Interview Preparation Series - Session 5
Interview Preparation Series - Session 5
Interview Preparation Series - Session 5
❏ Precision ❏ Efficiency
❏ Reliability ❏ Process innovation
❏ Quality performance ❏ Affordability
❏ Formal & structured mgmt. ❏ Relaxed & flexible atmosphere
❏ Strong hierarchy ❏ Teamwork & cross-functionality
❏ Extensive decision process encouraged
“Great Burger”
“HitNot Tires”
❏ Interviewee-led
Giving a Case
To train well you need partners who know the case well and can give quality feedback.
○ For interviewee led (BCG style case) let the interviewee drive case/decide where to
go next instead of immediately correcting mistakes
○ Cases are conversations, but if interviewee spends too long on the wrong track,
interviewer should cut case short or nudge them in right direction, remember the
case should be less than 30 min
○ Feedback at end of case should be specific (i.e. do X, Y, and Z to improve)
How to get more “business-savvy” for cases
As much as cases are about logic, they are easier to navigate if you understand business jargon
■ Breaking the Fourth Wall: Interactive Case Practice 05/02 Alway M112
■ Q&A panel with future and past consultants 05/23 Alway M112
■ Breaking the Fourth Wall: Interactive Case Practice 06/06 Alway M112