Scizophrenia NCP1
Scizophrenia NCP1
Scizophrenia NCP1
Nursing Diagnosis
Related Factors
Here are the common related factors for impaired verbal communication that can be as
your “related to” in your schizophrenia nursing diagnosis statement:
Altered Perceptions.
Biochemical alterations in the brain of certain neurotransmitters.
Psychological barriers (lack of stimuli).
Side effects of medication.
Defining Characteristics
The commonly used subjective and objective data or nursing assessment cues (signs and
symptoms) that could serve as your “as evidenced by” for this care plan:
In this section are the nursing actions or interventions and their rationale or scientific
explanation for impaired verbal communication (nursing diagnosis for schizophrenia):
Use clear or simple words, and keep directions Client might have difficulty processing
simple as well. even simple sentences.
Focus on and direct client’s attention to concrete Helps draw focus away from delusions
things in the environment. and focus on reality-based things.
Nursing Diagnosis
Related Factors
Here are the common related factors for impaired social interaction that can be as your
“related to” in your schizophrenia nursing diagnosis statement:
Defining Characteristics
The commonly used subjective and objective data or nursing assessment cues (signs and
symptoms) that could serve as your “as evidenced by” for this nursing care plan for
Appears upset, agitated, or anxious when others come too close in contact or try
to engage him/her in an activity
Dysfunctional interaction with others/peers
Inappropriate emotional response
Observed use of unsuccessful social interactions behaviors
Spends time alone by self
Unable to make eye contact, or initiate or respond to social advances of others
Verbalized or observed discomfort in social situations
Desired Outcomes
Expected outcomes or patient goals for impaired social interaction nursing diagnosis:
Patient will attend one structured group activity within 5-7 days.
Patient will seek out supportive social contacts.
Patient will improve social interaction with family, friends, and neighbors.
Patient will use appropriate social skills in interactions.
Patient will engage in one activity with a nurse by the end of the day.
Patient will maintain an interaction with another client while doing an activity
(e.g., simple board game, drawing).
Patient will demonstrate interest to start coping skills training when ready for
Patient will engage in one or two activities with minimal encouragement from
nurse or family members.
Patient will state that he or she is comfortable in at least three structured
activities that are goal directed.
Patient will use appropriate skills to initiate and maintain an interaction.
In this section are the nursing actions or interventions and their rationale or scientific
explanation for impaired social interaction (nursing diagnosis for schizophrenia):
Try to incorporate the strengths and interests the client Increase likelihood of client’s
had when not as impaired into the activities planned. participation and enjoyment.
Teach client to remove himself briefly when feeling
Teach client skills in dealing with
agitated and work on some anxiety relief exercise
anxiety and increasing a sense of
(e.g., meditations,rhytmic exercise, deep breathing
Nursing Diagnosis
Related Factors
Here are the common related factors for disturbed sensory perception that can be as your
“related to” in your schizophrenia nursing diagnosis statement:
Defining Characteristics
The commonly used subjective and objective data or nursing assessment cues (signs and
symptoms) that could serve as your “as evidenced by” for this nursing care plan for
Desired Outcomes
Expected outcomes or patient goals for disturbed sensory perception nursing diagnosis:
In this section are the nursing actions or interventions and their rationale or scientific
explanation for the disturbed sensory perception (nursing diagnosis for schizophrenia):
Stay with clients when they are starting to The client can sometimes learn to push
hallucinate, and direct them to tell the “voices voices aside when given repeated
they hear” to go away. Repeat often in a matter- instructions. especially within the
of-fact manner. framework of a trusting relationship.
Decrease environmental stimuli when possible Decrease the potential for anxiety that might
(low noise, minimal activity). trigger hallucinations. Helps calm client.