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Advanced Skills


Get the Results You Want!

Year 4 Ages 9 10 years old AGES
This book is part of the Excel Advanced Skills series,
which provides students with more challenging 910

extension work in Mathematics.

4 7
The Excel Advanced Skills Start Up Maths series for Foundation
to Year 7 has been specifically designed to be used as
classroom or homework books in order to help students with
their understanding of Mathematics. Each book in the series
covers the years work in detail.
Innovative features provide an integrated and supportive approach to learning. All units of work,
review tests and Start Up sections are interrelated and cross-referenced to each other. (Please
read the inside front cover for more details.)
This series of books is a must for students who want to cover the years work comprehensively,
with no gaps in their knowledge. The completion of this workbook in Year 4 will ensure that a
student will be fully prepared for the work in Year 5.

In this book you will find:

Over 170 units of work to complete
Thirty-five review tests for revision
Over 2000 exercises to practise

Year 4 Ages 9 10
A Start Up section for extra help with understanding questions
Comprehensive coverage of the years work

About the author

Damon James, BEd, MSc(Ed), DipInfoTechEd, is an experienced teacher and a
successful author of many primary and secondary Mathematics textbooks.










Damon James



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ISBN 978-1-74125-261-3

Excel Test Zone Re

Get the Results You Want! Pascal Press
Help your child prepare with our PO Box 250
NAPLAN*-style and Australian Curriculum Tests.
Glebe NSW 2037
(02) 8585 4044 lt s

Damon James
*This isi nott an offi
*Thi fficially
i ll endorsed
d publication of the NAPLAN program and is produced by Pascal Press independently of Australian governments.

Want !
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Rounding numbers (1)
Subtracting 2-digit numbers without
See START UPS page 3 Step 1: Units

1 a Is 498 closer to 400 or 500? 
1 Solve:
b Is 732 closer to 700 or 800? a 58 23 = b 69 24 =
c Is 221 closer to 200 or 300? c 49 16 = d 87 55 =
d Is 1350 closer to 1000 or 2000? e 67 43 = f 75 31 =
e Is 2830 closer to 2000 or 3000?
f Is 7795 closer to 7000 or 8000?

2 Complete:
56 73 85 49 Important: turn to page 29 while you are reading this.

2 Round the following numbers to the
46 29 34 78
nearest thousand: b
a 925 13

b 7126 c 55 48 77 95
c 5362 32
d 8805 d
56 74 60 42 Questions 14: notice that each question always has exactly six exercises,
e 3930
f 9215 e
36 49 57 25 i.e. af. This is so you will have plenty of practice of a new concept (and the

3 Which of the following numbers round to 4000?
a 3956 b 3275
42 58 63 95 same amount) so you can understand it.
c 4835 d 4163
e 3709 f 4550 
3 Complete:
a 25 36 b 47 13 c 45 37

4 Each of the following numbers are rounded to the
nearest thousand. Answer true or false:
d 6 9 e 8 9 f 9 8
a 3259 rounds to 3000 4 3 3 5 4 2
b 4635 rounds to 4000
c 7856 rounds to 8000 
4 How many were left if:
a Sandy had 66 sheep and she sold 34?
d 9015 rounds to 9000 b There were 24 chocolates in the box and 13 were
e 6599 rounds to 6000 eaten?
f 1020 rounds to 2000 c In the sports box there were 96 balls and 34 were
taken out for play?

5 Is 658 closer to 600 or 700?

6 Round 1450 to the nearest thousand.
d From a pack of 52 cards, 11 were lost?
e Two boys were playing marbles and they had 76
Questions 58: notice that question 5 is like question 1 repeated, question 6 is

7 Which of the following numbers round to 4000?
a 4163
marbles to begin with and 23 were lost?
f On a flower stand there were 58 bunches of flowers like question 2 repeated, question 7 is like question 3 repeated, and question 8 is
and 37 bunches were sold?
b 3672
c 3421

5 Solve: 63 41 = like question 4 repeated. This is so you will revise each type of question you

6 Complete: 45 56 69 77

8 True or false? 4956 rounds to 5000 when rounded to
the nearest thousand.
15 have just learnt.

7 Complete: 9 9
5 6

9 My thousands digit is 1 less than my tens digit.
My tens digit is 2 more than my hundreds digit.

8 In a raffle of 89 tickets, 14 tickets won prizes. How Question 9: notice that this question is a bit harder than other questions. This
My hundreds digit is 5 more than my units digit many tickets did not win a prize?
which is 2.
What is the number?

9 If I take 43 from a number, then double the answer,
I get 26. What is the number?
is so you will have a challenging problem to test yourself at the end of each
 Answers on pages 1245 Units 29 unit.

Unit 29
START UPS: Units 29 40
Adding with three or more numbers Page 28 Unit 33 Subtracting with trading Page 30
Step 2: Start Ups
1 and 4 See Unit 19 No. 4 1 2 Subtraction with trading is when a subtraction such as 5 9
2 See Unit 19 Nos 1 3 cannot be completed, so a ten needs to be traded.
3 See Unit 19 Nos 1 3 e.g. 3 1 So a trade from the 4
4 5
Completing addition with money is the same process except the $ 2 9 makes 15 9.
and c signs need to be included.

Important: turn to page 3 while you are reading this.

1 6
Unit 30 Mental strategies for addition Page 28 3 To find how much more is the same process as counting on,
1 The jump strategy is: start with the first number and add the see Unit 24 No. 1. Dont forget the $ with money.
tens and then the units. 4 To find the missing numbers it is possible to complete the
e.g. 46 + 36: 46 + 30 = 76 difference, or working from the bottom complete the addition.
76 + 6 = 82 so 46 + 36 = 82 e.g. 55 55 Say 5 what = 2
2 The split strategy is splitting the numbers into hundreds, tens 23 Therefore the what is 3.
and units (place value) and then adding all the same values Or say 2 + what is 5
32 32
e.g. 155 + 123 = (100 + 100) + (50 + 20) + (5 + 3)
= 200 + 70 + 8
Unit 34
Therefore the what is 3.
Subtracting 3-digit numbers without
trading (1) Page 30
Units 2940: notice that each unit has extra information for questions 14.
= 278
3 The compensation strategy is rounding the number to the
nearest 5 or 10, adding the rounded numbers and then counting on
1 3 See Unit 32 Nos 1, 3 and 4
4 See Unit 33 No. 4 This is to give a more detailed explanation so you can understand a question
Unit 35
or back the difference from the rounding.
e.g. 22 + 29 is about 22 + 30 = 52
As 29 was rounded up to 30, count the
Subtracting 3-digit numbers without
trading (2)
1 4 See Unit 32 Nos 1, 3 and 4. With word questions
Page 31 better. Remember that questions 58 are just questions 14 repeated, i.e.
answer back by 1 giving 51,
so 22 + 29 = 51.
dont forget word answers!
Unit 36 Subtracting 3-digit numbers with question 5 is like question 1, question 6 is like question 2, etc.so you can
4 See Unit 24 No. 1 trading (1) Page 31
Unit 31 Rounding numbers (1)
1 4 Rounding is giving an approximate answer.
Page 29 1 See Unit 32 Nos 1, 3 and 4
2 Trading down means breaking the number into two parts,
apply the explanations to these questions as well.
e.g. 52 = 50 + 2 but traded down = 40 + 12.
For rounding to the nearest ten, a number ending in 0, 1, 2, 3 or
So a ten has been moved into the units column.
4 it is rounded down to the nearest ten, and for a number ending
3 4 See Unit 33 Nos 1 2
in 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 it is rounded up to the nearest ten, e.g. 724 is
rounded down to 720 and 756 is rounded up to 760. Unit 37 Subtracting 3-digit numbers with
For rounding to the nearest hundred: if the numbers being trading (2) Page 32
considered are from 0 to 49 they are rounded down to the 1 3 See Unit 33 Nos 1 2
nearest hundred, and if they are from 50 to 99 they are rounded 4 Addition is the inverse operation to subtraction;
up to the nearest hundred, e.g. 235 is rounded down to 200 and therefore subtraction can be checked with addition
895 is rounded up to 900. and vice versa.
For rounding to the nearest thousand: if the numbers being e.g. 190 50 = 140 and 140 + 50 = 190
considered are from 0 to 499 they are rounded down to the
nearest thousand, and if they are from 500 to 999 are rounded up
to the nearest thousand, e.g. 3369 is rounded down to 3000 and
Unit 38 Subtracting 3-digit numbers with
trading (3) Page 32 For example:
1 3 See Unit 33 Nos 1 2. It is sometimes necessary to trade
4785 is rounded up to 5000. down twice with hundreds and tens.
Unit 32 Subtracting 2-digit numbers
without trading Page 29
e.g. 3 9 1
4 0 3
1 9 7
A student has trouble The student turns to the
1, 3 and 4 Subtraction is the process of taking one quantity away
from another. This can be done with numbers or words. It can be
completed by counting back, horizontally or vertically.
2 0 6
4 See Unit 37 No. 4
understanding question 2 of Start Ups section for Units
Note: Take away or minus or difference or less also
mean subtract.
Unit 39 Subtracting with 3-digit numbers with
trading (4) Page 33
Unit 31. 2940 on page 3, then turns to
2 To complete the table the number below the sign is 1 3 See Unit 38 Nos 1 3
subtracted from each of the numbers in the table and the answer
written in the space.
4 See Unit 37 No. 4 Unit 31 questions 14 and
Unit 40 Subtracting without trading to 9999 Page 33
20 (30 20)
(50 20)
1, 2 and 4 See Unit 32 Nos 1, 3 and 4
3 See Unit 33 No. 4
finds a more detailed
10 30
Start Ups 3

Unit 28: Adding three numbers

REVIEW TESTS: Units 28 35
Unit 29: Adding three or more numbers
page 27
page 28
Unit 32: Subtracting 2-digit numbers without trading
Unit 33: Subtracting with trading
page 29
page 30
Step 3: Review Tests
Unit 30: Mental strategies for addition page 28 Unit 34: Subtracting 3-digit numbers without trading (1) page 30
Unit 31: Rounding numbers (1) Unit 35: Subtracting 3-digit numbers without trading (2) page 31

Important: turn to page 105 while you are reading this.

page 29

1 Which of the following numbers is 321 31 Q1 G
1 59 36 = 32 Q1
closest to?
A 33 B 13 C 25 D 23
A 290 B 380 C 250 D 300

2 By counting on, which of the following is
30 Q4
2 The difference between 748 and 221 is: 35 Q2 Units 2831 and 3235: notice that each review test covers four units. This is so
added to 563 to make 999? A 527 B 567 C 627 D 968
33 Q3
your knowledge is tested on several units. Notice also that you are told what units
A 337 B 436 C 1562 D 536 G
3 True or false?

3 True or false?
31 Q2
31 Q4
If Adam is saving for a book which costs $45 and
he has already saved $27, he needs to save
these are in case you want to revise them before doing the test.
another $18.
3398 rounded to the nearest thousand is 4000.
34 Q3
28 Q3 G
4 True or false?
4 True or false?
There is 42 left when 43 is taken away
3 groups of 1062 is 1062 + 1062 + 1062
from 185.

5 Complete: 5 9 8 34 Q1
Questions 112: notice that questions 1 and 2 are always multiple-choice
5 Complete: 3 4 6 8 28 Q1 3 7 5 34 Q2
2 1 7 3
+1 0 4 2
29 Q1 35 Q1
questions and that questions 3 and 4 are always true/false questions. The rest
6 Find the total of $1072 + $1175 + $1091. 29 Q3
6 Complete the box:

9 4 33 Q4
of the questions in the test are a cross-section from the four units covered by
3 1
7 Complete: seventy-seven minus fifty-six. 34 Q3
the review test. This is so you are tested in a variety of ways to make sure you
28 Q2
7 A box of pins was dropped on the floor.
Nicole picked up 879 pins, Jo picked up have fully understood the work.
1276 and Karen picked up 425. How many 8 Find: subtract 32 Q4
pins were there altogether? 45 34 Q3
8 What must be added to 171, 333, 245 and 28 Q4
29 Q4 32 Q2
186 to make 999? G
9 Complete the table: 41

9 Write the answer to the total of 2731, 3050
29 Q1 85
Unit margins: notice that each question has a unit and question reference,
and 1345 in words.
which is a similar question to the one given. This is so you know the exact
10 Which of the following numbers round
to 5000 as the nearest thousand?
31 Q3
10 Find the difference between:
35 Q3
35 Q4
question to go back to if you get a question wrong and need more practice to
5216 4380 4701 5825 K $691 and K $411 understand it.
30 Q1 34 Q4
11 Use the jump strategy to calculate:
11 Complete the boxes: 29 1 3= 24
1424 + 2135
30 Q2
12 Write an addition equation from:
34 Q1
34 Q2 For example: A student gets The student sees that next to the question it
12 Explain the split strategy using the 9 2 5 35 Q1
1 1 3
example 327 + 159.
question 3 of says: 31 Q2, i.e. Unit 31 question 2, so the
Score = /12 Score = /12 Units 2831 student turns to Unit 31 question 2 and
Answers on page 152 Review 105 wrong. finds a similar question to practise.

9 10

4 4 7

G e t t he


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Want !
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Start Ups 23
Adding to 9999 (1) ................................................. 25
Adding to 9999 (2) ................................................. 25

25 Adding with trading to 999 (1) ................................ 26
Units 111........................................................................1
26 Adding with trading to 999 (2) ................................ 26
Units 1228......................................................................2
27 Adding with trading to 999 (3) ................................ 27
Units 2940......................................................................3
Units 4153......................................................................4 28 Adding three numbers............................................. 27
Units 5466......................................................................5 29 Adding three or more numbers................................ 28
Units 6779......................................................................6 30 Mental strategies for addition.................................. 28
Units 8091......................................................................7
Units 92107....................................................................8 Rounding numbers
Units 108119..................................................................9
Units 120134................................................................10 31 Rounding numbers (1) ............................................ 29
Units 135151................................................................11
Units 152169................................................................12 Subtraction
Units 170176................................................................13
32 Subtracting 2-digit numbers without trading .......... 29
Geometry Unit.................................................................13
33 Subtracting with trading.......................................... 30
34 Subtracting 3-digit numbers without trading (1)...... 30
Units 35 Subtracting 3-digit numbers without trading (2)...... 31
36 Subtracting 3-digit numbers with trading (1)........... 31
37 Subtracting 3-digit numbers with trading (2)........... 32
1 Numbers to 9999 (1) .............................................. 14 38 Subtracting 3-digit numbers with trading (3)........... 32
2 Place value 0 9999 (1) ........................................ 14 39 Subtracting 3-digit numbers with trading (4)........... 33
3 Numbers to 9999 (2) .............................................. 15 40 Subtracting without trading to 9999........................ 33
4 Ordering numbers .................................................. 15 41 Subtracting with trading to 9999............................. 34
5 Place value 0 9999 (2) ........................................ 16
6 Place value 0 9999 (3) ........................................ 16
7 Counting by thousands ........................................... 17 Rounding and estimating
8 Numbers to 9999 (3) .............................................. 17 42 Rounding numbers (2)............................................. 34
9 Numbers to 9999 (4) .............................................. 18 43 Rounding numbers and estimating (1)..................... 35
10 Numbers to 9999 (5) .............................................. 18 44 Rounding numbers and estimating (2)..................... 35
11 Expanding 4-digit numbers (1) ............................... 19
12 Expanding 4-digit numbers (2)................................ 19 Multiplication, factors and special numbers
13 Ordinal numbers..................................................... 20
45 Multiplication with modelling and
14 Doubling and halving .............................................. 20 mental strategies.................................................... 36
15 Less than and greater than ..................................... 21 46 Reasoning with numbers......................................... 36
47 Tables 2, 4 and 8........................................ 37
Number patterns 48 Tables 5 and 10.............................................. 37
16 Number patterns (1) ............................................... 21 49 Tables 3, 6 and 9........................................ 38
17 Number patterns (2) ............................................... 22 50 Tables 7, 8 and 9........................................ 38
18 Number patterns (3) ............................................... 22 51 Multiplication tables (1)........................................... 39
52 Multiplication tables (2)........................................... 39
53 Square and triangular numbers............................... 40
Addition 54 Multiples................................................................. 40
19 Adding to 99 (1) ..................................................... 23 55 Factors.................................................................... 41
20 Adding to 999 (1) ................................................... 23 56 Multiplication strategies ......................................... 41
21 Adding to 99 (2) ..................................................... 24 57 Multiplication by tens ............................................. 42
22 Adding to 999 (2) ................................................... 24 58 Extended multiplication .......................................... 42

ii Excel Start Up Maths Year 4

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Division Percentages
59 Division (1) ............................................................. 43 93 Simple percentages ............................................... 60
60 Division (2) ............................................................. 43 94 Percentages (1) ...................................................... 60
61 Division problems and remainders ......................... 44 95 Percentages (2) ...................................................... 61
62 Division with multiplication grid............................... 44 96 Percentages (3) ...................................................... 61
63 Division (3) ............................................................. 45 97 Fractions, decimals and percentages ...................... 62
64 Estimation with division........................................... 45
65 Division with remainders (1) ................................... 46 Money
66 Division with remainders (2) ................................... 46 98 Use of money ......................................................... 62
67 Division practice...................................................... 47 99 Money addition and subtraction .............................. 63
100 Money multiplication and division ........................... 63
Multiplication and division 101 Money rounding and estimation ............................. 64
68 Multiplication and division....................................... 47
69 Inverse operations................................................... 48 Symmetry
102 Symmetry (1) ......................................................... 64
Number lines 103 Symmetry (2) ......................................................... 65
70 Number lines........................................................... 48
Shapes and rigidity
Numbers and number patterns 104 Shapes.................................................................... 65
71 Odd and even numbers .......................................... 49 105 Plane shapes ......................................................... 66
72 Number patterns (4) ............................................... 49 106 Rigidity.................................................................... 66
73 1-Step and 2-step rules ......................................... 50 107 Regular and irregular shapes .. ................................ 67

Calculator use Angles

74 Calculator addition and subtraction...................... 50 108 Angles in real life ................................................... 67
75 Calculator multiplication and division................... 51 109 Comparing angles .................................................. 68
110 Angles right, obtuse and acute............................. 68
Fractions 111 Drawing angles....................................................... 69
76 Fraction name ........................................................ 51
77 Fractions ................................................................ 52 Lines
78 Comparing fractions................................................ 52
112 Parallel and perpendicular lines .............................. 69
79 Equivalent fractions................................................. 53
80 Mixed numbers ...................................................... 53 Shapes and 3D objects
113 3D objects .............................................................. 70
Decimals 114 Drawing 3D objects................................................. 70
81 Hundredths ............................................................ 54 115 Properties and views of 3D objects ......................... 71
82 Tenths .................................................................... 54 116 Triangles and quadrilaterals ................................... 71
83 Decimals place value .......................................... 55 117 Polygons ................................................................ 72
84 Decimals................................................................. 55 118 Prisms ................................................................... 72
85 Comparing decimals (1) ......................................... 56 119 Cylinders, cones and spheres.................................. 73
86 Comparing decimals (2) ......................................... 56 120 Pyramids (1)............................................................ 73
87 Decimals with whole numbers ............................... 57 121 Pyramids (2)............................................................ 74
88 Fractions and decimals .......................................... 57 122 Nets and 3D objects................................................ 74
89 Decimal addition .................................................... 58
90 Decimal subtraction ............................................... 58
Movement of shapes
91 Decimal addition and subtraction ........................... 59 123 Movement of shapes (1).......................................... 75
92 Decimal multiplication (calculator)........................... 59 124 Movement of shapes (2).......................................... 75
125 Tessellation............................................................. 76

Contents iii
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Position Picture graphs
126 Position giving directions ..................................... 76 163 Picture graphs (1) ................................................... 95
127 Compass directions................................................. 77 164 Picture graphs (2) ................................................... 95
128 Maps and plans ...................................................... 77
129 Coordinates............................................................. 78
Data and graphs
130 Grids ...................................................................... 78
165 Tally marks and tables .. .......................................... 96
Puzzles 166 Reading tables ....................................................... 96
167 Drawing tables........................................................ 97
131 Puzzles .................................................................. 79
168 Column graphs ....................................................... 97
132 Paper folding and shapes........................................ 79
169 Surveys and collecting data .................................... 98
133 Analog time (1) ....................................................... 80 Problem solving
134 Analog time (2) ....................................................... 80 170 Problem solving (1) ................................................ 98
135 Analog time (3) ....................................................... 81 171 Problem solving (2) ................................................ 99
136 Digital and analog time (1) ..................................... 81
137 Digital and analog time (2) ..................................... 82
138 Digital and analog time (3) ..................................... 82 Practice
139 am and pm time ..................................................... 83 172 Place value practice................................................ 99
140 Calendars................................................................ 83 173 Addition and subtraction practice.......................... 100
141 Timelines and timetables ....................................... 84 174 Multiplication and division practice ....................... 100
175 Fractions practice ................................................. 101
Length 176 Decimals practice ................................................ 101
142 Length (1) .............................................................. 84
143 Length (2) .............................................................. 85
144 Length in mm (1) .................................................... 85
Review Tests
Units 110....................................................................102
145 Length in mm (2) .................................................... 86
Units 1118..................................................................103
146 Length with decimals (1)......................................... 86
Units 1927..................................................................104
147 Length with decimals (2)......................................... 87 Units 2835..................................................................105
Units 3646..................................................................106
Perimeter and area Units 4758..................................................................107
148 Perimeter ............................................................... 87 Units 5968..................................................................108
149 Area (1)................................................................... 88 Units 6980..................................................................109
150 Area (2)................................................................... 88 Units 8188..................................................................110
151 Area and perimeter ................................................ 89 Units 8997..................................................................111
Units 98107................................................................112
Units 108117..............................................................113
Mass, capacity and volume
Units 118126..............................................................114
152 Mass....................................................................... 89 Units 127141..............................................................115
153 Mass in grams (1) .................................................. 90 Units 142151..............................................................116
154 Mass in grams (2) .................................................. 90 Units 152159..............................................................117
155 Capacity in mL (1)................................................... 91 Units 160169..............................................................118
156 Capacity in mL (2)................................................... 91 Units 170176..............................................................119
157 Capacity in mL and L .............................................. 92
158 Cubic centimetres .................................................. 92
159 Volume.................................................................... 93 Answers
Arrangements and chance Review Tests ................................................................151
160 Arrangements ........................................................ 93
161 Chance (1) ............................................................. 94
162 Chance (2) ............................................................. 94

iv Excel Start Up Maths Year 4

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START UPS: Units 1 11

Unit 1 Numbers to 9999 (1) Page 14 Unit 6 Place value 0 9999 (3) Page 16
1 A numeral expander shows the values of numbers. The digit is 1 A place value chart is like a numeral expander. Each digit is
written next to each value: thousands, hundreds, tens and units. written in the column of place. If there is no value, a 0 is written.
Note: U = units, T = tens, H = hundreds and Th = thousands.
e.g. 5 Th 2 H 1 T 5 U 2 See Unit 5 No. 3
where U = units, T = tens, H = hundreds and Th = thousands. 3 See Unit 2 No. 3
2 3 A number can be written in words or in digits. e.g. 4210 is 4 To write the smallest number, find the smallest digit
four thousand, two hundred and ten. To write in digits, write the and write it first, then the next smallest and write it second
values in place order; if there is no digit for a certain place, a zero is and so on.
written, e.g. 502 for five hundred and two. e.g. When using the digits 6, 1, 3 the smallest number is 136.
4 The number of digits is found by counting each separate digit.
Unit 7 Counting by thousands Page 17
e.g. 23 has 2 digits and 205 has 3 digits.
1 Rounding is giving an approximate answer. To round
Unit 2 Place value 0 9999 (1) Page 14 to the nearest thousand: anything over and including
1 An abacus is read as the number of discs above each letter. 500 is rounded up and anything below 500 is rounded
where U = units, T = tens, H = hundreds and Th = thousands. down.
2 To find a number more than count on starting at the given e.g. 3460 is rounded down to 3000,
number. 3501 is rounded up to 4000.
To find a number less than count back starting at the given number. 2 and 3 1000 more is found by adding 1 to the thousands
3 Look at the place of the underlined digit, and this gives the value. digit. 1000 less is found by subtracting 1 from the
e.g. 325 has 2 is in the tens place, so has a value of 2 tens. thousands digit.
4 < means less than and > means greater than. So 140 > 130 4 See Unit 4 Nos 1 and 3
reads 140 is greater than 130, which is true. 0.9 > 0.6 which is
Unit 8 Numbers to 9999 (3) Page 17
also true.
1 See Unit 2 No. 1
Unit 3 Numbers to 9999 (2) Page 15 2 See Unit 1 Nos 2 3
1 3 See Unit 1 Nos 2 3 3 See Unit 4 Nos 2 and 4
4 The number of hundreds is all the numbers in the hundreds place 4 Halfway between can be found by adding the 2 numbers
and up (to the left). together and dividing by 2.
e.g. 205 has 2 hundreds
0 + 100
2 104 has 21 hundreds e.g. Halfway between 0 and 100 is = 50.
24 306 has 243 hundreds 2
Unit 4 Ordering numbers Page 15 Unit 9 Numbers to 9999 (4) Page 18
1 and 3 Determine the counting pattern of either units, tens, 1 and 3 See Unit 1 Nos 2 3
hundreds or thousands by looking at the value of the units, tens, 2 See Unit 2 No. 4
hundreds or thousands place then count on or count back. Complete 4 To find the value of a certain digit, locate that digit, then look at
the pattern or write the missing numbers in the space or a the place and that is the value.
description can be written. This also applies to decimals. e.g. The value of the 3 in 203 is 3 units.
Note: Doubling and halving can also form number patterns. Unit 10 Numbers to 9999 (5) Page 18
2 and 4 Ordering numbers can be determined by looking at the
1 See Unit 2 No. 1
digit in the thousands column and comparing, If they are the same
2 See Unit 2 No. 2. In this case, it will be easier to examine the
then look at the digits in the hundreds place and so on, working
place value number increasing or decreasing. e.g. 100 more
from left to right and then ordering.
than 1200 is adding 1 to the hundreds place, giving 1300.
Unit 5 Place value 0 9999 (2) Page 16 3 See Unit 2 No. 4
1 see Unit 1 No. 1. Note: a numeral expander can be compressed: 4 To write the largest number, find the largest digit and write it
e.g. first, then the next largest digit and so on.
1 Th 4 H 2 T 6 U e.g. When using the digits 4, 2, 1, 3 the largest number is 4321.
Unit 11 Expanding 4-digit numbers (1) Page 19
1 4 H 2 T 6 U
1 See Unit 1 No. 1
1 4 2 T 6 U 2 To write the number, take the first digit of each number in the
2 See Unit 2 No. 4 equation, and put in order of place.
3 To find the number after (or that follows) count on by 1. e.g. 4000 + 200 + 70 + 6 gives 4, 2, 7, 6
To find the number before count back by 1. so the number is 4276.
4 The number of tens is all of the numbers in the tens place and 3 See Unit 2 No. 3
up (to the left). 4 To expand a number, break the number into its components of
e.g. 214 has 21 tens thousands, hundreds, tens and units. Write as an addition equation.
3461 has 346 tens e.g. 436 = 400 + 30 + 6

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START UPS: Units 12 28

Unit 12 Expanding 4-digit numbers (2) Page 19 Unit 21 Adding to 99 (2) Page 24
1 See Unit 6 No. 1 1 and 3 See Unit 19 Nos 1 3. Dont forget to answer
2 See Unit 11 No. 2 a word question with a word answer,
3 and 4 See Unit 11 No. 4 e.g. 256 dogs.
Unit 13 Ordinal numbers Page 20 2 To find numbers that total, trial and error can be used
or look at the units first to see which numbers total and
1 4 Ordinal numbers are numbers that show place or position.
then examine tens and hundreds and so on.
e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd. They can be written in words as first, second, or
4 See Unit 20 No. 4
as abbreviations as 21st, 19th.
Unit 22 Adding to 999 (2) Page 24
Unit 14 Doubling and halving Page 20
1 See Unit 19 Nos 1 3
1 To double a number means to multiply by 2.
2 and 4 See Unit 19 No. 4
e.g. double 10 is 20.
3 Examine each solution and find the missing number
2 Doubles can be used to find values.
by counting on or subtracting.
e.g. Find the number of legs on 3 cows.
Write the answer in the box.
There are 4 legs on 1 cow so 4  3; double 3 = 6
double 6 = 12 so 12 legs Unit 23 Adding to 9999 (1) Page 25
3 See Unit 8 No. 4 1 Addition of a multiple of one thousand can be just
4 Half means to divide by 2 (or into 2 equal groups). added to the thousands column.
Unit 15 Less than and greater than Page 21 e.g. 4260 + 3000 just add the 4 and 3 = 7,
therefore the answer is 7260.
1 2 See Unit 2 No. 2
2 3 See Unit 19 No. 4
3 4 See Unit 2 No. 4
4 See Unit 19 Nos 1 3
Unit 16 Number patterns (1) Page 21
Unit 24 Adding to 9999 (2) Page 25
1 2 See Unit 4 Nos 1 and 3
1 The process to find what needs to be added to, is add on.
3 Start at the given number and continue the counting pattern.
Start at the left and work to the right to get the desired
4 To find the tenth term count on nine times, following
the pattern.
e.g. Add 752 to 247 Add 700 to 200 makes 900,
add 50 to 40 makes 90,
Unit 17 Number patterns (2) Page 22 add 2 to 7 makes 9.
1 See Unit 16 No. 3 Therefore 752 added to 247 makes 999.
2 3 See Unit 4 Nos 1 and 3 2 and 4 See Unit 19 Nos 1 3
4 See Unit 16 No. 4 3 See Unit 19 No. 4
Unit 18 Number patterns (3) Page 22 Unit 25 Adding with trading to 999 (1) Page 26
1, 3 and 4 See Unit 4 Nos 1 and 3 1 See Unit 19 No. 4
2 See Unit 16 No. 3 2 4 See Unit 19 Nos 1 3
Unit 19 Adding to 99 (1) Page 23 Unit 26 Adding with trading to 999 (2) Page 26
1 3 Addition is the combining of 2 or more numbers to 1 See Unit 19 Nos 1 3
make a larger one. This can be completed with numerals 2 and 4 See Unit 19 No. 4
or words. It can be completed by counting on, horizontal or 3 To complete the addition, the number below the
vertical addition. + sign is added to each of the numbers in the
Note: Add or sum or total or plus also mean addition. table and the answer is written under each
4 To add vertically, start at the right and add numbers together. addend.
Write in the units and then trade any e.g.
tens. Then move to the tens, 1 + 100 200
41 44 50 (100 + 50) (200 + 50)
hundreds and so on. through
+ 2 6 and + 2 7 150 250
to the left, trading as 67 71
necessary. Unit 27 Adding with trading to 999 (3) Page 27
Unit 20 Adding to 999 (1) Page 23 1, 3 and 4 See Unit 19 Nos 1 3
1 To estimate is to make a sensible guess. To round the nearest 2 See Unit 19 No. 4
ten, numbers 5 and greater are rounded up; numbers less than 5 Unit 28 Adding three numbers Page 27
are rounded down. It can then be checked with the actual
Adding with 3 or more numbers follows the same processes as
calculation of the equation.
adding with 2 numbers.
2 See Unit 19 Nos 1 3
1 See Unit 19 No. 4
3 See Unit 19 No. 4
2 3 See Unit 19 Nos 1 3
4 Missing numbers can be found by counting on. First by
4 See Unit 24 No. 1
thousands, then hundreds to units.

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START UPS: Units 29 40

Unit 29 Adding with three or more numbers Page 28 Unit 33 Subtracting with trading Page 30
1 and 4 See Unit 19 No. 4 1 2 Subtraction with trading is when a subtraction such as 5 9
2 See Unit 19 Nos 1 3 cannot be completed, so a ten needs to be traded.
3 See Unit 19 Nos 1 3 e.g. 3 1 So a trade from the 4
4 5
Completing addition with money is the same process except the $ 2 9 makes 15 9.
and c signs need to be included. 1 6
Unit 30 Mental strategies for addition Page 28 3 To find how much more is the same process as counting on,
1 The jump strategy is: start with the first number and add the see Unit 24 No. 1. Dont forget the $ with money.
tens and then the units. 4 To find the missing numbers it is possible to complete the
e.g. 46 + 36: 46 + 30 = 76 difference, or working from the bottom complete the addition.
76 + 6 = 82 so 46 + 36 = 82 e.g. 55 55 Say 5 what = 2
2 The split strategy is splitting the numbers into hundreds, tens 23 Therefore the what is 3.
and units (place value) and then adding all the same values Or say 2 + what is 5
32 32
together. Therefore the what is 3.
e.g. 155 + 123 = (100 + 100) + (50 + 20) + (5 + 3) Unit 34 Subtracting 3-digit numbers without
= 200 + 70 + 8 trading (1) Page 30
= 278 1 3 See Unit 32 Nos 1, 3 and 4
3 The compensation strategy is rounding the number to the 4 See Unit 33 No. 4
nearest 5 or 10, adding the rounded numbers and then counting on
or back the difference from the rounding. Unit 35 Subtracting 3-digit numbers without
trading (2) Page 31
e.g. 22 + 29 is about 22 + 30 = 52
As 29 was rounded up to 30, count the 1 4 See Unit 32 Nos 1, 3 and 4. With word questions
answer back by 1 giving 51, dont forget word answers!
so 22 + 29 = 51. Unit 36 Subtracting 3-digit numbers with
4 See Unit 24 No. 1 trading (1) Page 31
Unit 31 Rounding numbers (1) Page 29 1 See Unit 32 Nos 1, 3 and 4
2 Trading down means breaking the number into two parts,
1 4 Rounding is giving an approximate answer.
e.g. 52 = 50 + 2 but traded down = 40 + 12.
For rounding to the nearest ten, a number ending in 0, 1, 2, 3 or
So a ten has been moved into the units column.
4 it is rounded down to the nearest ten, and for a number ending
3 4 See Unit 33 Nos 1 2
in 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 it is rounded up to the nearest ten, e.g. 724 is
rounded down to 720 and 756 is rounded up to 760. Unit 37 Subtracting 3-digit numbers with
For rounding to the nearest hundred: if the numbers being trading (2) Page 32
considered are from 0 to 49 they are rounded down to the 1 3 See Unit 33 Nos 1 2
nearest hundred, and if they are from 50 to 99 they are rounded 4 Addition is the inverse operation to subtraction;
up to the nearest hundred, e.g. 235 is rounded down to 200 and therefore subtraction can be checked with addition
895 is rounded up to 900. and vice versa.
For rounding to the nearest thousand: if the numbers being e.g. 190 50 = 140 and 140 + 50 = 190
considered are from 0 to 499 they are rounded down to the Unit 38 Subtracting 3-digit numbers with
nearest thousand, and if they are from 500 to 999 are rounded up trading (3) Page 32
to the nearest thousand, e.g. 3369 is rounded down to 3000 and 1 3 See Unit 33 Nos 1 2. It is sometimes necessary to trade
4785 is rounded up to 5000. down twice with hundreds and tens.
Unit 32 Subtracting 2-digit numbers e.g. 3 9 1
without trading Page 29 4 0 3
1 9 7
1, 3 and 4 Subtraction is the process of taking one quantity away
2 0 6
from another. This can be done with numbers or words. It can be
completed by counting back, horizontally or vertically. 4 See Unit 37 No. 4
Note: Take away or minus or difference or less also Unit 39 Subtracting 3-digit numbers with
mean subtract. trading (4) Page 33
2 To complete the table the number below the sign is 1 3 See Unit 38 Nos 1 3
subtracted from each of the numbers in the table and the answer 4 See Unit 37 No. 4
written in the space.
e.g. Unit 40 Subtracting without trading to 9999 Page 33
30 50 1, 2 and 4 See Unit 32 Nos 1, 3 and 4
20 (30 20) (50 20) 3 See Unit 33 No. 4
10 30

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START UPS: Units 41 53

Unit 41 Subtraction with trading to 9999 Page 34 Unit 48 Tables  5 and  10 Page 37
1 4 See Unit 38 Nos 1 3 (dont forget the $ sign in the money 1 2 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2
questions!) 3 When there are two products either side of an answer or equals
Unit 42 Rounding numbers (2) Page 35 sign, the answer should be the same for both expressions.
e.g. 2  2 = 4  1; both expressions equal 4.
1 4 See Unit 31 Nos 1 4
4 Multiplication circles are completed by multiplying the number
Unit 43 Rounding numbers and estimating (1) Page 34 in the circle by each of the numbers on the outside.
1 4 To estimate means to make a sensible guess. In these e.g.
examples it means rounding each number to the nearest ten and
then completing the addition or subtraction.
(5  1) (5  10)
Unit 44 Rounding numbers and estimating (2) Page 35 5 50
1 10
1 3 See Unit 31 Nos 1 4 5
4 The actual is the calculated answer (a calculator could be 2 5
useful). The difference is the difference between the estimation and (5  2) (5  5)
10 25
the actual. Note: it does not have to be zero!
Unit 45 Multiplication with modelling
and mental strategies Page 36
Unit 49 Table  3,  6 and  9 Page 38
1 2 Multiplication is the total of a number of groups or rows.
It can be described with a number sentence such 1 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2
as 3  4 = 12 or 4 or in words. 2 See Unit 48 No. 3
 3 3 Multiplication tables have patterns,
1 2 e.g. for the 9 times table, 6  9 = (6  10) (6  1)
Product, groups of, times, lots of all mean multiply. = 60 6 = 54
Note: anything  0 = 0 and anything  1 = itself. 4 An algorithm is another name for sum or equation.
Multiplication tables are given on the inside back cover. Unit 50 Tables  7,  8 and  9 Page 38
3 Large multiplication equations can be split into 1 and 3 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2
tens and units components, each calculated and 2 See Unit 48 No. 3
then added together. 4 See Unit 48 No. 4
e.g. 11  5 = (10  5) + (1  5) [as 11 = 10 + 1]
= 50 + 5 Unit 51 Multiplication tables (1) Page 39
= 55 1 2 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2
4 The process of doubling can allow us to find 2 groups of, then 3 See Unit 48 No. 3
4 groups of, and so on. 4 Multiplication tables grids can be completed by multiplying
e.g. 4 doubled is 8 24=8 each number by the number below the .
8 doubled is 16 2  8 = 16 e.g.  1 2 3
Unit 46 Reasoning with numbers Page 36 3 (1  3) (2  3) (3  3)
1 To halve a number means to divide by 2. 3 6 9
e.g. Half of 10 is 5.
2 See Unit 14 No. 1
3 4 Addition and subtraction are inverse operations. Unit 52 Multiplication tables (2) Page 39
Multiplication and division are inverse operations. 1 and 3 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2
Addition and multiplication can be reversed 2 See Unit 48 No. 3
4 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2 and dont forget the $ signs!
e.g. 1 + 4 = 5 and 4 + 1 = 5
1  5 = 5 and 5  1 = 5 Unit 53 Square and triangular numbers Page 40
Subtraction and division equations cannot be reversed. 1 and 4 A square number is a number that results from
multiplying another number by itself.
e.g. 4 1 1 4
e.g. 32 = 3  3 = 9
4 1 = 4 but 1 4 4
It can be represented
Unit 47 Tables  2,  4 and  8 Page 37 in the shape of a square.
1 3 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2
4 The multiples of a certain number is that number 2 and 3 A triangular number is a number that can be represented
multiplied by each of 1, 2, 3 etc. in the shape of a triangle.
e.g. The first 3 multiples of 6 are:
1  6 = 6, 2  6 = 12 and 3  6 = 18,
that is 6, 12, 18. e.g. =6

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START UPS: Units 54 66

Unit 54 Multiples Page 40 Unit 60 Division (2) Page 43
1 4 A multiple is the product of its factors, e.g. 12 is a multiple 1 and 3 See Unit 59 Nos 2 and 4
of the factors 4 and 3. A number may have many factors 2 See Unit 59 No. 1
e.g. 1, 12; 2, 6; 3 and 4 are all factors of 12. 4 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2
Therefore 12 is a multiple of each 1, 12, 2, 6, 3 and 4. Unit 61 Division problems and remainders Page 44
Unit 55 Factors Page 41 1 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2
1 4 A factor is a number that divides evenly into another 2 See Unit 59 Nos 2 and 4
number, e.g. 3 is a factor of 6. 3 4 When a division or grouping is made, and there are some
Numbers can have many factors, items or amount left over, these are called remainders. The
e.g. for 6 its factors are 1, 6, 2 and 3. abbreviation for remainder is r.
Unit 56 Multiplication strategies Page 41 e.g. 13 5 = 2 groups and 3 remainders which can be
written as 2 r 3.
1 See Unit 45 No. 3
2 Multiplying with tens is the same as normal multiplication, Unit 62 Division with multiplication grid Page 44
except a zero is added to the answer. 1 A multiplication grid (see the inside back cover) is a table of
e.g. 5  5 = 25 and 5  50 = 250 numbers of 0 to 10 multiplied by the numbers 0 to 10 and all
Multiplying by hundreds is also the same except two zeros are answers are written in the grid.
added to the answer, e.g. 5  500 = 2500. 2 See Unit 59 Nos 2 and 4
3 Large multiplication equations can be split into smaller 3 4 See Unit 59 No. 1
components where one of the numbers is 2; so the concept of Unit 63 Division (3) Page 45
doubling can be used.
1 4 Division with larger numbers can be completed by
e.g. 12  7 = 2  6  7
inspection 100 2 = 50 or by a division equation:
= 2  42
50 10 2 = 5
= 84
2 100 0 2=0
4 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2
Unit 64 Estimation with division Page 45
Unit 57 Multiplication by tens Page 42
1, 3 and 4 To estimate means to make a sensible guess.
1 2 See Unit 56 No. 2
In these examples it means rounding to the nearest number that the
3 4 Multiplication with multiples of ten can be split into 10 
divisor will divide evenly into.
the number to make the multiplication easier.
e.g. 9 5 could be rounded to 10 5 = 2.
e.g. 3  40 = 3  4  10
Therefore 2 is the estimate.
= 12  10
2 Division can be calculated by working left to right
= 120
e.g. Say 5 5 = 1 10 r 2
Unit 58 Extended multiplication Page 42 25=0 5 52
1 See Unit 56 No. 2 with 2 remainder (or left over).
2 and 4 Extended multiplication is basically the
same process as splitting into tens and units and then Division can be extended to larger numbers,
adding together. e.g. Say 6 2 = 3 32
See Unit 45 No. 3 42=2 2 64
e.g. 43
 5 and with carrying:
15 53 say 7 2 = 3 r 1 3 6
+ 200 5  40
12 2 = 6 2 7 12
Unit 65 Division with remainders (1) Page 46
3 See Unit 45 No. 3 1 See Unit 64 No. 2
Unit 59 Division (1) Page 43 2 See Unit 59 No. 1
3 Division and multiplication can be used to check each other.
1 Division and multiplication are inverse operations
e.g. 20 6 = 3 r 2
and can be used to check each other.
Therefore 3  6 + 2 = 18 + 2 = 20
e.g. 35 = 7  5 35 = 5  7 35 7 = 5 35 5 = 7
4 In this special example, children cannot be left over or left behind
Division can be written as 35 7 = 5 or 5
7 35 so it will be necessary to run more riding sessions.
e.g. With 5 horses and 7 children there would need
to be 2 sessions.
2 and 4 Division is the sharing or grouping of a number or objects
into equal amounts. Groups of or dividing or sharing also mean Unit 66 Division with remainders (2) Page 46
division. 1 2 See Unit 64 No. 2
3 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2 3 4 See Unit 61 Nos 3 4

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START UPS: Units 67 79

Unit 67 Division practice Page 47 Unit 76 Fraction names Page 51
1 See Unit 65 No. 3 1 2 The numerator is the top part of the fraction (over the line).
2 3 See Unit 64 No. 2 It shows how many parts out of the whole.
4 Follow the path means complete the first equation and then use The denominator is the bottom part of the fraction (the number
that answer to complete the next equation and so on. below the line). It shows how many parts in the whole.
e.g. 40 4 = 10 e.g. 2 is 2 out of 4 equal parts.
10 2 = 20 and so on. 4
Fractions can be represented with pictures or diagrams where the
Unit 68 Multiplication and division Page 47 fraction is the shaded/coloured part.
1 See Unit 59 No. 1
e.g. is 3 is also 3
2 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2 4 4
3 See Unit 64 No. 2 3 To compare fractions with a different denominator a sketch can
4 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2 and Unit 59 Nos 2 and 4 sometimes help, or the greater the denominator, the more pieces, so
Unit 69 the smaller the fraction.
Inverse operations Page 48
1 2 See Unit 37 No. 4 e.g. 1 is smaller than 1 as 1 in eight pieces
8 4
3 4 See Unit 59 No. 1 is less than 1 in 4 pieces.
Unit 70 Number lines Page 48 A fraction with the same numerator and denominator is equal to 1.
1 A number line is a line marked with numbers in order. e.g. 5 = 1, 6 = 1 and 10 = 1
5 6 10
e.g. 4 Fractions can be represented with words or numbers.
0 5 10 15 20 e.g. one third = 1
2 4 The jump strategy is the moving or jumping
Unit 77 Fractions Page 52
along a number line by tens and units to complete
1 A number line can be used to show numbers, fractions or
a calculation. For addition and multiplication move to
decimals. e.g.
the right (larger).
For subtraction and division move to the left (smaller).
1 11 12 13 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Unit 71 Odd and even numbers Page 49 4 4 4
1 An odd number is a number that cannot be evenly 2 3 See Unit 76 Nos 1 2
divided by 2 4 When fractions with the same denominator are compared, the
2 An even number is a number that can be evenly fraction with the largest number as the numerator is the largest
divided by 2 fraction.
3 See Unit 19 Nos 1 4, Unit 32 Nos 1, 3 and 4, Unit 45 Nos 1 2, e.g. 5 is larger than 3 as more parts are shaded:
8 8
Unit 54 Nos 1 4
4 See Unit 19 Nos 1 4, Unit 32 Nos 1, 3 and 4, Unit 45 Nos 1 2,
Unit 54 Nos 1 4
Unit 72 Number patterns (4) Page 49 If required, once compared, fractions can be written in order.
1 See Unit 16 No. 3 Note: If fractions have different denominators it may be possible
2 and 4 See Unit 4 Nos 1 and 3 to make them the same.
3 See Unit 67 No. 4 e.g. 1 = 2 , 1 = 5 and 1 = 2
2 4 2 10 5 10
Unit 73 1-Step and 2-step rules Page 50 Unit 78 Comparing fractions Page 52
1 4 A rule defines a number pattern or sequence
1, 2 and 4 See Unit 76 No. 3
of numbers. It can be 1 or 2, or more steps.
3 See Unit 77 No. 4
See also Unit 4 Nos 1 and 3
Unit 79 Equivalent fractions Page 53
Unit 74 Calculator addition
and subtraction Page 50 1 An equivalent fraction is a fraction that has the same value or
amount. e.g. all of the following fractions are equal to 1 .
1 2 A calculator can be used to find answers to 2
1, 2, 3, 4
equations or to check answers. 2 4 6 8
3 To double on a calculator, either 2 or add the
2 4 Fractions can be compared by making the denominators the
number twice.
4 To halve on a calculator 2.
Unit 75 Calculator multiplication 2 2
and division Page 51 So what is done to the top ( 2)
1 = 2 6 = 3
2 4 is done to the bottom and vice
1 4 See Unit 74 Nos 1 2 8 4

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START UPS: Units 80 91

Unit 80 Mixed numbers Page 53 Unit 85 Comparing decimals (1) Page 56
1 and 3 A mixed number is a number written as a whole number 1 - 3 See Unit 84 No. 2
with a fraction e.g. 1 3 4 Rounding with decimals is the same as whole numbers see Unit
31 Nos 1 4. When numbers end with digits 1 to 4 they are
2 See Unit 77 No. 1
rounded down, e.g. 4.42 becomes 4 to the nearest whole number.
4 Like fractions, mixed numbers can be compared and the mixed
Numbers ending with digits 5 to 9 are rounded up, e.g. 1.67
number with the largest whole number is the largest mixed number.
becomes 1.7 to the nearest tenth.
If the whole numbers are the same then compare the fractions.
e.g. 2 1 is larger than 1 1 as 2 is larger than 1. Unit 86 Comparing decimals (2) Page 56
2 4
1 See Unit 4 Nos 1 and 3
Unit 81 Hundredths Page 54 2 3 See Unit 84 No. 2
1 3 A hundredth is one part of one unit which is divided into 100 4 See Unit 85 No. 4
equal parts. As a decimal 1 hundredth is 0.01 and as a fraction Unit 87 Decimals with whole numbers Page 57
is 1 . Also on a square:
100 1 2 See Unit 81 Nos 1 3
3 See Unit 85 No. 4
4 See Unit 84 No. 2
Unit 88 Fractions and decimals Page 57
1 3 See Unit 81 Nos 1 3 and Unit 82 Nos 1 3
4 See Unit 84 No. 2
Unit 89 Decimal addition Page 58
1 4 Decimal addition is the same as regular addition. Tens, units,
tenths, hundredths and so on, all need to line up in the correct place
value columns. The easiest way is to line up the decimal point first.
4 See Unit 77 No. 1
e.g. 4.2 The decimal point position
Unit 82 Tenths Page 54 + 3.1 continues in the answer.
1 3 A tenth is one part of one unit which is divided into 10 equal 7.3
parts. As a decimal 1 tenth is 0.1 and as a fraction is 1 . Trading is treated in the same way: 14 . 6
10 + 2.9
On a square: 17 . 5
Note: Any missing digits can have zeros added to keep the columns
e.g. 4.2 4 . 20
+ 3 . 51 becomes + 3 . 51
7 . 71
Note: When working with money dont forget $ and c signs.
Unit 90 Decimal subtraction Page 58
1 4 Decimal subtraction is the same as regular subtraction.
Note: Like mixed numbers with a fraction, a mixed number is also Tens, units, tenths, hundredths and so on, all need to line up in the
a whole number with a decimal component. correct columns. The easiest way is to line up the decimal point first.
e.g. 1.23 e.g. 4.7 The decimal point position
4 See Unit 2 No. 4 2.5 continues in the answer.
Unit 83 Decimals place value Page 55 6 1
Trading is treated the same way: 17 . 3
1 and 3 See Unit 81 Nos 1 3 2.9
2 See Unit 2 No. 3 14 . 4
4 See Unit 77 No. 1
Note: Any missing digits can have zeros added to keep the columns
Unit 84 Decimals Page 55 balanced.
1 and 3 See Unit 81 Nos 1 3 e.g. 4 . 49 4 . 49
2 To find the larger decimal, compare digits in the units place. 2.3 becomes 2 . 30
If they are the same, move to the tenths place, and then to the 2 . 19
hundredths place (left to right) and so on. e.g. 0.27 is larger than Note: When working with money dont forget $ and c signs.
0.25 as 7 is larger than 5. These numbers can then be ordered if Unit 91 Decimal addition and subtraction Page 59
necessary. The process is the same when looking for smaller
1 See Unit 89 Nos 1 4
2 See Unit 90 Nos 1 4
4 See Unit 2 No. 3
3 4 See Units 89 Nos 1 4 and 90 Nos 1 4
Note: With word questions dont forget word answers.

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START UPS: Units 92 107

Unit 92 Decimal multiplication (calculator) Page 59 Unit 102 Symmetry (1) Page 64
1 2 See unit 74 Nos 1 2 1 4 Symmetry is when one half of a shape is a reflection of the
3 4 By looking at patterns from Questions 1 and 2 other half, so when folded on the line (axis) of symmetry, the two
of the  10 and  100, it can be seen,  10 moves the halves fit exactly. e.g.
decimal point to the right one place, and the  100 moves
the decimal point to the right two places.

e.g. 13.6  10 = 136 Note: A shape may have more than 1 line of symmetry. A square
has 4 lines of symmetry.

1.36  100 = 136

Unit 93 Simple percentages Page 60
1 4 Percentage means out of 100. It is represented by the
percentage sign %.
Unit 103 Symmetry (2) Page 65
e.g. 20% is 20 out of 100 or twenty percent
or 20 = 2 or 0.2. 1 4 See Unit 102 Nos 1 4
100 10
Unit 104 Shapes Page 65
It can also be represented on a diagram:
1 A 2D shape has 2 dimensions, length and width.
It does not have depth.
A 3D object (solid) has 3 dimensions, length, width and height
2 and 4 See Geometry Unit (page 13)
3 A parallelogram is a special quadrilateral where opposite sides
and opposite angles are equal.

Unit 94 Percentages (1) Page 60 Unit 105 Plane shapes Page 66

1 4 See Unit 93 Nos 1 4 1 2 A plane shape only has 2 dimensions. See Geometry Unit
(page 13)
Unit 95 Percentages (2) Page 61 3 The number of angles in a shape can be counted.
1 4 See Unit 93 Nos 1 4 e.g. A triangle has 3 angles.
Unit 96 Percentages (3) Page 61
1 4 See Unit 93 Nos 1 4
A square has 4 angles.
Unit 97 Fractions, decimals and percentages Page 62
1, 2 and 4 See Unit 93 Nos 1 4
3 See Unit 2 No. 4 4 A trapezium is a special quadrilateral where one pair of opposite
sides is parallel.
Unit 98 Use of money Page 62
1 4 There are 6 different coins $2, $1, 50c, 20c, 10c and 5c, and
5 different notes $100, $50, $20, $10 and $5, in Australias money
system. Unit 106 Rigidity Page 66
1 See Geometry Unit (page 13)
Unit 99 Money addition and subtraction Page 63
2 4 A rigid shape/object is one that is firmly fixed
1 and 4 See Unit 89 Nos 1 4 and not easily moved or squashed. A triangle is a rigid shape
2 See Unit 90 Nos 1 4 at the points.
3 Change is the left over amount of money owed back to the
person after the purchase. It can be found by counting on.
e.g. The change from $5.00 after spending $4.25 is: 5c makes
$4.30, 20c makes $4.50 and 50c makes $5.00. Therefore the
total change is 50c + 20c + 5c = 75c. A non-rigid shape/object is one which is easily pushed out of shape
Unit 100 Money multiplication and division Page 63 or moved easily, e.g. a circle.
1 and 4 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2 Shapes can be made more rigid with supports
2 3 See Unit 59 Nos 2 and 4 (like a picnic table).
Unit 101 Money rounding and estimation Page 64 Unit 107 Regular and irregular shapes Page 67
1 - 4 Rounding of money is the same as with numbers, except the 1, 2 and 4 A regular shape is one where all sides and all angles
$ and c signs need to be included. See Unit 31 Nos 1 4. Money is are equal.
rounded to the nearest 5 rather than to the nearest 10 cents. 3 4 An irregular shape is one where some sides and/or some
e.g. $2.42 is rounded to $2.40 and $6.97 is rounded to $6.95. angles are not equal.

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START UPS: Units 108 119

Unit 108 Angles in real life Page 67 Unit 114 Drawing 3D objects Page 70
1 2 An angle is the amount of turn between two straight lines 1 3 See Unit 104 No. 1
(arms) fixed at a point (vertex). 4 A solid is made up of different shapes.
Note: is larger than

3 A right angle measures 90 and is indicated by consists of a square and 4 triangles

Unit 115 Properties and views of
3D objects Page 71
1 2 A 3D shape can be identified using three different views
An angle can be tested for 90 by top, side and front.
using the corner of a page. e.g. e.g.
top side front

4 45 angle is: 90 angle is:

180 angle is called a straight angle: 3 4 See Unit 113 Nos 3 4
Unit 109 Comparing angles Page 68 Unit 116 Triangles and quadrilaterals Page 71
1 and 3 See Unit 108 No. 3 1 4 A quadrilateral has 4 sides and includes a rectangle,
2 and 4 See Unit 108 Nos 1 and 4 square, rhombus, parallelogram and trapezium.
Unit 110 Angles right, obtuse and acute Page 68 A triangle is a 3-sided shape and includes right-angled,
1 An acute angle is one that is less than 90. isosceles, equilateral and scalene triangles.
2 See Unit 108 No. 3 See Geometry Unit (page 13).
3 An obtuse angle is any angle Unit 117 Polygons Page 72
between 90 and 180. 1 2 A polygon is a plane shape having three or more straight
4 A right-angled triangle is one which has one right angle. sides.
e.g. 3 Diagonals are lines drawn from one corner to another across a
An obtuse-angled triangle is one which has one obtuse angle has 5 diagonals
(greater than 90o).
4 See Unit 102 Nos 1 4
Unit 111 Drawing angles Page 69 Unit 118 Prisms Page 72
1 2 See Unit 108 Nos 1 2 1 2 A prism is a solid shape with two identical parallel bases
3 See Unit 108 No. 3 and all the other faces are rectangles.
4 See Unit 105 No. 3 Note: A prism takes its name from its base, e.g. a triangular prism.
Unit 112 Parallel and perpendicular lines Page 69 3 See Unit 113 Nos 3 4
1, 2 and 4 Parallel lines are two or more lines that do not meet. 4 See Unit 113 No. 2
Unit 119 Cylinders, cones and spheres Page 73
1 2 A sphere is a 3D object that is perfectly round like a ball. It
has one curved surface.
Note: They are indicated by the arrows on the lines.
1 and 3 Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect at right angles.

A cylinder is a 3D shape with one curved surface and two equal

circular faces.
Note: They are indicated by the square representing a right angle.
Unit 113 3D objects Page 70
1 See Unit 104 No. 1 and Geometry Unit (page 13) A cone is a 3D shape with a circular base and a curved surface that
2 A cross-section is the face that is seen when a 3D object is cut meets at a vertex.
3 4 A corner (vertex) is a point where lines meet.
An edge is where 2 surfaces meet.
A face is a flat surface of a 3D object/shape. 3 4 See Unit 113 Nos 3 4

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START UPS: Units 120 134

Unit 120 Pyramids (1) Page 73 Unit 128 Maps and plans Page 77
1 A pyramid is a 3D shape with a polygon as a base and triangular 1 See Unit 127 Nos 1 4
faces that meet at a vertex. 2 See Unit 126 Nos 1 4
3 4 Coordinates are used to show position on a grid. They are
represented by pairs of letters or numbers e.g. (A, 2) or (6, 3).
Note: The first coordinate is the horizontal or x-value.
2 4 See Unit 113 Nos 3 4 The second coordinate is the vertical or y-value.
Unit 121 Pyramids (2) Page 74 Unit 129 Coordinates Page 78
1 See Geometry Unit 1 4 See Unit 128 Nos 3 4
2 See Unit 120 No. 1 Unit 130 Grids Page 78
3 See Unit 113 No. 2
1 4 See Unit 128 Nos 3 4
4 See Unit 113 Nos 3 4
Unit 131 Puzzles Page 79
Unit 122 Nets and 3D objects Page 74
1 A magic square is where numbers are arranged in
1 3 A net is a flat pattern which can be used to make a 3D object.
a square so that they add up to the same total vertically,
4 See Unit 113 No. 2
horizontally and diagonally.
Unit 123 Movement of shapes (1) Page 75 e.g. The magic number is 15. 6 1 8
1 and 4 A reflection (flip) is a shape or object as seen in a mirror. 7 5 3
2 9 4
2 A tangram is a square cut into a set number of pieces.
2 and 4 A translation (slide) is to move a shape or object left/right
or up/down without rotating it.

3 To solve the puzzle write down all of the clues first

and then try different strategies such as working backwards,
3 4 A rotation (turn) is to turn a shape or object about one point trial and error and substitution of different numbers.
in either a clockwise or anticlockwise direction. 4 See Unit 123 Nos 1 4
Unit 132 Paper folding and shapes Page 79
1 and 4 Paper can be folded to make different shapes.
2 3 see Unit 131 No. 2
Unit 124 Movement of shapes (2) Page 75
Unit 133 Analog time (1) Page 80
1 See Unit 123 Nos 1 and 4
1 2 Time is the space between one event and the next. It is
2 See Unit 123 Nos 2 and 4
measured on a clock. There are:
3 See Unit 123 Nos 3 4
60 seconds in a minute 60 minutes in an hour
4 See Unit 123 Nos 1 4
24 hours in a day 7 days in a week
Unit 125 Tessellation Page 76 365 days in a year 12 months in a year
1 4 A tessellation is a pattern of one or more identical shapes 52 weeks in a year.
that fit together without any gaps or overlaps. The abbreviations used are: second: s, minute: min, hour: h
e.g. 3 4 An analog clock uses the numerals 1 to 12
and rotating hands to show the time. Time can be written
as so many minutes to, e.g. 20 minutes to 5 or 20 to 5,
or so many minutes past,
Unit 126 Position giving directions Page 76 e.g. 10 minutes past 6 or 10 past 6.
Note: am (ante meridiem) is any time in the morning
1 4 Position is when something is placed in relation to the things
(midnight to midday).
around it. It can be defined by giving directions such as left/right and
pm (post meridiem) is any time in the afternoon or evening
up/down and forwards/backwards, as well as compass directions.
(midday to midnight).
Unit 127 Compass directions Page 77
Unit 134 Analog time (2) Page 80
1 4 A compass is an instrument that shows direction.
1, 3 and 4 See Unit 133 Nos 3 4
Its points are: N
2 To find the time after 5 minutes, count on by 5 until 59
and then move to the next hour.
W E e.g. 4:40 or 20 to 5 becomes 4:45 or 15 to 5.
Note: When the time is written as to, the number in front becomes
SW SE smaller as there is less time to the hour.

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START UPS: Units 135 151

Unit 135 Analog time (3) Page 81 Unit 141 Timelines and timetables Page 84
1 See Unit 134 No. 2 1 2 A timeline is a diagram used to show the length of time
2 To move between each number on the clock, the minute hand between events happening.
takes 5 minutes. Therefore to go around the clock once it takes 3 4 A timetable is a table where times are organised for when
60 minutes. different events happen. Timetables are used by places such as
3 4 When the long hand is pointing to the 6 it is stated as half schools, transport and hospitals.
past. 11 12 1 Unit 142 Length (1) Page 84
e.g. Half past 4. 10 2
9 3 1 4 Length is the distance from one end to the other, or how
8 4
7 6 5 long something is. It is measured with a ruler. Units used include:
millimetre (mm), centimetre (cm), metre (m) and kilometre (km).
When the long hand points to the 3 it is stated as quarter past,
10 mm = 1 cm
and when the long hand is pointing to the 9 it is stated as quarter
100 cm = 1 m
to. 11 12 1 11 12 1 1000 m = 1 km
e.g. quarter past 5 10 2 quarter to 8 10 2

9 3 9 3 1000 mm = 1 m
7 6 5
4 8
7 6 5
It is possible to convert between the different units. e.g.
2000 mm = 2 m
Unit 136 Digital and analog time (1) Page 81 3 cm = 30 mm
2m = 200 cm
1 See Unit 2 No. 4
42 mm = 4 cm 2 mm
2 On a digital clock the time is read as so many minutes past the
400 cm = 4 m
hour. e.g. 7:35 is 35 minutes past 7. It can also be written as a time
to. This is found by working out the next hour and how many Unit 143 Length (2) Page 85
minutes to that hour, e.g. for 7:35 the next hour is 8:00 and will be 1 4 See Unit 142 Nos 1 4
in 25 minutes time. Thus the time can be written as 25 to 8. Unit 144 Length in mm (1) Page 85
3 To find how many minutes to the next hour, count on with the
1 4 See Unit 142 Nos 1 4
minute hand to the 12, e.g. 3:42 is 18 minutes to 4:00.
4 See Unit 133 Nos 3 4 Unit 145 Length in mm (2) Page 86
Unit 137 Digital and analog time (2) Page 82 1 4 See Unit 142 Nos 1 4
1 To compare the times put them in the same format. Unit 146 Length with decimals (1) Page 86
e.g. 80 minutes and 1 hour is the same as 1 3 See Unit 142 Nos 1 3
80 minutes and 60 minutes 4 See Unit 4 No. 2
Therefore 80 minutes is longer. Note: Decimal form is when the measurement is written as a
2 3 See Unit 136 No. 2 decimal. e.g. 2 m 45 cm is 2.45 m in decimal form.
4 See Unit 136 No. 3 Unit 147 Length with decimals (2) Page 87
Unit 138 Digital and analog time (3) Page 82 1 and 4 See Unit 146 Nos 1 3
1 2 See Unit 136 No. 2 2 See Unit 142 Nos 1 4
3 See Unit 133 Nos 3 4 3 See Unit 2 No. 4
4 See Unit 136 No. 3 Unit 148 Perimeter Page 87
4 cm
Unit 139 am and pm time Page 83 1 2 See Unit 142 Nos 1 4
1 and 3 am is the abbreviation for ante meridiem. It is any time in 3 4 Perimeter is the
the morning between midnight and midday. distance around the outside 2 cm 2 cm
e.g. 7 am or 9:35 am of a shape. e.g.
pm is the abbreviation for post meridiem. It is any time in the 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 = 12; 12 cm
afternoon or evening between midday and midnight. 4 cm
Unit 149 Area (1) Page 88
e.g. 8:30 pm or 11 pm
1 2 Area is the size of a surface. It is measured in square units.
2 See Unit 136 No 2
e.g. square centimetres, cm2 or square metres, m2. It can also be
4 To find the time one hour later add 1 to the hour of the time,
found by counting squares.
e.g. 7:30 pm + 1 hour = 8:30 pm.
3 4 1 square metre equals 10 000 square centimetres.
Unit 140 Calendars Page 83
Unit 150 Area (2) Page 88
1 Month and day names can be abbreviated for ease of use.
1 and 4 See Unit 149 Nos 1 2
e.g. Mon. for Monday
2 3 See Unit 149 Nos 3 4
Jan. for January
2 and 4 A calendar is a table showing the year broken up into Unit 151 Area and perimeter Page 89
months, weeks and days. 1 and 3 See Unit 149 Nos 1 2
3 To calculate the number of days either find the difference or 2 See Unit 2 No. 4
count on from the starting date. 4 See Unit 148 Nos 3 - 4

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START UPS: Units 152 169

Unit 152 Mass Page 89 Unit 164 Picture graphs (2) Page 95
1 Mass is the amount of matter in an object. It is measured in 1, 3 and 4 See Unit 163 Nos 1 4
grams (g) or kilograms (kg). 2 A tally is the process of using marks to record counting.
2 and 4 1 kilogram = 1000 grams therefore 1 kg is heavier e.g.
than 1 g.
3 Mass is measured on scales. It is measured in kg and g. Shape Tally Total

Unit 153 Mass in grams (1) Page 90 8

1 See Unit 152 No. 1
2 4 See Unit 152 Nos 2 and 4 7
Unit 154 Mass in grams (2) Page 90
1 See Unit 152 No. 3 10
2 4 See Unit 152 Nos 2 and 4
Unit 155 Capacity in mL (1) Page 91 Note: represents a group of 5.
Information recorded as a tally in a table is often called a tally
1 The abbreviation of litres is L and millilitres is mL.
sheet or tally table.
2 4 Capacity is the amount a container can hold.
1 litre = 1000 millilitres. Therefore 1 millilitre is less than 1 litre. Unit 165 Tally marks and tables Page 96
Converting: There are 3000 mL in 3 L and 2.5 L in 2500 mL. 1 3 See Unit 164 No. 2
Note: Capacity can be written as 1 L 350 mL or 1350 mL 4 A table is mathematical information organised in rows and columns.
or 1.350 L e.g. Sport Boys Girls
Unit 156 Capacity in mL (2) Page 91 swimming 10 12
1 See Unit 155 No. 1 football 15 2
2 4 See Unit 155 Nos 2 - 4 basketball 8 12
athletics 9 11
Unit 157 Capacity in mL and L Page 92
golf 2 1
1 3 See Unit 155 Nos 2 4
4 Capacities can be added together like normal addition equations. Unit 166 Reading tables Page 96
e.g. 2 L + 3 L = 5 L. Just dont forget the units!
1 2 See Unit 165 No. 4
Unit 158 Cubic centimetres Page 92 3 See Unit 164 No. 2
1, 3 and 4 A cubic centimetre is a standard unit for measuring 4 See unit 165 No. 4
volume. Its abbreviation is cm3. Unit 167 Drawing tables Page 97
2 The number of cubic centimetres in an object can be found by
1 2 See Unit 164 No. 2
counting the number of cubes.
3 4 See Unit 165 No. 4
Unit 159 Volume Page 93
Unit 168 Column graphs Page 97
1 See Unit 158 Nos 1, 3 and 4
1 2 A column graph uses bars or columns to show the number
2 See Unit 158 No. 2
of items or objects so that they can be compared.
3 4 See Unit 155 Nos 2 4.
Note: Capacity is also a type of volume.
10 Colour of cars
Unit 160 Arrangements Page 93 8
Number of cars

1 4 The same set of objects can be arranged in different orders. 6

e.g. The digits 1, 2 and 3 can be arranged in the following ways:
123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321
Unit 161 Chance (1) Page 94
1 4 Chance is the probability or likelihood of something Colour
Preferred fruit
happening. It can be described with words such as:
certain, likely, unlikely, impossible, equal chance and never. berries
Unit 162 Chance (2) Page 94 oranges
1 4 See Unit 161 Nos 1 4 apples
5 10 15 20
Number of people
Unit 163 Picture graphs (1) Page 95 3 4 See Unit 164 No. 2
1 4 A picture graph is a graph Q = 3 days Unit 169 Surveys and collecting data Page 98
which uses pictures to represent
quantities. Q 1 A survey is a set of questions on which information is collected,
generally in tally form. See also Unit 164 No. 2
Note: One picture may represent many Q Q 2 3 See Unit 168 Nos 1 2
items. Mon. Tue.
4 See Unit 164 No. 2

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START UPS: Units 170 176

Unit 170 Problem solving (1) Page 98
1 See Unit 98 Nos 1 4. Different amounts can be made up of
Geometry Unit
different coins. 2-Dimensional shapes
e.g. 20c could be one 20c, or two 10c, or four 5c, or one 10c
and two 5c coins. square
2 Cubes can be arranged in towers in different coloured order.
e.g. For a red and blue cube: rectangle
R B rhombus
3 4 Equations on either side of the equals sign should be the
same amount. trapezium
e.g. 5  2 = 10  1
10 = 10 kite
Therefore they can be identified as true or false or boxes can be Note: Quadrilaterals have 4 sides.
Unit 171 Problem solving (2) Page 99
1 To complete multiplication with 3 numbers; multiply 2 numbers pentagon
together first then the third. Extended multiplication may be
necessary, see Unit 58 Nos 2 and 4.
2 See Unit 2 No. 4 heptagon
3 4 See Unit 19 No. 4, Unit 33 Nos 1 2, Units 45 Nos 1 2 and
Unit 59 Nos 2 and 4 octagon
Unit 172 Place value practice Page 99 nonagon
1 See Unit 1 No. 4
2 See Unit 1 Nos 2 3 decagon
3 See Unit 2 No. 2
4 See Unit 2 No. 4 circle
Unit 173 Addition and subtraction practice Page 100 oval
1 See Unit 19 Nos 1 3
2 See Unit 19 No. 4 semicircle
3 See Unit 33 Nos 1 2 3-Dimensional shapes
4 See Unit 24 No. 1 and Unit 32 Nos 1, 3 and 4
Unit 174 Multiplication and division practice Page 100 sphere
1 See Unit 45 Nos 1 2
2 See Unit 48 No. 3 cone
3 See Unit 59 Nos 2 and 4
4 See Unit 61 Nos 3 4 cylinder
Unit 175 Fractions practice Page 101
1 See Unit 76 No. 3
2 See Unit 77 No. 4 cube
3 See Unit 77 No. 1
4 See Unit 79 No. 1
rectangular prism
Unit 176 Decimals practice Page 101
1 See Unit 86 No. 1 triangular prism
2 See Unit 84 No. 2
3 See Unit 85 No. 4 hexagonal prism
4 See Unit 89 Nos 1 4 and Unit 90 Nos 1 4
triangular pyramid

square pyramid

rectangular pyramid

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UNIT 1 See START UPS page 1 UNIT 2 See START UPS page 1

Numbers to 9999 (1) Place value 0 9999 (1)

1 Complete the numeral expander for each of the
1 Complete the numeral expander for each of the
following: following:
a 1463 b a b
Th H T U Th H T U
Th H T U Th H T U
Th H T U Th H T U
c four thousand, two d 3029
hundred and five c d
Th H T U Th H T U
Th H T U Th H T U
e f six thousand, nine hundred Th H T U Th H T U
and forty-seven
e f
Th H T U Th H T U

Th H T U Th H T U
2 Write the numeral for: Th H T U Th H T U
a seven thousand, three hundred and
2 Write the number that is:
b two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-five a 2 more than 100 b 8 more than 1000
c five thousand and eleven
d nine thousand, five hundred c 6 more than 1100 d 5 less than 1000
e three thousand, six hundred and two
f six thousand and thirty-five e 3 less than 1100 f 9 less than 1010

3 Write each of the following numbers in words:
a 1275
3 Write the value of the underlined digit in each of the
b 4207
a 2361 b 4695
c 8666
c 3416 d 6425
d 2041
e 8865 f 4025
e 5102
f 7009

4 Answer true or false for each of the following:
a 2369 > 2269 b 1432 < 1431

4 How many digits are in each of the following?
c 5768 > 5786 d 6195 > 6159
a 91 b 1267 c 435
e 6084 < 6048 f 9020 < 1920
d 1240 e 1400 f 9007

5 Complete the numeral expander for:

5 Complete the numeral expander for:

Th H T U
Th H T U
Th H T U

6 Write the number that is 11 more than

6 Write the numeral for eight thousand, four hundred 1010.
and twenty.

7 Write the value of the underlined digit

7 Write 1209 in words.
in 4265.

8 How many digits are there in 4021?

8 True or false? 1480 < 1408

9 a Make a number between 2000 and 3000 using the

9 Make five different 4-digit numbers using:
number cards.
4 6 7 3 ,
b Make two numbers between 7200 and 7300 using
the cards. ,
2 1 4 7 9 ,
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1 See START UPS page 1 UNIT 4
2 See START UPS page 1

Numbers to 9999 (2) Ordering numbers

1 Draw a line to match each numeral and its name:
1 Complete the following number patterns:
a 4003 four thousand and thirty a 2003, 2004, 2005, ,
b 4013 four thousand and thirty-three b 8002, 8004, 8006, ,
c 4030 four thousand and three c 4010, 4015, 4020, ,
d 4310 four thousand, three hundred d 1050, 1060, 1070, ,
e 4033 four thousand and thirteen e 6090, 6089, 6088, ,
f 4300 four thousand, three hundred and ten f 3100, 3090, 3080, ,

2 Write as a numeral:
2 Order each group of numbers from smallest to largest:
a one thousand and two a 2045, 2010, 2100, 2076
b one thousand and twelve b 1147, 1129, 1176, 1010
c one thousand and twenty c 4206, 2046, 6402, 6024
d one thousand, two hundred d 9342, 9432, 9234, 9324
e two thousand, one hundred and one e 6066, 6606, 6660, 6006
f two thousand and twenty-one f 2469, 3841, 8691, 1428

3 Write in words:
3 Write the missing numbers in the spaces:
a 5261 a 1241, 1341, , 1541,
b 3465 b 2028, 2038, , 2058,
c 3409 c 6145, , 6345, , 6545
d 1258 d 1006, , 3006, 4006,
e 7620 e 9416, , 9436, 9446,
f 8095 f 5960, 5970, , 5990,

4 Find the number of hundreds in:
4 Order each group of numbers from largest to smallest:
a 3265 b 1267 c 8147 a 2220, 2210, 2232, 2206
d 7295 e 6427 f 4743 b 7860, 6870, 6780, 8760
c 4503, 4609, 4805, 4302

5 Draw a line to match each numeral and its name:
d 1111, 1101, 1011, 1010
a 2053 two thousand, three hundred
and five e 6326, 5245, 8691, 7589
b 2035 two thousand and fifty-three f 1980, 1976, 1998, 1989
c 2305 two thousand and thirty-five
5 Complete the number pattern:

6 Write three thousand, four hundred and six as a 5060, 5050, 5040, ,
6 Order the numbers from smallest to largest:

7 Write 8275 in words. 7046, 7064, 7084, 7044

8 Find the number of hundreds in 1425.

7 Write the missing numbers in the spaces:

9 Using the digits on the dice: 8903, 8913, , 8933,

8 Order the numbers from largest to smallest:
1190, 1250, 1080, 1320
a Make a 4-digit number starting with the
digit 3.
9 Start at 1359 and count forward by tens.
b Write this number in words. Write the next five numbers in the pattern.
1359, , , , ,
Answers on page 120 Units 15
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1 See START UPS page 1 UNIT 6
2 See START UPS page 1

Place value 0 9999 (2) Place value 0 9999 (3)

1 Complete the numeral expanders:
1 Write the following numbers in the place value chart:
a 1239 b 4625 a five thousand and ten
Th H T U
Th H T U Th H T U b two thousand, three hundred and a
H T U H T U sixty-one
T U T U c six thousand, two hundred c
d nine thousand and twenty-six d
c 8290 d 3406
Th H T U Th H T U e three thousand, one hundred and e
eleven f
f four thousand and fifty-seven

2 Write the number that follows:
e 9468 f 6387
a 4297 b 3461
Th H T U Th H T U
c 7878 d 8257
e 1680 f 2305

3 Write the value of the underlined digit in each of the

2Use the correct sign, < or >, to make the number following:
statements true:
a 4675 b 3296
a 568 597 b 979 906
c 1427 d 3785
c 6315 6135 d 3205 3502
e 4407 f 6555
e 9089 9098 f 4237 4127

4 For each set of digits, make the smallest possible

3 Write the number that is: 4-digit number:
a after 1299 b before 500 a 4, 8, 7, 3 b 9, 0, 9, 6
c after 4019 d before 1200 c 4, 5, 6, 1 d 6, 2, 4, 8
e after 6000 f before 1010 e 3, 5, 1, 7 f 4, 1, 8, 7

4 Find the number of tens in:

5 Write the number eight thousand, two hundred and
a 1465 b 7329 sixteen in the place value chart:
c 2956 d 8472 Th H T U
e 8472 f 5260

5 Complete the numeral expanders for 2651:

6 Write the number that follows 4079.
Th H T U


7 Write the value of the underlined digit
in 7911.

8 Use 5, 8, 4, 0 to write the smallest possible 4-digit

6 Use the correct sign, < or >, to make the statement
true. 1100 1010

9 Write each of these as numerals and then arrange the

7 What is the number before 4000? numbers from smallest to largest:

8 Find the number of tens in 6205. four thousand and seventy-two
four thousand, one hundred and twelve

9 What number is: four thousand and nineteen
a before four thousand and ninety
b after four thousand, two hundred
three thousand and fifty?
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1 See START UPS page 1 UNIT 8
2 See START UPS page 1

Counting by thousands Numbers to 9999 (3)

1 Round each of the following numbers to the nearest
1 Write the numbers shown on each abacus:
thousand: a b
a 4072 b 6985
c 3821 d 8180 Th H T U Th H T U

e 2222 f 7925

2 Write the number that is 1000 more than: c d
a 6210 b 8672
Th H T U Th H T U
c 1029 d 4276
e 5006 f 2407 e f

3 Write the number that is 1000 less than:
a 4675 b 3346 Th H T U Th H T U

c 9832 d 2401
e 5050 f 6011
2 Write in words:

4 Complete the following patterns: a 1470
a 1265, 2265, 3265, , b 1601
b 5050, 6050, 7050, , c 1099
c 3111, 4111, 5111, , d 1280
d 9532, 8532, 7532, , e 1218
e 5781, 4781, 3781, , f 1405
f 7006, 6006, 5006, ,
3 Circle the larger number in each pair:

5 Round 1921 to the nearest thousand. a 309 390 b 473 374
c 980 1080 d 4610 4160
e 8045 8405 f 6394 6934

6 Write the number that is 1000 more than 5675.

4 What number is halfway between:
a 0 and 100?

7 Write the number that is 1000 less than 2019. b 0 and 1000?
c 1000 and 2000?

8 Complete the pattern: d 3000 and 5000?
7200, 6200, 5200, , e 3000 and 4000?

9 What is one thousand more than f 8000 and 9000?
(giving your answer in words):
5 Write the number shown on the abacus:
a six thousand, two hundred and seventy-two?
Th H T U

6 Write in words 1909.
b three thousand, four hundred and five?
7 Circle the larger number of the pair: 1909 1990

8 What number is halfway between 5000 and 6000?

9 What is my number?
c nine hundred and fifty-three? My tens digit is 6,
my thousands digit is 7,
my units digit is 9,
my hundreds digit is 3.
Answers on page 121 Units 17
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1 See START UPS page 1 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 1

Numbers to 9999 (4) Numbers to 9999 (5)

1 Write the numeral for:
1 Draw each number on its abacus:
a five thousand and twenty-five a 6291 b 4265
b five thousand, two hundred and fifty
c five thousand, two hundred and five Th H T U Th H T U

d five thousand and fifty-two c 1460 d 2055

e five thousand, two hundred and fifteen
f five thousand and fifty Th H T U Th H T U

2 Use the correct sign, < or >, to make the number e 8723 f 6978
statement true:
a 3157 3175 b 8095 8059
Th H T U Th H T U
c 6218 6281 d 4234 4243

2 What number is:
e 5050 5005 f 2473
2437 a 50 more than 1200?

3 Draw a line to match each name and numeral:
b 100 more than 1365?
a one thousand and eleven 1001
c 2000 more than 4372?
b one thousand, one hundred and eleven 1010
c one thousand, one hundred and one 1100 d 20 less than 1000?
d one thousand and one 1011 e 200 less than 9217?
e one thousand, one hundred 1101 f 3000 less than 6427?
f one thousand and ten 1111
3 True or false?

4 Give the value of the seven in: a 4367 < 4376
a 1792 b 1492 < 1429
b 1407 c 3675 < 3765
c 7426 d 7523 > 7253
d 8370 e 8461 > 8641
e 9217 f 3070 > 3700
f 6700
4 Use each set of digits to write the largest possible

5 Write the numeral for five thousand, two hundred and number:
twenty-five. a 3, 5, 2, 7

6 Use the correct sign, < or >, to make the number b 8, 6, 7, 1
statement true.
c 5, 4, 0, 8
1106 1160
d 1, 8, 7, 3

7 Draw a line to match each name and numeral:
e 4, 2, 9, 1
one thousand, four hundred and three 1043
f 9, 8, 7, 4
one thousand and thirty-four 1403
one thousand and forty-three 1034

5 Draw 3750 on the abacus.

Th H T U
8 Give the value of the three in 2030.

6 What number is 200 more than 1900?

9 Give the value of the two in:
7 True or false? 3265 > 3625
a 6002
8 Use 1, 4, 4, 6 to make the largest possible number.
b c

Th H T U
9 Use the digits 6, 7, 3, 2 to write five 4-digit numbers
less than 5000.
, , , ,
18 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on page 121
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1 See START UPS page 1 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 2

Expanding 4-digit numbers (1) Expanding 4-digit numbers (2)

1 Use the numeral expander to expand the following
1 Write the following numbers in the correct columns to
numbers: show the place value:
Th H T U
a 1426 b 6349 a 4695
Th H T U Th H T U a
b 6605
c 8273 d 3798 c 9011 c
Th H T U Th H T U d 1256 d
e 9876 f 4201 e 8413 e
Th H T U Th H T U f 3879 f

2 Write the numeral for:
2 Write the numeral for:
a 1000 + 300 + 60 + 5 a 2000 + 900 + 80 + 7
b 4000 + 900 + 70 + 6 b 5000 + 60 + 7
c 7000 + 500 + 30 + 1 c 7000 + 400 + 60
d 9000 + 200 + 90 + 8 d 3000 + 500 + 10 + 3
e 3000 + 700 + 20 + 3 e 6000 + 200 + 40 + 8
f 800 + 70 + 2
f 5000 + 400 + 10 + 7

3 Write the place value of each underlined digit:
3 Write the following numbers in expanded form:
a 9715
a 3251
b 4766
b 4106
c 6790
c 2987 d 1435
d 6606 e 3201
e 8499 f 8091
f 7059
4 Write the following numbers in expanded form:

4 Write the following numbers in expanded form: a two thousand, five hundred and twenty-one
a 1296
b 5257 b five thousand and seventy-eight
c 9021
d 3478 c seven thousand, one hundred and one
e 2999
f 8501 d nine thousand, three hundred
e six thousand, eight hundred and seventy

5 Use the numeral expander to expand the
number 7293.
Th H T U
f four thousand and ninety

5 Write 7420 in the correct columns to

6 Write the numeral for 8000 + 900 + 20 + 3. show the place value. Th H T U

7 Write the place value of the underlined digit in 3217.

6 Write the numeral for: 8000 + 600 + 50 + 2

7 Write 2985 in expanded form.

8 Write 6462 in expanded form.

8 Write three thousand, five hundred and thirty-six in

9 Represent 7000 + 400 + 6 on the abacus. expanded form.

9 Write 1279.52 in expanded form.
Th H T U

Answers on page 122 Units 19

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1 See START UPS page 2 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 2

Ordinal numbers Doubling and halving

1 Fill in the missing positions on the diagram:
1 Use doubles to complete:
Finish a 4 10 b 4 15
double 10 = double 15 =
double 20 = double =
4 10 = 4 15 =
1st 2nd 4th 7th
a b c d e f c 4 21 d 4 30
double 21 = double 30 =

2 If 8 people ran in a sprint race:
a What position is the winner? double = double =
b What is the last position? 4 21 = 4 30 =
c What are the positions of the first three runners? e 4 32 f 4 14
double 32 = double 14 =
d What position is after 5th? double = double =
e What position is before 8th? 4 32 = 4 14 =
f If the first three runners win a prize, what positions
2 a How many legs on 16 goats?
are these? b How many legs on 13 elephants?
c How many legs on 25 dogs?

3 If 100 people ran in a marathon:
a What position is the winner? d How many legs on 50 cats?
b What is the last position? e How many legs on 17 hippopotamuses?
c What position is after 11th? f How many legs on 40 tigers?
d What position is after 20th?
3 What number is halfway between:
e What are the positions of the last five runners? a 0 and 50? b 50 and 100?
c 1000 and 5000? d 7000 and 8000?
f What positions are between 11th and 17th?
e 900 and 1000? f 400 and 600?

4 Write as ordinal numbers:
4 What is half of:
a third b fifth a 16 apples? b 300 bananas?
c first d eleventh
e twentieth f fiftieth c 500 grapes? d 50 oranges?

5 Fill in the missing positions:
Finish e 40 kiwi fruit? f 70 pineapples?


5 Use doubles to complete: 4 100
double 100 =
a b c
double =

6 If 10 people ran in a sprint, what is the last position?
4 100 =

7 If 100 people ran in a marathon, what position is after
6 How many legs are there on 26 rabbits?
7 What number is halfway between 1200 and 1300?

8 Write nineteenth as an ordinal number.

9 There were five pigs in a race. Draw the pigs and write
8 What is half of 24 watermelons?
the positions of the first three across the finish line.
9 Use doubles to find:
a 8 25 b 16 21
20 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on page 122
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1 See START UPS page 2 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 2

Less than and greater than Number patterns (1)

1 Write down the number which is 5 greater than:
1 Fill in the missing numbers:
a 110 b 997 a b c
c 1015 d 2851 1215 5003
e 3694 f 2328

2 Write the number which is 5 less than:
1212 5000 6310
a 601
b 993 d e 3960 f
c 1004
d 2855 4626 8288
e 3762 4625 3956 8287
f 2111

3 True or false?

2 Complete each number pattern:
a 2, 4, 6, , b 3, 6, 9, ,
a 863 < 683
c 4, 8, 12, , d 5, 10, 15, ,
b 2140 < 2130
e 10, 20, 30, ,
c 999 < 990
f 100, 110, 120, ,
d 1101 > 1110
e 3469 < 3496
3 Write the first five terms in each of the following
number patterns:
f 2751 > 2571 a start at 20 and count by fives

4 Use the correct sign, < or >, to make the following b start at 50 and count by twos
number statements true:
c start at 30 and count by nines
a 410 411
d start at 100 and count by threes
b 856 865
e start at 75 and count by tens
c 1250 1240
f start at 17 and count by fours
d 1349 1439
e 9256 9236

4 Write the tenth term in each number pattern:
a 9, 18, 27, 36, b 8, 16, 24, 32,
f 3751 3715
c 10, 20, 30, 40, d 15, 25, 35, 45,

5 Write the number which is 5 greater than 2499.
e 106, 112, 118, 124, f 60, 63, 66, 69,

6 Write the number which is 5 less than 3677.
5 Fill in the missing numbers:

7 True or false? 4271 < 4371

8 Use the correct sign, < or >, to make the 1268
statement true.
6397 6279
6 Complete the number pattern:
70, 72, 74, , ,

9 Use the following numbers and write three correct
< or > statements:
7 Write the first five terms in the number pattern starting
at 40 and counting by fours.
one thousand, four hundred and eleven

one thousand, eight hundred and nine

8 Write the tenth term in the number pattern:
20, 24, 28, 32,
two thousand, six hundred and fifty
9 Complete the number pattern:
1 14 , 1 21 , 1 34 , 2, , , ,

Answers on pages 1223 Units 21

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1 See START UPS page 2 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 2

Number patterns (2) Number patterns (3)

1 Write the first five terms of each number pattern:
1 Complete the following number patterns:
a start at 40 and count by eights a 1426, 2426, 3426, ,
b start at 90 and count by nines b 5314, 6314, 7314, ,
c start at 100 and count by tens c 3051, 4051, 5051, ,
d start at 50 and count backwards by ones d 9986, 8986, 7986, ,
e 5526, 4526, 3526, ,
e start at 100 and count backwards by fives f 8110, 7110, 6110, ,

2 Write the first five terms of each pattern by starting at:
f start at 80 and count backwards by twos a 734 and count forwards by tens
b 1021 and count forwards by fives

2 Use words to describe each of the number patterns:
a 10, 12, 14, 16, c 3416 and count forwards by hundreds
b 30, 33, 36, 39,
c 50, 55, 60, 65, d 256 and count backwards by tens
d 120, 130, 140, 150, e 768 and count backwards by fives
e 150, 200, 250, 300, f 6321 and count backwards by hundreds
f 500, 520, 540, 560,

3 Complete the number patterns:

3 Use words to describe each of the following number
a 24, 34, 44, , patterns:
b 124, 224, 324, , a 77, 70, 63, 56
c 650, 750, 850, , b 999, 990, 981, 972
d 1130, 1230, 1330, , c 1365, 1265, 1165, 1065
e 2501, 2601, 2701, , d 920, 1020, 1120, 1220
f 1752, 1852, 1952, , e 1460, 1560, 1660, 1760
f 2125, 2135, 2145, 2155

4 Write the tenth term of each of the number patterns:
a 1, 3, 5, 7,
4 Complete the spaces:
a 20, , 60, , 100
b 50, 60, 70, 80,
b 597, 589, , , 565
c 102, 104, 106, 108,
c 24, 32, , 48,
d 230, 233, 236, 239,
e 505, 605, 705, 805, d 1 12 , 2 12 , ,
f 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400,
e 12 , 1, , 2,

5 Write the first five terms of the number pattern
f 1560, , 1572, , 1584
starting at 200 and counting by twelves:
, , , ,
5 Complete the number pattern:
2594, 3594, 4594, ,

6 Use words to describe the number pattern:
250, 254, 258, 262,

6 Write the first five terms of the pattern starting at 1700
and counting backwards by tens.

7 Complete the number pattern:

7 Use words to describe the number pattern:
1510, 1610, 1710, , 100, 92, 84, 76

8 Write the tenth term of the number pattern:
5200, 5300, 5400, 5500,
8 Complete the spaces: 6 2 ,

9 Starting at 100, count backwards by nines and find the
9 Write the 20th term of the number pattern:
tenth term. 1 14 , 1 24 , 1 34 , 2,
22 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on page 123
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1 See START UPS page 2 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 2

Adding to 99 (1) Adding to 999 (1)

1 Match the equation to the correct answer:
1 Estimate the answer, by rounding all numbers to the
87, 85, 56, 79, 97, 81 nearest ten, before calculating:
a 61 + 20 = b 36 + 51 = a 55 + 21 + 11 Estimate Answer
b 61 + 25 + 10 a
c 73 + 12 = d 54 + 43 =
c 12 + 17 + 50 b
e 40 + 39 = f 24 + 32 =

2 Complete each of the following: d 19 + 20 + 40
a 4 tens and 3 units b 2 tens and 8 units e 36 + 21 + 32 e
+ 3 tens and 6 units + 7 tens and 1 unit f 44 + 32 + 12 f

2 Add each of the following:
c 6 tens and 4 units d 3 tens and 5 units a 120 + 50 = b 675 + 30 =
+ 1 ten and 3 units + 2 tens and 1 unit c 215 + 80 = d 425 + 60 =
e 329 + 70 = f 501 + 90 =
e 7 tens and 3 units f 3 tens and 4 units
3 Complete each of the following:
+ 2 tens and 3 units + 3 tens and 5 units a 4 2 6 b 6 1 4 c 7 2 7
+3 7 1 +3 2 3 +2 7 2

3 Add each of the following: d 1 1 4
+8 6 3
e 7 8 5
+2 1 0
f 3 0 6
+2 9 0
a 61 + 31 = b 28 + 41 =
c 90 + 9 = d 70 + 18 =
4 Complete the boxes:
e 73 + 15 = f 62 + 35 = a 6 5 8 b 7 2 2 c 8 1 1

4 Complete: + 3 + 2 5 + 3
2 3
a + 34 61 b +7 1 7 8 6 9 8
d 4 3 e 1 7 f 0 5
c 1 5 d 1 3 + 2 9 + 2 5 + 1 9
+2 0 +8 1
9 7 8 8 3 9
e 6 5
+3 0
f 4 4
+4 4
5 Estimate the answer, by rounding all numbers to the
nearest ten, before calculating:

5 Match the equation to the correct answer: 14 + 23 + 30 Estimate Answer
85, 87, 88
a 73 + 14 = b 36 + 52 =
6 Add: 426 + 30 =
c 50 + 35 =

7 Complete: 7 2 5

6 Complete: 6 tens and 7 units +2 4 3
+ 2 tens and 2 units

8 Complete the boxes: 9 0

7 Add: + 3 5
28 + 21 = 7 9

8 Complete: 2 4
+4 2
9 In a treasure chest there were 556 diamonds and 498
pieces of gold. How many pieces of treasure were
there altogether?

9 There are 15 apples in one bag and 23 apples in
another bag. How many apples altogether? Estimate:
Answers on page 123 Units 23
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1 See START UPS page 2 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 2

Adding to 99 (2) Adding to 999 (2)

1 Solve each of the following:
1 Add each of the following:
a Veronica had 32 stickers and Yuko had 25. How many a 125 + 360 =
stickers were there altogether? b 323 + 255 =
b There were 42 cows on one farm and 38 on another. c 635 + 123 =
How many cows were there altogether?
d 195 + 203 =
c On a book shelf there were 25 books on one shelf
and 27 on another. How many books were there e 472 + 320 =
altogether? f 641 + 238 =
d A zoo had 57 exotic animals and 36 native animals.
2 Complete each of the following:
How many animals were there altogether? a 5 2 1 b 7 3 6 c 2 3 1
+1 6 2 +1 4 3 +7 4 6
e In an aviary there were 23 finches and 37 budgies.
How many birds were there altogether?
d 5 5 0 e 6 6 3 f 7 2 1
f In a fruit box for school camp there were +1 2 0 +2 3 6 +1 3 5
18 oranges and 25 apples. How many pieces
of fruit were there altogether?
3 Complete the boxes to make the sums correct:

2 a 3 2 5 b 4 3 2 c 6 4 2
15 23 37 46 29 53 + 1 6 + 5 + 2
From the numbers above, find two numbers that total: 8 6 6 6 9 9
a 68 = b 60 = d e 8 2 f 6 3
3 5 0
c 69 = d 52 = + 1 + 4 5 + 1 7
e 75 = f 82 = 5 9 9 5 7 8

3 Find the total of:

4 Find the answers to the following doubles:
a 56 cats and 25 dogs
a 1 1 1 b 3 2 1 c 2 4 3
b 13 carrots and 39 beans +1 1 1 +3 2 1 +2 4 3
c 27 rabbits and 19 guinea pigs
d 3 3 3 e 4 1 3 f 1 0 4
d 36 CDs and 27 DVDs +3 3 3 +4 1 3 +1 0 4
e 22 pencils and 9 pens
f 45 cards and 36 discs
5 Add: 127 + 210 =

4 Find the missing number:
6 Complete: 3 2 5
+6 1 4
a 24 = 13 + b 36 = 20 +
c 47 + = 59 d 15 + = 53
7 Complete the boxes to make the sum correct:
e + 14 = 82 f + 63 = 88 3 4

5 Adam had 17 toy cars and 15 toy trucks. How many + 0
toys did he have altogether?
9 5 5

6 From the numbers:
38 9 47 17

8 Find the answer to the double:
find two numbers that total 64 = 4 3 2
+4 3 2

7 Find the total of: 27 strawberries and 28 raspberries

8 Find the missing number: 74 + = 83
9 Munir had 214 cards in his collection. One year later he
had doubled his collection.

9 Consecutive numbers follow one after the other.
How many cards did he have altogether?
Find the sum of the consecutive numbers
26, 27 and 28.
24 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on pages 1234
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1 See START UPS page 2 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 2

Adding to 9999 (1) Adding to 9999 (2)

1 Add each of the following:
1 What must be added to the following to make 999?
a 5260 + 2000 = a 630 b 246
b 3485 + 4000 = c 928 d 755
c 7849 + 1000 = e 371 f 899
d 2692 + 7000 =
2 Calculate each of the following:
e 1357 + 8000 = a 5360 + 300 =
f 4531 + 1000 = b 7450 + 500 =

2 Complete each of the following: c 3650 + 200 =
a Th H T U b Th H T U c Th H T U d 1450 + 300 =
3 2 4 5 5 1 9 6 4 2 8 5
+1 6 2 3 +3 5 0 2 +3 6 1 2 e 2190 + 800 =
f 6325 + 100 =
d Th H T U e Th H T U f Th H T U
3 Complete each of the following:
7 8 5 0 2 6 5 7 8 1 5 0
+2 1 4 3 +6 2 3 0 +1 6 2 8 a + 42 34 16 80 b + 71 44 08 81 c + 36 81 27 72

3 Complete each of the following: d 5 4 3 9 e 1 4 0 5 f 2 2 0 5
a + 13 60 27 36 b + 32 43 09 15 c + 71 53 62 80 +2 1 1 0 +3 1 9 2 +6 6 8 1

d 4 6 8 7
+3 2 1 2
e 5 3 2 5
+1 3 2 1
f 4 9 7 6
+4 0 2 1

4 Find the sum of:
a 2152 and 3415 matches
b 1675 and 7114 golf balls

4 Complete each of the following:
a add 4236 and 1350 c 3246 and 4521 toothpicks
b find the sum of 2153 and 6325 d 5618 and 3251 marbles
c find the total of 8543 and 1352 e 4635 and 2261 pins
d find 3468 plus 1221 f 7348 and 2541 beads
e what is 3211 and 4233?
5 What must be added to 375 to make 999?
f find the addition of 6395 and 2403

6 Calculate: 2468 + 7531 =

5 Add: 1679 + 4000 =

7 Complete:

6 Complete: 2 3 4 1
Th H T U +5 5 3 6
1 6 2 5
+4 3 0 2

7 Complete:
8 Find the sum of 1170 and 3325 stars.
3 2 5 1
+4 3 0 2

9 What is the total of:

8 Find the sum of 2043 and 1625. one thousand, three hundred and
two thousand, four hundred and

9 In a box there were 2467 paperclips. In a second box eleven; and
there were 2321 paperclips.
three thousand, one hundred and
How many paperclips were there altogether? thirty-two?

Answers on page 124 Units 25

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Maths_Units(1).qxd 23/10/06 9:31 AM Page 26

1 See START UPS page 2 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 2

Adding with trading to 999 (1) Adding with trading to 999 (2)

1 Complete each of the following:
1 Complete each of the following:
a 3 6 8 b 4 2 9 a 158 + 360 = b 172 + 356 =
+1 0 6 +3 2 7
c 725 + 192 = d 367 + 251 =
c 2 5 7 d 6 1 5 e 195 + 291 = f 437 + 372 =
+1 3 8 +2 2 5

2 Complete each of the following:
a 1 6 5 b 2 7 4 c 5 9 4
e 7 5 2 f 5 2 7 +2 7 3 + 4 5 +2 8 3
+1 0 9 +2 5 6
1 9 3 5 5 4 3 7 6

2 Find the total of: d
+1 5 1
+2 8 3
+4 3 0
a 61 books and 129 books
b 186 stickers and 115 stickers
3 Complete the following:
a + 129 246 326 418
c 453 nails and 228 nails
d 155 chickens and 126 chickens
e 248 beads and 326 beads b + 125 218 327 432
f 107 balls and 159 balls 49

3 Complete: c + 94 183 256 345
a 428 + 108 = 107
b 292 + 307 = d + 156 265 371 485
c 625 + 46 = 52
d 473 + 429 = + 91 372 585 755
e 209 + 309 = 164
f 226 + 517 = + 172 293 382 591

4 Complete each of the following: 136
a add 152 and 109
b find the sum of 226 and 438
4 Complete the following:
a 2 5 7 b 5 3 0 c 2 4 7
c find the total of 345 and 328 +1 6 3 +2 9 4 +1 9 5
d find 452 and 329
e what is 635 and 248? d 4 0 9 e 3 2 5 f 3 4 7
+2 7 6 +1 8 7 +5 6 8
f add 392 and 109 together

5 Complete: 4 7 9
+3 1 9

5 Complete: 173 + 285 =

6 Complete: 4 6 5
+2 9 1

6 Find the total of 153 coins and 129 coins.

7 Complete:

7 Complete:
+ 125 237 408 783
324 + 467 = 96

8 Find the sum of 853 and 118.

8 Complete: 7 9 3

9 Find the total of: three hundred and seventy-six plus +1 5 9
five hundred and sixteen.
Write your answer in words.

9 Find the total cost of buying a game console at $299
and a stereo at $185.
26 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on page 124
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1 See START UPS page 2 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 2

Adding with trading to 999 (3) Adding three numbers

1 Complete each of the following:
1 Complete the following addition equations:
a add 256 and 375 a 2 0 6 2 b 2 3 8 2 c 1 3 6 0
1 5 2 4 3 4 1 1 2 2 4 0
b find the sum of 214 and 389 +1 4 6 0 +4 0 2 6 +1 2 0 1
c find the total of 743 and 157
d what is 526 and 347? d 3 2 5 0 e 1 9 0 5 f 3 3 3 3
1 9 0 5 2 0 6 3 2 1 3 6
e find 637 added to 248 +2 1 5 3 +4 0 1 2 +4 3 2 5
f total 776 and 195

2 Find:
2 How many were there altogether if:
a 3 2 0 b 5 8 7 c 1 9 8 a on Monday 1236 newspapers were delivered,
+2 8 0 +2 4 4 +2 2 3 Wednesday 2315 and Friday 1321?
b in the pet shop there were 496 fish in one tank,
327 in another and 537 in a third?
d 5 1 8 e 6 2 9 f 2 4 6
+3 4 7 +1 7 5 +1 8 8 c Tommy ran 1250 m on Monday, 2140 m on Tuesday
and 1356 m on Wednesday?
d the number of lemons picked on three different days

3 Calculate: were 1379, 2450 and 1856?
a 169 + 214 = b 384 + 384 = e in 3 different piles of paper, there were 2136,
3215 and 1469 sheets of paper?
c 286 + 85 = d 166 + 255 =
e 159 + 793 = f 374 + 278 = f for a science project 2569 ants, 876 butterflies and
1362 flies were collected?

4 Find the total number of items for each addition:

3 Using addition, find the total of 3 groups of:
a 245 nails and 269 tacks a 1210 b 2401
b 129 pens and 457 pencils c 3010 d 1234
c 385 cookies and 45 cakes e 2152 f 985
d 690 mice and 156 rats
4 What must be added to the following to make 9999?
e 287 flies and 155 mosquitoes a 3050 + 2690 = ,
f 578 slices of bread and 289 slices of cheese b 5631 + 2506 = ,
c 8750 + 243 = ,

5 Find 258 plus 683. d 3625 + 1375 = ,
e 1982 + 5385 =

6 Find: 1 9 9
f 6321 + 1445 =
+2 5 5

5 Complete: 1 7 6 2
3 2 0 5
+1 0 4 1

7 Calculate:
588 + 353 =
6 During January 356 photos were taken, 872 in February

8 Find the total number of 172 tissues and and 1350 in March. What was the total number of
87 pieces of paper towel. photos?

7 Using addition find the total of 3 groups of 2705.

9 The school has boxes of toys. Counted together, which
of the following items give a:
8 What must be added to 3730 + 4256 to make 9999?
a total of 468?
b total of 259?
c total of 554?

9 Write a word question and solve it using the numbers
1372, 4685 and 3201.

Answers on page 124 Units 27

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1 See START UPS page 3 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 3

Adding three or more numbers Mental strategies for addition

1 Complete:
1 Use the jump strategy to solve:
a 3 8 6 4 b 3 0 5 6 c 9 9 9 a 58 + 25 =
1 9 7 2 9 4 8 2 9 9 9
+1 0 8 5 +4 9 0 5 +3 9 9 9 b 78 + 23 =
c 146 + 25 =
d 1 4 5 2 e 3 8 4 7 f 1 3 8 5 d 235 + 55 =
1 7 9 9 2 4 1 8 1 2 6 8
+5 0 0 6 +1 3 8 5 +1 1 0 1 e 418 + 67 =
f 424 + 135 =

2 a Add 3245, 1609 and 1210.
2 Use the split strategy to solve:
b Find the sum of 2468, 1357 and 1204. a 75 + 55 =
c Find the total of 2731, 1046 and 1205. b 68 + 86 =
d Find 998 plus 3256 plus 1467. c 56 + 96 =
e What is 2473, 1071 and 4639 added? d 43 + 75 =
f Total 1437, 5001 and 2513. e 227 + 59 =

3 Find the totals: f 255 + 136 =
a $1321, $4635 and $3201
3 Use the compensation strategy to solve:
b $1111, $2010 and $3501 a 52 + 39 =
c $999, $2995 and $2050 b 28 + 19 =
d $4995, $1065 and $2001 c 47 + 21 =
e $3010, $4025 and $1015 d 142 + 46 =
f $5995, $1010 and $995 e 316 + 69 =

4 Complete: f 237 + 141 =
a 1 2 3
4 3 6
b 4
c 7
4 Count on, to find what must be added to the given
1 2 9 1 0 5 3 3 3 number to make 999:
+ 4 6 +1 5 0 +2 0 5 a 135 b 467
c 371 d 843
d 1 0 2 5 e 2 9 0 5 f 2 0 5 0
9 8 5 3 5 0 1 0 6 0 e 739 f 560
+ 8
1 0
6 + 4
7 2
4 2 5 0
+ 9 9 0
5 Use the jump strategy to solve:
312 + 79 =

5 Complete: 3 7 5 2
6 Use the split strategy to solve:
1 0 7 5
+2 1 0 7 85 + 56 =

7 Use the compensation strategy to solve:

6 What is 1057 plus 3350 plus 1750? 526 + 399 =

7 Find the total of $1095, $2110 and $3998.
8 Count on to find what must be added to 475

8 Complete: 3 2 5 0
to make 999.
1 0 7
4 9

9 Draw a number line to solve each of the following:
+2 8 6 0

a 524 + 136

9 In one hour we counted 250 cars, 103 trucks, 23
b 169 + 317
motorbikes, 6 emergency vehicles and 5 buses pass the
school. What was the total number of vehicles for the c 324 + 98
hour? d 436 + 75
28 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on page 124
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1 See START UPS page 3 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 3

Rounding numbers (1) Subtracting 2-digit numbers without


1 a Is 498 closer to 400 or 500?
1 Solve:
b Is 732 closer to 700 or 800? a 58 23 = b 69 24 =
c Is 221 closer to 200 or 300? c 49 16 = d 87 55 =
d Is 1350 closer to 1000 or 2000? e 67 43 = f 75 31 =
e Is 2830 closer to 2000 or 3000?
2 Complete:
f Is 7795 closer to 7000 or 8000? a 56 73 85 49

2 Round the following numbers to the
46 29 34 78
nearest thousand: b
a 925 13

b 7126 c 55 48 77 95
c 5362 32
d 8805 d 56 74 60 42
e 3930 30
f 9215 e 36 49 57 25

3 Which of the following numbers round to 4000?
f 42 58 63 95
a 3956 b 3275
c 4835 d 4163
e 3709 f 4550
3 Complete:
a 25 36 b 47 13 c 45 37

4 Each of the following numbers are rounded to the
nearest thousand. Answer true or false:
d 6 9 e 8 9 f 9 8
a 3259 rounds to 3000 4 3 3 5 4 2
b 4635 rounds to 4000
c 7856 rounds to 8000
4 How many were left if:
a Sandy had 66 sheep and she sold 34?
d 9015 rounds to 9000 b There were 24 chocolates in the box and 13 were
e 6599 rounds to 6000 eaten?
f 1020 rounds to 2000 c In the sports box there were 96 balls and 34 were
taken out for play?

5 Is 658 closer to 600 or 700?
d From a pack of 52 cards, 11 were lost?

6 Round 1450 to the nearest thousand. e Two boys were playing marbles and they had 76

7 Which of the following numbers round to 4000?
marbles to begin with and 23 were lost?
f On a flower stand there were 58 bunches of flowers
a 4163
and 37 bunches were sold?
b 3672
c 3421

5 Solve: 63 41 =

6 Complete: 45 56 69 77

8 True or false? 4956 rounds to 5000 when rounded to 15
the nearest thousand.

7 Complete: 9 9
5 6

9 My thousands digit is 1 less than my tens digit.
My tens digit is 2 more than my hundreds digit.

8 In a raffle of 89 tickets, 14 tickets won prizes. How
My hundreds digit is 5 more than my units digit many tickets did not win a prize?
which is 2.

9 If I take 43 from a number, then double the answer,
What is the number? I get 26. What is the number?
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1 See START UPS page 3 UNIT 34 See START UPS page 3

Subtracting with trading Subtracting 3-digit numbers without

trading (1)

1 Complete each of the following:
1 Complete each of the following:
a 24 76 b 35 97 c 48 41 a 6 hundreds 7 tens 3 units
4 tens 2 units
d 7 2 e 8 6 f 8 2
3 8 6 9 2 4 b 9 hundreds 6 tens 4 units
5 tens 2 units

2 Complete each of the following:
a 46 29 = b 36 18 = c 8 H 7 T 9 U d 5 H 3 T 7 U
c 72 54 = d 65 38 = 3 H 5 T 6 U 4 H 1 T 3 U
e 81 37 = f 52 25 =

3 Some children are saving for a scooter which costs
e 6 H 4 T 8 U f 4 H 3 T 1 U
$92. How much more does each child need to save if:
5 H 0 T 3 U 2 H 0 T 0 U
a Arthur has $45?
b Payal has $38?
c Thomas has $18?
2 Complete each of the following:

d Lily has $79? a 8 5 6 b 9 2 7 c 6 9 8

4 3 1 6 6 7
e Malek has $52?
d 6 5 8 e 6 8 9 f 2 7 3
f Hannah has $24? 4 3 1 7 2 7 1

4 Complete the boxes:
a 7 7 b 9 5 c 6 3

3 Find:
a 945 minus 32 b 165 take away 45
3 4 7 0 1 2
c subtract 52 from 173
d 8 7 e 2 9 f 3 5 d the difference between 276 and 51
e 18 less than 499?
3 1 4 1 1
f how much greater than 56 is 189?

5 Complete: 8 6
4 9

4 Complete the boxes:
3 9
a 1 5 6 b 6 8 9 c
3 2 7
1 1 6 0 3 3 2

6 Complete:
77 39 = d 1 9 5 e 7 3 2 f 5 2 9
7 2

7 Tammy is saving for a jacket which costs $85.
How much more does she need to save if she already 1 1 7 1 5 0
has $47?
5 Complete: 4 hundreds 7 tens 6 units

8 Complete the box: 9 9 3 hundreds 5 tens 1 unit

4 2

6 Find:

9 4 5
4 3

9 Two 3-digit numbers have a difference of 132. The
7 Find the difference between 998 and 85.
first number has 6 in the units place. The second
8 Complete the boxes: 4 6 7
number has a 2 in the hundreds place and a 3
3 in the tens place.
What is the equation with the missing numbers?
9 Write a list of words that means subtract.

30 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on page 125

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1 See START UPS page 3 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 3
Subtracting 3-digit numbers without Subtracting 3-digit numbers with
trading (2) trading (1)

1 Calculate each of the following:
1 Find:
a 8 5 2 b 9 6 7 c 5 8 6 a 9 less than 74 b 7 less than 51
7 1 1 2 4 3 3 8 2
c 6 less than 104 d 5 less than 133
d 7 7 8 e 3 6 9 f 2 7 3 e 8 less than 212 f 9 less than 385
6 0 4 1 2 7 1 5 0

2 Find the missing digits in the following, by trading
down one ten:

2 Find the difference between: a 85 = 80 + 5
a 698 and 26 = 70 +
b 954 and 32 b 61 = 60 + 1
c 747 and 25 = 50 +
d 646 and 201 c 45 = 40 + 5
e 469 and 63 = +
f 342 and 22 d 193 = 190 + 3

3 Complete each of the following: = +
a $256 $123 b $379 $146 e 276 = +
c $852 $711 d $799 $185 = +
e $621 $411 f $593 $490 f 352 = +

4 Solve the following: = +

a A piranha had 398 teeth but 126 fell out. How many
3 Calculate:
were left? a 5 4 5 b 6 8 4 c 9 5 7
2 1 9 2 7 8 4 0 8
b A brick wall had 569 bricks but 352 were knocked
off. How many were left? d 5 9 1 e 8 3 3 f 7 2 3
c A floor had 525 tiles but 214 were replaced with 2 5 6 6 2 5 4 1 7
wood. How many tiles were left?
d What is the difference between two crates of apples,
4 Find:
one with 463 apples and the other with 351?
a 445 239 = b 460 239 =
c 296 168 = d 343 227 =
e A fence had 239 slats but 115 of them were blown
over during a storm. How many were left standing? e 466 247 = f 841 623 =

5 Find 8 less than 472.
f A school had 649 students. 336 were girls, how
6 Trade down one ten:
many were boys? 357 = +

5 Calculate: 5 3 9
1 0 6
= +

7 Calculate: 4 8 2
3 1 6

6 Find the difference between 897 and 253.

7 Complete: $298 $185 =
8 Find: 916 807 =

8 A football team had won 251 games in the history of
9 Find the difference between:
the club. If 498 games had been played, how many two hundred and seventy-five and one hundred and
games did the team not win? sixty-eight. Write your answers in words.

9 Simone has 713 stamps. How many more does she
need to have 966?
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1 See START UPS page 3 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 3
Subtracting 3-digit numbers with Subtracting 3-digit numbers with
trading (2) trading (3)

1 Complete:
1 Complete each of the following:
a 26 51 37 b 9 4 7
3 9 0 c 12 71 05 a 9 0 4 b 5 7 6
1 0 8 2 7 8

d 7 2 9 e 6 8 5 f 6 0 7
2 3 8 2 9 1 3 5 2 c 6 5 1 d 4 7 0
1 5 4 2 9 3

2 Find:
e 7 1 5 f 6 2 4
a 733 minus 242 4 7 7 4 3 5
b 916 take away 836
c 605 subtract 413
2 Find:
d the difference between 729 and 276 a 862 675 b 314 156
e 414 less 233 c 846 467 d 735 389
f subtract 550 from 935 e 430 256 f 624 235

3 At the Royal Show there were 852 cows, 735 sheep,
3 Find the difference between:
127 pigs and 463 goats. How many more: a $181 and $95
a cows than sheep? b sheep than pigs? b $315 and $175
c sheep than goats? d cows than goats? c $683 and $496
e cows than pigs? f goats than pigs? d $723 and $285

4 Check the following subtraction equations with addition: e $655 and $489
a 142 b 245 f $419 and $235
61 + 61 163 + 163
4 If I had $350, find how much change I would receive
if I spent:
a $270 b $125
c 475 d 381 c $235 d $180
229 + 229 118 + 118
e $295 f $317

5 Complete: 6 8 1
4 9 5
e 407 f 829
246 + 246 463 + 463

6 Find: 911 444

5 Complete: 3 0 7
7 Find the difference between $842 and $365.
1 4 5

6 Find 854 minus 363.

8 If I had $350, find how much change I would receive
if I spent $253.

7 At the Show there were 325 pies and 261 tarts entered.

9 a Find the total cost of the following items:

How many more pies than tarts were there?

8 Check the subtraction 325
equation with addition:
172 + 172
Game console
TV DVD and games

9 Write three different subtraction equations using the $330 $190 $315
numbers 426, 394 and 802, and solve them.2

b How much change would I receive from $900?

32 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on pages 1256

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1 See START UPS page 3 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 3
Subtracting 3-digit numbers with Subtracting without trading to 9999
trading (4)

1 Complete:
1 Complete:
a 39 32 32 b 16 32 99 c 14 40 82 a 23 38 13 24 b 23 89 14 05 c 56 13 25 68

d 5 2 8 e 6 0 6 f 2 4 3 d 9 9 9 9 e 6 7 5 0 f 3 9 2 9
4 3 9 4 5 7 1 6 5 7 6 5 3 4 5 1 0 1 4 1 7

2 Find:

2 Find:
a 315 minus 297 a 6351 4210 = b 7985 6324 =
b 625 subtract 347 c 6385 5184 = d 9469 7325 =
c 845 take away 496 e 7899 4266 = f 3256 2145 =
d the difference between 401 and 153

3 Complete the boxes:
e 214 less 175 a 4 6 2 7 b 7 4 9 3 c 8 3 5 6
f subtract 498 from 600 2 1 6 4 1 4

3 Find: 3 1 2 0 7 1
a 460 275 b 612 295
d 9 8 5 2 e 5 7 f 9 4
c 826 579 d 350 184
6 1 2 4 1 5 4 0 2
e 555 399 f 722 444

4 Check the following subtraction equations with addition: 3 1 3 1 4 6 1

a 405 b 652

4 Estimate, then calculate the answer:
a Tilly has 4920 pavers. How many more does she need
197 + 197 383 + 383 to have 9951? ,
b Bob has 1423 chickens. How many more does he
need to have 2999? ,
c 901 d 533
c Caitlin has 3456 marbles. Erin has 2315. How many
182 + 182 266 + 266
more marbles does Caitlin have? ,
d The warehouse has 4956 cans of beans. If it has a total
e 415 f 800 of 8977 cans, how many are not beans?
145 + 145 321 + 321
e A newsagent has 3425 magazines. If 1014 are car
magazines, how many are not? ,

5 Complete: 2 7 6
1 9 7
f Of a total of 2459 workers, 1327 catch the bus. How
many dont catch the bus? ,

5 Complete: 7 9 5 9
3 4 1 6

6 Find 625 less 478.

6 Find: 2456 1325 =

7 Find: 402 136

7 Complete the boxes: 6 7 5

8 Check the subtraction equation with addition:
2 1
3 2 1
235 + 235

8 A shop has 3261 DVDs. Estimate, then calculate how
many more they need to have 5575 DVDs.

9 Complete the boxes:

9 Using the digits 4, 6, 3 and 1, write:
4 5 a the largest 4-digit number
1 2 b the smallest 4-digit number
7 8 c find the difference between the two numbers
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1 See START UPS page 4 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 4

Subtracting with trading to 9999 Rounding numbers (2)

1 Complete:
1 Round each number to the nearest ten:
a 14 23 86 55 b 45 34 17 92 c 36 27 71 39 a 67
b 153
d 3 0 0 0 e 2 6 3 7 f 8 7 5 4 c 278
1 4 5 1 1 9 0 8 5 2 7 6
d 5133
e 7596

2 Find:
f 2992
a 6050 minus 2351
b 7125 take away 2346
2 Round each number to the nearest hundred:
c 8943 subtract 3785 a 127
d the difference between 4637 and 1952 b 572
e subtract 4259 from 6463 c 885
f 9221 less 4635 d 415
e 943

3 Find the difference between 5000 and:
f 979
a 2451
b 1985
3 Round each number to the nearest hundred:
c 4201 a 1230
d 3625 b 1595
e 4652 c 4857
f 2850 d 5610

4 Find: e 8374
a $2000 $956 = f 6019
b $3250 $1985 =
4 Round each number to the nearest thousand:
c $9900 $6095 = a 4260
d $4250 $1475 = b 7925
e $5895 $3956 = c 1852
f $8000 $5259 = d 2406

5 Complete: 3 1 0 7 e 3397
1 2 5 9 f 6625

6 Find the difference between 5090 and 2155.
5 Round 3748 to the nearest ten.

6 Round 756 to the nearest hundred.

7 Find the difference between 5000 and 1972.

7 Round 9347 to the nearest hundred.

8 Round 2759 to the nearest thousand.

8 Find: $9712 $5348 =

9 a Round each number to the nearest hundred:

9 a Find the total cost of: 1496, 2019, 3725, 915

b Add the rounded numbers together.

digital camera scanner printer
$299 $975 $1250
b If I had $7000, how much change would I receive c If this total was subtracted from 9000,
after buying all the items? how much is left?

34 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on page 126

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1 See START UPS page 4 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 4

Rounding numbers and estimating (1) Rounding numbers and estimating (2)

1 Round numbers to the nearest ten and circle the best
1 Round each number to the nearest ten:
estimate: a 1289 b 1756
a 9 + 15 + 200 + 48 260 280 300
c 2372 d 4921
b 49 + 98 + 201 350 370 390
c 121 + 57 + 309 450 470 490 e 6208 f 5201
d 552 + 109 + 35 690 710 730
2 Round each number to the nearest ten and then
e 496 + 121 + 53 + 28 680 700 720 estimate the answer:
f 203 + 148 + 76 430 450 470
a 39 + 41 =

2 Round numbers to the nearest ten and circle the best
b 27 + 51 =
a 21 + 21 + 21 + 21 80 100 120 c 78 + 47 =
b 109 + 109 + 109 + 109 430 440 450 d 102 + 63 =
c 58 + 58 + 58 + 58 220 240 260 e 412 + 93 =
d 132 + 132 + 132 + 132 480 500 520
e 197 + 197 + 197 + 197 770 800 830
f 238 + 149 =
f 73 + 73 + 73 + 73 280 300 320
3 Round each number to the nearest ten and then

3 Round numbers to the nearest ten and circle the best
estimate the answer:
estimate: a 59 22 = b 72 19 =
a 100 9 9 9 9 9 9 30 40 50 c 113 29 = d 298 61 =
b 200 8 8 8 8 8 8 140 150 160 e 144 38 = f 517 106 =
c 200 31 31 31 31 60 80 100
d 200 28 28 28 28 70 80 90
4 Complete the following table:
e 500 57 57 57 57 260 270 280 Question Estimate Actual Difference
f 500 103 103 103 180 190 200 a 129 + 32

4 Round numbers to the nearest ten and circle the best b 319 + 56
estimate: c 276 + 81
a 100 9 16 23 50 60 70 d 99 77
b 100 34 14 9 40 50 60 e 253 139
c 200 59 24 11 90 110 130 f 578 304
d 200 72 25 41 40 50 60
e 500 182 59 62 180 200 220
5 Round 7213 to the nearest ten.
f 500 241 73 38 130 140 150
6 Round each number to the nearest ten and then

5 Round numbers to the nearest ten and circle the best estimate the answer:
372 + 127 =
228 + 56 + 109 380 400 420

6 Round numbers to the nearest ten and circle the best
7 Round each number to the nearest ten and then
estimate the answer:
153 + 153 + 153 + 153 600 650 700 759 231 =

7 Round numbers to the nearest ten and circle the best
8 Complete the table:
Question Estimate Actual Difference
500 73 73 73 73 220 240 260
581 296

8 Round numbers to the nearest ten and circle the best
200 105 31 8 50 60 70

9 Estimate, to the nearest ten, the total number of
apples in the warehouse:

9 Round each number to the nearest hundred and then
estimate the sum. Check the actual answers with a
a 578 + 203 + 1432 + 1098
b 2751 + 499 + 349 + 1257 786 693 748
c 708 + 211 + 3560 + 2188
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1 See START UPS page 4 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 4
Multiplication with modelling and Reasoning with numbers
mental strategies

1 Complete the following number sentences:
1 Halve the number and keep halving for as long as the
a b numbers are whole (i.e. no fractions or decimals):
a 16 b 100
3 groups of 4 = 6 groups of 2 = c 400 d 160
c d e 80 f 256
4 groups of = 3 groups of =
2 Double the number and keep doubling five times for
e f each number:
a3 b9
groups of = groups of = c4 d5

2 Write number sentences for each array: e 10
a b c f 100

3 Are the following number sentences true or false?

d e f a 222 22 = 200
b 2  22 = 22 + 22

3 Complete the following: c 22 2 = 2 22
a 14  8 b 15  9 d 222 2 = 22
= (10  8) + (4  8) = (10  9) + (5  9)
e 22 + 22 + 22 = 3  22
= + = +
= = f 22 2 = 2 22
c 13  6 d 16  7
4 Are the following number sentences true or false?
= (10  6) + (3  6) = (10  7) + (6  7) a 14 + 21 = 21 + 14
= + = +
b 14  21 = 21  14
= =
e 18  5 f 17  8 c 21 14 = 14 21
= (10  5) + (8  5) = (10  8) + (7  8) d 21 7 = 7 21
= + = + e7+7+7=37
= =
f 121 14 = 14 121

4 Use doubles to calculate the following:
a double 21 = b double 19 =
5 Halve 120 and keep halving for as long as the numbers
double 42 = double 38 = are whole.
4  21 = 4  19 =
6 Double 7 and keep doubling five times.
c double 16 = d double 15 =
double = double =
4  16 = 4  15 =
7 Are the following number sentences true or false?
e double 22 = f double 33 = a 100 + 15 = 15 + 100
double = double = b 100 15 = 15 100
4  22 = 4  33 = c 100 2 = 2 100

5 Complete: 4 groups of =
8 Are the following number sentences true or false?

6 Write a number sentence for: a 9 + 32 = 32 + 9

7 Complete: 14  6 = (10  6) + (4  6) b 32 9 = 9 32
= +
c 36 9 = 36 4

8 Use doubles to calculate: double 51 =
9 Find the mistake in the equation and complete it
double = correctly:
4  51 = 4 5 9

9 Use doubles to find: +1 0 7
a 8  22 b 8  31 c 16  43 6 6 6
36 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on page 127
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1 See START UPS page 4 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 4

Tables 2, 4 and 8 Tables 5 and 10

1 Find the product of:
1 Complete:
a 5 and 4 a35= b 10  10 =
b 10 and 8 c 12  5 = d 2  10 =
e50= f 7  10 =
c 3 and 2
d 12 and 4
2 Find:
a the product of 11 and 5
e 10 and 2
b 6 groups of 10
f 7 and 8
c 7 times 5

2 Complete the following: d 9 multiplied by 5
a38= e 1 lot of 10
b62= f 11 times 10
3 True or false?
d 11  2 = a 2  5 = 1  10 b 7  5 = 7  10
e34= c 9  10 = 10  9 d 8  5 = 4  10
f 58= e65=58 f 10  5 = 2  10

3 Find the number of legs on:
4 Complete the following:
a 9 spiders a b
5 1 3 9
b 12 chickens 4 5 8 12 5 2
c 6 sheep 6 2 7 10
3 7 11 5
d 1 flamingo
e 8 cows c d
f 4 insects 4 0 2 8
3 10
7 11 10 12

4 Write the first 10 multiples of: 5
2 6
1 4
10 3

b2 e f
c4 5 4 12 2
6 5 1 3 10
d8 8 3 8 4
0 7 9 1
f 12

5 Complete: 12  10 =

5 Find the product of 8 and 2.

6 Find 4 multiplied by 5.

6 Complete:
7 True or false?
68 3  5 = 10  1

7 Find the number of legs on 11 cats.
8 Complete:
8 12

8 Write the first 10 multiples of the number 10. 11 5 5
7 9
10 6

9 There were 5 spiders, 3 cats, 4 dogs and 9 birds on
display in a tent at the pet show. How many legs were
there altogether?
9 Write a word problem for:
5 x 10 =

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1 See START UPS page 4 UNIT 50 See START UPS page 4

Tables  3,  6 and  9 Tables  7,  8 and  9

1 Complete:
1 Complete:
a03= b 12  6 = c79= a75= b89=
d 10  3 = e67= f 95= c28= d 10  7 =

2 Complete the spaces: e68= f 39=
a3 = 12 = 6

2 True or false?
b 10  = 30 = 5
a77=87 b74=38
c6 = =49 c09=07 d69=96
d63= =9 e78=89 f 49=94
e9 =9=3
f 64= =3

3 Find the product of:
a 9 and 7 b 1 and 8

3 Complete the spaces:
c 9 and 5 d 7 and 3
a 3  9 = 30 =
e 5 and 8 f 8 and 0
b 9  9 = 90 =
c 5  9 = 50 =
4 Complete:
d 10  9 = 100 = a b
7 0 1 6
e 6  9 = 60 = 3 4 7 2
7 8
f 11  9 = 110 = 6 1 0 5
2 5 4 3

4 Write an algorithm and solve it for each:
a legs on 9 chickens c d
3 2 7 12
1 0 9 8
b legs on 8 insects 9 7
7 5 6 11
6 4 10 5

c corners on 7 triangles
e f
12 3 3 11
d eyes on 6 pandas 1 11 8 4
9 8
9 0 6 0
4 10 9 1
e days in 9 weeks

f wheels on 11 tricycles
5 Complete: 10  8 =

6 True or false? 2  7 = 1  8

5 Complete: 6  8 =

7 Find the product of 9 and 9.

6 Complete the spaces:
3 = 27 = 9 
8 Complete:
1 6

7 Complete the spaces: 8  9 = 80 = 5
9 7

8 Write an algorithm and solve for the number of fingers 8 2
on 6 hands.

9 Write as many different multiplication equations as

9 Count by eights starting at 50. Write down the next
10 numbers:
you can for the answer 28.
50, , , , , , ,
, , ,
38 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on page 128
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1 See START UPS page 4 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 4

Multiplication tables (1) Multiplication tables (2)

1 Find the following:
1 Calculate each of the following:
a 7 groups of 4 b 8 groups of 6 a 6 b 10 c 9
 2  8  5
c 6 groups of 10 d 12 groups of 5
e 4 groups of 8 f 8 groups of 2
d 8 e 9 f 3

2 Find:  5  7  4
a73= b69=
c77= d35=
e80= f 11  2 =

2 Complete the spaces:
a  10 = 70

3 Complete the spaces:
b4 =8
a47= =7
c8 = 24
b 10  3 = =6
d  6 = 60
c5 = 40 = 4 
e7 = 35
d4 = 20 = 2 
f 7 =0
e9 = =36
f  4 = 36 = 6 

3 Find the product of:
a 2 and 5

4 Complete:
b 8 and 7
a  1 2 3 4
2 c 9 and 9
d 4 and 10
b  0 1 2 3
7 e 8 and 4
f 2 and 7
6 7 8 9

4 Find the total cost of:
a 6 movie tickets at $8 each
d  8 9 10 11 b 5 caps at $5 each
c 7 chocolate bars at $2 each
e  6 7 8 9 d 4 books at $9 each
3 e 9 T-shirts at $10 each
f  5 6 7 8 f 5 sandwiches at $4 each
5 Calculate:

5 Find 3 groups of 9.  8

6 Find:
10  10 =
6 Complete:

7 Complete: 6 = 42

4 = 12 = 6 
7 Find the product of 4 and 4.

8 Complete:
8 Find the total cost of 10 glasses at $5 each.
 3 4 5 6
9 Complete the circle:

9 What is the total number of plants if there are 6 rows 8 12
10  5
of 8 plants in one field and 4 rows of 7 plants in 6 9
another? 11 7

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1 See START UPS page 4 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 5

Square and triangular numbers Multiples

1 Find the following square numbers:
1 Which of the numbers 10, 12, 18 or 21 are
a 2 squared = b 7 squared = multiples of:
c 5 squared = d 4 squared =
e66= f 99= f 3

2 True or false?
a 1 is a multiple of 3.
b 12 is a multiple of 3.

2 Find the following triangular numbers: c 36 is a multiple of 9.
a b d 90 is a multiple of 10.
= = e 14 is a multiple of 6.
c d f 20 is a multiple of 4.

= =

3 Write the product of each pair of factors:
a 3 and 1 =
e f b 5 and 3 =
c 9 and 2 =
1+2+3+4+5= 1+2+3+4+5+6= d 10 and 4 =

3 Complete the following table for the triangular e 6 and 4 =
numbers: f 4 and 7 =
a b c d e f
Order of term 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4 Complete:
Term 28 a 12 is a multiple of and .
b 10 is a multiple of and .

4 Complete:
c 35 is a multiple of and .
a9= squared
d 7 is a multiple of and .
b1= squared
e 16 is a multiple of and .
c 64 = squared
f 32 is a multiple of and .
d 100 = squared
e 25 = squared
5 Which of the numbers 14, 7 or 15 is a
multiple of 5?
f 36 = squared

5 Find the square number: 10 squared =

6 Find the triangular number:
6 True or false? 9 is a multiple of 3.

7 Complete the table for the triangular numbers:

7 The product of the factors 8 and 3 is .
Order of term 3 4 5

8 Complete:

8 Complete: 16 = squared
20 is a multiple of and .

9 What is the tenth triangular number?
9 Find all of the factors of 24.

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1 See START UPS page 5 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 5

Factors Multiplication strategies

1 Write a pair of factors for each number:
1 Complete each of the following:
a5 a 16  5 b 19  6
b 13 = (10  5) + (6  5) = (10  6) + (9  6)
c7 = + = +
d2 = =
e 11 c 14  8 d 17  7
f 23 = (10  8) + (  ) = (10  7) + (  )
= + = +

2 True or false?
= =
a 4 is a factor of 32.
b 1 is a factor 11. e 18  4 f 15  9
= (10  ) + (  ) = (10  ) + (  )
c 3 is a factor 10.
= + = +
d 5 is a factor 26.
= =
e 6 is a factor 42.
f 7 is a factor 27.
2 Complete each of the following:

3 Write two pairs of factors for each number: a  7 50 b  3 60 c 
6 0
a 10 ;
b 20 ; d 2 0 e 8 0 f 5 0
 9  4  7
c8 ;
d9 ;
3 Complete:
e 32 ; a 20  7 b 14  6 c 12  9
= 2  10  7 = 276 = 269
f 4 ; = 2 = 2 = 2

4 Find all the factors of: = = =
a 6: , , , d 18  5 e 16  8 f 22  6
= 2 5 = 2 8 = 2 6
b 15: , , , = 2 = 2 = 2
c 20: , , , , , = = =
d 16: , , , ,
4 Complete the spaces:
e 12: , , , , , a 7  10 = b9 = 63
f 24: , , , , , , , c  8 = 56 d6 = 42

5 Write a pair of factors for the number 17: e  5 = 45 f 5 =0

5 Complete: 14  7
= (10  ) + (  )

6 True or false? 3 is a factor of 21. = +

7 What are two pairs of factors for the

6 Complete: 4 0
number 30?  8

8 Find all the factors of 50.
7 Complete: 14  8
= 278
, , , , , = 2

9 Complete the table: =
Factor 3 3 5 7

8 Complete the space: 1=7
Factor 10 9 6 10
9 Complete the factor tree:  8
Product 24 40 35 56 3   2

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1 See START UPS page 5 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 5

Multiplication by tens Extended multiplication

1 Find the value of:
1 Complete the patterns:
a 6 tens = a26 b39 c57
b 5 tens = 20  6 30  9 50  7
c 14 tens = 200  6 300  9 500  7
d 18 tens = d48 e 9  10 f 35
40  8 90  10 30  5
e 72 tens =
400  8 900  10 300  5
f 56 tens =

2 Find:

2 Complete:
a  3 42 b 
4 1
5 3
a 3  10 =
b 9  10 =
d 6 5 e 2 6 f 3 6
c 12  10 =  6  4  7
d 17  10 =
e 36  10 =
3 Complete:
f 23  10 = a 2  43 b 4  83

3 Find: = (2  40) + (2  3) = (4  80) + (4  3)
a 8  20 b 5  60 = + = +
= 8  2  10 = 5  6  10 = =
c 6  16 d 4  53
= =
= (6  ) + (6  ) = (4  ) + (4  )
c 7  30 d 5  90
= + = +
= 7  3  10 = 5  9  10 = =
= = e 8  32 f 7  25
e 4  40 f 6  70 = (8  ) + (8  ) = (7  ) + (7  )
= 4  4  10 = 6  7  10 = + = +
= = = =

4 Find:
4 Complete:
a 6  60 = a  2 2 37 b 
1 4 5
6 c 
1 2 8
b 8  80 =
c 4  30 = d 2 9 0 e 1 5 7 f 1 4 8
 4  5  8
d 7  50 =
e 5  60 =
f 8  60 =
5 Complete the pattern: 84=
80  4 =

5 Find the value of 46 tens. 800  4 =

6 Complete: 9 1

6 Find: 81  10 =  3

7 Find: 2  90 = 2  9  10
7 4  36
= = (4  30) + (4  )

8 Find: 3  60 = =

9 Calculate each of the following:
8 Complete: 2 1 9
a 30  12 =  2
b 60  11 =

9 Find the total number of bananas if there are 126 in
c 50  10 = each of 8 boxes.
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1 See START UPS page 5 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 5

Division (1) Division (2)

1 Use the multiplication tables to complete the division
1 Complete:
equations: a 18 9 =
a 5  7 = 35 b 12  5 = 60 c 9  8 = 72 b 48 6 =
c 50 5 =
7 35 12 60 9 72 d 27 3 =
e 16 4 =
5 35 5 60 8 72 f 63 7 =
d 3  8 = 24 e 6  7 = 42 f 12  4 = 48
2 Complete:
a b
3 24 6 42 4 48 7 35 3 18
c d
8 24 7 42 12 48 2 10 8 64

2 Complete:
e f
a 54 6 = b 45 9 = 10 6 0 6 24
c 25 5 = d 21 3 =
e 30 6 = f 81 9 =
3 a Divide 5 into 10.

3 Complete the spaces: b How many groups of 3 are there in 30?
a  2 = 14 b  10 = 80 c How many are there in each share, if 63 are shared
equally among 9?
c  4 = 36 d3 = 15
d How many 2s are there in 20?
e8 =8 f 4 = 24
e Divide 90 by 10.

4 How many baskets?
f How many groups of 6 are there in 36?
a 6 pineapples: 2 in each basket
b 40 apples: 8 in each basket
4 Complete:
c 20 pears: 5 in each basket a 2=8
d 21 plums: 7 in each basket b8 = 32
e 70 strawberries: 10 in each basket c  10 = 40
f 9 puppies: 3 in each basket d  8 = 56

5 Use the multiplication table on the inside back cover to e3 = 15
complete the division equations: f 7 = 49
4  7 = 28

5 Complete: 80 8 =

4 28
6 Complete:

4 12
7 28

6 Complete: 36 9 =
7 How many 6s are there in 18?

7 Complete: 6  = 48
8 Complete:

8 How many baskets if there are 100 flowers and 10 in 6 = 30
each basket?

9 Draw two different arrays to show 28.

9 How many different ways can you put 24 oranges into

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1 See START UPS page 5 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 5

Division problems and remainders Division with multiplication grid

1 Complete the spaces:
1 Complete the spaces labelled a f on the grid.
a1 =5 b3 = 30  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c  9 = 27 d  3 = 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
e  5 = 20 f 4 = 32
2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

2 Find each of the following:
3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 d 30
a 6 apples shared by 3 people 4 0 4 8 12 16 b 24 28 32 36 40
b 16 slices of bread shared by 8 mums 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
c 40 desks, 4 in each row, rows 6 0 6 12 a 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
d 56 cards, 7 in each row, rows 7 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 c 56 62 70
e 14 days, how many weeks? 8 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 f 80
9 0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90
f 36 months, how many years?
10 0 10 20 30 e 50 60 70 80 90 g

3 Write each as a number sentence, show remainders:
a b c
a 15 shared among 4, equals 3 and remainder 3
d e f

b 10 divided by 4, equals 2 and remainder 2

2 Use the multiplication grid to answer:
a 24 6 = b 50 5 =
c 64 8 = d 20 10 =
c 24 shared among 7, equals 3 and remainder 3
e 15 3 = f 42 6 =

d 50 shared among 6, equals 8 and remainder 2

3 Use the multiplication grid to complete:
a b c
6 54 7 70 4 32
e 100 divided by 9, equals 11 and remainder 1
d e f
8 48 7 56 2 16
f 45 divided by 7, equals 6 and remainder 3

4 Use the multiplication grid to complete
the spaces:

4 Find each of the following: a 27 =9 b 5=5
a 32 carrots shared among 10 rabbits. c 81 =9 d 3=8
b 20 CDs sorted into 3 piles. e 28 =7 f 4=5
c 49 beads, 9 in each necklace. How many necklaces?
5 Complete the space labelled g on the multiplication
grid in question 1.
d 50 marbles shared among 8 boys.
6 Use the multiplication grid to answer:
e 72 days, how many weeks? 30 6 =
f 60 legs, how many spiders?
7 Use the multiplication grid

5 Complete: 10  = 60 to complete: 9 54

6 Find: 28 biscuits shared among 7 children
8 Use the multiplication grid to complete the space:

7 Write 14 divided by 6, equals 2 and remainder 2 as a 10 = 10
number sentence, showing remainders.
9 Design a box that holds
48 apples. There can be one
or two layers, and on each

8 40 stickers shared among 3 students. layer the apples are arranged

9 Draw a picture to in equal rows.
show 33 divided by 5. Draw two different ways of
arranging the apples
in the box.
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1 See START UPS page 5 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 5

Division (3) Estimation with division

1 Complete:
1 Estimate each of the following:
a 46 2 = a 62 3 =
b 68 2 = b 92 5 =
c 96 3 = c 71 7 =
d 48 4 = d 59 5 =
e 36 3 = e 81 4 =
f 102 2 = f 47 7 =

2 Find each of the following:
2 Calculate the following and compare the answers to
the estimations of question 1.
a b a b c
3 45 2 38 3 62 5 92 7 71
c d d e f
8 96 7 84 5 59 4 81 7 47
e f
3 Estimate each of the following:
a 142 7 =
5 95 6 78
b 297 5 =

3 Find each of the following: c 121 6 =
a b d 352 10 =
3 51 4 68 e 219 4 =
f 332 3 =
c d

4 Estimate the answer to each of the following:
3 84 5 85
a Share 42 equally among 5.
e f b How many groups of 6 are there in 29?
3 57 7 91 c How many threes are there in 35?
d Divide 137 by 10.

4 Find:
e Divide 182 equally among 9.
a How many groups of 6 are there in 90?
f Find 49 divided by 4.
b How many groups of 8 are there in 96?
c How many groups of 4 are there in 92?
5 Estimate: 65 3 =
d How many groups of 7 are there in 98?
6 Calculate:
e How many groups of 5 are there in 95? 3 65
f How many groups of 3 are there in 96? and compare to the estimate in question 5.

5 Complete: 84 2 =

7 Estimate: 143 5 =

6 Find:
4 56

8 Estimate the answer to: how many groups
of 4 are there in 79?

7 Find:

9 Strawberries: 3 for 9c
4 64 Grapes: 4 for 7c

8 Find how many groups of 2 there are in 96. Veronica paid $1.53 for strawberries and Daisy paid
$1.47 for grapes.

9 Find: one hundred and two divided by six Who had the most pieces of fruit?
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1 See START UPS page 5 UNIT 66 See START UPS page 5

Division with remainders (1) Division with remainders (2)

1 Find each of the following:
1 Complete each of the following:
a r b r a b c
7 35 2 23 2 68 3 39 4 88
c d d e f
r r
3 17 3 25 3 99 3 66 2 48
e r f r
2 Complete each of the following:
4 27 5 37 a b

2 Complete each of the following: 2 43 3 34
a b c c d
2 20 4 40 7 70 4 43 5 59
d e f e f
3 60 4 80 9 90 7 78 2 29

3 Find the answer and check it for each of the following
3 Complete:
division equations: a 35 2 =
a Check b Check b 46 4 =
2 19 3 26 c 92 9 =
d 56 5 =
c Check d Check e 45 6 =
4 38 5 28 f 73 7 =

e Check f Check

4 Solve, giving how many are left over:
a 32 bottles put into 6 rows. How many are there in
6 29 3 34 each row?
b 53 days. How many weeks are there?

4 At the horse riding park there are 9 horses. How many
riding sessions are needed if there are:
c 63 cows in herds of 10. How many herds are there?
a 20 children? b 30 children?
c 40 children? d 50 children?
d 47 apples in baskets of 6. How many baskets are
e 35 children? f 59 children?

5 Find: r e 96 marbles in 9 groups. How many groups are
3 13 there?

6 Complete: f 78 ducks with 8 ducks in each pen. How many pens
are there?
6 60

7 Find the answer and check it: Check

5 Complete:
2 84
4 49

6 Complete:
3 62

8 At the horse riding park there are 9 horses.

7 Complete: 70 9 =
How many riding sessions are needed if
there are 47 children?
8 Solve, giving how many are left over: 109 birds in
10 aviaries. How many aviaries are there?

9 Write a word problem for the number sentence:

9 Solve:
33 7 = 4 r 5 3 348

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1 See START UPS page 6 UNIT 68 See START UPS page 6

Division practice Multiplication and division

1 Use the first number sentence to complete the
1 Write one multiplication and one division fact for:
second one: a 35 b 30

a (5  4) + 3 = 23 b (3  6) + 1 = 19 5 7 3 10

23 4 = 19 6 = c 56 d 72
c (2  10) + 1 = 21 d (6  7) + 5 = 47 8 7 9 8
21 10 = 47 7 = e f
16 4
e (8  3) + 2 = 26 f (9  5) + 3 = 48
8 2 4 1
26 3 = 48 5 =

2 Complete the spaces:

2 Complete: a4 =8 b6 = 18
a b c c2 = 20 d  6 = 24
7 38 5 27 6 39 e  9 = 63 f  10 = 80
d e f
3 Complete:
9 100 2 41 3 38 a b c

3 Find: 5 85 3 72 4 60
a 36 2 = d e f
b 45 3 = 6 78 3 81 7 84
c 51 3 =
4 Find the number sentence and answer to each of the
d 68 4 = following:
e 85 5 = a Viv ate 3 bananas every day. How many did she eat in
f 92 4 = 1 week?

4 Complete each path: b Helen had 8 chickens in each of 6 pens. How many
chickens were there altogether?
a 70 7  3 5  3
c Bill divided 98 nails into 7 boxes. How many nails
b 64 8 2 4  10
were there in each box?
c 66 6  3 3  1 d The farmer had 51 sheep to put in 3 paddocks. How many
d 45 9  10 2 10 sheep were there in each paddock?
e 18 2  5  2 3 e Albert had 5 piles of 9 cards. How many cards were
f 20 10  20 4 6 there altogether?

5 Use the first number sentence to complete f A family ate 84 biscuits in 1 week. How many biscuits
were eaten each day?
the second one:
(10  3) + 2 = 32
5 Write one multiplication and 100

32 3 = one division fact for: 10 10

6 Complete:
6 Complete: 9 = 63
6 29
7 Complete:

7 Find:
5 80

17 3 =
8 Find the number sentence and answer for: Sue saved
$5 a month for a year. How much did she save?

8 Complete the path:
18 2  10 3 6
9 Complete the path:
100 5
+ 15

9 Try these:

a b c
3 92 5 71 7 74
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UNIT 69 See START UPS page 6 UNIT 70 See START UPS page 6

Inverse operations Number lines

1 Check the addition facts with subtraction and write true
1 On the number line, write the values of each of the
or false: labelled points a f:
d e f c
a 49 + 21 = 60 b 57 + 18 = 75
60 = 75 =
0 5 10 15 20
c 36 + 16 = 52 d 84 + 27 = 101 a b
52 = 101 = a b c
e 63 + 29 = 92 f 58 + 37 = 95 d e f
92 = 95 =

2 Use the jump strategy to solve the addition equations:

2 Check the subtraction fact with addition and write
true or false:
a 43 26 = 17 b 53 14 = 29 100 110 120 130

c 71 21 = 60 d 85 27 = 58 a 109 + 19 = b 105 + 17 =
e 35 18 = 17 f 90 26 = 74 c 116 + 14 = d 103 + 18 =
e 102 + 26 = f 107 + 14 =

3 Write a division fact from the following multiplication
3 Use the jump strategy to solve the subtraction
a 12  5 = 60 b 14  7 = 98 equations:

60 = 98 =
c 16  3 = 48 d 15  12 = 180 160 170 180 190 200
48 = 180 = a 196 17 = b 185 18 =
e 9  16 = 144 f 18  8 = 144 c 182 14 = d 200 18 =
144 = 144 = e 191 13 = f 186 19 =

4 Write a multiplication fact from each division
4 Use the number line to complete the following
equation: multiplication and division equations:
a 96 4 = 24 b 108 12 = 9
 = 96  = 108
0 10 20 30
c 78 13 = 6 d 126 14 = 9 a56= b 2  15 = c 2  12 =
 = 78  = 126 d 20 2 = e 24 6 = f 26 2 =
e 105 7 = 15 f 132 4 = 33
 = 105  = 132

5 On the number line, which number is at the position
marked x?

5 Check 76 + 27 = 93 with 93 = and x

write if the equation is true or false:

5 6 7 8

6 Check 45 29 = 16 and write if the equation is
6 Use the jump strategy to solve:
true or false.
107 + 15 =

7 Write a division fact from 19  4 = 76:

7 Use the jump strategy to solve:
76 =
196 29 =

8 Write a multiplication fact from 126 6 = 21:

8 Use the jump strategy to solve: 24 8 =
 = 126

9 Draw a number line which includes the following

9 Find the mistake in: numbers labelled:
a 4 9 b 64 a 21 b 36 c 40
 2 3 132
8 8 d 23 12 e 32 41 f 29 34
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UNIT 71 See START UPS page 6 UNIT 72 See START UPS page 6

Odd and even numbers Number patterns (4)

1 Which of the following numbers are odd? Circle them.
1 Write the first five terms of each number pattern:
a 15 b 221 a start at 20 and count on by sixes
c 528 d 11 b start at 10 and count on by sevens
e 1230 f 901 c start at 27 and count on by nines

2 Which of the following numbers are even? Circle them. d start at 100 and count backwards by tens
a 12 b 3551
c 2568 d 4956 e start at 50 and count backwards by threes
e 2315 f 9000

3 The following equations have even numbers. f start at 27 and count backwards by twos
Complete the equations.
a 4 2 2 b 4 4 4

2 Complete each number pattern:
+3 1 6 +3 1 2
a 36, 45, 54, 63, , ,
c 1 6 d b 35, 40, 45, 50, , ,
2 c 11, 22, 33, 44, , ,
4 48
d 40, 44, 48, 52, , ,
e 8 5 4 f 1 2
+1 2 2 8 e 20, 23, 26, 29, , ,
f 16, 24, 32, 40, , ,

4 The following equations have odd numbers.
3 Keep adding:
Complete them. a 0 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 is 0, , , ,
a 4 7 9 b 3 6 7 b 20 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 is 20, , , ,
2 6 1 +2 2 1
c 14 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 is 14, , , ,
c 1 5 d d 50 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 is 50, , , ,
3 e 0 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 is 0, , , ,
5 35
f 15 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 is 15, , , ,
e 3 2 3 f
+5 1 5
4 Use words to describe each number pattern:
7 49 a 200, 195, 190, 185, 180

5 Is 45 an odd number? b 400, 350, 300, 250, 200
c 400, 200, 100, 50, 25
d 12 , 1, 1 12 , 2, 2 12 , 3

6 Is 600 an even number?
e 3, 6, 12, 24, 48

7 Complete the equation: 2 4 6
+1 4 2 f 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5

5 Write the first five terms of the number pattern:
Start at 5 and count by sixes:

6 Complete the number pattern:

8 Complete the equation: 8 5 7 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, , ,
2 4 3

7 Keep adding:
20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 is 20, , , ,

9 Explain what happens when an odd and an even

8 Use words to describe the number pattern:
number are multiplied together. Give two examples. 9, 7, 5, 3, 1

9 There was a pile of sandwiches. If 5 people took a
sandwich each and this was repeated 4 times, until
there were only 3 sandwiches left, what was the initial
number of sandwiches?
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UNIT 73 See START UPS page 6 UNIT 74 See START UPS page 6

1-Step and 2-step rules Calculator addition and subtraction

1 Continue each pattern by following the rule:
1 Use a calculator to answer the following:
a add 5: 20, , , a 88 + 19 =
b add 8: 50, , , b 466 + 55 =
c multiply by 2: 5, , , c 698 + 49 =
d multiply by 3: 1, , , d 325 + 1649 =
e subtract 9: 100, , , e 8752 + 11 056 =
f divide by 4: 64, , , f 3261 + 2054 =

2 Write the next number in each pattern:
2 Use a calculator to answer the following:
a 1, 5, 25, b 103, 100, 97, a 231 186 =
c 4, 8, 16, d 400, 200, 100, b 80 29 =
e 10, 21, 32, f 1, 5, 9, c 421 396 =

3 Write the rule for each part from question 2: d 3562 1079 =
a e 24 681 3421 =
b f 3498 2999 =
3 Use a calculator to find each of the following:
d a double 98
e b double 89
f c double 146

4 These rules have 2 steps. Write the next three terms: d double 64
a Rule:  3 + 1 e double 521
1, 4, , , f double 3426
b Rule:  2 1
4 Use a calculator to find each of the following:
2, 3, , , a halve 592
c Rule:  10 5 b halve 706
1, 5, , , c halve 326
d Rule: + 10 3 d halve 418
10, 17, , , e halve 1528
e Rule: 1 + 5 f halve 1988
10, 14, , ,

5 Use a calculator to answer: 3651 + 2497 =
f Rule:  2 3
6 Use a calculator to answer:
5, 7, , , 8657 6392 =

5 Continue the pattern by following the rule:

7 Use a calculator to double 965.
subtract 8: 80, , ,

8 Use a calculator to halve 1712.

6 Write the next number in the pattern:

9 a If you start with 1024, how many times does it need
1 1
5, 4 2 , 4, 3 2 , 3, to be halved to reach 1?

7 Write the rule for the number pattern of question 6.
b If you start with 6, how many times does it need to be
doubled to reach 3072?

8 Write the next three terms for the 2-step rule:
Rule  1 + 3: 5, 8, , ,
c Start at 10 and treble it 4 times. What is the answer?

9 Work out this 2-step rule:
2, 12, 62, 312, 1562
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UNIT 75 See START UPS page 6 UNIT 76 See START UPS page 6

Calculator multiplication and division Fraction names

1 Use a calculator to find:
1 What fraction of each shape has been shaded?
a 4  60 = a b
b 8  90 =
c 7  70 = c d
d 40  20 =
e 70  30 = e f
f 40  50 =

2 Use a calculator to find:
2 Shade part of each shape to match the given fraction:
1 6
a 360 2 = a 4 b 10
b 840 60 =
2 3
c 940 5 = c 5 d 10
d 940 2 =
4 3
e 960 6 = e 5 f 4
f 560 8 =

3 Use a calculator to find:

3 Write true or false for each statement:
a 49  21 = a1= 4
b 5
4 8
b 68  35 =
9 3 3
c 28  87 = c 10 =1 d 4 is less than 8
d 92  56 = 1 1
e 10 is less than 5
e 125  32 =
f 259  68 = 1 1
f 4 is less than 3

4 Use a calculator to find:
a 150 6 =
4 Write each of the following fractions in words:
1 2
a 4 b 5
b 203 7 =
c 423 9 = 3 1
c 10 d 8
d 234 78 = 1 3
e 2 f 4
e 1470 15 =
f 1150 46 =
5 What fraction of the square has been shaded?

5 Use a calculator to find:
90  40 =

6 Use a calculator to find:

6 Shade part of the circle to show 8 :
990 9 =

7 Use a calculator to find:
Write true or false for: 8 is less than 1
26  71 =

8 Use a calculator to find:
Write 10 in words.
592 16 =

9 Complete the following table:
9 Give the fraction that each group is coloured:
a b
Multiply by 14 2 28
Multiply by 21 3 63
Divide by 8 4096 512

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UNIT 77 See START UPS page 6 UNIT 78 See START UPS page 6

Fractions Comparing fractions

1 Place each of the following fractions on the number line:
1 Circle the larger fraction:
1 1 1 3
0 1 2 a 5 or 4 b 2 or 4
a 2 b 1 14 c 3

d 1 12 e 1
4 f 1 34 1 1 1 1
c 8 or 10 d 4 or 8

2 Shade the fraction of each shape:
1 3
a 2 b 4
6 4 4 3
2 5
e 8 or 10 f 10 or 5
c 5 d 8

1 3
e f
4 10

2 Write true or false for each statement:
2 7 5
a1= 2 b 8 =1 c1= 5

3 Colour part of each group to match the given fraction:
1 5 6 9 4
a 2 of circles b 8 of squares d1= 8 e 10 =1 f 4 =1

1 3

3 Order from largest to smallest:
c 4 of triangles d 5 of diamonds a 25 , 53 , 51 , 4

b 38 , 85 , 84 , 1
7 7
e 10 of stars f 8 of rectangles
2 6 3 9
c 10 , 10 , 10 , 10

8 7 9 6

4 Order the fractions from smallest to largest: d 10 , 10 , 10 , 10

a 28 , 58 , 18 , 7
8 e 12 , 43 , 1, 1

b 45 , 25 , 35 , 1
5 f 7 5 6
8 , 1, 8 , 8

c 1
, 10 , 10 , 10
4 2

4 Circle the larger fraction:
1 1 1 1 1 1
9 6 4 8
a 10 8 b 4 5 c 2 1
d 10 , 10 , 10 , 10
1 1 1 1 1 1
3 2 1
d 8 5 e 2 4 f 5 10
e 4, 4, 4,1

5 Circle the larger fraction:
1 1 1 4 1 3
f 2 , 10 , 5 , 10 2 or 8

1 1 2 1

5 Place each of the fractions 4 , 2 and 2 on the following
6 Write true or false for: 8 = 1
number line:

7 Order from largest to smallest:
1 5 9
10 , 1, 10 , 10
0 1 2

6 Shade 5 of:
8 Circle the larger fraction:

Shade 4 of all of the circles.
9 Which is larger: one
quarter or one third?

8 Order the fractions from smallest to largest. Draw a diagram to support your answer.
1 1 1 3
2, 8, 4, 8

9 Draw diagrams to show:
a 1 43 b 2 45 c 3 21
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UNIT 79 See START UPS page 6 UNIT 80 See START UPS page 7

Equivalent fractions Mixed numbers

1 Shade and record an equivalent fraction for the one
1 What fraction is shown in each of the following?
given: a b
a 1 = b 1 =
2 4 2 8

c d
1 3
c 2
10 d 5

e f
e 4 = f 3 =
5 10 4 8

2 True or false?
2 Complete the number lines:
1 3 4 8
a 2 = 4 b 5 = 10 a b
0 1 1 2 3 2 24
3 6 2 2
c 8 = 4 d 2 =1
c d
6 3 2 3 1 2 5 4 5 8
e 10 = 5 f 8 = 4 2 2828 28 10 10 10

3 Write the equivalent fraction for: e
3 1 2
a 4 b 6 c 1 1 2 14 1515 2
= = =
8 2 10 5 2 10

3 Shade the shapes to show the mixed numbers:
d 4
e 6
f 2 a 1 14 b 1 85
= 8
= 8
5 4 4

4 Use the line to help find the equivalent fractions: 7
1 2 3 4 5 c 1 10 d 1 35
5 5 5 5 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
e 1 86 f 1 34
Give the number of:
a tenths in one fifth b tenths in two fifths
c tenths in three fifths d tenths in four fifths
4 Circle the larger mixed number:
a 1 25 3
b 1 10 1 10
c 2 34 1
e tenths in five fifths f fifths in four tenths

5 Shade and record the equivalent fraction for: 5
d 1 10 2 e 3 14 24
3 8
f 1 10 2 10

1 =
4 8 5 What fraction is shown?

6 True or false? 53 = 10

7 Write the equivalent fraction for: 2 =

6 Complete the number line:
4 2 3 4
1 110 110

8 Give the number of 1
7 Shade the triangles to show 1 4 :
eighths in 2. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

9 Draw 3 different
8 Circle the larger mixed number: 1 5
pictures to
represent 8 .
9 Draw a diagram to show 3 8 .

How many eighths are there altogether?

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UNIT 81 See START UPS page 7 UNIT 82 See START UPS page 7

Hundredths Tenths

1 What fraction of each hundreds square is coloured?
1 Use decimals to write:
a b c a six tenths
b nine tenths
c four tenths
d e f d two tenths
e one tenth
f seven tenths

2 Shade part of each hundreds square to match the given
2 Write the decimal for each of the following:
fraction: 3 5 8
a 10 b 10 c 10
13 67 100
a 100 b 100 c 100
4 1 6
d 1 10 e 2 10 f 1 10

72 89 26

3 Match each fraction with the correct decimal:
d 100 e 100 f 100
a 1 10 0.2
b 10 0.3

3 Write each of the following as a decimal:
c 2
10 1
a five hundredths
b sixty-two hundredths d 10 1.1
c nineteen hundredths 7
e 1 10 1.7
d nine hundredths
e forty hundredths 3
f 10 0.5
f eighty-five hundredths

4 Label each of the following decimals on the number
4 Use <, > or = to make each of the following
statements true:
a 0.25 b 0.75 c 0.39 a 0.2 0.5 b 0.3 0.30

d 0.05 e 0.9 f 0.10 c 0.6 0.5 d 0.9 1.0

0 1
e 0.9 0.1 f 0.70 0.7

5 What fraction of the hundreds square has been
5 Use decimals to write five tenths.

Write the decimal for 10 .

7 Match each fraction with the correct decimal:

6 Shade part of the hundreds square to 1
10 1.4
show 100 :
10 0.1

7 Write eleven hundredths as a decimal number.
1 10 0.4

8 Label 0.2, 0.8 and 0.7 on the following number line:

8 Use <, > or = to make the number statement true:
0 1
0.9 0.7

9 How many cents are in each of the following amounts?
9 How many centimetres are in each of the following?
a $2.90 b $1.75 c $5.05 a 1.43 m b 2.59 m c 8.50 m

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UNIT 83 See START UPS page 7 UNIT 84 See START UPS page 7

Decimals place value Decimals

1 Colour part of each hundreds square to match the
1 What decimal is shown on each hundreds square?
given decimal: a b c
a 0.05 b 0.80 c 0.72 0. 0. 0.

d e f
d 0.56 e 0.30 f 0.14 0. 0. 0.

2 Circle the largest decimal in each of the following

2 Give the value of the 5 in each of the following groups:
a 0.26, 0.78, 0.43 b 0.75, 0.57, 0.67
a 1.56 b 5.21 c 0.39, 0.93, 0.65 d 0.10, 0.03, 0.16
c 3.05 d 1.15 e 0.40, 0.51, 0.63 f 0.29, 0.36, 0.17
e 6.50 f 15.92

3 Write each of the following decimals in words:

3 Write the fractions in decimal form:
a 6 tenths and 4 hundredths
a 0.18
b 4 tenths and 2 hundredths
b 0.46
c 9 tenths and 3 hundredths
c 0.73
d 0 tenths and 1 hundredth
d 0.02
e 5 tenths and 7 hundredths
e 0.30
f 0 tenths and 2 hundredths
f 0.91

4 Write each marked value as a decimal:
4 Give the value of place, of each of the underlined
e d f a digits:

a 12.30 b 0.43

0 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.8 1

b c c 10.21 d 3.65
a b c e 11.91 f 0.05
d e f

5 What decimal is shown on the hundreds square?

5 Colour the hundreds square to show 0.32: 0.

6 Give the value of the 5 in 1.05:

6 Circle the largest decimal in the group:
0.45, 0.95, 0.65, 0.53

7 Write 0.26 in words.

7 Write 7 tenths and 2 hundredths in decimal form:

8 Write each marked value as a decimal:

8 Give the value of place of the underlined digit in 3.29:

0 0.5

9 Complete the table:

9 Place each of the following numbers in the grid:
Decimal Fraction Words Diagram H T U . Tths Hths
a 12.40
b 613.05
0.8 c 205.66
d 310.95
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UNIT 85 See START UPS page 7 UNIT 86 See START UPS page 7

Comparing decimals (1) Comparing decimals (2)

1 Circle the larger decimal in each of the pairs:
1 Write the next decimal in each of the patterns:
a 0.42 0.24 b 0.92 0.15 a 0.11, 0.12,
c 0.46 0.66 d 0.17 0.07 b 0.56, 0.57,
c 0.81, 0.82,
e 0.13 0.15 f 0.40 0.44
d 0.03, 0.04,

2 Circle the smaller decimal in each of the pairs:
e 0.77, 0.78,
a 0.29 0.93 b 0.66 0.72
f 0.38, 0.39,
c 0.45 0.32 d 0.11 0.19
2 Order each set of decimals from smallest to largest:
e 0.02 0.09 f 0.88 0.72 a 0.8, 0.2, 0.6, 0.1

3 Order each set of decimals from smallest to largest:
a 0.11, 0.19, 0.16, 0.14 b 0.62, 0.54, 0.76, 0.35

b 0.23, 0.29, 0.26, 0.21 c 1.2, 1.8, 1.6, 1.3

c 0.15, 0.05, 0.50, 0.45 d 1.21, 1.28, 1.27, 1.23

d 0.90, 0.91, 0.87, 0.85 e 1.46, 2.38, 1.79, 3.66

e 0.23, 0.45, 0.11, 0.36 f 2.47, 2.36, 2.79, 2.50

f 0.76, 0.85, 0.62, 0.53

3 Circle the smaller decimal in each of the following

4 Round each decimal to the nearest whole number: a 0.21 0.46 b 0.79 0.72
a 1.13 b 6.75 c 1.35 1.57 d 1.08 2.99
c 2.34 d 2.58 e 2.75 1.86 f 2.47 3.58
e 2.98 f 0.86
4 Round each decimal to the nearest whole number:

5 Circle the larger decimal in the pair: a 1.46 b 2.78
0.24 0.26 c 3.59 d 6.05

6 Circle the smaller decimal in the pair: e 8.25 f 1.90
0.59 0.31
5 Write the next decimal in the pattern:

7 Arrange the set of decimals from smallest 0.46, 0.47,
to largest:
6 Order the set of decimals from smallest to largest:
0.42, 0.76, 0.39, 0.65 2.36, 2.38, 2.33, 2.35

8 Round 4.37 to the nearest whole number.
7 Circle the smaller decimal in the pair:
4.06 4.60

9 Round each of the following decimals to the nearest
8 Round 0.79 to the nearest whole number.
a 4.21
9 Write the next five numbers in the pattern of:
b 4.58 starting at 0.5 and counting by 0.1
c 4.26
d 4.14
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UNIT 87 See START UPS page 7 UNIT 88 See START UPS page 7

Decimals with whole numbers Fractions and decimals

1 Write each of the following in decimal form:
1 Match each decimal with the correct fraction:
a 1 and 36 hundredths a 1.09 1 100
b 1 and 19 hundredths 96
b 2.48 3 100
c 1 and 27 hundredths
d 1 and 85 hundredths c 1.90 1 100
e 5 and 6 hundredths 9
d 3.96 1 100
f 5 and 90 hundredths

2 Match each fraction with the correct decimal: e 1.19 84
2 100
a 1 100 1.91 48
f 2.84 2 100
b 1 100 3.21

2 Write the decimal for:
91 6 2
c 1 100 2.05 a 10 b 10

21 49 52
d 3 100 1.6 c 100 d 100

5 89 13
e 2 100 1.5 e 1 100 f 2 100
f 1 100 1.16
3 Use decimals to write:
a eight tenths b three tenths

3 Round each of the following decimals to the nearest
c 22 hundredths d 75 hundredths
whole number:
a 1.46 b 1.09 c 1.98 e one and nine hundredths
d 1.73 e 1.55 f 1.72 f three and thirty-five hundredths

4 Order each set of decimals from smallest to largest:
4 Circle the amount which is larger:
85 6
a 1.63, 1.76, 1.82, 1.31 a 100 0.89 b 10 0.8
b 1.08, 1.11, 1.05, 1.10 c 5
0.3 d 47
10 100
c 2.22, 2.32, 2.12, 2.42
1 17
d 2.76, 2.39, 2.41, 2.58 e 1 10 1.15 f 1 100 1.70
e 19.63, 20.58, 17.62, 14.32
5 Match each decimal with the correct fraction:
f 25.01, 25.63, 25.28, 25.91 3.67 2 100

5 Write 3 and 29 hundredths in decimal form.
5 100

6 Match each fraction with the correct decimal:
13 67
1 100 1.03 5.21 3 100

30 17
1 100 1.13 6 Write the decimal for 1 100 :
1 100 1.30
7 Use decimals to write sixty-four hundredths:

7 Round 27.69 to the nearest whole number.

8 Order the set of decimals from smallest to largest:
Circle which is larger: 2 100 or 2.04
13.06, 13.60, 13.66, 13.16

9 Tom had 245 cents in his money box and Sally had

9 Draw a diagram to $2.54 in hers.
represent 1.47:
a Who had the most money?
b What was the difference between the
two amounts?
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UNIT 89 See START UPS page 7 UNIT 90 See START UPS page 7

Decimal addition Decimal subtraction

1 Complete:
1 Complete:
a U Tenths

b U Tenths

c U Tenths

a 4.6 3 b 4.7 7 c 2.1 4
4 7 2 6
1 1 2.1 5 3.4 8 1.7 6
+1 2 +1 3
+1 2

d 8.5 2 e 7.3 5 f 5.2 6

d U Tenths
e U Tenths
f U Tenths
6.7 9 5.6 6 3.1 7
3 2
4 2
2 3

+1 7
+1 3
+3 5

2 Find:

2 Complete: a 2.48 1.46 =
a 4.6 9 b 7.8 1 c 3.7 9 b 3.79 2.55 =
+2.5 3 +1.5 2 +2.4 8
c 4.68 2.05 =
d 1.85 0.63 =
d 4.9 6 e 3.7 5 f 7.5 0
+1.3 7 +2.1 8 +1.5 6 e 10.47 5.25 =
f 5.69 2.35 =

3 Complete:
3 Complete:
a 1.37 + 4.12 = a $ 6.7 2 b $ 4.9 2
$ 4.2 3 $ 3.9 1
b 3.58 + 2.31 =
c 6.45 + 2.04 =
c $ 7.2 9 d $ 5.0 0
d 1.71 + 4.18 = $ 4.5 6 $ 3.2 2
e 3.65 + 1.12 =
f 4.01 + 2.95 = e $ 5.4 3 f $ 8.2 7
$ 2.9 0 $ 4.3 0

4 Complete:
a $ 2.7 5 b $ 2.8 1 c $ 2.9 9
+$ 3.8 6 +$ 3.7 9 +$ 3.9 8
4 Find the difference between:
a 5.29 and 4.15
d $ 7.6 5 e $ 4.1 9 f $ 2.5 5 b 6.35 and 3.21
+$ 2.1 5 +$ 3.7 5 + $ 6.2 7
c $7.45 and $3.24
d $4.55 and $2.13

5 Complete: U Tenths
3 6

e 9.65 m and 7.50 m
+2 3

f 5.87 m and 3.75 m

6 Complete: 2.4 7
5 Complete: 2.4 9
1.7 3
+1.6 5

6 Find:

7 Complete: 3.51 + 2.16 = 10.45 6.24 =

8 Complete: $ 2 . 2 5
+$ 3.9 6
7 Complete: $ 9.1 5
$ 3.3 5

9 Try these decimal additions:
8 Find the difference between: 4.59 and 3.28:
a 1.0 4 b 4.2 c 2 2.1 6
3.2 2 1.2 2 5.7 5
+2.5 8 +2.3 5 +1 7.1 5
9 The dog weighed 10.45 kg and the cat weighed
6.76 kg. How much heavier was the dog?

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UNIT 91 See START UPS page 7 UNIT 92 See START UPS page 8

Decimal addition and subtraction Decimal multiplication (calculator)

1 Complete:
1 Use a calculator to multiply the following decimals:
a 6.3 1 b 3.5 4 c 9.0 6 a 0.65  10 =
+2.3 8 +4.3 7 +0.5 9
b 0.23  10 =
d 1.2 9 e 5.1 4 f 0.7 2
c 0.49  10 =
+3.0 8 +3.6 7 +3.6 9 d 1.78  10 =
e 4.07  10 =

2 Complete: f 7.32  10 =
a 6.5 4
1.2 3
b 7.9 5
2.6 4
c 5.8 7
1.9 5
2 Use a calculator to multiply the following decimals:
a 0.17  100 =
d 2.4 6 e 9.7 6 f 7.9 5 b 0.55  100 =
1.9 1 3.2 8 2.9 9
c 0.82  100 =
d 1.35  100 =

3 Find: e 5.69  100 =
a 3.14 2.11 = b 4.68 + 2.30 = f 7.91  100 =
c 4.93 + 6.05 = d 2.46 2.41 =

3 Complete the following table without using a calculator:
e 3.78 1.26 = f 3.89 + 2.01 = Number  10  100

4 a Jenny is 1.84 m tall and Chris is 1.32 m tall. a 0.39
How much taller is Jenny? b 0.71
b In the shopping there was 1.5 kg of sugar and 2.1 kg c 0.95
of flour. What was the total weight? d 1.22
c Armin bought a pie for $1.85, a drink for $2.10 and a e 2.53
chocolate bar for $1.30. What was the total cost? f 5.67

4 Find:
d What is the difference in cost between 2 toys if one is a 0.69 multiplied by 10
$12.75 and the other $10.49? b 10 groups of 0.11
e In a measuring jug, I had 1.65 L of milk. How much c 0.34 times 100
more do I need to make 2 L?
d the product of 1.21 and 100
f What was the total length of 3 pieces of wood:
1.75 m, 2.51 m and 1.30 m? e 10 lots of 1.49
f 4.72 multiplied by 100

5 Complete: 4.6 6
+2.5 5
5 Use a calculator to multiply 0.09 by 10.

6 Use a calculator to multiply 1.40 by 100.

7 Complete the table:

6 Complete: 7.8 4
4.6 5 Number  10  100
a 0.67
b 1.34

7 Find: 5.72 + 3.15 =

8 Find: 10 lots of 1.05

8 If Lucy was 1.68 m tall, how much more did she have

9 Divide the following decimals (with or without a
to grow to reach 1.95 m?

9 Find the total of: a 9.85 10 =
three and seventeen hundredths b 25.3 100 =
two and five hundredths c 3.21 10 =
six and twenty-two hundredths d 368 100 =
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1 See START UPS page 8 UNIT
2 See START UPS page 8

Simple percentages Percentages (1)

1 What percentage of each hundreds square is coloured?
1 What percentage of each hundreds square is coloured?
a b a b

c d c d

e f e f

2 For each hundreds square, colour the given percentage:
2 What percentage of each hundreds square in
a 64% b 14% question 1 is not coloured?
a b c
d e f
c 32% d 91%
3 Draw lines to connect the same values:
a b c d e f
0.1 0.25 0.35 0.75 0.9 0.5
35% 50% 90% 10% 75% 25%
e 85% f 77%

4 Complete: Decimal Fraction Percentage
a 0.60 %

3 Complete:
b 0.80 %
a 10% means out of 100. 100
b 8% means out of 100. c 0.12 %
c 20% means out of 100.
d 0.15 %
d means 50 out of 100. 100
e means 75 out of 100. e 0.90 %
f means 90 out of 100.
f 0.45 %

4 Write the percentage that means: 100
a one half b a quarter
5 What percentage of the hundreds
c one tenth d 80 out of 100 square is coloured?
e 63 out of 100 f 14 out of 100

6 What percentage of each hundreds square in question

5 What percentage of the hundreds 5 is not coloured?
square is coloured?

7 Draw lines to connect the same values:
a b c

6 Colour the hundreds square 12%: 0.17 0.70 0.77
77% 17% 70%

8 Complete: Decimal Fraction Percentage

7 Complete: 5% means out of .
a 0.3

8 Write the percentage that means 33 out of 100. b 0.43

9 There were 100 students at the school and 25% were
9 Write two statements or examples that use 100%.
boys. How many students were girls?
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UNIT 95 See START UPS page 8 UNIT 96 See START UPS page 8

Percentages (2) Percentages (3)

1 What percentage of each hundreds square is coloured?
1 Circle the larger amount in each pair:
a b c a 20% or 75%
b 15% or 10%
c 100% or 1%
d e f d 20% or 15%
e 90% or 9%
f 18% or 80%

2 Draw lines to connect the same values:
2 Write the percentage equivalent for each decimal:
a b c d e f a 0.2 b 0.15
30% 75% 40% 95% 60% 100% c 0.45 d 0.5
0.95 0.60 0.3 1 0.75 0.4 e 0.25 f 0.9

3 Complete: Fraction Decimal Percentage
3 Complete the following table:
a 10 0. % Percentage Fraction Decimal
b 100 0. % a 30% 0.
7 10
c 10 0. %
15 b 5% 0.
d 100 0. % 100
55 c 75% 0.
e 100 0. %
f 100 0. %
d 10% 0.

4 Write each of the following percentages in words: 10

a 57% b 69% e 22% 0.

c 93% d 72%
f 80% 0.
e 17% f 10% 10

5 What percentage of the hundreds

4 Write the percentage equivalent for each fraction:
square has been coloured?
40 65 5
a 100 b 100 c 10

6 Draw lines to connect the same values: d 7
10 e 1
1 f 1
a b c
29% 90% 40%

5 Circle the larger amount:
0.40 0.29 0.9 50% or 60%

7 Complete: Fraction Decimal Percentage
6 Write the percentage equivalent to 0.1:
a 3
10 0. %
7 Complete the table:
b 95
0. % Percentage Fraction Decimal

8 Write 29% in words. a 60%

b 96% 0.

9 In a game, Jessie scored: 100
level 1: 100 level 2: 100
level 3: 100

8 Write the percentage equivalent to 4 :

a What are each of Jessies scores as a percentage?

9 Bob gave 10% of his 50 marbles to Jackson.
How many marbles did he give?
b What was Jessies best level?
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UNIT 97 See START UPS page 8 UNIT 98 See START UPS page 8

Fractions, decimals and percentages Use of money

1 Write the following fractions as a decimal:
1 List the least number of coins needed to make:
1 7 1
a 10 b 10 c 4 a 65c b $2.85
14 8 36 c $10.25 d 95c
d 100 e 10 f 100
e $4.35 f $6.75

2 Write the following fractions as a percentage: Use the following items for questions 2 and 3.

4 3 3



art set $16.75
pencils $5.75 scissors $2.15

3 Use <, > or = to make the following statements true:
a 0.99 99% b 60% 100
1 glue $1.10 highlighter $4.39 calculator $25.95
c 50% 10 d 0.7 77%

2 Find the single note or coin that could be used to
e 5% 0.5 f 4 75% cover the cost of the:
a art set b pencils

4 Complete the following table:
c scissors d glue
Percentage Fraction Decimal e highlighter f calculator
a 0.5
3 If you had $10, would you be able to buy:
b 10 a pencils?
c 0.25 b the glue and scissors?
c 2 highlighters?
d 15%
d a calculator?
e 100 e 2 sets of pencils?
f 73% f an art set?

4 How many of each note or coin makes $100?

Write 100 as a decimal. a $50 b $100
c $20 d $5

Write 10 as a percentage. e $2 f $1

7 Use <, > or = to make the statement true:
5 List the least number of coins needed to make $5.70:

6 From the items of question 2, find the what single note

8 Complete the table: that would cover the cost of the art set and scissors?
Percentage Fraction Decimal
a 25%

7 If you had $10 would you be able to buy the
scissors, glue and a highlighter?
b 10

9 There are 20 students in a class.
8 How many $10 notes are needed to make $100?

a If 50% like music, how many students like music?

9 Make $20 using any combinations of notes or coins
4 different ways:
b If 20% buy their lunch, how many students buy their
lunch? ii
c If 25% ride a bike to school, how many students ride iii
a bike to school? iv
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UNIT 99 See START UPS page 8 UNIT 100 See START UPS page 8

Money addition and subtraction Money multiplication and division

1 Find:
1 How much money does Mark have in total, if he has:
a $ 3.7 5 b $ 4.2 4 c $ 5.5 1 a 5 20c coins?
+$ 2.9 8 +$ 5.4 7 +$ 2.9 8
b 3 $20 notes?
d $ 1.9 8 e $ 1.8 2 f $ 6.2 7 c 12 10c coins?
+$ 6.4 5 +$ 3.4 9 +$ 2.3 5 d 4 $5 notes?
e 7 $5 notes?

2 Find: f 10 $2 coins?
a $ 6.7 3
$ 2.4 9
b $ 9.7 4
$ 3.2 5
c $ 8.2 5
$ 4.7 1
2 How many of each of the following notes/coins is
needed to make $20?
a 50c
d $ 9.5 0 e $ 7.5 4 f $ 7.1 1
$ 3.6 7 $ 4.9 9 $ 4.5 3 b $1
c $20

3 Find the change from $9.00, if I spent: d $5
a $5.50 b $6.40 c $7.30 e $2
d $4.55 e $2.90 f $6.25 f 10c

4 Find the total of each bill:
3 Share:

a apples $ 2 . 9 0 b apples $ 2 . 9 0 a $4 among 2 people

+ bananas $ 1 . 8 0 + orange $ 3 . 6 0 b $2 among 4 people
c $20 among 5 children
c apples $ 2 . 9 0 d bananas $ 1 . 8 0 d $50 among 10 children
+ pears $ 2 . 5 0 + oranges $ 3 . 6 0
e $100 among 10 teachers
e apples $ 2 . 9 0 f bananas $ 1 . 8 0 f $20 among 8 teachers
bananas $ 1 . 8 0
+ pears $ 2 . 5 0
pears $ 2 . 5 0
+ oranges $ 3 . 6 0
4 Find the total cost of:
a 8 apples at 50c each

5 Find: $ 4.6 3
+$ 2.9 5
b 10 pencils at 30c each
c 6 birthday cards at $2 each
d 5 ice-creams at $3 each

6 Find: $ 7.2 5
$ 3.1 7
e 4 bunches of flowers at $10 each
f 5 loaves of bread at $3 each

5 How much money does Mark have in total,

7 Find the change from $9.00 if I spent $1.40: if he has 20 5c coins?

6 How many 20c coins are needed to make $20?

8 Find the total of the bill:
bananas $ 1 . 8 0
+ pears $ 2 . 5 0
7 Share $6 among 4 children.

8 Find the total cost of 40 paperclips at 5c each.

9 bananas
$1. 80
$2. 50
$2. 90
$3. 60

9 Mrs Smith spent: $20.75, $30.25 and $10.15 on
If Alec has $20.00, what combination of fruit Monday and $15.65, $21.50 and $3.90 on Thursday.
can Alec buy? a How much did Mrs Smith spend each day?

b What was the difference between her spending on

Note: He can buy one or more of each item. Monday and Thursday?
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UNIT 101 See START UPS page 8 UNIT 102 See START UPS page 8

Money rounding and estimation Symmetry (1)

1 Round each of the following to the nearest 5 cents:
1 Draw lines of symmetry on each of the following
a 69c b 37c objects:
c 24c
e 19c
d 42c
f 83c
a b
a c


2 Round each of the following to the nearest whole
dollar: d e f
a $1.79 b $2.25
c $3.46 d $9.95
e $5.70 f $4.12
2 Complete the diagrams to make them symmetrical:

3 Complete each of the following, rounding the answers a b c
to the nearest five cents:
a $2 . 95 b $3 . 35
+$ 1 . 7 3 +$ 2 . 5 8
d e f
c $4 . 63 d $6 . 95
+$ 2 . 3 5 $2 . 47

e $4 . 63 f $5 . 15

3 Which of the following letters are symmetrical?
$2 . 91 $1 . 91 aA bB cF

4 Estimate, by first rounding each of the following to the dG eH fJ
nearest whole dollar:
4 Which of the following shapes are symmetrical?
a $4.95 + $6.15 + $2.25 = a b c
b $7.12 + $6.85 + $1.90 =
c $11.20 + $2.05 + $5.69 =
d $19.75 $8.10 = d e f
e $8.85 $3.98 =
f $12.75 $2.10 =

5 Round 79c to the nearest five cents.
5 Draw a line of symmetry on:

6 Round $3.98 to the nearest whole dollar.

7 Complete the equation and round to the
nearest five cents. $ 3 . 2 7
6 Complete the picture to make it symmetrical:
+$ 4.1 5

8 Estimate by first rounding to the nearest
whole dollar: $18.20 $7.90 =

Is the letter Z symmetrical?

9 A class collected money for charity over five weeks.
8 Is the shape symmetrical?
Estimate how much they collected altogether:
Week 1: $20.75
Week 2: $15.95
9 Find and draw all the lines of symmetry on the
following shapes:
Week 3: $17.05
a b c
Week 4: $18.10
Week 5: $16.90
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UNIT 103 See START UPS page 8 UNIT 104 See START UPS page 8

Symmetry (2) Shapes

1 Complete each shape so that it is symmetrical:
1 Identify which of the following shapes are
a b c 2-dimensional and which are 3-dimensional:
a b c

d e f d e f

2 Name each of the following shapes.

2 Which of the following shapes are symmetrical? Use the word list to help.
a b c star, octagon, triangle, pentagon, oval, parallelogram
a b c

d e f d e f

3 Which of the following numbers are symmetrical?
3 Colour the shapes that are parallelograms:
a2 b3 c4 a b c
d5 e8 f 0

4 Complete the following table: d e f

Shape Number of sides Number of axes

of symmetry
4 Draw each of the following shapes:

a a square b circle

c hexagon d rectangle
d e triangle f rhombus
5 Is a 2-dimensional shape or
3-dimensional shape?

5 Complete the shape so that

6 Name this shape:
it is symmetrical.

6 Is the shape symmetrical? Word list: oval, circle, semicircle

7 Colour the shapes that are parallelograms:

7 Is the number 6 symmetrical?

8 Complete the table:

8 Draw an octagon.
Shape Number of sides Number of axes
of symmetry

9 Draw two different objects that

9 Try to draw a regular
10-sided shape
are symmetrical and add in (called a decagon).
the lines of symmetry.

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UNIT 105 See START UPS page 8 UNIT 106 See START UPS page 8

Plane shapes Rigidity

1 Match the name and the shape:
1 Name the following shapes made with Geostrips:
a pentagon a b c
b parallelogram
c hexagon
d oval d e f
e octagon
f rhombus

2 Draw each of the following:
a a shape with 4 equal angles
2 Indicate which of the following shapes are rigid:
and 4 equal sides a b c
b a shape with 1 curve
c a shape that has 3 sharp angles
d e f
d a shape with 8 sides
e a shape with 4 equal angles and
sets of 2 equal sides

3 Shapes can be made more rigid by adding supports.
f a shape with 1 curve and 1 flat side Draw in the supports for each of the following shapes:

3 Find the number of angles in: a b c
a 4 squares b 3 triangles
c 2 pentagons d 3 octagons d e f
e 2 triangles and 3 rectangles
f 5 parallelograms
4 Indicate which of the following bridges would be rigid:

4 Colour the shapes that are trapeziums: a b c
a b c
d e f d e f

5 Match the name and the shape:

5 Name the shape made with Geostrips.

a circle b square c rectangle

6 Draw a 5-sided shape that

6 Indicate if is rigid.
has 5 equal angles.

7 Draw in the supports for:

7 How many angles are there in 4 squares and
2 rectangles?
8 Is the bridge rigid?

8 Colour the shapes that are trapeziums:

9 Design and draw

9 Write a description for each of the following shapes: a tower that
a would be rigid.


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UNIT 107 See START UPS page 8 UNIT 108 See START UPS page 9

Regular and irregular shapes Angles in real life

1 Colour the shapes that are regular:
1 Complete each angle showing both arms and the vertex:
a b c a b



d e f d e 9
10 2

f 30
60 90 120

0 180
8 4

7 5 4.5 2.5

4 3.5 3

2 Name the following regular shapes: 2 Are these angles the same size as ?
a b c a b c

d e f
d e f

3 Colour the clock face on which the hands make an
angle equal to or less than 90:

3 Name the following irregular shapes: a
11 12 1
11 12 1
11 12 1

a b c 8
7 5
4 8
7 5
4 8
7 5
6 6 6

d 10
11 12 1
e 10
11 12 1
f 10
11 12 1

d e f 9

8 4
3 9

8 4
3 9

8 4

7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

4 Draw each of the following angles using the starting

4 Draw the following: lines:
a irregular octagon b regular pentagon a greater than 45 b less than 180

c irregular nonagon d square

c equal to 90 d greater than 180

e rectangle f equilateral triangle

e less than 90 f less than 45

5 Colour the shapes that are regular:

6 Name the regular shape:

5 Complete the angle showing both
arms and the vertex.

7 Name the irregular shape

6 Are these angles the same size as ?

8 Draw an irregular hexagon:
7 Do the hands on the clock face show an 10
11 12 1

angle less than 90? 9 3

8 4
7 6 5

9 Draw a regular pyramid
8 Draw an angle greater than 90.
(called a tetrahedron)
and an irregular pyramid
9 Draw a picture of a house
(such as a rectangular and mark in green
pyramid). all the different angles.

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UNIT 109 See START UPS page 9 UNIT 110 See START UPS page 9

Comparing angles Angles right, obtuse and acute

Use these angles to answer questions 1 3 and 5 7.
1 Are the following angles acute?
B a b c

I d e f

1 Are the listed angles less than 90?
2 Using the starting lines, complete each of the following
aA bB cC right angles:
dE eF f H a b c

2 Find the larger angle: d e f
a A or B b B or C c D or E
d E or F e G or H f I or F
3 Are the following angles obtuse?

3 Are the listed angles equal to 90? a b c
aG bH cI
dF eD f C d e f

4 Order the following angles from the smallest (1) to the
largest (6):
a b c
4 Indicate whether each of the following triangles are
right-angled or obtuse-angled:
a b c

d e f
d e f

5 Which of the listed angles are less than 90?
D, G or I
5 Are the following angles acute?

6 Which angle, F or B, is larger? a b c

7 Which angle, A, B or D, is equal to 90?

8 Order the following angles from the

6 Use the starting line to complete the right angle:
smallest (1) to the largest (3):
a b c

7 Are the following angles obtuse:
a b c

9 a Draw 3 angles smaller than:

8 Indicate if the triangle is a right-angled or
obtuse-angled triangle.

b Draw 3 angles larger than:

9 Draw an acute angled-triangle
(one in which all angles
are acute or less than 90).

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UNIT 111 See START UPS page 9 UNIT 112 See START UPS page 9

Drawing angles Parallel and perpendicular lines

1 Draw an angle less than:
1 At how many points does each group of lines cross?
a a right angle b straight line c a b c

d e f d e f

2 Draw an angle greater than:
a a right angle b a straight angle c
2 Which of the following sets of lines are parallel lines?
a b c
d e f

3 Complete the following right angles: d e f
a b c

d e f
3 Do the following sets of lines have perpendicular lines?
a b c

4 Find and label the equal angles inside each of the
following shapes: d e f
a b c

4 By drawing arrows show if and where the
parallel lines are on the following shapes:
d e f a b c

d e f

5 Draw an angle less than:

6 Draw an angle greater than:

5 At how many points do the following lines cross?

7 Complete the right angle:

6 Is this set of lines parallel?

8 Find and label the equal
angles inside:

7 Is this set of lines perpendicular?

9 For the following shapes, indicate which of the inside
8 By drawing arrows, show if and where the parallel
lines are on the square:
angles are acute (a), obtuse (o) or right ( ):
a b

9 On the following letters indicate the perpendicular
lines with a small box ( ).
c d

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UNIT 113 See START UPS page 9 UNIT 114 See START UPS page 9

3D objects Drawing 3D objects

1 Name each of the following solids:
1 Copy each of the following:
a b c a b c

d e f
d e f

2 Draw each of the following:
a a prism that has 6

2 Draw a cross-section for each of the following objects:
rectangular faces
a b c
b a pyramid that has a 6-sided
shape as the base
d e f c an object with 2 circles as bases
d a pyramid that has a pentagon
as a base

3 Complete the following table:
Solid Corners Edges Faces e a prism that has
2 pentagonal faces
f a pyramid with a square base

3 For the following solids, draw what would be seen if
c you looked at it from the front, the side and the top:
Solid Front Side Top
a b c
d e f

4 For the following solids, draw what would be seen if

4 Draw the different shapes that make up the following
you looked at it from the front, the side and the top:
Solid Faces
Solid Front Side Top
a b c
d e f

5 What is the name of:

6 Draw the cross-section for: e

7 Complete the table:

5 Copy:
Solid Corners Edges Faces

6 Draw a prism that has
6 square faces.

8 For the solid, draw what you
7 For the solid, draw what you would see
would see if you looked at it from the top. if you looked at it from the side.

9 Draw a solid shape with the following:
8 Draw the shapes that make up:
a 4 faces b 6 faces c 8 faces

9 Write a set of instructions for someone drawing a
square pyramid.

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UNIT 115 See START UPS page 9 UNIT 116 See START UPS page 9

Properties and views of 3D objects Triangles and quadrilaterals

1 Label the views of the objects as top or front or side
1 Are these shapes quadrilaterals?
views: a b c
a b c
w d e f
d e f
2 Draw each of the following:
a a quadrilateral with 4 equal sides
and 4 right angles

2 Join each set (a c) of pictures to the solid (d f) on
b a triangle with 3 equal sides
the right:
Top Front Side Solid c a quadrilateral that has only
1 set of parallel sides
a d
d a triangle with 3 sides of
b e different lengths
c f e a quadrilateral that has 4 equal sides
and the opposite angles are equal

3 Give the number of faces for each solid:
f a triangle with 2 equal sides
a b c

3 State the number of angles inside each of the
following shapes:
d e f a b c

d e f

4 Give the number of faces for each solid:
a cube b rectangular pyramid
4 Do these shapes have parallel sides?
c rectangular prism d pentagonal prism a b c
e square pyramid f pentagonal pyramid
d e f

5 Label the view of the fish tank as top, front or side:

5 Which of these shapes are quadrilaterals?

6 Select which solid the set of views will form:
or or
6 Draw a quadrilateral that has
2 pairs of equal sides

7 Give the number of faces on this solid: and 4 right angles.

7 State the number of angles inside:

8 How many faces are there on a triangle prism?

8 Which of these shapes have parallel sides?

9 Draw the top, side
and front views of a
triangular prism.

9 Draw 4 different quadrilaterals:

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UNIT 117 See START UPS page 9 UNIT 118 See START UPS page 9

Polygons Prisms

1 Name each of the polygons:
1 Are the following objects prisms?

a b c a b c

d e f
d e f


List the different shapes of the faces of each of the
following prisms:

2 State the number of sides for each of the following a b c
a pentagon b hexagon
c triangle d square
e octagon f parallelogram d e f

3 State the number of diagonals for each of the
following polygons:
a triangle b trapezium
c pentagon d rectangle
3 State the number of edges for each of the prisms in
e hexagon f octagon question 2:

4 Draw in all the lines of symmetry for each of the a b c
polygons: d e f
a b c
4 What shape is the cross-section of each of the
following prisms?
a b c
d e f

d e f

5 Name the polygon:

5 Which of the following objects are prisms?

6 State the number of sides in a trapezium.

7 State the number of diagonals for a square.

8 Draw in all the lines of symmetry for:
6 List the different shapes of the faces of:

7 State the number of edges for the shape
in question 6:

9 a Draw a 10-sided shape.
8 What shape is the cross-section of:

9 Write a who am I? for a triangular prism.

b Find the number of diagonals.

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UNIT 119 See START UPS page 9 UNIT 120 See START UPS page 10

Cylinders, cones and spheres Pyramids (1)

1 Are these solids cylinders?
1 Which of these solids are pyramids?
a b c



d e

2 State the number of corners for each of the following:

2 Write the name of each solid under the picture: a b c
a b c

d e f

d e f

3 Draw the different faces for each of the following

3 State the number of curved surfaces of each of these a b c
a cone b sphere
c cylinder d square pyramid d e f
e cube f rectangular prism

4 State the number of edges of each of the following:
a cone
4 State the number of edges for each of the following:
b cylinder a b c
c rectangular prism
d sphere
e cube d e f
f triangular prism

5 Are these solids cylinders?
a b c
5 Which of these solids are pyramids?
a b c

6 Write the name of the solid:

6 State the number of corners of the pyramid:

7 State the number of curved surfaces of a
rectangular prism.

7 Draw the different faces of the pyramid:

8 State the number of edges of a triangular pyramid.

8 State the number of edges of the pyramid:

9 Draw the shapes of the cross-section
of the following:
a b c
9 What shape is the cross-section a b
of each of the different cuts?
a b
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UNIT 121 See START UPS page 10 UNIT 122 See START UPS page 10

Pyramids (2) Nets and 3D objects

1 Name the shape of each base:
1 Match the object and its net:
a b c a

d e f c


2 Name each of the pyramids in question 1:
a b
c d f
e f

3 Name the shape of the cross-section from each of the
2 Which of the following nets would fold to
cuts: make a closed 3D shape?
a b c a b c

d e f
d e f

3 Name the 3D object each net will make when it is
a b c

4 Draw the faces for each of the pyramids:
a b c

d e f
d e f

4 Draw the shape of the resulting cross-section of each
of the following cuts:

5 Name the shape of the base:
a b c

6 Name the pyramid: d e f

7 Name the shape of the cross-section

5 Match the object
to the net:
from the cut:

6 Would fold to make a closed 3D shape?

7 Name the 3D object the net will make

8 Draw the faces of the pyramid: when it is folded:

8 Draw the shape of the cross-section of the cut:

9 How many faces do 3 square-based pyramids and
9 Draw the net
4 triangular pyramids have altogether? of the cereal box: Cereal

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UNIT 123 See START UPS page 10 UNIT 124 See START UPS page 10

Movement of shapes (1) Movement of shapes (2)

1 Reflect each of the following shapes:
1 Reflect each of the following shapes:
a b c a b c

d e f
d e f

2 Translate each of the following shapes:
a b c

2 Translate each of the following shapes:
d e f a b c

3 Rotate each of the following shapes 90:
a b c d e f

d e f

3 Rotate each of the following shapes, 4 of a turn:

4 Use the words reflect, translate or rotate to describe a b c
the movement of the following shapes:
a b c
d e f

d e f

4 Describe each of the following as reflect, translate or
a b c

5 Reflect:

d e f

6 Translate:

5 Reflect:

7 Rotate 90:

6 Translate:


7 Rotate 4 of a turn:

8 Use the words reflect, translate or rotate to describe
the movement of:

8 Describe as reflect, translate or rotate:

9 Rotate the book across the table:

9 Continue the pattern by reflection: Space

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UNIT 125 See START UPS page 10 UNIT 126 See START UPS page 10

Tessellation Position giving directions

1 Do these shapes tessellate?
a b

t T U
O 1
c d Which animal is:
a left of the tiger? b beside the hippo?
c right of the tiger? d beside the lion?
e f e left of the hippo? f right of the horse?

2 Here is a set of stationery drawers:
glue paper clips textas

2 Do these shapes tessellate? tape elastic bands pencils
a b c labels staples pens

Which item is found at the following positions:

d e f a the top left corner? b left of top shelf?
c top right corner? d in the centre?

3 Continue the following tessellations: e middle of top shelf? f next to the pens?
a b c
3 Colour the square in the:
a top row, far left green
d e f b top row, second to the right red
c bottom row and 3 to the right, blue

4 Create a tessellation using the following shapes: d What position is the star?
a b c e Draw a cross in the top right square.
f Draw a circle in the bottom row, 4 from the left.
d e f
4 For the food items on the table, 4 5 ,*
describe the position of: l F
v H

5 Does the shape tessellate? a the bread
b the strawberry
c the pineapple

6 Does tessellate?
d the cheese
e the cake

7 Continue the tessellation: f the drink

5 Which animal is left of the bear in question 1?

6 For the stationery drawers in question 2, which item is
in the second row, third from the left?

8 Create a tessellation using:

7 On the grid in question 3, draw a square in the centre
row, 4th from the left.

8 For the food items in question 4, describe the position

9 Create your own tessellation pattern: of the grapes.

9 Complete the maze
to find the treasure.
Start here

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UNIT 127 See START UPS page 10 UNIT 128 See START UPS page 10

Compass directions Maps and plans

1 Complete the compass rose using: E, S, W, NE, NW, SE
1 From the centre of Australia, what is to the:
f c a south?
e b b north? NT
WA Centre Qld
SW d c west?
a d east? NSW

2 Tom is standing at X. What can he see if he looks:
e north-east? Vic
a south? f south-east? Tas
b west? house school

2 a What object is next to the sofa? TV
X road

c north?
d south-west? park beach b What object is in front of the


Coffe table
e north-east? boat coffee table?
f north-west? c What object is in front of the

3 What direction does Tom need to look to see:
d Describe the position of the TV. Lamp
a the road? b the beach?
c the tree? d the mountains?
e Describe the position of the sofa.
e the school? f the house?
f Describe the position of the door.

4 From the cross draw:
a a star to the north
3 Give the town that is found in:
a column A row 2 Wyndham
b a moon to the south X 6
b column C row 1 Broome
c a sun to the east 5 Port Hedland
c column A row 3 Exmouth
d a cloud to the north-west 4
d column E row 7 Carnarvon
e a rainbow to the south-east
N e column D row 6 3
Geraldton Kalgoorlie
f a lightning bolt to the west Eucla
f column C row 6 2

5 Complete the spaces PERTH Norseman

on the compass: 4 Using the map in question 3, 1 River

give the position of the A B C D E

following towns:

6 Look at the picture in question 2. If Tom is standing at a Margaret River b Carnarvon
X, what can he see if he looks east?
c Exmouth d Albany

7 Look at the picture in question 2, what direction does
e Kalgoorlie f Port Hedland
Tom need to look to see the park?

8 From the cross, draw a diamond to the south-east.
5 From the centre of Australia, what is to the south-west?

6 From the plan in question 2, describe the position of
the window.

7 On the map in question 3, what town is found in

9 bird column C row 2?


8 Using the map in question 3, give the position of Eucla.

cat dog
9 Draw a plan of
your bedroom from
To see Sally, which way does the: a birds eye view.
a worm look? b cat look? c dog look?

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UNIT 129 See START UPS page 10 UNIT 130 See START UPS page 10

Coordinates Grids

1 What shapes are found at the coordinates?
1 Write the coordinates of the: 5
a (B, 3) a cat
4 4G 
b (C, 1) 3 b spider
c (D, 1) 2 c lion
3c C
d (C, 2) 1 d chicken 2
e (D, 3) A B C D E e bird 1 t U
f (B, 1) f penguin A B C D

2 Draw the shape at each point on the grid:
2 In the grid above, give the animal found at:
a (B, 1) b (C, 4) 4 a (A, 5)
c (C, 0) d (E, 4) 3 b (D, 2)
e (D, 2) f (B, 3) 2 c (C, 3)
d (B, 2)
A B C D E e (D, 4)

3 For the letter E, give the coordinates for each labelled f (D, 1)
point: 5
a b
3 What are the coordinates of:
a b a
c d c d 4
2 b
1 3
e f e f c
0 2

4 On the grid draw: A B C D E F
d 1 ...
a a square in B 3 e ...
.. A B C D
b a circle in C 4 4 f
c a diamond in A 2
4 In the grid of question 3, draw:
d a rectangle in D 1 a a rectangle in (D, 3)
e an octagon in C 2 b stripes in (C, 1)
f an oval in A 1 c a $ in (B, 4)

5 What shape is found at coordinate (D, 2) in Question 1? d a square in (B, 3)
3 e a dot in (C, 2)

6 Draw a star at (D, 1): 2 f a star in (D, 2)

5 What are the coordinates of the pig in the grid of
question 1?

7 For the letter L, give
the coordinates

6 What animal is found in (A, 4) in the grid
a of question 1?
at point a: 1
7 What are the coordinates of in the grid of
question 3?

8 On the grid, draw a trapezium in (B, 2):
8 Draw half a circle on the grid of question 3
in (D, 4).

9 Create a grid and write
9 Name all the blank spaces from the grids in
the coordinates for your questions 1 and 3.
initials. Give them to Question 1:
a partner to solve.
Question 3:
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UNIT 131 See START UPS page 10 UNIT 132 See START UPS page 10

Puzzles Paper folding and shapes

1 Complete each magic square for the total given:
1 Can these shapes be obtained by evenly folding a
a 15: 8 b 18: 3 c 21: 6 square piece of paper?
7 7 a b c
9 5 9 10
d 27: e 69: 11 d e f
1 24 f 177: 89
13 113
7 17 22 35 101 29
2 For the tangram, name each of the labelled shapes:

2 Using the tangram as a guide, draw
a b
in the lines showing the shapes that are
b d c e
used to make up the following images: f
a e e f
a b c

3 For the tangram, name each of the labelled shapes:

b a b
d e f c f c e
a e e f

3 Find the original number if I started with that number and:
4 Answer true or false:
a can be folded to
a 2, then + 5 and the solution was 15
b can be folded to
b + 7, then 2 and the solution was 6
c can be folded to
c 3, then 2 and the solution was 12
d can be folded to
d by 3, then 8 and the solution was 1
e can be folded to
e by 5, then + 6 and the solution was 31
f can be folded to
f + 10, then 5 and the solution was 25

4 Describe each of the following as a reflection,
5 Can a square piece of paper be evenly folded into:
translation or rotation:
a b c

6 For the tangram, name the shape labelled x:

d e f x

5 Complete the magic square 5 18
7 For the tangram in question 6, name the shape labelled
for 45. y:

6 Using the tangram as a guide,
8 Answer true or false:
draw in the lines showing the can be folded into
shapes that are used to make up:

7 Find the original number if I started with that number
and 6, then 2 and the solution was 10.
9 Complete the simple paper folding exercise using a
piece of square paper.

8 Describe the following as reflection,
translation or rotation:

9 Design your own magic
square that has the
magic number 30.

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UNIT 133 See START UPS page 10 UNIT 134 See START UPS page 10

Analog time (1) Analog time (2)

1 Complete the following:
1 Complete the label for each time shown:
11 12 11 12 11 12
a 60 seconds = minute a 10
b 10
c 10
9 3 9 3 9 3
b 52 weeks = year c months = 1 year 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

d days = 1 week e 60 minutes = hour

f 365 days = year to to to

11 12 11 12 11 12

2 Which of; seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, d 10

e 10
f 10
9 3 9 3 9 3
months or years would be used to measure: 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

a a football match?
b lunchtime? to to to
c winter?
2 Write the time that is five minutes after:
d a song? a 10 to 6 b 5 to 9
e a 100 m race? c 25 to 3 d 20 to 1
f school holidays? e 15 to 7 f 10 to 12

3 Complete the label for each time shown:
3 Complete the label for each time shown:
11 12 11 12 11 12

a 11 12 1
b 11 12 1
c 11 12 1 a 10
b 10
c 10
10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
8 4 8 4 8 4 7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

to to to past past past

11 12 11 12 11 12

d 11 12 1
e 11 12 1
f 11 12 1 d 10
e 10
f 10
10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
8 4 8 4 8 4 7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

to to to past past past

4 Complete the clocks to show the time given:
4 Complete the clocks to show the time given:
11 12 11 12 11 12

a 10
11 12 1
b 10
11 12 1
c 10
11 12 1
a 10
2 b 10
2 c 10
9 3 9 3 9 3
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
8 4 8 4 8 4 7 7 7
6 5 6 5 6 5
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

10 to 5 5 to 7 15 to 3 10 past 6 5 to 8 20 past 3
11 12 11 12 11 12

d 10
11 12 1
e 10
11 12 1
f 10
11 12 1
d 10
2 e 10
2 f 10
9 3 9 3 9 3
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
8 4 8 4 8 4 7 7 7
6 5 6 5 6 5
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

25 to 9 20 to 6 15 to 11 10 to 10 25 past 6 20 to 7

5 Complete: 120 minutes = hours.
5 Complete the label for the time shown: 10
11 12 1

9 3

6 Which of seconds, minutes or hours would be used to to 8 4

7 6 5

measure a school day? 6 Write the time that is five minutes

7 Complete the label for the time shown: 11 12 1 after 20 to 9.

10 2
11 12

8 4
7 Complete the label for the time shown: 10

7 5 9 3
to 6
past 8 4

7 6 5

8 Complete the clock to show 25 to 1. 10

11 12 1
8 Complete the clock to show 10 past 12.
9 3 11 12 1
8 4 10 2
7 6 5 9 3

8 4

7 5

9 Draw a clock face 9 How many minutes is:

to show 3:15 pm. a 60 seconds? b 1 hour?
c 600 seconds?

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UNIT 135 See START UPS page 11 UNIT 136 See START UPS page 11

Analog time (3) Digital and analog time (1)

1 Write the time that is one minute after:
1 Use < or > to make the statements true:
a 5 past 8 b 10 to 9 a 5 days is 1 week
c 15 past 6 d 25 to 7 b 20 hours is 1 day
e 10 past 2 f 5 to 10 c 65 seconds is 1 minute

2 How many minutes does it take for the minute hand to: d 19 days is 2 weeks
a move from the 4 to the 5? e 25 days is 1 month
b move from the 7 to the 9? f 70 minutes is 1 hour
c move from the 1 to the 4?
2 Complete the label for each time shown:
d move from the 12 to the 6? a 4:17 b 6:49 c 8:29
e move from the 12 to the 8?
past to past
f move from the 12 to the 11?
d e f
10:56 7:35 1:35
3 Complete the clocks to show the times:
11 12 11 12 11 12
a 10
2 b 10
2 c 10
to past to

9 3 9 3 9 3

7 6 5
4 8
7 6 5
4 8
7 6 5
3 How many more minutes will it take for the minute
hand to reach the 12?
quarter to 9 quarter past 6 half past 3
11 12 11 12 11 12 a 11 12 1
b 11 12 1
c 11 12 1

d 10
2 e 10
2 f 10
10 2
3 9
10 2
3 9
10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
8 4 8 4 8 4 7 7 7
6 5 6 5 6 5
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

quarter to 1 quarter past 2 half past 8

4 Write the times shown on each clock: d 10
11 12 1
e 10
11 12 1
f 10
11 12 1

a 10
11 12 1
b 10
11 12 1
c 10
11 12 1

8 4
3 9

8 4
3 9

8 4

7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
9 3 9 3 9 3

8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

4 On each clock face show the time given:
11 12 11 12 11 12
d 10
11 12 1
e 10
11 12 1
f 10
11 12 1
a 10
b 10
c 10

9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3

4 4 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
8 8 8
7 7 7 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
6 5 6 5 6 5

12:17 3:57 6:26

d 11 12
e 11 12
f 11 12

1 1 1

5 Write the time that is one minute after 5 to 5. 9

10 2
3 9
10 2
3 9
10 2

8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

6 How many minutes does it take for the minute hand to 2:51 8:06 10:46
go once around the clock?
5 Use < or > to make the statement true:

7 Complete the clock to show half past 2. 11 12 1
90 seconds is 1 minute

10 2
9 3 6 Complete the label for: 6:38 to

8 4
7 How many more minutes will it take

6 5 11 12 1
11 12 1
8 Write the time shown: 10 2
for the minute hand to reach the 12? 9
10 2
9 3
8 4
8 4
7 6 5
7 6 5

11 12

9 Use a calculator to complete: 8 Show 4:36 given on 10 2
9 3

Days Hours Minutes Seconds the clock face: 8

7 5

1 24 1440
9 How many hours is:
2 48 a 60 minutes? b 120 minutes?
3 c 1 day?
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UNIT 137 See START UPS page 11 UNIT 138 See START UPS page 11

Digital and analog time (2) Digital and analog time (3)

1 Circle the larger amount of time:
1 On each clock face draw the time, and then write in
a 90 minutes 1 hour b 5 weeks 1 month digital form below:
11 12 11 12 11 12

c 1000 seconds 5 minutes a 10

2 b 10
2 c 10
9 3 9 3 9 3

d 15 days 1 fortnight e 130 seconds 2 minutes 8

7 6 5
4 8
7 6 5
4 8
7 6 5

f 240 minutes 5 hours quarter past 7 half past 2 quarter to 8

2 Complete: Digital time Analog time : : :
a 2:15 d 10
11 12 1
2 e 10
11 12 1
2 f 10
11 12 1

b quarter to 9 9

8 4
3 9

8 4
3 9

8 4

c 10:37 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

d 7:14 quarter past 11 quarter to 1 half past 8

e 6 minutes to 5 : : :
f 25 minutes past 8
2 Complete the labels for each time shown:

3 Complete the labels for each of the times shown: a 10:18 b 11:49 c 8:27
11 12 11 12 11 12
a 10
2 b 10
2 c 10
past to past
9 3 9 3 9 3

8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
d 7:09 e 4:57 f 1:56

: : : past to to
past to past
3 On each clock face, draw the times shown:
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
11 12 11 12 11 12
d 10
e 10
f 10
2 a 4:03 10 2 b 7:21 10 2 c 1:57 10 2

9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3

4 4 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
8 8 8
7 7 7 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
6 5 6 5 6 5

: : : d 3:41 11 12 1 e 6:19 11 12 1 f 11:12 11 12 1

10 2 10 2 10 2

past to to 9

8 4
3 9

8 4
3 9

8 4

4 If the time is:
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

a 6:35
how many minutes is it to 7 oclock?
4 How many minutes will it take for the time to reach the
4:29 next hour?
b how many minutes is it to 5 oclock?
6:43 4:44 7:06
c 1:47
how many minutes is it to 2 oclock? a b c
d how many minutes is it to 1 oclock? 4:57 1:35 1:56
d e f
how many minutes is it to 8 oclock?

5 On the clock face, draw the time and then write in
f how many minutes is it to 4 oclock? digital form below: 11 12 1

10 2

5 Circle the larger amount of time: 50 weeks 1 year quarter to 3 9 3 :


7 5
6 Complete: Digital time Analog time

a 7:29
b 8 minutes past 2
6 Complete the label for:
1 1:17

7 Complete the labels: 11 12 1

7 Draw 6:38 on the clock face: 10
11 12 1
10 2 9 3

: or 9

8 4
3 8
7 6 5

7 6 5

8 How many minutes will it take for

8 If the time is 5:12
, how many minutes is it to the time to reach the next hour?
1 0:12
6 oclock?

9 If school starts at 8:45 am and finishes at 3:15 pm,
how long is the school day?
9 Draw a clock face and show:
5 minutes and 45 seconds
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UNIT 139 See START UPS page 11 UNIT 140 See START UPS page 11

am and pm time Calendars

1 For each of the following digital times, write before
1 What does each of the following abbreviations stand
midday or after midday: for?
pm pm am
a 04:25 b 08:15 c 2:55 a Feb. b Mon.
c Wed. d Dec.
d am
e pm
f am e Jan. f Sep.
1 1:50 1 0:05 06:30

2 What day is:
a 19th March? MARCH

2 Write the digital time and whether it is am or pm for Su M T W Th F S
each of the times shown. b 25th March? 1 2 3 4
a 10
11 12 1
b 10
11 12 1
c 10
11 12 1
2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
9 3 9 3 9 3
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
8 4 8 4 8 4
c 7th March?
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
afternoon morning evening 26 27 28 29 30 31
: : : d 30th March?

d 10
11 12 1
e 10
11 12 1
f 10
11 12 1
2 e the first day of the month?
9 3 9 3 9 3

7 6 5
4 8
7 6 5
4 8
7 6 5
f the last day of the month?
morning afternoon evening
3 Calculate the number of days from:
: : :
a 4th to 10th March
b 17th to 29th March

3 Order each set of times from earliest to latest time:
c 1st to 15th March
a 4 pm, 4 am, 6 am
d 6th to 21st March
b 9:05 am, 9:35 pm, 7:15 pm
e 1st to 31st March
c 1:15 pm, 2:25 pm, 1:45 am
f 27th to 30th March
d 6:30 am, 6:50 pm, 6:25 am
e 11:45 am, 11:50 pm, 11:30 pm

4 Write the date for the following days in March from the
calendar in question 2:
f 7:00 pm, 6:00 am, 6:30 pm a the first Wednesday

4 Write the time that is one hour later than: b the last Sunday
a 9:15 am b 2:30 pm c the first Monday
c 4:09 am d 8:27 pm d the last Friday
e 10:50 am f 1:12 pm e the second Tuesday

5 Is 06:48 before midday or after midday? f the fourth Thursday

11 12 1

5 What does the abbreviation Sun. stand for?

6 Write the digital time for: 9
10 2

7 6 5
6 What day is the 21st March on the calendar in
question 2?

7 Order the times from earliest to latest time:
2:10 pm, 2:25 am, 2:05 pm
7 Calculate the number of days from 12th to 19th March.

8 Write the time that is one hour later than 6:08 pm.

8 Write the date for the third Saturday in March from the
calendar in question 2.

9 If Cooper started school at 09:00 and finished school

, how long did he spend at school?

9 Calculate the number of days until your next birthday.

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UNIT 141 See START UPS page 11 UNIT 142 See START UPS page 11

Timelines and timetables Length (1)

1 Ah Lins morning is shown on the timeline:
1 Estimate and then measure the length of each line:
What time did Ah Lin: 6:30 Got up a E: mm A: mm
7:00 Had shower
a have breakfast? b E: mm A: mm
7:30 Had breafast
b start recess? 8:00 Fed dog c E: mm A: mm
8:30 Left for school
c leave for school? d E: mm A: mm
9:00 Started school
d have music? 9:30 Had music e E: mm A: mm
e get up? f E: mm A: mm
f start school? 11:00 Started recess
2 Convert the following centimetre measurements to

2 Draw a line to match the events during a year in millimetres:
Tommys life to a place on the timeline: a 1 cm = mm
a Started School b Turned 5 c Went to Easter b 5 cm = mm
in February in July Show in April
Feb March April May June July c 9 cm = mm
d Went to Qld for e Started soccer f Has school
holidays in June training in May sports in March d 7 cm = mm

3 At what time does the bus arrive at: e 10 cm = mm
a Running Lane? Sport Bus timetable 1
Arriving f 2 cm = mm
b Cricket Road? Hockey St 7:10
c Football Street? Swimming Hole 7:20
3 State the measurement millimetres, centimetres or
Running Lane 7:40 metres that would be used to measure each of the
d Swimming Hole? Cricket Rd 7:55 following:
Ballet Bend 8:15
e Ballet Bend? Basketball Rd 8:25 a pencil b football field
f Hockey Street? Football St 8:40

4 Using the timetable in question 3, at which location c paperclip d hair width
does the bus arrive at:
a 7:20?
e basketball court f skateboard
b 8:40?
c 8:25?
d 5 minutes to 8?
4 Write the following measurements as centimetres and
e quarter past 8?
a 30 mm b 40 mm
f 10 minutes past 7?
c 120 mm d 21 mm

5 At what time did Ah Lin feed her dog (using the
e 18 mm f 47 mm
timeline in question 1)?

6 Match the events in Tommys life to the timeline:
5 Estimate, then measure the length of:
Baby brother born Played in soccer grand E mm A mm
in November final in September

August September October November

Convert 3 2 cm into mm. mm

7 At what time does the bus arrive at Basketball
Road on the timetable in question 3?
7 State the measurement millimetre, centimetre or
metre that would be used to measure the
length of a car.

8 At which location does the bus arrive at 20 minutes to

8 Write 23 mm as centimetres and millimetres.
8 on the timetable in question 3?

9 If the bus in question 3 is 30 minutes late, give the time
9 List five objects that are less than 20 mm long.
it arrives at:
a Hockey Street b Cricket Road
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UNIT 143 See START UPS page 11 UNIT 144 See START UPS page 11

Length (2) Length in mm (1)

1 Draw each of the following lines to the correct length:
1 What is the length in mm to each letter on the ruler:
a 30 mm a mm b mm
b 26 mm c mm d mm
c 2 cm e mm f mm
d 1
42 cm a d e b f c
e 43 mm
f 17 mm
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2 Write each of the following as centimetres: cm

a 50 mm
b 80 mm

2 Write each of the following as mm:
a 2 cm 3 mm mm
c 110 mm
b 1 cm 9 mm mm
c 9 cm 5 mm mm
e 1 12 m d 6 cm 2 mm mm
f 3m e 4 cm 6 mm mm

3 Write each of the following as metres: f 7 cm 4 mm mm
a 200 cm
3 Write each of the following as cm and mm:
b 450 cm a 29 mm b 72 mm
c 900 cm c 35 mm d 50 mm
d 1000 mm e 43 mm f 87 mm
e 3000 mm
4 Draw each of the following lines to the correct length:
f 5000 mm a 4 cm 2 mm

4 State which measurement m, cm or mm would b 30 mm
be used to measure: c 2 cm 7 mm
a the length of a bedroom d 1 cm 1 mm
b the height of a desk e 15 mm
c the thickness of a book f 3 cm 6 mm
d the length of a sandwich
5 What is the length in mm to the letter g on the ruler?
e the width of a basketball court g
f the length of a cricket bat

5 Draw a line 38 mm long. 0 1 2 4 5 6 7

6 Write 5 m in cm.

6 Write 7 cm 8 mm as mm. mm

7 Write 8000 mm in m.

7 Write 34 mm as cm and mm.

8 State which measurement m, cm or mm would

8 Draw a line 2 cm 3 mm long.
be used to measure the thickness of an envelope.

9 Measure the length of this line to the nearest cm.
9 Find the perimeter of the triangle:
5 mm
3 mm

4 mm
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UNIT 145 See START UPS page 11 UNIT 146 See START UPS page 11

Length in mm (2) Length with decimals (1)

1 Estimate the height of the following pictures in mm.
1 Use decimal form to write:
Then measure the height and record your a 9 cm 3 mm

b 6 cm 2 mm
a b c

c 2 cm 7 mm
d 10 cm 5 mm
e 5 cm 6 mm

d e f


f 1 cm 9 mm
Rewrite each of the following as m and cm:
a 1.62 m

2 Write the following as cm and mm:
b 6.37 m
a 68 mm b 93 mm
c 9.89 m
c 26 mm d 75 mm
d 4.68 m
e 44 mm f 51 mm
e 2.97 m

3 Would these objects be measured in mm?
f 7.12 m
a the height of a die
b the height of a glass

3 Record the length of each line in decimal form:
a cm
c the thickness of paper
b cm
d the length of a table
c cm
e the height of a water bottle
d cm
f the length of a safety pin
e cm

4 Use the 5 mm dot paper to draw the following lines:
f cm
a 40 mm
b 3 cm

4 Six competitors entered the long jump competition.
Order their scores from longest (1) to shortest (6):
c 1 12 cm a Cooper 4.68 m
d 25 mm b Henderson 5.79 m
e 10 mm c Rogers 7.26 m
f 2 21 cm d Schmidt 6.75 m

5 Estimate the height of the picture of a duck in mm, and e Hatch 5.32 m

then measure the height and record your
Write 83 mm as cm and mm.
f Jones 6.98 m
Use decimal form to write 9 cm 2 mm:

7 Would these objects would be measured in mm?
6 Rewrite 3.47 m as m and cm.
the length of a pencil
7 Record the length of the line in decimal form:
the width of a fingernail cm
the length of a slice of cheese

8 Order the following long jump scores from

8 Use the 5 mm dot paper to draw a line
32 cm long. longest (1) to shortest (3):
3.78 m 3.98 m 3.87 m

9 Draw a rectangle that has side lengths 45 mm and
9 A farmer used the following lengths of wire to
17 mm. build his fence:
3.7 m, 8.6 m, 5.2 m and 7.9 m.
How much wire did he use?
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UNIT 147 See START UPS page 11 UNIT 148 See START UPS page 11

Length with decimals (2) Perimeter

1 Use decimal form to write:
1 Write each of the following in cm:
a 2 m 15 cm b 3 m 90 cm a 46 mm b 20 mm
c 10 m 27 cm d 6 m 46 cm c 200 mm d1m
e 7 m 12 cm f 4 m 40 cm e4m f 1.3 m

2 Draw lines of the following lengths:
2 Write each of the following in m:
a 1.3 cm a 300 cm b 700 cm
b 2.7 cm c 2000 cm d 3000 mm
c 4.6 cm e 8000 mm f 469 cm
d 3.9 cm
3 Find the perimeter of each of the following shapes:
e 2.2 cm aP= + + + 4 cm

f 1.5 cm = cm 4 cm

3 Complete the following statements with < or > to make bP= + + + 2 cm
them true: = cm 5 cm
a 15 m 20 mm b 1.5 cm 1.2 cm cP= + + 3m 3m

c 3.7 cm 35 m d 14 mm 1 cm = cm 3m
e 26 mm 2.5 cm f 1.9 cm 2 cm dP= + +

4 Complete the following table: = cm
mm cm and mm Decimal eP= + + + 2m 2m
a 27 mm + 2m 1m

b 3 cm 7 mm

= cm

c 4.7 cm 7 mm 6 mm
f P= + + +
d 9 cm 8 mm
= cm
e 89 mm
f 6.2 cm
4 Find the perimeter of each of the following:
2 mm
a 6 cm b 7m c

5 Use decimal form to write 8 m 29 cm.

6 Draw a line 3.7 cm long. P=
P= P=
10 m
d 3m
e f 8m
6 mm
8 mm 6m

P= P= P=

5 Write 500 mm in cm:

7 Complete with < or > to make the statement true:
6 Write 275 cm in m:
89 mm 9.2 cm
7 Find the perimeter of: 9m

8 Complete the table: 7m
2m 2m
mm cm and mm Decimal 2m 2m
a 7.6 cm P= + + + + + + +
b 2 cm 8 mm = m
c 39 mm

5 mm
8 Find the perimeter of: 3 mm 3 mm

9 Complete: P= 8 mm

1 cm = mm
9 Draw a square which has a perimeter of:
cm = 1 m a 12 cm
mm = 1 m b 16 cm
m = 1 km c 20 cm
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UNIT 149 See START UPS page 11 UNIT 150 See START UPS page 11

Area (1) Area (2)

1 Find the area of each of the following shapes:
1 What is the shaded area of each shape?
a b c aA= bA= cA=

A= A= A=
d e f dA= eA= f A=

A= A= A=

2 Use the short form to write:

2 Do the following items have an area less than
a 71 square centimetres 1 square metre?
b 19 square metres a a football field b a table top
c 96 square centimetres c a brick d a laptop screen
d 35 square metres e a wall f the front of a pencil case
e 25 square centimetres
f 58 square metres
3 Do the following amounts have an area greater than

3 Name the unit of measurement cm2 or m2 that 1 square metre?
would be used to find the area of: a 49 cm2 b 16 m2
a a car park c 3 m2 d 18 cm2
b a slice of bread e 4 square metres f 99 cm2
c a piece of A4 paper
4 Use the short form to write:
d a kitchen floor a 200 square metres
e a playground b 20 square centimetres
f a playing card c 2 square metres

4 Circle the smaller area of each pair: d 2 square centimetres
a 27 cm2 or 27 m2 b 19 m2 or 19 cm2 e 20 square metres
c 76 m2 or 76 cm2 d 6 m2 or 6 cm2 f 25 square centimetres
e 41 cm2 or 41 m2 f 82 cm2 or 82 m2
5 What is the shaded area

5 Find the area of: in this shape?


6 Use the short form to write 7 square centimetres.
6 Which of the following items have an area less than
1 square metre?
a sticky note a school hall a classroom floor

7 Which unit of measurement cm2 or m2 would be
7 Which of the following amounts have an area greater
used to find the area of an exercise book? than 1 square metre?

8 Circle the smaller area of the pair: 5 cm2 10 square metres 100 m2
53 cm2 or 53 m2
8 Use the short form to write 18 square centimetres.

9 Find the area of: 4 cm

3 cm

9 Find the area of:
5 cm

4 cm

88 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on page 147

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UNIT 151 See START UPS page 11 UNIT 152 See START UPS page 12

Area and perimeter Mass

1 Write each of the following in long form:
1 Use the short form to write:
a 15 cm2 a 1 kilogram
b 49 m2 b 10 kilograms
c 87 m2 c 4 kilograms
d 35 cm2 d 6 kilograms 400 grams
e 74 cm2 e 9 kilograms 350 grams
f 21 m2 f 1 kilogram 590 grams

2 Complete with < or > to make the number
2 How many kilograms are in each of the following:
statements true: a 3000 grams? b 4000 grams?
a 45 m2 45 cm2 b 60 cm2 60 m2 c 9000 grams? d 5000 grams?
c 90 cm2 90 m2 d 26 m 2 26 cm2 e 7000 grams? f 8000 grams?
e 17 m2 17 cm2 f 100 cm2 100 m2

3 Read the scales to record each of the masses in

3 Find the area of each of the following: kilograms:
0 0 0
a b c a 5 1 b 5 1 c 5 1

4 kg 2 4 kg 2 4 kg 2
3 3 3

kg kg kg
0 0 0
d 5 1 e 5 1 f 5 1

d e f 4 kg 2 4 kg 2 4 kg 2
3 3 3
kg kg kg

4 Order the following objects from least mass (1) to the
greatest mass (6).

4 Find the perimeter of each of the following: a b
a b c 1 kg 2 kg 1 2 kg

d e f
1 2 kg 3
4 kg 4 kg

5 Use the short form to write 20 kilograms.
d e f

6 How many kilograms are in 6000 grams?

7 Read the scales and record the mass 5 1


5 Write 76 cm2 in long form. in kilograms: kg 4

6 Complete with < or > to make the number statement

8 Order the following objects from least mass (1) to the
true. greatest mass (3):
51 cm2 51 m2
1 3

7 Find the area of: 2 kg 4 kg 4 kg

8 Find the perimeter of:

9 Write the total mass of:

9 Draw 4 different shapes
each with an area
of 8 cm2. 20 g
5 B 270 g 250 g

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UNIT 153 See START UPS page 12 UNIT 154 See START UPS page 12

Mass in grams (1) Mass in grams (2)

1 Use the short form to write:
1 Record the masses shown on each of the scales:
a 50 grams a 500
b 500
c 500

b 152 grams 400 g 200 400 g 200 400 g 200

300 300 300
c 895 grams
d 1 kilogram 300 grams g g g
e 8 kilograms 465 grams d 500
e 500
f 500

f 5 kilograms 25 grams 400 g 200 400 g 200 400 g 200

300 300 300
2 How many grams are in:
a 6 kilograms? b 4 kilograms? g g g
c 3 kilograms? d 8 kilograms?
2 How many grams are there in:
1 3
e 7 kilograms? f 9 kilograms? a 2 kg? b 4 kg?

3 Order the following items from heaviest (1) to
c 1
kg? d 1 12 kg?
lightest (6): 4

800 g

200 g
c c
150 g

e 2 41 kg?

one kilogram:
f 1 34 kg?
Write in the table the number of each item that makes

m s 6
d e f Item Mass Number
a pumpkin 500 g
b bag of grapes 200 g
40 g 2000 g 1500 g

c apples 250 g

4 Which unit (g or kg) has been left off each item? d lemon 100 g

W Flour


50 g
20 g

4 Would g or kg be used to weigh:
d e f
Honey a a child? b a mouse?
c a small lizard? d an elephant?
1 10 150
e a whale? f an ant?

5 Use the short form to write 750 grams.

5 Record the mass shown on the scales:


6 How many grams are in 5 kilograms? 400 g

7 Order the following items from heaviest (1) to

6 How many grams are there in 2 2 kg?
lightest (3):
< c
How many grapefruit are needed to weigh 1 kg, if each
grapefruit weighs 500 g?
150 g 300 g 10 g

8 Would g or kg be used to weigh a cow?

8 Which unit (g or kg) has been left off:

9 If each of the following items are added together, find
how many more grams are needed to make one

9 How many more grams must be added to each of the
following to make 2 kilogram?
a 250 g b 110 g
500 g 250 g 20 g
90 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on page 147
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UNIT 155 See START UPS page 12 UNIT 156 See START UPS page 12

Capacity in mL (1) Capacity in mL (2)

1 Use the short form to write:
1 Would mL or L be used to measure:
a 4 litres b 300 millilitres a a can of drink? b water in a fish pond?
c 19 litres d 450 millilitres c water in a dam? d a cup of tea?
e 765 millilitres f 7 litres e a glass of milk? f petrol in a car?

2 Would millilitres (mL) or litres (L) be used to measure:
2 Order the containers from smallest (1) to largest (6)
according to their capacity:
a water in a bath?
a b c
b medicine in a teaspoon? Jam

c water in a pool?
d milk in a cup? 375 mL 1L
200 mL

e juice in a glass? d e f
f water in a water tank? Drink

3 How many millilitres are there in: 1.25 L 2L 300 mL
a 2 litres? b 5 litres?
3 How many mL are there in:
c 3 litres? d 8 litres? a 4 L? b 6 L?
e 3.5 litres? f 4.2 litres?
c 3 L? d 1 12 L?

4 Which unit (mL or L) has been left off each label?
e 2 12 L? f 3 12 L?
a b c
4 Record the amount of liquid in each measuring
275 *Sauce

2 100
a 1L
500 mL
b 500 mL
c 1L
d e f
Cream Soft 1L

1 500 1.25
d 1L e 100 mL f 500 mL

5 Use the short form to write 16 litres.
50 mL

6 Would millilitres (mL) or litres (L) be used to measure
water in a bucket?
5 Would mL or L be used to measure a cup of cooking oil?

7 How many millilitres are in 2 2 L?

6 Order the containers from smallest (1) to largest (3)

8 Which unit (mL or L) has been left off the label? according to their capacity:
Drin le

* Cream k

500 mL 1L 100 mL
7 How many mL in 4 2 L?
300 1L

8 Record the amount of liquid in

9 How much ice-cream is there altogether? the measuring container:

9 If there is 2 L 750 mL of milk, show, by colouring the
containers, two different ways of measuring the milk.
2L 2L 2L
a 1L 1L 1L 1L

1L 1L
1L 1L 1L 1L
1L 1L 1L
2 2 2

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UNIT 157 See START UPS page 12 UNIT 158 See START UPS page 12

Capacity in mL and L Cubic centimetres

1 Find how many litres there are in:
1 Use the short form to write:
a 3000 mL b 5000 mL a 14 cubic centimetres
c 8000 mL d 6000 mL b 30 cubic centimetres
e 7000 mL f 2000 mL c 52 cubic centimetres

2 Which unit (mL or L) has been left off each label? d 29 cubic centimetres
a am b c e 7 cubic centimetres
Ice Cre
Nail Cooking f 12 cubic centimetres

Polish Oil

2 10 10 2 What is the number of cubic centimetres in each of

the following models?
d e f
Shampoo Floor a b c
250 375 1

3 Write each of the following as millilitres:
a 1 L 800 mL b 1 L 750 mL d e f
c 2 L 400 mL d 2 L 900 mL
e 4 L 950 mL f 3 L 250 mL

4 What is the total capacity of each set of containers?
500 mL
b c 500 mL

3 Do the following objects have a volume greater than
10 cm3?
350 mL
150 100 100
250 mL
mL mL
230 mL
mL a a matchbox b a suitcase
c an eraser d a shopping trolley
d e f e a milk crate f a coffee cup

250 mL 300 300 250 mL
mL mL
4 Could 10 cubic centimetre blocks fit into:
200 mL
mL mL 200 mL 50 mL
50 mL 50 mL mL
a a shoe box? b a spaghetti tin?
c a pencil box? d a glass?
e a CD case? f a small envelope?

5 Find how many litres there are in 4000 mL.

5 Use the short form to write 31 cubic centimetres.

6 Which unit (mL or L) has been
left off the label?
6 What is the number of cubic centimetres in the
Cleaner model?

7 Write 2 L 250 mL as millilitres.

8 What is the total capacity of the set
of containers?
7 Does the object have a volume greater than 10 cm3?

300 mL 200 mL

s20 mL

8 Could 10 cubic centimetre blocks fit into

9 If 1 cubic centimetre displaces 1 mL of water, how an ice-cream container?
much water would the following displace?
9 Draw a model that has a
a 7 cubic centimetres volume of 10 cm3.
b 10 cubic centimetres
c 21 cubic centimetres
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UNIT 159 See START UPS page 12 UNIT 160 See START UPS page 12

Volume Arrangements

1 Use the short form to write:
1 Write true or false for the possible arrangement of:
a 60 cubic centimetres
b 91 cubic centimetres a b c
c 27 cubic centimetres
d 46 cubic centimetres d e f
e 32 cubic centimetres
f 59 cubic centimetres
2 In each of the following, the group is placed in a row.

2 What is the volume of each of the following models? How many different ways can the objects be arranged?
a b c a b c

d e f

d e f
3 8 balls are placed in a box. 4 are red, 3 are green and 1
is yellow.
a Which colour is most likely to be selected?
b Could a yellow ball be selected first?
c Could a red ball be selected first?

3 What is the volume in L of each of the following?
d If a red ball is selected first, could the next one be
a 3000 mL green?
b 8000 mL e If a red ball is selected first, could the next one be
c 6000 mL yellow?
d 4500 mL f If a red ball is selected first, could the next one be
e 2500 mL blue?
f 9500 mL
4 Are these possible arrangements for 8 balls?

4 What is the volume in mL of each of the following? a b c
a 2L? b 7L?
c 5L? d 6 12 L? d e f
e 7 21 L? f 9 12 L?

5 Use the short form to write 43 cubic centimetres.

5 Write true or false for the possible arrangement of:

6 What is the volume of the model? arranged

6 How many different ways can the numbers 1, 3 and 5
be arranged?

7 8 balls are placed in a box. 4 are red, 3 green and 1 is
yellow. What colour is least likely to be selected first?

7 What is the volume of 2000 mL in L?

What is the volume of 3 2 L in mL?

8 Is a possible arrangement of 6 balls?

9 Find the total volume of the containers in:

1000 mL 1000 mL 1000 mL

9 If there were one red, one green, one blue and one
yellow sock in the wash, draw all the different possible
combinations of pairs of socks.
a mL bL
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UNIT 161 See START UPS page 12 UNIT 162 See START UPS page 12

Chance (1) Chance (2)

1 Choose a word that best describes each of the
1 In the container, label:
following statements: a 4 green counters
impossible, unlikely, likely, equal chance, certain.
b 3 more yellow counters than green
a It will be sunny tomorrow.
c 2 less red counters than green
b If a coin is tossed, it will be a head. d 3 pink counters
c I will roll a 0 on the standard die. e orange counters which is double the number of red
d If I drop a glass, it will break. f 1 clear counter
e It will snow in Perth on Sunday.

2 For the counters in question 1:
f The sun will set tonight. a Which colour is most likely to be selected?

2 In a hat there are 2 red and 2 green counters. b Which colour is least likely to be selected?
If Mia selects 1 counter, what is the chance:
c Is red more likely to be selected than clear?
a she will select a coloured counter?
d Is pink more likely to be selected than yellow?
b she will select a red counter?
e Is orange less likely to be selected than green?
c she will select a blue counter?
f Which 2 colours have an equal chance of selection?
d she will select a green counter?
e she will not select a red counter?
f she will not select a green counter?

3 Using words such as impossible, unlikely, equal chance,
likely and certain, describe the chance of landing on

3 Deni tosses 2 coins. Are these results possible? the shaded regions of the spinners:
a head and head b head and tail a b c
c no tails d tail and tail
e no heads f head, tail and head

4 Here are some shapes: d e f

Answer true or false:

a Owen is more likely to pick a than a
4 True or false?
a It is more likely to be warmer in May than June.
b Owen is more likely to pick a than a
b There is an equal chance it will be cooler tomorrow.
c Owen is more likely to pick a than a
c It is unlikely the sun will rise tomorrow.
d Owen is more likely to pick a than a
d It is unlikely it will still be light at midnight.
e Owen is less likely to pick a than a
e It is certain mum will win the lotto this week.
f Owen is less likely to pick a than a
f It is impossible to roll a 6 on a standard die.

5 Choose a word (impossible, unlikely, likely, equal
chance, certain) that best describes:
5 In the container, label 3 counters
There will be school holidays this year. brown. Label 4 more than the brown
counters green.

6 In a hat there are 3 red and 2 blue beads. What is the
chance that Mia will not select a blue bead?
6 Am I more likely to select a brown
or a blank counter in question 5?

7 If Deni tossed 3 coins, is no heads a possible result?

7 Describe the chance of landing on the
shaded region of the spinner:

8 True or false? From is Owen more likely to
select a than ?
8 True or false? It is certain to rain in February.

9 On the spinner,
9 Show all the different combinations of the following
which colour is: blue pink T-shirts and shorts:
a most likely? green
white yellow yellow blue
b least likely?
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UNIT 163 See START UPS page 12 UNIT 164 See START UPS page 12

Picture graphs (1) Picture graphs (2)

1 Find the number of dogs at the show on:
Dogs on show

1 Talia kept a total of the number of bunches of flowers
a Wednesday sold each day. From the data, complete the picture
Mon.  graph:
b Monday Tues.   = 1 bunch
c Thursday 
Day Number

Number of bunches
Wed. M 6
d Friday Thurs.  T 4

 W 5

e Monday and Tuesday Fri.

 = 10 dogs Th 3
f Thursday and Friday
F 2 

2 Give the hour during which the number of computers S 7 
used was: Computers used Su 3 Mon Day
a 25 910  a b c d e f
b 20 1011 
2 Complete the tally table using the information from the
1112  graph:
c 10 Gp Tally No.

Number of pieces of cheese
121 = 3 pieces of cheese
d 15 aA
e more than 15 bB
 = 5 computers
f less than 15 cC

 = 2 days
3 a What was the sunniest 
eE 6
b What was the least      A B C D E F f F 9
sunny month?

      3 Complete the picture graph Eye colour
c Which month had 10 Jan. Feb. March April May June
to represent the following green blue brown grey
sunny days? data: 6 8 10 4
d Which month had 12 sunny days? a
e Which month has more than 15 sunny days?
f Which month had less than 7 sunny days? f

4 In a class the number of 1 ball = 1 student b c d e
students playing each sport is:
4 From the data in the following graph about the colour of

houses, answer the following questions:

a What was the most
Find how many houses are:   = 10 houses
popular sport?  
No of house

Basketball Football Netball Volleyball Softball a grey

b What was the least popular sport?  
b brown    
c Which sports had equal popularity? c white    
d How many students played football? d different colours Brown Grey White Other
e Which sport had 3 students playing? e represented on the graph House colour

f Was football more popular than softball? f What does  represent?

5 How many dogs were at the dog show for the week in
5 What was the total number of bunches of flowers sold
question 1? in question 1?

6 What was the total number of students using

6 What was the total number of pieces of cheese in
group B of question 2?
computers between 9 and 12 in question 2?

7 Add a title to the graph in question 3.

7 What was the total number of sunny days for autumn
8 What was the most popular colour of house in
in question 3? question 4?

8 What was the total number of students playing netball
9 Use the Colour Tally
and basketball in question 4? following blue
data to

9 Draw a picture graph of the grey
number of boys and the green
a graph:
number of girls in your class.
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UNIT 165 See START UPS page 12 UNIT 166 See START UPS page 12

Tally marks and tables Reading tables

1 Emily tossed a coin and kept Heads
a tally of the results:
How many times did she:
1 How many cars on:
a Tuesday? Mon.
Number of cars in car park

a toss the coin?
c obtain tails?
b obtain heads?
b Thursday?
c Thursday and

What fraction of the time did she:
d obtain heads? e obtain tails?
What day was the
car park:

= 10 cars
f not obtain a head? d most full?

2 Complete the tally table about favourite sports: e least full?
Sport Tally Total
f How many more cars on Monday than Thursday?
a tennis 5
b swimming 1
2 Find the totals given that = 5 cards:
c football 8 a Joe
d cricket 7 b Jenny
e basketball 5
c James
f other 4
d Jerry

3 Answer the following questions using the data from e Jodi
question 2: f Jack
a How many people were surveyed altogether?
b What was the most popular sport?

3 Complete the tally table:
Fruit Tally Total
c What was the least popular sport? apple a
d Which sports had equal popularity? pear b 14
e How many more people chose cricket than banana c 23
basketball? orange d
f Altogether, how many chose grapes e
tennis and cricket? Drinks Boys Girls strawberries f 18
milk 2 5

4 Here is a table about a water 5 3
4 Of the people at the Students Teachers Parents
classs favourite drinks: juice 1 1 swimming carnival, Male 120 4 80
a What was the most popular other 2 2 how many were: Female 100 6 90
drink for boys? a male? b female?
b What was the most popular drink for girls? c male parents? d female teachers?
c How many girls preferred water? e students? f female students?
d How many boys preferred milk?
e What was the most popular drink?

5 What was the total number of cars at the car park for
the week in question 1?
f What was the least popular drink?

6 Who had the most cards in question 2?

5 What fraction of the time did Emily not obtain a tail
when tossing the coin in question 1?
7 What was the total surveyed in question 3?

6 What could be two other sports in question 2?
8 What was the total number of parents at the swimming
carnival in question 4?

7 How many preferred other sports in question 2?
9 Draw a graph illustrating the following information:

8 Which drink had the total popularity of 2 students in Pets Number
question 4? dog 25
cat 30

9 Create your own tally table rabbit 15
of the different types of bird 20
books/magazines fish 5
other 5
(e.g. comic, fashion) you have.
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UNIT 167 See START UPS page 12 UNIT 168 See START UPS page 12

Drawing tables Column graphs

1 The following data was collected:
1 Here is a graph of the number of pies sold at the school
canteen for a week. 20
a, b, c, e, f, d, e, f, c, e, a, a, b, b, c, c, e, f, d, f, a, a, b,
b, b, c, c, b, c, b, f, f, e, e, b, c, d, a, b, a a What does M stand for? 15

Number of pies
Complete the following tally table:
Letter Tally
b What does F stand for? 5

a a M T W Th F Day
b b c How many pies were sold on Tuesday?
c c d How many pies were sold on Wednesday?
d d e What day were the least pies sold?
e e f What day were the most pies sold?
f f

2 Holiday destination

2 Complete the following totals of the tally table: London
New York
Snack Tally Total China
2 4 6 8 10 12
fruit a
a What was the most popular destination?
chips b
lollies c b What was the least popular destination?
muesli bars d c How many people were asked?
vegetables e d How many people preferred London?
other f e How many different locations were chosen?

3 Using the data, complete the table: f What location was preferred by less than 10 people?

3 Use the tally to complete the column graph:
Shape Tally
Number of times each number is thrown
1 2 3 4 5 6 c
a b c d e f d

4 Using the data from question 3, complete the following
table: 2 4 6 8
Number of times each number is thrown

4 Below is the number of books each student read for a
1 2 3 4 5 6 read-a-thon. Complete the column graph from the tally
blue a b d 2 2 1 chart.
Student Tally
c e f
Total books read

grey 2 2 2 a Zoe
b Zack

5 What was the total number of pieces of data collected c Wally
in question 1? d Vera

6 What was the total number of data collected about fruit e
a b c d e f
in question 2? Students

7 What was the total number of times the dice were
5 What was the total number of pies sold in question 1?
thrown in question 3?

8 What was the total number of times the blue die was
6 What holiday destination was preferred by more than
thrown in question 3? 10 people in question 2?

9 Create a graph using
7 What is the title of the graph in question 3?
the information from
8 How many books were read altogether for the
question 4. read-a-thon in question 4?

9 Create a table using the
information from question 1.

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UNIT 169 See START UPS page 12 UNIT 170 See START UPS page 13

Surveys and collecting data Problem solving (1)

1 Mark conducted a survey about people who played
1 Using the coins 5c, 10c, 20c and 50c, list two different
musical instruments. Complete his tally table: ways the following amounts could be made:
Instrument Tally Total a 25c
drums a b 40c
trumpet b
violin c c 50c
flute d 3 d 75c
guitar e 7 e 90c
percussion f 4
f $1.00

2 Use the information from question 1 to create a

2 How many different towers is it possible to make
column graph:
a drums
b trumpet a cubes of 2 different colours, 2 blocks high?
c violin
b cubes of 2 different colours, 3 blocks high?
d flute
e guitar c cubes of 3 different colours, 2 blocks high?
f percussion d cubes of 3 different colours, 3 blocks high?
Number of people e cubes of 4 different colours, 2 blocks high?

3 Answer the following question using the information in
f cubes of 4 different colours, 3 blocks high?
questions 1 and 2:
a What was the most popular instrument?
3 Which of the following number sentences are true and
which are false:
b What was the least popular instrument?
a 27 + 14 = 14 + 26
c How many people played the guitar?
b 83 23 = 26 83
d How many people played the drums?
c 11  12 = 6  2  11
e What instrument had a total of 4 players?
d 9 + 6 + 5 = 5 + 5 + 10
f What instrument had a total of 5 players?
e 33  2 = 33 + 33

4 Complete the table of collected data about coloured socks.
f 888 88 = 800  1
R, G, B, Y, O, P, P, G, B, Y, Y, O, P, Y, G, O, O,
P, G, R, R, R, Y, O, G, P, B, B, Y, P
4 Complete the number sentences:
Colour Tally Total a 36 + = 40 b 80 = 34
a c  2  4 = 56 d 4=6
e 29 + + 11 = 60 f 50 = 19
5 Using the coins 5c, 10c, 20c and 50c, list two different
e ways 80c could be made.

5 What was the total number of different instruments

6 How many different towers is it possible
data was collected on, in question 1? to make using cubes of 5 different colours,

6 What was the total number of people surveyed in 2 cubes high?
question 1?

7 How many more people played the trumpet than the
7 True or false? 14  3 = 3  7  2
flute in question 1?

8 Complete: 5 = 20

8 What was the most common coloured sock in
question 4?
9 a Which of the equations cost more?

9 From the information in the table, write 3 questions $ 1.7 5
$ 2.3 5
3  $2.55 =
that could be asked.
Red Green +$ 1.4 5
Boys 5 8
Girls 6 3 b What is the difference of the 2 equations?
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UNIT 171 See START UPS page 13 UNIT 172 See START UPS page 13

Problem solving (2) Place value practice

1 Complete:
1 How many digits are in each of the following
a234= b257= numerals?
c392= d248= a 407
e539= f586= b 1265

2 Complete the number sentence with >, < or =: c 42 836
a 36 6 18 3 b 10  10 50  3 d 1100
c 60 1 5  12 d 9  2 36 2 e 145 326
e 40 6 3  4 f 14 8 80 f 102 345

3 Complete:
2 Write each of the following as numerals:
a There are 4 hens in the pen and each laid 6 eggs in a a two hundred and eleven
week. How many eggs are there altogether? b one hundred and six
c one thousand, three hundred and forty
b There are 4 cows, 3 sheep and 7 geese. How many d three thousand, six hundred and twenty-nine
legs are there?
c I bought 2 loaves of bread ($2.50), some cheese
($3.50) and an apple (50c). How much did I pay e ninety thousand, four hundred and ninety-eight
d At the display, there were 6 spiders and 5 insects. f twenty-one thousand and seventy-five
How many legs were there altogether?

3 What number is:
e Tom spent the following amount of time on homework
a 2 more than 1000?
for a week: 45 min, 30 min, 45 min and 1 hour.
How much time (in hours) did he spend altogether? b 5 more than 989?
c 3 more than 1099?
1 d 4 more than 1021?
f If each person at a party received 4 of a pizza and
e 8 more than 1108?
there were 11 people, how many pizzas were there?
f 6 more than 1005?

4 Find the mistake in each of the following equations:
4 Complete each number statement with > or <:
a 2176 2716
a 4 2 6 b 6 7 1 c 5  20 = 10
+3 1 8 1 4 3 b 4385 4835
7 3 4 5 3 8
c 2110 2119
d 42 6 = 5 e 1 2 0 6 f 2 0 0 1 d 7843 7834
+4 3 1 9 1 4 6 3
5 4 2 5 1 5 3 8 e 6158 6185

5 Complete: 3  2  6 = f 2049 2094

6 Complete with >, < or =: 5  10 25 5
5 How many digits are there in 1006?

7 There were 8 fish in each of 5 fish tanks. How many
6 Write four thousand, two hundred and nine as a
fish were there altogether? numeral.

8 Find the mistake in: 9 0 1
7 What is 5 more than 996?
2 4 5
1 0 4 6
8 Complete with < or >:

9 Check the following addition equations by completing 4218 4281
subtraction equations:
a 4293 b 298

9 Make all the different numbers possible that have a 3
+1 4 3 2 +4 6 5 in the hundreds place, using the digits 3, 7, 8 and 9.
5625 663
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UNIT 173 See START UPS page 13 UNIT 174 See START UPS page 13

Addition and subtraction practice Multiplication and division practice

1 Complete:
1 Find the product of:
a 25 + 36 = a 9 and 6
b 34 + 50 = b 7 and 5
c 18 + 91 = c 10 and 0
d 89 + 38 = d 8 and 4
e 76 + 86 = e 3 and 8
f 37 + 46 = f 6 and 2

2 Complete:
2 Complete the spaces:
a 5 0 9 b 3 6 1 c 7 2 5 a3 =65
+2 9 6 +4 8 2 +1 4 8
c4 =82
d 7 7 7 e 3 8 1 f 1 8 8 d34=6
+1 8 5 +2 6 9 +2 3 3
e6 =38
f 58=4

3 Complete:
3 Complete:
a 6 1 7 b 5 0 4 a 63 7 =
3 2 5 2 1 9
b 54 6 =
c 48 6 =
c 2 1 5 d 6 0 7 d 21 3 =
1 8 7 4 5 2
e 27 9 =
f 25 5 =
e 7 3 9
3 8 6
f 8 6 6
1 7 7

4 Find:
a 17 oranges shared by 4 teams.
b 21 horses shared among 6 paddocks.

4 Find the difference between: c 22 desks in 5 rows. How many are there
a 300 and 61 in each row?
b 900 and 256 d 47 days. How many weeks are there?
c 800 and 126
e 56 legs. How many spiders are there?
d 400 and 279
e 500 and 458 f 83 birthday cards put into groups of 10. How many
f 600 and 534 groups are there?

5 Complete: 78 + 86 =

5 Find the product of 8 and 1.

6 Complete: 2 8 9
+1 7 5
6 Complete:
6 = 12  3

7 Complete: 3 1 9
7 Complete:
2 4 6 90 10 =

8 Find 31 treats shared among 10 puppies.

8 Find the difference between 700 and 568.

9 There were 1000 cards in a set. Leroy had collected

9 Write the product of the factors:
675 of them. How many more did he need to complete a 3 and 5 b 2, 3 and 5
the set? c 7 and 2 d 7, 2 and 3
100 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on page 151
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UNIT 175 See START UPS page 13 UNIT 176 See START UPS page 13

Fractions practice Decimals practice

1 Write true or false for each of the following
1 Write the decimal that follows:
statements: a 0.16, 0.17,
a 10 =1 b 0.48, 0.49,
b 6
=1 c 0.32, 0.33,
d 0.20, 0.21,
c 4 =1 e 0.55, 0.56,
d 16
=2 f 0.91, 0.92,

2 Circle the smaller decimal in each pair:
e 4 =1 a 0.21 0.41

f 3
b 0.60 0.50
c 0.29 0.16

2 Circle the larger fraction:
d 0.51 0.55
1 1 1 1
a 5 10 b 10 8
e 0.03 0.93
1 1 1 1
c 8 4 d 8 5 f 0.97 0.95

e 1 1
f 1 1
3 Round each decimal to the nearest whole number:
2 4 4 5
a 1.46 b 1.79

3 Complete each number line:
c 2.43 d 8.15
a 0 1 1 b 0 3 1
4 10 2 e 9.03 f 4.85

4 Complete:
c 1 5 1 d 0 1
5.6 1
2 8 5 a 3.7 8 b
+2.4 6 2.3 5
e 1 7 1 f 1 7 1
2 10 2 8
c 7.9 5 d 4.3 8

4 Write the equivalent fraction for: +1.2 3 2.6 4

a 4
= 2
10 =
e 5.2 5 f 7.9 0
+3.7 8 3.9 5
c 1
= 8
d 3
= 8
4 4

1 1
5 Write the decimal that follows:
e = 2
10 f 5 = 10 0.89, 0.90,

5 Write true or false for:
6 Circle the smaller decimal:
10 =2 0.67 0.76

6 Circle the larger fraction:

7 Round 3.25 to the nearest whole number.

7 Complete the number line:
8 Complete: 4.3 5
2.7 2
3 7
10 10

8 Write the equivalent fraction for: 10 = 5
9 Find the change from eight dollars for each of the

9 Shade the squares to show 3 4 . a $7.25
b $2.29 + $1.99
c $3.25 + $2.45 + $1.65
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REVIEW TESTS: Units 1 10

Unit 1 Numbers to 9999 (1) page 14 Unit 7 Counting by thousands page 17
Unit 2 Place value 0 9999 (1) page 14 Unit 8 Numbers to 9999 (3) page 17
Unit 3 Numbers to 9999 (2) page 15 Unit 9 Numbers to 9999 (4) page 18
Unit 4 Ordering numbers page 15 Unit 10 Numbers to 9999 (5) page 18
Unit 5 Place value 0 9999 (2) page 16
Unit 6 Place value 0 9999 (3) page 16
1 8195 rounded to the nearest thousand is: 7 Q1

1 What number is 5 less than 1010? 2 Q2
5 Q3 A 9000 B 8200 C 8100 D 8000
A 1015 B 1005 C 1050 D 995
4 Q1
2 The value of the six in 2760 is: 9 Q4
The next number in the counting pattern

2050, 2060, 2070, is: A six units B six tens

C six hundreds D six thousands
A 2080 B 2090 C 2800 D 3070

3 True or false?
7 Q2

3 True or false? 1 Q4
The number 1000 more than 8275 is
There are 4 digits in the number 1076. 9275.

4 True or false? 5769 > 5796 2 Q4

4 True or false?
8 Q4

5 Write 2409 in words. 1 Q3 The number halfway between 7000 and
3 Q3
9000 is 8500.

6 Arrange the numbers from smallest to largest:
4 Q2
4 Q4
5 Circle the larger number: 473 743 8 Q3

4107, 4239, 4065, 4198

6 Write 2817 in words.
8 Q2

7 Q4

7 What is the value of the 7 in 3617?
2 Q3
6 Q3

7 Complete the number sequence:

3 Q4 7010, 6010, , , 3010,

8 Write the number for sixty-eight tens.
5 Q4

8 Write the numeral for twenty-one hundreds.
9 Q1

9 Complete the pattern of odd numbers: 4 Q1
4 Q3
59, , , 65, ,
9 Complete with < or > to make the number 9 Q2
10 Q3
statement true:

10 Draw the number on the abacus: 1 Q1
2 Q1 9176 9716
5 Th 6 H 7 T 4 U 5 Q1
6 Q1

10 Find the number that is 300 less than 2319, 7 Q3
10 Q2
Th H T U and is 10 more than 2009.

11 Write the smallest possible number using the
6 Q4

11 Circle the number from the list that matches:
9 Q3

digits 4, 7, 8 and 3 that has a 7 in the one thousand and eleven

hundreds place. 1010, 1001, 1101, 1110, 1011
1 Q2

12 Complete with > or < to make the 3 Q2
12 Write in words:
8 Q1
8 Q2
statement true: 5 Q2 10 Q1
Th H T U
seven thousand seven thousand,
and eleven two hundred and five

Score = /12 Score = /12

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REVIEW TESTS: Units 11 18

Unit 11: Expanding 4-digit numbers (1) page 19 Unit 16: Number patterns (1) page 21
Unit 12: Expanding 4-digit numbers (2) page 19 Unit 17: Number patterns (2) page 22
Unit 13: Ordinal numbers page 20 Unit 18: Number patterns (3) page 22
Unit 14: Doubling and halving page 20
Unit 15: Less than and greater than page 21

1 The number which is 5 greater than 2378 is: 15 Q1
1 The next number in the number 16 Q2
A 2283 B 2383 C 2373 D 2483 pattern 70, 80, 90, is:
13 Q4 A 99 B 100 C 110 D 1000

2 Twelfth written as an ordinal number is:

A 12 B 20th C 12th D 0.12

2 The first number in the number pattern
18 Q1

, 8956, 7956, 6956 is:

3 True or false?
15 Q3
A 9956 B 5959 C 9856 D 10 956
998 < 990
16 Q3
3 True or false? The first five terms in the number
14 Q4 pattern start at 30 and count by fours is:

4 True or false?
30, 34, 38, 40, 44
Half of 300 oranges is 150 oranges.
12 Q3
4 True or false? 18 Q4

5 Write 6285 in expanded form. The missing number in the number pattern
50, , 40, 35 is 45.

14 Q1
5 Complete the missing boxes: 16 Q1

6 Use doubles to complete: 4  25
double 25 = 2348
double =
4  25 = 2346

7 Write the place value of the underlined digit
11 Q3
in words: 7108
6 Use words to describe the number pattern: 17 Q2
150, 170, 190, 210 18 Q3
12 Q4

8 Write the number which is made up of six
thousands, two hundreds and eight ones.

7 Start at 1425 and count backwards by 17 Q1
18 Q2
hundreds, five times.
13 Q2

9 If 8 people swam in a race, what is the
13 Q3
position of the first 4 swimmers?

8 Complete the number sequence: 17 Q3

6700, 6600, , , , ,

10 Use the correct sign, < or >, to make the
11 Q2
12 Q2
9 Complete the number pattern: one thousand 17 Q3
18 Q1
number statement true: 15 Q4 one hundred, one thousand two hundred,
one thousand three hundred,
2000 + 700 + 80 + 5 2000 + 600 + 80 + 3
15 Q2

10 Find the 8th term in the number pattern: 16 Q4
17 Q4

11 Write in words the number which is 5 20, 24, 28, 32,
less than 701.

11 Start at 800, complete the next five terms in 16 Q3
the number pattern, by halving each time. 17 Q1
18 Q2

12 How many legs are there on 21 elephants and 14 Q2
5 hippopotamuses?
12 Jackson was counting by threes. Continue his 16 Q3
17 Q1
pattern from:
18 Q3
1330, , , ,

Score = /12 Score = /12

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REVIEW TESTS: Units 19 27

Unit 19: Adding to 99 (1) page 23 Unit 25: Adding with trading to 999 (1) page 26
Unit 20: Adding to 999 (1) page 23 Unit 26: Adding with trading to 999 (2) page 26
Unit 21: Adding to 99 (2) page 24 Unit 27: Adding with trading to 999 (3) page 27
Unit 22: Adding to 999 (2) page 24
Unit 23: Adding to 9999 (1) page 25
Unit 24: Adding to 9999 (2) page 25
1 The total of 62 and 79 books is: 25 Q2

1 3685 + 2000 = 23 Q1 A 131 books B 141 books
A 3885 B 4685 C 3705 D 5685
C 140 books D 82 books
19 Q3

2 17 + 21 =

2 The answer to 215 is: 25 Q1
+ 127 26 Q2
A 28 B 38 C 16 D 48
19 Q2

3 True or false? 5 tens and 7 units A 443 B 333 C 342 D 242
+ 2 tens and 2 units
7 tens and 8 units

3 True or false? 25 Q4

The sum of 102 and 398 is 600.

4 True or false? 20 Q2
24 Q2
8340 + 600 = 8940

4 True or false? 5 9 4
+3 8 3
25 Q1
26 Q2
9 7 7

5 Complete: 19 Q4
20 Q3
3 2 5
+1 6 4
22 Q2
5 Find the total of 526 and 237.
25 Q4
27 Q1

6 Complete: 26 Q3
+ 103 86 75 69
Find the sum of 2176 and 6312.
6 23 Q4
24 Q4

7 Find the sum of one hundred and eighty 25 Q3
26 Q1
plus two hundred and fifty-six.

7 Find double 213.
22 Q4 27 Q3

8 Complete: 2 4 9
+3 9 6
25 Q1
26 Q2
21 Q4 26 Q4

8 Complete: 86 = 44 + 27 Q2
20 Q4

9 Use the numbers 6, 1 and 8 to complete 22 Q3
9 Write the answer to 274 + 288 in words. 25 Q3
the boxes: 26 Q1
23 Q2
1 6 3 23 Q3
27 Q3
+ 4 2 2 24 Q3

10 Find the total number of pens. 25 Q2
27 Q4
5 8 4
146 pens 285 pens
22 Q1

10 Solve: six hundred and twenty-one plus 23 Q4
three hundred and fifty-five
11 Write the equation and solve: three hundred 25 Q4
27 Q1
and nineteen plus four hundred and seventy-five

24 Q1

11 What must be added to 325 to make 579?

12 Complete the wheel: 26 Q3
359 27

21 Q1 269 +27 38

12 There were 142 sheep in one paddock and 21 Q3 123 49
125 in another. Were there more than 24 Q4
265 sheep altogether?

Score = /12 Score = /12

104 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4 Answers on pages 1512
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REVIEW TESTS: Units 28 35

Unit 28: Adding three numbers page 27 Unit 32: Subtracting 2-digit numbers without trading page 29
Unit 29: Adding three or more numbers page 28 Unit 33: Subtracting with trading page 30
Unit 30: Mental strategies for addition page 28 Unit 34: Subtracting 3-digit numbers without trading (1) page 30
Unit 31: Rounding numbers (1) page 29 Unit 35: Subtracting 3-digit numbers without trading (2) page 31


1 Which of the following numbers is 321 31 Q1
1 59 36 = 32 Q1
closest to?
A 33 B 13 C 25 D 23
A 290 B 380 C 250 D 300
30 Q4

2 The difference between 748 and 221 is: 35 Q2

2 By counting on, which of the following is
added to 563 to make 999? A 527 B 567 C 627 D 968

A 337 B 436 C 1562 D 536

3 True or false?
33 Q3
If Adam is saving for a book which costs $45 and
True or false?
31 Q2
31 Q4
he has already saved $27, he needs to save
another $18.
3398 rounded to the nearest thousand is 4000.
34 Q3
28 Q3
4 True or false?

4 True or false?
There is 42 left when 43 is taken away
from 185.
3 groups of 1062 is 1062 + 1062 + 1062
34 Q1

5 Complete: 3 4 6 8 28 Q1
5 Complete: 5 9 8
3 7 5 34 Q2
2 1 7 3 29 Q1 35 Q1
+1 0 4 2

6 Complete the box: 9 4 33 Q4

6 Find the total of $1072 + $1175 + $1091. 29 Q3

3 1

7 Complete: seventy-seven minus fifty-six. 34 Q3
A box of pins was dropped on the floor.
7 28 Q2
Nicole picked up 879 pins, Jo picked up
1276 and Karen picked up 425. How many

8 Find: subtract 32 Q4

pins were there altogether?

8 What must be added to 171, 333, 245 and 28 Q4

29 Q4
G G 165 45 34 Q3

186 to make 999?

9 Complete the table: 41 32 Q2


9 Write the answer to the total of 2731, 3050
29 Q1
and 1345 in words. 96

10 Which of the following numbers round 31 Q3
to 5000 as the nearest thousand?
10 Find the difference between:
35 Q3
35 Q4
5216 4380 4701 5825 K $691 and K $411
30 Q1

11 Use the jump strategy to calculate:

11 Complete the boxes: 29 1 3= 24
34 Q4

1424 + 2135 34 Q1
30 Q2

12 Write an addition equation from:
34 Q2

12 Explain the split strategy using the 9 2 5 35 Q1
example 327 + 159. 1 1 3

Score = /12 Score = /12

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REVIEW TESTS: Units 36 46

Unit 36: Subtracting 3-digit numbers with trading (1) page 31 Unit 42: Rounding numbers (2) page 34
Unit 37: Subtracting 3-digit numbers with trading (2) page 32 Unit 43: Rounding numbers and estimating (1) page 35
Unit 38: Subtracting 3-digit numbers with trading (3) page 32 Unit 44: Rounding numbers and estimating (2) page 35
Unit 39: Subtracting 3-digit numbers with trading (4) page 33 Unit 45: Multiplication with modeling and mental strategies page 36
Unit 40: Subtracting without trading to 9999 page 33 Unit 46: Reasoning with numbers page 36
Unit 41: Subtracting with trading to 9999 page 34
1 The best estimate of 41 + 41 + 41 + 41 is: 43 Q1

1 9 less than 172 is: 36 Q1 43 Q2
A 63 B 161 C 163 D 153 A 170 B 160 C 150 D 200
42 Q2

2 The difference between $315 and $275 is: 37 Q2
2 1947 rounded to the nearest hundred is:
42 Q3
38 Q3
A $40 B $590 C $30 D $140 A 1000 B 1800 C 1900 D 2000
41 Q4 46 Q4

3 True or false?
3 True or false?

$8000 $6752 = $1248 26 + 49 = 49 + 26

37 Q3 42 Q1

4 True or false?
4 True or false? 44 Q1
At the show there were 279 rats and 325 mice. 1 746 rounded to the nearest ten is 1700.
So there were 46 more rats than mice.

45 Q3
6 5 1
36 Q3
5 Complete:

5 Complete:
2 7 3
37 Q1
38 Q1
13 9 = (10 9) + (3 9)
38 Q2 = +
39 Q1

6 Complete the boxes: 4 9 8 6 40 Q3
2 3 46 Q2

6 Double 6, four times.
3 1 43 Q3
40 Q2

7 Estimate, to the nearest ten, the 43 Q4

7 Find the difference between 8000 and 6291.
41 Q3
answer to:

300 18 18 18
3 8 2 4 40 Q1 42 Q4

8 Write in words the answer to:
1 5 7 3
8 Round six thousand and ninety-six to the
nearest thousand.
45 Q2

9 Write as a number sentence to find:
36 Q4

9 Check the subtraction equation with 37 Q4
an addition equation: 3 8 1 39 Q4 +
1 2 8

38 Q4

10 If I spent $125 and $173, how much change

10 Use doubles to find 22 4.
45 Q4
would I receive from $500?
46 Q3

11 Change the number sentence to make
39 Q2 it true:

11 Find: five hundred and sixty minus 39 Q3 44 + 44 + 44 + 44 + 44 = 4 44
two hundred and seventy-five
44 Q3
40 Q4
12 Estimate, to the nearest ten, the answer to: 44 Q4

12 Estimate, to the nearest thousand, the
answer to: 7899 4262 143 88 =

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REVIEW TESTS: Units 47 58

Unit 47: Tables  2,  4 and  8 page 37 Unit 53: Square and triangular numbers page 40
Unit 48: Tables  5, and  10 page 37 Unit 54: Multiples page 40
Unit 49: Tables  3,  6 and  9 page 38 Unit 55: Factors page 41
Unit 50: Tables  7,  8 and  9 page 38 Unit 56: Multiplication strategies page 41
Unit 51: Multiplication tables (1) page 39 Unit 57: Multiplication by tens page 42
Unit 52: Multiplication tables (2) page 39 Unit 58: Extended multiplication page 42


1 6 groups of 10 is: 51 Q1
1 Which of the following is a factor of 20? 55 Q2
A 60 B 16 C 50 D 12 A9 B6 C4 D3
47 Q1 56 Q2

2 The product of 8 and 4 is: 48 Q2
2 20  8 = 58 Q3
50 Q3 A 28 B 16 C 1600 D 160 58 Q4
A 26 B 28 C 30 D 32 52 Q3
53 Q4

3 True or false? 49 Q3
3 True or false?

6  9 = 60 6 = 54 100 = 10 squared

4 True or false? 48 Q3
4 True or false?
54 Q2
50 Q2
06=71 12 is a multiple of 7.

5 Find the number of legs on 9 spiders. 47 Q3
5 Write 2 pairs of factors for 50.
55 Q3

6 Complete: 48 Q4
10 2 50 Q4 57 Q2
3 51 Q4
6 Complete:

8 58 Q2
4 8
5 7

58 Q3

7 Complete the first 10 multiples of 11: 47 Q4

7 Complete:

11, , , 44, , , 4  27 = (4  20) + (4  7)

77, , , 110 = +

8 Complete: 47 Q2
5 48 Q1
2 6
49 Q1
8 What is the value of the 4th
53 Q2
53 Q3
4 50 Q1 triangular number?
51 Q2

9 Complete: 49 Q2
54 Q4
51 Q3
9 63 is a multiple of which 2 numbers?
six groups of three = = nine times 52 Q2

10 Write an algorithm and solve it for the 49 Q4
number of eyes:
10 1, 30, 2, 15, 3, 6, 5, 10 are all the factors of
55 Q1
55 Q4
NgDNDg which number?

56 Q1

11 Find: 56 Q3

11 Find the total cost of: basketballs $8 each 52 Q4
16  7
53 Q1

12 Solve: twelve 52 Q1
12 What is a square number? Use 16 as an
times five example.

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Answers on page 152 Review Tests 107
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REVIEW TESTS: Units 59 68

Unit 59: Division (1) page 43 Unit 64: Estimation with division page 45
Unit 60: Division (2) page 43 Unit 65: Division with remainders (1) page 46
Unit 61: Division problems and remainders page 44 Unit 66: Division with remainders (2) page 46
Unit 62: Division with multiplication grid page 44 Unit 67: Division practice page 47
Unit 63: Division (3) page 45 Unit 68: Multiplication and division page 47

1 21 3 = 59 Q2
1 A division fact for: 35 is 68 Q1
60 Q1 5 7
A9 B3 C8 D7 62 Q2
A 5  7 = 35 B 35 7 = 5

2 The value of the missing number in 59 Q3
60 Q4 C 7  5 = 35 D 35 6 = 5
6 = 48 is: 61 Q4

2 46 2 = 64 Q2
A9 B3 C8 D7
A 92 B 12 C 13 D 23
True or false?
3 8 60 Q2

4 32
62 Q3

3 True or false? 64 Q4

An estimation of 96 4 is 20.

4 True or false?
63 Q1
63 Q4
There are 20 groups of 5 in 95.
4 True or false? 26 r 1 66 Q2
66 Q3
2 53

5 Find the answer to: 63 Q2

4 96
5 Complete: (6  5) + 3 = 33 67 Q1

33 5 =

6 If there are 28 days, how many weeks are there?
61 Q3

6 Find how many threes are in 35. 66 Q3

7 Find 63 divided by 3.
63 Q1
7 There are 100 biscuits, 15 in each packet.
66 Q4
68 Q4
How many packets are there?
Write a multiplication fact from:
8 12 59 Q1

4 48
65 Q2

59 Q4
8 Does
3 60 = (5  4)? 66 Q1

9 Write as an equation and solve:
61 Q2
68 Q2

36 slices of bread shared by 18 mums

9 Complete the box: 8r 65 Q1
65 Q3
6 53 67 Q2

10 12 people can go on the rollercoaster ride 65 Q4

10 Write a multiplication fact from:
59 Q1
at one time. If there are 50 people in the 68 Q4
queue, how many rides will there be?
72 8 = 9

11 Write the answer in words to: How many
60 Q3
63 Q4
11 Complete the path: 67 Q4
groups of five are there in thirty?
5 3
50 6

12 Complete the division wheel. 59 Q2
60 Q1
36 24 61 Q2
63 Q1

12 Check the answer to: 67 Q1
32 40 48 5 = 9 r 3 using a multiplication and
addition equation.

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REVIEW TESTS: Units 69 80

Unit 69: Inverse operations page 48 Unit 76: Fraction names page 51
Unit 70: Number lines page 48 Unit 77: Fractions page 52
Unit 71: Odd and even numbers page 49 Unit 78: Comparing fractions page 52
Unit 72: Number patterns (4) page 49 Unit 79: Equivalent fractions page 53
Unit 73: 1-Step and 2-step rules page 50 Unit 80: Mixed numbers page 53
Unit 74: Calculator addition and subtraction page 50
Unit 75: Calculator multiplication and division page 51 UNIT

1 Which of the following fractions 78 Q1
is the largest? 78 Q4

1 An equation to check 36 17 = 19 is: 69 Q1 80 Q4
A 17 + 19 = 36 B 17  19 = 36 8 4 1 1
A 8 B 5 C 4 D 2
C 36 17 = 19 D 36 + 19 = 17
2 79 Q3
71 Q2
2 The equivalent fraction for 5 is:

2 Which of the following is an even number?
1 2 4 1
A 3 B 10 C 10 D 2
A 21 B7 C3 D6
76 Q3

3 True or false?
71 Q1
3 True or false?

3 3
3 is an odd number. 4 < 8
69 Q1 76 Q3

4 True or false?
4 True or false?
78 Q2
46 + 18 = 64 5 =1
72 Q4 76 Q4

5 Use words to describe the number pattern:

5 Write
8 in words.
11, 22, 33, 44, 55

77 Q4
74 Q3
6 Order the fractions from smallest 78 Q3

6 Use a calculator to double 85. to largest.
74 Q4 1 1 3

7 Use a calculator to find half of 1092.
2, 4, 4,1

7 What fraction is shown? 76 Q1
71 Q4 80 Q1

8 Complete the equation 80 Q3
21 + 43 =

9 Write the number pattern for: 73 Q4 76 Q2
Start at 1, rule is  3 + 1
8 Shade three fifths of the boxes.
79 Q1
, , , , 79 Q4

10 Use a calculator to write a division fact for 75 Q2
the answer 291.
9 Draw a number line from 1 to 3 marking 77 Q1
80 Q2
and labelling every quarter.

11 Start at 1000 and count backwards by 7. 72 Q1
73 Q1
, , , , 5 77 Q3

10 Draw a square and shade 8 of it.

12 Draw a number line and use the jump 70 Q1
70 Q2
strategy to solve: 120 43
70 Q3 80 Q1

11 Complete the label:
and a half
78 Q1
1 1

12 Circle the smaller fraction: 92 or 84 78 Q4
80 Q4

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Answers on page 153 Review Tests 109
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REVIEW TESTS: Units 81 88

Unit 81: Hundredths page 54 Unit 85: Comparing decimals (1) page 56
Unit 82: Tenths page 54 Unit 86: Comparing decimals (2) page 56
Unit 83: Decimals place value page 55 Unit 87: Decimals with whole numbers page 57
Unit 84: Decimals page 55 Unit 88: Fractions and decimals page 57


1 Four tenths and two hundredths written 84 Q3
1 1 100 written as a decimal is: 88 Q2
in decimal form is:
A 1.47 B 0.47 C 1.047 D 47
A 4.2 B 0.42 C 0.042 D 0.24

2 2.69 rounded to the nearest whole
85 Q4
86 Q4
83 Q2 number is:

2 The value of the 8 in 3.82 is: 87 Q3

A 8 tens B 8 hundredths A 2.70 B2 C3 D 2.60

86 Q1
C 8 units D 8 tenths
3 True or false?

3 True or false? 82 Q2 The next decimal in the pattern 0.78, 0.79,
5 is 0.80
10 written as a decimal is 0.54

4 True or false? 83 Q3
4 True or false? 88 Q3
87 Q1
One and five hundredths written as a
0.18 written in words is eighteenths. decimal is 1.5

5 Colour on the
81 Q1
81 Q2
5 Order the decimals from smallest to largest:
85 Q3
86 Q2
hundreds square: 83 Q1 0.79, 0.86, 0.63, 0.82 87 Q4
84 Q1

6 Circle the largest decimal of:
84 Q2

6 Match each fraction with the correct decimal: 87 Q2
88 Q1
31 56 19 13
1 100 2 100 1 100 2 100
0.49, 0.42, 0.94, 0.24
1.19 2.13 1.31 2.56
82 Q4

7 Complete with < or >: 0.72 0.85
7 Circle the larger decimal of: 85 Q1

81 Q3 forty hundredths or forty-four hundredths

8 Write in digital form: 82 Q1
85 Q4

8 Round three and thirty-nine hundredths
86 Q4
one and ninety-two hundredths to the nearest whole number. 87 Q3
84 Q2

9 Cross out the smallest decimal fraction:

9 Circle the smaller decimal in the following:
85 Q2
86 Q3
1.30, 1.33, 1.03 two hundredths or 100
84 Q4

10 Circle the digit that has a value of
10 Complete the grid for four and sixty-three
87 Q1
88 Q3
four hundredths: 404.14 hundredths.
U . tenths hundredths
81 Q4

11 Draw a number line to show the decimals: 83 Q4
1.25, 0.76, 1.10 and 0.98
11 Circle the amount which is largest: 88 Q4
eighty-four hundredths or 0.8 or 100

12 Complete the label:
81 Q1
81 Q2

12 Colour the smallest amount on the grid: 88 Q4
U . tenths hundredths 83 Q1 0.32
84 Q1 36
thirteen hundredths
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REVIEW TESTS: Units 89 97

Unit 89: Decimal addition page 58 Unit 93: Simple percentages page 60
Unit 90: Decimal subtraction page 58 Unit 94: Percentages (1) page 60
Unit 91: Decimal addition and subtraction page 59 Unit 95: Percentages (2) page 61
Unit 92: Decimal multiplication (calculator) page 59 Unit 96: Percentages (3) page 61
Unit 97: Fractions, decimals and percentages page 62

1 0.46  10 = 92 Q1
1 100 is equivalent to: 96 Q2
97 Q2
A 46 B 0.046 C 4.6 D 0.46 A 5% B 250% C 2.5% D 25%

2 3.6 + 4.1 = 89 Q1
2 Which of A D is the largest amount? 96 Q1

A 1.5 B 7.7 C 7.6 D 7.5 A 76% B 92% C 29% D 83%

3 True or false?
91 Q3

3 True or false?
93 Q3

3.46 3.41 = 0.05 8% means 80 out of 100.

4 True or false?
92 Q2

4 True or false?
97 Q3

7.91  100 = 79.1 0.7 < 77%

5 Complete: $ 4.9 9
+$ 2.8 5
89 Q4
5 Colour 45% of the hundreds square. 93 Q1
93 Q2
94 Q1
94 Q2
95 Q1

6 Find the difference between: 90 Q4

7.89 m and 2.98 m

6 Draw lines to connect the same values: 94 Q3
95 Q2
89 Q3 20% 0.12

7 Find: three and sixteen hundredths plus
2% 0.25
two and eleven hundredths
(give the answer in words) 25% 0.20
12% 0.02

8 What is 5.29 3.82?
90 Q1
7 Write one quarter as a percentage. 93 Q4
90 Q2
91 Q2

8 Write 65% as a decimal. 96 Q3

96 Q1

9 What is the difference in height between:
91 Q4
9 Circle the largest amount:

42%, 0.40, 100
Zoe 1.56 m and Zak 1.89 m?

10 Add 1.39, 2.46 and 1.07 together. 89 Q2
10 Write nineteen percent as a decimal.
95 Q4
91 Q1

11 Complete with < or > 97 Q3

twenty-two percent 25%

11 How much change does Tom receive from 90 Q3
91 Q4
$5.00 after spending $3.29?

12 Complete: 94 Q4
95 Q3
Decimal Percentage Fraction 96 Q4
95 97 Q4
Explain the effect of multiplying a decimal
12 92 Q2
92 Q3

by 100. B 0.17
C 93%

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Answers on page 153 Review Tests 111
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REVIEW TESTS: Units 98 107

Unit 98: Use of money page 62 Unit 102: Symmetry (1) page 64
Unit 99: Money addition and subtraction page 63 Unit 103: Symmetry (2) page 65
Unit 100: Money multiplication and division page 63 Unit 104: Shapes page 65
Unit 101: Money rounding and estimation page 64 Unit 105: Plane shapes page 66
Unit 106: Rigidity page 66
UNIT Unit 107: Regular and irregular shapes page 67

1 76c rounded to the nearest 5c is: 101 Q1 UNIT

1 Which of the following letters are 102 Q3
A $1.00 B70c C 80c D 75c symmetrical? 103 Q3

2 How many $5 are needed to make $50? 98 Q4
100 Q2 105 Q1
A 20 B 10 C 25 D 50

2 The shape is called a:
A parallelogram B rhombus

3 True or false?
100 Q3
C trapezium D rectangle
104 Q1
$2 shared among 4 people is 50c each.
3 True or false?

is a 2D shape.
106 Q2

4 True or false?
98 Q2
98 Q3
4 True or false?

To buy a toy costing $10.15, I could is a rigid shape.

use a $10 note. 102 Q2

5 Complete the shape so
103 Q1
that it is

5 Find: $ 4.6 3 99 Q1
+$ 2.7 3
105 Q2

6 Draw a shape with

6 Find the change from $10.00 if 99 Q3 three equal straight sides.
I spent $7.36.

7 Round the answer to $3.75 + $2.46 to
101 Q3
7 Is a regular or irregular shape? 107 Q1
107 Q2
the nearest 5c. 107 Q3

8 Circle the least number of coins needed
98 Q1

8 Draw an oval.
105 Q1
to make $3.85.

9 Complete the table: 105 Q3

9 Find the difference between: 99 Q2
Shape Number of angles
$9.35 and $7.85 triangle
100 Q1 square

10 Find the total amount of:
99 Q4 pentagon

11 What is the total cost of 3 apples at
100 Q4
50c each and 4 bananas at 30c each?

10 Add a line to make more rigid. 106 Q3

11 Name this shape: 104 Q2

12 Estimate the total cost to the nearest dollar 101 Q2
of $8.25 + $3.15 + $7.89. 101 Q4
12 How many axes of symmetry does the 102 Q1
103 Q2
shape have?

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REVIEW TESTS: Units 108 117

Unit 108: Angles in real life page 67 Unit 113: 3D objects page 70
Unit 109: Comparing angles page 68 Unit 114: Drawing 3D objects page 70
Unit 110: Angles right, obtuse and acute page 68 Unit 115: Properties and views of 3D objects page 71
Unit 111: Drawing angles page 69 Unit 116: Triangles and quadrilaterals page 71
Unit 112: Parallel and perpendicular lines page 69 Unit 117: Polygons page 72

1 Which of the following angles is acute? 110 Q1
1 The name of is: 113 Q1
A B C D A triangular prism B cube
109 Q3 C pyramid D triangle

2 A right angle is equal to degrees.

A 360 B 45 C 180 D 90
2 The number of faces of 115 Q3
this solid is:

3 True or false?
112 Q2
A4 B6 C8 D5
are parallel.
116 Q4

3 True or false?

4 True or false?
109 Q2
has parallel sides.
is larger than
110 Q2
4 True or false?
117 Q1

111 Q3

5 Complete the right angle: is called a hexagon.

6 The number of angles inside the shape is:
111 Q4

5 Draw a prism that has six square faces. 114 Q2
116 Q2

108 Q3 114 Q4

7 Complete the hands of the clock 11 12 1
6 Draw the shapes that make up:
to form a right angle. 9
10 2

8 4
7 6 5

113 Q4
109 Q4

7 Draw the top view of: 114 Q3

8 Circle the largest angle: 115 Q2

8 A triangular pyramid has faces. 115 Q4

9 Name the angle: 110 Q3
116 Q3

9 Complete the table:
117 Q2
Angles Sides Diagonals 117 Q3
117 Q4

10 Draw a set of perpendicular lines.
112 Q3

10 True or false?
113 Q2

is a cross-section of
Draw an angle greater than 90.
11 108 Q4
111 Q1
111 Q2

11 Name and label the faces of: 113 Q3

12 Name the triangle:
110 Q4
12 Write a description for a rectangular 114 Q2
116 Q2

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REVIEW TESTS: Units 118 126

Unit 118: Prisms page 72 Unit 123: Movement in shapes (1) page 75
Unit 119: Cylinders, cones and spheres page 73 Unit 124: Movement in shapes (2) page 75
Unit 120: Pyramids (1) page 73 Unit 125: Tessellation page 76
Unit 121: Pyramids (2) page 74 Unit 126: Position giving directions page 76
Unit 122: Nets and 3D objects page 74

1 Which of the following is a pyramid? 120 Q1
1 The triangle has been:
123 Q4
A B C D 124 Q4

2 The number of faces of a rectangular 119 Q3 A translated B reflected C rotated D slid
prism is:
A5 B6 C7 D8

2 Which of the following is not a tessellation? 125 Q1

119 Q2

3 True or false?

is called a cylinder.

3 True or false? 123 Q2
124 Q2
121 Q1 has been translated.

4 True or false?

The base of is a triangle.

4 True or false. 126 Q1

The book about countries


5 List the different shapes of the faces of: 118 Q2
120 Q3 is next to the book about
121 Q4 monsters.

5 Rotate: 123 Q3
124 Q3

6 What shape is the cross-section of 118 Q4
121 Q3
122 Q4
6 In the third box on the top row from the 126 Q3
left, draw a face.

7 Complete the table for: 118 Q2
119 Q4
Number of edges Number of corners 120 Q2
120 Q4
7 A flip is like a in the mirror. 123 Q1
124 Q1

8 Complete the net
122 Q1
122 Q2
8 Describe the position C B A 126 Q4
for a cube: 122 Q3 of the letter A. W X Y

9 What is the name of the prism? 118 Q1

9 Circle the colour which blue red 126 Q1
126 Q2
is to the left purple yellow

10 Name the 3D object the net will 122 Q2
of red. orange green
fold to make: 122 Q3

10 Tessellate the shape: 125 Q4

11 What could this shape 120 Q2
11 Circle the picture which shows a slide? 123 Q4
124 Q4
122 Q4
be a top view of?

12 What is the difference between a triangular 118 Q1
118 Q2
12 Which food item is   126 Q1

pyramid and a triangular prism? on the middle 126 Q2
118 Q3
118 Q4 shelf?
120 Q4
121 Q4

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REVIEW TESTS: Units 127 141

Unit 127: Compass directions page 77 Unit 133: Analog time (1) page 80
Unit 128: Maps and plans page 77 Unit 134: Analog time (2) page 80
Unit 129: Coordinates page 78 Unit 135: Analog time (3) page 81
Unit 130: Grids page 78 Unit 136: Digital and analog time (1) page 81
Unit 131: Puzzles page 79 Unit 137: Digital and analog time (2) page 82
Unit 132: Paper folding and shapes page 79 Unit 138: Digital and analog time (3) page 82
Unit 139: am and pm time page 83
UNIT Unit 140: Calendars page 83

1 NE stands for 127 Q1 Unit 141: Timelines and timetables page 84
A east B east-north C north-east D north UNIT
128 Q1

1 The time that is 5 minutes after 25 to 3 is: 134 Q2

2 From the centre of Australia, to the north is:
A 20 past 3 B 20 to 3
135 Q1
A Tasmania B Northern Territory
C 30 to 3 D 15 to 3
C Victoria D South Australia
135 Q2

2 How many minutes does it take for the

3 True or false?
131 Q4 minute hand to move from the 4 to the 8?
shows a reflection. A 10 B 30 C 20 D 40
141 Q1

4 True or false?
132 Q4

3 True or false?
Annie ate breakfast before 8:00.
Got up Ate breakfast Had shower
can be folded to in one fold.
7.00 7.15 7.30 7.45 8.00 8.15

5 Jo needs to look in which direction
127 Q3
4 True or false? 65 minutes > 1 hour
136 Q1
to see the dog? butterfly
133 Q3
dog Jo cat
5 Complete the labels.
11 12 1
2 134 Q1
: 9

8 4
134 Q3
N 135 Q4

7 5
6 Complete the compass:
past 137 Q3
127 Q1 139 Q4

6 Write the time that is one hour
later than 7:35 pm
133 Q4

7 Give the position of the apple.
129 Q3

7 Draw a quarter to 8 10
11 12 1
134 Q4
135 Q3
3 Nv 5 on the clock. 9 3
136 Q4
130 Q1 4
138 Q1
2 A @ 130 Q3 7 6 5
138 Q3
1 * 137 Q1
8 Circle the longest amount of time:

8 What is at position (B, 2)? 600 minutes, 10 hours, 1 day, 40 hours
2 129 Q1 140 Q2
1 ? $ 130 Q2 If Sunday was the first day of the week,
A B C D what is the third day of the week?
Complete the magic square
9 5 11 12 136 Q3

with the magic number 24. 131 Q1 10 How many more minutes 10 2
137 Q4
9 3

11 9 will it take to reach 4:00? 8 4 138 Q4

7 6 5

10 Draw a moon at (C, 3). 3
Digital time Which means On a clock 137 Q2
129 Q2
129 Q4

11 Complete:
11 12 1
A B C 130 Q4 10 2

12:15 9 3

From the cross, draw some wavy

11 X
127 Q4
7 6 5

lines to the south-east.

133 Q2

12 Find the original number, if the number is
12 Tick the correct box.
multiplied by 3, has 10 subtracted and is 131 Q3 Time to brush your teeth:
divided by 4 to give the answer of 5. seconds minutes hours days

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REVIEW TESTS: Units 142 151

Unit 142: Length (1) page 84 Unit 148: Perimeter page 87
Unit 143: Length (2) page 85 Unit 149: Area (1) page 88
Unit 144: Length in mm (1) page 85 Unit 150: Area (2) page 88
Unit 145: Length in mm (2) page 86 Unit 151: Area and perimeter page 89
Unit 146: Length with decimals (1) page 86
Unit 147: Length with decimals (2) page 87
1 3000 cm = 148 Q2

1 7 cm is equal to: 142 Q2 A 300 mm B 300 m C 3 m D 30 m
A 70 cm B 7 m C 70 m D 70 mm 149 Q3
142 Q3

2 In finding the area of a desk, the best unit

2 The best unit to measure the length of
143 Q4
to use would be:
a classroom is: A km B mm C cm2 D m2
A km Bm C cm D mm

3 True or false?
149 Q4

3 True or false?
144 Q3
19 m2 is larger than 19 cm2.

29 mm = 2.9 cm
4 True or false? 151 Q1

25 cm2 written in long form is

4 True or false?
147 Q3
25 square metres.
15 mm > 2 cm

5 Find the perimeter of:
148 Q3
148 Q4

5 Draw a line 15 mm long. 143 Q1
144 Q4
147 Q2

6 Find the area of:
149 Q1
151 Q3

6 Write 4 m 21 cm in decimal form. 147 Q1

7 Complete with < or >:
150 Q2
151 Q2

7 Write 3000 mm in metres. 143 Q3
30 m2 1 square metre

8 Yes or No? The thickness of a piece of 142 Q3
145 Q3
8 Find the perimeter of: 151 Q4
paper would be measured in millimetres.

9 Measure the line in decimal form: 146 Q3
9 Circle the object with 149 Q1
151 Q3
the greater area:

10 True or false? 149 Q3

10 Complete the following table: 146 Q1
146 Q2 The area of a lunchbox lid is greater
150 Q2
cm m and cm Decimal form 147 Q4 than 1 square metre.
1 m 35 cm
1 150 Q1
11 Colour 4 2 square units of the shape.
3.65 m

11 Number the following from shortest (1) 146 Q4
to longest (5):
2.6 m 500 mm 49 mm 35 cm 10.7 cm

12 Estimate the number 149 Q1
of circles that

12 True or false? 143 Q2
144 Q2
take up the area.
500 cm is equal to 50 m.

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REVIEW TESTS: Units 152 159

Unit 152: Mass page 89 Unit 155: Capacity in mL (1) page 91
Unit 153: Mass in grams (1) page 90 Unit 156: Capacity in mL (2) page 91
Unit 154: Mass in grams (2) page 90 Unit 157: Capacity in mL and L page 92
Unit 158: Cubic centimetres page 92
Unit 159: Volume page 93

1 What would be used to weigh a rhinoceros? 154 Q4
1 Which unit has been left off the label?
155 Q4
157 Q2
A kg Bg CL D km A L B s C mL D cm 1.5

2 How many kilograms are there in 6000 g? 152 Q2

2 What is the volume in L of 4500 mL? 157 Q1
159 Q3
A 60 B6 C 600 D 60 000 A 4500 L B 45 L C 4.5 L D 450 L

3 True or false?
152 Q3
154 Q1
3 True or false? 156 Q4
The weight on the scales is 80 g. 400 g 200
There is 250 L in the jug.

4 True or false?
153 Q1
154 Q2
4 True or false?
158 Q3

The short form of 875 grams is 875 g. An egg cup will have a volume less
than 10 cm3.

5 How many grams are there in 2 2 kg? 153 Q2
154 Q2
5 Would L or mL be used to measure
155 Q2
156 Q1
milk in a glass?
Which unit is missing from:
6 153 Q4
2 1

6 How many mL in 2 4 L? 155 Q3
156 Q3

7 Order the following masses from 152 Q4
153 Q3
157 Q3
159 Q4
lightest (1) to heaviest (5)
200 g 1.5 kg 2 kg 1700 g 450 g
7 Find the volume of:
158 Q2
159 Q2

8 How many 100 g apples are needed 154 Q3
to make 1 kg?
8 Order the capacities from smallest (1) 156 Q2
to largest (5)

9 What is the total mass of the cheese 154 Q3
3L 1500 mL 3.2 L 1
2 4 L 2000 mL

and the biscuit?

1 kg K 250 g

10 Which of the following is correctly written? 152 Q1
9 What is the total capacity of 3 containers
157 Q4
153 Q1 which can hold 500 mL, 200 mL and 150 mL?
19 kg, 14 KG, 49 kgs, 10 kG

11 Colour the mass of potatoes needed to 152 Q3
154 Q1
10 9 L 2
157 Q4
balance the mass given on the scales:
156 Q4
5 kg
1kg 1kg 1kg 1kg 1kg 1kg 1kg
11 Colour the container to
show 500 mL. 1L

12 Bananas cost $2 per kilogram. How much 154 Q3
does it cost for 5 kg of bananas?

12 A bottle of perfume holds one tenth of 157 Q4
a litre. How many bottles are needed to fill
a 1 litre container?

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REVIEW TESTS: Units 160 169

Unit 160: Arrangements page 93 Unit 163: Picture graphs (1) page 95
Unit 161: Chance (1) page 94 Unit 164: Picture graphs (2) page 95
Unit 162: Chance (2) page 94 Unit 165: Tally marks and tables page 96
Unit 166: Reading tables page 96
Unit 167: Drawing tables page 97
UNIT Unit 168: Column graphs page 97

1 The word that best describes I will roll a 7 161 Q1 Unit 169: Surveys and collecting data page 98
on a standard die is: UNIT
A impossible B likely
1 The tally stands for: A 10 B 6 C 11 D 7 164 Q2

C unlikely D certain 2 On a picture graph,represents 10 people. 164 Q1

The number of figures to show 30 people are: 164 Q2
If Joey tossed 2 coins, circle the option
161 Q3
A 30 B 20 C 3 D 40
that is not possible:
163 Q1
(where H = head and T = tail)
3 True or false? = 5 dogs
The number of dogs at

160 Q1
the show on Tuesday

3 True or false? was 30. M T W

165 Q4
can be arranged to
4 True or false? The number of students at 166 Q4
school was 250. Students Teachers
True or false?
4 162 Q2 Male
Out of a box with 3 yellow, 2 green and
4 orange balls, orange is the colour most
5 Record the data in the tally table: 165 Q1
165 Q2
likely to be selected. a, b, b, a, b, a, a, Tally
167 Q1
b, a, b, b, b, a, b a

5 Draw 2 possible arrangements for 5 blocks. 160 Q4 b

163 Q2

6 Question 3 shows a graph.

6 In a hat were 3 red, 2 blue and 1 yellow
160 Q3 168 Q1
scarfs. If a red scarf is selected first, could
161 Q2

7 Who has $25?
168 Q2
the next one selected be yellow?


7 What is the chance of landing 2
4 5
162 Q3 Chris Sue Kyle Kate

on a 5? 5
2 3
8 Complete the column graph: 168 Q4
Name No. of pets 4
Zed 3 2

8 Arrange 20 apples in 160 Q4 Tom 4 1
5 rows of 4. Jo 2 Zed Tom Jo

9 In question 8, had the most pets. 168 Q2

9 Give an example of the chance of something 162 Q4
happening being certain.
10 Who had the least money in
168 Q1
168 Q2
question 7?

10 From the following shapes: 161 Q4

what is the most likely shape to be selected? 169 Q1

11 How many people took part in the

11 On a hundreds chart, what is the chance 161 Q1 survey?
of landing on an even number? Pet dog cat bird fish other
Number of people 15 23 14 10 17

166 Q2

12 How many different ways can the symbols 160 Q2
12 Which was the most popular pet
be arranged? $ in question 11?

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REVIEW TESTS: Units 170 176

Unit 170: Problem solving (1) page 98 Notes:
Unit 171: Problem solving (2) page 99
Unit 172: Place value practice page 99
Unit 173: Addition and subtraction practice page 100
Unit 174: Multiplication and division practice page 100
Unit 175: Fractions practice page 101
Unit 176: Decimals practice page 101

1 The product of 9 and 0 is: 174 Q1
A9 B0 C1 D 90
172 Q3

2 5 more than 398 is:

A 403 B 393 C 395 D 303

175 Q2

3 True or false?
1 1
10 is larger than 5 .
174 Q2

4 True or false?

5  4 = 10  2

5 Complete: 1 7 9 173 Q2
+2 3 5

6 List all the different ways to make 20c. 170 Q1

7 Complete: 171 Q2
172 Q2
5  12 = 60 

8 Complete with < or >: 172 Q2
174 Q4
two thousand and two thousand
seventeen and seventy
172 Q1

9 Circle the numbers that round to 400: 172 Q2
172 Q3
442, 389, 194, 300, 405 172 Q4

176 Q1

10 Write 75c in decimal form. 176 Q2
176 Q3

171 Q3

11 Which number is a multiple of 3, is less
than 30, and has 5 in the units place?

171 Q3

12 There were 7550 tickets and 4550 were sold. 173 Q4
How many tickets were not sold?

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ANSWERS: Units 1 5
Unit 1 Page 14

1 a 1 Th 4 H 6 T 3 U b 1 Th 3 H 0 T 5 U c 4 Th 2 H 0 T 5 U

d 3 Th 0 H 2 T 9 U e 2 Th 0 H 0 T 6 U f 6 Th 9 H 4 T 7 U
2 a 7372 b 2985 c 5011 d 9500 e 3602 f 6035 3 a one thousand, two hundred and seventy-five b four thousand, two
hundred and seven c eight thousand, six hundred and sixty-six d two thousand and forty-one e five thousand, one hundred and two
f seven thousand and nine 4 a2b4c3d4e4f4

5 2 Th 2 H 3 T 5 U

6 8420
7 one thousand, two hundred and nine
8 4
9 a e.g. 2147 b e.g. 7241, 7249

Unit 2 Page 14

1 a 2 Th 4 H 6 T 8 U b 3 Th 2 H 3 T 2 U c 5 Th 3 H 4 T 6 U

d 4 Th 0 H 3 T 0 U e 3 Th 4 H 3 T 0 U f 0 Th 5 H 1 T 1 U

2 a 102 b 1008 c 1106 d 995 e 1097 f 1001
3 a 3 hundreds b 9 tens c 1 ten d 5 units e 8 thousands f 0 hundreds

4 a true b false c false d true e false f false
5 6 Th 3 H 0 T 5 U

6 1021
7 2 hundreds
8 false

9 example: 4673, 7643, 4763, 6473, 3746

Unit 3 Page 15

1 a 4003 four thousand and thirty
b 4013 four thousand and thirty-three
c 4030 four thousand and three
d 4310 four thousand, three hundred
e 4033 four thousand and thirteen
f 4300 four thousand, three hundred and ten
2 a 1002 b 1012 c 1020 d 1200 e 2101 f 2021 3 a five thousand, two hundred and sixty-one b three thousand, four hundred
and sixty-five c three thousand, four hundred and nine d one thousand, two hundred and fifty-eight
e seven thousand, six hundred and twenty f eight thousand and ninety-five 4 a 32 b 12 c 81 d 72 e 64 f 47
5 a 2053 two thousand, three hundred and five
b 2035 two thousand and fifty-three
c 2305 two thousand and thirty-five
6 3406 7 eight thousand, two hundred and seventy-five 8 14
9 a e.g. 3421 b e.g. three thousand, four hundred and twenty-one

Unit 4 Page 15
1 a 2006, 2007 b 8008, 8010 c 4025, 4030 d 1080, 1090 e 6087, 6086 f 3070, 3060 2 a 2010, 2045, 2076, 2100
b 1010, 1129, 1147, 1176 c 2046, 4206, 6024, 6402 d 9234, 9324, 9342, 9432 e 6006, 6066, 6606, 6660
f 1428, 2469, 3841, 8691 3 a 1441, 1641 b 2048, 2068 c 6245, 6445 d 2006, 5006 e 9426, 9456 f 5980, 6000
4 a 2232, 2220, 2210, 2206 b 8760, 7860, 6870, 6780 c 4805, 4609, 4503, 4302 d 1111, 1101, 1011, 1010
e 8691, 7589, 6326, 5245 f 1998, 1989, 1980, 1976 5 5030, 5020 6 7044, 7046, 7064, 7084 7 8923, 8943

8 1320, 1250, 1190, 1080
9 1369, 1379, 1389, 1399, 1409

Unit 5 Page 16

1 a 1 Th 2 H 3 T 9 U b 4 Th 6 H 2 T 5 U c 8 Th 2 H 9 T 0 U
1 2 H 3 T 9 U 4 6 H 2 T 5 U 8 2 H 9 T 0 U
1 2 3 T 9 U 4 6 2 T 5 U 8 2 9 T 0 U

d 3 Th 4 H 0 T 6 U e 9 Th 4 H 6 T 8 U f 6 Th 3 H 8 T 7 U
3 4 H 0 T 6 U 9 4 H 6 T 8 U 6 3 H 8 T 7 U
3 4 0 T 6 U 9 4 6 T 8 U 6 3 8 T 7 U

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ANSWERS: Units 5 10

2 a< b> c> d< e< f> 3 a 1300 b 499 c 4020 d 1199 e 6001 f 1009
4 a 146 b 732 c 295 d 847
e 847 f 526
5 2 Th 6 H 5 T 1 U
6 > 7 3999 8 620 9 a 3049 b 3051
2 6 H 5 T 1 U
2 6 5 T 1 U

Unit 6 Page 16

1 Th H T U 2 a 4298 b 3462 c 7879 d 8258 e 1681 f 2306 3 a 7 tens b 6 units c 1 thousand
a 5 0 1 0 d 7 hundreds e 0 tens f 5 hundreds 4 a 3478 b 6099 c 1456 d 2468 e 1357 f 1478
b 2 3 6 1 5 Th H T U 6 4080 7 1 ten 8 4058
c 6 2 0 0 8 2 1 6

9 4072, 4112, 4019, 4090, 4200; order: 4019, 4072, 4090, 4112, 4200

f 4 0 5 7

Unit 7 Page 17
1 a 4000 b 7000 c 4000 d 8000 e 2000 f 8000 2 a 7210 b 9672 c 2029 d 5276 e 6006 f 3407
3 a 3675 b 2346 c 8832 d 1401 e 4050 f 5011 4 a 4265, 5265 b 8050, 9050 c 6111, 7111 d 6532, 5532
e 2781, 1781 f 4006, 3006 5 2000 6 6675 7 1019 8 4200, 3200 9 a seven thousand, two hundred and
seventy-two b four thousand, four hundred and five c one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-three

Unit 8 Page 17
1 a 4364 b 8785 c 4093 d 5307 e 5340 f 5007 2 a one thousand, four hundred and seventy
b one thousand, six hundred and one c one thousand and ninety-nine d one thousand, two hundred and eighty
e one thousand, two hundred and eighteen f one thousand, four hundred and five
3 a 390 b 473 c 1080 d 4610
e 8405 f 6934 4 a 50 b 500 c 1500 d 4000 e 3500 f 8500 5 867 6 one thousand, nine hundred and nine
7 1990 8 5500 9 7369

Unit 9 Page 18

1 a 5025 b 5250 c 5205 d 5052 e 5215 f 5050 2 a< b> c< d<e> f>

3 a one thousand and eleven 1001
b one thousand, one hundred and eleven 1010
c one thousand, one hundred and one 1100
d one thousand and one 1011
e one thousand, one hundred 1101
f one thousand and ten 1111

4 a 7 hundreds b 7 units c 7 thousands d 7 tens e 7 units f 7 hundreds
5 5225 6 <

7 one thousand, four hundred and three 1043 8 3 tens 9 a 2 units b 2 thousands c 2 hundreds
one thousand and thirty-four 1403
one thousand and forty-three 1034

Unit 10 Page 18

1 a b c d

Th H T U Th H T U Th H T U Th H T U

e f

Th H T U Th H
2 a 1250 b 1465 c 6372 d 980 e 9017 f 3427
T U 3 a true b false
c true d true e false f false
4 a 7532 b 8761 c 8540 d 8731 e 9421 f 9874

6 2100
7 false
8 6441
9 e.g. 3276, 3267, 2736, 2637, 2367 Th H T U

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ANSWERS: Units 11 16
Unit 11 Page 19

1 a 1 Th 4 H 2 T 6 U b 6 Th 3 H 4 T 9 U c 8 Th 2 H 7 T 3 U

d 3 Th 7 H 9 T 8 U e 9 Th 8 H 7 T 6 U f 4 Th 2 H 0 T 1 U
2 a 1365 b 4976 c 7531 d 9298 e 3723 f 5417 3 a 5 tens b 1 hundred c 7 units d 6 units e 8 thousands
f 0 hundreds
4 a 1000 + 200 + 90 + 6 b 5000 + 200 + 50 + 7 c 9000 + 20 + 1 d 3000 + 400 + 70 + 8
e 2000 + 900 + 90 + 9 f 8000 + 500 + 1
5 7 Th 2 H 9 T 3 U 6 8923 7 1 ten
8 6000 + 400 + 60 + 2 9

Th H T U

Unit 12 Page 19

1 Th H T U
2 a 2987 b 5067 c 7460 d 3513 e 6248 f 872
3 a 9000 + 700 + 10 + 5
a 4 6 9 5
b 4000 + 700 + 60 + 6 c 6000 + 700 + 90 d 1000 + 400 + 30 + 5 e 3000 + 200 + 1
f 8000 + 90 + 1
4 a 2000 + 500 + 20 + 1 b 5000 + 70 + 8 c 7000 + 100 + 1 d 9000 + 300
b 6 6 0 5
e 6000 + 800 + 70 f 4000 + 90 5 Th H T U 6 8652 7 2000 + 900 + 80 + 5
c 9 0 1 1
7 4 2 0
d 1 2 5 6
e 8 4 1 3
8 3000 + 500 + 30 + 6
9 1000 + 200 + 70 + 9 + 10 + 100

f 3 8 7 9

Unit 13 Page 20
1 a 3rd b 5th c 6th d 8th e 9th f 10th 2 a 1st b 8th c 1st, 2nd, 3rd d 6th e 7th f 1st, 2nd, 3rd
3 a 1st b 100th
c 12th d 21st e 96th, 97th, 98th, 99th, 100th f 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th
4 a 3rd b 5th c 1st d 11th e 20th f 50th
5 a 1st b 2nd c 4th 6 10th 7 31st 8 19th 9 various 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Unit 14 Page 20

1 a 4  10 b 4  15 c 4  21 d 4  30 e 4  32 f 4  14
double 10 = 20 double 15 = 30 double 21 = 42 double 30 = 60 double 32 = 64 double 14 = 28
double 20 = 40 double 30 = 60 double 42 = 84 double 60 = 120 double 64 = 128 double 28 = 56
4  10 = 40 4  15 = 60 4  21 = 84 4  30 = 120 4  32 = 128 4  14 = 56
2 a 16  4 = 64 legs b 13  4 = 52 legs c 25  4 = 100 legs d 50  4 = 200 legs e 17  4 = 68 legs
f 40  4 = 160 legs 3 a 25 b 75 c 3000 d 7500 e 950 f 500 4 a 8 apples b 150 bananas c 250 grapes
d 25 oranges e 20 kiwi fruit f 35 pineapples 5 4  100
6 26  4 = 104 legs 7 1250 8 12 watermelons
double 100 = 200
double 200 = 400
4  100 = 400
9 a 8  25 = 200 b 16  21 = 336

Unit 15 Page 21
1 a 115 b 1002 c 1020 d 2856 e 3699 f 2333
2 a 596 b 988 c 999 d 2850 e 3757 f 2106 3 a false b false
c false d false e true f true
4 a< b< c> d< e>f> 5 2504 6 3672 7 true
8 > 9 e.g. 1411 < 1809, 1809
> 1411, 2650 > 1809

Unit 16 Page 21

1 a 1216 b 5004 c 6314 d 4629 e 3960 f 8291
1215 5003 6313 4628 3959 8290
1214 5002 6312 4627 3958 8289
1213 5001 6311 4626 3957 8288
1212 5000 6310 4625 3956 8287

2 a 8, 10 b 12, 15 c 16, 20 d 20, 25 e 40, 50 f 130, 140
3 a 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 b 50, 52, 54, 56, 58

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ANSWERS: Units 16 22

e 160 f 87
5 1272
6 76, 78, 80
7 40, 44, 48, 52, 56
8 56
9 2 14 , 2 12 , 2 43 , 3
Unit 17 Page 22
1 a 40, 48, 56, 64, 72 b 90, 99, 108, 117, 126 c 100, 110, 120, 130, 140 d 50, 49, 48, 47, 46 e 100, 95, 90, 85, 80
f 80, 78, 76, 74, 72
2 a start at 10, count forwards by 2 b start at 30, count forwards by 3 c start at 50, count forwards by 5
d start at 120, count forwards by 10 e start at 150, count forwards by 50 f start at 500, count forwards by 20 3 a 54, 64
b 424, 524 c 950, 1050 d 1430, 1530 e 2801, 2901 f 2052, 2152 4 a 19 b 140 c 120 d 257 e 1405 f 2000 5 200,
212, 224, 236, 248
6 start at 250, count forwards by 4
7 1810, 1910
8 6100
9 100, 91, 82, 73, 64, 55, 46, 37, 28, 19

Unit 18 Page 22
1 a 4426, 5426 b 8314, 9314 c 6051, 7051 d 6986, 5986 e 2526, 1526 f 5110, 4110 2 a 734, 744, 754, 764, 774
b 1021, 1026, 1031, 1036, 1041 c 3416, 3516, 3616, 3716, 3816 d 256, 246, 236, 226, 216 e 768, 763, 758, 753, 748
f 6321, 6221, 6121, 6021, 5921 3 a start at 77, count backwards by 7 b start at 999, count backwards by 9
c start at 1365, count backwards by 100 d start at 920, count forwards by 100 e start at 1460, count forwards by 100
f start at 2125, count forwards by 10
4 a 40, 80 b 581, 573 c 40, 56 d 3 12 , 4 12 e 1 12 , 2 12 f 1566, 1578

5 5594, 6594
6 1700, 1690, 1680, 1670, 1660
7 start at 100, count backwards by 8
8 6, 5
9 6
Unit 19 Page 23
1 a 81 b 87 c 85 d 97 e 79 f 56
2 a 7 tens and 9 units b 9 tens and 9 units c 7 tens and 7 units d 5 tens and 6 units e 9 tens and 6 units
f 6 tens and 9 units
3 a 92 b 69 c 99 d 88 e 88 f 97 4 a 77 b 94 c 35 d 94 e 95 f 88 5 a 87 b 88 c 85

6 8 tens and 9 units
7 49
8 66
9 38 apples

Unit 20 Page 23

1 Estimate Answer
2 a 170 b 705 c 295 d 485 e 399 f 591
3 a 797 b 937 c 999 d 977 e 995 f 596
a 90 87
4 a 6 5 8 b 7 2 2 c 8 1 1 d 4 0 3 e 1 7 3
b 100 96 + 1 3 0 + 2 4 5 + 1 3 7
+ 2 9 4 + 2 1 5
c 80 79 7 8 8 9 6 7 9 4 8
6 9 7 3 8 8
d 80 79
e 90 89 f 2 0 5
5 Estimate Answer
6 456
7 968
8 4 9 0
9 560 + 500
f 80 88 + 1 9 4 60 67 + 3 0 5 estimate = 1060
answer = 1054
3 9 9 7 9 5

Unit 21 Page 24
1 a 57 stickers b 80 cows c 52 books d 93 animals e 60 birds f 43 pieces of fruit
2 a 53 + 15 = 68
b 23 + 37 = 60 c 46 + 23 = 69 d 29 + 23 = 52 e 29 + 46 = 75 f 53 + 29 = 82 3 a 81 animals b 52 vegies
c 46 animals d 63 discs e 31 pens/pencils f 81 pieces
4 a 11 b 16 c 12 d 38 e 68 f 25 5 32 toys

6 47 + 17 = 64
7 55 berries
8 9
9 81

Unit 22 Page 24

1 a 485 b 578 c 758 d 398 e 792 f 879
2 a 683 b 879 c 977 d 670 e 899 f 856
3 2 5
3 a b 4 3 2 c 6 4 2 d e 1
3 5 0 8 2
6 3 1
+ 1 6 1 + 2 5 4 + 2 5 7
+ 2 1 9 + 1 4 5 + 1 1 7
4 8 6 6 8 6 8 9 9
5 6 9 9 5 7 7 4 8

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ANSWERS: Units 22 31

4 a 222 b 642 c 486 d 666 e 826 f 208
5 337
6 939
7 3 5 4
8 864
9 428 cards
+ 6 0 1
9 5 5
Unit 23 Page 25
1 a 7260 b 7485 c 8849 d 9692 e 9357 f 5531
2 a 4868 b 8698 c 7897 d 9993 e 8887 f 9778
3 a 4699
b 5796 c 8888 d 7899 e 6646 f 8997
4 a 5586 b 8478 c 9895 d 4689 e 7444 f 8798
5 5679 6 5927
7 7553
8 3668 9 4788 paperclips

Unit 24 Page 25
1 a 369 b 753 c 71 d 244 e 628 f 100 2 a 5660 b 7950 c 3850 d 1750 e 2990 f 6425 3 a 6778 b 8889
c 9999 d 7549 e 4597 f 8886
4 a 5567 matches b 8789 golf balls c 7767 toothpicks d 8869 marbles e 6896 pins
f 9889 beads
5 624 6 9999 7 7877 8 4495 stars
9 6868 (six thousand, eight hundred and sixty-eight)

Unit 25 Page 26
1 a 474 b 756 c 395 d 840 e 861 f 783 2 a 190 books b 301 stickers c 681 nails d 281 chickens e 574 beads
f 266 balls
3 a 536 b 599 c 671 d 902 e 518 f 743
4 a 261 b 664 c 673 d 781 e 883 f 501 5 798

6 282 coins
7 791
8 971
9 376 + 516 = 892, eight hundred and ninety-two

Unit 26 Page 26

1 a 518 b 528 c 917 d 618 e 486 f 809
2 a 438 b 319 c 877 d 344 e 837 f 806

3 a + 129 246 326 418 b + 125 218 327 432 c + 94 183 256 345
65 194 311 391 483 49 174 267 376 481 107 201 290 363 452
d + 156 265 371 485 e + 91 372 585 755 f + 172 293 382 591
52 208 317 423 537 164 255 536 749 919 136 308 429 518 727

4 a 420 b 824 c 442 d 685 e 512 f 915
5 458
6 756
7 + 125 237 408 783
8 952
9 $484
96 221 333 504 879
Unit 27 Page 27
1 a 631 b 603 c 900 d 873 e 885 f 971 2 a 600 b 831 c 421 d 865 e 804 f 434 3 a 383 b 768 c 371 d 421
e 952 f 652
4 a 514 nails b 586 writing implements c 430 pastries d 846 animals e 442 insects f 867 slices
5 941 6 454
7 941 8 259 sheets 9 a 295 + 173 b 173 + 86 c 295 + 86 + 173

Unit 28 Page 27
1 a 5046 b 9819 c 4801 d 7308 e 7980 f 9794 2 a 4872 newspapers b 1360 fish c 4746 m d 5685 lemons
e 6820 sheets of paper f 4807 insects
3 a 3630 b 7203 c 9030 d 3702 e 6456 d 2955 4 a 5740, 4259 b 8137, 1862
c 8993, 1006 d 5000, 4999 e 7367, 2632 f 7766, 2233 5 6008 6 2578 photos 7 8115
8 7986, 2013 9 various

Unit 29 Page 28
1 a 6921 b 8909 c 7997 d 8257 e 7650 f 3754
2 a 6064 b 5029 c 4982 d 5721 e 8183 f 8951 3 a $9157
b $6622 c $6044 d $8061 e $8050 f $8000 4 a 734 b 1009 c 1461 d 2969 e 4410 f 8350
5 6934
6 6157
7 $7203 8 77675 9 387 vehicles

Unit 30 Page 28
1 a 83 b 101 c 171 d 290 e 485 f 559
2 a 130 b 154 c 152 d 118 e 286 f 391
3 a 91 b 47 c 68 d 188
e 385 f 378
4 a 864 b 532 c 628 d 156 e 260 f 439
5 391 6 141 7 925 8 524
9 a 660 b 486 c 422 d 511

Unit 31 Page 29
1 a 500 b 700 c 200 d 1000 e 3000 f 8000 2 a 1000 b 7000 c 5000 d 9000 e 4000 f 9000 3 a yes b no
c no d yes e yes f no
4 a true b false c true d true e false f false
5 700
6 1000
7 a yes b yes c no
8 true
9 8792

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ANSWERS: Units 32 37
Unit 32 Page 29

1 a 35 b 45 c 33 d 32 e 24 f 44

2 a 56 73 85 49 b 46 29 34 78 c 55 48 77 95
21 35 52 64 28 13 33 16 21 65 32 23 16 45 63
d 56 74 60 42 e 36 49 57 25 f 42 58 63 95
30 26 44 30 12 25 11 24 32 0 12 30 46 51 83
3 a 33 b 32 c 14 d 26 e 54 f 56 4 a 32 sheep b 11 chocolates c 62 balls d 41 cards e 53 marbles
f 21 bunches of flowers
5 22 6 45 56 69 77 7 43 8 75 tickets
9 56
15 30 41 54 62

Unit 33 Page 30

1 a 19 b 18 c 37 d 34 e 17 f 58
2 a 17 b 18 c 18 d 27 e 44 f 27
3 a $47 b $54 c $74 d $13 e $40 f $68

4 a 77 b 95 c 63 d 87 e 29 f 35 5 37 6 38 7 $38 8 99
43 25 51 56 25 24 57
34 70 12 31 4 11 42

9 366 234 = 132

Unit 34 Page 30
1 a 6 hundreds 3 tens 1 unit b 9 hundreds 1 ten 2 units c 5 H 2 T 3 U d 1 H 2 T 4 U

e 1 H 4 T 5 U f 2 H 3 T 1 U 2 a 813 b 911 c 631 d 615 e 517 f 202

3 a 913 b 120 c 121 d 225 e 481 f 133

4 1 5 6 6 8 9 3 9 9 1 9 5 7 3 2 5 2 9
4 3 8 2 6 7 7 4 2 2 2 9
1 1 3 6 0 7 3 3 2 1 2 1 7 1 0 5 0 0

5 1 hundred 2 tens 5 units
6 902
7 913
8 4 6 7
9 e.g. less than, take away
3 6
4 3 1
Unit 35 Page 31
1 a 141 b 724 c 204 d 174 e 242 f 123
2 a 672 b 922 c 722 d 445 e 406 f 320 3 a $133 b $233 c $141
d $614 e $210 f $103
4 a 272 teeth b 217 bricks c 311 tiles d 112 apples e 124 slats f 313 boys
5 433
6 644

7 $113
8 247 games
9 253 stamps

Unit 36 Page 31
1 a 65 b 44 c 98 d 128 e 204 f 376
2 a 15 b 11 c 30 + 15 d 180 + 13 e 270 + 6 = 260 + 16
f 350 + 2 = 340 + 12 3 a 326 b 406 c 549 d 335 e 208 f 306
4 a 206 b 221 c 128 d 116 e 219 f 218
5 464 6 350 + 7 = 340 + 17
7 166 8 109 9 275 168 = 107 one hundred and seven

Unit 37 Page 32
1 a 364 b 557 c 45 d 491 e 394 f 255 2 a 491 b 80 c 192 d 453 e 181 f 385
3 a 117 cows b 608 sheep
c 272 sheep d 389 cows e 725 cows f 336 goats
4 a
142 81 b
245 82 c
475 246
61 + 61 163 + 163 229 + 229
81 142 82 245 246 475

381 263 407 161 829 366

d 118 + 118
e 246 + 246
f 463 + 463
263 381 161 407 366 829

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ANSWERS: Units 37 43

5 162
6 491
7 64 pies
8 325 153
9 example: 802 426 = 376
172 + 172
153 325
Unit 38 Page 32
1 a 796 b 298 c 497 d 177 e 238 f 189
2 a 187 b 158 c 379 d 346 e 174 f 389
3 a $86 b $140 c $187 d $438
e $166 f $184
4 a $80 b $225 c $115 d $170 e $55 f $33
5 186 6 467 7 $477 8 $97
9 a $835 b $65

Unit 39 Page 33

1 a 589 b 490 c 254 d 89 e 149 f 78 2 a 18 b 278 c 349 d 248 e 39 f 102

3 a 185 b 317 c 247 d 166 e 156 f 278

4 a 405 208 b 652 269 c 901 719
197 + 197 383 + 383 182 + 182
208 405 269 652 719 901

d 533 267 e 415 270 f 800 479

266 + 266 145 + 145 321 + 321
267 533 270 415 479 800

5 79
6 147
7 266
8 603 368
9 4 0 5
235 + 235 1 2 7
368 603 2 7 8
Unit 40 Page 33

1 a 1522 b 1135 c 1232 d 2346 e 2240 f 2512
2 a 2141 b 1661 c 1201 d 2144 e 3633 f 1111

3 a 4 6 2 7 b 7 4 9 3 c 8 3 5 6 d 9 8 5 2 e 5 7 7 6 f 8 9 1 4
2 3 1 6 6 2 4 3 1 1 4 4 6 6 4 1 2 4 1 5 4 3 0 2
2 3 1 1 1 2 5 0 7 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 3 3 6 1 4 6 1 2
4 a 5000, 5031 pavers b 1600, 1576 chickens c 1000, 1141 marbles d 4000, 4021 cans e 2400, 2411 magazines
f 1100, 1132 workers
5 4543 6 1131 7 6 4 7 5
8 2400, 2314 DVDs 9 a 6431 b 1346 c 5085
3 2 1 4
3 2 6 1
Unit 41 Page 34
1 a 3080 b 1153 c 3446 d 1549 e 729 f 3478
2 a 3699 b 4779 c 5158 d 2685 e 2204 f 4586 3 a 2549
b 3015 c 799 d 1375 e 348 f 2150
4 a $1044 b $1265 c $3805 d $2775 e $1939 f $2741 5 1848
6 2935
7 3028 8 $4364 9 a $2524 b $4476

Unit 42 Page 34
1 a 70 b 150 c 280 d 5130 e 7600 f 2990
2 a 100 b 600 c 900 d 400 e 900 f 1000
3 a 1200 b 1600 c 4900
d 5600 e 8400 f 6000 4 a 4000 b 8000 c 2000 d 2000 e 3000 f 7000
5 3750 6 800 7 9300
8 3000
9 a 1500, 2000, 3700, 900 b 8100 c 900

Unit 43 Page 35
1 a 280 b 350 c 490 d 710 e 700 f 430 2 a 80 b 440 c 240 d 520 e 800 f 280
3 a 40 b 140 c 80 d 80 e 260 f 200 50 b 50 c 110 d 60 e 200 f 150
4 a 5 400 6 600 7 220

8 50 9 a 600 + 200 + 1400 + 1100 = 3300, answer 3311 b 2800 + 500 + 300 + 1300 = 4900, answer 4856
c 700 + 200 + 3600 + 2200 = 6700, answer 6667

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ANSWERS: Units 44 48
Unit 44 Page 35
1 a 1290 b 1760 c 2370 d 4920 e 6210 f 5200 2 a 40 + 40 = 80 b 30 + 50 = 80 c 80 + 50 = 130
d 100 + 60 = 160 e 410 + 90 = 500 f 240 + 150 = 390 3 a 60 20 = 40 b 70 20 = 50 c 110 30 = 80
d 300 60 = 240 e 140 40 = 100 f 520 110 = 410

4 Question Estimate Actual Difference
5 7210
6 370 + 130 = 500 7 760 230 = 530
a 129 + 32 160 161 1
8 Question Estimate Actual Difference
b 319 + 56 380 375 5 581 296 280 285 5
c 276 + 81 360 357 3
d 99 77 20 22 2

9 790 + 690 + 750 = 2230 apples

e 253 139 110 114 4

f 578 304 280 274 6

Unit 45 Page 36

1 a 12 b 12 c 6, 24 d 5, 15 e 6, 0, 0 f 5, 1, 5
2 a 2 3 = 6 b 4 5 = 20 c 3 3 = 9 d 3 1 = 3 e 7 2 = 14 f 6 3 = 18

3 a 14 8 = (10 8) + (4 8) b 15 9 = (10 9) + (5 9) c 13 6 = (10 6) + (3 6)
= 80 + 32 = 90 + 45 = 60 + 18
= 112 = 135 = 78
d 16 7 = (10 7) + (6 7) e 18 5 = (10 5) + (8 5) f 17 8 = (10 8) + (7 8)
= 70 + 42 = 50 + 40 = 80 + 56
= 112 = 90 = 136

4 a 42, 84, 84 b 38, 76, 76 c 32, 32, 64, 64 d 30, 30, 60, 60 e 44, 44, 88, 88 f 66, 66, 132, 132
5 5, 20 6 91=9

7 14 6 = (10 6) + (4 6) 8 102, 102, 204, 204 9 a 176 b 248 c 688
= 60 + 24
= 84

Unit 46 Page 36
1 a 8, 4, 2, 1 b 50, 25 c 200, 100, 50, 25 d 80, 40, 20, 10, 5 e 40, 20, 10, 5 f 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
2 a 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 b 18, 36, 72, 144, 288 c 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 d 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 e 20, 40, 80, 160, 320
f 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200 3 a true b true c false d false e true f false 4 a true b true c false d false
e true f false
5 60, 30, 15 6 14, 28, 56, 112, 224 7 a true b false c false 8 a true b false c false

9 answer = 566, an extra hundred was carried
Unit 47 Page 37
1 a 20 b 80 c 6 d 48 e 20 f 56 2 a 24 b 12 c 36 d 22 e 12 f 40 3 a 72 legs b 24 legs c 24 legs d 2 legs
e 32 legs f 24 legs 4 a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 b 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 c 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40
d 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 72, 80 e 0 f 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120 5 16 6 48 7 44 legs

8 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
9 (5 8) + (3 4) + (4 4) + (9 2) = 40 + 12 + 16 + 18 = 86 legs

Unit 48 Page 37

1 a 15 b 100 c 60 d 20 e 0 f 70
2 a 55 b 60 c 35 d 45 e 10 f 110
3 a true b false c true d true e false f false
25 5
4 a b 15 45 c 40 0 d 20 80 e 25 20 f 120 20
20 5 1 40 60 3 9 30 4 0 110 2 8 30 5 4 5 30 12 2 110
8 12 5 2 10 3 10 7 70 11 10 12120 6 5 1 3 10 11
6 2 10 35 7 11 5 10 50 50 5 2 6 1 10 40 4 10 3 9 90 40 8 0 7 3 15 80 8 9 1 4 40
30 3 7
15 35 55 25 20 60 100 30 0 35 90 10

5 120
6 20
7 false
40 60
8 9 Various
55 11 8 12 5 25
7 9 45
35 10 6
50 30

Answers 127
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ANSWERS: Units 49 54
Unit 49 Page 38
1 a 0 b 72 c 63 d 30 e 42 f 45 2 a 4, 2 b 3, 6 c 6, 36 d 18, 2 e 1, 3 f 24, 8
3 a 3, 27 b 9, 81 c 5, 45 d 10, 90
e 6, 54 f 11, 99
4 a 9  2, 18 legs b 8  6, 48 legs c 7  3, 21 corners d 6  2, 12 eyes e 9  7, 63 days
f 11  3, 33 wheels
5 48 6 9, 3 7 8, 72 8 6  4, 24 fingers 9 e.g. 28  1 = 28, 14  2 = 28, 7  4 = 28

Unit 50 Page 38

1 a 35 b 72 c 16 d 70 e 48 f 27 2 a false b false c true d true e false f true 3 a 63 b 8 c 45 d 21 e 40 f 0
49 0
4 a b 8 48 c 27 18 d 49 84 e 108 27 f 24 88
21 7 0 56 1 6 9 3 2 0 63 7 12 56 9 12 3 99 64 3 11 32
3 4 28 7 2 16 01 9 8 1 11 8 4
7 8 9 7 9 8
6 1 7 0 0 4 3 5 40 57 6
42 10 5 11 9
81 4 10 0 0 48 6 0 0
42 2 5 63 6 4 45 77 9 1
14 35 32 24 54 36 70 35 36 90 72 8

5 80
6 false
7 81
8 7 42
9 50, 58, 66, 74, 82, 90, 98, 106, 114, 122, 130
35 1 6 21
5 3
63 9 8 27 49
56 14

Unit 51 Page 39

1 a 28 b 48 c 60 d 60 e 32 f 16
2 a 21 b 54 c 49 d 15 e 0 f 22
3 a 28, 4 b 30, 5 c 8, 10 d 5, 10 e 2, 18 f 9, 6

4 a  1 2 3 4 b  0 1 2 3 c  6 7 8 9
2 2 4 6 8 7 0 7 14 21 8 48 56 64 72
d  8 9 10 11 e  6 7 8 9 f  5 6 7 8
5 40 45 50 55 3 18 21 24 27 9 45 54 63 72

5 27
6 100
7 3, 2
8  3 4 5 6
9 (6  8) + (4  7) = 48 + 28 = 76 plants
6 18 24 30 36
Unit 52 Page 39
1 a 12 b 80 c 45 d 40 e 63 f 12 2 a 7 b 2 c 3 d 10 e 5 f 0
3 a 10 b 56 c 81 d 40 e 32 f 14
4 a $48 b $25
c $14 d $36 e $90 f $20 5 72 6 7 7 16 8 $50 9 96 144
120 8 12 60
10 5

72 11 7 9 108

132 84

Unit 53 Page 40

1 a 4 b 49 c 25 d 16 e 36 f 81 2 a 1 b 3 c 6 d 10 e 15 f 21

3 a b c d e f 4 a 3 b 1 c 8 d 10 e 5 f 6
5 100
6 10
Order of term 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Term 1 3 6 10 15 21 28

7 Order of term 3 4 5
8 4
9 55
Term 6 10 15

Unit 54 Page 40

1 a 10, 12, 18 b 10 c 12, 18 d 18 e 21 f 12, 18, 21 2 a false b true c true d true e false f true

3 a 3 b 15 c 18 d 40 e 24 f 28 4 examples a 3 and 4 b 5 and 2 c 7 and 5 d 7 and 1 e 4 and 4 f 4 and 8
5 15

6 true
7 24
8 example: 10 and 2
9 1, 24, 2, 12, 3, 8, 4, 6

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ANSWERS: Units 55 58
Unit 55 Page 41
1 a 1, 5 b 1, 13 c 1, 7 d 1, 2 e 1, 11 f 1, 23 2 a true b true c false d false e true f false 3 sample: a 1, 10; 2, 5
b 2, 10; 4, 5 c 1, 8; 2, 4 d 1, 9; 3, 3 e 2, 16; 4, 8 f 1, 4; 2, 2 4 a 1, 6; 2, 3 b 1, 15; 3, 5 c 1, 20; 2, 10; 4, 5
d 1, 16; 2, 8; 4 e 1, 12; 2, 6; 3, 4 f 1, 24; 2, 12; 3, 8; 4, 6
5 1, 17 6 true 7 example: 3, 10; 5, 6 8 1, 50; 2, 25; 5, 10

9 Factor 3 3 4 4 5 7
Factor 10 9 6 10 7 8
Product 30 27 24 40 35 56

Unit 56 Page 41

1 a 16  5 b 19  6 c 14  8
= (10  5) + (6  5) = (10  6) + (9  6) = (10  8) + (4  8)
= 50 + 30 = 60 + 54 = 80 + 32
= 80 = 114 = 112
d 17  7 e 18  4 f 15  9
= (10  7) + (7  7) = (10  4) + (8  4) = (10  9) + (5  9)
= 70 + 49 = 40 + 32 = 90 + 45
= 119 = 72 = 135

2 a 350 b 180 c 480 d 180 e 320 f 350

3 a 20  7 b 14  6 c 12  9 d 18  5 e 16  8 f 22  6
= 2  10  7 = 276 = 269 = 295 = 288 = 2  11  6
= 2  70 = 2  42 = 2  54 = 2  45 = 2  64 = 2  66
= 140 = 84 = 108 = 90 = 128 = 132
14  8

4 a 70 b 7 c 7 d 7 e 9 f 0
= (10  7) + (4  7)
14  7 6 320
= 278

8 7
9 48
6  8
= 70 + 28 = 2  56
= 98 3  2  4 2
= 112

Unit 57 Page 42
1 a 60 b 50 c 140 d 180 e 720 f 560
2 a 30 b 90 c 120 d 170 e 360 f 230
3 a 160 b 300 c 210 d 450 e 160
f 420
4 a 360 b 640 c 120 d 350 e 300 f 480 5 460 6 810 7 180 8 180
9 a 360 b 660 c 500

Unit 58 Page 42

1 a 12, 120, 1200 b 27, 270, 2700 c 35, 350, 3500 d 32, 320, 3200 e 90, 900, 9000 f 15, 150, 1500

2 a 3 2 b 4 1 c
5 3 d
6 5 e
2 6 f 4
3 6
 4  5  6  6  4  7
1 2 8 2 0 5 3 1 8 3 9 0 1 0 4 2 5 2

3 a 2  43 b 4  83 c 6  16
= (2  40) + (2  3) = (4  80) + (4  3) = (6  10) + (6  6)
= 80 + 6 = 320 + 12 = 60 + 36
= 86 = 332 = 96
d 4  53 e 8  32 f 7  25
= (4  50) + (4  3) = (8  30) + (8  2) = (7  20) + (7  5)
= 200 + 12 = 240 + 16 = 140 + 35
= 212 = 256 = 175

4 a 2
2 2 7
b 2 3
1 4 5
c 1 5
1 2 8
d 3
2 9 0
e 2 3
1 5 7
f 3 6
1 4 8
 3  6  7  4  5  8
6 8 1 8 7 0 8 9 6 1 1 6 0 7 8 5 1 1 8 4
4  36

5 32, 320, 3200

9 1

= (4  30) + (4  6)


2 1 9
9 126  8 = 1008 bananas
2 7 3 = 120 + 24 4 3 8
= 144
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ANSWERS: Units 59 67
Unit 59 Page 43

1 a 5 7 = 35 b 12 5 = 60 c 9 8 = 72 d 3 8 = 24 e 6 7 = 42 f 12 4 = 48
5 5 8 8 7 12
7 35 12 60 9 72 3 24 6 42 4 48
7 12 9 3 6 4
5 35 5 60 8 72 8 24 7 42 12 48
2 a9b5c5d7e5f9 3 a7b8c9d5e1f6 4 a 3 baskets b 5 baskets c 4 baskets d 3 baskets
e 7 baskets f 3 baskets 5 4 7 = 28 6 4 7 8 8 10 baskets 9 8 different ways
4 28
7 28
Unit 60 Page 43

1 a 2 b 8 c 10 d 9 e 4 f 9
2 a5b6c5d8e6f4
3 a 2 b 10 c 7 d 10 e 9 f 6

4 a4b4c4d7e5f7

5 110
6 3
7 3
8 5
9 example:

Unit 61 Page 44
1 a 5 b 10 c 3 d 8 e 4 f 8 2 a 2 apples b 2 slices c 10 d 8 e 2 weeks f 3 years 3 a 15 4 = 3 r 3
b 10 4 = 2 r 2 c 24 7 = 3 r 3 d 50 6 = 8 r 2 e 100 9 = 11 r 1 f 45 7 = 6 r 3
4 a3r2b6r2c5r4
d 6 r 2 e 10 r 2 f 7 r 4
5 6 6 4 biscuits 7 14 6 = 2 r 2 8 13 r 1 9

33 5 = 6 r 3

Unit 62 Page 44
1 a 18 b 20 c 49 d 27 e 40 f 72
2 a 4 b 10 c 8 d 2 e 5 f 7
3 a 9 b 10 c 8 d 6 e 8 f 8
4 a 3 b 25 c 9 d 24
e 4 f 20
5 100 6 5 7 6 8 100 9 various

Unit 63 Page 45
1 a 23 b 34 c 32 d 12 e 12 f 51 2 a 15 b 19 c 12 d 12 e 19 f 13
3 a 17 b 17 c 28 d 17 e 19 f 13
4 a 15
b 12 c 23 d 14 e 19 f 32
5 42 6 14 7 16 8 48 9 seventeen

Unit 64 Page 45
1 a 20 b 18 c 10 d 12 e 20 f 7
2 a 20 r 2 b 18 r 2 c 10 r 1 d 11 r 4 e 20 r 1 f 6 r 5
3 a 20 b 60 c 20 d 35
e 55 f 110
4 a 8 b 5 c 12 d 14 e 20 f 12 5 22 6 21 r 2 7 28 8 20

9 153 9 = 17, 17 3, 51 strawberries; 147 7 = 21, 21 4, 84 grapes; Daisy

Unit 65 Page 46
1 a 5 r 0 b 11 r 1 c 5 r 2 d 8 r 1 e 6 r 3 f 7 r 2
2 a 10 b 10 c 10 d 20 e 20 f 10 3 a 9 r 1 (9 2) + 1 = 19
b 8 r 2 (8 3) + 2 = 26 c 9 r 2 (9 4) + 2 = 38 d 5 r 3 (5 5) + 3 = 28 e 4 r 5 (4 6) + 5 = 29
f 11 r 1 (11 3) + 1 = 34 4 a3b4c5d6e4f7 5 4r1 6 10 r 0 7 12 r 1 (12 4) + 1 = 49 8 6

9 Various

Unit 66 Page 46
1 a 34 b 13 c 22 d 33 e 22 f 24 2 a 21 r 1 b 11 r 1 c 10 r 3 d 11 r 4 e 11 r 1 f 14 r 1
3 a 17 r 1 b 11 r 2 c 10 r 2
d 11 r 1 e 7 r 3 f 10 r 3
4 a 5 in each row with 2 left over b 7 weeks and 4 days c 6 herds with 3 left over
d 7 baskets with 5 left over e 10 groups with 6 left over f 9 pens with 6 left over
5 42 6 20 r 2
7 7r7

8 10 aviaries with 9 left over
9 116

Unit 67 Page 47
1 a5r3b3r1c2r1d6r5e8r2f9r3 2 a 5 r 3 b 5 r 2 c 6 r 3 d 11 r 1 e 20 r 1 f 12 r 2 3 a 18 b 15 c 17 d 17
e 17 f 23
4 a 10, 30, 6, 18 b 8, 16, 4, 40 c 11, 33, 11, 11 d 5, 50, 100, 10 e 9, 45, 90, 30 f 2, 40, 10, 60
5 10 r 2
6 4r5 7 5r2 8 9, 90, 30, 5 9 a 30 r 2 b 14 r 1 c 10 r 4

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ANSWERS: Units 68 75
Unit 68 Page 47
1 example: a 5  7 = 35, 35 7 = 5 b 3  10 = 30, 30 10 = 3 c 8  7 = 56, 56 8 = 7 d 9  8 = 72, 72 8 = 9
e 8  2 = 16, 16 2 = 8 f 4  1 = 4, 4 1 = 4 2 a 2 b 3 c 10 d 4 e 7 f 8 3 a 17 b 24 c 15 d 13 e 27 f 12
4 a 3  7, 21 bananas b 8  6, 48 chickens c 98 7, 14 nails d 51 3, 17 sheep e 5  9, 45 cards f 84 7, 12 biscuits
5 10  10 = 100, 100 10 = 10 6 7 7 16 8 $5  12 = $60 9
5 11
+ 15

2 40

Unit 69 Page 48
1 a 60 21 = 39, false b 75 18 = 57, true c 52 16 = 36, true d 101 27 = 74, false e 92 29 = 63, true
f 95 37 = 58, true
2 a true b false c false d true e true f false
3 a 60 5 = 12 b 98 7 = 14 c 48 3 = 16
d 180 12 = 15 e 144 16 = 9 f 144 8 = 18 4 a 24  4 b 9  12 c 6  13 d 14  9 e 7  15 f 4  33
5 93 27 = 66, false 6 true 7 76 4 = 19 8 6  21 9 a should be 98 b 13 3 6 answer is 44

Unit 70 Page 48

1 a 7 b 11 c 19 d 1 12 e 9 f 16 21
2 a 128 b 122 c 130 d 121 e 128 f 121
3 a 179 b 167 c 168 d 182 e 178
21 23 12 29 34 32 14 36 40

f 167
4 a 30 b 30 c 24 d 10 e 4 f 13
5 6 14
6 122
7 167
8 3
20 25 30 35 40
Unit 71 Page 49

1 a, b, d, f
2 a, c, d, f
3 a 738 b 132 c 32 d 12 e 976 f 96
4 a 218 b 588 c 45 d 7 e 838 f 7
5 yes
6 yes

7 388 8 614 9 odd  even = even e.g. 7  2 = 14 and 9  6 = 54

Unit 72 Page 49
1 a 20, 26, 32, 38, 44 b 10, 17, 24, 31, 38 c 27, 36, 45, 54, 63 d 100, 90, 80, 70, 60 e 50, 47, 44, 41, 38
f 27, 25, 23, 21, 19 2 a 72, 81, 90 b 55, 60, 65 c 55, 66, 77 d 56, 60, 64 e 32, 35, 38 f 48, 56, 64 3 a 25, 50, 75, 100
b 29, 38, 47, 56 c 20, 26, 32, 38 d 60, 70, 80, 90 e 50, 100, 150, 200 f 18, 21, 24, 27
4 a start at 200, count backwards by 5
b start at 400, count backwards by 50 c start at 400, and halve d start at 12 and count by 21 e start at 3 and double
f start at 0.1, count by 0.1
5 5, 11, 17, 23, 29
6 32, 64, 128
7 40, 60, 80, 100
8 start at 9, count backwards by 2

9 (5  4) + 3, 23 sandwiches

Unit 73 Page 50
1 a 20, 25, 30, 35 b 50, 58, 66, 74 c 5, 10, 20, 40 d 1, 3, 9, 27 e 100, 91, 82, 73 f 64, 16, 4, 1 2 a 125 b 94 c 32
d 50 e 43 f 13 3 a multiply by 5 b subtract 3 c multiply by 2 d divide by 2 e add 11 f add 4 4 a 13, 40, 121
b 5, 9, 17 c 45, 445, 4445 d 24, 31, 38 e 18, 22, 26 f 11, 19, 35 5 80, 72, 64, 56 6 2 12 7 subtract 12

8 11, 14, 17
9 multiply by 5 and add 2

Unit 74 Page 50
1 a 107 b 521 c 747 d 1974 e 19 808 f 5315
2 a 45 b 51 c 25 d 2483 e 21 260 f 499
3 a 196 b 178 c 292
d 128 e 1042 f 6852
4 a 296 b 353 c 163 d 209 e 764 f 994
5 6148 6 2265 7 1930 8 856 9 a 10 b 9 c 810

Unit 75 Page 51
1 a 240 b 720 c 490 d 800 e 2100 f 2000
2 a 180 b 14 c 188 d 470 e 160 f 70
3 a 1029 b 2380 c 2436
d 5152 e 4000 f 17 612
4 a 25 b 29 c 47 d 3 e 98 f 25
5 3600 6 110 7 1846 8 37

Multiply by 14 2 28 392 5 488 76 832
Multiply by 21 3 63 1323 27 783 583 443
Divide by 8 4096 512 64 8 1

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ANSWERS: Units 76 80
Unit 76 Page 51

1 a 1
b 3
c 1
d 3
e 2
f 7
2 a b c d

e f
3 a true b false c false d false e true f true
4 a one quarter b two fifths c three tenths

d one eighth e one half f three quarters

5 1
or 24
7 true
8 seven tenths
9 a 3
b 4
c 1

Unit 77 Page 52

1 0
1 1 3 1 1 1 3 2
4 2 4 14 12 14

2 a b c d e f

3 a b c d e f
1 2 5 7

4 a 8, 8, 8, 8 b 15 , 52 , 53 , 4
5 c 1
2 3 4 4 6
, 10 , 10 , 10 d 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 e 4 , 4 , 4 , 1 f 10 , 5 , 10 , 2
8 9 1 2 3 1 1 4 1


5 2

0 1 1 1 2
4 2

1 1 3 1

8 8, 4, 8, 2
9 a b c

Unit 78 Page 52

1 a b c d e f
2 a true b false c true d false e false f true
4 3 2 1

3 a 5, 5, 5, 5 b 58 , 84 , 83 , 1
8 c 9
6 3 2 9 8
, 10 , 10 , 10 d 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 , e 1, 4 , 2 , 4 f 1, 8 , 8 , 8
7 6 3 1 1 7 6 5

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 5 1 1 1 1

4 a 8 b 4 c 1 d 5 e 2 f 5
5 2
6 false
7 1, 10 , 10 , 10
8 4
9 one third, 4 3

Unit 79 Page 53

1 a 1
2 b 1
4 c1
2 4 2 8 2 10
d 3 6 e 4 8 f3 6
5 = 5 = 4 =
10 10 8

2 a false b true c false d true e true f false
3 a1b3c5d2e3f1
4 a 2 b 4 c 6 d 8 e 10 f 2

5 1
4 = 8
6 true
7 1
8 4

Unit 80 Page 53
b 2 14 c 1 45 d 3 43 e 1 10
f 1 58 0 1 1 2 3 b 2 2 1 2 12

1 1 3
1 a 12 2 a 2
12 22
24 3
c 1 2 3 4 5
d 4 5 6 7 8
e 1 2 3 f 1 2 3 4
2 2828 28 28 28 10 10 1 14 14 14 2 1515 15 15 2
10 10 10


3 a 14 b 1 58 7
c 1 10 d 1 35

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ANSWERS: Units 80 84

e 1 68 f 1 34 3
4 a 15
b 1 10 c 2 34 d 2 e 3 41 f 2 10
5 22

1 1 10 1 10 1 3
1 2
10 110
8 25
9 29 eighths

Unit 81 Page 54

1 a
100 b 76
100 c 51
100 d 27
100 e 95
100 f 33
2 a b c d

e f
3 a 0.05 b 0.62 c 0.19 d 0.09 e 0.40 f 0.85
0.05 0.1 0.25 0.39 0.75 0.90


7 0.11

0 1

8 0.2 0.7 0.8
9 a 290 b 175 c 505

0 0.5 1

Unit 82 Page 54

1 a 0.6 b 0.9 c 0.4 d 0.2 e 0.1 f 0.7 2 a 0.3 b 0.5 c 0.8 d 1.4 e 2.1 f 1.6
3 a 1
0.2 4 a < b = c > d<e> f= 5 0.5 6 1 7 10
5 4
b 10 0.3 10 0.1
2 4
c 10 1 1 10 0.4
d 10 1.1
e 1 10 1.7
f 10 0.5

8 >
9 a 143 cm b 259 cm c 850 cm

Unit 83 Page 55

1 a b c d e f
2 a 5 tenths b 5 units

c 5 hundredths d 5 hundredths e 5 tenths f 5 units 3 a eighteen hundredths b forty-six hundredths c seventy-three

hundredths d two hundredths e three tenths f ninety-one hundredths
4 a 0.8 b 0.2 c 0.4 d 0.65 e 0.05 f 0.7
6 5 hundredths 7 twenty-six hundredths 8 a 0.15 b 0.34 9 Decimal Fraction Words Diagram

0.4 10 four tenths

0.8 10 eight tenths
Unit 84 Page 55
1 a 0.42 b 0.59 c 0.6 d 0.78 e 0.95 f 0.03 2 a 0.78 b 0.75 c 0.93 d 0.16 e 0.63 f 0.36 3 a 0.64 b 0.42 c 0.93
d 0.01 e 0.57 f 0.02 4 a 3 tenths b 4 tenths c 1 hundredth d 3 units e 1 unit f 5 hundredths
H T U . Tths Hths

5 0.82
6 0.95
7 0.72
8 2 tenths
9 a 12.40 1 2 . 4 0
b 613.05 6 1 3 . 0 5
c 205.66 2 0 5 . 6 6
d 310.95 3 1 0 . 9 5

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ANSWERS: Units 85 89
Unit 85 Page 56
1 a 0.42 b 0.92 c 0.66 d 0.17 e 0.15 f 0.44 2 a 0.29 b 0.66 c 0.32 d 0.11 e 0.02 f 0.72 3 a 0.11, 0.14, 0.16, 0.19
b 0.21, 0.23, 0.26, 0.29 c 0.05, 0.15, 0.45, 0.50 d 0.85, 0.87, 0.90, 0.91 e 0.11, 0.23, 0.36, 0.45 f 0.53, 0.62, 0.76, 0.85
4 a1b7c2d3e3f1 5 0.26 6 0.31 7 0.39, 0.42, 0.65, 0.76 8 4 9 a 4.2 b 4.6 c 4.3 d 4.1

Unit 86 Page 56
1 a 0.13 b 0.58 c 0.83 d 0.05 e 0.79 f 0.40 2 a 0.1, 0.2, 0.6, 0.8 b 0.35, 0.54, 0.62, 0.76 c 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 1.8
d 1.21, 1.23, 1.27, 1.28 e 1.46, 1.79, 2.38, 3.66 f 2.36, 2.47, 2.50, 2.79 3 a 0.21 b 0.72 c 1.35 d 1.08 e 1.86 f 2.47
4 a 1 b 3 c 4 d 6 e 8 f 2
5 0.48 6 2.33, 2.35, 2.36, 2.38 7 4.06 8 1 9 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0

Unit 87 Page 57

1 a 1.36 b 1.19 c 1.27 d 1.85 e 5.06 f 5.90

2 a 1 100 1.91 3 a1b1c2d2e2f24 a 1.31, 1.63, 1.76, 1.82 b 1.05, 1.08, 1.10, 1.11
b 1 100 3.21 c 2.12, 2.22, 2.32, 2.42 d 2.39, 2.41, 2.58, 2.76 e 14.32, 17.62, 19.63, 20.58
c 1 100 2.05 f 25.01, 25.28, 25.63, 25.91
5 3.29
6 1 100 1.03
21 30
d 3 100 1.6 1 100 1.13
5 3
e 2 100 1.5 1 100 1.30
f 1 100 1.16

7 28
8 13.06, 13.16, 13.60, 13.66

Unit 88 Page 57

2 a 0.6 b 0.2 c 0.49 d 0.52 e 1.89 f 2.13
1 a 1.09 1 100 3 a 0.8 b 0.3 c 0.22 d 0.75 e 1.09 f 3.35

b 2.48 96
3 100 5 47
4 a 0.89 b 0.8 c 10 d 100 e 1.15 f 1.70

6 1.17
7 0.64
8 2 100
19 45 40
c 1.90 1 100 5 3.67 2 100 9 a Sally b 9 cents
9 21
d 3.96 1 100 2.45 5 100
84 67
e 1.19 2 100 5.21 3 100
f 2.84 2 100

Unit 89 Page 58

1 a U Tenths b U Tenths c U Tenths
d U Tenths
e U Tenths
f U Tenths

4 7 2 6 1 1 3 2
4 2 2 3

+1 2 +1 3 +1 2 +1 7
+1 3 +3 5

5 9 3 9 2 3 4 9
5 5 5 8

2 a 7.22 b 9.33 c 6.27 d 6.33 e 5.93 f 9.06

3 a 5.49 b 5.89 c 8.49 d 5.89 e 4.77 f 6.96 4 a $6.61 b $6.60
c $6.97 d $9.80 e $7.94 f $8.82 5 U Tenths
6 4.12
7 5.67 8 $6.21 9 a 6.84 b 7.75 c 65.06
3 6

+2 3

5 9

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ANSWERS: Units 90 94
Unit 90 Page 58
1 a 2.48 b 1.29 c 0.38 d 1.73 e 1.69 f 2.09 2 a 1.02 b 1.24 c 2.63 d 1.22 e 5.22 f 3.34 3 a $2.49 b $1.01
c $2.73 d $1.78 e $2.53 f $3.97 4 a 1.14 b 3.14 c $4.21 d $2.42 e 2.15 m f 2.12 m 5 0.76 6 4.21 7 $5.80

8 1.31
9 3.69 kg

Unit 91 Page 59
1 a 8.69 b 7.91 c 9.65 d 4.37 e 8.81 f 4.41
2 a 5.31 b 5.31 c 3.92 d 0.55 e 6.48 f 4.96
3 a 1.03 b 6.98 c 10.98
d 0.05 e 2.52 f 5.90
4 a 0.52 m b 3.6 kg c $5.25 d $2.26 e 0.35 L f 5.56 m 5 7.21 6 3.19 7 8.87 8 0.27 m

9 11.44

Unit 92 Page 59

1 a 6.5 b 2.3 c 4.9 d 17.8 e 40.7 f 73.2
2 a 17 b 55 c 82 d 135 e 569 f 791

3 Number  10  100 4 a 6.9 b 1.1 c 34 d 121 e 14.9 f 472
5 0.9
6 140
a 0.39 3.9 39
b 0.71 7.1 71
c 0.95 9.5 95
d 1.22 12.2 122
e 2.53 25.3 253
f 5.67 56.7 567

7 Number  10 100
8 10.5
9 a 0.985 b 0.253 c 0.321 d 3.68
a 0.67 6.7 67
b 1.34 13.4 134

Unit 93 Page 60

1 a 46% b 39% c 70% d 21% e 57% f 3%

2 a b c d e f

3 a 10 b 8 c 20 d 50% e 75% f 90%
4 a 50% b 25% c 10% d 80% e 63% f 14%
5 62%

6 7 5, 100 8 33%
9 75 girls

Unit 94 Page 60

1 a 30% b 75% c 15% d 10% e 95% f 20%
2 a 70% b 25% c 85% d 90% e 5% f 80%

3 a b c d e f 4 Decimal Fraction Percentage
0.1 0.25 0.35 0.75 0.9 0.5 60
a 0.60 60%
b 0.80 80%
35% 50% 90% 10% 75% 25% c 0.12 12
d 0.15 15%
e 0.90 90%
f 0.45 45%

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ANSWERS: Units 94 97

5 70%
6 30%
7 a b c
8 Decimal Fraction Percentage
9 various
0.17 0.70 0.77 30
a 0.3 30%
77% 17% 70%
b 0.43 43%

Unit 95 Page 61

1 a 68% b 23% c 41% d 36% e 53% f 87%
2 a b c d e f
30% 75% 40% 95% 60% 100%

Fraction Decimal Percentage

2 0.95 0.60 0.3 1 0.75 0.4
a 0.2 20%

3 35 4 a fifty-seven percent b sixty-nine percent c ninety-three percent
b 100 0.35 35% d seventy-two percent e seventeen percent f ten percent 5 25%
c 7
10 0.7 70% 6 a b c 7 Fraction Decimal Percentage
29% 90% 40% 3
d 15
0.15 15% a 10 0.30 30%
e 55
0.55 55% b 100 0.95 95%
100 0.40 0.29 0.9
f 80
100 0.80 80%
8 twenty-nine percent 9 a 26%, 47%, 36% b level 2

Unit 96 Page 61

1 a 75% b 15% c 100% d 20% e 90% f 80% 2 a 20% b 15% c 45% d 50% e 25% f 90%

3 Percentage Fraction Decimal 4 a 40% b 65% c 50% d 70% e 100% f 50%
5 60%
6 10%

a 30% 3
7 Percentage Fraction Decimal
10 6
a 60% 0.6
5 10
b 5% 0.05
100 96
b 96% 0.96
75 100
c 75% 0.75

d 10% 1

8 75%
9 5 marbles
e 22% 0.22
f 80% 0.8

Unit 97 Page 62

1 a 0.1 b 0.7 c 0.25 d 0.14 e 0.8 f 0.36 2 a 40% b 30% c 75% d 45% e 20% f 63% 3 a=b=c> d<e<f=

4 Percentage Fraction Decimal 5 0.65 6 60% 7 =
a 50% 5
8 Percentage Fraction Decimal
10 1 25
1 a 25% 4 ( 100 ) 0.25
b 10% 10 0.1
c 25% 25
b 40% 10 0.4
d 15% 15
100 0.15 9 a 10 students b 4 students c 5 students
e 82% 100 0.82
f 73% 100 0.73

136 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4

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ANSWERS: Units 98 103

Unit 98 Page 62
1 a 50c, 10c, 5c b $2, 50c, 20c, 10c, 5c c $2, $2, $2, $2, $2, 20c, 5c d 50c, 20c, 20c, 5c e $2, $2, 20c, 10c, 5c
f $2, $2, $2, 50c, 20c, 5c
2 a $20 b $10 c $5 d $2 e $5 f $50 3 a yes b yes c yes d no e no f no 4 a2b1c5
d 20 e 50 f 100 5 $2, $2, $1, 50c, 20c 6 $20 7 yes 8 10 9 various

Unit 99 Page 63

1 a $6.73 b $9.71 c $8.49 d $8.43 e $5.31 f $8.62
2 a $4.24 b $6.49 c $3.54 d $5.83 e $2.55 f $2.58

3 a $3.50 b $2.60 c $1.70 d $4.45 e $6.10 f $2.75
4 a $4.70 b $6.50 c $5.40 d $5.40 e $7.20 f $7.90

5 $7.58 6 $4.08 7 $7.60 8 $4.30 9 various

Unit 100 Page 63

1 a $1.00 b $60.00 c $1.20 d $20.00 e $35.00 f $20.00 2 a 40 b 20 c 1 d 4 e 10 f 200
3 a $2.00 b 50c
c $4.00 d $5.00 e $10.00 f $2.50
4 a $4.00 b $3.00 c $12.00 d $15.00 e $40.00 f $15.00 5 $1.00 6 100
7 $1.50 8 $2.00
9 a Monday: $61.15; Thursday: $41.05 b $20.10

Unit 101 Page 64

1 a 70c b 35c c 25c d 40c e 20c f 85c 2 a $2.00 b $2.00 c $3.00 d $10.00 e $6.00 f $4.00 3 a $4.68, $4.70
b $5.93, $5.95 c $6.98, $7.00 d $4.48, $4.50 e $1.72, $1.70 f $3.24, $3.25
4 a $13.00 b $16.00 c $19.00 d $12.00
e $5.00 f $11.00 5 80c 6 $4.00 7 $7.42, $7.40 8 $10.00 9 $21 + $16 + $17 + $18 + $17 = $89.00
Unit 102 Page 64


1 a b c d e f

2 a b c d e f

3 a yes b yes c no d no e yes f no
4 a yes b yes c no d yes e yes f no

5 6
7 no
8 yes

Unit 103 Page 65

1 a b c d e f
2 a yes b yes c no d yes e no f yes

3 a no b yes c no d no e yes f yes

Shape Number of sides
Number of axes of
6 no
7 no

a 3 3
Shape Number of sides
Number of axes of
b 4 4
4 2
c 5 5

9 various
d 6 6
e 8 8
f infinite infinite

Answers 137
Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 261 3 Excel Advanced Skills Start Up Maths Year 4
Maths Answer_137_142_Layout 1 13/08/12 1:30 PM Page 138

ANSWERS: Units 104 108

Unit 104 Page 65

1 a 2D b 3D c 2D d 3D e 3D f 2D
2 a triangle b pentagon c oval d parallelogram e star f octagon

3 a b c d e f

4 a b c d e f
5 3D
6 semicircle


Unit 105 Page 66

1 a pentagon
2 a b or c d e f
b parallelogram
3 a 16 b 9 c 10 d 24 e 18 f 20
c hexagon
d oval
e octagon
f rhombus

4 a b c d e f

5 a circle b square c rectangle
7 24

9 a 4 equal sides, 4 equal angles b irregular 6-sided shape c no straight sides, equal distance from centre

Unit 106 Page 66

1 a square b triangle c square d pentagon e hexagon f rhombus
2 a no b yes c no d yes e no f yes

3 a b c d e f
4 a no b yes c no d yes e no f no

5 rectangle 6 no
8 no
9 various

Unit 107 Page 67

1 a b c d e f

2 a square b triangle c pentagon d hexagon e octagon f decagon
3 a pentagon b trapezium c triangle d rectangle

e parallelogram f hexagon
4 a b c d e f

6 pentagon
7 octagon
9 regular irregular

Unit 108 Page 67

11 1

1 a b c d e 9
10 2

60 90 120

8 4

7 5 4.5 2.5
4 3.5 3

2 a no b yes c no d no e yes f no

138 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4

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Maths Answer_137_142_Layout 1 13/08/12 2:25 PM Page 139

ANSWERS: Units 108 112

3 a
11 12 1
11 12 1
11 12 1
11 12 1
e 10
11 12 1
f 10
11 12 1
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6 6 6

4 a b c d e f

6 no, no, yes
7 yes
9 various

Unit 109 Page 68

1 a yes b yes c no d yes e no f yes
2 aAbCcDdFeGfF3 a yes b no c no d no e yes f no
4 a5b4c2
d1e6f3 5 I 6 F 7 D 8 a1b2c3 9 various

Unit 110 Page 68

1 a no b yes c no d no e yes f yes
2 a b c d e f

3 a no b no c yes d yes e no f no
4 a right-angled b right-angled c obtuse-angled d right-angled e right-angled
f obtuse-angled
5 a no b yes c yes 6 7 a no b yes c no 8 right-angled 9

Unit 111 Page 69

1 a b c d e f

2 a b c d e f

3 a b c d e f

4 a x x b x c
x x
d x x e
o x
f x
x x x x
x x
x x x o
x x x x x x x x

8 x

x x


o o o a

a a a o a a
Unit 112 Page 69

1 a0b1c1d0e1f3 2 a yes b no c yes d no e no f yes
3 a no b yes c no d yes e no f yes

4 a b c d e f

5 3
6 no
7 yes
8 9

Answers 139
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Maths Answer_137_142_Layout 1 13/08/12 1:30 PM Page 140

ANSWERS: Units 113 115

Unit 113 Page 70

1 a cube b sphere c cone d cylinder e triangular prism f pentagonal prism

2 a b c d e f

3 Solid Corners Edges Faces
4 Solid Front Side Top
a 8 12 6 a b c
b 5 8 5 d e f
c 4 6 4

5 rectangular prism
d 8 12 6

7 Solid Corners Edges Faces
e 6 9 5
8 12 6
f 10 15 7

9 examples a b c

Unit 114 Page 70

2 a b c d e f

3 Solid Front Side Top
4 Solid Faces
a b c a
d e f

9 Draw a square base and four faces as triangles meeting at one

Unit 115 Page 71

Top Front Side Solid

1 a top b front c side d side e top f front
a d
b e
c f

3 a5b5c6d5e4f7
4 a6b5c6d7e5f6
5 top
7 7
8 5

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ANSWERS: Units 116 122

Unit 116 Page 71

1 a yes b no c yes d no e yes f yes 2 a b c d e f

3 a4b3c4d3e3f4 4 a no b yes c no d yes e yes f no

5 6 7 4 8 9 various

Unit 117 Page 72

1 a trapezium b pentagon c octagon d rectangle e triangle f hexagon
2 a5b6c3d4e8f4

3 a 0 b 2 c 5 d 2 e 9 f 20
4 a b c d e f
5 nonagon
6 4

7 2
9 a decagon b 35

Unit 118 Page 72

1 a yes b no c yes d no e no f yes 2 a rectangle b triangle and square c pentagon and rectangle d square and rectangle
e rectangle and triangle f rectangle and hexagon
3 a 12 b 9 c 15 d 12 e 9 f 18 4 a rectangle b triangle c pentagon

d square e triangle f hexagon 5

6 octagon and rectangle
7 24
8 octagon
9 I am a solid with a
uniform triangular cross-section.
Unit 119 Page 73
1 a yes b no c yes d no e yes f yes
2 a triangular pyramid b cone c triangular prism d cylinder
e sphere f square pyramid 3 a1b1c1d0e0f0 4 a 1 b 2 c 12 d 0 e 12 f 9 5 a no b no c yes

6 rectangular prism
7 0
8 6
9 a b c
Unit 120 Page 73
1 a yes b no c yes d no e no f yes
2 a6b5c5d7e4f9 3 a b c d
e f 4 a 10 b 8 c 8 d 12 e 6 f 16
5 a yes b no c yes
6 5
8 8
9 a square b triangle

Unit 121 Page 74

1 a square b rectangle c triangle d pentagon e octagon f hexagon 2 a square pyramid b rectangular pyramid
c triangular pyramid d pentagonal pyramid e octagonal pyramid f hexagonal pyramid
3 a square b rectangle c triangle

d pentagon e octagon f hexagon

4 a b c d e f

5 square
6 square pyramid
7 square
9 (3  5) + (4  4) = 15 + 16 = 31, 31 faces
Unit 122 Page 74

1 a
2 a yes b yes c yes d yes e yes f yes
3 a cube
b triangular prism c triangular prism d triangular pyramid
e triangular pyramid f square pyramid

4 a b c d e f


6 no
7 hexagonal pyramid

Answers 141
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ANSWERS: Units 123 126

Unit 123 Page 75

1 a b c d e f

2 a b c d e f

3 a b c d e f

4 a reflect b rotate c translate d rotate e reflect f translate

8 translate

Unit 124 Page 75

1 a b c d e f

2 a b c d e f

3 a b c d e f

4 a translate b rotate c reflect d rotate e translate f reflect

5 6 7 8 rotate


Unit 125 Page 76

1 a yes b yes c no d no e yes f yes
2 a yes b yes c no d no e yes f yes

3 a b c d e f

4 a b c d e f

5 no
6 no
9 various

Unit 126 Page 76

1 a lion b elephant c bear d tiger e elephant f elephant 2 a glue b glue c textas d elastic bands
e paper clips f staples
3 G R d centre row, 3 to the right
4 a middle b centre of top row c bottom row left

d top row left e middle row left f on the right of middle row
5 tiger
6 pencils
8 bottom right


142 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4

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ANSWERS: Units 127 131

Unit 127 Page 77

1 f NW c NE
2 a boat b mountains c tree d park e school f house
eW bE

3 a east b south-east c north d west e north-east f north-west X
5 X E



6 road
7 south-west
9 a north b north-east c north-west

Unit 128 Page 77

1 a South Australia b Northern Territory c Western Australia d Queensland e Queensland f NSW 2 a lamp b rug
c rug d opposite sofa e next to lamp f next to coffee table 3 a Perth b Esperance c Geraldton d Wyndham e Derby
f Broome 4 a (A, 1) b (A, 4) c (A, 5) d (B, 1) e (C, 3) f (C, 5)
5 Western Australia 6 opposite coffee table
7 Norseman

8 (E, 2)
9 various
Unit 129 Page 78 3
a pentagon b square c triangle d trapezium e rectangle f circle
2 2
3 a (B, 4) b (D, 4) c (B, 2)
4 A B C D E
d (D, 2) e (B, 0) f (D, 0)
4 3
5 star
6 3
7 (B, 1)
8 3
9 various
2 2
1 1
Unit 130 Page 78

1 a (B, 4) b (A, 3) c (A, 1) d (D, 5) e (C, 3) f (C, 1) 2 a dog b elephant c bird d bee e pig f bear

3 a (B, 2) b (D, 1) c (C, 4) d (A, 1) e (B, 1) f (A, 2) 4 4 $  5 (D, 4)
6 sheep 7 (A, 4)
2 .
1 ....


8 See question 4 grid
9 Question 1: (A, 2), (B, 1), (B, 3), (B, 5), (C, 2), (C, 4); Question 3: (A, 3), (C, 3)

Unit 131 Page 79

1 a 15: 8 1 6 b 18: 3 8 7 c 21: 6 11 4 d 27: 15 1 11 e 69: 11 34 24 f 177: 71 89 17
3 5 7 10 6 2 5 7 9 5 9 13 36 23 10 5 59 113
4 9 2 5 4 9 10 3 8 7 17 3 22 12 35 101 29 47

2 a b c d e f

3 a 5 b 5 c 9 d 27 e 5 f 20
4 a rotation b reflection c translation or reflection d translation e rotation f rotation

5 5 22 18 6 7 26 8 rotation 9 example 30: 9 14 7
28 15 2 8 10 12
12 8 25 13 6 11

Answers 143
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Maths Answer.qxd 23/10/06 10:03 AM Page 144

ANSWERS: Units 132 136

Unit 132 Page 79

1 a yes b yes c yes d no e yes f yes 2 a triangle b parallelogram c triangle d triangle e square f square

3 a triangle b triangle c square d triangle e parallelogram f triangle
4 a true b true c false d true e true f true

5 no 6 triangle 7 square 8 false

Unit 133 Page 80

1 a 1 b 1 c 12 d 7 e 1 f 1 2 a minutes b minutes c months d minutes e seconds f weeks

3 a 5 to 9 b 15 to 6 c 5 to 3 d 20 to 5 e 25 to 1 f 5 to 4
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1

10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
4 a 9 3 b 9 3 c 9 3 d 9 3 e 9 3 f 9 3

8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

5 2
6 hours
7 20 to 4
8 10
11 12 1
9 10
11 12 1
9 3 9 3

8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

Unit 134 Page 80

1 a 25 to 3 b 20 to 5 c 15 to 9 d 5 to 12 e 25 to 2 f 10 to 8
2 a 5 to 6 b 9:00 c 20 to 3 d 15 to 1 e 10 to 7 f 5 to 12

3 a 10 past 12 b 20 past 9 c 25 past 10 d 10 past 3 e 20 past 2 f 10 past 11
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1

10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
4 a 9 3 b 9 3 c 9 3 d 9 3 e 9 3 f 9 3

8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

5 10 to 2
6 15 to 9
7 5 past 4
8 10
11 12 1
9 a 1 b 60 c 10
9 3

8 4
7 6 5

Unit 135 Page 81

1 a 6 past 8 b 9 to 9 c 16 past 6 d 24 to 7 e 11 past 2 f 4 to 10
2 a 5 minutes b 10 minutes c 15 minutes
d 30 minutes e 40 minutes f 55 minutes
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1

10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
3 a 9 3 b 9 3 c 9 3 d 9 3 e 9 3 f 9 3

8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

4 a quarter past 7 b quarter to 9 c half past 6 d quarter to 5 e 6 oclock f 5 to 3
5 4 to 5
6 60 minutes

8 quarter
11 12 to 3 Days
9 1
Hours Minutes Seconds
9 3

8 4
1 24 1440 86 400
7 6 5
2 48 2880 172 800
3 72 4320 259 200

Unit 136 Page 81

1 a<b<c>d>e<f> 2 a 17 past 4 b 11 to 7 c 29 past 8 d 4 to 11 e 35 past 7 f 25 to 2

3 a 8 b 13 c 28 d 19 e 2 f 23
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1

4 a 9


b 9


c 9


d 9


e 9


f 9



7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

5 >
6 22 to 7
7 26
11 12 1

9 a 1 b 2 c 24
4:36 8 4
7 6 5

144 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4

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ANSWERS: Units 137 142

Unit 137 Page 82

1 a 90 minutes b 5 weeks c 1000 seconds d 15 days e 130 seconds f 5 hours

2 Digital time Analog time 3 a 5:51 or 9 to 6 b 8:47 or 13 to 9 c 3:32 or 28 to 4
d 1: 41 or 19 to 2 e 4:58 or 2 to 5 f 10: 37 or 23 to 11
a 2: 15 quarter past 2
a 25 b 31 c 13 d 55 e 10 f 41
4 5 1 year
8: 45
10: 37
quarter to 9
23 minutes to 11
6 Digital time Analog time
a 7:29 29 minutes past 7
d 7: 14 14 minutes past 7
b 2:08 8 minutes past 2 oclock
e 4: 54 6 minutes to 5 oclock
f 8: 25 25 minutes past 8 oclock

7 8:29 or 29 past 8
8 48
9 6 hours 30 minutes

Unit 138 Page 82

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1

1 a 10 2 7:15 b 10 2 2:30 c 10 2 7:45 d 10 2 11:15 e 10 2 12:45 f 10 2 8:30

9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3

8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

2 a 18 past 10 b 11 to 12 c 27 past 8 d 9 past 7 e 3 to 5 f 4 to 2
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1

10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
3 a 9 3 b 9 3 c 9 3 d 9 3 e 9 3 f 9 3

8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

4 a 17 b 16 c 54 d 3 e 25 f 4
11 12 1
6 17 past 11
7 10
11 12 1

8 48
11 12 1
9 3
9 3
8 4
8 4
8 4
7 6 5
7 6 5
7 6 5

Unit 139 Page 83

1 a 1 b 120 c 12 d 14 e 24 f 3 2 a May b August c September d November e March f January

3 a 31 b 31 c 31 d 31 e 30 f 30 4 a Monday b Friday c Saturday d Sunday e Tuesday f Sunday
5 10

6 February
7 31
8 Tuesday
9 various

Unit 140 Page 83

1 a February b Monday c Wednesday d December e January f September 2 a Sunday b Saturday c Tuesday
d Thursday e Wednesday f Friday
3 a 6 b 12 c 14 d 15 e 30 f 3
4 a 1st b 26th c 6th d 31st e 14th f 23rd

5 Sunday
6 Tuesday
7 7
8 18th
9 various

Unit 141 Page 84 a Started School in b Turned 5 in July c Went to Easter

a 7:30 b 11:00 c 8:30 d 9:30 e 6:30 f 9:00
February Show in April
1 2

February March April May June July

d Went to Qld for e Started soccer f Has school sports

holidays in June training May in March

3 a 7:40 b 7:55 c 8:40 d 7:20 e 8:15 f 7:10
4 a Swimming Hole b Football Street c Basketball Road

d Cricket Road e Ballet Bend f Hockey Street

5 8:00
6 Baby brother born in
Played in soccer grand
final September

7 8:25
8 Running Lane
9 a 7:40 b 8:25 August September October November

Unit 142 Page 84

1 a 5 mm b 20 mm c 36 mm d 14 mm e 9 mm f 32 mm 2 a 10 b 50 c 90 d 70 e 100 f 5 3 a cm b m
c mm d mm e m f cm 4 a 3 cm b 4 cm c 12 cm d 2 cm 1 mm e 1 cm 8 mm f 4 cm 7 mm 5 43 mm
6 35 mm 7 m 8 2 cm 3 mm 9 drawing pin, 5 cent piece, ant, house fly, tadpole

Answers 145
Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 261 3 Excel Advanced Skills Start Up Maths Year 4
Maths Answer.qxd 23/10/06 10:03 AM Page 146

ANSWERS: Units 143 148

Unit 143 Page 85

1 a 30 mm b 26 mm c 2 cm
d 42 cm e 43 mm f 17 mm
2 a 5 cm b 8 cm c 11 cm d 100 cm e 150 cm f 300 cm 3 a 2 m b 4.5 m c 9 m d 1 m e 3 m f 5 m
4 a m b cm
c mm d cm e m f cm 5 6 500 cm 7 8m 8 mm 9 9 cm

Unit 144 Page 85

1 a 5 b 45 c 60 d 23 e 38 f 53 2 a 23 b 19 c 95 d 62 e 46 f 74
3 a 2 cm 9 mm b 7 cm 2 mm c 3 cm 5 mm
d 5 cm e 4 cm 3 mm f 8 cm 7 mm 4 a 4 cm 2 mm b 30 mm
c 2 cm 7 mm d 1 cm 1 mm e 15 mm f 3 cm 6 mm

5 77 mm
6 78 mm
7 3 cm 4 mm
9 3 + 4 + 5 = 12 mm

Unit 145 Page 86

1 a 9 mm b 10 mm c 20 mm d 11 mm e 12 mm f 11 mm 2 a 6 cm 8 mm b 9 cm 3 mm c 2 cm 6 mm d 7 cm 5 mm
e 4 cm 4 mm f 5 cm 1 mm
3 a yes b no c yes d no e no f yes
4 a 40 mm

b 3 cm c 1 12 cm
d 25 mm e 10 mm
f 2 12 cm
5 12 mm
6 8 cm 3 mm
7 no, yes, no


Unit 146 Page 86

1 a 9.3 cm b 6.2 cm c 2.7 cm d 10.5 cm e 5.6 cm f 1.9 cm 2 a 1 m 62 cm b 6 m 37 cm c 9 m 89 cm
d 4 m 68 cm e 2 m 97 cm f 7 m 12 cm 3 a 3.3 cm b 2.7 cm c 4.8 cm d 3.5 cm e 1.5 cm f 0.8 cm
4 a6b4c1
d3e5 f2 5 9.2 cm 6 3 m 47 cm 7 2.5 cm 8 3.78 m 3 3.98 m 1 3.87 m 2 9 25.4 m

Unit 147 Page 87

1 a 2.15 m b 3.9 m c 10.27 m d 6.46 m e 7.12 m f 4.4 m 2 a 1.3 cm b 2.7 cm
c 4.6 cm d 3.9 cm e 2.2 cm
f 1.5 cm 3 a>b>c<d> e>f<
4 mm cm and mm Decimal 5 8.29 m 6
7 <
a 27 mm 2 cm 7 mm 2.7 cm 8 mm cm and mm Decimal
b 37 mm 3 cm 7 mm 3.7 cm a 76 mm 7 cm 6 mm 7.6 cm
c 47 mm 4 cm 7 mm 4.7 cm b 28 mm 2 cm 8 mm 2.8 cm
d 98 mm 9 cm 8 mm 9.8 cm c 39 mm 3 cm 9 mm 3.9 cm
e 89 mm 8 cm 9 mm 8.9 cm
9 1 cm = 10 mm; 100 cm = 1 m; 1000 mm = 1 m;
f 62 mm 6 cm 2 mm 6.2 cm 1000 m = 1 km

Unit 148 Page 87

1 a 4.6 cm b 2 cm c 20 cm d 100 cm e 400 cm f 130 cm 2 a 3 m b 7 m c 20 m d 3 m e 8 m f 4.69 m
3 a 4 + 4 + 4 + 4, 16 cm b 5 + 2 + 5 + 2, 14 cm c 3 + 3 + 3, 9 m d 4 + 5 + 3, 12 m e 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2, 12 m
f 10 + 9 + 6 + 7, 32 mm 4 a 24 cm b 21 m c 12 mm d 16 m e 32 mm f 24 m 5 50 cm 6 2.75 m
7 9 + 7 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 2, 36 m
8 19 mm 9 a 3 cm b c
4 cm 5 cm
3 cm
4 cm
5 cm
146 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4
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ANSWERS: Units 149 156

Unit 149 Page 88
1 a 6 units2 b 7 units2 c 5 units2 d 6 units2 e 8 units2 f 6 units2
2 a 71 cm2 b 19 m2 c 96 cm2 d 35 m2 e 25 cm2
f 58 m
2 3 a m b cm c cm d m e m f cm
2 2 2 2 2 2 4 a 27 cm b 19 cm2 c 76 cm2 d 6 cm2 e 41 cm2 f 82 cm2

5 6 units2
6 7 cm2
7 cm2
8 53 cm2
9 12 cm2

Unit 150 Page 88

1 a 4 units2 b 7 units2 c 5 units2 d 14 units2 e 12 units2 f 13 units2
2 a no b no c yes d yes e no f yes 3 a no
b yes c yes d no e yes f no 4 a 200 m b 20 cm c 2 m d 2 cm e 20 m f 25 cm
2 2 2 2 2 2 5 12 units
2 6 a sticky note
7 10 square metres, 100 m2 8 18 cm2 9 (5  4) 2, 10 cm2

Unit 151 Page 89

1 a 15 square centimetres b 49 square metres c 87 square metres d 35 square centimetres e 74 square centimetres
f 21 square metres 2 a>b< c<d> e>f< 3 a 6 units2 b 5 units2 c 10 units2 d 6 units2 e 8 units2
f 6 units
2 4 a 10 units b 12 units c 14 units d 14 units e 14 units f 12 units
5 76 square centimetres 6 <

7 10 units2
8 18 units
9 various

Unit 152 Page 89

1 a 1 kg b 10 kg c 4 kg d 6.4 kg e 9.35 kg f 1.59 kg
2 a 3 kg b 4 kg c 9 kg d 5 kg e 7 kg f 8 kg 3 a 2 kg
b 5 kg c 3.5 kg d 0.5 kg e 4.25 kg f 2.75 kg 4 a4b2c5d1e6f3 5 20 kg 6 6 kg 7 1.25 kg

8 2 1
2 kg
1 1
4 kg
3 3
4 kg
9 270 + 250 + 20, 540 g

Unit 153 Page 90

1 a 50 g b 152 g c 895 g d 1.3 kg e 8.465 kg f 5.025 kg 2 a 6000 g b 4000 g c 3000 g d 8000 g e 7000 g f 9000 g

3 a 3 b 4 c 5 d 6 e 1 f 2
4 a kg b g c g d kg e kg f g
5 750 g 6 5000 g 7 a2b1c3

8 g 9 a 250 g b 390 g

Unit 154 Page 90

1 a 200 g b 100 g c 500 g d 320 g e 40 g f 480 g 2 a 500 g b 750 g c 250 g d 1500 g e 2250 g f 1750 g

3 Item Mass Number 4 a kg b g c g d kg e kg f g
5 420 g 6 2500 g 7 2
a pumpkin 500 g 2 8 kg 9 500 + 250 + 20 = 770, so 230 g more is needed
b bag of grapes 200 g 5
c apples 250 g 4
d lemon 100 g 10
e mushroom 50 g 20
f strawberry 20 g 50

Unit 155 Page 91

1 a 4 L b 300 mL c 19 L d 450 mL e 765 mL f 7 L 2 a L b mL c L d mL e mL f L 3 a 2000 mL b 5000 mL
c 3000 mL d 8000 mL e 3500 mL f 4200 mL 4 a 275 mL b 2 L c 100 mL d 1 L e 500 mL f 1.25 L
5 16 L

6 L
7 2500 mL
8 300 mL
9 9.5 L

Unit 156 Page 91

1 a mL b L c L d mL e mL f L 2 a3b4c1d5e6f2 3 a 4000 mL b 6000 mL c 3000 mL d 1500 mL
e 2500 mL f 3500 mL 4 a 200 mL b 400 mL c 250 mL d 1 L e 100 mL f 300 mL
5 mL
6 a 2 500 mL b 3 1 L c 1 100mL 7 4500 mL 8 500 mL

9 various
1L 1L 1L 1L

1L 1L 1L 1L

Answers 147
Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 261 3 Excel Advanced Skills Start Up Maths Year 4
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ANSWERS: Units 157 164

Unit 157 Page 92
1 a3Lb5Lc8Ld6Le7Lf2L 2 a 2 L b 10 mL c 10 L d 250 mL e 375 mL f 1 L
3 a 1800 mL b 1750 mL
c 2400 mL d 2900 mL e 4950 mL f 3250 mL 4 a 750 mL b 600 mL c 830 mL d 750 mL e 850 mL f 450 mL
5 4L 6 275 mL 7 2250 mL 8 670 mL 9 a 7 mL b 10 mL c 21 mL

Unit 158 Page 92

1 a 14 cm3 b 30 cm3 c 52 cm3 d 29 cm3 e 7 cm3 f 12 cm3 2 a 3 cm3 b 3 cm3 c 4 cm3 d 6 cm3 e 7 cm3 f 4 cm3

3 a yes b yes c no d yes e yes f yes
4 a yes b yes c yes d yes e no f yes
5 31 cm3 6 16 cm3 7 yes, yes

8 yes 9 various
Unit 159 Page 93

1 a 60 cm3 b 91 cm3 c 27 cm3 d 46 cm3 e 32 cm3 f 59 cm3 2 a 4 cm3 b 8 cm3 c 6 cm3 d 4 cm3 e 7 cm3 f 12 cm3

3 a 3 L b 8 L c 6 L d 4.5 L e 2.5 L f 9.5 L
4 a 2000 mL b 7000 mL c 5000 mL d 6500 mL e 7500 mL f 9500 mL

5 43 cm
3 6 11 cm 3 7 2L 8 3500 mL 9 a 2750 mL b 2.75 L

Unit 160 Page 93

1 a true b false c false d true e true f false
2 a 6 b 4 c 3 d 3 e 6 f 24 3 a red b yes c yes d yes e yes f no

4 a yes b no c yes d no e yes f no
5 false
6 6 7 yellow RB, RY, GB, GY, BY
8 yes 9 RG,

Unit 161 Page 94

1 a likely b equal chance c impossible d likely e unlikely f certain
2 a certain b 1
c0d 1
e 1
f 1

3 a yes b yes c yes d yes e yes f no
4 a true b false c true d false e true f false
5 certain
6 likely or 53
7 yes

8 false 9 a green b pink

Unit 162 Page 94

1 G

2 a yellow b clear c yes d no e no f orange/green
P P 0 O O O

3 a unlikely b likely c equal chance d equal chance e likely f equal chance 4 a true b true c false d true e false
f false
6 brown B
7 more
B likelyB
8 false
9 WY,

Unit 163 Page 95

1 a 50 b 40 c 20 d 30 e 70 f 50
2 a 12 b 1112 c 910 d 10 to 11 and 121 e 1112 and 12 f 910
3 a January b June c March/May d February e January f June 4 a basketball b volleyball c football and netball d 4
e softball f yes
5 170 dogs 6 45 students
7 28 days 8 9 students
9 various

Unit 164 Page 95

Gp Tally Number N

1 { = 1 bunch
aA 9

{ N N
a Number
Number of bunches

{ { bB 15 N N N
{ { { cC 12 N
{ { { { N N N N
{ { { { {{ dD 3 N N N N
{ { { {{{{ eE 6
b c d e
b br gr
f Colour
{ { { {{{{
M T W Th F S Su f F 9


4 a 50 b 20 c 40 d 20 e 130 f 10 houses
5 30
6 15
7 Eye colour
8 grey

b br gy g Colour

148 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4

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Maths Answer_147_150_Layout 1 13/08/12 1:29 PM Page 149

ANSWERS: Units 165 167

Unit 165 Page 96
19 21 21

1 a 40 times b 19 c 21 d 40 e 40 f 40
2 Sport Tally Total
a tennis 5
b swimming 1
c football 8
d cricket 7
e basketball 5
f other 4

3 a 30 b football c swimming d tennis and basketball e 2 f 12
4 a water b milk c 3 d 2 e water f juice
5 40

6 various
7 4 8 juice
9 various

Unit 166 Page 96

1 a 30 b 30 c 50 d Wednesday e Friday f 20
2 a 35 b 25 c 40 d 20 e 30 f 15

3 4 a 204 b 196 c 80 d 6 e 220 f 100
5 190
6 James
Fruit Tally Total
7 102
8 170
apple a 12 = 5 pets
pear b 14


banana c 23
orange d 21
grapes e 14
strawberries f 18
dog cat rabbit bird fish other

Unit 167 Page 97

1 Letter Tally
2 Snack Tally Total
a a fruit a 12
b b chips b 7
c c lollies c 9
d d muesli bars d 3
e e vegetables e 4
f f other f 5

3 Number of times each number is thrown
4 Number of times each number is thrown
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
a 5 b 4 c 6 d 4 e 2 f 3 blue a2 b4 d2 2 2 1
grey 3 c0 4 e2 f 0 2

5 40
6 12
7 24
8 13
9 4


1 2 3 4 5 6
Number on the die

Answers 149
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ANSWERS: Units 168 172

Unit 168 Page 97

1 a Monday b Friday c 15 d 12 e Friday f Thursday
2 a New York b China c 30 d 10 e 3 f China


4 15
5 10 + 15 + 12 + 18 + 5 = 60

6 New York 7 Number of shapes
8 63 9 Day Number of pies sold

Books read
c Mon. 10
d Tue. 15
e Wed. 12
f 0 Thu. 18
2 4 6 8
a b c d e f Students Fri. 5

Unit 169 Page 98

1 Instrument Tally Total
2 a drums
drums a 6 b trumpet
trumpet b 9 c violin
violin c 5 d flute
flute d 3 e guitar
guitar e 7 f percussion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
percussion f 4 Number of people

3 a trumpet b flute c 7 d 6 e percussion f violin
4 Colour Tally Total
a red 4
b green 5
c blue 4
d yellow 6
e orange 5
f purple 6

5 6
6 34
7 6
8 Y or P
9 various

Unit 170 Page 98

1 a e.g. 20 + 5, 10 + 10 + 5 b e.g. 20 + 20, 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 c e.g. 50, 20 + 20 + 10 d e.g. 50 + 20 + 5, 20 +
20 + 20 + 10 + 5 e e.g. 50 + 20 + 10 + 10, 50 + 20 + 20 f e.g. 50 + 20 + 20 + 10, 50 + 50 2 a 4 b 8 c 9 d 27
e 16 f 64 3 a false b false c true d true e true f true 4 a 4 b 46 c 7 d 24 e 20 f 31
5 e.g. 50 + 20 + 10, 50 + 10 + 10 + 10 6 25 7 true 8 100 9 $5.55 and $7.65 a $7.65 b $2.10

Unit 171 Page 99

1 a 24 b 70 c 54 d 64 e 135 f 240
2 a=b<c=d= e<f> 3 a 24 eggs b 42 legs c $9 d 78 legs
e 180 min = 3 hours f 3 pizzas 4 a 426 b 671 c 5  20 = 100 d 42 6 = 5 e 1206 f 1
+ 318 143 7 + 4319 1463
734 538 5425 1538
4 2 5

5 36
6 >
7 40 fish

9 a 1332 not 1432 b 365 not 465
Unit 172 Page 99
1 a3b4c5d4e6f6 2 a 211 b 106 c 1340 d 3629 e 90 498 f 21 075
3 a 1002 b 994 c 1102 d 1025
e 1116 f 1011
4 a<b<c<d> e<f< 5 4 6 4209 7 1001 8 < 9 7389, 7398, 8379, 8397, 9378, 9387

150 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4

Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 261 3 Excel Advanced Skills Start Up Maths Year 4
Maths Answer.qxd 23/10/06 10:03 AM Page 151

ANSWERS: Units 173 176, Review Tests Units 1 24

Unit 173 Page 100
1 a 61 b 84 c 109 d 127 e 162 f 83
2 a 805 b 843 c 873 d 962 e 650 f 421 3 a 292 b 285 c 28 d 155 e 353
f 689 4 a 239 b 644 c 674 d 121 e 42 f 66
5 164 6 464 7 73 8 132 9 325 cards

Unit 174 Page 100

1 a 54 b 35 c 0 d 32 e 24 f 12 2 a 10 b 10 c 4 d 2 e 4 f 10 3 a9b9c8d7e3f5 4 a4r1b3r3
c 4 in each row and 2 left over d 6 weeks and 5 days e 7 spiders f 8 r 3
5 8
6 6
7 9
8 3r1
9 a 15 b 30
c 14 d 42

Unit 175 Page 101

1 a true b false c false d true e true f false
2 a
5 b 1
8 c 1
4 d 1
5 e 1
2 f 1

3 a 0 1 1 3 1
4 2 4
b 0 1 2 3 4 1
10 10 10 10 2
c 1
1 d 0 1

e 1 6 7 8 9
2 10 10 10 10
1 f 1
4 a1b5c2d6e5f2
5 true

7 3 4 1 6 7
10 10 2 10 10

8 2
9 34

Unit 176 Page 101

1 a 0.18 b 0.50 c 0.34 d 0.22 e 0.57 f 0.93 2 a 0.21 b 0.50 c 0.16 d 0.51 e 0.03 f 0.95 3 a1b2c2d8e9f5

4 a 6.24 b 3.26 c 9.18 d 1.74 e 9.03 f 3.95
5 0.91 6 0.67 7 3 8 1.63 9 a 75c b $3.70 c 65c

Review Tests Units 1 6 Page 102

1 B 2 A 3 true 4 false
5 two thousand, four hundred and nine
6 4065, 4107, 4198, 4239
7 7 units
8 680

9 61, 63, 67, 69
11 3748 12 <

Th H T U

Review Tests Units 7 10 Page 102

1 D 2 B 3 true 4 false 5 743 6 two thousand, eight hundred and seventeen
7 5010, 4010, 2010

8 2100
9 < 1 0 2019
1 1 1011
1 2 four thousand and sixty-five

Review Tests Units 11 15 Page 103

1 B 2 C 3 false 4 true 5 6000 + 200 + 80 + 5 6 50, 50, 100, 100
7 1 hundred
8 6208

9 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
1 0 > 1 1 six hundred and ninety-six
1 2 104 legs

Review Tests Units 16 18 Page 103

1 B
2 A
3 false
4 true
5 2350 6 start at 150, count forwards by 20
2349 7 1425, 1325, 1225, 1125, 1025, 925
2348 8 6500, 6400, 6300, 6200, 6100
2347 9 one thousand, four hundred 10 48
11 800, 400, 200, 100, 50, 25

12 1330, 1333, 1336, 1339, 1342


Review Tests Units 19 24 Page 104

1 D
2 B
3 false
4 true
5 489
6 8488
7 426
8 42
9 1 6 6 3
10 976
11 254
12 yes (2 more)
+ 4 2 2 1
5 8 8 4

Answers 151
Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 261 3 Excel Advanced Skills Start Up Maths Year 4
Maths Answer_152_155_Layout 1 13/08/12 1:28 PM Page 152

ANSWERS: Review Tests Units 25 63

Review Tests Units 25 27 Page 104

1 B
2 C
3 false
4 true
5 763
6 + 103 86 75 69
7 four hundred and thirty-six
94 197 180 169 163
386 54

8 645
9 five hundred and sixty-two
10 431 pens
11 319 + 475 = 794
12 359 27

296 269 +27 38 65

123 49
150 76

Review Tests Units 28 31 Page 105

1 D 2 B 3 false 4 true 5 6683 6 $3338 7 2580 pins 8 64
9 seven thousand, one hundred and twenty-six
10 5216, 4701 11 3559

12 327 + 159 = (300 +100) + (20 + 50) + (7 + 9)
= 400 + 70 + 16
= 486
327 and 159 are expanded into hundreds, tens and units and then added.

Review Tests Units 32 35 Page 105


1 D
2 A
3 true
4 false
5 223
6 63
7 21 (twenty-one)
8 120 sheep
85 44
96 55
165 124

10 $280
11 297 173 = 124
12 812 + 113 = 925 243 202

Review Tests Units 36 41 Page 106

1 C
2 A
3 true
4 false
5 378
6 4 9 8 6
7 1709
8 two thousand, two hundred and fifty-one
2 6 3 5

381 253 2 3 5 1
9 + 128
10 $202
11 285 (two hundred and eighty-five)
12 8000 4000 = 4000
253 381
Review Tests Units 42 46 Page 106

1 B 2 C 3 true 4 false 5 = 90 + 27 = 117 6 6 2 = 12, 12 2 = 24, 24 2 = 48, 48 2 = 96
7 240

8 6096, 6000 9 15 + 9 = 24 10 22 2 = 44, 44 2 = 88 11 44 + 44 + 44 + 44 + 44 = 5 44 12 140 90 = 50

Review Tests Units 47 52 Page 107 70 14

1 A
2 D
3 true
4 false
5 9 8 = 72 legs
6 63 10 2
9 3 21

7 22, 33, 55, 66, 88, 99
4 8 56
28 5 7
35 49
5 10
2 6

8 60
4 240

9 eighteen, two
10 6 2 eyes = 12 eyes
11 6 $8 = $48
10 sixty

Review Tests Units 53 58 Page 107

1 C 2 D 3 true 4 false 5 1, 50, 2, 25 6 256
7 80 + 28, 108
8 10
9 7 and 9 or 3 and 21
10 30
11 112

12 a number multiplied by itself e.g. 4 4 = 42 = 16

Review Tests Units 59 63 Page 108

9 6

1 D 2 C 3 true 4 false 5 24 6 4 weeks 7 21 36 24

8 4 12 = 48 9 36 18 = 2 slices each 9 = 72
1 0 8 11 six
8 10

152 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4

Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 261 3 Excel Advanced Skills Start Up Maths Year 4
Maths Answer_152_155_Layout 1 13/08/12 1:28 PM Page 153

ANSWERS: Review Tests Units 64 101

Review Tests Units 64 68 Page 108
1 B
2 D 3 true
4 true
5 6r3 6 11 r 2 7 6 packets with 10 left over
8 yes
9 5
10 5 rides
50 5
1 1 1 0 3 30

1 2 9 5 + 3 = 45 + 3
6 10 = 48 true
5 4 20

Review Tests Units 69 75 Page 109

1 A 2 D 3 true 4 true 5 start at 11 and add 11 6 170 7 546 8 64
9 1, 4, 13, 40, 121

1 0 e.g. 1164 4 = 291
1 1 1000, 993, 986, 979, 972
1 2 120 43 = 77
70 80 90 100 110 120
Review Tests Units 76 80 Page 109

1 A
2 C
3 false
4 true
5 three eighths
6 14 , 12 , 34 , 1
7 1 14


9 1 11 11 13 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 3
4 2 4 4 2 4

11 five
12 8 4

Review Tests Units 81 84 Page 110

1 B
2 D
3 false
4 false
6 0.94
7 <
8 1.92
9 1.03

10 404.14
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
12 U . tenths hundredths
0 . 4 9
0.76 1.10

Review Tests Units 85 88 Page 110

31 56 19 13

1 A
2 C
3 true
4 false
5 0.63, 0.79, 0.82, 0.86
6 1 100 2 100 1 100 2 100

1.19 2.13 1.31 2.56

10 U . tenths hundredths 11 85 12 0.13

7 forty-four hundredths
8 three
9 two hundredths 100
4 . 6 3

Review Tests Units 89 92 Page 111

1 C 2 B 3 true 4 false
5 $7.84 6 4.91 m 7 five and twenty-seven hundredths 8 1.47

9 33 cm (or 0.33 m)
10 4.92 11 $1.71
12 moves decimal point 2 places to the right

Review Tests Units 93 97 Page 111

20% 0.12 44

1 D
2 B
3 false
4 true
5 2%
6 0.25
7 25%
8 0.65
9 100
25% 0.20
12% 0.02
Decimal Percentage Fraction

10 0.19
11 <
A 0.95 95% 100
B 0.17 17% 100
C 0.93 93% 100

Review Tests Units 98 101 Page 112

1 D 2 B 3 true 4 false 5 $7.36 6 $2.64 7 $6.21 rounds to $6.20

9 $1.50 1 0 $29.00
1 1 $1.50 + $1.20 = $2.70
1 2 $8 + $3 + $8 = $19

Answers 153
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Maths Answer_152_155_Layout 1 13/08/12 1:28 PM Page 154

ANSWERS: Review Tests Units 102 132

Review Tests Units 102 107 Page 112

1 A
2 C
3 false
4 false
7 irregular

9 Shape Number of angles
11 quadrilateral or kite
12 0
triangle 3
square 4
trapezium 4
octagon 8
pentagon 5

Review Tests Units 108 112 Page 113

11 12 1

1 B
2 D
3 false
4 true
6 4
7 9


9 obtuse
10 e.g.
7 6 5

11 various e.g.
12 right-angled triangle

Review Tests Units 113 117 Page 113

1 A
2 B
3 true
4 false
8 4
9 Angles Sides Diagonals
square 4 4 2

10 true
12 various e.g. 6-sided 3D shape with rectangular faces

Review Tests Units 118 122 Page 114

Number of edges Number of corners

1 C
2 B
3 false
4 true
5 square
6 circle
8 5

8 e.g.
9 triangular prism
10 triangular pyramid
11 cylinder or sphere

12 pyramid meets at a point (vertex)

Review Tests Units 123 126 Page 114

1 B
2 D
3 true
4 false
6 J
7 reflection
8 right of B, above Y

9 blue
12 jam

Review Tests Units 127 132 Page 115


1 C
2 B
3 false
4 false
5 west
7 (A, 1)
9 7 12 5
W E 6 8 10
11 4 9

10 2
12 10

154 Excel Start Up Maths Year 4

Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 261 3 Excel Advanced Skills Start Up Maths Year 4
Maths Answer_152_155_Layout 1 13/08/12 1:28 PM Page 155

ANSWERS: Review Tests Units 133 176

Review Tests Units 133 141 Page 115
1 B
2 C 3 true 4 true 5 3:05, 5 past 3 6 8:35 pm
7 10
11 12 1
8 40 hours
9 Tuesday
10 55 minutes

11 Digital time Which means On a clock
12 minutes

8 4

7 6 5

11 12 1

quarter 10 2

12:15 9 3
past 12 8 4
7 6 5

Review Tests Units 142 147 Page 116

1 D
2 B 3 true
4 false
6 4.21 m
7 3m
8 yes
9 7.2 cm

1 0 cm m and cm Decimal form 2.6 m 500 mm 49 mm 35 cm
1 1 10.7 cm
12 false
135 1 m 35 cm 1.35 m 5 4 1 3 2
227 2 m 27 cm 2.27 m
365 3 m 65 cm 3.65 m

Review Tests Units 148 151 Page 116

1 D
2 C
3 true
4 false 5 7 + 2 + 7 + 2, 18 m
6 10 square units
7 >
8 12 units

9 10 false
12 12 circles

Review Tests Units 152 154 Page 117

1 A
2 B
3 true
4 true
5 2500 g
6 kg
7 200 g 1.5 kg 2 kg 1700 g 450 g
1 3 5 4 2

8 10
9 1.25 kg
10 19 kg
11 5 kg
1kg 12 $10
1kg 1kg 1kg 1kg 1kg 1kg

Review Tests Units 155 159 Page 117 1

3L 1500 mL 3.2 L 2 4 L 2000 mL

1 A
2 C
3 false
4 false
5 mL
6 2250 mL
7 12 units3
4 1 5 3 2

9 500 + 200 + 150, 850 mL
10 8 12 L
12 10

Review Tests Units 160 162 Page 118

1 A
2 C
3 true
4 true
5 e.g.
6 yes
7 14 or 28
9 e.g. The sun will rise tomorrow.

11 50% or 12
12 6
Number of pets
Review Tests Units 163 169 Page 118 4

1 B
2 C
3 false
4 true Tally
6 picture
7 Kyle

5 8 3
a 1
b Zed Tom Jo

9 Tom
10 Chris
11 79
12 cat

Review Tests Units 170 176 Page 119

1 B 2 A 3 false 4 true 5 414
6 20, 10 + 10, 10 + 5 + 5, 5 + 5 + 5 + 5
7 1
8 <
9 442, 389, 405

1 0 $0.75
1 1 15 1 2 3000 tickets

Answers 155
Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 261 3 Excel Advanced Skills Start Up Maths Year 4
2007 Pascal Press
Reprinted 2008, 2009 (twice), 2010, 2011

Updated in 2012 for the Australian Curriculumm

Reprinted 2014, 2015, 2016

ISBN 978 1 74125 261 3

Pascal Press
PO Box 250
Glebe NSW 2037
(02) 8585 4044
www. pascalpress.com.au

Publisher: Vivienne Joannou

Project editor: Mark Dixon
Edited by May McCool, Nick Billington and Rosemary Peers
Answers checked by Peter Little
Typeset by lj Design (Julianne Billington)
Cover by DiZign Pty Ltd
Printed by Green Giant Press

The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (the Act) allows a maximum of one chapter or 10% of the pages of this work,
whichever is the greater, to be reproduced and/or communicated by any educational institution for its educational
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Multiplication table

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
6 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
7 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70
8 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80
9 0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90
10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 261 3 Excel Advanced Skills Start Up Maths Year 4
DiZign Pty Ltd

Advanced Skills


Get the Results You Want!

Year 4 Ages 9 10 years old AGES
This book is part of the Excel Advanced Skills series,
which provides students with more challenging 910

extension work in Mathematics.

4 7
The Excel Advanced Skills Start Up Maths series for Foundation
to Year 7 has been specifically designed to be used as
classroom or homework books in order to help students with
their understanding of Mathematics. Each book in the series
covers the years work in detail.
Innovative features provide an integrated and supportive approach to learning. All units of work,
review tests and Start Up sections are interrelated and cross-referenced to each other. (Please
read the inside front cover for more details.)
This series of books is a must for students who want to cover the years work comprehensively,
with no gaps in their knowledge. The completion of this workbook in Year 4 will ensure that a
student will be fully prepared for the work in Year 5.

In this book you will find:

Over 170 units of work to complete
Thirty-five review tests for revision
Over 2000 exercises to practise

Year 4 Ages 9 10
A Start Up section for extra help with understanding questions
Comprehensive coverage of the years work

About the author

Damon James, BEd, MSc(Ed), DipInfoTechEd, is an experienced teacher and a
successful author of many primary and secondary Mathematics textbooks.










Damon James



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ISBN 978-1-74125-261-3

Excel Test Zone Re

Get the Results You Want! Pascal Press
Help your child prepare with our PO Box 250
NAPLAN*-style and Australian Curriculum Tests.
Glebe NSW 2037
(02) 8585 4044 lt s

Damon James
*This isi nott an offi
*Thi fficially
i ll endorsed
d publication of the NAPLAN program and is produced by Pascal Press independently of Australian governments.

Want !
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