Super Grammar 2. Teacher's Notes & Key - 2017 - 15p

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THE CONTENT OF SUPER GRAMMAR with regard to the form and use of the structure in
The Super Grammar Practice Book provides further question; go through the information in the Super
practice of the language introduced in the Super Minds Grammar box so that students are able to check it
Student Book. There are six pages in each unit and ten against what they themselves have said; set each
units in total. The first four pages in a unit feature the exercise in turn, setting a time limit for the completion
presentation and practice of grammar. The final two of the exercises if you find that this helps you control
pages feature reading and writing tasks which put that the pace of the lesson; do a speaking activity as an
grammar into context. additional means of practising the grammar.
Some of the exercises on the Super Grammar pages
THE TEACHER’S NOTES lend themselves more to pair or group work, while
The following notes offer a guide to the use of the others will best be done by a student working quietly
material. The notes on the Grammar pages offer by him or herself. When putting students into groups,
additional information on the structures featured and nominate one person in each group to be its leader,
include two speaking activities, which give students a or captain, whose job it becomes to ensure that the
chance to practise the grammar off the page. The notes exercise is completed on time.
to the Reading and Writing pages offer background Keep the students on their toes by varying your
information on key vocabulary, text types and subject method of checking answers. You may want to do some
matter, suggestions as to how to set the activities up, help of the following: ask a student to come to the front of
with comprehension and ideas for speaking activities. the class to write the answers on the board; nominate a
student to be teacher, it then being that student’s job to
THE PARENT’S NOTES elicit answers from the rest of the class; ask the students
Parent’s Notes are also available. These have been for the answers out of sequence, i.e. in a six-item
created to allow parents to help their children to use exercise, start by asking for the answer to item 5, before
the Super Grammar Practice Book at home. They offer moving on to 3, 6, 2, etc.
more detailed help with the grammar, suggestions
as to how to exploit the exercises and ideas for extra USING THE READING PAGE
practice. The notes to the Reading and Writing pages The fifth page of each unit is the Reading page, which
offer background information on key vocabulary, text both contextualises the grammar and draws upon
types and subject matter, make suggestions as to how the vocabulary and themes of the relevant unit in
parents might guide their children through the tasks the Student’s Book. The Reading page features a text
and offer help with comprehension. accompanied by a comprehension activity. Texts include
postcards, emails, letters, stories, blogs, poems, adverts,
WAYS TO USE SUPER GRAMMAR factual descriptions, biographies and newspaper articles.
The Super Grammar Practice Book can be used either in You could introduce the Reading page by referring
class or at home. It is envisaged that teachers will use to either the type of text that is used, or the subject
the material in the following ways: matter of that text. Students could read the text quietly
to themselves or take turns to read it out to the class.
• As an extension to work done in class on a specific Alternatively, you could read it out to the class yourself.
grammar point.
Depending on the type and length of a text, you
• As support for students that need more practice. could also put students into groups of three, give each
• As homework. member of that group a different paragraph to read,
then ask the members to come back together to share
• As general revision after the completion of a unit of what they have read.
the Student’s Book.
Once students have completed the comprehension
• As an assessment of progress after the completion of exercise and you have checked the answers to it with
a unit of the Student’s Book. them, you may want to ask your own questions about
particular aspects of language or theme.
The first four pages of each unit are the Super Grammar USING THE WRITING PAGE
pages, which present and practise the two grammar points The sixth page of each unit is the Writing page. This
from the relevant unit of the Student’s Book. The exercises features a pre-writing task, and a main writing task
follow a progression from simple to more difficult, often with space to write on the page.
moving from a recognition of forms to free practice.
Once students have completed the pre-writing task
You may want to take the following general and you have checked the answers to it with them,
approach when using these pages: write the grammar focus on the type of text that students will have to
structure on the board; elicit ideas from the students produce for the main writing task.

Refer students back to the text on the Reading page as
it provides a model for students to follow when writing
their own text. Elicit as much as you can about the type of READING: A poem
text that students will have to write. As writing is a complex A NOTE ON VOCABULARY
skill, and one about which students can feel nervous and Although poems do not have to rhyme, reading simple
unsure, support students when they are planning their poems with rhymes is a good introduction to poetry in
ideas and help with any vocabulary as required. another language. Introduce your students to the idea
of rhyme (words which have the same sound such as

STARTER UNIT cat, catch, hat, mat, rat and carrot) and explain that
rhymes in poems usually come at the end of a line. E.g.
I’ve got a cat, He’s small and black. He can jump and

Back to school swim, But he can’t sing.


Ask students if they know any simple poems in their
PAGES 4 AND 5 language. If they do, you and the class could translate
SUPER GRAMMAR: There’s / There are these poems into English. If you choose to do this, write
We use there’s / there are to talk about what we can the translated poem(s) on the board for students to
see, e.g. there are lots of flowers in my garden. copy into their notebooks.


Students sometimes confuse there’s / there are with it or Once students have read the poem and completed the
they. We use there’s / there are to talk about what we comprehension exercise, ask: What is the poem about?
can see. We use it or they to say more about what we can (Possible answers: someone’s desk; someone’s untidy
see, e.g. There’s an apple on the desk. It’s red and green. desk; an untidy classroom and desk.)
There are some dolls on the bed. They are big and small.
In informal spoken and written English, we often
use there’s with plural nouns rather than there are,
e.g. there’s some bags on the table. However, students Elicit some words that rhyme (e.g. you, new, do or
should avoid using there’s in this way. me, see, bee) and write a short rhyming poem with
the class.

Students work alone to draw a picture of their PAGE 9
bedroom. They then show their picture to a WRITING: Write a poem about your desk
partner, who describes what he or she can see
using there’s / there are.
Elicit the sort of things that people usually have on
their desks, e.g. pens, books, pencils, pencil cases. Elicit
PAGES 6 AND 7 ideas for unusual or funny items (like the sausage).
If possible, organise the vocabulary on the board in
SUPER GRAMMAR: Imperatives
groups of rhyming words (bag, rat, hat; bike, kite,
We use imperatives to give instructions to people, e.g. Sit spider; cheese, peas).
down. For that reason, they are often used by parents,
teachers or other people in positions of authority. HELPING STUDENTS WITH THE WRITING ACTIVITY
Explain that poems have ‘rhythm’ (a regular pattern of
beats). Demonstrate this idea by banging the table in a
Imperatives are simple in English. We use sit down / regular rhythm. While you are beating the rhythm out
don’t sit down whether we are talking to one person or on the table, read out the poem from the Reading page.
to five people. However, if we are giving an instruction
Encourage students to think about the rhythm of
to more than one person, we sometimes add the word
their poem. They can do this by reading out what they
everyone to the phrase, e.g. Be quiet, everyone. Stand
have written: Does it flow? Does it flow better if they
up, everyone.
put the words in a different order?

Students work in small groups of three or four. SPEAKING ACTIVITY
Students in each group take it in turns to be the Write the following question on the board: What
captain. The captain has to give instructions to the rest is on your desk at school? Students work in pairs to
of the students in their group, e.g. stand up, open your ask and answer the question, using there’s / there
books, put your pens in your pencil case. are in their answers.

1 My day
diary of events or offers commentary on subjects that
interest them. The style is usually informal. Text written
in the form of a blog is either called a ‘post’ or an ‘entry’.
Someone who writes a blog is called a ‘blogger’.
We use What’s the time? to ask someone what the time Ask students to define ‘blog’. If necessary, help them
is. We answer by saying, It’s … o’clock, e.g. What’s the with a definition (a blog is a website about particular
time? It’s nine o’clock. We use What time do you …? events or subjects which is updated regularly). Elicit
to ask someone about what time they do a particular information that is usually included in a blog post, e.g.
activity. E.g. What time do you go to bed? the time, date, a title for the entry. Then ask: Do you
write a blog or read other people’s blogs?
O’clock is an abbreviation of of the clock. Of the clock
was once used, but is no longer in use. Once students have read the blog and completed the
comprehension exercise, ask: Does Mum have a busy
In informal spoken and written English, we don’t
day? Why? (Possible answers: She does lots of things;
always use o’clock, e.g. we might say It’s ten rather than
she works, helps the children, cooks.)
It’s ten o’clock.

SPEAKING ACTIVITY Encourage students to set up their own blog, or set
In pairs, students draw clocks showing particular
one up together as a class, using one of the many
times. They show the clocks to each other and ask:
free services available online. Students could use
What time is it?
their blog as a diary of their language learning.


SUPER GRAMMAR: Present simple, 3rd person
WRITING: Write a blog entry about your mum or
We use the present simple to talk about routine actions, dad
i.e. the things we do all the time. We use the present
simple 3rd person to talk about the things other people A WAY TO INTRODUCE THE WRITING PAGE
do, e.g. My brother plays tennis on Sunday mornings.
Tell the class about your own daily routine, using
the key vocabulary from the unit, e.g. get up, have
breakfast, etc. Alternatively, students could ask you
Draw students’ attention to the spelling changes what time you do certain things in your day, e.g. What
in some common verbs in the present simple 3rd person, time do you have dinner?
e.g. go – goes; do – does; fly – flies; brush – brushes.
SPEAKING ACTIVITY Elicit the common word we use to describe a sequence
of actions (then, which can be seen near the beginning
Put students into pairs to talk about the daily routine
of Suzy’s blog) and put it up on the board. You could
of a family member or friend. Students can do this
also elicit phrases used to describe different parts of the
by asking each other questions, e.g. What time does
day: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening,
your sister get up? What does she have for breakfast?
at night. Encourage students to use this vocabulary in
What time does she go to school? What time does she
their blog entry.
have lunch?


Put students into pairs. Ask them to talk about the
READING: A blog entry daily routines of their parents. Students should ask
questions such as: What time does your mum get
A NOTE ON VOCABULARY up? What time does she have lunch? Encourage
The word ‘blog’ is a combination of ‘web’ and ‘log’. A log students to answer in full sentences, e.g. She gets
is a kind of record, often about a journey made by boat or up at seven o’clock. She has lunch at one o’clock.
plane. ‘Web’ is a short word for world wide web. A blog
is a website or web page in which an individual keeps a

2 The zoo
Ask students some questions to get them thinking
about zoos, e.g. Do you like going to the zoo? What
animals can you see at the zoo (and where do they
PAGES 16 AND 17 come from)? What’s your favourite zoo animal? Why?
SUPER GRAMMAR: Likes / Doesn’t like Tell students they are going to read an article on
We use likes / doesn’t like to talk about other people’s a web page about a hippopotamus. Elicit everything
preferences, e.g. Tom likes football, but he doesn’t like students know about the animal.
EXTENDING THE GRAMMAR Once students have read the web page and completed
Students can make more emphatic statements by using the comprehension exercise, ask: Why do hippos and
the adverb really, e.g. Aldona really likes music. They other animals live in zoos? (Possible answers: [you may
can also use the adverbial phrase very much, e.g. Maria need to use the students’ first language at this point] to
likes films very much. Really is more commonly used in protect them from hunters in the wild; so that people
informal spoken and written English. can study and learn about them.)
We use the gerund after the verb like, e.g. Juan likes
singing. (There is one example of this in the grammar
exercises: see item 4 in Exercise 3 on page 19).
Ask students to find out as much as they can about
hippos. They can use the school library or the Internet
SPEAKING ACTIVITY to do this. Tell students to write a brief description of
Students work alone. They write down five sentences the animal (where it lives, its size, what it eats, how
describing things that members of their family like it moves, etc.) and to either draw a picture or find
or don’t like. e.g. My brother likes homework. Two of a photograph of it. Students either make a poster
the sentences must be false. In pairs, students take displaying the information they have found or make
it in turns to guess which of their partner’s sentences notes in their notebooks.
are false.
PAGES 18 AND 19 WRITING: Write a web page about a tiger
SUPER GRAMMAR: Does … like …?
We use Does … like …? to ask about someone’s
preferences, e.g. Does your sister like chocolate? We can Elicit everything students know about tigers. Try to elicit
also use Does + verb to ask about other things people the following information: Tigers are big cats. They
do, e.g. Does your mum work in a school? have stripes. They live in Asia. They search for food on
their own at night. They are carnivores (animals that
EXTENDING THE GRAMMAR eat meat). They like water. They are endangered.

In informal spoken and written English we do not

always use a full short answer, e.g. we often say yes or
yeah (pronounced /je@/) rather than yes, he does or no, The notes in Exercise 1 are a guide to help students
rather than no, she doesn’t. write a basic text about a tiger. However, students can
add other information to their descriptions. Encourage
students to use their imagination. For example, they
SPEAKING ACTIVITY could write about where in India Terry lives, when Terry
In pairs, students ask and answer questions about sleeps and whether he has a friend.
what members of their respective families like, e.g.
Does your dad like peas?
Students work alone. They invent an animal, give it
PAGE 20 a name, and draw a picture of it. Their partner then
asks them Yes/No questions about this animal, e.g.
READING: A web page
Does it live in trees? Is it big? Is it dangerous? Does it
eat leaves and grass? Can it run? Does it like water?
The word ‘hippopotamus’ means ‘river horse’. Hippos
are found in Africa. They are mammals. They live for up
to forty years. They are herbivores (animals that feed
on plants). They spend up to two – thirds of the day in
rivers and lakes.

3 Where PAGE 26
READING: A letter


Ask students if they ever write letters, and if so, to
whom, e.g. to friends in other countries (sometimes
PAGES 22 AND 23 called penfriends).
SUPER GRAMMAR: Has … got … ?
We use Has … got … ? to talk about possessions, e.g.
Have you got a piano? We also use it to talk about Once students have read the letter and completed
what places have. E.g. Has your town got a cinema? the comprehension exercise, ask: Does Freddie have a
busy weekend? Why? (Possible answers: Yes, he is very
busy at the weekend. He swims, goes to a café, plays
football and sometimes goes to the cinema.)
We can also use Do/does … have … ? to talk about
possessions and the things that places have, e.g. Do you
have a cat? Does your town have a cinema? This is more EXTENSION ACTIVITY
common in American English than in British English. If students do not have English-speaking penfriends,
encourage them to look for one. They could either
do this through their school or look online with their
SPEAKING ACTIVITY parents for organisations that arrange meetings
Students work alone. They write down five questions between young people who would like to write to
with has … got … ? These questions could be about each other.
family members or places, e.g. Has your sister got a
computer? Has your town got a park? In pairs, students
take it in turns to ask and answer their questions. PAGE 27
WRITING: Write a letter about your favourite days
and where you go in your town
We use prepositions to talk about where things and Elicit examples of places in a town. Do this by describing
places are, e.g. The theatre is next to the library. The different places using your own town as an example,
books are on the shelf. Words and phrases such as e.g. it’s next to the book shop; you can play football in this
between, behind, in front of, next to, on, in and under place. Write the names of the places on the board. You
are often called ‘prepositions of place’. may want to add a competitive element to this by putting
students into small groups, nominating a captain for each
EXTENDING THE GRAMMAR group, and asking captains to put their hand up each time
Prepositions are words that usually come before a that person’s group thinks it knows the answer. Groups can
noun or pronoun. They connect that noun or pronoun be given a point for each correct answer, the winning group
to another word in the sentence, e.g. in the sentence, being the one with the most points at the end of the game.
The shop is near the park, the preposition ‘near’ comes
before the noun ‘park’, connecting the latter word to HELPING STUDENTS WITH THE WRITING ACTIVITY
‘the shop’. Tell students to make notes before they begin writing.
Students should know what their favourite days are and
where they go in their town before they begin writing their
SPEAKING ACTIVITY letter to Freddie. Encourage students to make use of the
Students work alone. They draw a map of a grammar from the unit (Has … got … ? and prepositions).
town (this can be a part of their own town or an For example, they could write sentences such as: My town
imaginary one). On the map, they indicate certain has got two cinemas. I like going to the cinema next to the
places, e.g. a cinema, park, playground, toy shop, park. It’s great! Has your town got lots of cinemas, Freddie?
library, school, train station. Students then show
their map to a partner and ask a series of questions,
e.g. Where is the cinema? Where is the playground? SPEAKING ACTIVITY
Their partner replies, using a preposition of place, Students work alone. They draw a simple plan of a
e.g. The cinema is next to the café. The playground town. In pairs, students dictate the details of their
is in front of the school. picture to their partner, e.g. The park is big. There’s a
playground in the park. Students swap roles and when
each of them has completed their picture dictation, they
compare the pictures to see how accurate they were.

4 The market
Ask one or two students to tell you the name of their
favourite dish. Then ask: Do you know the recipe for
that dish? Write recipe on the board and elicit its
PAGES 28 AND 29 meaning. You could then ask students if they know how
SUPER GRAMMAR: Would you like … ? to make pancakes. You could also ask them what the
We use Would you like … ? to ask someone if they want ‘pan’ in ‘pancakes’ refers to. (Answer: a metal container
something. It is a more formal way of asking Do you used to cook food.) Point out the picture of the frying
want … ? and is therefore used whenever we need to pan at the top of page 32.
be particularly polite, e.g. either when talking to people
we don’t know well, or when talking to people who are UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT
older than us. Once students have read the recipe and completed the
comprehension exercise, ask: What kind of verb is used
EXTENDING THE GRAMMAR in a recipe? Elicit the answer: imperatives. Ask: Why are
Students often confuse Would you like … ? with Do imperatives used in a recipe? (Answer: because a recipe
you like … ? You can test students’ understanding of is a set of instructions and we use imperatives to give
the difference between the two questions by asking instructions to people.)
individual students to respond to certain questions,
e.g. Would you like a glass of orange juice? Do you
like orange juice? Students should respond to the first
question with Yes, please or No, thank you; they should Encourage students to find a recipe in English for
respond to the second question with Yes, I do or a dish they like. They could then try following this
No, I don’t. recipe (in English of course) at home in order to
make the dish in question.

Students can work in pairs to role play conversations
between a parent and a child, similar to the one WRITING: Write a recipe for baking a cake
in Exercise 2 on page 29. Students can do two
conversations, taking a different role each time. A WAY TO INTRODUCE THE WRITING PAGE
Write the word cake on the board. Elicit any types of
cake that students know the English expression for, e.g.
PAGES 30 AND 31 chocolate cake, carrot cake. Point out that ‘bake’ means
SUPER GRAMMAR: Are there / Is there any … ? ‘to cook with heat in an oven’.
We use Are there / Is there any … ? to ask questions
about what someone can see, e.g. Is there any water in HELPING STUDENTS WITH THE WRITING ACTIVITY
the fridge? Ask: How can we write a good recipe? (Elicit the answer:
Write something that is easy to follow and which gives
EXTENDING THE GRAMMAR you all the information you need.) Tell students to
An alternative to Are there / Is there any … ? is Have think about the different steps in the recipe and how
you/we got any … ? E.g. Have you/we got any water in one must follow another in a logical sequence, e.g. you
the fridge? This is used by people who know each other can’t put the cake in the oven before you’ve mixed the
very well. ingredients together!


Students can work in pairs to role play conversations Students take it in turns to tell each other the recipe
similar to the one in Exercise 2 on page 31. Students can for a dish that they like. Some students may know
do two conversations, taking a different role each time. several recipes and find this activity easy; others
may not know any and therefore find it difficult.
If a student doesn’t know a recipe, encourage them
PAGE 32 to describe something very simple such as making
toast, e.g. cut the bread, put the bread in the
READING: A recipe
toaster, turn the toaster on.
A recipe /ˈrɛsɪpi/ is a set of instructions for preparing
a particular dish. Recipes usually include the list of
ingredients in the order that they will be used. A dish is a
plate of food, e.g. sausage and potatoes, or pancakes.

5 My bedroom
wall, green and blue walls; Ben’s: a boat, a tree, toys.)
Which is your favourite bedroom?


PAGES 34 AND 35 Once students have read the web page article and
SUPER GRAMMAR: This, that, these, those completed the comprehension exercise, ask: What do
Alice and Ben think about their bedrooms? (Possible
We use this and these to talk about things that are near
answers: They like them. Alice likes books and she’s
to us. This is used with a singular noun, e.g. Do you like
got lots of them. Ben likes climbing trees and there is
this room? These is used with a plural noun, e.g. Do you
a picture of a tree on the wall in his bedroom.)
like these lamps? We use that and those to talk about
things that are far from us. That is used with a singular
noun, e.g. I like that tree. Those is used with a plural EXTENSION ACTIVITY
noun, e.g. I like those trees.
Give students some time to go online to look for ideas
for their own ideal bedroom.
This, that, these and those can also be used to refer to
people or animals, e.g. this dog, that boy, these girls, PAGE 39
those cats. WRITING: Write a web page article about your
In pairs, students stand up, walk around the
Elicit all the things usually found in children’s bedrooms,
classroom, point to different things, and ask each
e.g. bed, desk, chair, curtains, bookcases, posters,
other questions, e.g. Do you like that bag? Do you
lamps, toys, radio, computer, TV, clock.
like this cap? Do you like these pens? Do you like
those books? They can answer in the following ways:
Yes, I do; No, I don’t; It’s/They’re OK.
Elicit ways of beginning the article, e.g. by saying what
they feel about their bedroom, e.g. I love my bedroom;
PAGES 36 AND 37 by saying where their bedroom is, e.g. My bedroom is at
the front of our house; by describing their bedroom, e.g.
SUPER GRAMMAR: Whose … this / these?
I’m very lucky because my bedroom is very big!
We use Whose … this / these? to ask who particular
objects belong to. Whose … this? is used for singular
objects, e.g. Whose book is this? Whose … these? is used SPEAKING ACTIVITY
for plural objects, e.g. Whose bags are these? In pairs, students ask and answer questions about
their pictures in Exercise 2, e.g. Is your bedroom big?
EXTENDING THE GRAMMAR What this? What are these? What’s your favourite
A common alternative question to Whose … this / thing in your bedroom?
these? is Who does this/do these … belong to? E.g. Who
does this pencil case belong to? Students can use these
questions interchangeably.
6 People
In pairs, students pick up objects from the desk in PAGES 40 AND 41
front of them. They ask each other the following SUPER GRAMMAR: Am / Is / Are + adjective
questions: e.g. Whose …. is this? Whose … are We use Are + adjective to ask someone how they are
these? They can answer in the following ways: feeling, e.g. Are you tired? We use I’m + adjective to
It’s/They’re yours; It’s/They’re mine; I don’t know. describe how we are feeling, e.g. I’m angry.
Students can also walk around the classroom and
ask and answer about other people’s possessions, EXTENDING THE GRAMMAR
e.g. Whose … is this? It’s Paul’s.
We also use the verb feel to describe how we are
feeling. I feel tired and I’m tired are similar in meaning.
PAGE 38 However, we often use feel + adjective to describe how
we are feeling at one particular moment in time. To
READING: A web page make it more general we add all the time to the end of
the sentence, e.g. I feel tired all the time.
We use am / is / are + adjective to talk about how we
Ask students to look at the pictures. Ask: What can you are feeling at one particular moment in time, as well as
see in the bedrooms? (Possible answers: Alice’s: a climbing for a more general feeling.

If we think that someone isn’t feeling very well, it is invitation. The verb ‘invite’ is used in a sentence in the
common to ask them the following question: Are you following way: to invite someone to do something, e.g.
all right? I’d like to invite Katarina to my birthday party.


Ask: What information do we put on invitations to
In pairs, students can take it in turns to mime
parties? (Answer: where it is, when it is, what time it
emotions, e.g. tiredness, anger, happiness,
starts and finishes, what activities people will do, what
unhappiness, excitement, fear. Their partner tries to
food and drink there will be.)
guess the emotion. E.g. Are you tired/angry/happy/
sad/excited/scared? Make sure that students respond
to these questions with Yes, I am or No, I’m not.
Once students have read the invitations and completed
the comprehension exercise, ask: What is different
PAGES 42 AND 43 about the parties? (Answer: Katy’s party is in the park,
SUPER GRAMMAR: The months; our, their but Dan and Ruby’s party is at Dan’s house.)
We use our and their to talk about what more than one
person possesses. Our means belonging to us, whereas EXTENSION ACTIVITY
their means belonging to another group of people. We
Put students into small groups. Students think of an
use our and their to talk about lots of different things (our
answer to the following question: How can you make
books, their cars), including birthdays, e.g. Our birthdays
a fun invitation to a party? (Possible answers: use
are in December, but their birthdays are in June.
colourful cards, draw pictures; use capital letters for
some of the sentences; make a digital invitation using
music and animation.) Ask each group to report their
Students of English often confuse their with they’re when ideas to the class.
writing. You may want to put these words on the board
and ask students to tell you the difference between
them. Alternatively, you could put the following gapped PAGE 45
sentences on the board and ask students to complete
WRITING: Write an invitation
them with their and they’re: This is Tom and Jack.
happy because birthday is today. (Completed
sentence: They’re happy because their birthday is today.)
Elicit vocabulary connected to birthday parties,
e.g. balloons, cake, games, food, presents, friends.
Put students into two groups to organise the details of HELPING STUDENTS WITH THE WRITING ACTIVITY
a birthday party. Students choose the following: the Elicit ways of beginning an invitation, e.g. Please come
month the party is in; the day of the party; the time of to my birthday party! / I’d like to invite you to my
the party; the colour of the balloons. A student from birthday party. / I’m ten years old on Saturday. Remind
Group A then asks a student from Group B a question students to include all the important information
about their party, e.g. What day is your party? What (where, when and what time the party is, what
time does your party start? What colour are the activities and food there will be) and to make their
balloons for your party? The student who answers the invitation sound friendly.
question uses a possessive determiner, e.g. Our party
is in March. The person from Group A then says, e.g.
Their party is in March; ours is in March too. Or Their SPEAKING ACTIVITY
party is in March, but ours is in November. The activity Write My favourite birthday party on the board. In
continues in this way until all the questions have been pairs, students can describe their perfect birthday
asked. Make sure that the group that went second on party to each other, e.g. at my party we swim, dance,
the previous occasion, goes first the next time around. and listen to my favourite music.
If there are lots of students in your class, do this activity
in smaller groups rather than with the whole class.

PAGE 44 7 Off we go!

READING: An invitation
An ‘invitation’ is a formal written or spoken request We use I’d like to … to talk about wishes, i.e. things we
that someone does something or goes somewhere, hope will happen one day, e.g. I’d like to live in Canada.
e.g. an invitation to a birthday party, a wedding

We also use the verb want to talk about wishes. Although EXTENSION ACTIVITY
would like and want can be used interchangeably, the Put students into groups and ask them to think of the
use of want makes the speaker sound more assertive and best image to put on the front of a postcard from their
confident about the expression of their wish. Would like town or country. Students report back to the class,
can make it seem that the wish is more of a dream. Want saying why they chose their image.
makes the listener think that the speaker has a plan to
make their dream come true.
WRITING: Write a postcard
Students work alone. They write down five sentences A WAY TO INTRODUCE THE WRITING PAGE
describing their wishes. Three of the sentences must be
Put students into small groups. Set a one-minute time
false. In pairs, students take it in turns to guess which
limit for groups to think of activities we usually do on
of their partner’s sentences are false.
holidays. The group which comes up with the most
activities wins.
SUPER GRAMMAR: verb + ing
Remind students of the difference between I like and
We use the present continuous (verb + ing) to talk I’d like to. We use I like … to talk about things we
about actions that are happening at the moment of enjoy doing, e.g. I like swimming. We use I’d like to …
speaking, e.g. What are you doing, Jack? We also use it to talk about things we want to do one day, e.g. I’d
for things we are doing around this present moment in like to go fishing. Elicit ways of beginning a postcard
time, especially when the action is temporary, e.g. I’m from a holiday, e.g. I’m on holiday! Hello from (name
visting Grandma in Italy. of particular place)! I’m writing to you from (name of
particular place).
In some languages, the present simple can be used to
talk about actions that are happening at the moment SPEAKING ACTIVITY
of speaking. In English, we must use the present Write the following on the board: Where would you
continuous, e.g. we say I’m watching a TV programme like to go on holiday? Why? Give students a minute or
(at the moment) not I watch a TV programme. so to think of their answer. In pairs, students can ask
and answer the question.

In pairs, students can take it in turns to mime actions,
e.g. playing football, drawing a picture, making a
sandwich. Their partner tries to guess the action, e.g.
8 Sports club
Are you playing football/drawing a picture/making a
sandwich? Make sure that students respond to these PAGES 52 AND 53
questions with Yes, I am or No, I’m not. SUPER GRAMMAR: ing forms
We use verb + ing to talk about activities. We put the
word at the beginning of the sentence, e.g. Making
PAGE 50 pancakes is good fun.
READING: A postcard
A WAY TO INTRODUCE THE READING PAGE Running, in the sentence running is fun, is an example
Write postcard on the board. Ask: When do you write of a verb form which functions as a noun. This form,
a postcard? (on holiday), Who do you write them to? formed by adding ing to the end of a verb, is called the
(friends, other family members), What do you write on gerund. The gerund must be used at the beginning of
a postcard? (what you are doing on holiday, an address). the sentence when talking about activities, e.g. we say
running is fun not run is fun.
Once students have read the postcards and completed
the comprehension exercise, ask: Who is at home for SPEAKING ACTIVITY
the holiday and who is staying in another country? In pairs, students take it in turns to start sentences for
(Answers: Hugo is at home. Dan is staying with his their partner to complete, e.g. Doing homework is …,
grandmother in Italy.) You could then ask the students Eating pizza is …, Going on holiday is … .
to say which holiday they would like and why.

SUPER GRAMMAR: like + ing WRITING: Write a text message conversation
We use What … like doing? to ask someone what
activities they enjoy doing, e.g. What sport do you A WAY TO INTRODUCE THE WRITING PAGE
like doing? We use like + verb + ing to answer the Elicit or explain that ‘chatting’ refers to informal
question, e.g. I like playing volleyball. If we agree conversations had in real time online or in text
with an answer that someone gives, we say So do I or messages. Ask if students like doing this with
Me too. If we disagree with an answer that someone friends and how often they do it. You could also
gives, we say I don’t. ask students what they like the most about chatting
online or in texts.
We can also use the infinitive with to after like, HELPING STUDENTS WITH THE WRITING ACTIVITY
e.g. we can say I like to ride my bike. But we cannot Encourage students to think of the sort of chats
use the infinitive without to, e.g. we can’t say I like they usually have with their friends online or in text
ride my bike. messages. This will help them plan a conversation to
write about.

Students can work in pairs to role play conversations SPEAKING ACTIVITY
similar to the one in Exercise 2 on page 55. Students In pairs, students can tell each other about what they
use the conversation as a model and change words wrote. They can do this by asking and answering the
to make their own conversation. questions in Exercise 1 on page 57.

9 Holiday
READING: A text message


Point out that ‘text messages’ are often simply
called ‘texts’. Find out who students text, how
often and why.
Once students have read the text messages and We use Can I/we + verb to make requests, i.e. to ask
completed the comprehension exercise, ask: What someone politely for something, e.g. Can we go to the
are the friends talking about? (Answer: doing sports beach on Saturday?
and activities, e.g. football, tennis, swimming.) You
could then ask a series of specific questions, e.g. EXTENDING THE GRAMMAR
Who doesn’t like football? (Ben.) Whose favourite It is not necessary to use the word please when making
sport is football? (Sally.) Who is with his or her a request with can, but it can be used if the speaker
family? (Sally.) wants to make their question sound even more polite,
e.g. Can we go to the cinema tonight, please?

Write LOL on the board. Elicit or explain that it is SPEAKING ACTIVITY
a common abbreviation used in text messages Students can work in pairs to role play conversations
and that it stands for ‘laughing out loud’. If between a parent and a child, similar to the one in
necessary, use students’ first language to explain Exercise 2 on page 59. Students use the conversation
this. Put students into small groups and ask them as a model and change words to make their own
to invent their own abbreviations connected to conversation. Students can do two conversations,
the conversation seen in the text messages on taking a different role each time.
page 56, e.g. PFN (playing football now), CTTP
(come to the park).

SUPER GRAMMAR: Revision WRITING: Write the story of Sleeping Beauty
The focus here is on revision of different question
forms: Do/Does, Have got, Can, Where, Whose. A WAY TO INTRODUCE THE WRITING PAGE
Elicit examples of fairy tales, then write Sleeping Beauty
EXTENDING THE GRAMMAR on the board. Before students look at the information
See the notes to Unit 2 (the second grammar focus), on the Writing page, ask them what they know about
Unit 3 (the first grammar focus), Unit 5 (the second this famous fairy tale.
grammar focus) and Unit 9 (the first grammar focus)
for additional information about the question forms HELPING STUDENTS WITH THE WRITING ACTIVITY
revised in the second grammar focus of Unit 9. Point out that the sentences in Exercise 1 only provide
the plot of Sleeping Beauty. In order to write the
full story, students must make some changes to the
SPEAKING ACTIVITY sentences so that one links to another, e.g. Sentence
Put students into small groups of three or four. Write g in Exercise 1 starts ‘Sleeping Beauty is baby’ but the
questions on the board, but make sure that each story in Exercise 2 begins ‘When Sleeping Beauty is a
question you write is formed incorrectly, e.g. Do your baby’. Connecting sentences in this way is not an easy
brother like music? Can we going to the park this task. You may want to construct the story of Sleeping
afternoon? The first group to identify the mistake and Beauty with the class as a whole, guiding them
correct it (each group can nominate a captain to give through the story.
their group’s answers) wins a point. The team with the
most points at the end of the game wins.
PAGE 62 In pairs, students can tell each other about their
favourite fairy stories, e.g. My favourite fairy story is
READING: A story Little Red Riding Hood. I think it’s scary! If students
do not know any fairy stories, ask them to tell each
other about a story they have enjoyed reading or
Fairy tales (also called fairy stories) are short stories for talk about a film that they like that is based on a
children. They often feature imaginary creatures such fairy tale, e.g. Maleficent, Frozen, Tangled. They
as fairies, dragons and elves, as well as some element should say why they like it, e.g. I like it because it’s
of magic. Among the most famous are those collected funny/exciting/scary/sad.
by the Grimm brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm, for their
Children’s and Household Tales, a collection of German
stories published in 1812.


Ask students to define ‘fairy tale’. If necessary, help
them with a definition (a fairy tale is a short story for
children about imaginary creatures and magic). Elicit
characters that appear in fairy tales, e.g. princesses,
princes, witches, fairy godmothers. You could also elicit
phrases that are usually included in a fairy tale, e.g.
Once upon a time, They all lived happily ever after.


Once students have read the story and completed the
comprehension exercise, ask: Who helps Cinderella?
(Answer: her fairy godmother.) Then elicit or explain
that a fairy godmother is a character in a fairy tale who
uses magical powers to help the hero or heroine.

Famous examples of fairy tales include Little Red
Riding Hood, The Princess and the Pea, Rapunzel,
Rumpelstiltskin, The Little Mermaid and The Frog
Prince. Encourage students to find some of these
stories to read online, in a library or at school.

Level 2 Grammar Key
Starter Unit 1 My day 2 The zoo
Back to school [Page 10] [Page 16]
[Page 4] Exercise 1 Exercise 1
Exercise 1 2a, 3d, 4f, 5c, 6e 2 likes, 3  doesn’t like,  4 likes, 
5  doesn’t like,  6 likes
2  a clock,   3  a pencil,  4  a chair, [Page 11]
5  some apples,  6  some books
Exercise 2 [Page 17]
[Page 5] 2 at, 3 When, 4 o’clock, 5 do, 6 ten
Exercise 2
Exercise 2 Exercise 3
2 doesn’t, 3 likes, 4 likes, 5 like, 
2 are, 3 is, 4 is, 5 are, 6 is
2  I brush my teeth at seven o’clock.
Exercise 3
Exercise 3 3  I go to school at eight o’clock.
4  I have lunch at twelve o’clock. 2  likes cake,  3  doesn’t like peas, 
2  There is a,  3  There is a, 
5  I play in the park at 4 o’clock. 4  likes sausages,  5  doesn’t like apples,
4  There are some,  5  There is a, 
6  I go to bed at nine o’clock. 6  likes chicken
6  There are some,
[Page 12] [Page 18]
[Page 6]
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
Exercise 1
2a, 3f, 4b, 5c, 6e 2  No, he doesn’t.  3  No, she doesn’t. 
2 down, 3 up, 4 Close, 5  your ruler, 
4  Yes, she does  5  No, he doesn’t. 
6  open your [Page 13] 6  Yes, he does.
[Page 7] Exercise 2
[Page 19]
Exercise 2 2a, 3f, 4b, 5c, 6e
Exercise 2
2 open, 3 Pass, 4 up, 5 don’t,  Exercise 3 2 she, 3 walk, 4 doesn’t, 5 does, 6 he
6 down
2 leaves, 3 arrives, 4 has, 5 starts,
Exercise 3
Exercise 3 6  gets
2  Does Ben ride a bike to school?
2  Sit down.  3  Don’t open your book. [Page 14] Yes, he does.
4  Stand up.  5  Open your book.
Exercise 1 3  Does the zebra eat fruit?
6  Don’t stand up.
2  goes by bus,  3 work, 4  helps Suzy
No, it doesn’t.
[Page 8] with her work,  5  They have,  6 Mum 4  Does the hippo like swimming?
Yes, it does.
Exercise 1 [Page 15] 5  Does your cat sleep a lot?
Exercise 1 Yes, it does.
2 F, 3 F, 4 T, 5 T, 6 F
6  Does Tina go to bed at eight
[Page 9] Student’s own answers. o’clock? No, she doesn’t.
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 [Page 20]
Student’s own answers. Student’s own answers. Exercise 1
Exercise 2 2  Yes, he does.  3  No, he doesn’t.
He sleeps after lunch.  4  His favourite
Student’s own answers.
food is apples.  5  Yes, he can 
6  Yes, she does.

[Page 21]
Exercise 1
Student’s own answers.

Exercise 2
Student’s own answers.
3 Where we live 4 The market [Page 32]
Exercise 1
[Page 22] [Page 28]
2  There’s one egg.  3  No, there isn’t. 
Exercise 1 Exercise 1 4  Yes, there is.  5  No, there aren’t. 
2  Yes, he has.  3  No, he hasn’t.  2  an egg,  3  some cake,  6  Chocolate, fruit or lemon juice
4  Yes, he has.  5  No, he hasn’t.  4  some grapes,  5  an apple,  6 some
6  No, he hasn’t. mango,  7  some bread
[Page 33]
Exercise 1
[Page 23] [Page 29]
Student’s own answers.
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
2  Yes, it has.  3  Has Top Town got,  2 please, 3 Would, 4 some, 5 No, 
Exercise 2
4  No, it hasn’t.  5  Yes, it has.  6 a Student’s own answers.
6  Has Top Town got
Exercise 3
Exercise 3 2  Would you like, thank you,
5 My bedroom
2  Has your town got a shop? Yes, it 3  Would you like an, No,
has.  3  Has Anna got a dog? No, she 4  Would you like a lemon, please,
[Page 34]
hasn’t.  4  Has Tim got a go-kart? No, 5  Would you like a banana, Exercise 1
he hasn’t.  5  Has your town got a Yes, please, 2 these, 3 those, 4 that, 5 these, 
playground? Yes, it has.  6  Has your 6  Would you like a pear, 6 this
town got a hospital? No, it hasn’t. No, thank you
[Page 35]
[Page 24] [Page 30]
Exercise 2
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
2c, 3b, 4d, 5f, 6a
2 between, 3  in front of,  4 in,  2  Yes, there is.  3  Yes, there are. 
5 between, 6 under 4  No, there isn’t any.  5  Yes, there are. Exercise 3
6  No, there aren’t any. 2 these, 3 those, 4 that, 5 this, 
[Page 25]
[Page 31] 6 those
Exercise 2
2d, 3f, 4b, 5a, 6c
Exercise 2 [Page 36]
Mia Let’s make sandwiches for Exercise 1
Exercise 3 lunch. Is there any bread? 2 these, 3 mine, 4 yours, 5 Whose, 
2  in front of,  3  next to,  4  in front of,  Hugo Yes, there is. There’s white 6 Tom’s
5 behind, 6 between bread. Let’s look in the fridge.
Mia OK. Is there any chicken? [Page 37]
[Page 26]
Hugo No, there isn’t. Exercise 2
Exercise 1 Mia Are there any sausages?
2  swimming pool,  3  a sandwich,  2  It’s Fred’s.  3  It’s Fred’s.  4  It’s May’s. 
Hugo Yes, there are. There are two
4  his house,  5 is, 6 likes 5  They’re Fred’s.  6  They’re May’s.
[Page 27] Mia My favourite – a sausage Exercise 3
sandwich. Is there any cake?
Exercise 1 Hugo Yes, there is. There’s chocolate
2 mine, 3 yours, 4 ’s, 5 these, 
6 They’re
Student’s own answers. cake. Yummy!
[Page 38]
Exercise 2 Exercise 3
Exercise 1
Student’s own answers. 2  Is there any cake? 
3  Are there any lemons?  2 Ben’s, 3 Alice’s, 4  It’s Alice’s
4  Is there any cheese in the fridge?  bedroom.  5 Alice’s, 6  It’s Ben’s
5  Is there any bread in the basket?  bedroom.
6  Are there any apples in the fridge?
[Page 39] [Page 45] [Page 51]
Exercise 1 Exercise 1 Exercise 1
Student’s own answers. Student’s own answers. Student’s own answers.

Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Exercise 2

Student’s own answers. Student’s own answers. Student’s own answers.

6 People 7 Off we go! 8 Sports club

[Page 40] [Page 46] [Page 52]
Exercise 1 Exercise 1 Exercise 1
2 happy, 3 scared, 4 tired, 5 angry,  2 like, 3 I’d, 4 eat, 5  fly around,  2 Playing, 3 Making, 4 Riding, 
6 excited 6 to see 5 Reading, 6 Painting

[Page 41] [Page 47] [Page 53]

Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Exercise 2
2c, 3a, 4b, 5e, 6d 2  like to,  3  ’d like,  4  fly to,  5  to sail, 2 Dancing, 3 Swimming, 
6 drive 4  Playing tennis,  5  Playing football, 
Exercise 3 6  Playing hockey
2 scared, 3 happy, 4 angry, 
Exercise 3
5 excited, 6 sad 2  I’d like to fly a helicopter, 
Exercise 3
3  I’d like to ride a motorbike.  2 Dancing, 3 swimming, 4 boring,
[Page 42] 4  I’d like to sail a boat. 5 club, 6 Playing
Exercise 1 5  I’d like to ride a scooter.
6  I’d like to drive a lorry.
[Page 54]
2 December, 3 April, 4 July, 
Exercise 1
5 February, 6 May [Page 48]
2 d, 3 a, 4 b
[Page 43] Exercise 1
Exercise 2 2  ’s eating,  3  ’m getting,  4  ’s eating,
[Page 55]
2 His, 3 Her, 4 His, 5 Our, 6 My
5  ’s brushing,  6  ’m taking Exercise 2
Exercise 3 [Page 49] 2 don’t, 3 riding, 4  do I,  5 like, 6 too

2 My, 3 Her, 4 His, 5 Their, 6 Its
Exercise 2 Exercise 3
2  Are you playing football? 2  I like dancing. I don’t. 
[Page 44] 3  Is she riding a scooter? 3  I like riding my bike. Me too.
Exercise 1 4  What is she doing? 4  do you like doing, I like swimming.
5  Are you eating an ice cream?
2 July, 3  swim and play football,
6  Is he playing computer games?
[Page 56]
4  They are seven.  5  It’s at Dan’s
Exercise 1
house.  6  It’s at 45 West Road, near Exercise 3
the swimming pool. 2 likes, 3 likes, 4 tennis, 5 twenty,
2  ’s, ’s,  3  are you doing, ’m waiting
6  at the swimming pool
4  ’s playing,  5  What’s, She’s riding
6  What’s, He’s playing [Page 57]
[Page 50] Exercise 1
Exercise 1 Student’s own answers.

B swim, D ride a bike, D sail on a boat, Exercise 2

B look for shells, H skateboard, H play Student’s own answers.
football, B visit the beach, H climb
trees, H take photos
9 Holiday plans [Page 63]
Exercise 1
[Page 58]
2a, 3e, 4f, 5b, 6d, 7g, 8c
Exercise 1
2a, 3d, 4b, 5c, 6e
Exercise 2
Example answer:
[Page 59] When Sleeping Beauty is a baby, her
Exercise 2 parents have a birthday party for
2 Can, 3 visit, 4 help, 5 We, 6 have
her. They invite everyone from the
town and her fairy godmother. They
Exercise 3 don’t invite the wicked witch. She is
2  Can I visit Grandpa, 
angry and she comes to the party. She
3  Can I build a tree house, 
doesn’t give her a present. She says,
4  Can I have pizza, 
‘When Sleeping Beauty is sixteen, she
5  Can I go horse riding,
will prick her finger and die.’ When
6  Can we go swimming
Sleeping Beauty is sixteen, she finds a
spinning wheel. She pricks her finger
[Page 60] on the spinning wheel. She doesn’t die,
Exercise 1 she sleeps for 100 years. In this time,
a forest grows around the palace. A
2 Can, 3 Have, 4 Does, 5 Whose prince is riding his horse and he finds
[Page 61] the palace. He finds the princess and
wakes her up. Everyone in the palace
Exercise 2 wakes up too. Everyone is happy and
2  Whose socks are these? they all live happily ever after.
3  Can we go horse riding tomorrow?
4  Does your cat sleep a lot?
5  Where is the toy shop?
6  Has your town got a cinema?

Exercise 3
2  Has your town got  3  Do you like 
4  Where are  5  Whose, is this 
6  Have we got

[Page 62]
Exercise 1
2f 3a 4b 5c 6e

Exercise 2
2  She lives with her wicked step
mother and two sisters.
3  At seven o’clock.  4  It’s Prince Harry’s
5  No, he can’t.   6 Cinderella’s

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