Project On Seed

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Chapter 1

Seed has been an important agricultural commodity since the first crop plant
was domesticated by pre-historic man. For thousand of years, man cleaned
seed of his food crops by winnowing. This is still an important process, but it is
no longer adequate to supply the kind of seed needed by farmer.

Seed processing is a vital part of the seed production needed to move the
improved genetic materials of the plant breeder into commercial channels for
feeding the rapidly expanding world population. The farmer must get the
quality seed that is free from all undesired materials because farmer’s entire
crop depends on it.

Seed can seldom be planted in the condition in which it comes from the
growers. In fact, many seed lots contain weed or crop seed or inert material
that make them unfit for sale without processing. Crop seed also frequently
have stems, awns, clusters or other structures, which prevent from flowing
through the drill freely.

Seed processing is that segment of the seed industry responsible for

upgrading seed (Fig. 1), improving planting condition of seed, and applying
chemical protectants to the seed.

Advantages of seed processing:

1. Make possible more uniform planting rates by proper sizing

2. Improve seed marketing by improving seed quality

3. Prevent spread of weed seed

4. Prevent crops from disease by applying chemical protectants

5. Reduces seed losses by drying

6. Facilitate uniform marketing by providing storage from harvest time until
the seed is needed for planting.

Raw seed

Inert material Common weed seed

Noxious weed Other crop seed


Deteriorated seed Other variety seed

Damaged seed Off size seed

Cleaned, Graded, Treated,

Packed, Tested seed

Fig. 1. Undesirable materials removed during processing of seed

An important factor to consider is the moisture content of the seed prior to

processing. Seed with moisture content above 15% are subject to excessive
damage in the processing line. In this case natural or artificial drying may be

Physical characteristics used to separate seed include size, length, weight,

shape, surface texture, colour, affinity for liquids and electrical conductivity.
Seed processing can broadly be divided into various steps (Fig. 2). As the
seed is received into the processing plant, it goes either directly into the
cleaning process or into storage to await processing. Drying may be
necessary. As processing begins, the first phase (conditioning and pre-
cleaning) consists of scalping, debearding, shelling or any other operation
necessary to make the seed flow easily. The second phase (cleaning and
grading) includes the removal of inert materials, weed seed, other crop seed,
and broken seed that are larger or smaller than the crop seed and obtain the
seed mass in the uniform size range of perforations of top and bottom screen.

After the desired purity is obtained, seed enters the final processing phase of
separation based on specific characteristics like length, weight etc and
treating and packaging. Processed seed is stored for later sale.

Receiving Conditioning & Separating

pre-cleaning Cleaning and upgrading

Bulk storage Treating and bagging


Fig. 2. Basic flow and essential steps in seed


India is one of the major rice growing areas in the world and it is consumed by
more than half of its population. The increase in rough rice production in the
last few years is mainly due to the Green revolution and the introduction of
high yielding varieties.

Orissa is major paddy growing state. The area under production is 4500000
ha with production of 7148400 tonnes and yield in the state is 1589 kg/ha.
The paddy yield in the state is very low as compared Punjab and Tamilnadu
where the yield is 3346 and 3579 kg/ha, respectively. The non-availability of
good quality seed is one of the main reasons of it. The sowing and harvesting
time of paddy in the state is given in Table1.

Table 1. Sowing and harvesting time of paddy

Rabi Kharif
Sowing Harvesting Sowing Harvesting
Jan. May-June June-July Oct-Nov.

India’s certified/quality seeds production/distribution of last five years is given

in Table 2, which indicates that the requirement of certified seed is increasing
year after year.

Table 2. Production/distribution of certified/quality seeds in the country

Type of seed Production (lakhs quintals)
1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-01 2001-02
Breeder seed 0.46026 0.46134 0.38994 0.50798 0.49850
Foundation seed 5.76 6.8 6.75 5.60 7.00
Certified seed 73.27 78.79 83.00 91.00 100.00
(Source: Economic survey of India, 2000-2001)

The production of paddy in the year 1996-97 was 81.30 MT. The target fixed
for year 2011-2012 is 128.12 MT. For achieving this target, the gap (Table 3)
between demand and supply of certified/quality paddy seed should be
minimized by creating seed production and processing facilities in the state
involving private sector at larger scale.

Table 3. Gap between requirement and production of certified seed of paddy

Year Cropped Seed Seed production Gap
area requirement (Thousand (Thousand
(M ha) (Thousand tonnes) tonnes)
1986-87 40.8 306 132 174
1987-88 38.8 291 138 153
1988-89 41.8 313 166 157

Objective of Project

The State Government has accorded high priority to the upliftment of rural
economy through the development of agricultural sector. Seed being vital
input to agriculture, continuous efforts are being made to ensure availability of
quality seeds to farmers in order to sustain the agricultural development.

In the present situation the demand of quality seeds is so high that the
O.S.S.C. or any government agency alone can not meet the demand of
quality seeds, which would be required to fill by the private seed projects.

In view of above, the project has been formulated with the objective to
produce quality seed of paddy through scientific methods and adopting
appropriate processing through establishment of seed processing plant.
Chapter 2

A brief description of entrepreneurship capability of the proprietor, site

location, seed production plan, requirements for setting up a seed company is
given in this chapter.

2.1 Entrepreneurship

The seed processing unit will be under the proprietorship of Sri M. Venkat
Rao, Age about 27 years, son of Sri M. Kandal Rao, At.- Padhanpali, P.O.-
Patkulunda, P.S. -Barpali, Dist.-Bargarh and his brothers. Sri Rao completed
graduation in Science, DCA from Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar and also
attended SIMAP (Small Industries Management Application Programme) from
Osmania University, Hyderabad. This SIMAP course was sponsored by SIDBI
(Small Industries Development Bank of India). Sri Rao belongs to farmer’s
family. His father Mr. M. K. Rao worked as a contract grower under the
banner of Orissa State Seeds Corporation for 15 years. His brother M.
Srinibas Rao is a member of Orissa State Seed Corporation. In the company
of his father and brother, Mr M. Venkat Rao has the requisite experience
about this business and can easily manage the unit.

2.2 Location

The proposed unit will be located at village Padhanpali, P.O. Patkulunda, P.S.
Barpali, Dist. Bargarh (shown in Fig. 3). The location is well connected with
road and is situated at a distance of 10 km from railhead. The network of
canal in the locality provides assured irrigation needed for success of seed
programme. It is surrounded by area where intensive cultivation of paddy is
undertaken by farmers in two seasons. Farmers in the locality are highly
motivated and have already worked in seed production for decades with

The aforesaid consideration renders the identified location an ideal one for
setting up a seed processing plant.
Market yard

Tentuli Tikira
Pond Resam
Proposer’s Home village

Tulandi Minor Canal


Market yard Buromunda
Proposed plant site

Main canal

Tulandi village
Post Office

N S Satlma
Sikirdi chowk

Towards Sambalpur Road

Bargarh Barpali Railway Station

Towards Vizag
22 km
Orissa State Seeds Corp., Bargarh
State Highway Road

Sambalpur to Bargarh: 50 km
Bargarh (Distt) to Barpali: 22 km
Barpali to Proposed Plant site: 12 km
Main canal from Hirakud dam
Raipur NH6 (Chhatisgarh Road)

Fig. 3 Location of proposed plant site

2.3 Seed Production by Private Sector
Seed production by private sectors starts from the procurement of breeder
seed from State Agricultural Universities and ICAR Institutions. Then the seed
is cultivated by private sector or by contract growers with proper supervision
of Orissa State Seed Certification Agency personals which is a third party
certification agency of the state department of agriculture. The seed after
harvesting is cleaned and graded. If germination of seed is acceptable as per
seed certification standards, the OSSCA certifies the same for sale seed as
certified seed.

The multiplication of seed chain starts from nucleus seed. This is then
successively multiplied to breeders, foundation and certified seed, truthfully
levelled seed with later being sown to produce commercial crops. In all this
stages the quality control is paramount importance, as it is essential that
trueness to type of variety be maintained. The company plans to procure
foundation seeds from Agricultural Universities/NSC/SSC to support its
certified seed production programme. Seeds of this stage are available from
these agencies on placement of indent in advance.

2.4 Production plan

Bhulaxmi seed is a company dealing mainly in paddy seeds. They have
already undertaken paddy seed production during the year 2004-05 and
response has been very encouraging from private sector and also some
quantity has been supplied to reputed organization like NSC. Company plans
to expand and specialize in paddy seed production basically and later on add
other crop and varieties in the product range slowly with the increase in

Production plan of paddy seed is given in Table 4.

Table 4. Year wise seed production plan
Rabi season
S. Variety Quantity, quintals
No. 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
1. MTU 1001 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
2 MTU 1010 200 250 300 350 400
3 IR 64 100 125 150 180 200
4 Khandagiri 200 220 250 275 300
5 Lalat 200 215 230 250 280
6 Surendra 100 125 150 175 200
7 IR 36 200 215 230 250 300
Total 2600 2850 3110 3380 3880
Kharif season
1. MTU 1001 1000 1100 1200 1300 1500
2. MTU 1010 200 250 300 350 400
3. MTU 7029 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600
4. IR 64 100 125 150 180 200
5. Pooja 200 215 230 250 280
6. Lalat 50 60 70 80 100
7. Mahanadi 50 60 70 80 100
8. Surendra 50 60 70 80 100
9. Khandagiri 50 60 70 80 100
10. Sarathi 50 60 70 80 100
11. IR 36 50 60 70 80 100
Total 3050 3350 3700 4060 4580
Grand Total 5650 6200 6810 7440 8260
(Rabi & Kharif)

2.5 Essential Requirements for success of Seed Company

Following are essential requirements for setting up and successful operation
of a seed company:

I. Farm
II. Processing plant
III. Electricity
IV. Buildings
V. Raw materials
VI. Man power
VII. Marketing
2.5.1 Farm
Farm is needed for undertaking production of certified seeds. In Indian
conditions, contract growing of seed has become fairly acceptable and
venture being profitable, farmers are coming forward to undertake seed
production for reliable companies.

As has already been previously indicated, the proposed locality is having

excellent irrigation facility and farmers are already aware of seed production
programmes of OSSC, there is no problem in identifying experienced and
progressive farmers willing to undertake seed production for the company. In
the initial year, response has been very encouraging.

Owners of the company have their own farm, which would exclusively support
production of foundation seed from breeder seed, if intended or planned at
later date.

2.5.2 Processing plant

Seed processing plant will be equipped with all the machines needed for
successful cleaning, grading operations. Similarly, seed storage is needed to
store the seed during the period from receipt of seed at the plant till it is
supplied to the dealer/farmer for sale.

Cleaner is the basic machine in a seed processing plant. Capacity of plant is

accordingly known by the capacity of cleaners. The capacity of seed cleaners
is specified in terms of wheat seed. While handling paddy, the capacity of
machine reduces to half and hence the company would plan to establish a
plant with sufficient capacity to process double the quantity of planned paddy
production within the available processing period.

Considering the seed production plan, the company requires seed processing
plant of 2 ton per hour capacity to handle present requirements as well as to
handle future processing needs.
2.5.3 Electricity
Electricity is available from Orissa state electricity board. However, standby
DG set would also be installed to take care of processing need in the event of
power failure.

2.5.4 Buildings
Seed processing plant building, seed stores, reject store and office
accommodation is needed to perform the processing and storage works

2.5.5 Raw material

Raw material for the certified seed production programme is foundation seed,
which would be available from KVKs/University/SSC/NSC without any

Other raw materials, like certification and packing material is available in the
market, which would be purchased with printing in the name of the company.

2.5.6 Manpower
Adequate labour force is available around the area to work on the processing
plant. This would rather be an opportunity for employment to rural youth in this
backward rural area. Expert support will be available from OSSCA and other
state agencies. Company also plans to employ agricultural graduate for
internal quality checks.

2.5.7 Marketing
Company is using its own outlet for sale. Experiences of previous year
indicate that company was able to sale about 40% of produce through own
sale counter. Subsequent queries from farmers are encouraging. Rest of the
material was sold through dealer or to NSC. Company plans to increase its
dealer’s network throughout the locality and also have suitable tie-ups with
state/central agencies for sale of seed and anticipates that there would be no
problem with sale of seeds.
Chapter 3
Seed Processing Plant and Buildings

Seed, as a component of the production phase in the grain industry can be

considered as a mini industry that requires integration of production
processing; storage, and marketing. Although only a small part of the total
system, the seed has a strong influence on the viability of the industry,
because as the most basic input, the seed sets the upper limits of productivity,
product quality, and price.

Seed processing plant is designed based on the characteristics of seed grain

and the impurities present in it, which need to be separated. Capacity of plant
is known by the capacity of the seed cleaner which is the basic machine in the
seed processing plant. Other machines, which work on the principle of
separating the material, based on difference in characteristics of good seed
and impurities are included in the plant. Capacity of such machines are kept
matching with that of cleaner to have effective utilization.

3.1 Processing Machines

Brief descriptions of the processing machines used in a seed processing plant

are given hereunder.

3.1.1 Scalper

Paddy seed contains contaminants of various kinds as it comes into the

processing plant especially if it has not been harvested and threshed
mechanically. To get the seed into condition to flow easily through the
processing operations, to improve capacity and separating precision during
processing, and to prevent loss of quality, seed is usually prepared for
processing by sending them through one or more special machines or
processes. A scalper can be used to rough clean seed when trash content is
The scalper basically consists of a vibrating or rotating screen or sieve. The
screen perforations are large enough to allow the rough seed to pass through
readily while large inert material is scalped off and removed from the seed lot.

3.1.2 Air screen cleaner

The air screen cleaner is the basic machine in almost all seed processing
plants. The air screen cleaner uses three cleaning principles viz aspiration,
scalping and grading. A common air screen cleaner for processing seed uses
two air blasts and two screens. The first air system removes dust and light
chaff before the seed reaches the first screen. The first screen allows the
good seed to drop onto the second screen. The large foreign material rides
over the first screen and is discarded. The second screen is a grading screen.

3.1.3 Specific gravity separator

Seed of same size and general shape can often be separated because they
differ in specific gravity. This difference is very useful in removing light
immature seed or heavy sand and rocks to improve the purity and germination
of crop seed.

3.1.4 Indented cylinder

Seed of the same width and thickness can sometimes be separated by taking
advantages of difference of length. Indented cylinder can do very precise
separation by using length difference. The indented cylinder separator is a
rotating almost horizontal cylinder with a movable horizontal separating trough
mounted inside it. Thousand of half round indents line the inside surface of

3.1.5 Elevator
Single leg bucket elevator consisting of receiving hopper, boot, bucket, belt,
boot pulley, leg, head pulley, motor, drive and discharge spout will be used for
conveying seed from one machine to another machine. It will lift the seed from
the ground vertically upward and discharge it from top to the different
machines. This type of elevating machines requires less power and floor area.
3.2 Design Criteria of Processing Machines

Generally the manufacturers specify capacities of processing equipments in

terms of wheat only. Capacity of seed processing equipment and machinery
in terms of paddy has been assumed to be 50% as compared to wheat.
Working efficiency of processing equipment has been assumed to be 80% of
the rated through put capacity.

Seed processing is a seasonal work. Seed requires drying, cleaning and

packaging in an accelerated and continuous manner so as to complete
processing load within the limited period available to enable seed maintaining
its viability. Moisture content of the harvest at the time of receipt is usually 9 to
12% (wb) during both rabi and kharif seasons and hence will not require
drying facilities.

Maximum seed volume to be handled at the proposed seed processing

complex during the rabi will be 3120 quintals whereas during kharif season
will be of the order of 3680 quintal as per proposed production plan given in
Table 4. Hence, the cleaning cum grading capacity of the processing plant will
be determined on the basis of 3680 quintals load. This amount of seed is to
be processed during the period of 20 days. Seed processing during both the
seasons will be conducted in 2 shifts per day basis with processing plant
operating 16 hours a day.

Based on above assumptions, processing load and period available for

processing, average seed cleaning-grading capacity (on paddy basis) works
out to be 2 tonnes per hour. The details of various processing machines
required in the project are given in Table 5.

Electrical energy will be made available by state electricity board. One

standby diesel generating set of 45 kVA rating has been proposed for meeting
exigencies in the event of power shedding/failure. The estimated cost is given
in Table 6.
Table 5. Processing machines required in the seed processing plant
S. Name of machines Capacity Qty. Rate/ Amount,
No. Unit, Rs Rs in
in lakhs lakhs
1. Pre-cleaner 2 TPH 1 No. 2.00 1.50
3. Seed Cleaner 2 TPH 1 No. 2.10 1.60
4. Indent Cylinder 2 TPH 1 No. 1.30 1.30
5. Specific gravity separator 2 TPH 1 No. 0.50 1.50
6. Elevator up to 5 m height 2 TPH 4 No. 0.40 1.60
8. Vacuum cleaner 1 No. 0.10 0.10
9. Electronic moisture meter - 1 No. 0.20 0.20
(Wet type)
10. Bag closer heavy duty Nil 2 No. 0.04 0.08
11. Weighing machine 100 kg 1 No. 0.40 0.40
300 kg 1 No. 0.50 0.50
12. Diesel generating set 45 KVA 1 No. 2.50 2.50
Total (X) 11.28
13. Spares parts for 3 Years @ 0.564
5% of amount (X)
14. Installation, testing, 1.128
commissioning of
Machines @ 10% of
amount (X)
15. Laboratory equipments like 1.75
germinator, hot air oven,
weighing balance, divider
16. Sum of S. No. 1 to 15 14.722
17. Contingencies @ 3% 0.44
Grand Total = 15.162 15.20

Table 6. Estimated power requirement for the seed processing complex

S. No. Machine Power requirement, kW
1. Pre-cleaner 5.0
2. Cleaner cum grader 5.0
3. Indented cylinder 2.0
4. Specific gravity separator 5.0
5. Elevators 8.0
6. Bag closer 0.2
7. Lighting load 3.0
Total 28.2
3.3 Layout and Process Flow Operations

Process flow operation enables processing of seed through suitable

machines. Elevators are provided with bypassing arrangements to bypass
certain machines, if use of any machine is not needed in subsequent
operation in particular seed lot. For example, all the lots may not need use of
indented cylinder grader or specific gravity separator and hence in such case
the elevator direct the seed to the next process by bypassing these units.

Layout of the plant will be made in a way to ensure minimum travel both
vertical and horizontal to avoid injury to seed. Layout plan and process flow
chart are given in Figs 4 and 5.

E1 E2 E3 E4 E1, E2, E3, E4 are elevators

Pre-cleaner Grader Indented Specific

cylinder Gravity


bagging and

Fig. 4 Layout of seed processing machines

As shown in Fig. 4, raw seed will be fed to the pre-cleaner by elevator (E1).
This machine will remove large size undesired materials from the seed. The
partially cleaned seed will be fed to the cleaner cum grader with elevator (E2).
Here, the small undersized materials including undersized seeds will be
separated on the basis of size difference and weight difference. The cleaned
and sized seed will be fed to the indented cylinder by elevator (E3) whereby
the broken and short seeds will be separated. The graded seed will be fed to
the specific gravity separator by elevator (E4) for removing light seed. If it is
not required then it will be bypassed. The processed seed will be packed,
weighed and stitched with the help of weighing and stitching machine.

Raw seed

Pre-cleaner Large impurities

Small impurities like

Seed cleaner chaff, dust

Specific gravity Indented cylinder Broken grain


Packaging and Storage of graded seed

Fig. 5 Process flow chart of paddy seed processing

3.4 Packaging
After processing, the seed is packed. Bagging is usually the slowest and most
costly operation in a seed processing plant. Bagging requires filling the bag to
an exact weight, closing and labelling the bag. These operations are done
either with hand or with manually operated machines, like weighing scale and
bag closer.
Bagger-weighers are simple machines and are very accurate, easy to adjust
and can fill 5 to 6 or more bags per minute. Bag-sewing machines are
precision, high-speed machines.

The label is attached to the seed bag, or it is printed directly on to the

container or bag. The label contains all-important information about the seed.
Complete processing records need to be maintained to trace the seed from
the time it is received at the plant until it is sold with full details of operations.
A processing plant record system include following records:
i. Receiving
ii. Drying/storage
iii. Processing, treating and packaging
iv. Testing
v. Storage
vi. Inventory
vii. Sale

3.5 Seed storage

Good seed storage is an important phase of processing and is essential to
successful seed marketing. Proper storage preserves seed viability, from
harvest to sale, and protects the producer, the processor and the user.

The storage is provided for seed from the time of harvest until planting time.
Storage is provided for seed that may be carried over until the planting
season in the next or a subsequent year.

The rate of deterioration of crop seed in storage increases as seed moisture

content increases. Mature seeds are hygroscopic and hence their moisture
contents vary with the relative humidity of the atmosphere. Moisture
absorption or desorption of seed is a relatively slow process. Moisture content
and temperature are important factors in seed storage. Dry cool conditions
are best for seed storage.
3.6 Seed Processing Plant Building Layout

Seed processing plant building will comprise of following components:

1. Receiving-cum-drying platform

2. Processing area

3. Auxiliary building

3.6.1 Receiving-cum-drying platform

An open platform of size 10m x 10m will be provided. The platform will be
having a plinth of 0.9 m above the ground level. This area will be utilized to
receive the raw seed and to sun dry small lots of crop seeds. This area can
also be utilized for storage of seeds on wooden palettes. The platform will be
connected to processing shed through a rolling shutter.

3.6.2 Processing area

The processing area will be situated between the shed and ventilated storage
building. The hall will be connected to ventilated flat stores through a covered
gallery for easy movement of processed and packaged seed to seed stores.
The hall will have a big rolling shutter of size 3m x 3m in the processing plant
to permit entry of seed processing equipment into the hall for installation.

The processing hall will be of size 20 m x 10 m x 6.5 m. Height will be kept to

facilitate installation of the seed processing equipment and machinery. A
sequence of processing machines to be installed is shown in Fig. 6. Floor of
the processing hall will be 0.9 m above the ground level. Roof will be of
tubular trusses covered with asbestos sheet.

The shed will have sufficient provision for natural as well as forced ventilation
in order to maintain congenial atmosphere inside the shed. The shed will
accommodate seed scalping, seed processing and packaging equipment and
will have sufficient space for weighing and packaging.
Cleaner Specific Weighing,
Pre- Indented

10 m
cum Gravity packing
cleaner grader cylinder separato

20 m

Fig. 6 Sequence of processing machines to be installed in processing hall

3.6.3 Auxiliary building

In addition to building discussed above, a provision will also be made for

generator room. The plinth area and cost estimate is indicated in Table 5.
Sufficient length of road will be provided to connect various functional
buildings with each other and main highway. Internal road will be 3.6 m wide.
Boundary wall will be provided all around the complex for security reasons.

One tube well is available at the site, which will be used for construction works
and drinking as well.

The site is outside the municipal limits and as such no sewage system exists.
A septic tank with soakage pit will be provided for disposal of effluents. Entire
complex will have a good drainage system.

Provision for fire fighting equipment such as extinguishers, water buckets,

sand buckets etc will be made to fight minor fire hazards. The purchase of
these items will be made through contingency grant.
The processing plant building will be constructed as per CPWD/PWD norms.
It will have tubular trusses, AC sheets pitched hole roof, cement concrete
flooring finished with water-proofing cement paint, aerated, ventilated, rat
proof and bird protection. Sealed doors will be provided in these buildings.
Buildings will be suitably planned to have interconnection for movement of
seeds and materials. Details of requirement of building complex and their cost
estimate are given in Table 7. Tentative layout plan is given in Fig. 7.

Table 7. Building structure of the seed processing plant

S. Description Area Rate/Unit Amount

No. (in Rs.) (Rs. in
1. Threshing/drying platform with 100 m2 750/m2 0.75
0.90 m plinth height
2. Plant building for temporary 200 m2 3500/m2 7.00
(a) store of raw seeds, processing
machines as per layout plant
(b) Room for DG set 45 KVA 25 m2 3000/m2 0.75
2 2
(c) Room space for Plant Incharge, 50 m 3500/m 1.75
certification packing material,
chemicals, workshop for storing
of spare parts, tools, processing
screens and toilet etc.
3. Seed storage, 250-300 tonnes 200 m2 4000/m2 8.00
4. Boundary wall (200 m) 900/m 1.80
5. Cement concrete Road (125 m x 500 m2 500/m2 2.50
4 m), 25 cm thick
6. Site development like drainage, 2.20
security etc @ 10% total
expenditure given above
Contingency @ 3% 0.73
GRAND TOTAL = 24.98  25 lakhs (Rs twenty five lakhs)

miscellaneous Seed store Laboratory
store 10 m x 20 m
50 m

Plant building
10 m x 20 m

Generator room
Receiving cum drying platform 25 m

10 m x 10 m

Fig. 7 Building layout plan

Chapter 4

Financial Analysis

Total capital investment for this project is estimated to be around 40.20 lakhs,
which includes the cost of civil work, equipment and machinery (Table 8) but
excluding the cost of land, which belongs to the entrepreneur and will be
available for this project. Any other cost involved in consultancy, office
furnishing etc could be managed within the contingency. This project has
been planned to implement immediately and site is ready for work to be
started just with the approval of loan by financing institution.
Schedule of civil work, purchase of equipment and machinery shall be
synchronized to ensure that the plant is ready for processing the produce in
November-December to make available paddy seed for January sowing.
Balance civil work would be completed by March i.e., within the financial year
Table 8. Summary of project cost
S. No. Particulars Cost, Rs in lakhs
1. Plant machinery and equipment 15.20
2. Building and civil works 25.00
3. Cost of Land Own
Total 40.20

4.1 Funding of the project

Out of estimated cost of 40.20 lakhs, Rs 10 lakhs would come, as subsidy
from Government of India under the scheme of GOI for boosting the seed
production in private sector and Rs 26 Lakhs is proposed to be taken as Long
Term Loan from the bank. As the subsidy is back-ended, eligible amount of
subsidy 25% i.e. Rs 10 Lakhs would initially be taken as term loan from the
bank to be adjusted from the subsidy that would be made available by GOI.
Arrangement of working capital would be separately made for undertaking the
business. The entrepreneur shall contribute balance amount of Rs 4.20 lakhs
plus the land required for the project
4.2 Schedule of Implementation
Implementation schedule of establishment of the seed processing complex is
given in Table 9. Processing plant building, boundary wall, front road,
generator room, drying platform, laboratory and office shall be completed
immediately within 2-3 months after approval of loan. Simultaneously,
processing machinery shall be purchased and installed and plant
commissioned to undertake processing in the first season. Other buildings
and ancillary works like road, seed store, drainage system etc shall be started
by November 2005 and would be completed by March 2006.

Table 9. Project implementation schedule

S. Activities Completion schedule,
No. month
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Site selection Completed
2. Approval of project To be completed before
start of project
3. Tendering award of contract and
construction of 1st phase of civil work
4. Purchase of processing machinery,
delivery and installation
5. 2nd phase construction work, outside
electrification, etc.

4.3 Schedule of Production

Entrepreneurs are already in business since last year. Kharif crops of 2005-06
are in the field which would be harvested during Oct-Nov. and rabi sowing
shall be undertaken during Nov-Dec. Part of kharif production is sold in Nov-
Dec for rabi sowing and balance is carried for June sowing. Similarly, part of
rabi produce is sold for kharif sowing in June-July and balance is carried for
Nov. sowing. While working out capital requirement, it is presumed that 70%
would be sold immediately and 30% would be carried forward. While 30% of
kharif production is sold in next financial year, whole of rabi produce is sold in
the same financial year in which it is produced/purchased.
4.4 Variable Production Cost
Schedule of operational expenses is given in Annexure I.

4.4.1 Cost of raw seed

Paddy seed shall be grown by the farmers on contract basis. Produce shall be
received at the processing plant after moderate cleaning by farmer and would
be purchased with adjustment of weight on 12% (wb) moisture content.

It has been observed that generally good seed recovery after processing is
possible to the extent of 90% after processing. Out of the remaining 10%,
almost 2% of material is waste and valueless while another 8% can be sold as
grain at reduced price for milling and consumption. The cost of raw seed has
been taken at a rate of Rs 650 per quintal.

4.4.2 Seed certification and packing cost

Certification and packing material cost includes the cost of bags, labels,
leaflets, tags, lead seals etc. Cost of these materials has been worked out,
taking into consideration the present cost and worked out on per quintal basis
as given in Table 10.

Table 10. Seed certification and packing cost

S. Item Rs/quintal Remarks
1. Bags 37.50 Seed will be packed in jute
canvas bags costing Rs 15 per
2. Certification materials 2.50 Labels @ Rs 170 per 1000.
like labels, leaflets, Leaflet @ Rs 250 per 1000.
tags, lead seals, Tags @ Rs 170 per 1000.
thread etc. Lead seals @ Rs 30 per kg.
Thread @ Rs 40 per 1000 m.
Total =

For the purpose of financial calculations cost of certification and packing has
been taken at the rate of Rs 40 per quintal on processed seed quality.

4.4.3 Seed processing cost

Seed processing mainly involves expenditure on electricity and diesel and
labour involved in processing operations. Total power required for operation of
the plant is 21 kW. The entire machines will not operate all the time.
Presuming 0.80% of maximum power demand in processing plant, it is
estimated that energy consumption in a shift of 7 hours would be
approximately 112 kWh, which will cost about Rs 500 per shift. Similarly, 5
labourers engaged in a shift will involve expenditure of Rs 500. Assuming that
80 quintals of paddy would be processed and packed in a shift, the cost on
this component would be approximately Rs 12.50 per quintal, which has been
considered in calculations. Separate provision for diesel has not been made.
It is presumed that when electricity is not available, the saving in the cost of
electricity will support the expenditure on diesel for running the generator set.

4.4.4 Transport cost

Seed production is proposed to be organised in the nearby areas of
processing plant. Material shall be delivered by the growers at the processing
plant at their own cost. Similarly, dealer/farmer will lift the material from the
godown and hence no provision for transportation has been made.

4.4.5 Repair and maintenance

Processing machineries shall be purchased with enough spares to support 3
years of requirement. A provision has been made for repair and maintenance
to the tune of 1% of the cost of plant machinery and buildings.

4.5 Semi Variables and Fixed Cost

4.5.1 Salaries
A manager shall be appointed by the company at a salary of Rs 5000 per
month. Provision for 6 months salary has been made in the first year i.e.
2005-06. Another staff (an Accountant) shall be appointed at a salary of Rs
3000 per month from the year 2007-08. Provisions have been made

4.5.2 Administrative and general overhead

A provision at the rate of 1% of turn over has been made towards this
overhead from the year 2006-07 onwards.
4.5.3 Selling and promotional overhead
This will be mainly to popularise the seed. Provision of 1% of turnover has
accordingly been included in the project from 2006-07 onwards.

4.5.4 Insurance
Provision of insurance has been made at the rate of 0.5% of capital cost from
2006-07 onwards.

4.6 Turnover
Seed produced by the company would be sold at a net rate of Rs 1100 per
quintal. This rate would be for 90% of the material purchased, 8% of the
material would be sold at Rs 500 per quintal. The remaining 2% may fetch
some income but has not been considered as income for calculation purpose.
Schedule on purchase and sale of seed and expenditure and recovery
involved therein is given in Annexure II.

4.7 Other Financial Cost

4.7.1 Depreciation
Depreciation is taken at the rate of 5% for building and 10% for plant
machinery. For the first year, no provision shall be made on account of
depreciation, as the plant would be completely ready by the end of 2005-06.
Year wise depreciation as given in Table 11 has been included in financial

Table 11. Year wise depreciation on machinery and building

(Rs in lakhs)
Year Machinery Building Total
2005-06 - - -
2006-07 1.50 1.25 2.75
2007-08 1.37 1.15 2.52
2008-09 1.23 1.13 2.36
2009-10 1.11 1.07 2.18
2010-11 1.10 1.02 2.12
2011-12 0.99 0.97 1.96
2012-13 0.90 0.92 1.82
2013-14 0.80 0.88 1.68
4.7.2 Interest on long-term loan
Provision of interest on loan of 100% investment has been made at a rate of
11.75 % on long term loan and 11.25 % on short term borrowing (limit) and
interest thereon during the first year i.e. till March 2006 shall be capitalized
and provision for payment of loan has been made from the year 2006-07.
However, as per provision of the scheme interest on subsidy amount shall not
be charged and it is kept separately. Subsidy is adjusted as last instalment of
term loan and interest shall be credit of entrepreneurs. Similarly, provision of
11.25 % interest is made on the limit fixed (8.0 lakhs) by the bank for the
period of 6 months in first 4 years.

4.7.3 Tax
Provision for tax at a rate of 30% and 10% surcharge on tax amount, on net
profit after interest liability and depreciation, has been made after the
company start making cumulative profit from the year 2009-10.

4.8 Margin Money

Entrepreneurs proposes to place 8.0 lakhs required working capital for first 4
years. Only needed amount of working capital/ limit shall be drawn to meet
operational needs such as purchase of seed, processing cost etc.

4.9 Profitability and Economics

Profitability of the project is given in Table 12. It may be seen that the project
would start earning profit from the year 2006-07 itself. Trend of profitability
over the years can also be seen from the Table.

4.10 Rate of Return

Financial rate of return works out to be more than 20% before payment of
interest on long-term loan and taxes. The project is therefore sound enough
for financing.

4.11 Break Even Analysis

The break even point indicates the level of sales at which the semi variable
and fixed expenses of the project are absorbed. In the proposed project, the
break even point is reached when a turn over of Rs 40.25 lakhs is obtained or
6559 quintals of seed is handled amounting to 33 % of business at maturity.

4.12 Cash Flow

Cash flow analysis for a period up to the year 2013-14 is given in Table 13

4.13 Pay back period

Analysis on cash flow and repayment given in Table 13 indicate that total loan
(long term) drawn in establishment of the project is returned by the year 2012-
13 in the year wise break-up given in Table 14.
Table 14 Long-term loan repayment schedule.
36 lakhs
2006-07 2.00 6.12(On 26 lakhs)
2007-08 2.00 2.82
2008-09 2.00 2.59
2009-10 3.00 2.35
2010-11 3.00 2.00
2011-12 4.00 1.65
2012-13 5.00 1.18
2013-14 5.00 0.59
2013-14 10.00 (GOI Subsidy) -
Total 36.00 19.3

Thus, total principal amount returned = 36.00 lakhs (10.0 lakhs by GOI & 26
lakhs by entrepreneur) and Interest paid= 19.3 lakhs(on long term loan).The
repayment schedule will be drawn on the loan amount (including subsidy) that
the total subsidy amount is adjusted after the full bank loan component and no
interest is charged on subsidy amount. The subsidy released by Government
of India will be kept in a separate borrower-wise account.

4.14 Conclusions
Quality seed is one of the most important input for enhancing crop production
and productivity. The gap between the availability and the requirement of
quality seed is quite high in the country and therefore needs proper attention.
Hence, the efforts of central government to encourage the
farmers/entrepreneurs for quality seed production and processing by
providing subsidy is time driven and would prove to be a worthy exercise in
meeting the country’s need in the agricultural sector.

The project has been proposed with the aim to establish a 2 tonne per hour
capacity seed processing plant. As is evident from the financial analysis that
the project is sound and estimated results are encouraging and hence the
project may be considered for financing under the scheme of GOI for boosting
seed production in private sector.


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