Sharynn M. Tomlin, Ph.D. 6546 FM HWY 380 San Angelo, TX 76905 (325) 655-9707

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6546 FM HWY 380
San Angelo, TX 76905
(325) 655-9707


Ph.D. - University of North Texas, Organizational Theory and Strategic Policy, Denton, Texas.
August, 1996. Minor: International Business.

M.B.A. - Angelo State University, Management, San Angelo, Texas. August, 1987.

B.B.A. - Angelo State University, Finance, San Angelo, Texas. May, 1986.

Academic Experience:

September, 2007 – present

Professor, Angelo State University. Undergraduate courses taught: Business Policy and
Strategy Formulation, Human Resource Management, International Business, Principles of
Management. Principles of Marketing, and International Management. Graduate courses taught:
Multinational Management Strategy. Undergraduate advisor to International Business majors.
Campus Executive Director of the Center for International Studies.

September, 2000 – August, 2007

Associate Professor, Angelo State University, San Angelo, Texas. Undergraduate courses
taught: Business Policy and Strategy Formulation, Human Resource Management, International
Business, Principles of Management. Principles of Marketing, and International Management.
Graduate courses taught: Multinational Management Strategy. Undergraduate advisor to
International Business majors. Campus Director of International Education Programs, 2000 -
present. Tenure granted: September, 1999.

September, 1996 – August, 2000

Assistant Professor, Angelo State University, San Angelo, Texas. Courses taught: Principles of
Management, International Business, Business Policy and Strategic Management, and Internships.
Undergraduate advisor to International Business majors, international students and interns.

September, 1991 - August, 1996

Instructor, Angelo State University, San Angelo, Texas. Courses taught: Business Policy and
Strategy, Principles of Marketing, Sales Management, International Business, International
Management Strategy, Total Quality Management, and Competitive Issues. Undergraduate
advisor to International Business majors.

January - May, 1991

Lecturer, University of North Texas. Courses taught: Principles of Marketing, Industrial
Marketing, and graduate class in Marketing Concepts.

September, 1989 - December 1990

Teaching Fellow, University of North Texas. Courses taught: Principles of Marketing, Industrial

Marketing, Retailing, Personal Selling, and a graduate course in Marketing Concepts.

September, 1987 to August, 1989

Instructor, Angelo State University, San Angelo, Texas. Courses taught: Principles of Marketing,
Industrial Marketing, Sales Management and Consumer Behavior.

January, 1987 to May, 1987

Graduate Assistant, Angelo State University, and San Angelo, Texas. Courses taught:
Consumer Behavior and Sales Management.


Areas of interest: Strategic Management, International Management, Total Quality Environmental

Management; Competitive International Issues, and curriculum development.

Dissertation: "Total Quality Environmental Management: A Study of the Relationship between

Quality Practices and Environmental Performance in the Standard and Poor 500 Companies."


Global Entrepreneurship: Navigating the World of Globalization, October, 2013. Presented at the
ASU e-Day Conference.

Global Community Engagement, October, 2013. Presented at the Norris International Business
Conference, Angelo State University.

Study Abroad – Creating an International Campus Culture. Invited keynote speaker, ISIS
International Conference, Key West, Fl., April, 2013.

“Case Study Development: Writing and Analysis,” co-presentation with Dr. Fred David, accepted
for the Southeast InfORMS conference in Myrtle Beach, SC, October, 2011.

“ The Gap”, case study published in Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Fred R. David,
14th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2012.

“Estee Lauder”, case study published in Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Fred R.
David, 14th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2012.

“Walgreens” case study published in Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Fred R. David,
14th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2012.

“Developing a Center for International Studies: Lessons Learned”, panel presentation at the
Association for International Educators Administrators Conference, in San Francisco, CA,
February, 2011.

“Removing Barriers for Faculty and Students in Study Abroad,” paper presentation at the
Southeast InfORMS conference in Myrtle Beach, SC, October, 2010.

“Starbucks: Case Study”, published in Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Fred R.
David, 13th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2010.

“Johnson and Johnson, Inc.: Case Study” , published in Strategic Management: Concepts and

Cases, Fred R. David, 13th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2010.

“Professionally Qualified Faculty: Accreditation and Administrative Issues,”, panel presentation

at the Southeast InfORMS conference in Myrtle Beach, SC, October, 2009.

“Building Support and Cooperation for Study Abroad Programs”, presented at the Applied
Learning in Higher Education conference, Western Missouri State University, February 20, 2009.

“A Comparative Analysis of American and Mexican Management Practices”, presented at the

Rotterdam Business School Business Forum, October 28-31, 2008.

“Case Studies: From Inception to Publication, SE DSI Conference, presented in Orlando, FL.,
February 2008.

“Gap, Inc.: Case Study” Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Fred R. David, 12th Edition,
Prentice-Hall, 2008.

“Estee Lauder, Inc.: Case Study”, Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Fred R. David,
12th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2008.

“Zale Corporation: Case Study”, Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Fred R. David, 12th
Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2008.

“Case Study Development: Writing and Analysis,”, presented at the Southeast InfORMS
conference in Myrtle Beach, SC, October, 2007.

“Co-Disciplinary Study Abroad Programs: Lessons Learned from Costa Rica”, presented at the
North American Small Business International Trade Educators conference in Vancouver, British
Columbia, April, 2007.

“Global Business Professional Certification: Outcomes and Assessment”, presented at the

Southeast InfORMS conference in Myrtle Beach, SC, October, 2006.

“International Studies Programs – If you Build It, Will They Come?”, accepted for the North
American Small Business International Trade Educators conference in Orlando, FL, April, 2006.

“Study Abroad Programs at Regional Academic Institutions” presented at the North American
Small Business International Trade Educators Conference, New Orleans, LA, March, 2005.

“So you want to be a millionaire!”, invited guest speaker at the Young Entrepreneurs Conference
sponsored by the Small Business Development Center, November, 2004.

“Using Title VIB Grants to Internationalize the Curriculum”, workshop presented at the Southeast
InfORMS conference in Myrtle Beach, SC, October, 2004.

“Global Trade Professional Certificate – The Role of the Academic Institution” presented at the
North American Small Business International Trade Educators Conference, Las Vegas, NV, April,

“Title VIB Grants – Administration Workshop” presented at the North American Small Business
International Trade Educators Conference, Las Vegas, NV, April, 2004.

“Using Title VIB Grants to Internationalize the Curriculum”, presented at the Southeast InfORMS
conference in Myrtle Beach, SC, October, 2003.

“Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Stress Management and Coping”, co-authored with Dr.
Sudhir Chawla and presented at the Southeast InfORMS conference in Myrtle Beach, SC, October,

“Internationalizing the Curriculum” presented at the Southeast InfORMS Conference in Myrtle

Beach, SC, for presentation as a workshop, October, 2002.

“The Use of Simulations in a Business Capstone Course: Demonstration and Evaluation”

presented at the 15th Annual National Association of Small Business International Trade
Educators, San Francisco, CA, April, 2002.

“Supplier Quality and the Impact on Organizational Environmental Performance” presented at the
2001 Southeast InfORMS Conference, October, 2001.

“Using Multi-Media to Teach a Business Capstone Course” presented at the 2nd Annual Lilly
Conference on College & University
Teaching, August, 2001.

“Total Quality Management: Service Excellence”, invited guest speaker at monthly staff meeting
of the Texas Department of Transportation, January, 2001.

“Event Sponsorship Marketing: An Exploratory Study of Micro-business” presented at the

Southeast InfORMS Conference, October, 2000. Co-authored with Mark Lack and Sudhir Chawla.

“Using the Bafa Bafa Simulation to Increase Cross-Cultural Awareness” presentation at the lst
Annual Southwest Region Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, July, 2000. Co-
presenter with Dr. Joan Riveria.

“Active Learning: Using Multimedia to Teach Multinational Management Strategy,” paper

presented to the 13th Annual National Association of Small Business International Trade
Educators, Boston Conference, May, 2000.

“Internationalizing the Curriculum” - presentation at the Angelo State University Faculty Luncheon
Series, October, 1999.

“TEAMS (Together Everyone Achieves More): Participative Decision Making” presentation to the
Texas Court Clerks Conference, October, 1999.

“Total Quality Management - Building a Quality Culture” seminar for the Angelo State University
Continuing Studies Division, July, 1999.

“Strategy for the Millennium - International Trade and Education,” presented at the 12th Annual
International Conference of the National Association of Small Business International Trade
Educators, May, 1999.

“Achieving Corporate Environmental Performance Through the Implementation of Quality

Practices,” presented at European Operations Management Association, 5th Annual International
EurOMA Conference, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin Ireland, June 14-17, 1998.

“Total Quality Management - Applications for Municipalities,” presented to City of San Angelo
senior staff, November, 1997.

“Decision Making,” presented to the City of San Angelo senior staff, November, 1997.

"A Cross-Cultural Study of Decision Making Using Moral Intensity Components," with Dr. Rose
Knotts, presented to the Third International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute,
Puebla, Mexico, June, 1995.

"A Pilot Study of Ethics Applying Jones' Moral Intensity Components," with Dr. Rose Knotts,
presented at the Business and Latin American Studies Conference, Washington, D.C. March,

"A Comparison of TQM Practices in U.S. and Mexican Companies," with Dr. Rose Knotts,
published in Production and Inventory Management Journal, 1994.

"Cultural Diversity: What does this Mean for the Hispanic Woman Entrepreneur?" with Dr. Rose
Knotts, presented at Business Association for Latin American Studies Conference, Mexico City,
Mexico, March, 1992.

"Remaining Globally Competitive --- The Quality Imperative" presented to the Southeast Decision
Sciences, and published in proceedings, November, 1992.

Co-coordinator with the Small Business Development Center, Angelo State University of annual
Quality Forum. Presentation on "In Search of Total Quality Management." Conference attended
by approximately 150 faculty, students and local businesses, 1992; 1993.

"How to Export your Product" seminar at the Small Business Development Center, Angelo State
University, April, 1992.

"True Stories in TQM," Accepted by National Conference on TQM in Government Services,

September, 1991, and published in proceedings.

"Implementing [TQM] Regardless of Budget,” Accepted by National Conference on TQM in

Government Services, September, 1991 and published in proceedings.

"An Integrative Framework of Organizational Change" presented at Southwest Federation of

Administrative Disciplines. Dallas, Texas, 1991, and published in proceedings.

Works in Progress:

“International Trade Specialist Training: Preparing for the Certification Exam” currently in


Selected as a Distinguished Community Engage Fellow, Angelo State University, 2011/2012.

Nominated for the Gary & Pat Rodgers Outstanding Administrator award, 2011.

Selected as Distinguished Faculty Member of the College of Business and Professional Studies by
the Angelo State University Alumni Association, 2004.

Awarded Technology Development Grant by Angelo State University committee for the
“Development of an online graduate international business course” December, 2003.

Awarded the Nathan and Sylvia Donsky Endowed Chair of Management, September, 2003 –


U. S. Department of Education, Title VIB in Business and International grant in the amount of
$152,000. Officially awarded in March, 2001. Continued development 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005.
Matched with funds in the same amount from the University.

Selected as Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Senior Fellow, May, 2000.

Nominated as International Trade Educator of the Year to the National Association of Small
Business International Trade Educators - 1999-2000.

Nominated for Piper Professor Award, Angelo State University 1998-1999; 1999-2000.

Nominated for “Professor of the Year” by the Angelo State Student Senate, April, 1998.

Recipient of the Program Excellence Award from the National Association of Small Business
International Trade Educators, April, 1998. This award was given for the development of an
international trade office, serving the City of San Angelo, Texas and 16 surrounding counties.

U. S. Department of Education Title VIB Business and International Education grant, 1997 - 1999.
Grant was a two year project with total funding amounting to approximately $150,000.00 from
the U.S. Department of Education, and matched with funds in the same amount from the

Selected as a representative to the 1996 Lilly Conference on College Teaching, November, 1996.

Recipient of faculty development grant from Angelo State University to attend the 1995 Faculty
Development in International Business in Mexico program sponsored by Texas A & M University
CIBER, May, 1995.

Recipient of fellowship from Texas A & M University to attend the 1995 Faculty Development in
International Business In Mexico program sponsored by TAMU CIBER, May, 1995.

Selected as "Concho Pearl", 1994. Given to women in the Concho Valley based on professional

Selected by International Studies Committee to travel with five faculty members to Germany to
study and participate in series of lectures with faculty at University of Luneberg and University of
Hanover, May, 1992.

Received the Delta Sigma Pi "Business Faculty of the Year" 1988-89" award.

Nominated for "Who's Who Among American College Students, 1986.

Bruce Harwood Academic Scholarship, National Real Estate Institute, Chicago, Illinois, 1985.

Carr Academic Scholarship Award, 1984-85, 1986-87.

Professional/Scholarly Activities:

Executive Director, Center for International Studies, 2007-present. Responsible for the
development of the centers operations which includes: study abroad, international students and
scholars services; and English language learners program. Other activities includes sponsorships
of the International Business Symposium, Summer Institute and the Ambassadors Speakers
Forum. Established new programs with University of Verona, University of Strasbourg, Rotterdam
Business School, University of Bangkok, and 20 Korean universities. This position reports directly

to the Provost of Angelo State University.
Honorary commander of the 315 Training Squadron at Goodfellow AFB. 2012 – Present.

Distinguished Fellow, North American Small Business International Trade Educators, 2011-

Selected as a test item writer for the Certified Global Business Professional certification exam,

Co-program director for International Studies Program to Scotland, Summer I, 1997; 1998, 1999;
2001; 2002; 2004; 2005; 2007; 2008; 2011; 2013, Costa Rica, Summer I, 2006. Italy/Greece,
Summer I, 2009; 2010, 2012.

Created new course ISTD 3381 - The Evolution of International Trade (taught in the summer
term) - course developed by the faculty member for the Italy/Greece study abroad program to
Verona, Italy. Faculty member co-directed the 4 week program with 20 undergraduate students
and 7 graduate students. Program included visits to international trade sites in Verona, Venice,
Florence, Rome, and Athens. Course is evaluated based on information requested by the Center
for International Studies on both program and learning assessment.

Supervised an international student scholar doing research on Gender Issues among native
Aboriginal female entrepreneurs in Australia, 2009.

Supervised seven students studying in Germany, France and Scotland; one student internship at
the U.S. Embassy in Lima, Peru, and six students in independent studies; spring, 2007.

Developed five new online courses: undergraduate course in International Business and
International Management; Principles of Management; Human Resource Management; and
graduate course in International Business.

Book review for “International Marketing” by Dr. Marilyn Stone, International Business Press,
London, England, January, 2004.

Grant consultant and evaluator for the following academic institutions: Texas A & M University –
College Station, Texas A & M University - Prairie View, and Austin Community College – Austin,
Texas, 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006.

President 2003-2004 of the Board of Governors for the North American Association of Small
Business International Trade Educators.;. Responsible for the planning of the 2004 conference in
Las Vegas, NV; and the introduction of the Global Trade Professional Certification.

Grant reader for the U. S. Department of Education –Title VIB Business and International
Education Programs, 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005.

Responsible for the revision of the International Business degree curriculum. New curriculum
and program implemented in fall, 2003.

Organized the “Doing Business in Latin America” seminar presented in spring, 2002. Seminar was
directed by the Small Business Development Center.

Supervised 15 student research projects, 1996-present.

Elected as Vice-President of the West Region, Texas Faculty Senates Association, 2000-2003.

Developed Special Topics Class on International Business and International Relations jointly
taught with Ambassador Edward Rowell, West Texas Utilities Distinguished Visiting Professorship,

scheduled for the fall semester, 2000.

Director, International Education Office; 2000 to 2007. Developed and directed undergraduate
and graduate student program. Organized and sponsored international studies programs for the
following: University of Lüneburg, Germany, 1993; Sheffield-Hallam University, England, 1996;
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1997; 1998; 1999; 2001; 2002; 2003. Established
new academic year programs with Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, the University of
Paris-Dauphine, France and Costa Rica. Courses taught: European Union and International
Business and Multinational Management Strategy.

Director, International Business Symposium, 1998-present. Developed and organized program

that has included internationally recognized scholars from Japan, China, Mexico and the European

Sponsored the participation of two graduate students from the International Trade Office in the
International Trade Conference, held at Clemson University, Clemson, S.C., October 21-23, 1998.
The conference allowed the students to have first hand experience with large organizations and
universities that are actively involved in international business.

Development of two new teaching methodologies for the International Business and Principles of
Management classes utilizing the new active learning lab, 1998-1999.

Sponsored the participation of two graduate teams in the International Management Simulation,
conducted at Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, 1998; 1999. The teams competed with
universities from South Korea, Pakistan, the United Kingdom, and U.S. universities.

Supervised research project for Richa Diwan, entitled "Bridging the Gap: Understanding Cultural
Differences and Management Styles". Presented at 12th National Conference on Undergraduate
Research at Salisbury State University, Salisbury, Maryland, April 23, 1998.

Developed a new teaching methodology for the Business Policy and Strategic Management class
using student participation in the design and implementation of the course.

Developed and organized International Trade Office at the Small Business Development Center,
Angelo State University. Office is a joint effort between the university, federal, state and local
governmental entities, private enterprise, and the State of Chihuahua, Mexico. Office opened in
September, 1995.

Organized and advised Internship Program in Business, 1995-2000.

Developed special topics course in International Management Strategy at Angelo State University,
Spring, 1993, 1995; Total Quality Management, Spring, 1994 and Competitive Issues:
Globalization, Quality, Technology and the Natural Environment, Spring, 1995; Technical Concepts
of Quality, 1997.

Developed University Studies course in Comparative Business Practices of U.S. and German
Businesses, taught at the University of Luneburg, Germany, May-July, 1993.

Participated as trade delegate to Chihuahua, Mexico, representing the San Angelo Chamber of
Commerce and Angelo State University, November, 1993.

Associate Editor, National Conference on TQM in Government Services Proceedings. Published in

October, 1991.

Discussant, Southwestern Federation of Administrative Disciplines, March, 1996.

Discussant, Southeast Decision Sciences Conference in Chattanooga, TN., March 1993.

Discussant, Southern Management Association Conference in New Orleans, La., November, 1992.

Reviewer, North American Small Business and International Trade Educators Conference, 2002;

Reviewer, Journal of Business Strategies, July, 1999.

Reviewer, Southern Management Association, August, 1992.

Reviewer, Southwestern Federation of Administrative Disciplines, October, 1991.


Phi Beta Delta International Honor Society annual conference, Miami, FL., April, 2009.

Applied Learning in Higher Education conference, Western Missouri State University, February 20,

International Studies Association conference, New York, NY, February, 2009.

AACSB Annual International Conference, San Francisco, CA, April, 2005; 2007.

North American Small Business International Trade Educators conference, 1996; 1997; 1998;
1999; 2000; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007.

Southeast Decisions Sciences Conference (SEinFORMS); 2000, 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2006;
2007; 2008; 2009.

Business and International Education Directors Conference sponsored by the U. S. Department of

Education, Tampa, 2001; Austria, 1998; Costa Rica, 1997.

North American Small Business International Trade Educators’ Board of Governors Conference,
2000; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006.

Texas International Education Consortium, September, 1999; 2000; 2001.

Texas Consortium for Study Abroad meeting, September, 2000; 2001.

Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs 12th Annual Conference, June 24-27,

Texas Council of Faculty Senates, Austin, TX. February/October, 1999, 2000.

Southern Management Association, Atlanta, GA, October, 1997; 1999.

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Conference on International Education, Austin, TX.
September, 1999.

National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators Conference in Fort Worth,
Texas, April, 1998. Received Program Excellence Award for the International Trade Office


Member, Search Committee for the Norris Endowed Chair in International Business; Spring, 2009.

Co-Coordinator, AACSB Accreditation Committee, 2005 – 2007.

Chair, AEP/WTU Distinguished Professor in Residence Committee, 1997 - present.

Chair, International Business Symposium, 1998 – present.

Chair, International Education Committee, 2001 - present.

Member, Search Committee for the Dean of the College of Business; 2005 – 2007.

Member, Search Committee for the professional writing specialist faculty, 2005; 2006; 2007.

Member - Honors Council, original member of the committee responsible for the development
and implementation of the Honors Program, 2000 – present.

Member, Wells-Fargo Distinguished Lectureship Selection Committee, 1996 - present.

Tenure and Promotion Committee, 1999-2003.

Marketing Audit Planning Team (STAMATS), 2000; 2001; 2002.

Special Recognition Committee, 2000-present.

Chair, International Trade Office Advisory Board, 1995-2001.

President, Faculty Senate, Angelo State University, 1999-2000. Elected to Faculty Senate,
Angelo State University, 1992-94; Chair of the External Affairs Committee, 1997-1998. Elected as
Vice President, 1998-1999. During term as President, served on the Council of Deans and the
Administrative Council.

College Curriculum Committee, College of Professional Studies, 1998-2001.

Faculty sponsor, International Business Club, 1991-present.

University representative: Texas Consortium for Study Abroad, 1995 - present. Consortium is
responsible for developing new international agreements with foreign universities and the Texas
Consortium, representing a group of the largest institutions of higher education in the State of
Texas. Attended annual meetings representing Angelo State University.

Chapter sponsor, Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity, 1991-present.

Search Committee for Vice President of Academic Affairs, September, 1999 -2000.

Carr Academic Scholarship Committee, 1999-2000.

University Curriculum Committee, 1999-2000.

Task Force on Non-Traditional Issues, 1998-1999.

Chair, Search Committee, Director for the Small Business Development Center, 1999-2000;
Search Committee for faculty position in Accounting, 1998-1999; the Director of Institutional
Planning and Research, 1995-96; Department of Business Administration faculty position in
Management Information Systems, 1996.

Bookstore Advisory Committee, 1999-2000.

Chair, Departmental Committee on the development and design of a technological/active learning
environment classroom for use in classes focusing on business information systems to facilitate
team decision making, Angelo State University, 1997-98. Project included the design and
implementation of classroom.

Member, Department Committee on Institutional Effectiveness, 1997-1998; responsible for

establishing evaluation standards and documentation as required for re-accreditation.

Member, Sub-Committee on Mexican Foreign Studies, 1992-1995.

Homecoming Steering Committee, Angelo State University, 1991-1996.

Committee Chairman, Faculty Appraisal and Development for Departments of Business

Administration, and Accounting, Finance and Economics, Angelo State University, October, 1991-

Judge, ASU Models competition, September, 1991.

Professional Experience:

Title VIB grant development and evaluation consulting.

Private consulting for organizations seeking assistance and information concerning international
business issues and quality management, 1995-present.

Commercial and Business Real Estate Broker. Self-employed August, 1984 to August, 1995.

Director of Marketing, Paragon Development. Responsible for all marketing and sales activities of
large land and office building development company. July, 1980 to August, 1984.

Owner, Century 21 - Action Realtors. Owner-broker of residential and commercial real estate
firm. January, 1978 to June, 1980.

Realtor, Ben O'Neal Real Estate. September, 1976 to January, 1978.


Board of Directors, Adult and Protective Agency Partners, 2009.

Board of Directors, West Texas Lighthouse for the Blind, 1997 to present.

Member, National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators, 1997-present.

Nominated to Board of Directors, 1999; Executive Vice President, 2002-2003; President, 2003-

Member, European Production Operations and Management Association.

Member, International Trade Committee, San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, 1992 - 1999.
Chairperson, 1994-1996.

Chairperson, Concho River Watch, San Angelo, Texas, 1992.

Member, Business Association of Latin American Studies

Alumnus, Delta Sigma Pi International Fraternity

Alumnus, Financial Management Association

Past chairperson, San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, Industrial Building and Sites Committee

Past chairperson, Ways and Means Committee, Veribest PTA

Past co-chairperson, Public Relation Committee, San Angelo Board of Realtors, San Angelo, Texas


Dr. Joseph Rallo, President of Angelo State University, (325) 942-2073.

Dr. Corbett Gaulden, Dean of the College of Business, Angelo State University, (325) 942-2337.

Dr. Tom Badgett, Department Head, Management and Marketing, Angelo State University, (325)


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