Study of Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Using Quarry Dust

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 116 No. 14 2017, 61-67

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue


Sathish Kumar.K, 2Bala Ganesh.A, 3Hariharan.J, 4Dhakshan Khanna.Dand, 5Vimalraja.J.
Assistant Professor,2,3,4Student
Department of Civil Engineering, BIST, BIHER, Bharath University, Chennai.
[email protected]

Abstract: River sand is most commonly used fine workability and strength of the concrete. If it satisfies the
aggregate in concrete but due to acute shortage in normal concrete quality and strength in we can use it as the
many areas, availability, cost and environmental replacement for the fine aggregate[1-4].Continues research
impact are major concern. To overcome from this efforts have established concrete as a versatile material,
crisis, partial replacement of sand with quarry dust can concrete required for extensive construction activity can be
be an economic alternative. In this project determine made available, since all the ingredients of concrete are of
the strength and durability of concrete by using quarry geological origin. Concrete is an assemblage of cement,
dust as sand and comparing with the conventional mix. aggregate and water. In the production of concrete,
Large range of curing period of 28 days are consider in granite/basalt stone and river sand are used as course and
the present study design mix of M20 grade concrete fine aggregate, respectively although these materials are
with replacement of 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% quarry usually available, at some places it is economical to
dust organized as M1, M2, M3, and M4 respectively substitute these materials by locally available once. At the
have been consider for investigation. The compressive same time increasing quantity of crushed stone dust is
strength (cube) and split tensile (cylinder) strength of available from crushers as waste. The disposal of this is a
concrete were tested. The workability of concrete serious environmental problem. If it is possible to use this
increases with various percentage replacement of crushed stone dust in making concrete by partial
quarry dust. replacement of natural river sand, then this will not only
save the cost of construction but at the same time it will
Keywords: Sand, quarry dust (QD), sieve analysis,
solve the problem of disposal of this dust. On the other
slum cone test,Compressive test
hand, the advantages of utilization of byproducts or
1. Introduction aggregates obtained as waste materials are pronounced in
Concrete is the necessary construction Material in a the aspects of reduction in environmental load & waste
building. The widely used composite material to management cost, reduction of production cost as well as
prepare concrete is natural sand, coarse aggregate and improving the quality of concrete. Quarry dust has been
binding material such as cement and water. Since we used for different activities in the construction industry
have many construction works all over the world and such as road construction and manufacture of building
rapid increase in construction work and rapid increase materials such as light weight aggregates, bricks, and tiles.
in price of the construction material. we have a large The use of quarry dust in concrete is desirable because of
demand in the natural resource of construction and its benefits such as useful disposal of byproducts, reduction
material demand also. There is a large scarce for river of river sand consumption as well as increasing the strength
sand all over the world as well as in India too. To solve parameters and increasing the workability of concrete (Jain
this problem, to reduces the making cost of the et. al., 1999). Attempts have been Concrete is an artificial
concrete and to save the natural resource, we have to conglomerate stone made essentially of Portland cement,
choose an alternate material for the concrete materials. water, fine and coarse aggregates.
So that we have choose some waste materials such as 2. Objective
quarry dust. That is crushed powder from rocks which

To study the workability of concrete using quarry dust.
can be a replacement for fine aggregate. Which leads to
To study the properties of the quarry dust.
a cost reduction for making of concrete. Which can be
get easily from quarry waste, so that we can check the

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

❖ To study the compressive strength and tensile

strength of concrete with various percentage
replacement of quarry dust

3. Materials
3.1 Cement
Cement acts as a binding agent for materials. Cement is
the most expensive materials in concrete and it is
available in different forms. Depending upon the
chemical compositions, setting and pozzolana cement
and Ordinary Portland cement. In this report Ordinary
Portland cement (OPC) conforming to IS12269-2013 is
used for casting cubes and cylinder The properties of Figure 1. Specific Gravity Of Fine Aggregate
cement that were studied are normal consistency,
fineness of cement and specific gravity and the test was 3.3 Coarse Aggregate:
done as per IS 4301-988 (part5) . The Reports are in
table 1. The material whose particles are of size as retained on
4.75mm is sieve is termed as coarse aggregate. Coarse
Table1. Physical Property Of Cement aggregate shall consist of crushed or broken stones and be
hard, strong, dense, durable, clean or proper gradation.
SL.NO PROPERTY RESULT Locally available coarse aggregate with maximum size of
20 mm and minimum size of 12.5mm were used in this
project report conforming to IS 383-1970. The properties of
2 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF 3.0 coarse aggregates studied were impact value, los angel’s
CEMENT abrasion test, devals abrasion test and specific gravity of
coarse aggregate[18].

3.2 Fine Aggregate:

Fine aggregate used in this study is locally available
and confirmed to grading zone III as per IS 383-
1970.the aggregates whose size is less than 4.75mm.
Sand is generally considered to have a lower size limit
of about 0.07mm. The specific gravity of fine
aggregate was found out using pycnometer and sieve
analysis[15-17]. Figure 2. Pycnometer

Table 2. Physical Property Of Fine Aggregate



2 FINENESS 2.8 Figure 3. Impact Test

3.4 Water:
Water to be used in the concrete work should have
following properties: It should be free from adverse amount
of soils, acids, alkalis or other organic or inorganic
impurities. It should be free from iron, vegetable matter or

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

any other type of substances, which are likely to have

adverse effect on concrete or reinforcement. It should
be fit for drinking purposes potable water available in
the premises was used for mixing and curing of

3.5 Quarry Dust:

Quarry Dust can be defined as residue, tailing or other
non-voluble waste material after the extraction and Figure 5. Concrete Mixing
processing of rocks to form fine particles less than 4.75 Casting
mm. This product can be used for asphalt, substitute
for sand, and filling around pipes. Quarry dust can be Casting of cube and cylinder for compressive and split
an economic alternative to the river sand. It is a waste tensile strength of concrete the moulds used are cube of
dimension 150mmx150mmx150mm and the cylinder
obtained during quarrying process. It has very recently
gained good attention to be used as an effective filler moulds 110mm diameter 300mm height conforming to
material instead of fine aggregate. In the present study, IS10086-1982
the hardened and durable properties of concrete
using quarry dust were investigated.

Figure 6. Cylinder
Figure 4. Quarry Dust

Mix Proportion Per M3 Of Concrete

Table 3. Mix proportion
186 372 694.83 kg 1219.23 kg
litres kg/m3
0.50 1 1.8 3.2
Therefore mix proportion adopted is 1 : 1.8 : 3.2 Figure 7. Cube

4. Test For Concrete

Test done for workability:

Slump Test:
The concrete slump test measures the consistency of fresh
concrete before it sets. It is performed to check the
workability of freshly made concrete, and therefore the ease
with which concrete flows. It can also be used as an
indicator of an improperly mixed batch. The test is popular
Casting Cube
due to the simplicity of apparatus used and simple
procedure. The slump test is used to ensure uniformity for

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

different loads of concrete under field conditions.A

separate test, known as the flow table, or slump
test, is used for concrete that is too fluid (workable) to
be measured using the standard slump test, because the
concrete will not retain its shape when the cone is
Table 5. slump test value Mix ratio Slump value

1 0% 41

2 10% 44

3 20% 47 Figure 9. Compaction Factor

4 30% 49 Compressive Strength Of Concrete Cube

Table 6. compressive strength of cube
7 14 28
1 0% 13.26 18.68 21.54
2 10% 13.82 19.16 22.67
3 20% 12.01 17.76 20.69
4 30% 11.26 17.05 19.33
Figure 8. Slump Test
Compaction Factor Test:
Compacting factor of fresh concrete is done to
determine the workability of fresh concrete by
compacting factor test. The apparatus used is
compacting factor apparatus. Procedure to determine
workability of fresh concrete by compacting factor test.
The ratio
io of the weight of partially compacted concrete
to the weight of the concrete when fully compacted in
the same mould. The compacting factor apparatus is
used to determine the compaction factor of concrete
with low, medium and high workability. Figure 10. Compressive Strength Bar Graph

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Figure 12. Split Tensile Strength Graph

5. Conclusion
Based on the experimental investigation concerning
compressive strength and split tensile strength of concrete
with quarry dust as a partial replacement of fine aggregate,
the following conclusion can be drawn:
1. The compressive strength of concrete is increased
i by the
use of quarry dust up to 10% replacement of sand. From
10% there is decrease in compressive strength
2. The split tensile strength concrete is increased by the use
of quarry dust up to 0% replacement of fine aggregate.
From 10% there is a decrease in split tensile strength.
3. The compressive strength increase mainly depends on
the percentage of quarry dust because of its high pozzolanic
4. The workability of the concrete increase as the
percentage of quarry dust is increased.
5. The optimum percentage of replacement of sand by
quarry dust is 10% for M20 grade of concrete.
6. The optimum replacement is not beneficial in case of
split tensile strength for replacement of quarry dust.
7. The replacement of fine aggregate with quarryqua dust is
Figure 11. compressive strength more cost economical.
Split Tensile Strength off Concrete Cylinder 8. The workability of the concrete increase as the
percentage of quarry dust is increased.
Table 7. Split Tensile Strength off Cylinder
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