Bba 205
Bba 205
Bba 205
BBA - 205
Lesson : 1
with closely related fields of economics and accounting, its scope, functions and
objectives. Traditionally, ’finance’ was not considered a separate input until
finance theory became well developed. Finance function as an area of
management is of recent origin. Financial management has gained considerable
importance over the years. It is concerned with overall managerial decision
making, in general, and with the management of economic resources in particular.
The term financial management can be defined as the management of flow of
funds in a firm and therefore it deals with the financial decision making of the
firm. Since raising of funds and their best utilisation is the key to success of any
business organisations, the financial management as a functional area has got a
place of prime relevance. All business activities have financial implications and
hence financial management is inevitably related to almost every sphere of
business operations.
Finance and Accounting : Much of modern business management has only been
possible by accounting information. Management is a process of converting
information into action; and accounting is a source of most of the information that
is used for this purpose. Accounting has been described by Richard M. Lynch and
Robert W. Williamson as "the measurement and communication of financial and
economic data". It is a discipline which provides information essential to the
efficient conduct and evaluation of the activities of any organisation. The end-
product of accounting is financial statements such as the balance sheet, the
income statement and the statement of changes in financial position (sources and
uses of funds statement). The information contained in these statements and
reports assists the financial managers in assessing the past performance and future
directions of the firm and in meeting certain legal obligations, such as payment of
taxes and so on. Thus, accounting and finance are functionally closely related.
However, there are key differences in viewpoint between finance and accounting.
The first difference relates to the treatment of funds while the second relates to
As far as the viewpoint of accounting relating to the treatment of funds is
concerned, the measurement of funds in it is based on the accrual system. For
example, revenue is recognised at the point of sale and not when collected.
Similarly, expenses are recognised when they are incurred rather than when
actually paid. The accounting data based on accrual system do not reflect fully the
financial circumstances of the firm. On the other, the viewpoint of finance
relating to the treatment of funds is based on cashflows. The revenues are
recognised only when actually received in cash and expenses are recognised on
actual payment (i.e. cash outflow). This is on account of the fact that the finance
manager is concerned with maintaing solvency of the firm by providing the cash
flows necessary to satisfy its obligations and acquiring and financing the assets
needed to achieve the goals of the firm.
Regarding the difference in accounting and finance with respect to their purpose,
it needs to be noted that the purpose of accounting is collection and presentation
of financial data. The financial manager uses these data for financial decision-
making. But, from this one should not conclude that accountants never make
decisions or financial managers never collect data. The fact is that the primary
focus of the functions of accountants is on collection and presentation of data
while the finance manager’s major responsibility is concerned to financial
planning, controlling and decision- making.
There exists an inseparable relationship between the finance functions on the one
hand and production, marketing and other functions on the other. Almost
all kinds of business activities, directly or indirectly, involve the acquisition and
use of money. For instance, recruitment and promotion of employees in
production is clearly a responsibility of the production department. But it requires
payment of wages and salaries and other benefits, and thus, involves finance.
Similarly, buying a machine or replacing an old machine for the purpose of
increasing productive capacity affects the flow of funds. Sales promotion policies
require outlays of cash, and therefore, affect financial resources. How, then, we
can separate production and marketing functions and the finance function of
making money available to meet the costs of production and marketing
operations ? We can’t give precise answer to this question. In fact, finance
policies are devised to fit production marketing and personnel decisions of a firm
in practice.
Traditional Approach
Initially the finance manager was concerned and called upon at the advent of an
event requiring funds. The finance manager was formally given a target amount
of funds to be raised and was given the responsibility of procuring these funds.
So, his function was limited to raising funds as and when the need arise. Once
the funds were raised, his function was over. Thus, the traditional
concept of financial management included within its scope the whole gamut of
raising the funds externally. The finance manager’s role was limited to keeping
accurate financial records, prepare reports on the corporations status and
performance and manage cash in a way that the corporation is in a position to pay
its bills in time. The term ’Corporation Finance’ was used in place of the present
term ’Financial Management’.
The traditional approach did not go unchallenged even during the period of its
dominance. It has been criticised because it failed to consider the day-to-day
managerial problems relating to finance of the firm. It concentrated itself to
looking into the problems from management’s the insider’s point of view (see
Solomon, Ezra, The Theory of Financial Management, Columbia University
Press, 1969, p.3). The second ground for criticism of the traditional treatment
was that the focus was on financing problems of corporate enterprises. To that
extent the scope of financial management was confined only to a segment of the
industrial enterprises, as non-corporate organisations lay outside its scope.
Finally, this approach was having lacuna with regards to its focus only on long-
term financing. The issues involved in working capital management were not in
the perview of finance function.
Modern Approach
The modern or new approach is an analytical way of looking into the financial
problems of the firm. Financial management is considered a vital and an integral
part of overall management. To quote Ezra Soloman : "The central issue of
financial policy is the wise use of funds, and the central process involved is a
rational matching of advantages of potential uses against the cost of alternative
potential sources so as to achieve the broad financial goals which an enterprise
sets for itself."
Depending upon the nature and size of the firm, the finance manager is required
to perform all or some of the following functions. These functions outline the
scope of financial management.
Investment Decision
Investment decision is the ’oldest’ area of the recent thinking in finance. The
investment decision relates to the selection of assets in which funds will be
invested by a firm. The assets which can be acquired fall into two broad groups
: (i) long term assets which yield a return over a period of time in future, (ii)
short-term or current assets defined as those assets which in normal course of
business are convertible into cash usually within a year. The decisions related to
the former aspect are called ’capital budgeting’ decisions while the latter type of
decisions are termed as working capital decisions. Because of the uncertain
future,, capital budgeting decision involves risk. Other major aspect of capital
budgeting theory relates to the selection of a standard or hurdle rate against which
the expected return of new investment can be assayed. This standard is broadly
expressed in terms of the cost of capital. The measurement of the cost of capital
is, thus, another major aspect of the capital budgeting decision. For details of
these decisions, please see lesson 5.
Working Capital Management, on the other hand, deals with the management
of current assets of the firm. Though the current assets do not contribute
directly to the earnings, yet their existence is necessitated for the proper,
efficient and optimum utilization of fixed assets. There are dangers of both
the excessive as well as the shortage of working capital. A finance manager
has to ensure sufficient and adequate working capital to the firm. A trade-off
between liquidity and profitability is required. The working capital
management has been discussed in details in lessons numbering 6 to 9.
Financing Decision
Provision of funds required at the proper time is one of the primary tasks of
the finance manager. Every business activity requires funds and hence every
financial manager is confronted with this problem. The investment decision
is broadly concerned with the asset-mix or the composition of the assets of a
firm. The concern of the financing decision is with the financing-mix or
capital structure or leverage. The term capital structure refers to the
proportion of debt and equity capital. The financing decision of a firm
relates to the choice of the proportion of these sources to finance the
investment requirements. There are two aspects of the financing decision -
(i) the theory of capital structure which shows the theoretical relationship
between the employment of debt and the return to the shareholders. The use
of debt implies a higher return to the shareholders as also the financial risk.
A judicious mix of debt and equity to ensure a trade-off between risk and
return to the shareholders is necessary. A finance manager has to evaluate
different combinations of debt and equity and adopt one which is optimum
for the firm. Leverage analysis,
EBIT-EPS analysis, capital structure models etc. are some of the tools available
to a finance manager for this purpose. The capital structure decision has been
discussed in detail in lesson 3.
Dividend Decision
The Process of decision making by a finance manager must be goal oriented one.
He must have a specific goal in mind as he plans future course of action. It is
generally agreed in theory that the financial goal of the firm should be the
maximisation of owners’ economic welfare. Owners’ economic welfare could be
maximised by maximising the shareholders’ wealth as reflected in the market
value of shares. In this section, we shall discuss that the shareholder’s wealth
maximisation is theoretically logical and operationally feasible normative goal for
guiding the financial decision making. This part also throws some light on ’profit
maximisation goal’.
Profit Maximisation Goal
Firms in market economy are expected to produce goods and services desired by
society as efficiently as possible. Price system is the most important organ of a
market economy indicating what goods and services society wants. Goods and
services in great demand can be sold at higher prices. This results in higher
profits for firms. Thus price system provides signals to managers to direct their
efforts towards areas of high profit potential. The buyers behaviour and extent of
competition determine the prices, and thus, affect the allocation of resources for
producing various kinds of goods and services.
The economists are of the opinion that under the conditions of free competition,
businessmen pursuing their own self interests also serve the interest of society. It
is also assumed that when individual firms pursue the interest of maximising
profits, society’s resources are efficiently utilized. Thus profit is a test of
economic efficiency. It provides the yardstick by which economic performance
can be judged. Moreover, it leads to efficient allocation of resources as
resources tend to be directed to uses which in terms of profitability are the
most desirable. Also, it ensures maximum social welfare.
The profit maximisation objective has, however, been criticised in recent years. It
is argued that profit maximisation is a consequence of perfect competition, and in
the face of imperfect modern markets, it cannot be a legitimate objective of the
firm. It is also argued that profit maximisation, as a business objective, was
developed in the early of 19th century, when the characteristic features of the
business structure were self-financing, private property and single
entrepreneurship. The only aim of sole proprietor then was to enhance his
individual wealth and personal power, which could easily be satisfied by the
profit maximisation objective. The modern business environment has the features
of limited liability and a divorce between management and ownership. In this
changed business structure, the owner manager of the 19th century has been
replaced by professional manager who has to reconcile the conflicting objectives
of all the parties connected with the business firm. So, now-a-days profit
maximisation is regarded as unrealistic, difficult, unfair and immoral.
(i) It is vague : It does not clarify what exactly does it mean. For example,
which profits are to be maximised, short-term or long-run, rate of
profit or the amount of profit ?
(ii) It ignores timings : The concept of profit maximisation does not help
in making a choice between projects giving different benefits spread
a period of time. The fact that a rupee received today is more valuable than a
rupee received later, is ignored.
(iii) It ignores risk : The streams of benefits may posses different degree of
certainty. Two firms may have same total expected earnings, but if the
earnings of one firm fluctuate considerably as compared to other, it
will be more risky. Possibly owners of the firm would prefer smaller
but certain profits to a potentially large but less certain stream of
Wealth Maximisation
Wealth maximisation means maximising the ’net present value’ (or wealth) of a
course of action. The net present value of a course of action is the difference
between the present value of its benefits and the present value of its costs. A
financial action which has a positive net present value creates wealth and, and
therefore, is desirable. On the other hand, a financial action resulting in negative
net present value should be rejected. Between a number of desirable mutually
exclusive projects the one with the highest net present value should be adopted.
The wealth of the firm will be maximised if this criteria is followed in making
financial decisions (Soloman, Ezra, 1969).
The wealth maximisation criterion is based on the concept of cash flows
generated by the decision rather than accounting profit which is the basis of
the measurement of benefits in case of the profit maximisation criterion.
Measuring benefits in terms of cash flows avoids the ambiguity associated
with accounting profits. This is the first operational feature of the net present
wealth maximisation criterion. Another important feature of the wealth
maximisation criterion is that it considers both the quantity and quality
dimensions of benefits. At the same time, it also incorporates the time value
of money. The quality of benefits has reference to the certainty with which
benefits are expected to be received in future. The more certain the expected
returns (cash inflows), the better the quality of benefits and the higher the
value. Similarly, money has time value. For the above reasons, the Net
Present Value maximisation is superior to the profit maximisation as an
operational objective.
A1 A2 An
W = ––– + ––––– + ............ + ––––– – C 0
(1+k) 1 (1+k) 2 (1+k) n
A1 , A 2
............. A n
represent the stream of cash flows expected to occur
from a course of action over a period of time ;
k is the appropriate discount rate to measure risks and timing; and C 0 is the initial
outlay to acquire that asset or pursue the course of action.
It should be remembered that the job of the chief financial executive does not
cover only routine aspects of finance and accounting. As a member of top
management he is closely associated with the formulation of policies as well
as decision making. Under him are controllers and t reasures,
Board of Directors
Managing Directors
Treasurer Controler
Auditing Manager Credit Manager Tax Manager Cost Accounts Financial
ManagerAccounting Manager
Lesson : 2
Long-term funds are needed by the firm either to replace existing capital
assets or to add to its existing capacity or both. The nature of long-term funds is
static and permanent. As a matter of fact, it is this capital which bears the ultimate
risk of the business. That is why, a major portion of long-term capital is collected
through the sale for equity shares, preference shares, and obtaining long-term
loans. Equity shares constitute the most important source of funds to a new
business, and provides basic support for existing firm’s borrowing. After
sometime, the retained earnings may also become a good source of a firm’s long-
term requirements of funds. When long-term needs are not fully met through
shares, the long-term loans are also utilized. So the real bases for division of fund
requirements are the time, conditions of its use, and the degree of risk attached to
it. If management gets ample time to plan and provide for the repayment of funds,
and if management can appropriate these funds for a very long time, it must be
included in long-term financing no matter whether it is ownership claim or a
creditorship claim. Now, we will discuss these sources in somewhat detail.
Shares are the universal and typical form of long-term capital raised
through capital market. All companies (except companies limited by guarantee)
have statutory right to issue shares to raise capital after incorporating provisions
thereof in the capital clause of the Memorandum of Association. Capital procured
by issue of shares is termed as ’Ownership
The shares do not involve any fixed charge, nor the company is
under obligation to pay dividends. The company has to pay dividends only if
it has sufficient profits to do so. The company may even use whole of its
earnings for reinvestment and shareholders have no right to object or
interfere. The company seeking share capital has not to mortgage its assets
for acquiring share capital.
directors are appointed by the share-owners of the company. But their liability (in
case of limited companies) is limited to the part value of shares held by them.
Liability is unlimited in case of unlimited company.
A company can issue only two kinds of shares, viz., (i) Equity
Shares and (ii) Preference Shares (U/S 86 of the Companies Act, 1956). We shall
now discuss the characteristics of these two types of shares separately and
examine their significance as source of finance.
Preferred Stock :
As the name implies, preference shares are those share which carry
preferential right and privileges with respect to income and assets over equity
stock. Section 85 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956 defines preference share as
the one which fulfits the following two conditions :
(e) Maturity : Most preferred stock issues have no maturity. It, therefore
brings in permanent capital. Frequently, provision for retirement of stock is
made by call or redemption feature in preference stock. This gives an option
to the company of redeeming or buying back the stock from the stockholders
under the terms and conditions specified in the Articles of Association. This
type of shares are called redeemable preference shares. The right of
redemption rests with the company only, no shareholder compels the
company for
redemption of their shares. The companies (Amendment) Act, 1988 has
prohibited a company limited by shares from issuing any preference shares which
is irredeemable or redeemable after the expiry of a period of ten years from the
date of its issue. Preference share issued before the commencement of this
Amendment Act shall be redeemed by the Company within a period not
exceeding five years from such commencement.
(f) Controlling Power : Most preferred stock does not contain provisions
to allow its shareholders to vote or have other voices in the management of
the company. However, under the companies Act, 1956 (Sec 87) preference
shareholders have been given right to vote on resolutions which directly affect the
rights attached to his preference shares and in this connection, any resolution for
winding up the company or reduction of its share capital is to be regarded as
directly affecting the rights attached to the preference shares. Some other
provisions for voting are also found.
Fixed dividend rate provision on the preferred stock has reduced the
utility of this kind of security particularly for company earning less than the
dividend rate because that will reduce returns to the residual owners. This is why
residual owners are mostly indifferent to issuance of this stock.
Managerial Issues
The use of this stock will be strongly favoured if the use of debt
entails the risk of insolvency in the enterprise and issuance of common stock
poses a threat of parting control with new equity stockholders.
The cost factor should also receive the attention of the management.
While the cost of preferred stock is likely to be lower than that of the common
stock, the use of preferred stock is conditioned essentially by the prevailing
interest rates. Therefore, the current interest rates should be compared with the
average dividend rates on common stock to take a decision.
Equity Shares
(a) Maturity : Equity capital is the permanent capital for the company.
Company has no contractual obligation to repayment of capital during its
working life. The shareholders have a right of demanding refund of their
capital only at the time of liquidation of the company and that too when funds
are left after meeting all prior claims. The shareholders cannot be compelled
by a
company to sell back their shares if they were fully paid-up and the shareholders
not engaged in competitive business to the business of the company.
(c) Voting Power : The common stockholders being the owner of the
company, they are entitled to elect a board of directors. The board, in turn,
selects the management which actually controls the operations of the
company. In a proprietorship, partnership firm and a small corporation, the
owners directly control the operations of the business. But in a large
corporation, the owners have an indirect control over the affairs of the
company. Outside stockholders have the right to expect that the directors
will administer the affairs of the corporation properly on their behalf.
has complete discretion in distributing as much of the earnings in dividends as it
wishes. Since the company is under no legal obligation to pay dividends to the
shareholders, the management can retain its earnings entirely for their investment
in the business of the enterprise. Thus, a new and growing company seeking large
funds for its expansion programmes secures ample resources at cheaper cost and
without any inconvenienced and obligations.
debentures have not been defined under the Indian O’s Act, 1956. It simply states
that a debenture includes debenture stock, bonds and any other securities of a
company whether constituting a charge on the assets of the company or not.
Features of Debentures
(a) Maturity : Virtually all bonds have a maturity date and the company
agrees to pay off in cash the outstanding bonds at a fixed date. Such bonds which
are repayable at fixed date are called ’Redeemable bonds’. Other which have no
maturity date are called ’Irredeemable bonds’. Irredeemable debentures are rare in
use in India. An indebenture also contains the provisions about the repayment of
debt. Companies generally set aside funds out of earnings of the company at
periodic interval for retiring all or a portion of bonds before or at maturity. This
type of provision is known as "Sinking Fund Provision’ and bonds carrying
sinking fund provision are called ’Sinking Fund Bonds’.
Capital raised through the primary market has been showing a declining trend for
the last 4 years. In 1994-95, Rs. 27,632 crore were raised through 1692 public
and right issues. In 1995-96 the amount raised declined to Rs. 20803.7 crores. In
1996-97, there was a further decline in amount raised to Rs. 14,276 crores as also
in the number of issues to 882. The down trend also continued in 1997-98. The
total amount raised was Rs. 4570 crore approximately through only 111 issues
registering a sharp fall of 68 percent and 87 per cent respectively as compared to
the previous year.
4. Finance From Central and State Governments :
IFCI was the first national level development bank set up in 1948
by an Act of Parliament to make medium and long-term funds readily available to
industrial concerns particularly when the normal banking support is inappropriate
or going to the capital market is impracticable.
IFCI caters to the needs of medium and large projects either singly
or jointly with other all-India Financial Institutions. Normally, the Corporation
considers projects consting upto Rs. 5 crore independently. In respect of projects
cosisting over Rs. 5 crores, the Corporation invites other all-India institutions to
finance such projects under the system of consortium financing.
The basic idea underlying the creation of ICICI was to meet the
needs of industry for permanent and long-term funds in the private sector. Thus,
the Corporation aims at :
shares or debentures.
3) ) Guaranteeing deferred payment due from industrial concerns to
third parties and loans raised by them in the open market or from
financial institutions.
SFCs are the state level development banks set up in India under
State Financial Corporations Act, 1951 for the purpose of providing financial
assistance to new as well as existing industrial concerns for purpose of
establishment, modernisation, renovation, expansion and diversification. These
institutions assist a concern in following ways :
activities including mining, transport by rope ways and development of industrial
areas are entitled to get assistance from this institution. SFCs generally provide
loans secured by way of legal mortgage of fixed assets and executed in favour of
the institution. Forty per cent margin is usually maintained on loans. However,
SFC’s policy in this respect has been very flexible. In certain cases particularly
those coming up in less developed regions, they lend without any margin.
2. Fixed versus Floating Rate : The interest that is due on term loan
with a commercial bank is determined in advance, using one of the two
methods. A fixed-rate loan has a single interest rate for the entire period
much more common, a floating-rae loan has interest charge that is tied to
current money market rate and varies with changes in interest levels. For
example, a rate of "2.5 per cent above prime quarter" would vary as the prime
rate varies.
Insurance Companies :
Pension Funds :
1. Trade Credit :
There are three types of trade credits : open account, notes payable,
and trade acceptances. Among these the most common type is the open-account
arrangement, and are known as accounts payable. The seller ships goods to the
buyer and sends an invoice that specifies the goods shipped, the price, the total
amount due, and the terms of sale. There is no formal agreement nor there is
specific document recognizing the buyer’s liability to the seller. The only
evidence with the seller is that credit has been intended on the buyer’s order and
shipping invoices. Open-account credit is ordinarily extended only after the seller
conducts a fairly extensive investigation of the buyer’s credit standing and
Loan : In a loan account entire advance is disbursed at one time either in cash or
by transfer to his current account. It is a single advance. Except by way of
interest and other charges no further withdrawals are allowed in this account.
Since loan accounts are not running accounts like overdrafts and cash credit
accounts, no cheque books are issued.
Overdraft : Under this facility, the customers are allowed to withdraw in excess
of credit balance standing in their Current Deposit Account. A fixed limit is
therefore granted to the borrowers within which the borrower is allowed to
overdraw his account. Though overdrafts are repayable on demand, they
generally continue for long periods by annual renewals of the limits. Interest on
overdraft is charged on daily balances.
Only the companies which satisfy the following requirement are eligible to issue
CP :
i) The tangible net worth of the company is not less than Rs. 10 crores
(Rs. 5 crores w.e.f. 24.4.90) as per the latest balance sheet;
ii) The Fund Based Working Capital (FBWC) facilities enjoyed by the
company from the banking system are not less than Rs. 25 crores (Rs. 15
w.e.f. 24.4.90);
iii) Equity shares of the company are listed in one or more stock
exchanges. Government companies are exempt from this condition.
iv) The company obtains a credit rating from an agency approved by RBI
for the purpose from time to time. The Credit Rating Information Services of
India Ltd. (CRISIL) has been approved by RBI as the agency for issuing the
credit rating certificate. The minimum credit rating for issue of CP shall be
PI + (PI
w.e.f. 24.4.90). At the time of issue of CP, the rating should not be more than 2
months old.
vi) As per the latest audited balance sheet, the company maintains a
minimum current ratio of 1.33:1 based on the classification of current assets
and current liabilities as per the RBI’s guidelines, issued from time to time.
4. Commercial Factoring :
operate a separate credit and collection department.
6. Customers advances :
Self-Assessment Questions
Lesson : 3
manager strikes golden mean among them by giving weightage to them. Weights
are assigned in the
light of general state of the company, specific conditions prevdent in the industry
and the circumstance within which the company is running. Management freedom to
adjust debt-equity mix is primarily conditioned by availability of various types of
funds in desired quantity. For example, a finance manager decides to raise
debenture loan to meet additional capital requirements of the company but owing
to increased risk in the company lenders may be ready to lend. Under such a
condition he finds it difficult to strike a desired adjustment in capital structure. In
view of this, good sense of finance management lies in satisfactory compromise
between management desire for funds and constraints in supply of funds. Let us
discuss the following principles :-
(a) Cost Principle
As per this principle, ideal pattern of capital structure is one that tends to
minimise cost of financing and maximise earning per share. Cost of capital is
subject to interest rate at which payments have to be made to suppliers of funds and
tax status of such payments. Debt capital is cheaper than equity capital from both
the points of view. In the first instance, cost of debt is limited. Bond holders do not
participate in superior profits if earned, rate of interest on bonds is usually much less
than the dividend rate. Secondly, interest on debt is deductible for income tax
purposes whereas no deduction is allowed for dividends payable on stock.
Consequently effective rate of interest which the company has ultimately to bear
would be less that rate of interest at which bonds are issued. For example, if bonds
carry 10 per cent interest rate and corporate tax rate is 40 per cent, effective cost of
debt would be 6 per cent. Thus, use of debt capital in the financial process is
significantly helpful in raising income of the company.
(b) Risk Principal
This principle states that such a pattern of capital structure should be devised by
which the company does not run the risk of bringing on a receivership with all its
difficulties and losses due to insolvency. Since bond is a commitment for a long
period, it involves risk. If the expectations and plans on which the debt was issued
change, debt may prove fatal to the company. If, for example, income of the the
corporation declines to such a low levels that debt service, which is a contractual
obligation, cannot be met out of current income, the debt may be highly risky for
the company because the bondholder in that case may foreclose and consequently
equity stockholders may lose part or all of their assets. Similarly, if the company
issues large amount of preferred stock, residual owners may be left with no or little
income after satisfying fixed dividend obligations in the year of low earnings.
Assumption of large risk by the use of more and more debt and preferred stock
affects the share values and share prices may consequently. tend to go down. This
would result in capital loss of the common stock holders.
As against this since common stock neither entails fixed charges not the
issuer is under legal obligation to pay dividends, the corporation does not incur risk
of insolvency though of course issue of additional common stock may result in
decline in earnings per share of the old common stockholders owing to dilution of
Also risk principle places relatively greater reliance on common stock for
financing capital requirements of the corporation and forbids as far as possible the
use of fixed income bearing securities.
(c) Control Principle :
While designing appropriate capital structure for the company and for that
matter choosing different types of securities, finance manager should also keep in
mind that controlling position of residual owners remain undisturbed. The use of
preferred stock and also bonds offers a means of raising capital without
affecting control. The
management desiring to retain control must raise funds through bonds.
Since common stock carries voting rights, issue of new common stock will
reduce the control of existing shareholders. For example, a company is capitalised
exclusively with equity share capital of Rs. 2,00,000 dividied in 20,000 shares of
Rs. 10 each. If the management contemplates to issue 10,000 new equity shares,
voting rights of the old stockholders would be reduced to 67 per cent
(20,000/30,000). Now if one shareholder holds 60 per cent of the old shares, his
holding would decline to 40 per cent of the total stock after floatation of new stock.
Thus, a shareholder, who had predominant control over the affairs of the company,
would lose this position because new stockholders would share control with him.
But this does not mean that the corporation should be over indebted with heavy
doses of debt because that would certainly increase the possibility of the
corporation’s bankruptcy and the corporation might suffer the consequences of
reorganisation and liquidation. Instead of foregoing entire business of the
corporation by introducting greater doses of debt, it would be more desirable to
issue common stock and share control with new stockholders.
(d) Flexibility Principle
According to flexibility principle, the management should strive toward
achieving such combinations of securities that the management finds it easier to
manage sources of funds in response to major changes in need for funds. Not only
several alternatives are open for assembling required funds but also bargaining
position of the corporation is strengthened while dealing with the supplier of funds.
For example, if a company is top heavy with debt and has mortgaged all its
fixed assets to secure presently outstanding debt it may find it difficult to obtain
loan further, even though market condition in respect of availability of debt is
favourable because lenders feel shy of lending money to such highly risky concern.
Accordingly, the company might be compelled to raise equity share capital
at a time when there is scarcity of such capital in the market. Thus, for sake of the
solvency the company should not assume more debt. Further, the management
should, as far as possible, avoid getting cheaper loan on terms and conditions that
limit the company’s ability to procure additional resources. For example, if a
company borrowed money in the past on the condition that no further borrowing
would be made in future or dividend payments beyond certain limit would not be
made to equity stockholders, it restricts its manoeuvre-ability in the capital funds.
Such pledges should be avoided.
(e) Timing Principle :
Timing is always important in financing and more particularly in a growing
company. Manoeuvrability principle is sought to be adhered to in choosing the type
of funds so as to enable the company to seize market opportunity and minimise
cost of raising capital and obtain substantial savings. Important point that is to be
kept in mind is to make the public offering of such securities as are greatly in
demand. Depending on business cycles, demand of different types of securities
oscillates. In times of boom when there is all- around business expansion and
economic prosperity and investors have strong desire to invest, it is easier to sell
equity shares and raise ample resources. But in periods of depression bonds should
be issued to attract money because investors are afraid to risk their money in stocks
which are more or less speculative. Thus timing may favour debt at one time and
common stock or preferred stock at other times.
It comes from the above discussion that the principles determining
the choice of different sources of capital funds are antagonistic to each other. For
example, cost principle supports induction of additional doses of debt in the
business which may
not be favoured from risk point of view because with additional debt the company
may run the risk to bankruptcy. Similarly, control factor support strongly issue of
bonds but manoeuvrability factors discounts this step and favours the issue of
common stock. Thus, to design suitable pattern of capital structure for the
company, finance manager must bring about a satisfactory compromise among
these conflicting factors of cost, risk, control and timing. This compromise is to be
reached by assigning weight to these factors in terms of economic and industrial
characteristics and also in terms of specific characteristics of the company. We shall
now discuss as to how significance of these principles is influenced by different
i) Characteristics of the Economy :
Any decision relating to pattern of capital structure must be made in the
light of future developments which are likely to take place in the economy because
the management has little control over the economic environment. The finance
manager should, therefore, make predictions of the economic outlook and adjust
the financial plan, accordingly. Tempo of business activity, state of capital market,
state regulation, taxation policy and financial policy of financial institutions are
some of the vital aspect of the economy which have strong bearing on the capital
structure decision.
(a) Tempo of Business Activities : If the economy is to recover from current
depression and the level of business activity is expected to expand, the management
should assign greater weightage to manoeuvrability so that the company may have
several alternative sources available to procure additional funds to meet its growth
needs and accordingly, equity stock should be given more emphasis in financing
programmes and avoid issuing bonds with restrictive covenants.
At a time when Indian economy is looking up and tending towards globalisation,
manoeuvrability principle will receive greater preference.
(b) State of Capital Market : Study of trends of capital market should be
undertaken in depth since cost and availability of different types of funds is
essentially governed by them. If stock market is going to be plunged in bearish
state and interest rates are expected to decline, the management may provide
greater weightage to manoeuvrability factors in order to take advantage of cheaper
debt later on and postpone debt for the present. However, if debt will become
costlier and will be scarce in its availability owing to bullish trend of the market,
income factor may receive higher weightage and accordingly, the management may
wish to introduce additional doses of debt.
(c) Taxation : The existing taxation provision makes debt more advantageous
in relation to stock capital in as much as interest on bonds is a tax deductible
expense whereas dividend in subject to tax. Although it is too difficult to forecast
future changes in tax rates, there is no doubt that the tax rates will not be adjusted
downwards. In view of prevailing still high corporate tax rate in India, the
management would wish to raise degree of financial leverage by playing greater
reliance of borrowing.
(d) Policy of Term financing Institutions : If financial institution adopt harsh
policy of lending and prescribe highly restr ictive terms management must give
more weightage to manoeuverability principle and abstain from borrowing from
those institutions so as to preserve the company’s manoeuverability in capital funds.
However, if funds can be obtained in desired quantity and on easy terms from the
financial institution it would be in fitness of things to assign more weight to cost
principle and obtain funds from the institution that supplies cheaper funds.
ii) Characteristics of the Industry :
(a) Cyclical Variations : There are industries whose products are subject to wider
variations in sales in response to national income. For example, sales of refrigerators,
machine tools and most capital equipment fluctuate more violently than the
income. As against this, some products have a low income elasticity and their sales
do not change in proportion to variation in national income.
The management should attach more significance to manoeuvrability and
risk principles in choosing suitable sources of funds in an industry dealing in product
whose sales fluctuate very markedly over a business cycle so that the company may
have freedom to expand or contract the resources used in accordance with
business requirements. Further, the management would be averse to secure loan for
additional funds since this would go against the interests of them, owners and the
company would run the risk of bankruptcy during the lean years which could spell
death knell of the company.
(b) Degree of Competition : Public utility concerns are generally free from
intra industry competition. Accordingly, profits of these concerns in the absence of
inroads of competitors are likely to be relatively more stable and predictable. In
such concerns, the management may wish to provide greater weightage to cost
principle to take advantage of financial leverage. But where nature of industry is
such that there is neck to neck competition among concerns and profits of the
business are, therefore, no easy to predict, risk principle should be given greater
consideration. Accordingly, the company should insist on equity stock financing
because it would incur the risk of not being able to meet payments of borrowed
funds in case bonds are issued.
(c) Stage of Life Cycle : Factors influencing the pattern of capital structure
are also influenced by stage of the life cycle of industry to which the company
belongs. In an infant industry, rate of failure is very high. The main source of funds
to such industry is equity capital obtained through underwriters. Debt should be
avoided by the infant industry because great risk is already associated with the
industry. Thus in the case of
new industry risk principle should be the guideline in selecting sources of funds.
During periods of rapid growth manoeuvrability factors should be given special
consideration so as to leave room open for easy and rapid expansion is given on
research and development programmes in order to develop new products and to
postpone ultimate decline in sales. These capital expenditure programmes must be
financed out of common stock because of greater uncertainty in respect of
improvement in the business earnings. If level of business activity is expected to
decline in the long run, capital structure should be designed in such a manner that
desired contraction in funds used is possible in future.
iii) Characteristic of Company :
Finally, peculiar characteristics of the company effect the factors
influencing the choice of different source of funds. Accordingly, weights are
assigned to different principles of manoeuvrability, cost, risk control and timing in
the light of the peculiar features of the company. Let us confine our analysis of
these characteristics which are distinct from the industry.
(a) Size of Business : Smaller companies confront tremendous problem in
assembling funds because of their poor creditworthiness. Investors feel loath
investing their money in securities of these companies. Lenders prescribe highly
restrictive terms in lending. In view of this, special attention should be paid to
manoeuvrability principle so as to assure that as the company grows in size it is able
to obtain funds when needed and under acceptable terms. This is why common
stock represents major portion of capital in smaller concerns. However, management
should also give special consideration to the factor of control because if the
company’s common stock were publicly available some large concern might buy a
controlling interest. In view of this, management might insist on debt for further
financing so as to maintain control or common stock should
be sold in closed circle so that control of the firm does not pass in the hands of
(b) Form of Business organisation : Control principle should be given
higher weightage in private limited companies where ownership is closely held in a
few hands. This may not be so imminent in the case of public limited companies
whose shareholders are large in number and so widely scattered that it become
difficult for them to organise in order to seize control. In such form of organisation
manoeuvrability looms large because a public limited company in view of its
inherent characteristics finds it easier to acquire equity as well as debt capital.
In proprietorship or partnership form of organisation manoeuvrability
factors may not be helpful owing to limited access of proprietory or a few partners.
(c) Stability of Earnings : With greater stability in sales and earning a
company can insist on leverage principle and accordingly it can undertake the fixed
obligation debt with low risk. But a company with irregular earnings will not
choose to burden itself with fixed changes. Such company should, therefore, pay
greater attention to risk.
(d) Asset Structure of Company : A company, which has invested major portion
of funds in long lived fixed assets and demand of whose products is assured, should pay
greater attention to leverage principle to take advantage of cheaper source. But risk
principle will outweigh leverage principle in company whose assets are mostly
receivables and inventory, value of which is dependent on the continue profitability of
the individual concern.
(e) Age of Company : Younger companies find themselves in difficult
situation to raise capital in the initial years because of greater uncertainly involved in
them and also because they are not known to supplier of funds. It would, therefore,
be worth while for the management to give more weightage to manoeuvrability
factor so as to
have as many alternatives as possible in future to meet their growth requirements.
Contrary to this, established companies with good earnings record are always in
comfortable position to raise capital from whatever sources they like. Leverage
principle should, therefore, be insisted upon in such concerns.
(f) Credit Standing : A company with high credit standing has greater
ability to adjust sources of funds upwards or downwards in response to major
changes in needs for funds than the one with poor credit standing. In the former
case, the management should pay greater attention to manoeuvrability factor and
should aim at improving credit standing of the latter by improving its liquidity, and
earnings potential.
(g) Attitude of Management : Attitude of the persons who are at the helm of
affairs of the company should also be analysed in depth while assigning weights to
different factors affecting the pattern of capitalisation. The management weights to
different factors affecting the pattern of capitalisation. The management attitude
towards control of the enterprise and risk in particular have to be minutely
analysed. Where the management has strong desire for assured and exclusive
control, preference with have to be given to borrowing for raising capital in order
to be assured to continued control. Further, if principle objective of the
management is to stay in office, they would insist more on risk principle and would
be loath in issuing bonds or preferred stock which might plunge the company in
greater risk and endanger their position.
The present section will address the different models of capital structure
decision and an attempt has been made to evaluate these models.
Durands has developed two approaches to the valuation of firm, viz., Net Income
Approach and Net Operating Income Approach.
1. Net Income Approach (NI Approach) :
According to this approach, there is an optimal structure where the market
price per share of stock is maximum. The significance of this approach is that a
firm can lower its cost of capital continually and increase its total valuation by the
use of debt funds. Thus, with increased use of leverage overall cost of capital
decline and total value of the firm (value of stock plus value of debt) rises.
Leverage is, therefore, an important variable and debt policy decision has a
significant influence on the value of the firm.
The basic assumptions of NI approach are :
(a) Only two types of capital are employed - long - term debt and common stock.
(b) The interest cost on debt and the rate at which investors capitalise earnings
available to common shareholders are fixed, regardless of the debt-equity
(c) There is no corporate tax rate.
(d) The borrowing rate is less than the equity capitalisation rate.
(e) The firm’s operating earnings of the firm are not expected to grow, i.e. the
firm’s expected EBIT is the same in all future periods.
(f) The firm’s business risk is constant and is independent of its capital
structure and financial risk.
(g) The firm is expect to continue
indefinitely. This approach works like this
As the proportion of cheaper debt funds in the capital structure increases, the
weighted average cost of capital (Ko) decreases and approaches the cost of debt
(Ki).2 Thus, the optimal capital structure, according to the NI approach, is one at
the total value of the firm is the highest and the cost of capital (Ko) is the lowest.
The NI approach determines the value of the firm by capitalising net income
available to common stock holders and adding to it market value of debt.
Example - 1
A firm has Rs. 8 lakhs of debt at 8 per cent, an expected annual net
operating earnings (EBIT) of Rs. 18 lakhs and an equity capitalisation rate of 10
per cent. There are no corporate income taxes.
Net Operating Earnings (EBIT) (O) 18,00,000
Interest on Debt (Rs. 8 lakh 8%) (f) 64,000
Earnings Available to Common Stockholders (e) 17,36,000
Market Value of Equity (Equity capitalisation
rate X earnings available to
common stockholders) 17,36,000/1.10) 1,73,60,00
Market Value of Bonds (b)
Total Value of Firm (v) 1,81,60,00
The overall capitalisation rate (also termed as overall cost of capital) in the
above example is :
KO = O/V
KO = Capitalisation rate
O = Net operating income
V= Overall value of the firm.
Substituting the formula with the figures given in the example, implied
capitalisation rate is :
KO = x 100
Rs. 1,81,60,000
= 9.9%
Let us now examine the impact of a change in financing mix on the firm’s
capitalisation rate and value of the firm.
Example - II
A firm increases in debt from Rs. 8 lakhs to 16 lakhs and uses the cost of
debt and equity are held constant at 8 percent and 10 per cent, respectivey. The
impact of the above change in capital structure on value of the firm will be as
follows :
KO = Rs. 1,83,20,000 x 100
= 9.8%
Thus, use of additional debt has resulted in rise in total value of firm and
fall in capitalisation rate. As a result of this, market price per share increases. For
example, in the earlier case when the firm had Rs. 8 lakhs debt with 17,360
outstanding shares, the market price per share was Rs. 1,000 (1,73,60,000/17,360).
0 B/S
When the firm issues additional debt of Rs. 8 lakhs and uses the same to
retire stock, i.e. 800 stock, the market price per share will be Rs. 1,004 (Rs.
1,67,20,000/ 16,560). The NI approach is graphically shown in Fig. The degree of
leverage is plotted along the horizontal axis, while cost of equity, debt and overall
cost are on the vertical axis. It is evident from the exhibit that cost of equity (Ke)
and cost of debt (Ki) remain unchanged regardless of degree of leverage. As the
percentage share of debt financing in total capitalisation increases, the overall cost
of capital (Ko) tends to drop and approach the cost of (Ki). The optimal capital
structure would be the one at which cost of capital is the lowest and the total value
of the firm is maximum.
1. Evaluation of NI Approach :
This approach gives idea on the impact the debt has on overall cost of
capital. Furthermore, the approach emphasises that recourse to debt financing
increases net income before tax and hence the value of equity shares in the market.
However, NI approach fails to recognise that incorporation of additional
doses of debt increases the risk in the firm. In real world, when a firm is heavily
indebted, the equity stockholders would perceive increase in risk. They would
dispose of their stock. As a result, the market value of equity stock will decrease.
Thus, the very objective of maximising the value of the firm will be defeated. NI
approach cannot, therefore, be considered adequate for capital structure
2. Net Operating Income (NOI) Approach : According to NOI approach
total value of a firm remains unaffected by its capital structure. Whatever benefits
results from debt financing, it will be offset by the rise in cost of equity capital with
the result that overall cost of capital remains unaffected for all the degrees of the
financial leverage and therefore, there is no optimal capital structure and investors
are indifferent to change in capital structure.
remain constant at Rs. 1,80,00,000, the value of the stock would drop to Rs.
1,64,00,000 and
cost of equity capital would rise to 10.2 per cent.
Example - IV
NOI (EBIT) Rs. 18,00,000
Value of the Firm (V) (EBIT/Ko) Rs. 1,80,00,000
Market Value of Debt (b) Rs. 16,00,000
Market Value of Stock (s) Rs. 1,64,00,000
Equity capitalisation rate of cost of equity capital will be :
Ke = EBIT - F = 18,00,000-.8 (16,00,000)
S 1,64,00,000
= 10.2%
Overall cost of capital or capitalisation rate will remain constant at 10 per
cent as calculated below :
Ko = 8% (16/180) (164/180) = 10.2
= 10%
We, thus, see that cost of equity capital (Ke) rises with the degree of leverage
with the result that it consumes the leverage benefit flowing from debt financing.
Since cost of capital and overall value of the firm remain unaffected by change in
capital and overall value of the firm remain unaffected by change in capital
structure, market price per share of the firm when no additional debt is taken, is Rs.
1,72,00,000/17,360 = Rs. 991. With induction of additional debt of Rs. 8 lakhs, the
market price per share will at Rs. 991 (Rs. 1,64,00,000/16,560) the same as before.
Thus, all capital structures are optimal and investors are indifferent to change in
capital structure.
Modigliani and Miller who strongly support NOI on the basis of their theoretical
and empricial
This approach focuses on the role of net operating income in the
determination of total value of the firm. NOI approach rightly recommends that net
investment proposals should be accepted on the basis of the relationship of NOI to
total value and not on the basis of the relationship between the source of financing
and the return from an investment project.
However, NOI approach does not accept the existence of the concept of
optimal capital structure. This is against the perceived risks of different financing
mixes. If the risks and benefits of leverage do not exist, then the purpose of
regulating debt-equity mix is meaningless.
3. Traditional model to capital structure and valuation of enterprise.
Traditional theorist believe that up to a certain point a firm can, by
increasing proportion of debt in its capital structure, reduce cost of capital and raise
market value of the stock. Beyond that point, futher induction of debt will cause
the cost of capital to rise and market value of the stock to fall. Thus, through a
judicious mix of debt and equity the firm can minimise overall cost of capital
structure. After a certain point overall cost of capital begins to rise faster than the
increase in earnings per share as a result of application of additional debt.
Traditional view with respect to optimal capital structure can better be
appreciated by categorising the market reaction to leverage in three stages.
Stage I : The first stage begins with the introduction of debt in the firm’s
capitalisation. As a consequence of the use of low cost debt the firm’s net income
tends to rise. Cost of equity capital (Ke) rises with the additional dose of debt but
the rate of increase will be less than the rise in the earnings rate. Cost of debt (Kd)
remains constant or rises only modestly. Combined effect of all these will be
reflected in
increased market value of the firm and decline in overall cost of capital (Ko).
Stage II : In the second stage, further application of debt will enhance cost
of debt and equity share capital so sharply as to offset the gains in net income.
Hence, the total market value of the firm remains unchanged.
Stege III : After a critical turning point, any further does of debt to
capitalsation will prove fatal. The cost of both debt and equity will tend to rise as a
result of the increasing riskiness of each causing an increase in the overall cost of
capital which will be faster than the rise in earnings from the introduction of
additional debt. Consequent upon this, market value of the firm will show
depressing tendency.
The following illustration will explain the traditional approach.
Example - V
Following financial data are avaiable about A.B.C. Ltd.
Expected net operating income Rs. 6,00,000
Debt Rs. 16,00,000 @ 12%
Equity Capitalisation Rate 15%
Equity Share Capital Rs. 24,00,000
What will be the effect of the following actions on the valuation and
Ko ?
(a) If the Company raises further debt of Rs. 8,00,000 at 12% and the net
operating income is expected to increase by Rs. 1,20,000 and
(b) With increase in leverage, the equity capitalisation rate increase to 18%.
Solution :
(a) (i) Valuation of the Company with existing capital structure, viz., Rs.
16,00,000 as debt and Rs. 24,00,000 as equity.
NOI 6,00,000
Ke 100/15
= 13.89%
(ii) Valuation of the company with new capital structure, viz., Rs. 24,00,000 Rs.
24,00,000 debt equity.
Less : Interest on Debt (24,00,000 x 12%) 7,20,00
Earnings Available to Equity Stock Holders 2,88,00
Ke 100/15
Market value of Equity Stock 28,80,000
Add Market Value of Debt 24,00,000
Total Value of Company 52,20,000
Overall Cost of Capital 17,20,000 x 100
= 13.64%
(b) Valuation of the Company with increase in equity capitalisation rate to
18% and debt equity ratio of 1: 1
Less : Interest on Debt (24,00,000 x 12%) 7,20,0
Earnings Availabel to Equity Stock Holders 2,88,0
Equity Capitalisation Rate
Market value of Equtiy Stock 4,32,000 x
It may be noted from the above that with the increase in leverage from 40 : 60
to 50:50 the total value of the Company has gone up from Rs. 43,20,000 to Rs.
52,80,000. This is because the earnings on additional funds of Rs. 8,00,000 is
more than Ke,
i.e. 12%.
When the financial leverage was increased and Ke was also increased the
value of the company decreased from Rs. 52,80,000 to Rs. 48,00,000. Thus, with
increased risk exposure, value of the company decreased even though financial
leverage was favourable.
Overall cost of capital goes down with the increase in favourable financial
leverage and without increase in Ke.
Overall cost of capital tends to rise with an increase in Ke.
According to the traditional model the cost of capital would tend to rise and
market value of the firm to decline as the firm become more risky consequent upon
financing operations with debt capital. Although there is no convincing empirical
evidence to support the traditional mode, institution and practice, as evidenced by
the behaviour of suppliers of capital as well as by finance managers, seem to
suggest that there is indeeed a limit to which firm can assume debt without
increasing its cost of capital. To exceed certain limits of debt an acceptable range
tends to increase both the cost of debt and cost of common stock because the
financial risks tend to rise.
However, the model has not been explained as statisfactorily as it should
have been. Thus, for instance, a little was offered by way of explanation as to why
low cost debt should be substituted for higher cost of equity up to the point.
Furhermore, rigorous attempts were not made to define where the optimal point or
range may be located. As a result, vague rules of thumb were developed which both
firms and financial institutions tended to follow blindly.
4. Modigliani-Miller Model (M’M’s model) to capital structure and
valuation of enterprise
Modigliani and Miller supplied rigorous challenge to the traditional model.
According to them, the cost of capital and so also the value of the firm remain
unaffected by leverage employed by the firm. Thus, Modigliani and Miller says that
any rational choice of debt and equity would result in the same cost of capital under
their assumptions and that there is no optimal mix of debt and equity financing. The
independence of cost of capital argument in based on the hypotheses that regardless
of the effect of leverage on interest rates, the equity capitalisation rate will rise by an
amount sufficient to offset any possible savings from the use of low cost debt. They
contend that cost of capital is equal to capitalisation rate of a pure equity stream of
income class and the market value is ascertained by capitalising its expected
income at the appropriate
discount rate for its risk class.
So long as the business risk remains the same, the capitalisation rate (cost of
capital) will remain constant. Hence, as the firm increases the amount of leverage
in its capital structure, the cost of debt capital remains constant the capitalisation
rate (cost of equity capital) will rise just enough to offset the gains resulting from
application of low cost debt.
The Modigliani and Miller argument is based on a simple switching
mechanism which is simply called ’arbitrage’. They contend that market value of
the two firms which are identical except for the difference in the pattern of
financing will not vary because arbitrage process will drive the total values of the
two firms together. Rational investors, according to them, will employ arbitrage in the
market to prevent the existence of the two assets in the same risk class and with
same expected returns from selling at different prices. For example, shares of the
two firms in the same risk class with equal expected returns cannot to sold at
different prices in the market simply because one has applied larger doses of debt
than the other. The M-M approach is based on the following assumptions :
(i) Personal and corportate leverages are perfect substitutes.
(ii) There does not exist transaction cost.
(iii) Rate of interest at which company and individuals could borrow is the same.
(iv) Institutional investors are free to deal in securities.
(v) There are no taxes.
(vi) Borrowings are riskless.
(vii) Investors are fully knowledgeable and rational.
The following example will explain the M-M
Two firms A and B falling in the same risk class have net operating income
of Rs. 5,00,000 each. Firm B has Rs. 10,00,000 of 5 per cent bonds outstanding
and firm A has all equity. In the initial situation both firms have an equity
capitalisation rate of 10 per cent.
The following situation will exist.
Firm A Firm B
Value of Stock
Thus, total value of firm B is higher than that of firm A by Rs. 5 lakh. But
Modigliani and Miller argue that this situation will exit no longer. Rational
investors would adjust their portfolios to take advantages to improve their earnings.
Thus, an investor owning 10 per cent of B’s stock would sell his stock at Rs.
5,50,000 and buy stock of firm A worth Rs. 4,50,000 and further pledge the new
stock as collateral for a loan of Rs. 1,00,000 in order to buy additional stock in firm
introduced the same leverage in his personal account as existed in the corporate account
Re. 1 of debt for every Rs. 4.50 of equity. Similarly, other investors will sell shares
of firm B and buy shares of firm A and obtain loan against the new stock for
further investments. All this is done just to improve earnings position by assuming
the same degree of risk as it was in the earlier case, investor’s income position will
be as follows :-
Old Income of Firm B = Rs. 4,50,000
New Income of Firm A = Rs. 4,50,000
Thus, investor’s stock investment income remains exactly the same as
before. Then what was the rationale to switch over to firm’s A stock ? Definitely
investor’s earning position will improve in substituting B’s stock by A’s stock.
Investors have obtained loan of Rs. 1,00,000 against the security of new stock
which will be invested elsewhere to increase existing income. This arbitrage
process would continue until firm B’s shares increased in price so that differences
in market values of the two firms are eliminated. At this equilibrium the overall
cost of capital (Ko) of the two firms will be the same.
Thus, on the basis of arbitrage, Modigliani and Miller conclude that the
financing decision does not help in any way in maximisation of market price per
share. In their words, the market value of any firm is independent of its capital
structure and is given by capitalising its expected return at the rate appropriate to
its (risk) class.
Theoretical validity of the M-M’s proposition is difficult to counter.
However, the approach has been criticised bitterly by numerous experts
questioning the very assumptions on which edifice of the theory is founded.
Limitations of M-M Model :
Limitation of the M-M approach which have been brought to the force from
time to time are as under :
(i) The M-M model seems to have ignored the vital fact that business
risk is a function of the degree of the financial leverage. If a firm fails to service
the debt during the lean periods, it is very likely to collapse and will, therefore, not
survive to reap the benefits of leverage during the lean periods. Further, bankruptcy
involves high costs and probability of the firm having to bear these costs tends to
rise with leverage.
(ii) M-M’s argument that there is no difference between personal and
corporate leverage does not true in actual practice. As a matter of fact, investors
perefer corporate leverage to personal leverage. Higher interest rates on individual
than corporate debt and stiffer margin regulations in the case of personal borrowing
encourage the use of debt financing by companies. This would make the investors
loath towards personal leverage. Modigliani and Miller would make the investors loath
towards personal leverage. Modigliani and Miller have answered these charges by
pointing out that the existing practices justify their assumptions. Further, the
arbitrage process may not be confined to individuals. The free entry of the financial
intermediaries in the market without cost which they do so if opportunities for
profit in respect of dealing in securities exist, will assure the efficient functioning
of the arbitrage process which, in turn, will result in the prevalence of corporate
(iii) Another objection hailed against the M-M’s proposition is that it
would not be realistic to assume that there are no restrictions on institutional
investors with respect to their dealing in securities. In real life situations, many
institutional investors are not allowed to engage in the ’home made’ leverage.
Furthermore, Reserve Bank of India regultes margin requirements in respect of
different types of loans and has stipulated the percentage of advances under a
margin loan. As a result, a significant number of investors cannot substitute
personal leverage for corporate leverage.
(iv) It is also unrealistic to presume that there are no transaction costs. In
actual practice security dealers have to incur brokerage, underwriting commission
and similar other costs in buying and selling corporate securities. Consequently,
effectiveness of the arbitrage mechanism may be impeded. Arbitrage will take
place only upto the limits imposed by transaction costs, after which it is no longer
profitable. As a result, the leverage firm could have slightly higher total value.
(v) The assumption of no corporate tax is basically wrong. Nowhere in
the world, corporate income has remained untaxed. Further, everywhere taxation laws
have provided for deductively of interest payments on debt for calculating taxable
income. If this is so, debt becomes relatively much cheaper means of financing and
the financial manager is naturally encouraged to employ leverage. For that very
reason debt may be preferred to preferred and common stocks.
Consideration of Tax Factor in M-M Approach
Following strong objections of Ezra Solomon and other prominent financial
theoristis, M-M modified their earlier stand and agreed with the view that
favourable financial leverage can lower the overall cost of capital of a firm if
corporation tax is there.
M-M demonstrate that the value of levered firm is higher than the value of
unlevered firm because of the fact that interest is a tax deductible expense and due
to this more income flows to investors.
Example - VII
The expected value of annual net operating income for two firms is
Rs.4,000 before taxes, the corporate tax rate is 50 per cent. The after tax
capitalisation rate is 10 per cent for both firms and that firm A has no debt whereas
firm B has Rs. 16,000 in 5 per cent bonds. According to the M-M position, the
total values of the two firms would be :
1. Net Operating Income Rs. 4,000 Rs.
2. Taxes 2,000 2,00
3. Profit before interest but after Taxes Rs. 2,000 Rs.
4. After Tax Capitalisation Rate
for Debt Free Firm .10 .10
5. Capitalised Value 20,000 20,00
6. Interest on Debt 0 800
7. (I-Tax rate) (6) 0 400
8. Tax Saving on Interest 0 400
9. Interest Rate 5%
10. Capitalised Value of (8) 0 8,00
11. Total Value of Firm (5) + (10) Rs.20,000 Rs.28,000
Thus the higher total value of firm B is due to the deductibility of interest
payments. Owing to the tax benefits associated with debt financing firm B could
increase its total value with leverage even under the M-M approach.
With taxes the value of a firm according to M-M
is V = O (I-t) +D
v = value of the firm
t = Corporate tax rate.
r = Capitalisation rate applicable to the unlevered
O = Expected net operating income.
D = Market value of debt.
It is, thus, evident that M-M model recognises that because of corporate
income taxes, the firm can lower its cost of capital and raise its value by continually
increasing leverage in its capitalisation. They suggest that in order to achieve
optimal capital structure the firm should strive for the maximum amount of
leverage. In refreshing contrast to this, traditional model pleads that cost of capital
would tend to rise with the extreme leverage owing to increased financial risk.
Therefore, the optimal capital structure according to the traditional model, is not
the one that calls for maximum use of debt. The weakest part of the M-M approach,
as is evident from the above discussion, is noticeable when leverage is extreme. The
firm cannot afford to go on borrowing funds, recklessly in its bid to maximise its
value as is suggested by M-M because beyond a certain point of leverage the firm
would assume considerable financial risk resulting in higher interest and
bankruptcy cost. In support of their argument M-M suggest that the firm should
adopt a target debt equity ratio so as to keep itself within the limits on leverage
imposed by creditors. The introduction of debt limits implies that the cost of capital
rises beyond a point and the there exists optimal capital structure.
1. "In making capital structure decision finance manager faces the problem of
striking compromise among conflicting but equally important principles of control,
cost, risk and flexibility." Comment upon this statement.
2. Spell out the financial considerations that should be taken into account
while reaching capital structure decision.
3. Should finance manager take into consideration environmental factors while
taking capital structure decisions ?
4. What sort of capital structure would you propose for a company if its
primary objectives were :
(a) To maximise the possible income for common stockholders ?
(b) To assure control with a minimum investment ?
(c) To minimise fluctuations in earnings per share on common stock ?
5. If management agrees that the chances are about 8 out of 20 that earnings
will remain above the break-even point, should they agree to resort to debt financing
? What might deter them from doing so ?
6. How would the capital structure of a trading concern different from that of a
manufacturer of trucks ? What are the reasons for any differences that might exist
7. What differences in typical structures within the industry might you expect
to find if the industry was characterised by greater price competition ?
8. What is traditional approach to the concept of capital structure ?
9. Explain the position of M-M approach on the issue of an optimal capital
structure, admitting to the existence of the corporate income tax.
10. Evaluate the merits and demerits of each of the capital structure model.
Lesson : 4
= Ot
(1+k) t
where = is the net cash inflow at zero point of time.
Ot = is the outflow of cash in periods 1 to n
k = is the explicit cost of capital.
Implicit cost represents the rate of return which can be earned by investing
the capital in alternative investments. The concept of opportunity cost gives rise to
the implicit cost. The implicit cost represents the cost of opportunity foregone in
order to take up a particular project. For example, the implicit cost of retained
earnings is the rate of return available to the shareholders by investing the funds
c) Specific Cost and Composite Cost :
Capital can be raised by a firm from various sources and
each source will have a different cost. Specific cost refers to the cost of a
specific source of capital, while composite cost of capital refers to the combined
cost of various sources of capital. It is the weighted average cost of capital. It is
also termed as overall cost of capital. When more than one type of capital is
employed in the business, it is the composite cost which should be considered for
decision-making and not the specific cost of that capital alone be considered.
d) Average Cost and Marginal Cost :
Average cost of capital refers to the weighted average cost
calculated on the basis of cost of each source of capital funds. Marginal cost of
capital refers to the average cost of capital which has to be incurred to obtain
additional funds required by a firm. Marginal cost of capital is considered as
more important in capital budgeting and financing decisions.
For calculating the overall cost of capital of a firm, the specific costs of
different sources of finance raised by it have to be computed. These sources are :
(i) Debt (borrowed) Capital,
(ii) Preference Share Capital,
(iii) Equit Share Capital and
(iv) Retained Earnings.
1. Cost of Debt :
It is relatively easy to calculate the cost of debt. The cost of debt is
the rate of interest payable on debt. Debt capital is obtained through the issue of
debentures. The issue of debentures involves a number of floatation charges, such
as printing of prospectus, advertisement, underwriting, brokerage, etc, Again,
debentures can be issued at par or at times below par (at discount)
or at times above par (at premium). These floatation charges and modes of issue
have an important bearing on the cost of debt capital.
The formula adopted or calculating the cost of debt capital is given below:
(i) Kd = I/P
where K d = cost of debt (before tax)
I = Interest
P = Principal
In case the debt is raised by issue of debentures at premium or discount,
one should consider P as the amount of net proceeds from the issue and not the
face vale of debentures. The formula may be modified as
(ii) Kd = I/NP (where NP = New Proceeds)
When debt is used as a source of finance, the firm saves
considerable amount in payment of tax since interest is allowed as a deductible
expense in computation of tax. Hence, the effective cost of debt is reduced. In
other words, the effective cost of debt, i.e., the after-tax cost of debt would be
substantially less than the before-tax cost. The after-tax cost of debt may be
calculated with the help of the following formula :
(iii) After-tax cost of debt = Kd (1-t)
where t is the tax rate.
Example I.
(a) A Ltd. issues Rs. 1,00,000, 8% debentures at par. The tax rate
applicable to the company is 50%. Compute the cost of debt capital.
(b) B Ltd. issues Rs. 1,00,000, 8% debentures at a premium of
10%. The tax rate applicable to the company is 60%. Compute the cost of
debt capital.
(c) C Ltd. issues Rs. 1,00,000, 8% debentures at a discount of 5%.
The tax rate is 50%. Compute the cost of debt capital.
(d) D Ltd. issues Rs. 1,00,000, 9% debentures at a premium of
10%. The costs of floatation are 2%. The tax rate applicable is 60%.
Compute costs of debt-capital.
Solution :
(a) Kd = (1-t)
= 8,000 (1-0.5)
= 8000 x
= 4%
(b) Kd I
(1-t) NP
= 8,000 (1-0.6)
= 8,000 × 0.4
= 2.95%
(c) Kd
(1-t) NP
= 8,000 (1-0.5)
(d) Kd = 4.21%
= 9,000 × 0.4
= 3.34%
Usually, the debt issued is to be redeemed after the expiry of a certain
period during the life time of a firm. Such a debt issue is known as Redeemable
Debt. The cost of redeemable debt capital may be computed as :
(iv) Before-tax cost of debt :
I + 1/n (P-
K = NP)
½ (P+ NP)
Where, I = Interest
N = Number of years in which debt is to be
P = Proceeds at par
NP = Net Proceeds
(v) After-tax cost of debt, K d2 = K db (1-t)
1+1/n (P - NP)
= ½ ( P+ NP) × (1-t)
Example II
XYZ Ltd. issues Rs. 5,00,000, 10% redeemable debentures at a
discount of 5%. The cost of floatation amount to Rs. 15,000. The debentures are
redeemable after 5 years. Calculate before-tax and after-tax cost of debt assuming
a tax rate of 50%.
Solution :
Before-tax cost of debt,
Kdb 1 + 1/n (P - NP)
50,000 + 1/5 (5,00,000 - 4,60,000)
= ½ (5,00,000 + 4,60,000)
50,000 + 8,000
= 4,80,000
58,000 × 100
= 12.09%
After-tax cost of debt,
Kda = Kdb (1 - t)
= 13.09 ( 1 - 0.5)
= 12.09 × 0.5
= 6.045%
Example III.
ABC Ltd. issues 5,000, 8% debentures of Rs. 100 each at a
discount of 10% and redeemable 10 years. The expenses of issues amounted to
Rs. 10,000. Find out the cost of debt capital.
Solution :
Kdb = 1 + 1/n (P - NP)
½ ( P + NP)
= 40,000 + 1/10 (5,00,000 - 4,40,000)
½ (5,00,000 + 4,40,000)
= 40,000 + 6,000
= 46,000 × 100
= 9.79%
2. Cost of Preference Capital :
Normally, a fixed rate of dividend is agreed payable by a
company on its preference shares. Though dividend is declared at the
discretion of the Board of directors and there is no legal binding on the
payment of dividend, yet it does not mean that Preference Share Capital is
cost free. The cost of preference share capital is the dividend expected by its
investors. Moreover, preference shareholders have a priority to dividend
over the equity shareholders. In case dividends are not paid to preference
shareholders, it will affect the fund raising capacity of the firm. Hence,
dividends are usually paid regularly on preference shares except when there
are no profits to pay dividends.
The cost preference capital can be calculated as :
Kp = D/P
where Kp = Cost of Preference Capital
D = Annual Preference Dividend
P = Preference Sahre Capital
Further, when preference shares are issued at premium or discount or
when cost of floatation is incurred to issue preference shares, the nominal or par
value of preference share capital has to be adjusted to find out the net proceeds
from the issue of preference shares. In such a case, the cost of preference capital
can be computed with the following formula :
Kp = D/NP
When Redeemable Preference Shares are issued by a company, they can
be redeemed or cancelled on maturity date. The cost of redeemable preference
share capital can be calculated as :
= 18,60,000 × 100
= 10.75%
Coca Cola Ltd. issued 1000 9% perference shares of Rs. 100 each
at a premium of 10% redeemable after 5 years at par. Compute the cost of
preference capital
Solution :
Kpr = D + 1/n (MV - NP)
½ (MV + NP) × 100
Example VI.
Azhar Ltd., issued 50,000 10% Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each
redeemable after 10 years at a premium of 5%. The cost of issue is Rs. 2 per
share. Calculate the cost of preference capital.
Solution :
D + MV - NP
Kpr =½ (MV + NP)
Where, Kpr = Cost of Redeemable Preference Shares
D = Annual Preference Dividend
MV = Maturity Value of Preference Shares
NP = Net Proceeds of preference Shares
Example IV.
Pepsi Ltd. issued 20,000 10% Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each.
Cost of issue is Rs. 2 per share. Calculate cost of preference capital if
these shares are issued (a) at par (b) at a premium of 10% and (c) at a
discount of 5%.
Solution :
Cost of Preference Capital, K p=D/NP
(a) Kp = × 100
20,00,000 - 40,000
= 19,60,000 × 100
= 10.2%
(b) Kp = 1 00×
20,00,000 + 2,00,000-40,000
× 100
= 21,60,000
= 9.26%
(c) Kp = 1 0 0×
20,00,000 - 1,00,000-40,000
= 5,00,000 + 35,000 × 100
= 5,35,000 × 100
= 10.54%
3. Cost of Equity Share Capital :
As the payment of dividend on equity shares is not legally
binding and the rate of dividend is not predetermined, some financial experts
hold the opinion that equity share capital does not carry any cost. But this is
not true. The share holders invest their surplus in equity shares with an
expectation of receiving dividends and the comapany must earn this minimum
rate so that the market price of the shares remains unchanged. Therefore, the
required rate of return which equates the present value of the expected
dividends with the markets value of share is the cost of equity capital.
For the purpose of measuring the cost of equity capital will be divided
into two parts : (a) the external equity of the new issues (of shares) and (b)
the retained earnings because of the floatation costs involved in the former.
It is very difficult to measure the cost of equity in practice, since it is
difficult to estimate the future dividends expected by the equity
Moreover, the earnings and dividends on equity share capital are generally
expected to grow. The cost of equity capital can be computed in the following
ways :
(a) Dividend Yield Method or Dividend Price Ratio Method :
Under this method, the cost of equity capital is the ’discount rate that
equates the present value of expected future dividends per share with the net
proceeds (or current market price) of a share.’ Symbolically,
Ke = D or D
wher Ke = Cost of Equity Capital
D = Expected Dividend per
NP = Net Proceeds per share
and M = Market Price per share
The basic assumptions underlying this method are that the investor give
utmost importance to dividends and the risk in the firm remains constant.
The dividend price ratio method cannot be considered as a sound one for
the following reasons : (i) it does not consider the growth in dividend (ii) it does
not consider future earnings or retained earnings and (iii) it does not take into
account the capital. It is suitable only when the company has stable earnings and
stable dividend policy over a period of time.
Example VII.
Maruti Ltd. issues 5,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each at a premium of
10%. The company has been paying 20% dividend to equity shareholders for the
past five years and expects to maintain the same in the future also. Compute the
cost of equity capital. Will it make any difference if the market price of equity
share is Rs. 160 ?
Solution :
Ke = D
= 20
110 × 100
= 18.18%
if the market price of a equity share is Rs. 160.
Ke =
= × 100
= 12.5%
where, = Cost of equity capital
D = Expected Dividend per
Np = Net proceeds per share
G = Rate of growth in
(b) Dividend Yield plus growth in dividend method : When the
dividends of the firm are expected to grow at a constant rate and the dividend
pay out ratio is constant, this method may be the cost of equity capital is
based on the dividend and the growth rate.
Ke = D +G
Example VIII
(a) Hero Honda Ltd. issues 2000 new equity shares of Rs. 100 each
at par. The floatation costs are expected to be 5% of the share price. The
company pays a dividend of Rs. 10 per share initially and the growth in
dividends is expected to be 5%. Compute the cost of new issue equity share.
(b) If the current market price of an equity share is Rs. 160,
calculate the cost sof existing equity share capital.
Solution :
(a) Ke = 10 + 5% = 15.33%
= 100-5
(b) Ke = D
= 10 + 5% = 11.25%
(c) Earning yield method : Under this method, the cost of equity
capital is the discount rate that equates the present value of expected future
earnings per share with the net proceeds (or current marketing price) of a
share. Symbolically :
(b) When the dividend pay-out ratio is 100 per cent or when the
retention ratio is zero, i.e., all the available profits are fully
distributed as dividends.
(c) When a firm is expected to earn an amount of new equity share
capital, which is equal to the current rate of earnings.
(d) The market price of share is influenced by the earnings per
share alone.
Example IX.
Jindal Ltd. is considering an expenditure of Rs. 80 lakhs for expanding its
operations. Other particulars are as follows :
Number of existing equity shares = 10 lakhs
Market value of existing share = Rs. 60
Net earnings = Rs. 90 lakhs
Compute the cost of existing equity share capital and of new equity capital
assuming that new shares will be issued at a price of Rs. 54 per share and the cost
of new issue will be Rs. 2 per share.
Solution :
Cost of existing equity share
capital Ke = EPS
EPS, or Earnings per share = 90
= Rs. 9
Ke = 9 × 100
= 15%
Cost of New Equity
Capital Ke =
= 9 × 100
= 9 × 100
= 17.30%
(d) Realised Yeild Method : The main drawback of the dividend yield
method or earnings yield method lies in the estimation of the investors’
expected future dividends on earnings. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to
estimate future dividends and earnings precisely, since both of them depend
on many uncertain factors. To overcome this shortcoming, realised yield
method which takes into consideration the actual average rate of return
realised in the past, is employed to computed the cost of equity share capital.
While calculating the average cost of return realised, dividends recieved in
the past along with the gain realised at the t ime of sale of shares, should be
considered . The cost of capital is equal to the realised rate of return by the
shreholders. This method is based upon the following limitations:
(a) The firm will continue to remain and face the same risk, over
the period:
(b) The investors’s expectations are based upon the past realised yield;
(c) The investors get the same rate of return as the realised yield
even when invested elsewhere ; and
(d) The market price of shares remains unchanged.
4. Cost of Retained Earnings
It is generally misunderstood that retained earnings do not involve
any cost since a firm is not required to pay dividends on retained earnings.
However, the shareholders expect a return on retained profits. Retained earning
accrue to a firm only because of the sacrifice made by the shareholders in not
getting the dividends declared out of the available profits fully. The cost of
retained earnings is equal to the rate of return which the existing shreholders will
obtain by investing the after-tax dividends in alternative investments. It thus
represents the opportunity cost of dividends foregone by the shareholders. Cost of
retained earnings can be computed with the help of following formula :
Kr = D
Equity capital
(4,000 Share of
Rs. 22.50) Rs.9,00,000 69.2% 14.0% 9.69%
Pref. capital 1,00,000 7.7% 12.0% 0.92
Rs.13,00,000 12.69
It can be observed that the total market value of the equity shares
outstanding takes into account the retained earnings also. It is obvious that the
market value of cost of capital (12.69%) is higher than book value cost of capital
(12.1%) since market value of equity share capital (Rs. 9,00,000) is higher than its
book value (Rs. 6,00,000). From the above it is clear that the market value weight
should be preferred over the book value weights since the market values reflect
the expectation of investors. At the same time, market value fluctuates very
widely and frequently and there is difficulty in using the market value weights in
the computation of weighted cost of capital. In practice, the use of the book value
(a) the firm determines the capital strucutre targets in terms of book value
(b) the book value particulars can be easily obtained from the published
(c) moreover, the debt-equity ratio based on book values alone are
analysed by the investors to evaluate the risk involed in their
Lesson : 5
( Dr. N.S. Malik)
Thus, the capital budgeting decision may be defined as the firm’s decision
to invest its current funds most efficiently in long-term activities in anticipation of
an expects flow of future benefits over a series of years. Such decisions may
consist addition, disposition, modification, mechanisation or replacement of any
fixed asset.
Capital budgeting decisions are among the most crucial and critical
business decisions. The selection of the most profitable assortment of capital
investment can be considered a key function of management. On the other hand, it
is the most important single area of decision-making for the financial executives.
Actions taken by management in this area affect the operations of the firm for
many years to come. The need and importance of capital budgeting
can be numerated as follows :-
(c) The funds available for a firm are always in scarcity so they
must be properly planned. Modern industrial organisations
are characterised by large scale production and intensive
mechanisation. This all requires balanced and properly planned
allocation of scarce captial resources to the most profitable
investment proposals. Hence, the procss of capital budgeting
has become very significant now a days. Therefore, the
financial executives plan capital budgets often years in advance.
Final Approval - Once the financial manager has reviewed the projects, he
will recommended a detailed programme, both of capital expenditures and of
sources of capital to meet them, to the top management. Possibly, the financial
manager will present several alternative capital-expenditure budgets to the top
management, it will finally approve the capital budget for the firm.
Retirement and Disposal - This phase marks the end of the cycle in the
life of a project. It involves more than the recovery of the original cost plus and
adjustment for replacement programmes. The old assets should be sold and
realised sale price should be used for replacement financing.
(b) It should provide clear cut ranking of the projects in order of the
profitability or desirability.
(f) In the last but not the least, the method should be suitable
according to the nature and size of capital project to be
Method of Evaluating Investment Proposals
The various methods which are commonly used for evaluating the relative
worth of investment proposals are as follwos :
method. It gives the number of years in which the total investment in a particular
capital project pays back itself. This method is based on the principle that every
capital expenditure pays itself back over a number of years. It means that it
generates income regularly during its estimated economic life. When the total
cash inflows from investment equals the total outlay, that period is the payback
period of that project. While comparing between two or more projects, the
project with lesser payback period will be acceptable.
(a) In the case of even cash inflows :- If the pattern of annual cash
inflow is of conventional character or they are in the form of annuity, the
computation of payback period is very simple, as follow :
Illustration : A project requires an investment of Rs. 10,000. Its estimated
annual cash inflows have been given below :
Thus, Rs. 10,000 is recovered fully in 3rd year, hence, payback period is 3
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2,000 2,000
2 3,000 5,000
3 4,000 9,000
4 2,000 11,000
5 3,000 14,000
10000 - 9000 = 3.5 yrs.
Here, payback period will be = 3 years +
Project A Project B
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Cost of Project 15,000 15,000
Year Annual Cash Inflows
1 5,0 4,000
2 6,0 5,000
3 4,0 6,000
4 0 6,000
5 0 4,000
6 0 3,000
Payback period 3 3 yrs.
Project Project
x y
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Total Investment 10,000 10,000
Year Annual Cash Inflows
1 5,000 3,000
2 5,000 4,000
3 2,000 3,000
4 1,000 4,000
5 500 2,000
Payback period 2 yrs. 3 yrs.
Thus, the payback period for project x is 2 years and for project y it is 3
years. Obviously, project x will be preferable on the basis of payback period.
However, if we look beyond the payback period, we see that project x returns
only Rs. 3,500 while project y returns Rs. 6,000. Thus, project y should be
Project Project
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Total Cost of the Project 10,000 10,000
Year Annual Cash Inflows
1 2,000 5,000
2 3,000 3,000
3 5,000 2,000
Payback period 3 yrs. 3 yrs.
Above example shows that both the projects O and P have the same
cash outlays in the zero time period, the same total cash inflows of Rs.
10,000; the same payback period of 3 years. But intuitively the project P
would be preferable as it returns cash earlier than first project. Hence, the
internal composition of cash inflows is also very important which should not
be ignored.
But inspite of the above-mentioned weaknesses, the payback method can
Thus, this method considers whole earnings over the entire economic life
of an asset. The project with highest return will be acceptable.
The average profits after taxes - Average profits after taxes are found
by taking the sum of the expected after-tax profits of the project during its life
and dividing the sum by the number of years of its life. In the case of an
annuity, the average after-tax profits are equal to any year’s profits.
be gainfully employed under certain circumstances. In a politically unstable
economy, a quick return of investment is a must. Shortest payback period is
the only answer to such investments. In case of foreign investments, the
firms experiencing sever shortage of liquidity, for assessing short-run and
medium term capital projects, the payback period is the only good
technique for assessing their profitability. In fact, the payback period is a
measure of liquidity of investment rather than their profitability. Thus, the
payback period should more appropriately be treated as a constraint to be
satisfied than as a profitability measure to be maximised.
(c) Recovered Capital + Scrap Value
The averaging process outlined above assumes that the firm is using straight line
method of depreciation.
(3) It takes into consideration the total earnings from the project
during its entire economic life.
(4) This approach gives due weight to the profitability of the project.
(1) One apparent disadvantage of this approach is this that its results by
different methods are inconsistent.
(2) It is simply an averaging technique which does not take into account
(3) The method ignores the time factor of future cash streams which is
crucial in business decisions as the amount of interest and discount is
substantially affected by it.
(4) This method does not determine the fair rate of return on investments.
It is left at the discreation of the management. Hence, the use of this
arbitrary rate of return may cause serious distortions in the selection of
profitable projects.
The calculation of present value consists of the following steps :
There are three methods to judge the profitability of different proposals on the
basis of discounted cashflow technique. These are as follows :
The calculation of net present value (NPV) of project is one of the most
commonly used capital budgeting techniques. This method is also known as
Excess Present Value of Net Gain Method. The definition of net present value can
be expressed as follows :
P= 1
S + 2
+ ..............+ n
2 n
(1+i) (1+i) (1+i)
= Rate of interest
n = number of years (1,2,3,............)
Based on the above equation, the present value factors tables have been
prepared. In these tables, the present value of Re. 1 at different rates of interest
have been given. The second type of present value tables provide us the
cumulative amount of an annuity of Re. 1 for a given rate of interest. If the
annual cash inflows are of even nature, the compound present value factor
should be used and if it is of uneven nature, the simple present value factor
should be applied. If the NPV is in positive the project should be accepted. If
it is in negative, it should be rejected. In mutually exclusive projects, the
project with higher NPV should be preferred.
Illustration : Suppose a project costs Rs. 5,000. Its estimated economic life is 2
years. The firm’s cost of capital is estimated to be 10%. The estimated cash
inflows from the project are Rs. 2,800 p.a. Calculate its NPV.
Solution : As the firm’s cash inflows are of conventional pattern (i.e. even
amount), the compound value factor can be used for calculating thier NPV.
Total Present Value = Rs. 2,800 x 1.813 5,272
Less Cost of the Project 5,000
Net Present Value 272
(1) The NPV method takes into consideration the time factor of
earnings as well as cost of capital.
(where NPV of cash inflows in Total Present value of cash inflows minus
initial investment)
The third DCF technique is the Internal Rate of Return Method which is
commonly known as Time-adjusted Rate of Return method also. Like the present
value method, the IRR method also considers the time value of money by
discounting the annual cash inflows. But present value method can be applied
only when the discount rate (i.e. cost of capital) is known to us. On the other
hand, in IRR technique we find out that rate of return which will equate the
present value of future cash streams to the present cash outlay of the project. It is
usually the rate of return that the project earns. "It may be defined as the discount
rate (r) which equates the aggregate present value of the net cash inflows with the
aggregate present value of cash outflows of a project". In other words, "IRR is the
maximum rate of interest that could be paid for the capital employed over the life
of an investment without loss on the project". Thus, it is that rate which gives the
projects NPV of zero.
Assuming conventional cash inflows, mathematically, the IRR is
represented by that rate, r, such that,
C = -------1- + --------2 + --------3 + ......... + --------n- + -------n
(1+r) 1 (1+r) 2 (1+r) 3 (1+r) n (1+r) n
= Cost of the Project
AC = Annual Cash Inflows
S = Scrap Value of the Project
Computation of IRR
(a) In the case of even cash inflows - If the cash inflows are
uniform each year then the computation of IRR involves the following two
steps :
(ii) Locate the factor calculated in (i) in the compount Present Value
Table on the line corresponding the life span of investment in
years. The interest rate of the line of that factor will be the
required IRR.
It is to be noted that the present value of cash inflows at this computed
rate must be equal to the present value of cash outflows.
Illustration : A project costs Rs. 10,000 and is expected to generate cash-
inflows of Rs. 1,750 annually for 10 years. Its salvage value is nil. Calculate its
Solution :
P.V. Factor = Investment ÷ Annual Cash Inflow
= 10,000 ÷ 1,750 = 5.714
Locating this factor in the compound present value table on the line
corresponding to the 10th year. we find that this factor is most close to the factor
in the table at 12%. Hence, the approximate rate of return is 12%.
As the factor given in the table is less than the factor computed above,
actual rate will be a bit less than 12%. It can, however, be ascertained by applying
the interpolation technique as follows :
V -V Where,
IRR = r + -----1-------- (r -r ) r = lower rate of return
V -V
r = higher rate of return
1 2
V2 = Present value factor at lower rate of return
+6.145 - 5.714 1
= 10% +----------------------x (12% - 10%) v = Present value factor at higher rate of
+6.145 - 5.652 V = retun
Present value factor for which IRR is to
= 10% + 1.74% = 11.74% interpolated
IRR = r - --------2--- (r -r )
V1 - V2 21
5.71 4 - 5.65 0
= 12% - --- - - - -- -- -- - - - -- x (12% - 10%)
6.145 - 5.650
0.06 4
= 12% - -- - - - -- ----- x 2
= 12% - 0.26% = 11.74%
Under IRR approach, the calculated IRR (i.e. actual rate) is compared with
the required rate of return, also known as the cut-off rate or hurdle rate (i.e. the
cost of capital or interest rate on which the funds will be available). If the actual
IRR is higher than the cut-off rate, the project is accepted, if lower it is rejected.
If the IRR and cut-off are just equal, the firm will be indifferent as to
whether to accept or reject the project.
Computed its IRR. If the cost of capital to the firm is 12% Advise the
management whether the project should be accepted or rejected.
Solution : To compute IRR, we have to follow the trial and error procedure with
various rate of interest. The following table presents the calculations :
Table showing calculations of IRR for unequal cash inflows
Since NPV is zero at 15% discount rate, it is its IRR. If the cost of capital
is 12%, the project must be accepted as its internal return is 15% while cost of
funds is only 12%. The project will contribute 3% to the value of the firm.
(1) This method takes into account the entire economic life of an
investment and income therefrom. It gives the true rate of return
offered by a new project.
(2) It gives due weight to time factor of financing. It is more suitable for
long-term planning. In the words of Charles Horngren. "Because the
discounted cashflow method explicity and routinely weights the time
value of money, it is the best method to use for long-range decisions.
(3) It permits direct comparison of the projected returns on investments
with the cost of borrowing money which is not possible in other
(4) It makes allowance for difference in the time at which investments
generate their income.
The concept of "discounted cash flow" has evoked considerable interest in regular
commercial enterprises as well as among financial institutions. The World Bank
and other financial institutions use the DCF techniques extensively while
measuring the success of new development ventures in order to arrive at sound
capital expenditure decisions.
But despite these defects, this approach affords an opportunity for making
valid comparisons between several long-term competing capital projects. J. Batty
has very rightly remarked - "Allowing for these apparent defects there is still a
very strong case for using the present value concept. Values and costs should be
shown at their true worth, only then can the management accountant say that he is
truely representing facts which represent economic realities and not simply a list
of unrelated figures. The process of discounting brings them all into present day
terms allowing valid comparisons to be made."
(1) Various data such as investment, return, estimated economic life of the
asset, to a great extent, are only estimates. Even with all the
"knowledgeable factors" collected and duly analysed, there are many
unknown factors which can not be foreseen and which can not be
avoided or controlled.
(2) Financial planning for liquidity and profitability is fraught with many
of the same risks that apply to other phases of business activity. The
risks of faulty projections of financial requirements are particularly
great in the planning of capital expenditures for long-term fixed-asset
(3) Capital Budgeting process does not take into consideration various
non- figure aspects of the project while they play an important role
in successful and profitable implementation of them. Hence, non-
profitability considerations should also be considered by the management
while taking a final decision.
Standard Questions :
Suggested Reading :
Lesson : 6
In the broad sense, the term ’working capital is used to denote the ’total
current assets’. The following are some definitions of this group.
-J.S. Mill.
(3) "Any acquistion of funds which increases the current assets increases
working capital also, for they are one and the same". - Bonneville
In the narrow snse, the working capital is regarded as the excess of current
assets over current liabilities. This has bene the most commonly used concept by
financial experts and authors emphasizing the accounting phase of finance. They
include the name of E.E. Lincoln, E.A. Saliers, C.W. Gerstenbergh, etc.
Gerstenbergh defines it as follows : "It has ordinarily been defined as the excess
of current assets over current liabilities". According to Hoagland, "Working
capital is description of that capital which is not fixed. But the more common use
of the working capital is to consider it as the difference between the book value of
the current assets and the current liabilities". Likewise, "It is that portion of a
firm’s current assets which is financed by long-term funds".
an ajustable account of current assets so that the business may operate smoothly.
That’s why, if the term ’working capital’ is used without further qualification, if
refers to the gross working capital.
Variable W.C.
Amount of working capital (In Rs.)
Permanent W.C.
Operating Cycle
This cycle is repeated again and again. This operating cycle is clear from
the following chart :
Cash Finished Goods
Hard Core Working Capital
First, unlike fixed assets, it keeps on changing its form from one asset to another.
Third, with the growth of business, the size of this component of working
capital also grows.
Working Capital is just like the heart of business. If it becomes weak, the
business can hardly prosper and survive. It is an index of the solvency of a
concern. Its proper circulation provides to the business the right amount of cash to
maintain regular flow of its operations. The following are a few advantages of
adequate working capital funds in the business:
Good Bank Relations - Good relations with banks can also be maintained.
The enterprise by maintaining an adequate amount of working capital is
able to maintain a sound bank credit, trade credit and can escape
There are numerous factors which affect the working capital requirements
of a concern. Their appraisal assists the management in
formulating its sound working capital policies and estimating its requirements.
The important factors are as follows :
Production Policies - The nature of production policy also exercise its impact on
capital needs. Strong seasonal movements have special working capital problems
and requirements. A high level production plan also involves higher investment in
working capital.
The Proportion of the Cost of Raw Materials to total costs - In those
industries where cost of materials is a large proportion of the total cost of the
goods produced or where costly raw materials are used, requirements of
working capital will be comparatively large. But if the proportion of raw
materials is small, the requirements of working capital will naturally be small.
Business Cycles - Requirement of working capital also varies with the business
cycles. When the price level is up due to boom conditions, the inflationary
conditions create demand for more working capital. During depression also a
heavy amount of working capital is needed due to the inventories being locked
unsold and book debts uncollected.
The relationship between fixed and working capital may differ from
country to country, from industry to industry in the same country, even from unit
to unit in the same industry. High degree of mechanisation, shortage of man-
power and technical advancement these all factors contribute to the high
proportion of fixed capital. That is why, in less advanced countries the proportion
of fixed capital may not be so high.
If the working capital is to be estimated for the ensuing year, then the
current requirement of the assets and cashflow for that period are to be
estimated. The study of cashflows will reveal how much cash is available to
meet the current assets requirements. The basic object of forecasting
working capital needs is either to measure the cash position of the enterprise
or to exercise control over the liquidity position of the concern. But, the
circular flow of working capital does not occur automatically and it is the
essential responsibility of management to guide it in proper proportions
through the production machine.
There are many popular methods available for forecasting the working
capital requirements which are as follows :
The per cent of sales method of determining working capital is simple and
easy to understand and is useful in forecasting the working capital requirements,
particularly, in the short-term. However, the greatest drawback of this method is
the assumption of linear relationship between sales and working capital.
Therefore, this method can not be recommended for universal application. It may
be found suitable by individual companies in specific situations.
r stands for the number of days of raw material and stores consumption
requirements held in raw materials and stores inventory;
f stands for the number of days of cost of sales held in finished goods
inventory; and
This method with the range of techique suitable for simple as well as
complex situations, is an undisputed refinement on traditional approaches of
forecasting and determining working capital requirements. It is particularly
suitable for long-term forecasting.
Customers are given 45 days credit and 60 days credit is taken from
suppliers, 36 days’ supply of raw materials and 15 days’ supply of finished goods
are kept.
Solution :
Standard Questions
3. Explain the factors that you would take into consideration for assessing
the amount of working capital for different kinds of business
enterprises of various sizes.
5. BPL Ltd. is desirous to purchase a business and has consulted you and
one point on which you are asked to advise them is the average amount
of working capital which will be required in the first year’s working.
You are given the following estimates and are instructed to add 10% to
your computed figure to allow for contingencies.
Figures for the year Rs.
Lesson : 7
cash situations are undesirable from the point of view of profitability and
liquidity. Inadequate cash may degenerate a firm into a state of technical
insolvency and even lead to its liquidation. It will eventually disturb the firm’s
manufacturing operation. On the other hand, excessive cash remains idle,
without contributing anything towards the firm’s profitability. Moreover, holding
of cash balance has an implicit cost in the form of its opportunity cost. The larger
the idle cash, the greater will be its opportunity cost in the form of loss of interest
which could have been earned either -by investing it in some interest-bearing
securities or by reducing the burden of interest charges by paying off the loans
taken previously. If the cash balance with a firm at any time is surplus or deficit,
it is obvious that the finances are mismanaged. Today, when cash, like any other
asset of the company, is a tool for profits, the emphasis is on right amount of
cash at the right time, at the right place and at the right cost.
The term cash with reference to cash management is used in two senses. In a
nay. ow sense, it includes coins, currency and cheques in hand and balances in bank
account. And in a broader sense, it also .Includes “near-cash assets” such as
marketable securities and time deposits with banks which can be immediately sold or
converted into cash.
spite of this fact, cash is held by the enterprises with the following motives.
1. Transactions motive
2. Precautionary Motive
3. Speculative Motive
4. Compensating Motive :
The four motives of holding cash discussed above are not of equal
importance. Transaction motive and compensating motive are the most important
ones. This is so because the enterprises normally do not speculate and so they
need not have speculative balances. As regards the requirements of precautionary
balances, the firms can use short term financing pattern for the same.
In order to solve the uncertainty about cash flow prediction and lack of
synchronisation between cash receipts and payments, the firm should develop
appropriate strategies for cash management. The firm should evolve strategies
regarding the following four facets of cash management
1. Cash planning
2. Managing the cash flows
3. Optimum cash level
4. Investing surplus cash
Cash planning is done on the basis of the present operations and the likely
changes therein over a stipulated plan period. The basic tool which a finance
manager employs to forecast the predictable discrepancies between cash inflows
and outflows is the cash budget. The cash budget reveals the timing and
magnitude of net cash outflows as well as the periods during which surplus cash
may be available for temporary investment.
Cash forecasts are needed to prepare cash budgets. Cash forecasting may be
done on short-term and long-term basis. Short-term cash forecasting is made for a
period of less than one year to determine operating cash requirements of the firm.
This will help the firm to ascertain how much cash balance will be held in
balance, to what extent the firm will have to rely on bank financing and amount
of surplus cash that would be available for investment in marketable securities.
Thus, short- term cash forecasting enables the firm to adjust discrepancies between
cash outflows and inflows favourably. With prior knowledge of timing of cash
requirements, the finance manager will experience no problem in negotiating
with banks for short- term funds. A carefully and skilfully developed cash
forecast helps the finance manager choose such securities for investment of idle
cash as may satisfactorily
trade-off risks and return. The important uses of carefully developed short term
cash forecasts are :
fixed assets or dividend distribution would not be considered. Further,
adjusted net income method considers all receipts and payments on accrual
basis. Finally, all appropriations, such as depreciation and amortization of
patents have to be forecast under this method. Forecast prepared on
adjusted net income method helps in anticipating the working capital
requirements. The preparation of cash budget, according to this method, can
be understood with the help of following illustration
Illustration 2
From the following information prepare a cash budget under the adjusted
profit and loss method
Balance Sheet
as on Ist January, 1998
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Share Capital 1,25,00 Land and Building 75,000
Capital Reserve 12,500 Plant and Machinery 50,000
Profit and Loss A/c 22,500 Furniture and Fixtures 12,500
Debentures 25,000 Closing Stock 10,000
Creditors 72,000 Debtors 65,000
Accrued expenses 500 Bank 45,000
2,57,50 2,57,50
0 0
Projected Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31st
December, 1998
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Opening stock 10,000 By sales 2,00,00
To Purchases 1,50,00 By Closing Stock
(171) 25,000
To Gross Profit c/d 65,000
2,25,00 2,25,0
To Salary and wages By Gross Profit b/d 00
6,250 Add outstanding By Interest received 65,0
1250 To Depreciation: 0 00
Plant & Machinery 250
Furniture & Fixture 5,00
To 0
AdministrationExpenses 2,50
To Selling Expenses
To Net Profit c/d
6,25 By Balance B/d 65,2
To Dividend 0
By Net Profit b/d 50
paid To Balance 35,25
0 22,5
The following is the additional information for the year 1998 Shares were
issued for Rs. 25,000 and debentures were issued for Rs. 5,000. On 3 1 st
December, 1998, the accrued expenses were Rs. 1,250, Debtors Rs. 50,000,
Creditors Rs. 75,000 and Land & Building Rs. 1,00,000.
Solution :
One way of shortening the time lag between the date when a customer
sings a cheque and the date when the funds are available for use is to make an
arrangement for quick deposit of the cheques in the banks the moment they are
received. Special
attention should be given to large remittances. For example, these may be
deposited individually or air mail services should be used for such remittances.
3. Concentration Banking
(a) The mailing time is reduced, because the bills are prepared by the local
collection centres and sent by them to the customers. Further, if the
collection centres collect the payments by themselves, the time
requires for mailing is reduced on this account also.
(b) Collection time is reduced, since the payments collected are deposited
in the local bank accounts. The funds become usable by the firm
immediately on hearing from the collection centre about ihe amount being
deposited in the local bank account.
In order to optimise cash availability in the firm, the finance manager must
employ devices that could slow down the speed of payments outward in addition
to accelerating collection. The following methods can be used to delay
2. Centralised Disbursements
3. Using Float
Float is the difference between the company’s cheque book balance and
the balance shown in the bank’s books of account. When a firm writes a cheque, it
will reduce the balance in its books of account by the amount of the cheque. But
the bank will debit the account of its customers when the cheque is
collected usually after a week. Thus, there is no strange if the firm’s books show
a negative balance while the bank’s books show positive balance. The firm can
make use of the float if the magnitude of the float can be accurately estimated.
4. Inter-bank transfer
Cost Costs
Solution :
.01(Rs. 4,00,000)
2 Rs. 1,000)
= Rs. 2,82,843
The optimal transaction size of the company is Rs. 2,82,843 and the
average cash balance is Rs. 1,41,421 (Rs. 2,82,843/2).
b) Stochastic Model :
This model is based on the basic assumption that cash balances change
randomly over a period of time both in size and direction and form a normal
distribution as the number of periods observed increase. The model
prescribes two control limits-upper limit and lower limit. When cash
balances reach the upper limit, a transfer of cash to investment account
should be made and when cash balances reach the lower point, a portion of
securities constituting investment account of the firm should be liquidated to
return the cash balances to its return point.
The upper and lower limits of control are set after taking into account
fixed cost associated with converting securities into cash and the vice-versa,
and the cost of carrying stock of cash.
z Return Point
Lower Control Limit
0 Time
When cash balance reaches the upper control limit, ‘h-z’rupees of cash
are converted into marketable securities so that the new cash balance is at
’z ’ level. When cash balance is reduced to the level ’zero’ , ‘ O-Z’., i.e.
’z ’rupees of marketable securities are sold, so that the new cash balance is
again at’z’ level. If the cash balance remains fluctuating between the two
control limits, no transaction takes place (no conversion from cash to
marketable securities or vice versa is required). The lower control limit may
be set at a level higher than ’zero’ point. The optimum value of ‘h’is -3z.
Average cash balance is (z+h)/3 approximately. The optimum value of ‘z’,
the return point for security transactions can be calculated by applying the
formula :
The total costs of holding cash, i.e., fixed costs and opportunity costs are
minimised within these control limits in case of uncertainty.
Surplus cash is the cash in excess of the firm’s normal cash requirements.
While determining the amount of surplus cash, the finance manager has to take
into account the minimum cash balance that the firm must keep to avoid risk or
cost of running out of funds. Such minimum level may be termed as ‘safety level
for cash’.
Determining safety level for cash : The finance manager determines the safety
level of cash separately both for normal periods and peak periods. In both the
cases, he has to decide about the following two basic factors :
(i) Desired days of cash. It means the number of days for which cash
balance should be sufficient to cover payments.
(ii) Average daily cash outflows. This means the average amount of
disbursements which will have to be made daily.
The “desired days of cash” and “average daily cash outflows” are
separately determined for normal and peak periods. Having determined them,
safety level of cash can be calculated as follows
Safety level of cash = Desired days of cash x Average daily cash outflows
For example, if the finance manager feels that a safety level should
provide sufficient cash to cover cash payments for seven days and the firm’s
average daily cash outflows are Rs. 6,000, the safety level of cash will be Rs.
42,000 (i.e. 7 x 6,000).
For example, during the three busiest days in the month of December,
the firm’s cash outflows were Rs. 7,000 Rs. 8,000, and Rs. 9,000. The average
cash outflows comes to Rs. 8,000. If the finance manager desires sufficient
cash to cover cash payments for 5 days during the peak periods, the safety
level would be Rs. 40,000 (i.e. Rs. 8,000 x 5).
The above ratios are helpful in monitoring level of cash balances. The
actual cash balance is compared with the daily cash outflows to determine the
number of days for which cash is available. Such number of days is then
compared with the desired days of cash to ascertain whether the firm is below
or above the safety level.
Illustration 4 : From the following data ascertain whether the firms has surplus or
deficiency of cash.
Solution :
During normal periods: The firm has a cash balance Rs. 1,00,000. The
average daily cash outflows are Rs. 30,000. It means the firm has cash
available only for 3.3 days as compared to required for 6 days. Hence, the
firm has deficiency of cash.
During peak periods : The firm has a cash balance of Rs. 1,20,000. The
average daily outflows are estimated at Rs. 50,000. It means the firm cash
has available only for 2.4 days as compared to that required for 4 days.
Hence, the firm has deficiency of cash.
Criteria for investment : In most of the companies there are usually no formal
written instructions for investing the surplus cash. It is left to the discretion and
judgement of the finance manager. While exercising such discretion of judgement,
he usually takes into consideration the following factors :
(iii) Yield : Of course most corporate managers give less emphasis to yield
as compared to security and liquidity of investment. They, therefore,
prefer short-term Government securities for investing surplus cash.
However, some corporate managers follow aggressive investment
policies which maximise the yield on their investments.
For example, a firm can divide the surplus cash available with It in three
(iii) Surplus cash, which is a sort of general reserve and not required to meet
any specific payment. Such cash can, therefore, be invested in
securities with relatively longer maturities and more favourable yields.
1. Treasury bills
2. Commercial papers
4. Bank deposits
A firm can deposit its temporary cash in a bank for a fixed period of time.
The interest rate depends on the maturity period. For example, the current interest
rate for a 16 to 30 days deposit is about 5 per cent and for 180 days to one year is
about 8 per cent. The default risk. of the bank deposits is quite low since most
banks in India are owned ,by the Government.
5. Inter-corporate deposits
7. Badla Financing
8. Bill Discounting
A bill arises out of credit sales. The buyer will accept a bill drawn on
him by the seller. In order to raise funds the seller ’may get the bill
with his bank. The bank will charge discount and release the balance amount to
the drawer. These bills normally do not exceed 90 days.
A company may also discount the bills as a bank does this, using its
surplus funds. The bill discounting is considered superior to intercorporate
deposits. The company should ensure that the discounted bills are (a) trade
bills (resulting from a trade transaction) and not accommodation bills (helping
each other). (b) the bills backed by the letter of credit of a bank will be most
secure as these are guaranteed by the drawee’s bank.
Do Yourself:
6. Explain the criteria that a firm should use in choosing the short-term
investment alternatives in order to invest surplus cash.
Lesson : 8
The receivables arising out of credit have got three basic distinct
characteristics :
2. They are based on present economic value. At the time of sale the
economic value of goods passes immediately, whereas the seller excepts
an equivalent benefit at a later date.
(b) Increasing profits : Increase in sales results in higher profits for the
firm not only because of increase in the volume of sales but also because of
the firm charging a higher margin of profit on credit sales as compared to
cash sales.
2. Administrative costs
3. Collection costs
These are costs which the firm has to incur for collection of the
amounts at the appropriate time from the customers.
4. Defaulting costs
When customers make default in payments, not only is the
collection effort to be increased but the firm may also have to incur losses from
bad debts.
It has already been pointed out that receivables are the major
component of total current assets. Besides sales, a number of other factors also
influence the size of investment in receivables. These factors are :
2. Credit policies
3. Cash discount.
4. Discount period.
The above facets of credit polices striving to find ways and means
of reducing the volume of receivables without impeding the firm’s sales potential
are discussed below in the following paragraphs :
1. Credit standards
The above table reveals that the profits on additional sales amount
to Rs. 20,250 and the amount of required return comes to Rs. 11,700. Thus, it will
be desirable for the enterprise to resort to the proposed relaxation in its credit
2. Length of credit period
A firm in its hope for stimulating sales and so also its profits may
offer more liberal credit facilities by lengthening credit period. But lengthening of
credit period involves the cost. The cost that usually associated with lengthening
credit period is a cost involved in tying up investment in receivables for a longer
period of time that would otherwise have been invested elsewhere to earn income.
Besides, the firm may experience increase in both its collection costs and bad debt
losses. If additional cost associated with lengthening credit period is less than the
increased earnings, the finance manager should liberalise credit policy by
increasing credit period. There is no prudence in lengthening credit period if this
involves more cost than revenue. The finance manager should strive for locating
that period where additional earnings equate additional costs. This would be an
optimal credit period for the firm. The following illustration will make the point
more clear :
Illustration 2 : Reliance Industries, which currently sells goods on a net 30 days
terms, is considering the possibility of lengthening its credit period to 60 days.
The current year sale is anticipated to be of the order of 2,00,000 units at a selling
price of Rs. 10 each, with an average total unit cost at this volume of Rs. 9.50.
Lengthening credit period is expected to boost sales by 25 per cent to 2,50,000
units. The company anticipated to produce additional units of sale at Rs. 9.00 per
unit because it is hoped that overhead costs would be spread over higher volume
of production resulting in cost reduction by 0.50 paise per unit. Management
anticipates that as a result of increase in credit period from one month to two
months collections costs would increase from Rs. 6,000 to Rs. 8,000 annually and
bad debt losses would increase from 2 per cent to 2.5 per cent of sales. The
finance manager of the company feels that any additional investment in
receivable should earn to least 14 per cent before selling and administrative costs.
= Rs. 19,00,000
3. Cash Discount
= Rs. 25,000
4. Discount Period
Further, how much time credit department of the firm will spend on
analysis of credit applicant must also be considered by the finance manager.
Spending a lot of time in investigation may be justified in case of new credit
customers. It must, however, be remembered that the customer may not wait for
long pending detailed credit investigation and turnover elsewhere for his
(ii) Trade Reference : The firm may insist on the proposed customers to
give the names of such firms as he has current dealings for the purpose of
getting information about his creditworthiness. This is, no doubt, a useful source
of credit information without cost. The firm should take prompt and proper steps
to seek information from the references whenever the trade references have been
furnished. It may be contacted personally to obtain all relevant information
required by the firm.
(v) Bazar Reports : The information about the customers can also be
obtained from the firms or individuals associated with the same type of trade
or industry. Sometimes, a few traders may give wrong informations too.
Therefore, this source should be used carefully.
(ii) Business – line of the customer, background and the trade risk related
with the business.
(iv) Size of the order given by the customer alongwith the future volume
of business expected to be had with him.
pay on delivery of goods, invoices may be sent through bank and released after
collecting dues or some third party guarantee may be insisted. Such a course may
help in retaining the customers at present and their dealings may help in
reviewing their requests at a later date.
The bank will credit the amount to the party after deducting
discount and will collect the money from the customers later. Here too, the
bank will insist on quality receivables only. Besides banks, there may be other
agencies which can buy receivables and pay cash for them. This facility is
as factoring. The factor will purchase only the accounts acceptable to him and
may refuse purchase in certain cases. The factoring may be with or without
recourse. If it is without recourse then any bad debt loss is taken up by the
factor but if it is with recourse then bad debts losses will be recovered from
the seller. The factor may suggest the costumers for whom he should extend
this facility.
Solution :
enable a comparison between the two :
Benefits :
Cost of Sales
Average Investment
= Receivable turnover
20,000 x Rs. 27
Under Existing Plan = = Rs. 84,000
360 56
360 40
Costs :
Illustration 5 : Bharat Ltd.. decides to liberalise credit to increase its sales. The
liberalised credit policy will bring additional sales of Rs. 3,00,000. The variable
costs will be 60% of sales and there will be 10% risk for nonpayment and 5%
collection costs. Will the company benefit from the new credit policy?
Solution :
The company will be benefited from the new credit policy because
the increase in revenue is more than the costs of providing additional credit. In
fact, the profit of the company will increase by Rs. 75,000.
Do Yourself :
2. What is the basic reason for offering cash discount? Discuss the factors
which should be taken into account while formulation suitable
discount policy for the firm.
3. What are the five ’Cs’ of credit analysis ? How do they relate to the
process of evaluating credit risk ?
6. Diamond Steel Ltd.. has at present credit sales of Rs. 16 lakh. The sale
price per unit is Rs. 50; the variable cost is Rs. 40 per unit and the average
cost per unit is Rs. 45. The firm’s average age of accounts receivable is 60
7. The Relax Indian Ltd. is thinking to liberalise its credit policy. It sells
at present 10,000 units at a price of Rs. 200 per unit. The variable cost
per unit is Rs. 176 and the average cost per unit is Rs. 194. The
company’s entire sales is on credit. The average collection period is 45
Lesson : 9
(Author : Prof. Dr. R.K. Mittal)
Inventories, like receivables, are a significant portion of most firms’ assets and,
accordingly, require substantial investments. To keep these investments from
becoming unnecessarily large, inventories must be managed efficiently. In this
lesson, we shall discuss how to do that and how efficient management of
inventory is related to financial management.
Types of Inventories
Inventories are goods held for eventual sale by the firm and the raw materials or
other components being used in the manufacturing of such goods. A retailer
keeps an inventory of finished goods to be offered to customers whenever
demanded by them. On the other hand, a manufuring concern has to keep a
stockpile of not only the finished goods it is producing, but also of all physical
1. Kolb R. W. and Rodriguez R. J., Financial Management, Black well Publishers Limited,
Cambridge, U.K., 1996, P. 239.
While determining the optimal level of inventories, the financial manager must
consider the necessity of holding inventory and costs thereof. The following are
some of the benefits or reasons for holding inventories.
against the shortages that would result in production stoppages and considerable
3. Carrying Costs : This includes the expenses for storing the goods. It
comprises storage costs, insurance costs, spoilage costs, costs of funds
tied up in inventories, etc. The funds used in the purchase/production
of inventories have an opportunity cost i.e., the income which could
have been earned by investing these funds elsewhere. The ordering
cost may be referred as the "cost of acquiring" while the inventory
carrying cost as "cost of holding" inventory. The cost of acquiring
decreases while
the cost of holding increases with very increase in the quantity of purchase lot. A
balance is therefore struck between the two opposing factors.
(ii) To utilise available store space, but prevent stock levels from
exceeding space availability;
(iv) To provide, on item-by-item basis, for re-order points and order such
quantity as would ensure that the aggregate results conform with the
constraints and objectives of inventory control;
(v) To decide which item to stock and which item to procure on demand;
(a) Ordering costs : It has been already discussed that the cost of placing
an order and securing the supplies is termed as ordering cost. They
include costs incurred in the following activities : requisitioning,
purchase ordering, transporting, receiving, inspecting and storing.
Ordering costs increase in proportion to the number of orders placed.
The clerical and staff costs, however, do not have to vary in proportion
to the number of orders placed, and one view is that so long as they are
committed costs, they need not be reckoned in computing ordering
cost. If the number of orders are drastically reduced, the clerical and
staff force released now can be used in other departments. Thus, these
may be included in the ordering costs.
(b) Carrying Costs : They are costs of keeping a given level of inventory
in stock. They include storage, insurance, taxes, deterioration and
obsolesence. The storage costs comprise cost of storage space
(warehousing cost), stores handling costs and clerical and staff service
costs incurred in recording and providing special facilities such as
fencing, lines, racks, etc. Carrying costs vary with inventory size. The
behaviour is contrary to that of ordering costs which decline with
increase in inventory size. The economic size of inventory would thus
depend on trade-off between carrying costs and ordering costs.
Actually, the economic order quantity is determined at a level for
which the aggregate of two costs is the minimum.
Annual order per Units per Order A verage Carrying Total annual
requirement year order placing costs inventory costs (Rs.) cost
It is obvious from the above table that total cost is the minimum when
each order is of 200 units. Therefore, economic ordering quantity is 200 units
The economic order quantity can also be presented graphically. Figure 9.1, gives
a graphical presentation of EOQ on the basis of data given in Table 9.1.
Total cost of inventory management EOQ = 200 units
Costs (in 2000 Rs.)
5 Minimum Total Cost
Ordering cost
1 Carrying cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Orders in a year
(i) The firm knows with certainty the annual usage (consumption) of a
particular item of inventory.
(ii) The rate at which the firm uses inventory is steady over time.
(iii) The orders placed to replenish inventory stocks are received at exactly
that point in time when inventories reach zero. In addition, it may also
be assumed that ordering and carrying costs are costant over the range
of possible inventory levels being considered.
The formula for EOQ can also be used for determining the optimum
production quantity as given below :
EPQ = —2U—x—P
Illustration 9.2 : Calculate the optimum production quantity per production run
from the following information :
Solution :
EPQ = —2U—x—P
= 2 x 40,000 x 50
Safety Stock
For example, if the usage rate is 100 units per week, and the firm wants to hold
sufficient inventory for at least one week of production the amount of safety
stock would be 100 units.
The formula for determining the reorder level when safety stock is maintained
will be as follows :
Illustration 9.3 : From the following data determine (a) Safety Stock, (b)
Reorder level and (c) Maximum level in respect of material ’M’.
Solution :
investment low and avoid stock- outs of critical items. Its objective is to reduce
the minimum stock as well as the working stock.
Items under category A constitute a small percentage of the total volume, but
account for a large percentage of the product value of a unit. A large glossary of
items entering a bulk of the total volume and accounting for an insignificant
product value is placed under class C. Items under class B constitute a moderate
class which are neither substantial nor insignificant in relation to the product
value of a unit. Thus, B group stands mid-way. It deserves less attention than A
but more than C. It can be controlled by employing less sophisticated techniques.
A 7 1
0 0
B 2 3
0 5
C 1 5
0 5
However, the ABC system suffers from a serious limitation. Under this system,
the items are analysed according to their value and not according to their
importance in the production process. It may create sometimes problems. For
instance, an item may not be very costly and hence it may have been put in
category C. But this item may be very important for production process because
of its scarcity. This type of item rquires utmost attention of the management
though according to ABC system it is not advisable to do so. Therefore, the
technique of ABC analysis should be followed cautiously not blindly.
A high turnover ratio is usually indcative of efficient operations, provided that the
unprofitable out-of-stock conditions do not result from a fast rate of sales at a
dangerously low level of inventory. The turnover ratio affect a number of areas of
a business. First, a satisfactory turnover ratio reduces "markdowns" of damaged
merchandise which has been "lying around". Secondly, a product which has a
good turnover rate is comparatively fresh product for the customer. Thirdly, items
which turnover fast cost less in storage. Last but not the least use of calculating a
turnover ratio is in the area of sales. The selling cost per unit on fast turnover
items is low. This manifests in a greater contribution to net profit.
4. What are ordering and carrying costs ? What is their role in inventory
control ?
(a) Safety stock (b) Reorder point (c) Lead time (d) Aging Schedule of
information :
(Ans : EOQ = 346 units, No. of orders = 87, Time gap = 4 days)
8. ABC company buys an item costing Rs. 125 each in lots of 500 boxes
which is a 3 month supply and the ordering cost is Rs. 150. The
total annual cost of the existing inventory policy ? How much money
[Ans. : Total annual cost of existing policy = Rs. 6850 and EOQ = 155 units
(Author : Dr. Chandra Shekhar)
* Meaning of Dividend.
the company to its shareholders for the investments made by them in the
shares of the company. The investors are interested in earning the maximum
company pays out as dividend, most of what it earns, then for business
resources such as issuing of debt or new shares. Since dividend is the right of
company for their investment in the share capital of the company, the
members and retain the rest for its growth and survival.
of the firm may be considered as a source of long-term funds. With this approach,
dividends will paid only when the firm does not have profitable
investment opportunities. The firm grows at a faster rate when it accepts highly
investments. But the retained earnings are prefeable because, unlike external
equity, they do not involve any floatation cost. The distribution of cash dividends
opportunities, and thus, either constrains growth or requires the firm to look for
One may argue that capital markets are not perfect, Therefore, shareholder
are not indifferent between dividends and retained earnings. Because of the
near dividends than the future dividends and capital gains. Thus the payment of
dividends may significantly affect the market price of the shares. Higher
dividends increase the value of the shares and low dividends reduce this value. In
order to maximise the wealth under uncertainty, the firm must pay enough
a proper balance between the above mentioned two approaches. When the firm
decrease and consequently the market price may be adversely affected. But
the future earnings per share. On the other hand, when dividends are
increased, though
there may be a favorable reaction in the stock markets, bu the firm may have to
forego some investment opportunities for want of funds and consequently, the
future earnings per share may decrease. Therefore, management should develop
such a dividend policy which divides the net earnings into dividends and retained
of the share holders. The development of such a policy will be greatly influenced
against capital gains to the shareholders. The other possible aspect of the dividend
policy relates to the stability of dividends, the constraints on paying dividends and
be followed by different firms at different times because the dividend decision has
following are the important factors which determine the dividend policy of a
firm :
205, 205A, 206 and 207 of the Companies Act, 1956 are significant because they
provisions require that dividend can be paid only out of current profits or past
profits after providing for depreciation, or out of the moneys provided by the
Government, for the Companies Rules, 1975 require that a company providing
more than ten percent of dividend should transfer certain percentage of the
point of the dividend policy, as dividends can only be paid if the company is
earning profits. The dividend, should generally, be paid out of current years
current profits. The past trend of the company’s earnings should also be kept in
has been left with the Board of Directors, the directors should give due
depends upon their economic status. Investors, such as retired persons, windows
retain a substantial part of earnings for financing its future growth and
shareholders of the need for limiting the dividend in order to increase the
future earnings and stabiles its financial position. But when profitable
The taxation policy of the government also affects the dividend decision of
a firm. A light or low rate of business taxation affects the of high profits, a policy
of constant dividend per share is most suitable to concern whose earnings are
expected to remain stable over a number of years or those who have built up
sufficient reserves to pay dividends in the years of low profits. The policy of
constant low dividend per share plus some extra dividend in years of high profits
is suitable for the firms having fluctuating earnings from year to year.
declare dividends, yet it may not be desirable to pay dividends if it does not
have sufficient liquid resources. Hence the liquidity position of a company is an
dividend, i.e. issue of bonus shares to the existing shareholders. The issue of
bonus shares also amounts to distribution of a firm’s earnings amount the exiting
(f) If the profits are not distributed regularly and are retained, the
a) Constant Dividend :
What the investors expect is that they should get an assured fixed amount as
dividends which should gradually and consistently increase over the years. The
most commendable form of stable dividend policy is the constant dividend per
share policy. There are several reasons why investors would prefer a stable
dividend policy and pay a higher price for a firm’s shares which observes stability
in dividend payments.
A factor that favours a stable dividend policy is the desire for current
income by some investors. Investors such as retired persons and windows, for
example, view dividends as a source of funds to meet their current living
expenses. Such expenses are fairly constant from period to period. Therefore, a
fall in dividend will necessitate selling shares to obtain funds to meet current
expenses and, conversely, reinvestment of some of the dividend income if
dividends significantly rise.
transaction costs in terms of brokerage, and other expenses. These cost are
ii) ) Information :
dividends only if the management foresees a permanent earnings change, then the
concerning the company’s earnings. Accordingly, the market views the changes in
hand, a company that pursues an erratic dividend payout policy does not provide
any such information, thereby increasing the risk associated with the shares.
trusts and so on, to invest in companies which have a record of continuous and
stable dividend. These financial institutions owing to the large size of their
its price and, thereby on the shareholder’s wealth. A stable dividend policy is
Lesson : 11
formed as the result of merger, as the amalgamated company) in such a
manner that -
(i) All the property of amalgamating company(ies) immediately before the
amal- gamation becomes the property of amalgamated company, by virtue
of amal- gamation ;
(ii) Shareholders holding not less than nine-tenths in value of the shares in
amal- gamating company(ies) become shareholders of the amalgamated
company, by virtue of amalgamation.
Amalgamation and Merger : In amalgamation, a new corporation is created by
unit uniting the companies voluntarily. Merger does create a new corporation.
Mergers can assume various forms, depending upon the need of the company.
A broad classification of mergers is presented below:
3.1 HorizontalMergers
Finally, the other conglomerate mergers which are often referred to as pure
conglomerate mergers involve unrelated business activities.
(a) Acquiring a new product, new plant capacity or new production Organization.
(c) Increased market control, desire to achieve economies of scale and multiunit
(f) Acquistion of financial resources, tax advantages and gains from sales of securities.
Book Value
The book value of a firm is based on the balance sheet value of the owners’
equity. It is determined by dividing net worth by the number of equity shares
outstanding. The book value, as the basis of determining a firm’s value, suffers
from a serious limitation as it is based on the historical costs of the assets of the
firm. Historical costs do not bean a relationship either to the value of the firm or to
its ability to generate earnings. Nevertheless, it is relevant to the determination of a
firm’s value for several reasons :
(i) it can be used as a starting point to be compared and complemented by other analyses,
(ii) in industries where the ability to generate earnings requires large investments
in fixed assets, the book value could be a critical factor where especially plant and
equipment are relatively new, (iii) in industries where the ability- to generate
earnings requires large investments in fixed assets, the book value could be a
critical factor where especially plant and, equipment are relatively new, (iii) a study
of firm’s working capital is particularly appropriate and necessary in mergers
involving a business consisting primarily of liquid assets such as financial
Appraisal Value
Appraisal value is another measure of determining, a firm’s value. Such a value is
acquired from an independent appraisal agency. This value is normally based on
the replacement cost of assets. The appraisal value has several merits. In the first
place, it is an important factor in special situations such as in financial companies,
natural - resources enterprises or organisations that have been operating at a loss.
For instance,
the assets of a financial company largely consist of securities. The value of the
individual securities has a direct bearing on the firm’s earning capacity. Similarly, a
company operating at a loss may only be worth its liquidation value which would
approximate the appraisal value. Secondly, the appraisal by independent appraisers
may permit the reduction in accounting good will by increasing the recopised worth
of specific assets. Goodwill results when the purchase price of a firm exceeds the
value of the individual assets. Third, appraisal by an independent agency provide a
test of the reasonableness of results obtained through methods - based upon the
going-concern concept. Further, the appraiser may identify strengths and
weaknesses that otherwise might not be recopised such as in the valuation of
patents, partially completed research and development expenditure. On the other
hand, this method of analysis is not adequate by itself since the value of individual
assets may have little relation to the firm’s over- all ability to generate earnings and
thus the going concern out in conjunction with other evaluation processes. In
specific cases, it is an important instrument for valuing a firm.
Market value
The market value, as reflected in the stock market quotations comprises another
approach for estimating the value of a business. The justification of market value as
an approximation of true worth of a firm is derived from the fact that market
quotations by and large indicate the consensus of investors as to the firm’s earning
potentials and the corresponding risk. The market value approach is one of the
most widely used in determining value, specially of large listed firms. The market
value of firm is determined by investment as well as speculative factors. This value
can change abruptly as a result of change not in the analytical factors but also purely
speculative influences and is
subject to market sentiments and personal decisions. Nevertheless, the market
value provides a close approximation of the true value of a firm. In actual
practices certain
percentage premium, above the market- price is often offered as an inducement for
the’ current owners to sell their shares.
Yet another basis to place a value on a firm is the earnings per share (EPS).
Accordingly to this approach, the value of a prospective acquisition is considered to
be a function of the impact of the merger on the EPS. In other words, the analysis
would focus on whether the acquisition will have a positive impact on-the EPS
after merger or it will have the effect of diluting. The future EPS will affect the
firm’s share prices which is a function of price earnings (P/E) ratio and EPS.
Financial Techniques
Ordinary Shares
When a company is considering to use common shares to finance a merger,
the relative price-earnings (P/E) ratios of two firms are an important consideration.
For instance, for a firm having a high P/E ratio, ordinary shares represent an ideal
method for financing mergers and acquisitions. Similarly, the ordinary shares are
more advantageous for both companies when the firm to be acquired has a low P/E
conjunction with/in lieu of equity shares may be used for the purpose.
In an attempt to tailor a security to the requirement of investors who seek
dividend/interest income in contrast to capital appreciation/ growth, convertible
debentures and preference shares might be used to finance merger. the use of such
sources of financing has several advantages, namely, (i) Potential earning dilution
may be partially minimized by issuing a convertible security. For example, suppose
the current market price of the shares of an acquiring company is Rs. 50 and the
value of the acquired firm is Rs. 50,00,000. If the merger proposal is to be financed
with equity 1,00,000 additional shares will be required to be issued. Alternatively,
convertible debentures of the face value of Rs. 100 with conversion ratio of 1.8,
which would imply conversion value of Rs. 90 (Rs.50 x 1.8), may be issued. To
raise the required Rs. 50,00,000 & 50,000 debentures convertible into 90,000
equity shares would be issued. Thus, the number of shares to be issued would be
reduced by 10,000 thereby - reducing the dilution in EPS that could ultimately
result, if convertible security in place of equity shares was not resorted. to; (ii) A
convertible issue might serve the income objectives of the shareholders of target
firm without changing the dividend policy of the acquiring firm; (iii) Convertible
security represents a possible way of lowering the voting power of the target
company; (iv) Convertible security may appear more attractive to the acquired firm
as it combines the protection of fixed security with the growth potential of ordinary
shares. In brief, fixed income securities are compatible with the needs and purpose
of mergers and acquisitions. The need for changing the financing leverage and for
a variety of securities is partly resolved by the use of senior securities.
Under this method, the acquiring firm, besides making initial payment also
undertakes to make additional payment in future years to the target firm in the
event of the former being able to increase earnings consequent to merger. Since
the future
payment is linked to the firm’s earning, this plan is also known as earn-out
plan. There are several advantages of adopting such a plan to the acquiring firm; (i) It
emerges to be an appropriate outlet for adjusting the difference between the amount
of shares the acquiring firm is willing to issue and the amount the target firm is
aggreable to accept for the business; (ii) In view of the fact that fewer number of
shares will be issued at the time of acquisition, the acquiring firm will be able to
report higher EPS immediately; (iii) There is built-in cushion/protection to the
acquiring firm as the total payment is not made at the time of acquisition; it is
contingent to the realisation of the potential projected earnings after merger.
Notwithstanding the above benefits, there are certain problems of this mode
of payment. The important ones are : (i) The target firm must be capable of being
operated as an autonomous business entity so that its contribution to the total
projects may be determined; (ii) There must be freedom of operation to the
management of the newly acquired firm; (iii) On the part of the management of the
acquiring firm, there must be willing co-operation to work towards the success and
growth of the target firm, realising that only by this way the two firms can gain
from merger.
Since, the tender offer is a direct a peal to the shareholders, prior approaval
of the management of the target firm is not required. In case, the management of
the target firm does not agree with the merger move, a number of defensive tactics
can be
used to counter tender offers. These defensive tactics includeWHITE
KNIGHTS and PAC-MANS. A white knight is a company that comes to the rescue
of a firm that is being targeted for a take-over. Such a company makes its own
offer at a higher price. Under Pac-mans form of tender offer the firm unclear under
attack- becomes the attacker.
As a form of acquiring firms, the tender offer has certain advantages and
disadvantages. The disadvantages are : (i) If the target firm’s management attempts
to block it, the cost of executing offer may increase substantially; (ii) the
purchasing company may fail to acquire a sufficient number of shares to meet the
objective of controlling the firm. The major advantages of acquisition through
tender offer include
: (i) If the offer is not blocked, it may be less expensive than the normal route of
acquiring a company. This is so because it permits control by purchasing a smaller
proportion of the firm’s shares; (ii) The fairness of the purchase price is not
questionable as each shareholder individually agrees to part with his shares at the
negotiated price.
A Ltd. wants to acquire Ltd.. by exchanging 0.5 of its shares for each
share of Ltd. Relevant financial data are as follows:
A Ltd. T Ltd.
EAT Rs. 18,00,000 Rs. 3,60,000
Equity Shares 6,00,000 1,80,000
outstanding EPS Rs. 3, Rs. 2
P/E ratio 10 times 7 times
Market Price per Share Rs. 30 (Rs. (Rs. 14 (Rs.
3xlO) 2x7)
(i) The number of equity shares required to be issued by A Ltd. for acquisition
of T Ltd.
(ii) What is the EPS of A Ltd. after the acquisition ?
(iii) Determine the equivalent earnings per share of T Ltd.
(iv) What is the expected market price per share of A Ltd.. after the acquisition,
assuming its P/E multiple remains unchanged ?
(v) Determine the market value of the merged firm.
Solution :
(i) 1,80,000 shares of T Ltd. x 0.5 exchange Ratio = 90,000 shares
(ii) Rs. 18,00,000 + Rs.3,60,000 Rs. 21,60,000
6,00,000+ 90,000 = 6,90,000 = 3. 13 app.
(iii) Rs.3.13xO.5=Rs.1.565app.
(iv) Rs. 3.13 x 10 times = Rs. 31.30 app.
(y) Rs. 31.30 x 6,90,000 sharcs = Rs. 2,15,97,000 app.
Normally the companies targeted for takeover are those which are under
valued and whose replacement costs are high. Indian companies normally target
those companies which are not in competition with multinationals.
The empire builders have been involved in M&A activities for more than a
decade and are now trying to restructure their acquisitons. Restructuring has in turn
meant a focussing of business through mergers. Some of the empire builders are the
Murugappa Group,, RPG group..’and UB Group. The Murugappa Group is trying
to expand its diversised business. A similar attempt is being made by the RPG group
which is trying to consolidate its various businesses into a few focused groups. On
the other hand, the UB group tried to diversify its activities and soon realised that
the diversified activities were not giving the expected results. It then started to,
focus on a few areas and divested many of its acquired business.
The following sections give a brief account of M&A activities in various industry
Since 1995, Bayer in India has signed a series of joint ventures and divested
business to achieve focus. It also plans to invest heavily in new high-growth.
ventures. The areas it is working at, include siliconpolymers; Synthetic rubber,
Engineering Plastics and Polyurelthane.
Following the world wide merger of Welcome Pic and Glaxo Plc in 1995,
the boards of their Indian subsidiaries were integrated. The management
integration saw several top executives of Glaxo India moving to Burroughs
Welcome India.
9.4 AutomobileIndustry
Siel of the Sriram group is selling a 30% stake out of its total 40% holding
in Honda Siel Cars Ltd., Honda’s share in the Car venture will now go up 60% to
However, it retains the option to buy back its share from Honda within 2 years.
Volvo has been talking with to Bharat Earth Motors Ltd. (BEML) to pick up
a 5- 10% stake in the state run company. The Central Govt. owns a majority (60%)
stake in BEML. The rest is with the public.
9.6 FinancialServicesIndustry:
9. 7- AD Agencies
Indian Ad agencies have opted out of the first wave of globalization. They
are giving up controlling stakes to foreign ad agencies O&M,J. Walter Thompson,
MC Cann Erickson, & Euro RSCB already have controlling interests in their Indian
opera- tions. Leo Barnett increased its equity stakes to 30% in Chaitra. DDB
Needham World
serve any
wide wants to increase its stake in Mudra Communications. It has increased
its stake from 3% to 5%. Even WPP increased its stake in O&M from 40% to
FCB (Foote, cone & Belding) had 40% stake in Ulka Advertising. This may
rise to 30% in near future but presently it has acquired 51 % equity and FCB or
Ulka Adver- tising is now known as FCB Ulka.
This includes mergers, acquisitions, divestiture,. spin offs, and all other
internal management upgradation. Restructuring has gained added importance due to
intersifying competition, globalisation & technological changes. However a detailed
discussion of restructuring methods lies beyond the scope of this lesson.
2. Master card to merge Maestro and Cirrus into a single brand. Master Card
International plans to merge two of its products, Maestro and Cirrus, into a
single brand. The payments service provider has decided to bring both
product under a single brand since they offer similar services.
3 Royal Holdings Services Ltd. (listed on NASDAQ), will acquire 54% stake
in Modi Luft for Rs. 75 crore as a part of the I.atter’s revival package.
4. French Oil Company, Total FINA signed a friendly merger deal with Elf
Acquintaine, bringing an end to their takeover fight and creating world’s
fourth largest oil company.
Lesson : 12
After reading this lesson, you should understand the following:
* Meaning & nature of ratio Analysis.
* Importance and Limitations of ratio analysis.
* Types of ratios and their interpretation.
The lesson is divided into the following sections :
1. Meaning and Definition of a Ratio.
2. Nature of Ratio Analysis.
3. Interpretation of Ratio.
4. Significance of Ratio
Analysis. 5. Drawbacks of Ratio
6. Classification of Ratios
6.1 Statement Ratios
6.2 Functional Classification
7. Financial position of a company : Short-term analysis.
7.1 Liquidity Ratios
7.2 Efficiency Ratios
8. Financial position of a company: Long-Term analysis
9. Profitability of a company
9.1 General Profitability Ratios
purpose, unless several appropriate ratios are analysed and interpreted. The
following are the four steps involved in the ratio analysis;
(iii) Comparison of the calculated ratios with the ratios of the same
firm in the past, or the ratios developed from projected financial
statements or the ratios of some other firms or the comparison
with ratios of industry to which the firm belongs.
3. Historical Comparisons : One of the easiest and most popular
ways of evaluating the performance of the firm is to compare its present ratios
with the past ratios called comparison over time.
7. Ratios Provide Only a Base : The ratios are only guidelines for
an analyst. He should not base his decisions entirely on them. He should
study any other relevant information, situation in the concern, general
economic environment, etc. before reaching full conclusions.
Though ratios are simple to calculate and easy to understand, they suffer
from some serious limitations :
or or or
Statement Ratios Classification According Ratios
To Test To Importance
Balance sheet ratios deal with the relationship between two balance sheet
times e.g., the ratio of current assets to current liabilities, or the ratio of
proprietor’s funds to fixed assets. Both items must belong to same balance sheet.
These ratios exhibit the relation between a profit and loss account or income
statement item and a balance sheet item, e.g.. stock turnover ratio, total assets to
sales etc. The most commonly used inter-statement ratios are given as under:
Current & liquid ratio Gross Profit ratio Stock Turnover Ratio
Absolute Liquidity- Operating Ratio Debtors Turnover
Ratio Ratio & Return on
Operating Profit Equity Payable
Debt Equtiy Ratio Ratio Net Profit Ratio turnover Ratio Fixed
Proprietory Ratio Expense Ratio Assets Turnover
The Gearingfigure gives theInterest
following Coverage
functional Return
Ratio of ratio
classification : on Capital
Ratio Capital Turnover
Quick/Acid Ratio Debtor turnover Debt. Equity
Absolute Liquid ratio Working capital Creditors Turnover ratio
Ratio Turnover Ratio. Total investment to long term
liabilities, Fixed assets to
funded Debt ratio, current
liabilities to proprietor’s
funds Ratio, reserves to
equity capital ratio.
being tied up in current assets. Therefore, it is very important to have proper
balance in regard to the liquidity of the firm. Two types of ratios can be calculated
for measuring short-term financial position or short-term solvency of a firm.
(A) Liquidity Ratios
Liquidity Ratios :
(i) Current Ratio; (ii) Quick/acid test or liquid ratio; and (iii) absolute
Liquid Ratio
Current Ratio
Current ratio may be defined as the relationship between current assets and
current liabilities. This ratio, also known as working capital Ratio is a measure of
general liquidity and is most widely used to make the analysis of short-term
financial position or liquidity of a firm.
The two basic components of this ratio, current assets and current
liabilities, include items listed below.
Components of Current Ratio
It is a crude ratio because it measures only the quantity and not the
quality of current assets.
Liquid Ratio is more rigorous test of liquidity than the current ratio. It
may be defined as the relationship between quick/liquid assets and current
liabilities. It can be calculated by dividing the total of the quick assets by
total of current liabilities. Thus,
Quick or liquid Assets
Quick/Liquid or Acid Test Ratio =
Current liabilities
The two basic components of this ratio, quick assets and current
liabilities, includes items which are as follows :
Table -3
Components of Quick Ratio
Quick/Liquid Assets Current Liabilities
Cash-in-hand Outstanding/Accrued Expenses
Cash-at-Bank Bills payable
Bills Receivable Sundry Creditors
Sundry Debtors Short-term Advances
Marketable Securities Income-tax Payable
Temporary Investment Dividends Payable
Bank Overdraft
Absolute liquid Ratio Creditors Turnover Ratio
Working Capital Turnover Ratio
Generally, the cost of goods sold may not be known from the published
financial statements. In such circumstances, the inventory turnover ratio may be
calculated in any of the following manner depending upon the availability of
Inventory Turnover Ratio = Net Sales
Average inventory at cost
Net Sales
Inventory Turnover Rate =
Average inventory at selling price
Interpretation of quick Ratio : Usually, a high quick ratio is an
indication that the firm is liquid and has the ability to meet its current or liquid
liabilities in time and on the other hand a low quick ratio represents that the firm’s
liquidity position is not good. As a rule of thumb, or as a convention, quick ratio
of 1 : 1 is considered satisfactory.
The following is the Balance sheet of New India Ltd. for the year ending Dec. 31,
Solution :
= Rs. 2,65,000
= Rs. 1,65,000
Funds are invested in various assets in the business to make sales and earn
profits. The efficiency with which assets are managed directly affects the volume
of sales. The better the management of assets, the larger is the amount of sales and
the profits. Activity ratios measure the efficiency or effectiveness with which a
firm manages its resources or assets. These ratios are also called turnover-ratios
because they indicate the speed with which assets are converted or turned over
into sales.
Interpretation : Generally, the higher the value of debtors turnover, the more
efficient is the management of debtors/sales or more liquid are the debtors and
vice-versa. But, a very high debtors turnover ratio is not good
place of trade debtors, the
trade creditors are taken as one of the components of ratio and in place of daily
sales, daily purchases are taken. Thus it is calculated as
Working Capital = Current Assets - Current Liabilities
(iv) Closing stock is Rs. 10,000 more than the opening stock
Though there is no ’thumb rule” but still the lesser the reliance on
outsiders the better it will. be. If this ratio is smaller, better it will be. Upto
50% or 55%, this ratio may be to tolerable but not beyond.
Opening Stock = = 35,000
(d) Avg. Payment period = Avg. Trade Creditors x No. of W orking days
Net Annual Purchases
25,000 x 365
= = 36.5 = 37 days
(e) Average Collection Period = Average Trade Debtors x No. of working Days
Net Annual Sales
term borrowings, repayments of the principal amount at the maturity and
the security of their loans. Accordingly, long-term solvency ratios indicate
a firm’s ability to meet the fixed interest costs and repayment schedules
associated with its long-term borrowings.
This ratio establishes a link between the long-term funds raised from
outsiders and total long-term funds available in the business. The two
company. This ratio indicates the extent to which the assets of the company
can be lost without affecting the interest of the creditors of the company.
This ratio is a small variant of equity ratio and can be simply calculated as
100-equity ratio i.e. the ratio indicates the relationship between the total
liabilities to outsiders to total assets of a firm and can be calculated as
The ratio establishes the relationship between fixed assets and shareholder
’s funds i.e. share reserves, surpluses and retained earnings.
The ratio can be calculated as follows
The ratio of fixed assets to net worth indicates the extent to which
shareholder ’s funds are sunk into the fixed assets. Generally, the purchase
of fixed assets should be financed by shareholder ’s equity including
reserves, surpluses and retained earnings. If the ratio is less than 100%, it
implies that owner ’s funds are more than total fixed
assets and a part of the working capital is provided by the shareholders.
There is no ‘rule of thumb’ to interpret this ratio but 60 to 65 per cent is
considered to be a satisfactory ratio in case if industrial undertakings.
A variant to the ratio of fixed assets to net worth is the ratio of fixed assets
to total long-term funds which is calculated as :
The ratio indicates the extent to which the total of fixed assets are
financed by long-term funds of the firm. Generally, the total of the
fixed assets should be equal to total of the long-term funds or say the
ratio should be 100%. And if total long-term funds are more than total
fixed assets, it means that part of working capital requirement is met
The ratio is calculated by dividing the total of current assets by the amount
of shareholder ’s funds. For example, if current assets are Rs. 2,00,000 and
shareholder ’s Funds are Rs. 4,00,000, the ratio of current assets to
proprietors funds in terms of percentage would be
The ratio indicates the extent to which proprietors funds are invested
in current assets. There is no ‘rule of thumb’ for this ratio and
depending upon the nature of the business there may be different ratios for
different firms.
Net income to debt service ratio or simply debt service ratio is used to
test the debt-servicing capacity of a firm. The ratio is also known as
interest coverage ratio or coverage ratio or fixed charges cover or times
interest earned. This ratio is calculated by dividing the net profit
before interest and taxes by fixed interest charges.
Debt Service or Interest Coverage Ratio = Net Profit (before interest and taxes)
Fixed Interest Charges
Table 5
Profitability Ratios
The gross profit ratio indicates the extent to which selling prices of goods
per unit may decline without resulting in losses on operations of a firm. It
reflects the efficiency with which a firm produces it products, as the gross
profit is found by deducting cost of goods sold from the net sales. Highest
the gross profit ratio (GP Ratio) better the result.
Operating Ratio
=1,00,000+3,50,000+9,000-1,00,000 Rs. = 3,59,000
Operating exp. = Adm. + Selling & Distribution expenses
Operating Profit = Net sales - Operating Cost
or = Net Sales (Cost of goods sales + Adm. & office exp. + Selling and
distributive expenses.
Also, Operating Profit = Net Profit + Non Operating expenses-Non Operating incomes.
Operating Profit x 100
So, Operating profit Ratio =
Expenses Ratio
Expenses ratio indicates the relationship of various expenses to net sales. The
operating ratio reveals the average total variations in expenses. The lower the
ratio, the greater is the profitability and higher the ratio, lower is the
profitability. While, interpreting the ratio, it must be taken care that for a
fixed expense like rent, the ratio will. fall if the sales increases and for a
variable expense, the ratio in proportion to sales shall remain nearly the same.
Particular expense x 100
Particular expense Ratio =
Net sales
Net profit ratio establishes a relationship between net profit (after taxes) and sales,
and indicates the efficiency of the management in manufacturing, selling
administrative and other activities of the firm. This ratio is the overall measure of
firm’s profitability and is calculated as
(i) Net Profit Ratio = Net Profit after T ax x 100
Net Sales
The ratio is very useful because if the profit is not sufficient, the firm shall
not be able to achieve satisfactory return on its investment. This ratio also
indicates the firm’s capacity to face adverse economic conditions such as
price competition, low demand, etc.
Problem Exercise
Following is the profit and loss account of Electro matrix Ltd. for the year
ended 31 st Dec., 1995
Return On Investment
This is the most important ratio used for measuring the overall efficiency of
a firm as the primary objective of the business is to maximise its earnings.
This ratio indicates the extent to which this primary objective of business is
being achieved. As this ratio reveals how well the resources of a firm are
being used, higher the ratio, better are the results.
Return On Equity Capital
The earning per share is good measure of profitability and when compared
with E.P.S. of similar companies, it gives a view of the comparative
earnings or earnings power of a firm. E.P.S., calculated for a number of
years indicates whether or not earnings power of the company has
Return on Net Capital Emp.= Adjusted Net Profits x 100
Net Capital Employed
The return on capital employed is the prime ratio which measures the
efficiency of the business. It is significant due to the following
1. It is a prime test of the efficiency of business.
3. By this ratio, outsiders like bankers, creditors etc. find the concern’s
viability for giving credit or extending loans.
Capital turnover ratio is the relationship between cost of goods sold and
the capital employed. It can be calculated as
Cost of Goods Sold
Capital Turnover Ratio =
Capital Employed
(i) fixed assets and (ii) working capital, Capital turnover ratio can be
classified as
Shareholders are the real owners of a company and they are interested in
real sense in the earnings distributed and paid to them as dividends.
Therefore, dividend yield ratio is calculated to evaluate the relationship
between dividend per share paid and the market value of the share.
Dividend yield Ratio = Dividend per share
Market value per share
Price earning ratio is the ratio between market price per equity share and
earnings per share. The ratio is calculated to make an estimate of
appreciation in the value of a share of a company and is widely used by
investors to decide whether or not to buy shares in a particular company.
This ratio is calculated as :
Market Price Per Equity share
Price Earning Ratio = Earnings Per Share
Generally, higher the price-earnings ratio, the better it is. If the P/E
ratio falls, the management should look into causes that may have
resulted into the fall of this ratio.
Problent Exercies 4
= 2,70,000 - 27,000 .
1,60,000 (i.e. 20% of 8,00,000)
= = 1.52 times
(d) Earning Per Share = Profit after tax & Preference Dividend
Number of Equity shares
= =13.1
The term ‘capital structure’ refers to the relationship between various long-
term forms of financing such as debentures (longterm), preference share
capital and equity share capital including reserves and surplus. Financing
the firm’s assets is a very crucial problem and as a general rule, there
should be proper structure ratios. They are calculated to test the long-term
financial position of a firm.
10.1 Capital Gearing Ratio
This ratio has been discussed earlier under the analysis of longterm
solvency position
This ratio is calculated by dividing the total of long-term funds by the long
term liabilities. Thus,
The ratio measures the relationship between the fixed assets and the
funded debt and is very useful to the long-term creditors. This ratio
can be calculated as below :
Fixed Assets
Ratio of fixed assets to funded debt =
Funded Debt
10.5 Ratio of Current Liabilities to Proprietors Funds
Reserves x 100
Ratio of Reserve to Equity Capital =
Equity Share Capital
Return on Investment
(Net Profit x 100)
Capital Employed
The efficiency of a concern depends upon the working operation of the concern.
The return on investment becomes a yardstick to measure efficiency because
return influences various operations. The profit margin will show the
efficiency with which assets of the business have been used. The efficiency
can be improved either by a better relationship between sales and costs or
through more effective use of available capital. The profitability can be
increased by controlling cost and/or increasing sales. The investments turnover
can lie raised by having a control over investments in fixed asses and working
capital without adversely affecting sales. The sales may also be increased with
the help of same capital. The management is able to pinpoint weak spots and
take corrective measures. The performance can be better judged by having inter-
firm comparison. The ratios of return on investment, assets turnover and profit
margins of comparable companies can be calculated and these can be used as
standards of performance.
5. From the following details, prepare the balance sheet of the firm
concerned :
Stock velocity 6
The gross profit was Rs. 60,000. Closing stock was Rs. 5,000 in excess
of the opening stock.
6. The financial statements of Good Luck ltd. for the current year-end
reveal the following information :
Liquidity ratio (debtors and bank balances to current liabilities) 1.25 to 1.0
Average age of outstanding debtors for the current year 2 months Net profit-
Percentage on issued share capital 16%
(2) The trading and profit and loss account, for the current year ended 31
st December.
(Working should be clearly shown -to form a part of the answer).
Lesson : 13
4. Problem Exercieses
The basic financial statements i.e. the balance sheet and and profit or
loss account or income statement of business, reveal the net effect of the
various transactions on the operations and financial position of the company.
The balance sheet gives a static view of the resources (liabilities) of a
business and the uses (assets) to which these resources have been put at a
certain point of time. It does not disclose the cause for changes in the assets
and liabilities between two different points of time. The profit or loss
account, in a general way indicates the resources provided by operations.
But there are many transactions that take place in an undertaking and which
do not operate through profit or loss account. Thus, another statement has to
be prepared to show the change in the assets and liabilities from the end of
one period of time to the end of another period. A funds flow statement, in
simple words is a statement of sources and application of funds.
2. Funds Flow Statement :
Before knowing about ’Funds Flow statement’ it is important to know
the meaning of funds and how a flow of funds takes place. The ensuing
sections are devoted towards this discussion.
2.1 Meaning And Concept of Funds :
The term funds has been defined in a number of ways:
(a) In a narrow sense, it means cash only and a funds flow sttement is
prepared on this basis.
(b) In a broader sense, the term ’funds’ refers to money values in whatever
form it may exist. Here ’funds’ means all financial resources used in
business whether in the form of men, material, money etc.
(c) In a popular sense, the term ’funds’ mean working capital, i.e. excess
of current assets over current liabilities. The working capital concept
of funds has emerged due to the fact that total resources of a business
are invested partly in fixed assets in the form of fixed capital and
partly kept in the form of liquid or near liquid form as working capital.
In this lesson ’funds’ are referred to as working capaital and a funds
flow statement as a statement of sources and application of funds.
2.2 Meaning And Concept of ’Flow of Funds’:
The term ’flow’ means movement and includes both ’inflow’ and ’outflow’.
The term ’flow of funds’ means transfer of economic values from one asset to
another. Flow of Funds is said to have taken place when any transaction makes
changes in the amount of funds available after happening of the transaction. If the
effect of transaction results in an increase of funds, it is called a source of funds
and if it results in the decrease of funds it is known as an application of funds and
in case the transaction does not change the position of funds it is said to have not
resulted in a flow of funds.
RULE : The flow of funds occurs when a transaction changes, on the
one hand a non-current account and on the other a current account and vice-
versa. When a change (in a transaction) in a non current account is followed
by a change in another non current account, it does not amount to flow of
funds. In simple language funds move when a transaction affects (i) a current
assets and a fixed asset, or (ii) a fixed and a current liability, or (ii) a current
asset and a fixed liability or (iv) a fixed liability & liability which is current.
2.3 Current And Non-Current Accounts :
To understand flow of funds it is essential to classify various accounts and
balance sheet items into current and non current categories.
Current Accounts can either be current assets or current liabilities. Current
assets are those assets which in the ordinary course of business can be or will be
converted into cash within a short period
List of current or working capital accounts
1. Bills payable 1. Cash in hand
2. Sundry creditors 2. Cash at bank
3. Accrued or outstanding expenses 3. Bills receivable
4. Dividends payable 4. Sundry debtors or
5. Bank overdraft receivable
5. Short term loans
6. Short-term loans & & advances
advances of deposits 6. Temporary of
7. Provision against current assets marketable
8. Provision for taxation if it does 7. Inventories or stock
not amount to appropriation of such as
profits (i) Raw material
(ii) Work-in-progress
(iii) Stores and spares
9. Proposed dividends (may be a (iv) Finished goods
current or a non-current 8. Prepaid expenses
liability 9. Accured Incomes
List of Non-Current or Permanent Capital Accounts
(iv) Contingency Reserve etc.
(4) Loss on sale of any non-current (fixed assets such as :
(i) Loss on sale of land and building
(ii) Loss on sale of furniture
(iii) Loss on sale of long term investments etc.
(5) Dividends including
(i) Interim Dividend
(ii) Proposed Dividend (if it is an appropriation of profits and not taken as
current liability)
(6) Provision for taxation (if it is not taken as current liability).
(7) Any other non fund/non operating item which have been debited to P/L A/c
Total (A)
Less, non-fund or nor operating items
which have already been credited to P & A/c.
(1) Profit or gain from the sale of non-current (fixed) assets such as :
(i) Profit on sale of land and building
(ii) Profit on sale of plant and machinery.
(iii) Profit on sale of long term investments, etc.
(2) Appreciation in the value of fixed
assets, such as increase in the value of
land if it has been credited to P/L A/c.
(3) Dividend Received
(4) Excess provision retransferred to P/L
A/c or written off.
(5) Any other non-operating item which has
been credited to P/L Ac.
(6) Opening balance of P & L A/c
or retained earnings.
(as given in the balance sheet)
Total B
Total (A) - Total (B) = funds generated by operations
Funds from operations can also be calculated by preparing adjusted profit &
loss account as follows :
Table 7
Adjusted Profit and Loss Account
To depreciation or Rs By opening balance
amortization of fictitious (of P & L A/c).
and intangible assets such as By transfer from
goodwill, patent, trade excess provisions.
marks, preliminary expenses By appreciation in the
etc. value of fixed assets.
To Appropriation of By dividends received.
retained earnings such as : By profit on sale of
Transfer to general reserve, fixed or non current
dividend equalisation fund, assets.
sinking fund etc. By funds from operations
(balancing fig. in)
case debit side exceeds
credit side.)
To loss on sale of only non
current or fixed assets.
To Dividends (including interim dividend)
To proposed dividend (if not taken as a current liability)
To provision for taxation
(if not taken as a current liability) To closing balance (of P & L A/c) To funds lost in operations (bala
2. Issue of share capital : if during the year, there is any increase in the
share capital whether preference or equity, it means capital has been raised
during the year. Issue of shares is a sources of funds as it constitutes inflow
of funds. Even the calls received from partly paid shares constitute an inflow
of funds into the business.
But some times shares are issued otherwise than in cash. The following
rules must be followed in such a case :
(i) Issue of shares for making partly paid shares as fully paid out of
accumulated profits in the form of bonus shares is not a source of
(ii) Issue of shares for consideration other than current assets such as
against purchase of land, machines etc. does not amount to inflow of
(iii) Conversion of debentures or loans into shares also does not amount to
inflow of funds. In above three cases both the Accounts are non-
3. Issue of debentures and Raising of Loans : Issue of debentures or raising
of loan (long term), whether secured or unsecured results in the flow of funds
into the business. The inflow of funds is the actual proceeds from the
issue of such debentures or raising of loans i.e. including the amount of
premium or excluding discount, if any. However, loans raised for
consideration other than a current asset such as for purchase of building,
will not constitute inflow of funds because in that case the accounts
invoved are only fixed or non-current.
4. Sale of fixed (non-current) assets and long term or trade investments
: When any fixed or non-current asset like land, building, plant and
machinery, furniture, long-term investments etc. are sold, it generates
funds and becomes a source of funds. However, it must be remembered
that if one fixed asset is exchanged for another fixed asset, it does not
constitute an inflow of funds because both current asset are involved.
5. Non-trading receipt : Any non-trading receipt like dividend received,
refund of tax etc. also increases funds and is treated as a source of funds
because such an income is not included in funds from operations.
6. Decrease in Working Capital : If the working capital decreases during
the current period as compared to the previous period, it means that there
has been a release of funds because it constitutes a source of funds.
3.22 Application or Uses of Funds
(1) Funds lost in operations :
Some times the result of trading in a certain year is a loss and some funds
are lost during that period in trading operations. Such loss of funds in
trading amounts to an outflow of funds and is treated as an application of
(2) Redemption of preference share capital :
If during the year any preference shares are redeemed, it will result in the
outflow of funds and is taken as an application of funds. When the shares
are redeemed at premium or discount, it is the net amount paid which is
taken as an application. However if shares are redeemed in exchange of
some other type of share or debentures, it does not constitute an outflow of
funds as no current account is involved in that case.
(3) Repayment of loans or redemption of debentures :
In the same way as redemption of preference share capital is an application
of funds, redemption of debentures or repayment of loans also constitute an
application of funds.
(4) Purchase of any non-current or fixed asset :
When any fixed or non-current asset like land, building, plant and
machinery, furniture long-term investments etc. are purchased, there is a
funds outflow from the business. However, if fixed assets are purchased for
a consideration of issue of shares or debentures or if some fixed asset is
exchanged for another, it does not involve any funds and hence it is not an
application of funds.
(5) Payments of Dividends and Tax :
Payments of dividends and tax are also applications of funds. It is the
actual payment of dividend and tax which should be taken as an
outflow of funds and not the mere declaration of dividend or creating
of a provision for taxation.
(6) Any other non-trading payment :
Any payment or expense not related to the trading operations of the
business amount to outflow of funds is taken as an application of funds. The
examples could be drawings in case of sole trader or partnership firm, loss
of cash etc.
4.1 Problex exercise 1 :
A statement of the retained earnings of Harish Ltd. is given below
Rs. Rs.
Balance of retained earnings,
July 1, 19X1 41,72,800
Add : Net income after taxes 83,26,600
Tax refund 2,84,300
Less : Dividend 58,52,100
Write-off, cost of investments
in foreign subsidiary 12,23,000
Loss on sale of plant equipment 1,33,400
Balance of retained earnings, June 30, 19 X 2 55,75,200
(a) Depreciation of Rs. 7,95,200 was deducted in arriving at net income for the
fiscal year ; (b) Plant and equipment having a net book value of Rs.
4,32,100 was sold in August, 19X1; (c) Plant properties were increased
during the fiscal year at a cost of Rs. 23,19,000 and the increases were
financed by bonds; (d) Preference shares were retired for Rs. 7,64,000.
You are required to prepare a statement of the sources and uses of net
working capital for the year ended June 30, 19X2.
Net Increase in
Working Capital +51,00 -51,000
Total 75,000 65,000
Sources : Rs. R Rs.
Funds from operation 2,18,00
Issue of equity share capital 1,00,000
Sale of building 10,000
Total Sources 3,28,000
Applications :
Purchase of Plant 1,30,00
Redemption of preference share 50,000
Payment of dividend :
(i) Of previous year 42,000
(ii) Interim dividend 20,000 62,000
Payment of Tax 35,000
Total Application
Net Increase in Working Capital
Notes : 1. Funds from operations :
Increase in profit Rs. 18,000
Increase in general reserve 30,0
Provision for taxes 45,0
Depreciation 30,0