Pwcid Company Profile 2018

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PwC Indonesia: Build trust

in society and solve

important problems

About Us 2

PwC Purpose 4

Our Services 6

Industry Focus 16

Our Clients 17

Our People 18

Our Corporate
Responsibility 20

PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems 1

About us

PwC ( provides industry–focused

assurance, tax and legal, advisory and consulting
services to build public trust and enhance value for
its clients and their stakeholders.
Operations in Indonesia

PwC Indonesia (‘PwC’ or ‘we’) comprises over 2,100 employees,

including 55 partners and technical advisors. Today, the services
offered by PwC are adding value in virtually every industry and
profession in every region of the country.

We have played an integral part in the growth and progress of

Indonesia since 1971 having worked with our clients to help them
succeed through both buoyant and challenging economic times.

Today we continue to work with large multinationals, public sector

entities and Indonesian companies, providing solutions to complex
business issues.

Our services are rendered through separate legal entities focusing

on different aspects of the service offerings we provide, each of
which draw on the collective resources and experience of PwC
firms, both here and worldwide.

More than 236,000 people in 158 countries

“I am very satisfied with
across our network share their thinking,
their deliverables. They
experience, and solutions to develop fresh
understand our needs and
perspectives and practical advice.
are very flexible to achieve
our objectives.”

From PwC Indonesia’s Client

Satisfaction Survey

2 PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems

PwC Indonesia is part of a
global network of firms and
works closely with PwC firms
across both Asia Pacific and the
wider global network. At PwC,
our purpose is to build trust
in society and solve important
problems. We’re a network of
firms in 158 countries with more
than 236,000 people who are
committed to delivering quality
in assurance, tax, advisory and
consulting services.

Create value, build trust

We help our clients find business solutions by combining a global mindset with the
expert talents of our people. We provide industry-focused assurance, tax and legal,
advisory and consulting services for public and private clients. We use our network,
736 locations experience and business understanding to build trust and create value for our

PwC network structure

The PwC global network is structured as a network of member firms, operating

independently in countries around the world. It is this network that provides PwC
firms with the flexibility to share knowledge, skills and resources with speed and
consistency – to the ultimate benefit of our clients.

236,235 people In most parts of the world, the right to practice accountancy, legal or other
professional services is granted only to nationally-based firms employing qualified
professionals. Consequently, PwC member firms are locally owned and managed
in each country, but form an international team, thereby enabling a deep
understanding of local markets and simultaneously providing global insight.

11,181 partners

PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems 3

Our purpose
We strive to fulfill our purpose through our contribution to solving
major challenges and supporting key initiatives for the positive
development of Indonesia. Some examples are:

Build trust and solve important problems

At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. Our purpose is founded in our heritage of
creating trust in the capital markets and providing advice to help public, private and voluntary organisations be successful.
Our aim is that while describing our work today, our purpose will also guide our decision-making and investment strategy
for tomorrow, ensuring our ongoing relevance and leadership in the marketplace.

Promoting Smart Cities

PwC Indonesia with the US government and

local provincial administrations in Sumatra are
partnering to support Smart Cities, an advanced
style of urban planning, in regions across the
island. Smart Cities use technology to boost both
government work performance and people’s
prosperity, while at the same time improving
spending efficiency.

Supporting Indonesia’s infrastructure development

PwC Indonesia, with research support from Oxford Economics, launched “Building Indonesia’s Future – unblocking the
pipeline of projects”, a forecast for Indonesia’s capital projects and infrastructure spending to 2025. The report looks at
infrastructure spending in Indonesia and compares projected spending to the Government’s targets. The main objective
of this report is to help the Indonesian Government and the private sector to work towards achieving the country’s
infrastructure goals.

Supporting the development of business

– CIO & CFO Forums

PwC Indonesia has facilitated quarterly forums for CIOs

and CFOs since 2014. The objective of the workshops
is to provide a platform for CIOs and CFOs to discuss,
network, share knowledge, and together solve common
issues or problems facing business in Indonesia.

4 PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems

Transparency in Sports Management – President’s Cup 2015 - 2018

PwC Indonesia has been reappointed as the financial auditor for the President’s Cup for the third year
running in 2018, appointed by the organisers who in line with the President’s objective, wanted this
tournament to run smoothly and with transparency, in line with PwC’s purpose and commitment to
society in this case through supporting transparency and financial accountability in sports.

Knowledge Partner for BKPM

PwC Indonesia was appointed as the independent knowledge partner for BKPM (the Indonesian Investment
Coordinating Board) for the revision of its policy on foreign investment restrictions (known as the Negative
Investment List/DNI). The revision was intended to provide more certainty to investors as part of the
Indonesian Government’s series of economic packages to attract more foreign direct investment.

Manado International Conference on Tourism

Our Purpose

PwC Indonesia assisted BKPM (the Indonesia Investment

Coordinating Board) in developing the conceptual master plan
and roadmap for Manado’s tourism-related infrastructure to
showcase the city’s vast investment opportunities to international
and local investors in May 2017 at the Manado conference.

Cybersecurity Adviser for the Ministry of Communications and

Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia (“Kominfo”)

PwC Indonesia was appointed as the cybersecurity adviser for Kominfo to help prepare the
cybersecurity standard implementation roadmap for Indonesia, covering cybersecurity
standards (policy, structure, process, people and technology) and highlighting the existing
gaps in practice. PwC recommended 16 initiatives (categorised into six groups) ranging from
establishment of policies and regulations, cyber
risk management, capabilities development, cyber
awareness, CSIRT establishment and knowledge

PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems 5

Our services
Building trust and enhancing stakeholder value

Our industry-focused services provided to public and private

clients bring value to business through sharing quality
solutions. Our multi-disciplinary approach allows us to
provide services beyond financial audit and taxation to a
broad range of areas from risk assurance, financial advisory,
business consulting and performance improvement, to
corporate legal services. We take pride in delivering value-
added services by helping our clients improve transparency,
governance, accountability, and financial performance and

“PwC have provided a consistently high standard of service to

meet my needs for nearly seven years. That is why there have
been repeat engagements.”
From PwC Indonesia’s
Client Satisfaction Survey

6 PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems

Risk Assurance Financial Audit
Risk Assurance is a portfolio of
We provide trust in society
interrelated services developed
through our financial
Assurance around the theme of risk,
controls and assurance, helping
statement audits and
Services clients both protect value and
other assurance services
provided in accordance with
improve business performance.
internationally accepted
These services organise and
auditing processes.
bring together our competencies,
skills, tools and methodologies
to build trust and help our clients
Assuring clients’ strategies solve important problems. Accounting Advisory
through to execution and Services
reporting. We bring to our clients the
We can help you navigate
ability to: through complex accounting
• Assess risks at a high level to matters and the changing
We provide assurance over spot problem areas
any system, process or landscape of financial
• Deep dive into problems for reporting, in relation to the
controls and over any set of root causes following areas:
information to the highest • Develop practical and

Our Services
• International Financial
PwC quality. sustainable practices Reporting Standards
• Save money by leveraging (IFRS) adoption or
our resources, talent and convergence
experience • Accounting standard
• Be “assurance” ready, changes
confident they are compliant • Accounting advice and
with regulations and support
building trust with their • Costing
stakeholders • Training in financial
Our services in Indonesia • Preparation of financial
include: statements
• Business controls assurance
(my business processes
“We are really satisfied
operate reliably as intended)
with this year’s audit • Performance assurance (my
team due to their commercial decisions are
cooperative work, measured and managed)
quick response, good • Business resilience (my
business is resilient to
knowledge and friendly,
outside factors)
honest attitude.” • IT risk assurance (my digital
risks are identified and
From PwC Indonesia’s managed)
Client Satisfaction Survey • Internal audit (the money
I spend on Internal Audit is

PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems 7


Optimise tax efficiency Corporate tax Tax disputes

and contribute to overall • Tax structuring & planning • Tax audit, objection & appeal
• Monthly & annual compliance • Supreme Court
corporate strategy
• Tax diagnostic review proceedings
through the formulation • Rulings • Tax audit post-merger
of effective tax strategies
and innovative tax International tax International assignments
planning. • Tax planning • Monthly & annual tax
• Tax advisory compliance
• Permanent Establishment • Tax registration/de-registration
exposure (expatriates)
• Tax Treaty application • General queries & tax audit

Transfer pricing (TP) Customs

• TP documentation • Valuation &
• Risk assessment & defense classification
“The PwC team has a
• TP planning • Post clearance audit
good relationship and
communication by • Trade issues
providing us all new Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) • Customs disputes
information about • Investment structuring • Customs planning
accounting and finance • Tax due diligence
regulations which helps • M&A transactions Investment and corporate
us to comply.” • Post-transaction tax integration
• Investment: PMA
From PwC Indonesia’s VAT establishment & compliance
Client Satisfaction Survey • Tax structuring & planning • Payroll services
• Rulings • Liquidation
• Corporate secretary

• Indonesian Tax Firm of the year - 2010 Awards

• Indonesian Tax Dispute Firm of the • Indonesian Tax Firm of the year - 2016
year - 2010
• Indonesian Tax Firm of the year - 2017
• Indonesian Tax Advisory Firm of the
year - 2012

8 PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems

Business Recovery Services Deal Strategy
• Corporate Restructuring • Growth Strategy
• Debt Restructuring and • Market Entry Strategy
Refinancing • M&A Strategy
Deals • Distressed M&A • Commercial Due Diligence
Services • Business Turn Around • Feasibility Study
• Optimized Exit • Target Search & Screen
• Strategic Alliances
Capital Projects & • Business Plan Development
Infrastructure • Pricing Strategy
• Feasibility Studies • Customer Analysis
Implement an integrated • Finance Raising
suite of solutions covering • Financial Model Advice Delivering Deal Value
deals and transaction • M&A Integration
Corporate Finance • Divestiture and Separation
support and performance
• Corporate Restructuring (including Vendor Assistance
improvement. and TSA Management)
• Debt Restructuring and
• Operational Due Diligence

Our Services
• Distressed M&A • Taking Control
• Business Turn Around • Joint Venture and Strategic
• Optimized Exit Alliances

Our Services
“PwC shares their thoughts for the Transaction Services
Corporate Value Advisory
best interests of its clients without • Financial and Tax Due
• Valuation of Business and
compromising their professionalism Diligence
as an independent consultant.” • Advice on Sales and Purchase
• Transaction Negotiation
• Shareholder Value Agreements
From PwC Indonesia’s Client • Transaction Structuring
Satisfaction Survey
• Accounting Valuation
• Tax Valuation

PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems 9


At PwC Consulting, we help organisations to work

smarter and grow faster. We consult with our
clients to build effective organisations, innovate
& grow, reduce costs, manage risk & regulations
and leverage talent. Our aim is to support you
in designing, managing and executing lasting
beneficial change.

Management Consulting
• Finance Function Effectiveness
• Operations, Supply Chain and Procurement
• People and Organisation
• Sustainability and Climate Change
• Program and Project Management
• Customer Relationship Management

Risk Consulting
• Risk and Governance
• Forensics

Technology Consulting
• Technology Strategy
• Enterprise Business Application
• IT Infrastructure & Information Management
• Cyber & Security Strategy
• Digital & Emerging Technology
• IT Delivery Optimization
• IT Portfolio & Program Management
• Data Analytics

Strategy Consulting
• Strategy Advice and Implementation

10 PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems


Our team of legal experts

will provide solutions of the
highest quality for you and
your businesses. We work
with you to understand
your commercial objectives
and offer you seamless end-
to-end service across the life
cycle of your project.

About Legal Services • Stocks/shares and asset sales

Our Services
Melli Darsa & Co. was established in 2002, and since • Tender offers
that time we have built a strong reputation as advocates • Takeovers, corporate restructuring, and
and legal consultants, providing value-added advice on reorganization
the complexities and challenges of the Indonesian legal • Farming in and farming out in O&G businesses
environment to both inbound investors and Indonesian
corporations. Corporate Advisory
From 17 July 2017, Melli Darsa & Co. has joined the PwC Our team has extensive experience in preparing advice
network of firms, complementing the assurance, tax, and documentation on:
financial advisory, and business consulting services that • The establishment of direct investment companies
are provided by PwC Indonesia. and representative offices
While technical excellence is at the core of what we • Joint ventures and strategic alliances
do, the breadth of our business and market insight • Joint operating arrangements for O&G businesses
differentiates us from traditional law firms, enabling us • General corporate matters and licensing
to deliver unparalleled focus and integrated services. requirements
• Real and intellectual property
Our core value is providing legal services, putting • Business competition
the needs and priorities of our clients first, while • Company liquidation
continuously improving our approach and continuing to • Various advice on environmental and procurement
do business ethically. matters
Our legal services include: • Anti-bribery and corruption
• Advisory on regulatory regimes and structures for
various industries and lines of services
Mergers & Acquisitions
The lawyers in our team have solid track records
in carrying out strategic and comprehensive M&A
transactions in the following areas:
• Key issue focus and comprehensive legal due

PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems 11


Employment reports filed with the OJK, the • Infrastructure project finance
We also have extensive experience Indonesian Financial Services transactions
of providing advice and preparing Authority, and the Indonesian
documentation relating to various Stock Exchange (IDX)
aspects of Indonesian employment: • Conducting legal due diligence Litigation and Dispute
• Preparing and advising on Resolution
• Various types of employment underwriting and trustee Our knowledge in the industry and
contracts agreements, and other familiarity with the business enables
• Company regulations, collective documents relating to capital our team to provide the best support
labor agreements, policies and markets and securities for clients in managing disputes. Our
procedures transactions services include:
• Advising on statutory employee • Advising on corporate actions
benefits • Advising and structuring on risk
regulated by the OJK, such as and management strategy
• Termination of employment conflict of interest transactions
relationships and establishing • Mediation and direct negotiation
and material transactions • Litigation in court and
alternative approaches • Advising on global and domestic
• Separation and release arbitration
documentation • Establishing Indonesian mutual
• Dispute resolutions, including funds (reksadana)
bi-party negotiation, mediation
at the Ministry of Employment, Awards
and proceedings before the Finance
Industrial Relations Courts and We have handled many corporate • Indonesia Law Firm of the Year
the Supreme Court finance and banking transactions, by IFLR - 2008 and 2010
on behalf of both lenders and
borrowers. We have worked on a • Top Tier Firm by IFLR - 2011 to
Capital Markets and
broad range of: 2015
We have consistently been the firm of • secured loan transactions and • Employer of Choice by Asian
choice for a number of international structured finance transactions, Legal Business - 2009 and 2011
investment banks in relation to including leveraged buy- • Recommended Firm for Energy
capital market transactions, and we outs, structured notes, and and Infrastructure by IFLR -
work seamlessly with other global securitizations 2014
firms specializing in securities • Advising on all aspects of a
work. Our lawyers are well-versed creditor’s rights and remedies • Private Equity Leading Firm by
in advising and provide counsel to • Advising on loan enforcement Asian Legal Business - 2015
clients in the following areas: and restructuring • In House Community Firm of
• Advising on bankruptcy The Year by Asian-Mena Counsel
• Preparation of offering circulars,
• Debt restructurings of private - 2011
prospectuses, registration
and publicly listed companies
statements, and various • The Recommended Firm by Asia
Law Profile - 2012

12 PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems

We have established several specialised teams focused on providing
cross-diciplinary and cross-industry support to specialised areas
of the economy. These teams of specialists connect you to the full
Specialist breadth of our product and industry experience and capabilities
Services through a single point of contact who understands you and your

Japan Business Desk China Business Desk

• Considered as the leading • We have a team of Mandarin
firm in Indonesia for speaking professionals in
“We especially appreciate the
Japanese Business in terms all major lines of service,
insights shared by the PwC
of number of clients and who are fully committed to
team outside the normal audit
business volume serving Chinese companies
• Strong dedicated team of operating in Indonesia.
Japanese expatriates. This • A wealth of experience in
team is part of the Global dealing with the typical
PwC Japanese Business issues faced by Chinese
Network that operates in companies doing business in
From PwC Indonesia’s
more than 80 countries. Indonesia, encompassing the
Client Satisfaction Survey
• The most active firm in business establishment, tax,
Japanese Business in due diligence, regulatory

Specialist Services
Indonesia, conducting compliance, financial
various seminars and reporting and auditing.
training events as well as • Our well-established
issuing publications in connections with PwC
Japanese offices in China, Hong Kong
• We work closely with and Taiwan, enables our
Japanese Institutions, clients to access markets and
including the Japanese professional expertise in
Embassy, JICA, JETRO and those locations as and when
JJC. they are needed.
• We work together
Korea Business Desk with Chinese business
• First firm to have a dedicated associations in Indonesia
team for Korean businesses and regularly hold seminars
operating in Indonesia, and publish thought
advising on how to set up a leadership in Mandarin.
business, compliance with
regulations and reporting
requirements, and assisting
in the unique business and
market environment in
• We work closely with Korean
professional associations,
including KOTRA, the
Korean Embassy, KAFA
(Injaemo), KTA (trading
industry), KERA (energy
industry) and KFA (financial

PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems 13

Services Entrepreneurial and Private Clients (EPC)

• PwC Entrepreneurial and Private Client Services (EPC) is a

team of business advisors dedicated to helping entrepreneurs,
“PwC is a competitive consulting owner-managed and family business leaders resolve day-
firm, consistently delivering high to-day business issues, create value and achieve long-term
quality service.” success.
• Our EPC team offers the perspective of a third party with
professional insights, tax, legal and other business advisory
and accounting expertise. This includes tax planning
and structuring, financial assurance, business funding &
structuring, personal estate planning & wealth management,
From PwC Indonesia’s succession planning, compliance, deals, strategy and
Client Satisfaction Survey operations improvement.
• We provide all the practical and commercial assistance you
need, delivered in a way that is relevant and appropriate for
your business and your family. We have built our success
on developing trusted advisor relationships and delivering
solutions and ideas tailored to the needs of our clients.
• Our EPC team is an integrated part of the PwC Asia Pacific
EPC team operating across the region.
• Our EPC specialists are available in both our Jakarta and
Surabaya offices.

Capital Market Services

We use our deep knowledge of both the Indonesian and global exchanges and regulatory processes to provide
assistance in addressing new challenges in the current environment. We advise clients throughout the lifecycle of
the Initial Public Offering (IPO) process, from pre-IPO preparation to the offering process and beyond.

Our capital market services include:

• Equity offerings (IPO, follow-ons, right issues)
• Debt offerings
• IPO readiness review
• Due diligence work for any capital markets transactions
• Which markets analysis

14 PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems

Capital Projects and Infrastructure (CP&I)
Indonesia is embarking on huge investments to develop its infrastructure, both in the public and private
sectors, ranging from ports and airports, to toll roads, power plants, water utilities and other major
infrastructure investments. We bring together functional and industry expertise to help clients solve the
complex issues related to infrastructure investing. We have robust experience and a global network to provide
services in the area of toll roads, ports, power and water, railways, and other types of infrastructure. We
support our clients through the entire life-cycle from the initial structuring process through to development,
operation and ultimately asset disposal, including:

• Strategy: Defining market/business needs and identifying regulatory drivers.

• Assessing projects: Analysing project costs, revenues and capabilities; developing a financing strategy;
conducting an investment appraisal; conducting a cost-benefit analysis; and, developing a business case.
• Developing projects: Assessing project readiness; refining project model; and reviewing contracts and
• Procuring projects: Identifying procurement strategy; selecting and implementing project systems;
developing a project contract strategy; selecting and procuring suppliers; and, implementing a financing
• Delivering projects: Establishing project management office; controlling, analysing and improving

Specialist Services
projects; assuring project costs; analysing disputes; and, conducting a post-completion review.
• Operating projects: Assessing and improving asset performance.
• Disposing of projects: Evaluating divestiture options and managing asset disposal.

Infrastructure Journal - ranked 2nd InfraNews - ranked 1st globally

globally by value of deals by value of deals

Actuarial Services
A Jakarta-based team, serving the actuarial needs of business in Indonesia.Our actuarial practice, integrated
with our global expertise, has the breadth of expertise and experience to advise you on leading actuarial best
practice, identify risk and address complex actuarial related matters.

Where we can add value:

• Life Insurance • Pension Funds
• General Insurance • Efficiency improvement solutions
• Employee Benefit and Share based payments • Due Diligence and M&A

PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems 15

“I think PwC have the most
experience in the oil & gas tax
sector compared to other firms.”

Industry focus From PwC Indonesia’s

Client Satisfaction Survey

PwC’s industry-focused network is designed to anticipate and address your business needs. The depth and
breadth of our industry-focused services mean that we look at business issues – not just accounting and
auditing matters – while taking into consideration industry risks and challenges.

By organising our services around industries we:

• Share the latest research and points of view on emerging industry trends
• Collaborate on business and accounting issues unique to individual industries, especially in situations
where interpretive guidance is required
• Provide methodologies and best practice guidance in complex accounting, taxation and business areas

Industry capabilities
Industry Focus

Technology, Media &

Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications (TMT)
Resources (EU&R)
• Mining & metals • Technology
• Power & utilities • Information & communication
• Oil & gas • Television & other media
• Chemicals • Advertising
• Water • Hospitality and leisure
• Related service providers • Entertainment

Consumer and Industrial Financial Services (FS)

Products & Services (CIPS)

• Automotive • Banking & capital markets

• Plantations • Insurance
• Retail & consumer • Asset management
• Transportation & logistics • Islamic banking & finance
• Pharmaceutical • Securities
• Engineering & construction
• Industrial manufacturing

• Government bodies
• Regulators

16 PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems

Our Clients
“I am very satisfied with Our clients are our reason for being
their deliverables. They PwC Indonesia provides industry-focused services for public and
understand our needs and private clients in order to build public trust and enhance value. Our
are very flexible to achieve experienced staff, combined with our global network, provides a
our objectives.” complete business consulting solution, tailored to our clients’ specific
needs. Our clients range from national and multinational companies
to private businesses and corporate entities.
From PwC Indonesia’s Client
Satisfaction Survey Our client base includes:
• Government institutions – national, regional, and local

Our Clients
• Multi-national corporations
• Public and private entities
• National champions in every industry sector
• State-owned enterprises
• Entrepreneurial & Private Clients
• Donor funds and NGOs

PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems 17

Our People

People are the backbone of our high PwC Professional framework, i.e.
quality services. Our talent strategy is Leadership, Business Acumen, Global
drawn to help our people continuously Acumen, Relationships and Technical
develop their skills, grow their careers Capabilities.
and deliver consistently extraordinary
results for clients. Some of our key initiatives include
the BeLIEVe program (Becoming
In response to changes in the talent Leaders who Inspire, Empower, and
market, we are transforming the way create Value), Journey for Excellence
we attract, develop, retain and inspire and Genesis Park (Global), and tours
our people. We’re working hard to of duty for our high-performing staff
engage and empower our millennials, across the PwC network.
and re-defining our workplace culture
while continuing to meet the needs of
other generations.
Our People

Using the “PwC Professional”

as our leadership development
framework, we develop our people
into authentic and inclusive leaders
who inspire others and can lead
clients, institutions and each other
through times of change. With this in
mind, we are committed to providing
our people with learning experience
that helps them develop the skills
across the five dimensions of the

18 PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems

PwC Indonesia Alumni

PwC alumni are doing amazing things across Indonesia each and every day.
Our alumni program is about helping you stay a part of the PwC community and
connecting you to former colleagues, mentors and friends who have made an impact
in your career. It’s also about keeping you up to date with current business issues
and regulatory changes through the firm’s various publications, reports, events and

Global mobility People Engagement

PwC’s global mobility programme matches As part of continuous improvement efforts,

high-performing individuals interested we seek feedback from our people through
in international assignments with PwC our annual Global People Survey. In
member firms in need of support. These ensuring that we are on the right track to
assignments, which can be short- or long- making PwC a responsible organisation
term, allow us to bring another dimension that provides its people with a great place
to the services provided to clients while to work, we review how effective our
accelerating career development and people initiatives are and how we can
personal growth. improve.

PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems 19

Our Corporate Responsibility
Our Corporate Responsibility

Through our Corporate Responsibility (CR) agenda, we aim to be a catalyst for change, which is about
using our skills, voice, and relationships to work with others and influence activities that make a difference,
create change and have a lasting impact on the world around us, and doing the right thing, which means
playing our part on responsible business issues that are central to our business – from the quality of our
services and the diversity of our people, to our engagement with communities and our environmental

These aims form the core of our global CR Strategy and across the PwC network, our firms support these
goals. Our CR strategy is tailored to our specific strengths and opportunities, as a network of professional
services firms. To align and structure our CR activities, we focus on four areas in which PwC people across
the world can play their part: responsible business, diversity and inclusion, community engagement,
and environmental stewardship.

20 PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems

Diversity and inclusion The Learning Farm (TLF) Environmental stewardship

In a competitive market, people PwC has supported and funded TLF’s Business, government and
are integral to an organisation’s four-month residential life-skills individual – we are all responsible
performance and business success. training programme for vulnerable for the preservation of our natural
Building an equal, diverse and youth through the medium of organic environment. We work with our
rewarding workplace culture helps farming. S&CC (Sustainability and Climate
to ensure this. In achieving a high- Change) team in developing our
performance corporate culture, our Capacity building through carbon management strategy.
talent management strategy includes simple audit simulation
workplace activities such as people workshop Our activities currently include
development and global mobility. measuring our environmental impact
PwC Indonesia also believes that and developing initiatives to reduce
Our collaboration with Gerakan high quality human resources is the impact of our operations. We also
Indonesia Mengajar (GIM) and Kick the first and foremost priority in engage our people in environmental
Andy Foundation are part of our CR providing the best quality of services activities including Earth Hour.
initiatives - an opportunity to share to our clients. In an effort to develop
and contribute within the skilled human resources in Indonesia,
volunteering area, using our core Responsible business
particularly in accounting, we hold
competencies. simple workshops at several leading PwC is looking to build corporate
universities in Indonesia to increase responsibility into relevant services
Community engagement the knowledge of students who are and products where it will help us to
aspiring to have a promising career as
deliver enhanced quality and value.
PwC people are inspired to help and auditors. In the workshops, students
connect with the communities in are given case studies related to
which they live and work. current business practice which allow
them to act as auditors.
Our two main initiatives are the
People Giving programme and
Community Day where all staff are
eligible for two days of community
service leave each year.

PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems 21

Our Drive:
Sharing Points of View
Taking our leadership position
in the marketplace seriously
Our thought leadership - the means by which we articulate our distinctive points of view on major business
and emerging trends. Below are several recent PwC Indonesia publications which explore some of these

Visit to download or order hard 1 2

copies of reports
1. Indonesian Pocket Tax Book
2. Indonesia Banking Survey Report
Our Drive: Sharing Points of View

3. Mining in Indonesia: Investment and Taxation

4. Oil & Gas in Indonesia: Investment and Taxation
5. An Investor Survey of the Indonesian Oil & Gas 3 4 5
6. Power in Indonesia: Investment and Taxation
7. APEC CEO Survey
8. PSAK Pocket Guide
9. A Practical Guide to the New Indonesian Financial
Accounting Standards
10. Sustainability & Climate Change – Long term
thinking. Short term action 6 7 8
11. Indonesian Infrastructure - Stable foundations for PwC’s 2016 APEC CEO Survey

growth Thriving in a
slow-growth world

12. Indonesian Insurance Survey Report

9 10 11
Indonesian Infrastructure
Stable foundations for growth

The second edition of PwC’s annual Indonesian infrastructure report.


22 PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems

Our Thought Leaders
Thought leaders are people who combine warmth, humanity and passion with technical expertise -
bringing the head and the heart together in their approach. They set direction and provide guidance
born of years of experience in professional services.

Irhoan Tanudiredja
Territory Senior Partner
[email protected]

Ade Elimin Andry D Atmadja Angelique Daryanto Brad Peake
Partner Partner Partner Technical Advisor
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Buntoro Rianto Chrisna Wardhana Daniel Kohar David Wake

Our Thought Leaders

Partner Partner Partner Technical Advisor
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Djohan Pinnarwan Eddy Rintis Gopinath Menon Jasmin Maranan

Partner Partner Technical Advisor Technical Advisor
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Jumadi Anggana Jusuf Wibisana Kees Poelman Lok Budianto

Partner Partner Technical Advisor Partner
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Lucy Suhenda Nita Ruslim Sacha Winzenried Samuel Ong

Partner Partner Technical Advisor Technical Advisor
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Subianto Toto Harsono Yanto Kamarudin Yuliana Sudjonno

Partner Partner Partner Partner
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Yusron Fauzan
[email protected]

PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems 23

Our Thought Leaders

Abdullah Azis Adi Pratikto Ali Widodo Anton Manik
Partner Partner Partner Partner
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Antonius Sanyojaya Ay Tjhing Phan Brian Arnold Engeline Siagian

Partner Partner Technical Advisor Partner
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Hendra Lie Laksmi Djuwita Margie Margaret Peter Hohtoulas

Partner Partner Partner Technical Advisor
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Ryuji Sugawara Suyanti Halim Tim Watson Turino Suyatman

Technical Advisor Partner Technical Advisor Partner
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Our Thought Leaders

Agung Wiryawan Joshua R Wahyudi Julian Smith Michael Goenawan
Partner Partner Technical Advisor Partner
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Mirza Diran Sharly Rungkat Triono Soedirdjo

Partner Partner Partner
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Chairil Tarunajaya Lenita Tobing Malcolm Foo Marina Tusin
Partner Partner Technical Advisor Partner
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Pieter van de Mheen

Technical Advisor
[email protected]

24 PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems

Our Thought Leaders
Melli Darsa Kusumohadiani Indra Allen Nasution Danar Respati Sunartoputra
Partner Junior Partner Junior Partner Junior Partner
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Robertus Kusuma Perdana Arning Saputro Nurul Setyorini Manarihon SM Ondi

Adinugraha Junior Partner Junior Partner Panggabean
Junior Partner [email protected] [email protected] Senior of Counsel
[email protected] [email protected]

Vindy Olyvia Michael H. Giovanni

Managing Associate Managing Associate
[email protected] [email protected]

Other Contacts

Other Contacts
Japan Business Desk (JBD)

Ade Elimin Ryuji Sugawara Shunsuke Wariishi

Japanese Business Leader Technical Advisor Technical Advisor
[email protected] Japanese Business Japanese Business
[email protected] [email protected]

Korea Business Desk (KBD)

Lok Budianto Taehun Jung Seung Chan Park

Korean Business Leader Technical Advisor Technical Advisor
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

China Business Desk (CBD) Capital Projects &

Infrastructure (CP&I)
Toto Harsono Ding Tian
China Business Leader Technical Advisor
[email protected] [email protected]

Entrepreneurial & Private Clients (EPC)

Michael Goenawan
[email protected]

Capital Projects & Infrastructure (CP&I)

Julian Smith
[email protected]

Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services (CMAAS)

Jumadi Anggana Jasmin Maranan

Leader Technical Advisor
[email protected] [email protected]

Actuarial Services

David Wake Pavel Kostyuchenko

Leader Technical Advisor
[email protected] [email protected]

PwC Indonesia | Build trust in society and solve important problems 25

PwC Indonesia
Plaza 89 Pakuwon Center
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-7 No.6 Tunjungan Plaza 5
Jakarta 12940 - INDONESIA 22nd Floor, Unit 05
P.O. Box 2473 JKP 10001 Jl. Embong Malang No. 1, 3 & 5
Telp: +62 21 5212901 Surabaya 60261 - INDONESIA
Fax: +62 21 5290 5555/5290 5050 Telp: +62 31 992 45759

PwC Indonesia is comprised of KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan, PT Prima Wahana Caraka,
PT PricewaterhouseCoopers Indonesia Advisory, PT PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting Indonesia, and Melli Darsa & Co., Advocates and
Legal Consultants, each of which is a separate legal entity and all of which together constitute the Indonesian member firm of the PwC global
network, which is collectively referred to as PwC Indonesia.

© 2018 PwC. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal
entity. Please see for further details.

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