Topic Review
Topic Review
Topic Review
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1. Introduction
As mentioned above, the characteristics of the US banking system are very different
from that of other countries. At the first sight, the number of banking institutions in
the US is very large. Though in recent years, the number of banks has reduced
considerably, mostly through mergers and acquisitions, it still remained a total of
6,893 commercial banks at the end of December 2009, down from 7,283 at the end of
2007(Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 2009). Secondly, there are sets of law
that limit the extent of the US banks as well as restriction that on banks’ capability to
broaden their operation from their home state s to other states within the country. This
is one of the most important reasons why from 1960s onward, some major banks from
New York – financial centre of the US- decide to start their branches overseas. These
branches played an important role in the growth of the Eurocurrency market. Thirdly,
banks in the US can be chartered either by state or federal which is “a dual banking
system”. With the passage of the National Banking Act of 1863, banks in the US
which are chartered by federal government are known as “national banks”,
simultaneously, they are members of the Federal Reserve System (the FED); while
banks chartered by state government are known as “state banks” that can be members
of the FED or not. Fourthly, because many significant events occurred in the 20th
century, there were other restrictions on the operation of banks. The Glass – Steagall
Act of 1933, which drew a very clear distinction between investment banks and
commercial banks, could be one of the most significant laws. However, this act was
revoked in 1999, from then on; commercial banks were authorized to undertake some
activities of investment banks. Finally, the most special feature of the US banking
system is its central bank. The central bank was not established until the Federal
Reserve Act of 1913. In 1971 and 1816, Congress had tried to establish a central bank.
But members of Congress thought that a central bank not only became too powerful
but also did not benefit the general population, so that they just tried to charter a
central bank only to supervise the charters expire. Yet in 1913, after 50 years of the
National Banking Act of 1863, realizing the necessity of a fundamental reform of the
nation’s banking system, the central bank was founded. It was not a single institution
but a system of 12 Federal Reserve Banks overseen by a Board in Washington DC.
The US depository institutions (referring to the banks) are financial intermediaries that
accept deposit from individuals, organizations, and institutions and make loans. These
institutions include commercial banks; thrift institutions: saving and loans
associations, saving banks; and credit unions. Table 1 provides a discussion of the
depository institutions that fit into these categories by describing their primary
liabilities (source of funds) and assets (uses of funds).
Table 1: Primary Assets and Liabilities of Depository Institutions
The banking system is given as one of the most important sectors in the US economy
and therefore, it is subject to more regulation and governmental supervision in
comparison with other sectors in the financial market. Regulators take responsibility
for chartering, oversight, and examining operations of banks. This section describes
the principal agencies that are responsible for regulating commercial banks (national
and state-chartered banks), thrifts, and credit unions. Table 2 indicates the key
regulatory agencies of the US banking system which will be discussed thorough in the
The passage of the National Currency Act of 1863 and National Banking Act of 1864
established a new system of national banks and a new government agency: the OCC.
The OCC was founded in 1863 as a Bureau of the US Department of the Treasury. It
was the first federal organizational agency in US history that was created to regulate
financial institutions. The OCC has missions of chartering, regulating, and supervising
all national banks and examining the books as well as operations of them. It also
supervises the federal branches and issues charters to foreign banks wishing to operate
US branches as national banks. The OCC now supervise more than 1500 federally
chartered commercial banks and about 50 federal branches and agencies of foreign
banks in the UK, comprising nearly two – thirds of the assets of the commercial
banking system.
Of all the central banks in the words, the Federal Reserve System, also known as the
FED, probably is the most important central bank in the world. It was established by
the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The FED is an independent organization, responsible
only to the US Congress and have a duty to report to the Committee of Financial
services, the House of Representatives. The FED has intimate and extensive
relationships not only with other central banks but also international financial
regulators and market participants. These relationships make it possible for the FED to
collaborate its performances with those of other nations in order to manage
international finance. As the US central bank, in general, the FED has supervisory and
regulatory authority over a wide range of financial institutions and activities. Other
federal and state supervisory authorities have mission to work with the FED to ensure
the safety and soundness of financial institutions, stability in the financial markets,
and fair and equitable treatment of consumers in their financial transactions.
The Federal Reserve has responsibility for supervising and regulating the following
segments of the banking industry to ensure safe and sound banking practices and
compliance with banking laws:
The Federal Reserve Banks was considered as tools of operations for the US central
banking system. For the purpose of carrying out these timely operations of the FED,
the nation has been subsided into twelve Federal Reserve Districts with Banks in New
York, Philadelphia, Boston, Richmond, Chicago, Atlanta, Cleveland, Kansas City,
Minneapolis, St. Louis, Dallas, and San Francisco. Twenty-five branches of these
banks serve particular areas within each district.
The Federal Reserve Banks offer depository institutions and the government many
financial services, so that they are regarded as Banker’s bank. Main activities of the 12
Federal Reserve Banks include:
The Federal Reserve Banks also conduct buying and selling governmental securities
in order to finance government expenditure. In addition, they organize researches and
monitor regularly general economic situation of their areas. These reserve banks also
involve in the setting of monetary policy which is the primary duty of the FED.
The Board of Governors is the headquarters of the FED and allocated in Washington,
DC. It consists of seven governors appointed by the President and approved by the
Congress. The governors serve 14 years and maybe reappointed by if the first term is
not a full term. The terms overlap to maintain continuity and it take two years on
average to make reappointments each time. Chairman and vice chairman have four
year term selected in the seven members. Current chairman is Ben Bernanke, who
succeeded Alan Greenspan from 01/01/2006.
General duties of the Governors are proposing monetary policy, research and analysis
of economic data and financial domestics as well as worldwide. Simultaneously, the
Board of Governors monitor all financial services, set some rules to ensure the public
interest and check payment systems in the US.
All seven governors are members of the Federal Open Market Committee (the FOMC)
which have only 12 voting members. Therefore, the most important task or the
governors is involved in voting on the making open market operations which can
directly affect the money supply and hence, influence on interest rates. In addition to
monetary policy duties, the Board has substantial regulatory and supervisory
responsibilities over the US banking system. It also approves bank mergers and
applications for new activities, specifies the permissible activities of banks holding
companies, and supervises the activities of foreign banks in the US.
This is the most important part of the FED. This division is responsible for research
and monetary policy to maintain price stability and economic growth of developing.
The FOMC usually meets eight times per year to discuss the economic situation of the
US, conduct open market operations, and select measures and appropriate monetary
policy for each period.
The voting members of the FOMC consist of 12 members, including seven governors
of the Board of Governors, President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and four
other presidents which are chosen alternatively from remaining Federal Reserve
Banks. All other Federal Reserve Banks’ presidents are entitled to participate in
discussion but not vote. Chairman of the Board of Governors chairs the FOMC
meeting. Because open market operations are the most important policy tool that the
FED can use to control the money supply, the FOMC is a very important point for
policymaking in the FED.
Currently, 37% of the commercial banks and investment banks in the US are members
of the FED. All national banks are members. The state charted commercial banks can
be members if they want to. The member banks are shareholders of their regional
Federal Reserve Bank and thus, they must subscribe to stock in an amount equal to 6
percent of their capital and surplus, half of which must be paid in while the other half
is subject to call by the Board of Governors.
Other financial institutions, though they are not members of the Fed but still have to
follow rules set by the FED on a number of activities. In addition, member and
nonmember banks have the same requirements to keep deposits at the FED .
Moreover, all depository institutions were given access to the Federal Reserve
facilities, such as the discount window that is the facility at which they can borrow
reserves from the Federal Reserve, and FED check clearing, on an equal basis. These
provisions helped to reduce the distinction between member and nonmember banks.
The Advisory Committees are used by The FED in order to carry out its varied
responsibilities. These committees are composed of three councils including: the
Federal Advisory Council, the Consumer Advisory Council, and the Thrift Institution
Advisory Council. Members of these councils are drawn from the member banks of
the Federal Reserve System, usually meets from two to four times a year in order to
set out advice for the Board of Governors. The Advisory Committees represent the
interests of all elements related to financial activities in the US.
On June 1933, at the height of the Great Depression and with more than 4,000 bank
failures already that year, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the FDIC) was
established as a temporary agency to raise the confidence of the US public in the
banking system. FDIC deposit insurance goes into effect on January 1934. Only nine
banks failed during the first year that the FDIC begin insuring banks. Over the years,
FDIC continues to develop its missions to preserve, maintain and promote public
confidence in the US financial system by:
By so doing, the FDIC can identify, monitor and address risks to the deposit insurance
funds and limit the effect on the economy and the financial system when a bank or
thrift institution fails.
The FDIC is the primary federal regulator of state-chartered banks that are not
members of the FED. The FDIC also serves as the back-up supervisors for the
remaining insured banks and thrift institutions.
Commercial banks and saving institutions take deposit from savers and make loans to
borrowers, conversely, US credit unions were unique depository institutions because
their operations are not for profit, but to serve members as credit cooperatives. With
the upswing of the US economy in the 1920s, the credit union movement became
increasingly popular. In 1934, with the passing of the Federal Credit Union Act, a
national system to charter and supervise federal credit union was established. Credit
unions grew steadily in the 1940s and 1950s, and by 1960, there were over 10,000
federal credit unions. In 1970, an amendment to the Federal Credit Union Act of 1934
was passes. The National Credit Union Administration was created and became an
independent, federal agency. It has missions to charter, insure, supervise and examine
federally chartered credit unions. Besides, it manages the National Credit Union Share
Insurance Fund which was also formed in 1970 to insure members’ deposits. During
the 1990s and into the 21st century, credit unions have been healthy and growing.
4. Conclusion
Mishkin, F.S. & Eakins, S.G. (2009), Financial Markets and Institutions, Boston,
Prentice Hall
Howells, P. & Bain, K. (2008), The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance,
London, Prentice Hall
Hubbard, R.G. (2002), Money, the Financial System, and the Economy, Boston,
Addison Wesley
White, L.J. (2002), “Bank regulation in the United States: understanding the lessons of
the 1980s and 1990s”, Japan and the World Economy, 14: 137-154
The Federal Reserve System, 2008, The Federal Reserve System: Purposes and
Functions [online; cited April 2010]. Available from:
The Federal Reserve System, 2010, The Public Case for a Role for the Federal
Reserve in Bank Supervision and Regulation [online; cited April 2010]. Available
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, The 2008 Annual Report [online; cited
April 2010]. Available from: http//