Subject: 1. Basic English Sentence Structure

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The subject is the actor of a sentence in active voice. It is the person or thing that performs,
or is responsible for, the action of the sentence. It usually begins the sentence and precedes
the verb.
Every sentence in English must have a subject. Commands will not have a visible subject,
however, the subject [you] is understood. Example: Run quickly! = You run quickly!
The subject can be a single noun.

Cats chase mice.

Children like candy.

The subject can also be a noun phrase, which is a group of words ending with a noun. A
noun phrase CANNOT begin with a preposition

The car is in the garage.

That hot red dress looks fabulous

Examples of subjects:

Tom likes to go fishing.

The English teacher is a very nice person.
Susan and Alex went to the movie together.
Those boys are good basketball players.
We actors are a happy group.


The verb follows the subject when the sentence is declarative

A verb normally reveals the action of the sentence.
Every sentence in English must have a verb.
The verb can be a single word.

Mary likes chocolate cake.

They play soccer.

The verb can also be a verb phrase. A verb phrase contains one, or more, auxiliary verbs
and one main verb. The main verb is always preceded by the auxiliary verbs.( Auxilary
meaning helping verb)
Martha has been talking to her new friend.
Terry is visiting his aunt today.

Examples of verbs and verb phrases:

Jerry has returned from lunch.

The storm made a lot of noise.
George is playing in a tournament tomorrow.
I will go to bed soon.
Sally was jealous of Lisa’s new dress.

Complement (Object)

A complement (object) provides more information about the verb.

Often, it consists of a noun, or noun phrase, and will usually follow the verb in a sentence
relaying active voice.
A complement (object) CANNOT begin with a preposition( at, in, on etc )

A complement (object) answers the question what? or whom?

Examples of complements:
Jack threw the stone far. (What did Jack throw?)
The hungry bird ate a worm. (What did the bird eat?)
He called Janice after the party. (Whom did he call?)
She was chewing gum in class. (What was she chewing?)
The ball hit Mike during the game last night. (Whom did the ball hit?)


A modifier tells the time, place, or manner of action. The modifier usually follows the
complement. Not every sentence requires a modifier.

Prepositional phrases are commonly used as modifiers

Examples of prepositional phrases:

under the house, after breakfast, in the morning

Adverbs and adverbial phrases are also used as modifiers, or modifiers of time. A modifier of
time will usually come last when more than one modifier is used.

Examples of adverbs and adverbial phrases:

yesterday, quickly, last semester, overhead, quite awful

A modifier answers the question of where? When? or how?

Examples of modifiers:

She is earning her degree at Cornell University. (Where is she earning her degree?)
John fell down the stairs (Where did John fall?)
yesterday. (When did John fall?)
The cheetah was running quite fast. (How was the cheetah running?)
We have an appointment at ten o’clock tomorrow. (When do we have an appointment?)
The soldier fired the gun repeatedly. (How did the soldier fire the gun?)

Exercise 1: Identifying Subject, Verb, Complement and Modifier

Mark the subject, verb, complement and modifier in the following sentences.
Use an “S” for subject, “V” for verb, “C” for complement and “M” for modifier.
NOTE: Remember that not all sentences have a complement or modifier.
Also, some sentences can have more than one modifier.


1. Jerry opened his present.

2. Mr. Johnson drinks coffee every morning.

3. Birds fly.

4. The dog chased the cat up the tree.

5. The wind blew violently.

6. Jimmy scored a goal at the soccer match last Saturday.

7. They ran inside quickly.

8. Bill, George and Alice bought CDs at the music store today.
9. The barrel rolled down the hill.

10. Terry is watching television.

A noun can be a person, place, or thing.
Nouns can be the actor of a sentence (as the subject), a receiver of the action (as the
object/complement), or contained in a prepositional phrase to add more information to the
idea of the sentence.

The Noun Phrase

A noun phrase is a group of words that ends with a noun and can contain determiners
(a, an, the, these, etc.), adjectives and adverbs.
Both subjects and complements often consist of noun phrases.
A prepositional phrase is NOT considered a noun phrase.

Count and Non-Count Nouns

A noun that can be counted is called a count noun.

chair – one chair, two chairs, three chairs…

boy – one boy, two boys, three boys…
dog – one dog, two dogs, three dogs…

A noun that cannot be counted is called a non-count noun.

coffee – you cannot say: one coffee, two coffees, etc.

However, you can make some non-count nouns countable by placing them into a countable

Can of coffee – one can of coffee, two cans of coffee…

The following chart gives some common non-count nouns and their groupings
Some common irregular count nouns are listed below

child = children man = men

person = people woman = women
foot = feet mouse = mice tooth = teeth

Exercise 2: Identifying Count and Non-Count Nouns

Identify the following nouns as countable or non-countable by placing a “C” after countable
nouns and a “N” after non-countable nouns.

Articles: A And An
A or an only precede singular count nouns and refer to one thing.
Either is used for a general statement, or to introduce a new subject that has not been
mentioned before.
A leopard has spots. (in general – speaking of all leopards)
I talked to a girl today. (We are introducing this subject. We don’t know which girl.)

A is used with words that begin with a consonant sound.

An is used with words that begin with a vowel sound.

a car an elephant

Some words can be confusing because the pronunciation is different from the spelling.
Listening to the sound will help determine which article is used.

Words such as union, uniform, university and European, eucalyptus, eulogy have a long “u”
sound which is the same sound as y in yellow or yard. Therefore, they are considered to
have a consonant sound and a is used before these words.

A yellow dog ran past us. A uniform is required for school.

A yard consists of three feet. I went to school with a European.

Some words have a silent first letter, so the correct article depends on the heard sound.
Words such as hot, home and head have a pronounced “h” consonant sound and, thus,
begin with a. However, words such as honor, hour and herb have a silent “h” and are
considered to have a vowel sound.

It is a hot day. It was an honor to meet the president

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