Le Roi Soleil Deluxe

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by Des Darkin

Photos reproduced by kind permission of Joe Dever and the Author

Le Roi Soleil is not a new set of rules but an expansion of For simplicity these new troop types are based on the
the Impetus rules set. Le Roi Soleil covers the wars original Impetus troop types.
spanning 1690-1740. To use this expansion you will need a
copy of Impetus rules. MOUNTED TROOPS

Le Roi Soleil is a Grand Tactical game, where a Unit
represents a Brigade (or an equivalent force). An artillery
Unit represents 12 to 24 guns. It is recommended that
players have at least ten Units per side to get a feeling for
the large battles of the period.

Heavy Cavalry (CP)

Cavalry like Cuirassiers They must pursue if they win a
melee unless they pass a Discipline Test.
Dragoons (CM) All other heavy cavalry. Split into two
Shock Tactic Nations 9 Sweden, Britain, Prussia, United
Provinces, Denmark
Non 9 Shock Nations 9 all others.
3) BASING TROOPS Note: In this period their were two main tactics used by cavalry  a)
Base your troops like Impetus, but possibly with more depth. charge home, b)advance and discharge pistols, and then close (not
Square bases (eg 8x8cm) for 15mm) are perfect, but any charge). The British, Dutch and Swedes used a), while the French
another similar system will not affect the game (for example and other nations never really made up their minds until after 1720(s.
8x6cm). Artillery must be based 40x40mm for 15mm,
60x60mm for 28mm and 30x30mm for 6mm and 10mm. Light Cavalry (CL)
With 6mm you can use 40x40 bases for Foot and Cavalry Cavalry used for scouting and screening, like, Hussars,
and 20x20 for artillery. Army Commanders based as Artillery Lancers, Cossacks.
(less deep if preferred).
1.0 Weather
After terrain has been placed according to rules players
must roll 2d6 (one each) on the Weather Table.
Weather Table
Roll Result
11-12 Heat
7-10 Good weather
5-6 After rain
3-4 Rain
1-2 Heavy rain, snow, storm
FOOT Heat. Apply a -1 to all Discipline Test required for moving
Infantry (FP) more than 1 phase.
There is only one type of regular infantry in this game: close Good weather. Play normally.
order foot. After rain. Terrain is soaked. Apply a -1 to all Discipline
Dismounted Dragoons (FL) Test required for moving more than 1 phase. Also apply a
Used for scouting, skirmishing and harassing. -1 to artillery fire over 5U (cannister range).
Rain. As above. Also apply a -2 to all fire (not to Artillery
ARTILLERY firing at cannister range).
Foot Artillery (F-Art) Heavy rain... As above. also halve all Command Radius
Can be Heavy (Art A) 9-12lbs; Medium (Art B) 6-lbs or Light (Command Structure).
(Art C) 3-4lbs. Battalion Guns are included in the VBU of
units. Artillery doesn't fire if in Disorder (silenced) or is
outside Command Radius (see Command Structure).
Horse Artillery (H-Art)
This is same as Foot Artillery, though using only light guns,
but with better movement / manoeuvre capabilities.
Note:Typically, artillery is representational of the artillery usually
deployed by each side and represents a combination of units.
Battalion Guns
These are not represented on the Firing table, rather these
are part of a units base VBU.
2.0 Commands and Leaders There are 4 Command Structure in Le Roi Soleil
In Le Roi Soleil an Army is made of a number of Commands. Grade Army CO Wing CO Point
In this period, this is usually confined to an Army Command, Radius Radius cost
and two Wing Commands. There is no limit to the number of Excellent 80 30 30
units in each Command unless stated in the scenario. All Good 60 30 30
Units must be grouped into Commands Average 40 20 15
There are three kinds of Leaders: Army Commander, Wing Poor 30 15 0
Commander and Brigade Commander. An Army may have The first number is the radius of the Army Commander,
up to two Wing commanders the second is additional radius for a Wing Commander.
Contrary to Impetus, in Le Roi Soleil Leaders are not usually So an Average Army commander with a poor Wing
included into Units. Commander, has a Command Radius of 55U.
Leaders can be moved up to 20U in any direction when their Commanders are not the same and their leadership skills
Command is activated. Army Commander can move when vary. Army Commanders and Corps Commanders can be:
any of the commands are activated. Leaders can always Grade Value Points cost
evade towards the closest friendly Unit whatever direction Genius 4 40
they are charged, ignoring routes that are blocked by enemy Expert 3 30
Units. A full move is not necessary. Leaders can not be Fair 2 20
targeted by fire. Apart from initiative their role is to keep the Poor 1 10
troops in radius. Incompetent 0 -10
Leaders can be attached to Units. In that case the Unit has
a benefit during Discipline Test and Cohesion Test as for
2.2 Importance of being within Command
Impetus. If a Leader is attached to a Unit in melee or that is
fired at, in case a 6 is rolled during a Cohesion Test the
If the Army Commander is out of radius of a Command,
attached Leader must roll again. A further roll of a 6 means
then he can attempt to Activate a Unit by passing a
the commander is dead and is removed from play.
Discipline Test.
Wing Commanders attached to a Unit, moves with the Units
If the Unit is activated by using a Discipline Test, the Unit
(even if they have already moved that turn) and their Radius
can move only 1 movement phase and they recover from
is halved.
disorder with a -1 modifier at the Discipline Test.
2.1 Command Structure and Leaders quality
- Artillery cannot move more than 1 movement phase and
An Army Commander may activate any Commands in the it recovers from disorder with a -1 modifier at the
Army, as long as they are in Command Radius Discipline Test.
The radius of an Army Commander can be increased by the
use of a Wing Commander.
If the Discipline Test is not passed, the unit in the may not 4.2 Disengage
move, change face or try to rally. Only Opportunity Fire is All Cavalry Units can disengage from Infantry melee or
allowed if a Unit is out of Command Radius. from Artillery melee. Cavalry Units can disengage from
2.3 Loss of a Commander other Cavalry after passing a Discipline test. Large units
Leaders can be killed or wounded only if attached to a Unit. may never Disengage. Disordered units may disengage
If a Leader is attached to a Unit in melee or that a Unit with a -1 adjustment to Discipline Test
which is fired at, in case a 6 is rolled during a Cohesion Test 4.3 Passage of Lines (POL)
the attached Leader must roll again. A further roll of a 6 It was common tactic in this period to replace worn infantry
means the commander is dead and is removed from play. units from the line with units in the rear. This tactic is
The Commander is replaced with a new Leader one turn termed passage of line.
later. The new Leader is ability is rolled for randomly. 1 9 If the player wishes to carry out a passage of lines the
Genius, 2-Good, 3-5 Average, 6 Poor. Unit that is to be replaced must not be in melee or in
entrenchment, village or town.
3.0 Initiative and activation The Unit must be within 5U of the unit that will replace it in
Initiative is by Army Commander. Roll only one die for the line. This Unit must be directly behind it.
initiative. If it is a draw the initiative goes to the player with The Unit to be withdrawn is placed immediately behind the
the best Army Commander and in case the draw is not other unit.
resolved to the player with the best Command Structure. If Both units now carry out a discipline test. If the unit testing
both have the same CS then roll again. is already Disordered, there is a -1 modifier. If the unit fails
the test it is Disordered. If the unit is already Disordered,
4.0 Movement there is no cumulative effect, leading to a loss of a VBU.
Fresh Units (not Disordered) can perform a side/oblique
movement without becoming disordered if at half speed. CL
can perform a side/oblique movement at full speed without
becoming disordered.
4.1 Evasions
All Cavalry units can evade if charged frontally. Also
limbered artillery can evade from a charge. Leaders
automatically evade to nearest friendly Unit.
Large units may not Evade.
Evasion from fire is not allowed.
5.0 Fire
In Le Roi Soleil there are three types of fire: Musket A WSS Platoon Fire (GB, Sweden, Dutch, Prussia)
Artillery Fire, Musket & Carbine Fire and Pistol Fire. Musket B Salvo Fire. Platoon Fire all other nations not listed
as Musket A.
Musket C Salvo Fire 1/3 pikes or GNW Platoon Fire with pikes,
good dragoons
Musket D Salvo Fire ½ pikes, poor dragoons

5.3 Pistol Fire

Many nations used the tactics of non-shock. Units (CM or
CL) would move towards an enemy unit and at close
range each rank would discharge their pistols. These units
would use this tactic to cause the cohesion of the target to
breakdown, and then close. These Units would have less
Impetus than those nations that preferred a true Shock
5.1 Artillery Fire tactic.
Artillery may fire as normal following the firing table. Artillery • Shock Tactic Nations 9 Sweden, Britain, Prussia,
can fire only if in Command Radius. Disordered artillery is United Provinces, Denmark
considered DsilencedE and cannot fire. Artillery (ART B and C) • Non 9 Shock Nations 9 all others.
can fire and move or move and fire as a normal unit, but Units that wish to use Shock, charge and use their
apply a -2 for each movement phase. Heavy artillery (ART A) pistols, it is treated the same as Pilum in Impetus, roll
may only move if in Command. If move and fire, apply a -4 one d6 and on a 6, a hit is achieved. The charging unit
for each movement phase. would get the Impetus bonus.
5.11 Counter-battery Fire For Units that use Nn-Shock, three d6 are rolled. However,
For an artillery unit to carry out counter-battery fire, it must the Unit will not get Impetus Bonus in the melee.
pass a Discipline test. All modifiers apply. Non-Shock or Shock cavalry units that receive a charge,
. stationery only roll 1 d6.
5.2 Musket and Carbine Fire -1 d6 if Unit is Disordered.
Musket fire is performed only by Infantry units.
In Le Roi Soleil, there are a number of different Musket In all cases, the defending Unit being charged (Cavalry,
types. These reflect the changing firepower of the musket infantry or Artillery) carries out itsG Opportunity Fire, or
and the different firing drills used over the period pistol fire FIRST. The charging unit, or contacting unit, rolls
for itsG pistols AFTER the effect of the defending units fire
is calculated. Therefore a Shock Cavalry Unit that is 5.32 Artillery Fire
disordered by Opportunity Fire or defenders pistol fire will Roll 1 d6 for the unit being contacted. Disordered Artillery
have no pistol roll (1 d6, -1 for disordered = 0 dice) may not fire
Example: Lumley(s Cavalry Brigade charges Comte de Zurlauben Brigade, Discipline Canister -Yes Canister - No
both are in good order with no losses). Lumley charges successfully and closes
with Zurlauben. Pistols are discharged  Lumley(s Brigade is English, and rolls
A 2-6 1
1 D6 (no effect) Zurlauben rolls 3 D6 and has two 1hits2. Lumley has to take a B 3-6 1,2
Cohesion test with usual range modifiers, but fails, taking 1 VBU loss and is C 5,6 1-4
Disordered. Lumley has lost a VBU, so CANNOT claim the Impetus Bonu as
he is no longer a fresh Unit.
5.3 Opportunity fire Weapon P.Blank Short Effective Long Extreme
5.31 Musket Fire Range 5U 10U 15U 30U 60U
Any Infantry Unit can fire at a Unit which contacts it through Musket A 5/6 3/4 0/1
normal movement or charging or through Pursuit, but only if Musket B 4/5 2/3 -1/0
frontal. Opportunity Fire is not permitted if the unit is Musket C 3/4 1/2 -2/-1
contacted in the flank or rear unless the unit is in a village. Musket D 2/3 0/1 -3/-2
Roll 1 d6 for the unit being contacted. Compare discipline to
the die roll. Result is range that firing is calculated from Weapon P.Blank Short Effective Long Extreme
Range 5U 10U 15U 30U 60U
Discipline 5U 10U 15U Art A 4 3 2 1 1
A 2-6 1 Art B 3 3 2 1 0
B 4,6 2,3 1 Art C 2 2 1 0 na
C 5,6 3,4 1,2 Art D 2 1 0 na na
-1 if disordered Modifiers
A modified result of zero means the fire was ineffective. -1 if Disordered Foot/Horse (NOTE: Disordered Artillery is
Note: This DrangeE represents not the physical range, but a Silenced)
combination of range, discipline and cohesion of the unit +2 if Artillery firing at Large target
being contacted. This will also determine the modifier on any +2 firing on the flank/rear (enfilade). Not cumulative with
Cohesion Test required. the previous modifier. Not applicable to targets in Villages
+2 VBU if first volley or firing canister (5U)
-2 Firing at Fortifications (Villages, houses and
entrenchments are treated the same s Fortifications in
All other modifiers in Impetus apply (reduction -1 per All troops are disordered if charged from rear/flank. No
movement phase etc.) other effects are applied.

6.0 Melee 7.0 Cohesion Tests

General rules as in Impetus are applied, with Apply the same rules of Impetus, but if the Army has a
the following exceptions. Wing commander, he can try one re-roll once per turn, as
6.1 Impetus bonus long as the unit is within his Command Radius.
Shock Cavalry have Impetus bonus. An Army is defeated when Units rout with a value of at
Non-Shock Cavalry have Impetus Bonus if they contact least 50% of its initial VDT. The route of the army is
Infantry or Artillery in the open. calculated at the end of the turn.
Infantry have Impetus Bonus if they charge other Infantry in
open terrain.
Infantry that charge infantry in villages, houses or
entrenchments receive no Impetus Bonus unless they are a
Large Unit.
6.2 Uphill
Cavalry uphill don't get any bonus in melee.
6.3 Artillery in melee
Artillery contacted in melee is not removed but fights.
Artillery may fire canister (see 5.32) if charged frontally.
6.4 Retreating after a melee
Mounted Troops that don't win a melee must retreat in
Disorder by 5U+1d6. 8.0 Discipline Tests
Infantry that lose a melee must retreat in Disorder. Infantry There are a number of additional times when a discipline
that are in a village, house or entrenchment may elect to not test is carried out
retreat, by passing a Discipline Test. Regardless of the
• Cavalry unit wishes to disengage from a melee
outcome, the infantry unit must take 1 additional VBU loss.
with Cavalry, or Infantry disengage from infantry.
6.5 Pursuing
• A CP unit wishes to NOT pursue.
CP must pursue if they win a melee, unless they pass a
Discipline Test.. Other troops can choose (provide they do • Passage of Lines
not have an Impetius=0). Foot Units can follow-up only if • Activate Unit out of Command Radius.
they win against a foot Unit. • Artillery wishes to carry out Counter-battery fire
6.6 Flank and Rear charges
In all Discipline tests, if the unit is out of Command Radius, capacity based on historical events, such as the village of
have an additional -1 modifier on the roll. Blenheim, which eventually held 16 French battalions in
the battle.
9.0 Large Units
All Cavalry may form large units 10.3 Villages & Fortifications and melee
Infantry may only form large Units as a formation to assault Units that defend a village can never be attached in the
a village, town or entrenchment Flank or Rear.
Units in fieldworks can be attacked in the Flank or Rear.
10.0 Villages, Towns and Entrenchments
11.0 Army Lists
Army Lists will be made available via the link and through
the Impetus Forum.

12.0 Questions and Answers

Please send any questions to me via the Impetus Forum. I
will do my best to answer them

Finally, thanks to Lorenzo Satori for supporting this

expansion set, to Joe Dever for his photos, and to two
Impetus Forum contibuters highlandbevan and Arcdukek
for their ideas and feedback.
In this period, the importance of buildings and
Des  June 2010
entrenchments increased dramatically.

10.1 Entrenchments
Entrenchments cost 5pts per base.
Cavalry may charge entrenchments but are automatically
Disordered. This Disorder occurs before any Opportunity Fire
or Melee.

10.2 Capacity of Villages

It is recommended that villages be only allowed a capacity of
one Unit. However, players may wish to increase this

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