ART. XVI, Section 6. The State Shall Establish: The Constitutional Commissions. All Three

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The chain of command principleis a military and institutionalize a management climate

concept and the PNP is a civilian agency. When conducive to public accountability. It shall
the President chose not to deal with Sec. Roxas submit to the President and the Congress an
and that PNP Chief and deals with someone else annual report on its personnel programs.
instead, that is the power of control that was in
play . He was not acting there as a Commander-
in-Chief, therefore bound by the chain of
command principle.

ART. XVI, Section 6. The State shall establish

and maintain one police force, which shall be CSC - Cruz v CSC, section 3 of Art. IX-B.
national in scope and civilian in character, to Designating the CSC as the central personnel
be administered and controlled by a national agency commanding it to establish a career
police commission. The authority of local system for both moral, efficiency,
executives over the police units in their responsiveness, etc. This is the veritable source
jurisdiction shall be provided by law. under the Constitution of the rule-making
authority of the CSC.

Art. IX-C, Section 2. The Commission on

Sec 6. Art XVI of the Constitution prescribes the Elections shall exercise the following powers
extent of the authority of local elective officials and functions:
over the PH national police presence in their (1) Enforce and administer all laws and
territories shall be subject to law. Our present law regulations relative to the conduct of an
provided that the extent of that authority shall be election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum, and
one of operational control and supervision — recall.
present specification of the authority of local
officials over PNP

Delegation to Administrative Bodies COMELEC - IX-C section 2, par 1. The mother of

Is it correct to say that all administrative bodes are all powers of COMELEC
equipped with the power of adjudication and rule
making? NO Article IX-D, Section 2. (2) The Commission
Principal purpose of an administrative agency is shall have exclusive authority, subject to the
simply to enforce the law. If it’s equipped with limitations in this Article, to define the scope of
either quasi- legislative or quasi- judicial, or both, its audit and examination, establish the
it is only for purposes of enhancing this power of techniques and methods required therefor, and
enforcement delegated in its favor. promulgate accounting and auditing rules and
regulations, including those for the prevention
The Constitutional Commissions. All three and disallowance of irregular, unnecessary,
Constitutional Commissions possess rule making excessive, extravagant, or unconscionable
authority BUT on different bases. Independently expenditures or uses of government funds and
of what is generally prescribed on the Admin properties.
Code, the primary souce of administrative rule
making authority of the three Constitutional
Commissions are as follows:

COA – Among the three, it is only the COA which

Art. IX-B, Section 3. The Civil Service is expressly given under the Constitution the
Commission, as the central personnel agency power of rule making. This is found in Art. IX-D,
of the Government, shall establish a career section 2, par.2. There are three areas of power
service and adopt measures to promote given to COA. First, to determine the extent of its
morale, efficiency, integrity, responsiveness, audit scope examination authority.
progressiveness, and courtesy in the civil
service. It shall strengthen the merit and
rewards system, integrate all human resources
development programs for all levels and ranks,

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