissance. Leon Battista Alberti integrated such general harmonic pro-
portion rules in his theory of architecture and realized them in his buildings. To find general princi-
ples of harmony in the world were the main research aims of Johannes Kepler in his “Harmonice
mundi”. These principles of harmony were based on geometry. Another important branch in the
history of architectural design principles was the “golden section” or “divina proportione”. “Modu-
lor” of Le Corbusier is an example of an architectural design and formation concept based on the
golden section. The concept of symmetry is combined with the idea of harmony and proportion.
Symmetry operations are concerned with motions of figures and shapes. Geometry can be seen also
as a structural science. The architectural design is based on geometric structures developed out of
the idea of transformations. The symmetry transformations are visible as design concepts through
history of architecture. In contemporary architecture there are no fixed rules about design concepts.
But there are still relations to geometric space concepts. There is a need of new geometric back-
ground for architectural design. Examples of architecture and designing will be presented and dis-
cussed in their relationship to geometry. The role of geometry in architectural design processes will
be analyzed exemplarily through history of architecture and new fruitful approaches show actual
and future perspectives.
Paper #T35
As the fundamental science of forms and their
order geometry contributes to the process of
composition and designing in architecture.
Composition in architecture starts with ele-
ments and their relations. Geometry is able to Figure 2: Max Bill, 1935-1938, Variations
make a contribution to this process by dealing
with geometric figures and forms as elements Max Bill thought about the relationship be-
as well as proportions, angles and transforma- tween structures and art. In his opinion rhyth-
tions as relations between them. Structures mical order as the creative act of the artist pro-
build the foundation of composing. Structures duces an artwork starting with a general struc-
indicate general systems of order in various ture. Through history of geometry and archi-
scientific disciplines, derived from the Latin tecture there were developed some rules based
notion “structura” which means join together in on geometry which formed the basis for archi-
order. Mathematics can be seen as a general tectural composition. In the following we will
science of structures by considering systems of analyze the role of geometry in the architectural
elements and their relations or operations. This design processes through several examples
concept is for example the background for the along history of architecture.
innovative approach to composition of Richard
Buckminster Fuller. "Mathematics is the sci- 2. HARMONY AS A PRINCIPLE OF
ence of structure and pattern in general." [7] COMPOSITION
The notion of harmony is seen as a fundamental
principle of composition in history of architec-
ture. Composition is based on harmony and or-
der as aesthetic categories. The understanding
of harmony is based on the mythological person
“Harmonia”, the goddess of harmony, who was
seen as the daughter of Ares, the god of war,
and Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty.
Harmonia is the symbol of the union of antago-
nisms. Harmony means the connection of dif-
ferent or opposed things to an arranged whole.
The antiquity science itself is conducted by
Figure 1: R. B. Fuller with models, 1949 principles of harmony and order.
2.1 Pythagoras
In his research he developed for example a sys-
In the Pythagorean approach all occurrences are
tematic way to subdivide the sphere. His struc-
seen under a general principle. This principle
tural thinking, starting with the Platonic Solids,
wants to be a principle of composition by un-
led to the geodesic grids and finally his built
derstanding all processes in mathematical or-
geodesic domes. Geometry can be seen as the
ders. Arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and mu-
science to describe structures. Max Bill works
sic, the sciences of Quadrivium are all based on
in his art with geometric structures as processes,
this general principle. Pythagoras was con-
for example in his variations about a single
vinced that harmony, all things and principles
theme, the process from triangle to octagon.
of being can be grasped by integers and
With his variations he clarified his methods for
mathematical regularities. He discovered that
generating artworks.
the music intervals form simple relations ac- Therefore also creation and design is based on
cording the division of the string and the num- the geometric world concept.
ber of oscillations. The Tetraktys: numbers 1 to
4 (4 elements, 4 cardinal points) form the 2.4 Golden Section
foundation according Pythagoras. The idea of Such a fundamental principle of harmony de-
harmonic proportions is a general principle for rived from nature, applied in art, architecture
all sciences and applications. and music can be seen in the golden section.
The idea of the golden section shows the co-
2.2 Alberti herence of composition and geometry. This
In reference to this antique understanding of idea steps longtime through history of architec-
harmony as the union of antagonisms Leon ture. Hippasos of Metapont (450 B.C.) found it
Battista Alberti (1404-1472) developed his in his research about the pentagon and the rela-
principles of architecture. “De Re Aedificato- tion of its edge length and the diagonal. Euclid
ria” [1] is subdivided into ten books and de- (325-270 B.C.) was the first who described the
scribes how to achieve harmony in architecture. golden section precisely also as a continuous
Beauty was for Alberti "the harmony of all division. In the following time golden section
parts in relation to one another," and subse- was seen as the ideal proportion and the epit-
quently based on the Pythagorean ideas "this ome of esthetics and harmony. Especially in the
concord is realized in a particular number, renaissance, harmonic proportions were based
proportion, and arrangement demanded by on the geometric relations according the golden
harmony". Alberti’s ideas remained the classic section in art, architecture as well as in music.
treatise on architecture from the sixteenth until Filippo Brunelleschi built Santa Maria del Fiore
the eighteenth century and even longer. in Florence 1296 based on the golden section
and the Fibonacci numbers.
2.3 Kepler The “Modulor” of Le Corbusier [5] is an ex-
Harmony as a concept for all sciences and the ample of an architectonic concept of designing
whole world is also expressed in Johannes Ke- and creating according geometric rules in mod-
pler‘s “Harmonices mundi”. Johannes Kepler ern architecture, but it remains bound to the
(1571-1630) well known as scientist, astrono- classical conception of harmony.
mer and mathematician based his harmony
concept on geometry, especially the Platonic
Solids. He was a Pythagorean mystic and con-
sidered mathematical relationships to be the
fundament of all nature and creations. Geomet-
rical concepts are in his theory the fundament
of nature and science as well as art and music.
Cohen uses the method of perspective projec- The examples show various ways to refer to
tion to create architecture. His ideas can be lo- geometry in the architectural processes also in
cated in Evans diagram (Figure 9) between the present time. It seems that there exists a fruitful
fields 3, 4 and 5. It is an interesting new exam- relationship between geometry and architecture
ple of architectural design where geometry in the past as well as today although the role of
leads the design process according the idea of geometry is sometimes only seen as a past his-
projection. torical one. It takes some time until geometric
new developments are picked up by architec- REFERENCES
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