Navodaya Application Form
Navodaya Application Form
Navodaya Application Form
Last date of submission of online application form is 30th November 2018.
___________________ Affix
Certified that the information given below are correct in respect of __________________________________________
(Name of Student) who is studying in Class V in _________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ size photo
(Name of School) and interested to apply for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test 2019 of the
Name of Candidate (IN BLOCK LETTERS)
Father’s Name (IN BLOCK LETTERS)
Mother’s Name (IN BLOCK LETTERS)
Name of the Guardian and relationship, if any.
In figure In words
Date of D D M M Y Y Y Y
Gender Boy Girl Transgender Category
Please put Gen. SC ST OBC
Physically Visually Hearing
Nature of disability, if any.
handicapped impaired impaired
Please put mark against the respective category
Identification mark:________________________________________________________________
Present Postal
Mobile No.: _________________________________ Email: ____________________________
Nationality ________________________ Religion __________________________
Medium of Examination __________________________
(Please indicate one language out of languages for the state concerned given in the prospectus)
Particular Class-III
III Class-IV Class-V
Name of the School
(studied – III & IV and studying
V) and village/place
School Location : Rural / Urban
Month and Year of Joining
Month & year of Passing ----
Name of the Block
Name of the District
Name of the State
I certify that the school (s) in which my ward studied/studying is a recognized school and fulfills all the eligibility crite
criteria as per NVS
requirements. I also understand that even if the candidate has studied in urban area for even a single a day in any of the classes III, IV & V, the
student will be treated as urban candidate. If any of the information provided is found to be wrong, the candidature of my wa ward will be
forfeited at any stage even after admission in JNV.
Signature of the candidate Signature of the Parent
Note: In respect of NIOS students, area will be decided on the basis of residence of the candidate.
The above details are verified from School records and found correct. Signature of Head Master with Seal
Annual Income:
Aadhar Card No.: