Ac7108 Rev e Nadcap

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The document outlines the requirements and procedures for companies seeking accreditation for chemical processing under the Nadcap program. It discusses quality system approval, self-audits, required information for auditors, periodic testing frequencies, and other general guidelines.

Companies must be accredited to an acceptable quality system by an acceptable registration body. They must also ensure any subcontracted testing laboratories are also appropriately accredited. Manufacturers providing proprietary solution testing may be exempt under certain conditions.

The supplier must provide their self-audit, a sample traveler/route card, a list of prime customers and specifications, and a list of their procedures to the auditor at least 30 days before the scheduled audit.

AC 7108 REV.

Issued 1995-01
Revised 2011-10
161Thorn Hill Road
Warrendale, PA 15086-7527 Superseding AC7108 Rev D




1.1 Companies seeking accreditation for processing to AC7108 and its related slash sheets (AC7108/x)
must be accredited to an acceptable quality system by an acceptable registration body - see Nadcap
operating procedure NOP-002.

1.2 Companies carrying out analysis and testing in support of processes to AC7108 must be accredited to
AC7108 for the scope of analysis and testing carried out. Should a processor use a sub-contract
laboratory for some or all of the analysis and testing in support of their AC7108 accreditation that
subcontract laboratory must be Nadcap accredited for AC 7101 (MTL), accredited by a registration
body recognized by MTL, accredited by CP to AC7108/4 or AC7108 for the scope of analysis and
testing performed, or approved by Prime customer(s) for laboratory analysis (see AC7108 Para 3.5.2).
Manufacturers that provide solution analysis and process control testing for their proprietary solutions
may be exempt from this requirement provided the following criteria are met: they are the original
manufacturer [not a distributor]; testing is provided as a service with the supply of the solution; they
have an in house laboratory and evidence that a quality management system accreditation (Example:
AS/EN/JIS Q 9100, ISO 9001) is held.


2.1 Prior to the Audit

2.1.1 Self-Audit
The supplier must complete a self-audit to AC 7108 and related slash sheets, AC 7004, , AS/EN/JISQ
9100 or AS/EN/JISQ 9110 (as applicable) in preparation for this audit. Performing a thorough,
objective self-audit against each question in the checklist is the critical first step in the Nadcap
accreditation process. This can significantly reduce the number of non-conformances issued by the
auditor and the time required to achieve accreditation. All non-conformances should be corrected prior
to the actual audit. Non-conformances of a technical nature found during the actual audit will, at the
Task Group’s discretion, require a follow-up audit at the supplier’s expense. NOTE: The location and

PRI operating procedures provide that "This report is published by PRI to advance the state of technical, engineering, and quality
sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent
infringement arising there from, is the sole responsibility of the user."

PRI values your input. To provide feedback on this document, please contact the appropriate commodity staff engineer.
(Contact information is located at under “Contact Us”.)
Copyright 2011 Performance Review Institute. All rights reserved.
t-frm-15 5-Aug-11
PRI AC 7108 Revision E -2-

identification of all applicable documentation must be indicated on the self-audit form. This will
greatly expedite the audit and avoid the expense of additional audit days.

2.1.2 Auditor Review

Retain a copy of the self-audit on site for review by the Nadcap auditor when requested.

2.1.3 Required Audit Information:

The information in questions through must be provided to the auditor, in English unless
another language is acceptable to the auditor, at least 30 days prior to the scheduled audit:
NOTE: No ITAR/EAR restricted materials are to be submitted. Original Self-Audit

The self-audit complete with procedure titles/procedure numbers for all documentation. Travelers/Route Cards.

One sample traveler/route card for a process performed. List of Prime Customers and prime processing specifications in the scope of the audit. List of Supplier’s Procedures

List of supplier’s procedures (index/table of contents only) for processing, testing, inspection, etc. Organization Chart

Organization Chart

2.1.4 List of items that need to be presented to the auditor on arrival:

• Quality Control Manual.
• List of purchased services
• Schedule of calibrations, TUS, SAT, solution analysis etc.
• List of Quality personnel by process.
• List of trained personnel by process.

2.2 During the Audit

2.2.1 In-briefing
The supplier should provide for an in-briefing for the auditor and arrangements for a brief plant tour
prior to the start of the audit. Key members of the applicant’s staff should attend the in-briefing so the
audit purpose, methods and assessment processes can be discussed.

2.2.2 Working Space

Working space for the auditor with desks or tables, chairs, telephone, etc. Clerical, typing and
reproduction services are to be provided as required. This is not a full time assignment.

2.2.3 Out-Briefing
A final out-briefing will be conducted at the completion of the audit. Each nonconformance report
(NCR) will be reviewed and the supplier will be given the opportunity to discuss proposed corrective
action or to provide any additional information. A copy of the NCR(s) will be provided to the supplier.
NCR's deemed a non-conformance (e.g., a nonconformance to a requirement) are numbered. NCR's
that are judged by the auditor to be a nonconformance to recommended practice are observations and
are lettered. NOTE: The Chemical Processing Task Group may, upon review, change the auditor’s
determination of non-conformance or observation.
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2.2.4 Submittal of Corrective Actions/Objective Evidence

The supplier shall have 21 calendar days to submit corrective actions, effective dates for each NCR
along with objective evidence of implementation. The response must address the root cause of the
nonconformance from a systems management approach and the actions taken to preclude recurrence.

2.2.5 Delinquency of Corrective Actions

Delinquency of corrective actions and/or responses may result in failure of the audit, see NOP-011.

If this is the first audit following a failed audit, verification of implementation of corrective actions for all
non-conformances from the failed audit is required. Repeat non-conformances from the failed audit are
to be counted as non-sustaining NCRs.

2.3 Review of the Audit Report

2.3.1 Responsibility

Responsibility for meeting submittal deadlines rests with the supplier. Failure to comply with specified
dates will result in significant delays in your accreditation and a reduction in the term of your

A supplier representative should be available for questions during the final Task Group review to clarify
issues (either on site or by telephone).

PRI Staff or the Task Group may, after review of your audit report, require additional information or may
elect to issue additional non-conformances. NOTE: Final authority over the audit report, acceptability of
corrective actions, and accreditation recommendation rests with the Task Group.

2.4 Definition of Terms (See ISO2080 for general terms and definitions associated with chemical

AMBIENT TEMPERATURE FOR PROCESS TANKS: Unless otherwise specified by customer,

specification or technical data sheet, ambient is the natural uncontrolled temperature at the
location of the tank and need not be monitored or controlled

AUTOMATIC PROCESS LINE: A fully automatic process line is one in which all the variables of a
chemical process sequence are maintained, controlled and recorded by an automated, e.g.
computer, system. Variables include (but are not limited to) solution immersion times, solution
temperatures, step sequencing, and current/voltage settings. An automated process line does not
require operator intervention to validate or monitor any part of the processing operation. The
operator may be required to initiate, sequence or queue the specified, pre-established and
programmed handling equipment or process, but does not alter or adjust the process variables,
with the exception of halting a sequence that is in failure mode (in response to an alarm, warning,

BATCH: A quantity of parts of the same part number that are processed on the same route

BUY-OFF: A recorded declaration by a qualified/approved person, or their authorised

designee/representative, that they have worked to the defined instructions and that any related
records are true and accurate. The recorded declaration can take many forms (e.g. electronic
PRI AC 7108 Revision E -4-

badge reader, stamp, signature) but must only trace back to a single individual. Where an
authorised designee/representative is used to buy-off for other individuals then this shall be
defined by internal procedures. If an inspection step is carried out by more than one person there
must be a record of what each person has inspected but a single representative may buy-off the
complete step per internal procedure requirements. To show the status of product or product-
related materials, parts, processes, assemblies, tests, operations and documentation. When
product or product-related materials, parts, processes, assemblies, tests, operations and
documentation is completed the responsible individual can stamp or buy-off (also referred to as
sign-off) the shop paper or documentation.

CHEMICAL ETCHING FOR CLEANING: The chemical removal of metal with the intent of removing
surface contamination and oxide. AC7108/2 is not required for this.

CHEMICAL ETCHING FOR NDT: The process of controlled chemical removal with the intent of
removing a small amount of material to open up surface cracks or to reveal a grain structure.

CHEMICAL MILLING: The process of controlled chemical removal of metal to achieve a final

CONCESSION REQUESTS: A request to the prime contractor that allows for the material to be outside
engineering requirements.

CONTAMINANT: An unwanted constituent, to make impure by contact or admixture.

CONTROL LIMITS: Calculated operating limits resulting from statistical process control programs.

CONTROL PLAN: A formalized written plan that intends to control the product characteristics and the
associated processing variables. The control plan assures that the good improvements
established by your project will not deteriorate once the project is returned to manufacturing.

CORROSION PIT: For salt spray testing on aluminum panels, the most common type of corrosive
attack is pitting -- a highly localized reaction to the salt spray environment resulting in cavities of
variable size, shapes and depths. Corrosion pits commonly occur at surface scratches, breaks in
protective coatings, and variations in surface compositions (for example, grain boundaries or
nonmetallic inclusions) or finishes. After exposure, salt spray test panels should be rinsed and
dried cautiously so that any corrosion by-products are not disturbed. Evaluation for corrosion
pitting should be conducted as soon as possible after salt spray exposure because continued
corrosion activity may occur within observed pits. Typical characteristics of a corrosion pit are, a
rounded, elongated or irregular appearance when viewed normal to the test panel surface, a
"comet tail" or line or "halo" (i.e., surface discoloration) that emanates from the pit cavity, some
quantity of corrosion by-product inside or immediately around the pit (on aluminum test panels the
by-product may be granular, powdery or amorphous, and white, grayish or black in color). To be
considered a corrosion pit, an observed surface cavity must exhibit at least two of the above
characteristics. Surface cavities that exhibit only one of these characteristics may require
additional analysis before being classified as a corrosion pit. Visual inspection with 10X
magnification is typical practice when corrosion by-products are not visible with the unaided
eye. For example MIL-A-8625 also defines a corrosion pit as having depth greater than its width.
Measurement of pit dimensions can be difficult since the extent of a pit is usually not fully revealed
from the surface. For example some typical corrosion pit measurement methods are described in
ASTM G 46.
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DEIONIZED WATER: 50,000 ohm•cm resistivity minimum or <20 µS/cm. Examples could be water
produced by reverse osmosis or resin transfer columns.

DISTILLED WATER: Water that has been produced by the distillation process. Where a process or test
specification, within the scope of AC7108 accreditation, requires distilled water to be used, and
does not provide any quantitative value of purity, the Chemical Process Task Group has agreed
that water having a conductivity of 5µS/cm or less, e.g. ASTM D1193 Type IV, can be used
unless otherwise directed by customer.

ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS: Technical requirements identified in the purchase order,

specifications or drawing.

FIRST PIECE: First time processing a specific part number.

FROZEN PROCESS: The shop paper/traveler/work instruction that is pre-approved by the main
contractor and cannot be changed without re-approval or repair/MRB authority.

IN PROCESS: Parts have been accepted for processing and released to manufacturing but not yet
accepted at final inspection or scrapped. (In process inspections are typically "visual" (water
break, uniformity, coverage, etc.) "checks" to determine if parts should proceed to the next
processing step.)

INVALID TEST: A test where it can be shown that the test piece was of an incorrect material, or it was
processed incorrectly, or it was tested incorrectly.

JOB: All of the hardware processed to a single order control document as a lot or multiple lots with a
unique control number.

LABORATORY WATER: For general analysis and testing use or when a specification within the scope
of AC7108 accreditation, requires distilled water or de-ionized water to be used for testing or
analysis but does not specifically define a purity the Chemical Process Task Group has agreed
that water having a conductivity of 5µS/cm or less, e.g. ASTM D1193 Type IV, can be used
unless a higher purity is appropriate for the analysis method.

LOT: Where not defined by specification or customer, shall be all parts of the same part number,
material, size and shape, processed at the same time, using the same processing materials,
under the same conditions in not more than 8 hours and presented for inspection at one time.

MATERIAL CONDITION: This can include the heat treatment condition, the hardness and the surface
finish, e.g. shot peened. Depending on the substrate material and process being carried out some
or all of these conditions may be required to be known.

MATERIAL REVIEW BOARD (MRB): Is authority granted by the prime contractor to allow sub-
contractors to reprocess material under their authority that does not meet drawing requirements,
using out of manufacturing sequence steps, to return the material back to drawing requirements.
MRB authority may allow material to exceed drawing requirements.

OPERATOR CONTROLLED VARIABLES (OCV): Operator controlled variables (OCV) are process
parameters that are directly under the control of the operator.
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POLICY: A written company philosophy on how something should be done in very broad generic
terms. The existence of a procedure shall satisfy the requirements for a policy.

PROCEDURE: A detailed “how to”, step-by-step revision controlled document used to enforce or
implement company policy.

PROCESS PARAMETER: A process parameter is any variable that can influence the process and as
such may vary depending on the process in question. For process solutions, examples are:
solution temperature, contact/immersion time, concentration of constituents. For painting,
examples are: mixing time, induction time, pot life, drying time, oven cure time, humidity and
temperature. For electrolytic processes examples are: current density/amperage, voltage and
ramp rate. See Appendix D for a list of process parameters that must be recorded either by an
automatic system or by the operator.

REFEREE MAGNIFICATION: A higher magnification than that required by the standard inspection
procedure. A referee magnification is used to assess an indication when examination at the
normal inspection identifies a suspect indication but is unable to establish whether is meets
acceptance criteria.

REPAIR - Using approved processing to return material to a usable condition, even though it does not
meet drawing requirements. Requires MRB/Customer approval.

REPLACEMENT TEST: A repeat test where the original test can be shown to be an invalid test. A
replacement test may be done once without customer permission.

RETEST: A repeat test where the original test result is believed to be wrong but cannot be invalidated.
A retest can only be done if permitted by specification or customer. Does not apply to solution

REWORK: Using standard approved processing to return material to drawing requirements before the
next processing step.

SHOP PAPER/ TRAVELER: The paperwork that controls and records the manufacturing process.

SOLUTION CONTROL LIMIT: Where a specification defines nominal solution chemistry but does not
define operating ranges, and a commercially available solution is not used (see Technical Bulletin
Limit), the processor shall define Solution Control Limits beyond, which the solution should not be used.
Product assessment is required if a Solution Control Limit is exceeded but customer notification is only
required if product impact has been identified.

SYSTEM ACCURACY TEST: See definition in AMS2750

TECHNICAL BULLETIN LIMITS: The specification or manufacturer-set-limits beyond which the

process must be shut down.

TECHNOLOGY: For the purpose of AC7108 technologies are defined as;

- Anodizing
- Conversion Coating.
- Chemical Milling
- Etching
- Electroplating
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- Electropolishing
- Electroless Plating.
- Painting & Dry Film Lubricant.
- Surface preparation for metal bond.
- Vacuum Cadmium and Ion-Vapor Deposition of Aluminum.
- Cleaning and Descaling as standalone processes.
- Passivation


TEST PIECE: A specific piece of material, or sample of parts, that is processed and assessed/tested to
determine the performance or a characteristic of a process. Test pieces are not typically included in
the delivered batch.

THERMAL TREATMENT: Any process within the scope of the AC7108 accreditation where the intent of
the process is to provide heat to the part, e.g. de-embrittlement, paint curing, part drying.

TREND ANALYSIS: The concept of collecting information/data and attempting to spot a pattern or
trend, in the information. A negative trend is when trend analysis predicts a diminishing effect to a
process or parameter such as a specification limit being exceeded prior to the next test being
conducted. This does not mean that the specification limit is exceeded, it means that it will be
exceeded if no action is taken

VALIDATED TESTING FAILURE: Either the original test failed, the test could not be invalidated and a
retest was not permitted or the retest, if permitted, or replacement test also failed.

2.5 Audit Scope

[ ] FULL SCOPE (all questions completed)

[ ] VCA or Follow-Up Audit

[ ] MODIFIED SCOPE AUDIT (NOTE: Modified Scope only applies to

Nadcap Audits that have an AC7108 checklist in the scope)

2.6 Processes to be approved/Plant Layout:

Processes to be approved and plant layout.

Is a revision controlled document (drawing or detailed list) available which YES NO

defines the specific location of each process line for which Nadcap
Accreditation is sought? (e.g. Chrome Plating Line located in North End of
Building 10).

***Auditor, please attach an uncontrolled copy of the above drawing/list. ***

PRI AC 7108 Revision E -8-


Company Name: Survey Date:

Division: Facility:
Address: Phone
City/State/Zip: Fax:
Nature of Business:
[ ] In-House Products Only: [ ] Accepts Outside Work:
Total #of Employees: No. of QA Personnel:
Square Feet of Work Area: No. of Shifts Worked
Contacts: Position:



Prime Customers:


[ ] Initial Audit [ ] Reaccreditation Audit [ ] VCA Audit [ ] Follow Up Audit

Surveyor's Signature: Date: ____________

PRI AC 7108 Revision E -9-


3.0.1 Required Auditor Information: Key Supplier personnel associated with audit aside from the Supplier Audit Contact:
<Comment Box> NCR’s requiring special attention:

<Comment Box> General impression of supplier:

<Comment Box> Recommendation for accreditation: (Note: Where the supplier chooses NOP-
011 Mode A, exceeds NOP-011 Mode B, or potentially meets NOP-011 Mode
C then just comment “NA”.
<Comment Box> Obtain a copy of the supplier’s quality system certificate to allow you to verify it
on the audit checklist completion screen. If the supplier does not have a valid
quality system certificate then please provide comment below. If the audit
includes satellite sites then ensure all satellite sites are identified on the quality
system certificate.
<Comment Box>

3.0.2 Has the supplier performed an effective self audit per Para. 2.1.1? YES NO

3.0.3 Has the supplier’s corrective action system ensured that corrective actions for YES NO NA
all non-conformances identified in the previous Nadcap Chemical Process
audit been fully and effectively implemented?
Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if this is an Initial Audit or if
there were no NCRs in the previous Chemical Process audit.

3.1 Process Integrity

3.1.1 Continuous Process Improvement Has the supplier identified what chemical process data shall be collected and YES NO
analysed in order to identify opportunities for improvement?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: See AS9100 section 8.1 & 8.4. Such
data may include inspection rejects, customer rejects/complaints, key
characteristics and process capability data. Is there evidence that the identified data is collected and analysed? YES NO If the data has shown an opportunity for improvement in the Chemical Process YES NO NA
area is the process improvement in progress or has it been implemented?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the analysis has shown
the best opportunities are in non-chemical process areas.
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3.1.2 Sampling Plans Are inspection and test personnel trained in procedures and techniques for YES NO NA
using sampling plans?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if sampling plans are not
used. If used, are supplier-developed sampling plans available for review and YES NO NA
approved by the customer when required by contract?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if supplier developed
sampling plans are not used.

3.2 Training, Qualification, and Evaluation of Planning, Processing, Inspection, Section NA

and Testing Personnel.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope
• Processing personnel includes all personnel involved in processing the part
including masking, blasting, demasking etc.

3.2.1 Has the competency for all personnel functions affecting conformity to YES NO
chemical process requirements been defined, including processing personnel,
testing/inspection personnel and planning personnel?

3.2.2 For those functions identified in 3.2.1, do records show that training or other YES NO
actions were taken to achieve the necessary competence?

3.2.3 Is there evidence that the effectiveness of these actions was evaluated? YES NO

3.2.4 Have operations/tasks that affect conformity to chemical process requirements YES NO
(e.g. planning, processing, inspection) been carried out correctly?

3.3 Job Documentation Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope

3.3.1 Does shop paper/traveler, which accompanies each lot, contain as a minimum
the following information:

a. Evidence of frozen process approval as required by the customer? YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if frozen processes
are not performed.

b. Evidence of customer approval of any changes to the frozen process? YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if frozen processes
are not performed.
• Non-technical changes are permitted without customer approval.

c. Relevant purchase order number, purchase order requirements OR YES NO

identification which is traceable to engineering requirements?
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 11 -

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: The shop paper does not have to

reference the PO or contract number, but must have traceability to it.

d. Part identification, number of parts (ensuring traceability), and when YES NO

required material and/or material condition?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: The material and/or material
condition are required on the traveler unless one of the following
applies: it does not influence the process steps/sequence; when the
customer specifies the process steps, e.g. repair manual sequence or
processing to defined steps on customer traveler; if it is readily
available to the operator in some other manner, e.g. drawing; part is
an assembly/kit.

e. A description of the number, composition and dimensions of test YES NO NA

specimens to be processed with the parts when use of test specimens is
permitted/required by the applicable specification?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA only applies if processing
does not require/permit the use of test specimens.
• Reference to a defined test specimen, e.g. test specimen drawing, is

f. A step for each process performed, defining the required operator YES NO
controlled process parameters/ranges and referencing applicable internal
process/or inspection procedure numbers including as applicable:

1) Incoming inspection YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies for transfer of
work between facilities or departments.

2) Pre-process cleaning method(s) YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if this step is not
required for the process.
• Pre process cleaning is cleaning of incoming parts prior to the
primary process i.e. prior to masking/racking, e.g. sandblast,
solvent clean.

3) Pre-process thermal treatment YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if this step is not
required for the process.

4) Masking YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if this step is not
required for the process.

5) Fixturing, racking YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if this step is not
required for the process.
• Shop paper to reference internal racking instruction, a general
instruction for routine racking or specific details for unique
racking requirements as required.
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6) In process cleaning, water break free check? YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if this step is not
required for the process or for barrel plating and automated line

7) Etch YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if this step is not
required for the process.

8) Strike/activation YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if this step is not
required for the process.

9) Chemical finishing e.g. Plate, anodizing, conversion coating, YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if this step is not
required for the process.

10) Primer YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if this step is not
required for the process.

11) Paint/film YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if this step is not
required for the process.

12) Post-process steps including cleaning, de-masking and removal of YES NO NA

fixturing and racking.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if this step is not
required for the process.

13) Post-finishing thermal treatment YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if this step is not
required for the process.

14) In-process and final tests and inspections? YES NO

15) Packaging and handling YES NO

16) Shipping YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the part is
moved within the same plant.

g. Documentation of rework that is traceable to the shop paper / traveler and YES NO NA
all processing performed on the parts?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no rework observed
during the audit.

h. Each step, or buy-off step in the process flow, is bought off and dated? YES NO
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• Compliance Assessment Guidance: See section 2.4 and Appendix E

for the definition of buy-off.

i. Unless otherwise authorized by the cognizant engineering organization, Section NA

specified process parameters which are controlled by the operator are
recorded and bought off for each lot of parts processed, including:
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if the
cognizant engineering authority has specifically stated that the
process parameters need not be recorded.
• If the quantity of parts on the traveler are not processed
simultaneously, operator controlled variable data shall be captured for
each simultaneously processed quantity, (e.g. sub-lots).

1) Masking material used YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies is if no masking
material is required or the masking material required is clearly
defined in the job papers.
• It is only necessary to record the masking family, e.g. tape,
lacquer, bung, etc.

2) Estimated surface area of part YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if process is not
controlled by current density.
• Where a cathometer (current density meter) is used to control
the plating current density, there is no need to determine the
surface area.

3) Temperature, time, current (as applicable) for strike/activation, YES NO NA

plating, anodize, conversion coat, chemical milling, etching,
passivation, etc.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: See Appendix D for the list
of required process parameters.

4) Pre/post thermal treatments, racking, and fixturing YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA only if pre/post thermal
treatments are not required.
• Times, temperatures and specific racking for thermal treatments
to be recorded.

j. Unless otherwise authorized by the cognizant engineering organization, YES NO NA

for automated process lines, specified process parameters which are
controlled by the automated system are recorded (electronically or
physically) and retrievable.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the cognizant
engineering authority has specifically stated that the process
parameters need not be recorded.
• If the quantity of parts on the traveler are not processed
simultaneously, operator controlled variable data shall be captured for
each simultaneously processed quantity, (e.g. sub-lots).
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k. Lot inspection and test results are recorded and bought off by the person
carrying out the inspection/test or their designee/representative.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Where more than one person
carries out an inspection step the inspection records shall identify
each person, however, the inspection step on the traveller may be
bought off by a single designee/representative per internal

3.3.2 Are shop papers (travelers, work instructions etc) understood by the operators YES NO
using them?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Observe that the operator correctly
follows the instructions and records required information.

3.4 Process and Quality Planning Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope

3.4.1 Does a procedure define system/requirements for process and quality planning YES NO
which effectively ensures compliance with customer and/or specification

3.4.2 Are there instructions for actions to be taken by the operator, inspector, or any YES NO
other personnel, when a discrepancy is detected?

3.4.3 Is there a procedure that defines the review of repeat orders for changes in YES NO

3.4.4 Are there procedures for each process that defines the required method for YES NO
processing including all processing steps with a definition of the controls to
perform the process?

3.4.5 Does the quality planning address removal of defective or nonconforming YES NO NA
platings and coatings and their reapplication (rework) to preclude part life
degradation or nonconforming part dimensions?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies when plating and coating is
not performed or where rework is not observed during the audit.
• The supplier is not required to have standard rework instructions, it is
acceptable for a rejection to be assessed and rework planning then
created. This methodology and the requirements for customer approval of
rework should be defined in the supplier’s procedures.

3.5 Purchasing-Source Selection Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope

3.5.1 Are all subtier suppliers that provide any consumable material, or service used YES NO
in the process taken from an approved supplier list?

3.5.2 Are all solution analysis and process control testing sources approved in YES NO NA
accordance with an internal supplier procedure meeting all contractual
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 15 -

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no subcontract analysis
or testing is done.
• For jobs audited, outside laboratory testing is performed by a laboratory
that is approved to prime customer requirements. If no prime requirement
then one of the following must be met:
a) Any Prime customer laboratory approval (scope does not need to
b) MTL accreditation or any MTL recognized approval (scope does not
need to match).
c) AC 7108/4 or AC 7108 accreditation (scope does need to match).
d) Manufacturers that provide solution analysis and process control testing
for their proprietary solutions may be exempt from this requirement
provided the following criteria are met: they are the original
manufacturer [not a distributor]; testing is provided as a service with the
supply of the solution; they have an in house laboratory and evidence
that a quality management system accreditation (Example: AS/EN/JIS
Q 9100, ISO 9001) is held..

3.6 Receiving Procedure Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope

3.6.1 Does the processor obtain through customer-provided information: part YES NO NA
identification, material type and any other part specific information required for
subsequent processing?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies only if the traveler states
that this is the next operation and the work being performed is being
bought off in the same traveler
• A yes answer would be a work instruction or a place on their traveler
looking for information that is critical for their processing, e.g. hardness for
steel materials, shot peened surfaces, alloy composition.

3.6.2 Does the system provide for holding and segregation of hardware pending YES NO
receipt of proper material documentation or if nonconformance is detected?

3.6.3 Does the supplier have incoming inspection procedures identifying YES NO
characteristics to be checked and methods to be used, including sampling plan
as defined in the quality manual? Are actual as-received dimensions for jobs having post-processing YES NO NA
dimensional requirements determined prior to processing?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies only if post-processing
dimensional requirements are not contractually required.
• Actual pre-process dimensions may be provided by earlier machining
inspection or by customer
• Some customers may require the processor to measure the actual
dimension directly prior to processing.

3.6.4 Does incoming material quality planning provide for shelf-life monitoring and YES NO NA
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 16 -

control for materials that so require?

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no materials requiring
shelf-life control are used.

3.7 Housekeeping Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope

3.7.1 Are the company’s facilities clean, uncluttered, and well lighted? YES NO

3.7.2 Are incompatible materials such as acids/alkalis or oxidizers/organics YES NO

segregated in storage?

3.7.3 Are all containers legibly and indelibly labeled and are unlabeled containers YES NO
not used?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Not applicable to containers used for
transfer, or non-production materials.

3.7.4 Are process materials stored to preclude damage or degradation from heat, YES NO
cold, water, atmospheric moisture or other environmental considerations?

3.7.5 Are process materials, that are transferred from original manufacturer’s YES NO NA
containers controlled, to maintain identity and to prevent contamination or
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies when the material is
transferred to a container for immediate use.

3.7.6 Does training or a procedure address cleaning of pumps and other transfer YES NO
equipment after use to preclude material contamination and for operator

3.8 Control of Non-Conforming Parts

3.8.1 Is there a policy to ensure that customers are informed of discrepancies YES NO NA
affecting hardware? (i.e. out of tolerance conditions)

3.8.2 Is rework approved by the customer when required? YES NO NA

3.8.3 Is there a rework procedure that requires planning/shop paper to be issued YES NO NA
defining all processing performed on the part, including stripping, inspection
following stripping and reprocessing?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the supplier does not
carry out rework.

3.8.4 Is repair/MRB always approved by the customer? YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies only if the supplier has
MRB authority.

3.9 Product Packaging & Delivery Section NA.

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 17 -


3.9.1 Is there a procedure to provide for the protection of parts after final inspection YES NO
and during shipment that includes customer requirements?

3.9.2 Do shipping documents conform to purchase order requirements or contracts? YES NO

3.10 Calibration of Process and Testing Equipment Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope

3.10.1 Is there evidence of current calibration on:

a. All shop equipment used to set, control or monitor the control of a YES NO

b. All test and inspection equipment used to accept product or control a YES NO

3.11 Internal Quality Audits

3.11.1 • Does the supplier's internal audit schedule include all chemical processes YES NO
within the scope of this audit?
Compliance Assessment Guidance: There should be a schedule/system to
ensure that each chemical process is audited over a defined period of time.
There is no requirement to audit each process each year

3.11.2 • Does the audit schedule, or process checklists, ensure that support YES NO
processes (e.g. solution analysis, lot testing, periodic testing) are also audited?

3.11.3 Are internal Chemical Process audits carried out as planned, by personnel YES NO
knowledgeable of the process and by personnel not directly responsible for the

3.11.4 Do records indicate that corrective action was, or is being, taken for Chemical YES NO NA
Process internal audit non-conformances?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if there was no non-
conformances identified in the supplier’s internal audit.
• Only the implementation of corrective actions and follow-up shall be
reviewed; judgement on the correctness of the corrective actions is not


4.1 Specification Compliance

4.1.1 Does the Supplier have a Process Control System for assuring compliance to YES NO
specification testing requirements?
Auditor Note: For Nadcap audits that have an AC7108 checklist , attach a
copy of the job tracker here. For specifications that are EC-LR in their own
right only the spec number shall be added to the tracker in the “Other
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 18 -

Specification” category.
Do NOT attach a copy of the supplier’s test matrix to this audit as it may be
EC-LR controlled.

4.1.2 Does the Process Control System contain or reference the following YES NO
information: All applicable specifications, including revision level? YES NO Applicable batch/lot testing including any deviations to the test requirements? YES NO Applicable periodic testing, including any deviations to the test requirements? YES NO Frequency of tests? YES NO Test piece material, quantity and dimensional requirements as applicable? YES NO Test method specification? YES NO
Compliance Assessment Guidance: The Test Matrix shown in the Audit
Handbook is an example system for achieving this. Applicable specifications
include those which the supplier has identified as available to be included in
their audit

4.1.3 Is periodic and lot acceptance testing reviewed in the audit in compliance with YES NO
customer and/or specification requirements, including Nadcap Table 1, see
Appendix G?

4.1.4 Auditor is to select a minimum of 8 tests (not solution analysis) consisting of, YES NO NA
where possible, four internal tests and four external tests and evaluate them
utilizing the corresponding sections of Appendix B. These tests to be selected
in addition to test records reviewed in job audits and to include both periodic
and acceptance tests?
Note: Even if the supplier is accredited to AC7101 for the testing carried out
they are still required to be audited to AC7108 App B.








• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no testing is required by

4.1.5 Are written purchase orders available, providing definition of requirements for YES NO NA
testing performed externally? Do these comply with customer and
specification requirements?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no external testing is
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 19 -


4.2 Periodic Test Documentation Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if no periodic
testing is required.

4.2.1 Are testing records maintained such that they are traceable to both shop YES NO
travelers and certification/test report and would they enable the processing
supplier to reconstruct the test samples or testing conditions and identify any
incorrectly tested material? Are testing records maintained and organized in a manner in which they are YES NO
readily available for review?

4.2.2 Review of Test Data Is there a procedure that requires the review of test data for conformance to YES NO
specification requirements? If the test is done by an independent laboratory, does the procedure require YES NO NA
the reviewer to stamp, or sign-off, and date the test results as proof of review?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if there is no testing by an
independent laboratory. Does a procedure require an examination for historical trends in the testing YES NO
data and that negative or questionable trends be acted upon?
Compliance Assessment Guidance: All periodic test results, quantitative and
pass/fail shall be considered. Is the responsibility for this review identified in the procedure? YES NO

4.2.3 Are errors in the internally generated test data corrected by either of the YES NO
following: (check one)

[ ] Line out, write correction, initial and date.

[ ] Void the data, make corrections, and retype/reprint or electronically record
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: When data is voided then the old
file/paper/data should still exist giving traceability. The new file/paper/data
can have the corrections made and then can be saved or reprinted/retyped
if required.

4.2.4 Is there a procedure which requires the following in the event that an error is YES NO
identified in the certificate of test, test data or testing procedure? (check all that

[ ] Identification of error cause

[ ] Implementation of corrective actions
[ ] Notification of affected customers as required
[ ] Retesting or replacement testing if required and correction of
certification/test data
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 20 -

4.3 Test Piece Control Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if no test pieces
are required for specifications within the scope of the audit.

4.3.1 Are material certifications, manufacturer’s labels, or the materials themselves YES NO
verified against the process suppliers purchase orders in order to ensure
receipt of correct material?

4.3.2 Are test pieces traceable to material from which they are made? YES NO
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Traceability to the CofC or the lab
report for the material being used satisfies this requirement.

4.3.3 Are test pieces positively identified during all stages of processing and testing YES NO
until disposed of (tags, bags, etc)?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Coupons can be identified by Job #,
S/N, or any form of identification that can be traced back to the

4.3.4 Are all test pieces provided for testing (internal/external lab) accounted for YES NO
(e.g., tested to completion/failure, or replaced?)

4.3.5 Is there documentation which provides for tracking and accountability of all test YES NO
pieces currently in work (processing and testing)?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: A router should be with every test
piece describing the process and all of the variables to make sure that it is
representative of the part.

4.3.6 Is there specific shop paperwork (router, etc.) which is traceable to the test YES NO
pieces which specifies how they are to be processed and which tank they are
processed in?

4.3.7 Unless otherwise authorized by the cognizant engineering organization , are all YES NO
operator controlled parameters associated with the processing of the test
pieces recorded on the shop paper and traceable to the specific samples. (For
automated process lines, are all process variables controlled, recorded and
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: If test pieces are not processed with
hardware, ensure that the process steps represent the production process.
If specification requires test pieces to be processed with hardware, ensure
that this is being performed.

4.4 Test Failure, Replacement Testing and Retesting of Periodic Section NA

Test Pieces.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if periodic testing
is not required.
• NOTE: This section does not apply to solution analysis.

4.4.1 Does the supplier have a documented procedure that defines action to be YES NO
taken in the event of a periodic test failure and does it contain?
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 21 - Definitions for "Invalid Test", “Replacement Test” and “Retest”? YES NO The need for an investigation to determine if the test failure is “Invalid” YES NO The requirement that a replacement test is only performed when the test YES NO
failure is conclusively shown to be “Invalid” The requirement that a retest is only performed when permitted by customer or YES NO
specification? The requirement that the original test failures, replacement tests, YES NO
nonconforming tests, and retests are logged and cross indexed, including
explanations with entries signed off by authorized personnel? The requirement that the test failure log is reviewed at least quarterly for trends YES NO
which might indicate deterioration of test procedures, methodologies and/or
processing/test equipment?

4.4.2 Review of Test Failure Data Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies only if no test failures are
observed. Are replacement tests performed only when original failed test has been YES NO
shown to be invalid and are retests only performed only when permitted by
customer and/or specification? Are original test failures, replacement tests, nonconforming tests, and retests YES NO NA
logged and cross indexed, including explanations with entries signed off by
authorized personnel? (i.e., Replacement / Retests traceable to the original
tests) If negative trends are apparent from the test failure log have corrective actions YES NO NA
been applied, or is there evidence of active investigation into the cause(s) of
the negative trend?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: An NA applies if there is no evidence
of negative trends.

4.4.3 Is there a procedure which addresses the following in the event of a validated
testing failure

a. Immediate notification of all affected customers? YES NO

b. Identification of all affected hardware shipped to the customer? YES NO

c. Isolation of all affected in-house hardware? YES NO

d. Immediate shutdown of the affected process/process line pending YES NO


e. Investigation of failure cause and implementation of corrective action? YES NO

PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 22 -

f. After the process has been corrected is it tested to show compliance to YES NO
requirements before production is resumed?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Limited processing may be re-
started after correction prior to test results being obtained if the
customer agrees to "at risk" release or parts are held at supplier
pending test results.

4.4.4 If there has been a validated testing failure is there evidence that the YES NO NA
procedure has been followed?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: An NA applies if there are no test

4.5 Process Control Laboratory Procedures (Solution Analysis) Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if solution analysis
is not required.

4.5.1 Are there assigned responsibilities for review and approval of analysis results, YES NO
authorization of re-analysis, calculation of process solution additions and
corrections, and the preparation and approval of analysis procedures as

4.5.2 Are these responsibilities performed by a qualified individual (Ref. paragraphs YES NO
3.2.1- 3.2.7) and are their job responsibilities, job specification and
qualifications documented?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: If there is no on-site technical
expertise in simple chemical analysis techniques, witness a typical titration
or other test to confirm minimal skill levels in using a pipette, reading a
burette, standardizing a pH meter, etc.

4.5.3 Is there a procedurally defined control system to ensure solution composition YES NO
is maintained within specification/technical datasheet requirements and a
system for adjusting frequency of analysis based on rate of change?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: The system will need to ensure the
composition limits of all applicable specifications/technical datasheets are
accounted for.
• Specification identified contaminants are considered to be composition
• PH and conductivity are considered to be composition requirements.
• ARP4992 is an example of a system for controlling solution composition
based on rate of change.
• When permitted by specification alternative methods to solution analysis
may be used to control a process solution, e.g. etch rate, specific gravity,
refractive index, dump when ineffective based on a defined control test.

4.5.4 Do the solution control records contain the following information for each tank
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Analysis for the concentration of
individual constituents of a solution may not be required if other adequate
and appropriate solution control methods are used. Some examples of
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 23 -

alternate methods include specific gravity, etch rate, boiling point and
defined bath replacement (e.g., dump when strip time exceeds 20 minutes
or dump when etch rate drops below 0.005 inches/hour).

a. Tank Identification? YES NO

b. Tank Contents? YES NO

c. Tank size (working volume) and level? YES NO

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: The working volume shall be
defined in the log but the level may be marked, or automatically
controlled, in the tank.

d. Analysis frequency? YES NO

e. Constituents to be analyzed? YES NO

f. Operating tolerances based on, multiple where applicable, YES NO

specification/technical datasheet requirements, e.g. temperature range,
composition range(s), pH range, conductivity range, etch rate?

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: The Chemical Process Audit

Handbook provides an example of a Solution Matrix which may be
used as a tool to help meet this requirement

g. Date sampled and analyzed? YES NO

h. Analysis result and calculated constituent values? YES NO

i. Additions and corrections? YES NO

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Corrections are removal of
solutions for the maintenance of controls, for example- electroless

j. Tank dumps? YES NO

k. Reanalysis after addition when out of specification limits? YES NO

l. Identity of individual conducting analyses, additions, reanalysis and YES NO


4.5.5 Do records show that corrections are made in a timely manner and that the YES NO
solution is maintained to defined requirements?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: This review shall also consider the
timeliness of additions based on the closeness to the specification limit and
changes in frequency based on rate of change.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 24 -

4.5.6 Do procedures require, and documents show, the cessation of processing YES NO
when any chemical constituent and/or operating parameter (i.e., temperature)
does not comply with the applicable process specification or chemical
supplier’s technical bulletin until the process is brought into compliance?

4.5.7 Do detailed internal procedures exist for the following?

a. Solution analysis conforming to a laboratory standard or chemical YES NO NA

compound manufacturer’s procedures?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when solution
analysis is outsourced.
• The use of test kits supplied for testing proprietary compounds is

b. Sample collection which assures that the sample is representative of the YES NO
bath solution and operating condition and precludes sample
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Bath should be at correct level,
agitated and at correct temperature prior to sampling.

c. Initial tank make-up and addition calculations? YES NO

d. Increase or decrease of analysis frequencies based on historical analysis YES NO

test data in addition to meeting minimum frequency requirements when
defined by specification?

4.5.8 Chemicals used as reagents during analysis shall be General Laboratory YES NO NA
Reagent Grade or better according to customers/ National requirements?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if solution analysis is
performed by external laboratory.

4.5.9 Are laboratory chemicals labeled and stored properly? YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if solution analysis is
performed by external laboratory.

4.5.10 Does water used for analysis and test purposes meet the definition of YES NO NA
Laboratory Water and do records support it, e.g. certificate of analysis, test
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if solution analysis is
performed by external laboratory.

4.5.11 pH Testing Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if pH testing is not
required or is sub-contracted. Is standardization of the pH meter carried out daily, prior to first use, using a YES NO
minimum of two buffer solutions that represent both the acid and/or alkali
range as applicable?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: The pH buffers used to standardise
the meter need to represent the acid and/or alkali ranges but do not need
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 25 -

to bracket the full pH range of samples being tested. Typical pH kits

include pH 4, 7 and 10 buffer solutions and the use of the most appropriate
two is acceptable. Are certified, commercial-grade or better buffer solutions within shelf-life YES NO
expiration date..

4.5.12 Are standards with a limited shelf life properly labeled to preclude usage after YES NO NA
expiration date?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if solution analysis is
performed by external laboratory. Are shelf-life disciplines documented and maintained for standards susceptible YES NO NA
to deterioration (e.g., evaporation of liquid standards, reaction with glass
storage containers, photochemical reactions)?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if solution analysis is
performed by external laboratory.

4.5.13 Are titration solutions standardized against appropriate documented, certified YES NO NA
reference standards, and are they monitored for stability and protected against
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if solution analysis is
performed by external laboratory.


5.1 General Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope

5.1.1 Are current operating manuals or instructions available to operators, YES NO

maintenance personnel, and other personnel requiring the information?

5.1.2 Are tanks labeled to include identification number, contents, and temperature YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if processes do not use
tanks. Examples include painting lines and brush plating.
• Tank number is not required if the tank is uniquely identified by some other
means. Are tank labels consistent with procedures, shop paper and logs? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if processes do not use
tanks. Examples include painting lines and brush plating.

5.1.3 Is the location of each process line/area for which Nadcap Accreditation is YES NO
sought summarized/defined in a revision controlled drawing or other
document, and is that equipment line being properly maintained and listed in
the Process Control System (see section 2.6)?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: The purpose of this document is to
define the boundaries of the area subject to the audit and to ensure that all
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 26 -

areas defined in the scope of the audit are verified by the auditor

5.1.4 Does the compressed air supply used for production include particulate, YES NO NA
moisture, and oil filters with scheduled maintenance and point of use
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies for processes that do not
require compressed air (e.g. brush plating)
• This does not mean that every point of use must be inspected, but
inspection point should be as close to the point of use as practical.

5.2 Maintenance Procedures Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope

5.2.1 Are maintenance procedures prepared with preventative maintenance as a YES NO

goal and based on prior maintenance records?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: The goal of the maintenance program
is to minimize downtime due to equipment failure. The facility maintenance
program should include scheduled equipment review and/ or actions based
on equipment manufacturer's recommendations and equipment breakdown
and repair histories. The procedure and records need to show periodic
reviews of maintenance history and preventative actions taken based on
those reviews.

5.2.2 Do records indicate that maintenance has been performed in accordance with YES NO
a defined schedule?

5.2.3 Is contamination removed from process solutions as required, by a process YES NO NA

such as filtration, chemical treatment etc.?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if there are no tanks.

5.3 Process Line Equipment Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope
audit or if the processes in the scope of the audit does not include tanks.

5.3.1 Are tanks and/or work surfaces maintained free of corrosion and chemical YES NO
spillage detrimental to the process?

5.3.2 Are spray and immersion rinse tanks Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies for processes that do not
utilize spray rinses or tanks.

a. Clean, clear, free-running or monitored for contamination levels YES NO

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Does not apply to drag-out tanks
if adequate rinsing is provided afterward.

b. Situated in a sequence to prevent cross contamination of process tanks YES NO

c. Assuring adequate neutralization and/or removal of process chemicals? YES NO

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Particular attention must be given
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 27 -

to parts such as small diameter tubes. Processor should have or

make provision for auxiliary rinsing.

5.3.3 Are parts moved between tanks without undue delay such that process quality YES NO
is not affected?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Time delay between certain process
steps may be critical.

5.3.4 Are tanks with defined temperature ranges operating within the posted range? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies where none of the tanks
have a defined temperature range.

5.3.5 Is there a system to ensure tanks with defined operating temperature ranges YES NO NA
are maintained within the defined temperature range and that the recording
system is sufficient to demonstrate compliance to requirements?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: The control and recording process
needs to account for environmental temperature changes (summer/winter,
night/day) and also temperature changes as a result of endothermic and/or
exothermic reactions during actual processing of hardware. Different
control and recording systems may be used based on the requirements
and characteristics of individual tanks.
• NA applies for processes that do not utilize heated or cooled tanks.

5.3.6 Are tanks of sufficient volume and dimensions to contain hardware during YES NO NA
processing and assure sufficient coverage of parts?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies for processes that do not
utilize tanks.
• For parts requiring processing of selective areas, entire area to be
processed must be immersed.
• Other situations such as double dipping require specification or customer

5.3.7 Are tanks that require uniformity of temperature and solution concentration YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies for processes that do not
utilize tanks or where stratification does not occur.
• Agitation may be turned off when not in use and turned on prior to using
with a suitable amount of time for adequate temperature stabilization and
solution mixing.

5.3.8 Are fixtures, workbars, electrical connections, and hard masking free of YES NO NA
corrosion and physical damage detrimental to the process while in use?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies for processes that do not
use these devices

5.3.9 Are fixtures and masking designed as such so they do not entrap air or YES NO NA
processing solutions on parts?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies for processes that do not
use these devices
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 28 -

5.3.10 Is fixturing and racking design adequate so that, when hardware is positioned YES NO NA
for rinsing, there is adequate process solution neutralization and removal and
does it minimize process solution and rinse water drag-out and cross-
contamination of process tanks?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies to processes that do not
involve rinsing (e.g. painting) or if no fixturing or racking is used.

5.3.11 Is fixturing and rack design, and the arrangement of workbars and YES NO NA
anodes/cathodes, such that electrical contacts are solid but preclude potential
pressure damage or electrical arcing?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies to non-electrolytic

5.3.12 Are tanks for application of electrolytic coatings equipped for processing YES NO NA
hardware with variable geometric configuration or for variable lot sizes to
promote uniform deposition rates as necessary/required by specification
and/or part/customer requirements?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies to non-electrolytic
processes and for processes that do not utilize tanks.
• Equipment for uniform deposition shall include reconfigurable/ conforming
cathodes/ anodes, thieves and/or robbers as required.

5.3.13 Are hoists and other lifting equipment labeled as to capacity? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no hoists or lifting
equipment is used.

5.3.14 Are hoists and other lifting equipment electrically insulated from work? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no hoists or lifting
equipment is used or if immersion time is so short that isolation of the work
is not practical.
• The requirement applies to all aqueous immersion processes whether
electrolytic or not.
• Disconnection of hoist from work is sufficient.

5.3.15 Does supplier's de-ionized water system deliver water meeting 50,000 ohm-cm YES NO NA
resistivity minimum (20 µS/cm conductivity maximum) as demonstrated using
a calibrated inline sensor or periodic analysis?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no deionized water is
• 50,000 ohm-cm = 20 micro-mhos/cm (approx10 ppm or mg/L TDS). Any
combination of water purification methods may be used to meet the
resistivity requirement. In-house deionizer units need either a calibrated
red/green light of the correct resistivity value, a calibrated meter capable of
read-out of actual resistivity, or the water confirmed by periodic chemical
analysis or use of a total Dissolved Solids (TDS) meter, calibrated with
known standards.

5.3.16 Is de-ionized water used for anodize sealant bath make-up? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if anodize sealing is not
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 29 -

5.3.17 Is de-ionized water used for make-up and additions for anodizing, electroless YES NO NA
nickel and precious metal plating solutions, and other process solutions as
required by customer specifications, unless there is objective evidence that the
water available in the facility is acceptable for use?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies for processes that do not
use water and for process solutions that do not require deionized water
(i.e., other than anodizing, electroless nickel and precious metal plating).
• Objective evidence would include periodic analysis of facility water and
tests meeting relevant specification requirements.

5.4 Certified Ovens for Thermal Treatments at a set point above 250ºF Section NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if processing does not
require thermal treatments above 250°F (121°C).
• The only pyrometry requirements to be verified are those required to
answer the following questions.

5.4.1 For all ovens used to perform thermal treatments (within the scope of the YES NO
audit), conducted at temperatures above 250°F (121°C), is pyrometry certified
in accordance with AMS 2750?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: AMS 2750 is the Baseline
requirement. Where customer specifications define higher requirements
they shall be met.
• It is not required to fully assess the pyrometry to AMS2750 and/or
customer specification it is only required to ensure the report/certification
confirms compliance to them.

5.4.2 Thermal Processing Equipment Do certified ovens meet temperature uniformity requirements of AMS 2750 for YES NO
Furnace Class 5 (±25°F [±14°C]) unless more stringent requirements are
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Furnace Classes specify the minimum
requirements for temperature uniformity. Ovens meeting Furnace Class 1
through 4 are also acceptable. Do instruments conform to the requirements of AMS 2750 for Instrumentation YES NO
Type D or better having:
• At least one control sensor in each control zone, attached to a control
instrument that displays and controls temperature?
• A recording instrument that records the displayed temperature for each
control zone?
• Over-temperature protection in each control zone?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Instrumentation Type D is the
minimum acceptable. Instrumentation Types A, B, and C require more
sensors and recorders, and are also acceptable.

5.4.3 Controlling, Monitoring and Recording Instrument Calibration.

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Controlling, monitoring and recording
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 30 -

instruments must be calibrated. Over temperature instruments used solely

for oven over temperature protection do not need to be calibrated. Is calibration accuracy ±2°F (±1.1°C) and is sensitivity at least 3°F (2°C) YES NO
unless a different accuracy or sensitivity is specified by AMS 2750 or customer
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: AMS 2750 defines different accuracy
requirements for different oven classes and instrumentation types which
differ from this requirement. For those ovens that are used for heat treat
processes and are included in Nadcap accreditation to AC 7102, no further
evaluation is required. Is calibration frequency at least semi-annually for digital instruments or YES NO

quarterly for analog (electromechanical) instruments unless a more stringent
requirement is specified? Are chart recorder (circular and strip) speed(s) calibrated/ verified at least YES NO NA
annually and accurate to within ± 3 minutes per hour?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if temperature recorder is
electronic/ digital data collection type.

5.4.4 System Accuracy Tests (SAT)

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Also called a Probe Check. Is a SAT performed after any maintenance that could affect the SAT result? YES NO
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Examples include replacement of
thermocouple(s) and re-calibration of the instrument when any adjustment
has been made. Are SATs performed upon installation and are periodic tests performed YES NO
Biweekly (every two weeks) thereafter unless a different interval is specified by
AMS 2750 or customer requirements?
• Compliance assessment Guidance: SAT frequency is based upon
equipment class and instrumentation type. AMS 2750 requires that the
SATs be performed Biweekly for Furnace Class 5, Instrumentation Type D.
in accordance with the requirements of AMS 2750, Table 6, including any
applicable frequency reductions and customer requirements?
• AMS 2750 may allow less frequent SATs based oven class and
instrumentation types. For those ovens that are used for heat treat
processes and are included in Nadcap accreditation to AC 7102, no further
evaluation is required. Do system accuracy tests demonstrate conformance to the requirements for YES NO
Furnace Class 5 (±5°F [±2.8°C]) of AMS 2750 unless a more stringent
requirement is specified by the customer?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: AMS 2750 requires that the system
accuracy of the temperature control and recording systems be within ±5°F
(±2.8°C) of the test instrument for Furnace Class 5. Other requirements
apply for other Furnace Classes. There are specific requirements for test
sensor placement and resident SAT thermocouples.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 31 -

5.4.5 Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS) Do the initial uniformity test temperatures include the highest and lowest YES NO
temperatures for which the equipment will be used (qualified operating range),
and are additional surveys conducted at sufficient intermediate temperatures
to ensure that no two adjacent survey temperatures are greater than 600°F
(335°C) apart?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: The initial uniformity test establishes
the qualified operating range. It is acceptable to have more than one
qualified operating range. If the highest and lowest test temperatures are more than 600°F (or 335°C) YES NO NA
apart, are periodic tests performed at a temperature within each range as
defined during the initial survey?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the qualified operating
range is not more than 600°F (or 335°C). At least annually, are periodic surveys performed at the minimum and YES NO
maximum temperatures of the qualified operating range? Are periodic uniformity surveys performed at least quarterly unless a reduced YES NO
frequency is allowed by AMS 2750 or more frequent surveys are required by
customer specification?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: AMS 2750 defines different TUS
frequencies based on oven class and instrumentation types. For those
ovens that are used for heat treat processes and are included in Nadcap
accreditation to AC 7102, no further evaluation is required. For existing
ovens having 4 or more successive, acceptable uniformity surveys,
initiation of quarterly surveys is not required. Do temperature uniformity survey results conform to the uniformity YES NO

requirements (except frequency) for Furnace Class 5 of AMS 2750 (±25°F
[±14°C]) unless a more stringent requirement is specified by the customer?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Uniformity requirements are based on
Furnace Class. Furnace Class 5 requires ±25°F (±14°C)

5.4.6 Is there a procedure for pyrometry (calibration, temperature uniformity surveys YES NO
and system accuracy tests) whether performed internally or by an outside
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: The processor must have an internal
procedure that defines the calibration, temperature uniformity surveys and
system accuracy tests required for each certified oven within the scope of
the audit.

5.4.7 Does the procedure specify the following as a minimum:

a. Test Frequency? YES NO

b. Survey temperature(s) and qualified operating temperature range(s)? YES NO

PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 32 -

c. Does this range cover all applicable thermal treatments? YES NO

d. Number and location of sensors? YES NO

e. Temperature data recording frequency and period of monitoring after YES NO

temperature stabilization (for temperature uniformity surveys)?

f. The test parameters that must be included on the purchase order, if YES NO NA
pyrometry is performed by a subcontract source?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if a subcontract
source is not used for pyrometry.

5.5 Miscellaneous Equipment for Thermal Treatments at or below 250ºF Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no thermal treatments at
or below 250°F (121°C) are performed within the scope of the audit or if
these treatments are performed in a certified oven. Equipment that is not
fully enclosed but provides this type of thermal treatment shall be
considered as an oven for the purpose of the audit.

5.5.1 Are temperature controllers on miscellaneous thermal treatment equipment YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the thermal treatment
equipment is engineered to provide the required temperature without the
use of a temperature controller.

5.5.2 Do procedures require and records show a periodic check is performed to YES NO
ensure the minimum (if specified) and maximum temperatures within the
working zone meet requirements?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: For spin dryers a periodic
temperature survey is not feasible and periodic testing of parts on removal
from the dryer is acceptable to prove the temperature does not exceed
• If there is no minimum temperature requirement and the drying space is
fed by heated air then a periodic check of the input air temperature is

5.6 Cleaning Procedures: General Section NA

Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope

5.6.1 Are cleaning procedures compatible (and selected in accordance with YES NO
customer requirements if required) with part alloys and heat treat conditions
(as applicable to the process), dissimilar components of assemblies,
previously deposited coatings, and braze/solder joint material?

5.6.2 Are test pieces, if permitted/required by the applicable specifications, YES NO NA

processed as required through the cleaning solutions with the hardware they
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if test pieces aren't
required, e.g. testing may be performed on hardware.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 33 -

5.6.3 When required by customer or specification, is hardware that is susceptible to YES NO NA

hydrogen embrittlement mechanically descaled; or if chemically descaled with
materials generating hydrogen, is it baked directly after chemically descaling?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if not performing chemical
descaling on material that is susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement.

5.6.4 Are parts suitably protected against recontamination prior to subsequent YES NO

5.6.5 Are surface contaminants (including oils, adhesive products and their residues, YES NO NA
and part marking inks) removed prior to acid etching and acid descaling?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if acid etching or acid
descaling is not required.

5.7 Mechanical Cleaning Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies unless mechanical
cleaning is used for one of the following:
1) To activate or roughen the base metal surface for improved adhesion of
the chemical process application such as plating, painting, bonding, etc.
2) To strip coatings applied within the scope of the chemical processing audit.
3) To remove heat treat scale or oxides on base metal surface in preparation
for etch prior to an NDT operation.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope

5.7.1 Are procedures and controls in place: To assure proper grit size and media type are used? YES NO To assure proper particle size distribution is maintained within requirements? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if mechanical cleaning
other than abrasive blasting is performed. To minimize cross contamination of alloys during mechanical cleaning (e.g., YES NO
aluminum and iron based alloys)?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: This can be accomplished through
media changeout, dedicated blast equipment, etc.

5.7.2 When abrasive blast techniques are used, are off-set distances, pressures, YES NO NA
and media recorded?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if mechanical cleaning
other than abrasive blasting is performed.
• If these parameters are not defined by customer specification, appropriate
parameters may be derived from test results or references such as MIL-
STD-1504, that will provide this information for various alloy types and
media types. For manual blasting, recording offset as a range is
• If the parameters are imposed in the work instruction and if the nozzle to
part distance is controlled by a means which impose a minimum distance
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 34 -

between part and nozzle then this parameter does not need to be recorded
by the operator

5.7.3 Are standards used to evaluate surface finish as required by customer or YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no surface finish
requirements are imposed.
• Visual comparison standards are acceptable, as well as profilometer

5.7.4 Has hardware been visually checked and documented to verify corrosion, YES NO
oxides, scale, and abrasive media have been removed?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Visual in-process inspection must be
performed prior to the next operation.

5.8 Chemical Cleaning Prior to Chemical Processing Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if chemical
cleaning is not required.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope
• Ultrasonic cleaning is considered to be a form of chemical cleaning.

5.8.1 Is cathodic cleaning prohibited with high strength steels of 180 ksi and greater YES NO NA
(unless otherwise approved by the customer)?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if high strength steels are
not processed or if supplier does not possess cathodic cleaning capability.

5.8.2 Is chemical cleaning and rinsing carried out immediately prior to follow-on YES NO NA
chemical processing unless otherwise approved by customer or specification?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies for chemical milling.

5.8.3 Are all production hardware and test pieces maintained wet and is a water YES NO NA
break free surface observed after the cleaning cycle?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies as follows:
• - Barrel plating processing is exempt from water break free surface
• - Automated processing lines are exempt from water break free surface
observance, unless otherwise directed by cognizant engineering
organization, provided the following controls are in place:
• - - All processing solutions are chemically analyzed (see matrix) and
maintained within the prescribed solution control limits?
• - - All process tanks and staging areas are guarded against direct leakage
from overhead equipment?
• - - There is a scheduled inspection and maintenance of the overhead
equipment to eliminate sources for leakage?
• - - There is a history of acceptable process control and lot test results that
indicate surface cleanliness conditions, based on test requirements of
relevant specifications? (e.g. - salt spray, coating adhesion, wedge crack)

5.8.4 Is there a procedure that specifies a minimum water-break free interval? YES NO NA
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 35 -

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies only for barrel and/or

automated lines.
• Minimum water-break free interval should be sufficient to ensure adequate
cleaning, but should also ensure that hardware does not dry. Time will be
dependent on process, part material, size, geometry and customer

5.8.5 Does the processor have adequate controls in place to ensure water break YES NO NA
free surfaces are obtained prior to continuation of processing??
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies only for barrel and/ or
automated lines.
• Some customers or specifications may require documentation of the water
break free acceptance step. Other control systems may be acceptable

5.8.6 Are activation chemical baths situated so as to permit processing immediately YES NO NA
prior to plating and conversion operations?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if activation baths are not

5.9 Masking Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if masking is not
required within the scope of the audit.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope

5.9.1 Are procedures in place for masking prior to cleaning, for visual inspection of YES NO NA
adequate masking before and after cleaning, and for remasking when
damaged during mechanical cleaning?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if masking prior to cleaning
is not required.

5.9.2 Does shop paper or the traveler clearly show the areas to be masked and YES NO
specify the masking material to be used?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Best practice is to have work
instructions as part of the traveler that show specifically where to mask and
what materials to use. It is acceptable to have a generic work instruction
and customer's engineering drawing and/ or customer's process sheets if
this provides sufficient information, and the actual masking and maskants
are documented in traceable shop records.

5.9.3 Is masking material compatible with hardware and process conditions? YES NO

5.9.4 Are fixtures and masking designed to assure part area to be processed is YES NO
exposed and all other areas precluded as required by the customer?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Particular attention should be given to
threaded holes, fayed surfaces and joints of assemblies prior to welding or
brazing, and assemblies such as bearing raceways.

5.9.5 Are adhesives, masking material, markings and residual chemicals removed YES NO NA
after processing and before further thermal processing or shipment?
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 36 -

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies when maskants that are

compatible with thermal operations, as per Section 5.9.3, are removed
after thermal processing.

5.10 Power Supplies Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if power supplies
are not used within the scope of the audit.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope

5.10.1 Are power supplies equipped with calibrated ammeters, voltmeters and ramp YES NO
rate controls (if equipped with ramp rate control)?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: For those tanks equipped with digital
or paper chart recorders documenting voltage/ amperage, and time,
calibration of the ramp rate control is not required provided the ramp rate
can be verified from the recorded data.

5.10.2 Does each plating circuit have dedicated meters that indicate the actual power YES NO
for that circuit?

5.10.3 Is the resolution of the power meters sufficient for the voltage and amperage YES NO
range specified in the shop paper traveler?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Resolution of ammeter/ voltmeter
needs to be sufficient to properly control processing. For example, an
ammeter with a scale of 0-3000 amps in 100 amp increments would not
provide sufficient resolution to verify that 64 amps are being applied.

5.10.4 Are rectifiers identified to the tank which they service, or if not, does each tank YES NO
have individual rheostat?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: If multiple rectifiers per tank or
portable rectifiers are used, the rectifier must be traceable to individual

5.10.5 When required by specification, is ripple periodically verified for YES NO NA

electrochemical rectifiers as part of calibration?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if ripple checks not
required by specification. Ripple measurements are to be taken at the

5.10.6 If a power failure occurs, is there a mechanism that requires the operator to YES NO
physically restart the power supply to plating and anodizing tanks?

5.11 Timers Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if timers are not
required for processing.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope

5.11.1 Are timers available, suitable to the purpose, calibrated and visible or audible YES NO
from the tanks?
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 37 -

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Timers used for process control must

be calibrated. Timers include wall clocks and watches if the operators use
them for timing process parameters.

5.12 Stripping Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if stripping is not
performed within the scope of the audit.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified scope

5.12.1 Do chemical stripping baths include an inhibiting agent when required by YES NO NA
specification or customer?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies when inhibiting is not
required by specification or customer.

5.12.2 Does the hardware receive an embrittlement relief bake after chemical YES NO NA
stripping as required by specification and/or customer requirement?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies when embrittlement relief
baking is not required or when chemical stripping is not performed.

5.12.3 Are masking, insulators, or similar methods being used to prevent Galvanic YES NO NA
Coupling of dissimilar metals?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if not performing chemical
stripping or there are no dissimilar metal couples.

5.12.4 If required by the customer, has the stripping of parts and the process been YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if customer approval is not

5.12.5 For each strip cycle, are all stripping operations appropriately planned, YES NO
processing documented, and traceable to the hardware?

5.12.6 When stripping is not part of the standard process, has the reason for each YES NO NA
strip been recorded on the individual part/lot documentation and the rework
properly authorized (by appropriate authorities) and the need for corrective
action considered?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: This question applies if stripping is
required due to nonconformance after plating/ coating.
• NA applies if stripping is the expectation of the customer as defined in the
purchase order or drawing. .

5.12.7 Is there a procedure for mechanical stripping that defines process controls YES NO NA
when it is performed?
• Compliance assessment Guidance: NA applies if no mechanical stripping
is performed.

5.12.8 Do strip procedures include an inspection of the stripped component following YES NO
the strip operation?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Inspection may include dimensional,
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 38 -

surface finish, complete removal of coating, etching and damage.

5.13 Brush Plating Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if brush plating is
not within the scope of the audit.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified
scope audit.

5.13.1 Are operators trained or certified as required by the customer or specification? YES NO
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Certification of operators may be
required; otherwise, internal training and approval is acceptable.

5.13.2 Are anodes controlled and specific to each process solution to avoid cross YES NO

5.13.3 Is masking adequate to protect part from corrosion and unwanted coverage? YES NO

5.13.4 Are equipment and solution in compliance with applicable customer YES NO

5.14 Nickel and Copper Electroforming Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if electroforming
is not performed.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified
scope audit.

5.14.1 Are reusable mandrels and fixtures controlled for identification and condition? • YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if mandrels are not re-

5.14.2 Is stress measurement performed on deposited coating when required? • YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if stress measurement is
not required.

5.14.3 Is the composition of deposited material controlled in accordance with YES NO

customer requirements?

5.14.4 Do mandrel removal procedures preclude part damage? YES NO

5.15 Titanium Cleaning, Etching and Handling Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if titanium is not
processed within the scope of the audit.

5.15.1 Is there a procedure for the cleaning of titanium that includes cleaning YES NO
methods within the scope of the audit, including alkaline cleaning by itself,
alkaline cleaning with scale removal, and acid etching to remove alpha-case
(stable oxide) layer, as applicable?

5.15.2 Is anodic alkaline cleaning prohibited with titanium alloys, unless otherwise • YES NO NA
permitted by the customer or specification?
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 39 -

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no electrocleaning

capability exists, or if permitted by customer or specification.
• YES applies if cathodic cleaning is hard wired (no reversing switch) to
electrocleaning tank.

5.15.3 Do procedures for cleaning titanium surfaces prohibit using methanol or • YES NO
halogenated substances unless permitted by customer or specification?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: If the procedures list specific
materials to be used and do not include prohibited solvents, this
requirement is satisfied.

5.15.4 Are parts alkaline cleaned and thoroughly rinsed (including complex YES NO
configurations) prior to processing through acid etches unless customer and/or
specification allows other methods of cleaning?

5.15.5 Is water used for final rinse, including spray rinses, de-ionized or monitored for • YES NO NA
halogen content when required by specification?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if de-ionized water or
halogen content monitoring is not required.

5.15.6 Do procedures require that parts be handled with clean fabric gloves after YES NO
cleaning and drying? (Chemical resistant rubber gloves may be used during
the wet processing steps.)?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Gloves that contain stearates or
powders to keep them from sticking together are disallowed.

5.15.7 Is water used to make additions to processing tanks and in-process rinsing YES NO NA
tanks controlled for chlorine/chloride level as required by customer or
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if chlorine/chloride
controls on process solutions or in-process rinses are not required by
customer or specification.

5.15.8 Controlled metal removal (e.g. Alpha Case Removal) Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a controlled
metal removal requirement is not imposed. Have etch rate test coupons / panels been supplied or approved by YES NO
customer for testing or (if supplier determined), are test coupon(s) of the same
alloy and heat treat condition? Are stock removal (etching) rates determined daily prior to processing YES NO
hardware or if not determined prior to processing, is the frequency based upon
historical test data when allowed by specification? For the method used to determine etch rate, is the resolution of the YES NO
measurement instrument 10x more precise than the amount of material
removed by the etch rate test.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: If 0.007 is removed on the etch rate
test panel then the resolution of the instrument must be better than 0.0007
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 40 -

regardless of method used. Are stock removal (etching) rates posted or logged in a manner readily YES NO
accessible by the operator?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Some primes require this data to be
posted. Does the etch rate determination meet minimum requirements called out in the YES NO
processing procedure or customer requirement? Is the total thickness of alpha-case (oxide layer) either provided in advance by YES NO NA
the customer, or determined in advance of etching, to ensure required alpha-
case removal without excessive stock loss?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if alpha case is not in the
scope of the audit

5.16 Electropolishing Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if electropolishing
is not in the scope of the audit.

5.16.1 Are stock removal rates determined to assure correct processing? YES NO

5.16.2 Is the required surface finish defined or approved by the purchaser? YES NO

5.16.3 Is the location of electrical contacts defined or approved by the purchaser YES NO NA
when required by specification?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if not required by

5.16.4 Are processing parameters including voltage/ current density, solution YES NO
temperature and processing time defined in the work instructions?

5.17 Inspection Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if a modified
scope audit.

5.17.1 Does the supplier utilize “first piece”/”lot” and “in process” inspection as YES NO
required, to verify process?

5.17.2 Do the lot inspection and lot test procedures require sufficient data to be YES NO
recorded to demonstrate that the sample size and acceptance criteria were
fully met, and that results are traceable to the person(s) who actually did the
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Recording of just an average may not
be acceptable to demonstrate each item measured met the acceptance
requirement. In process checks, e.g. coating thickness, that are done to aid
processing do not require recording.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 41 -


See NTGOP-001 Appendix VIII for the required number and composition of job

6.1 Job 1 Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if this job audit is
not required.

Note: If the part being audited is EC–LR (e.g. ITAR) the questions marked with
an (EC) cannot be answered as they are technical information which cannot be
displayed in eAuditNet. Auditor to answer EC questions with “EC/LR”.

6.1.1 (EC) Job Identity – Job Audit Of Part Description

(If EC only include a general description, e.g. “turbine blade”, “bracket”) Part Number Customer Prime Contractor Purchase Order/Revision Level Part Quantity Serial/Lot Numbers Date of Job/Job Number (EC) Alloy/Heat Treat Condition/Hardness Processing Specifications

(If EC only include specification number, e.g. “AMS2411”) (EC) Other Purchase Order Requirements

6.1.2 Paperwork Review: Compare purchase order, shipping documents, referenced

blueprints, specifications, shop travelers, process instructions, and inspection
records. Are part numbers, specifications, and revision levels flowed down correctly? YES NO Are the frozen processes identified and if so, has customer approval been YES NO NA
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 42 -

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no frozen processes. If a follow-on order, have purchase order requirements been reviewed for YES NO
change? Are processing and inspection test requirements flowed down correctly? YES NO Does the shop paper provide the following: Traceable part identification? YES NO All processing steps identified including procedure numbers as applicable? YES NO All inspection and test requirements identified? YES NO All relevant variable data from process parameters controlled by operator YES NO
recorded on shop paper or traceable to job in shop records? All inspection and test results recorded on shop paper or traceable in shop YES NO
records? All operations, inspections, and tests done in sequence recorded or traceable YES NO
to specific process lines/workstations, operator/inspector/technician and date
done? If rework is done are all operations documented? YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no rework is required for
this job. All test coupons identified and traceable to specific pieces/lots? Coupons YES NO NA
processed through all processing steps on pieces/lots they represent; including
pre- and post-process chemical and/or mechanical cleaning and thermal
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if test coupons are not
required to be processed with this job. All process, test, and inspection equipment calibrated and traceable to part YES NO
shop documents?

6.1.3 Process Observations Receiving, paperwork generation, requirement review and receiving inspection: (EC) Pre-process cleaning (Record pre-cleaning method done, e.g. vapor
degrease or none required)
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 43 - (EC) Pre-process thermal operations (Record actual time and temperature or
none required) (EC) Masking (Record masking type, e.g. tape, wax, tool# or none required) (EC) Fixturing/Racking (Record basket, hook, wire, tool#) (EC) Processing (The continuous part after masking and racking. Record steps
e.g. degrease, deox, anodize. Parameters need only be recorded if they are
non-compliant) (EC) Post-processing cleaning (Record method, e.g. solvent wipe, or none
required) (EC) Post-processing thermal operations (Record time and temperature, time
delay since processing, none required)
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 44 - Final Inspection Packing and shipping (e.g. per customer requirement, interop) (EC) Solution and/or material testing (e.g. reviewed and acceptable, if material
testing (paint) what was done) (EC) Periodic and/or lot testing (Record testing done, e.g. Lot - Visual,
Thickness. Monthly - Salt Spray, Coating Weight) Was required periodic testing performed and documented? YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no periodic testing

6.1.4 Lot Acceptance Testing/Inspection Does the definition of “lot” as established by the supplier conform to the YES NO
definition outlined by the specification? If parts were shipped before completion of lot acceptance testing, was this YES NO NA
authorized in writing by the customer?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if parts were not shipped
before completion of lot testing. Did the sampling plan meet specification and/or customer requirements? YES NO Was hardware held pending resolution of nonconformances noted during YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no non-conformances. Was lot testing required? YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no lot testing.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 45 - Was lot testing performed and documented? YES NO NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no lot testing. Was lot testing in conformance with specification and/or customer YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if no lot testing.

6.1.5 Operator Control and Job Acceptance List operator(s) who performed processing operations: Are the operators trained and approved? YES NO Are all operations, inspections and tests properly stamped off or signed off and YES NO
dated, as required, by the correct operator or department?

Describe: Does all processing, testing, and inspection conform to requirements? YES NO

6.1.6 Certification and Reports or Test Reports Does certification show compliance to all requirements and reflect actual data YES NO NA
as required?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if certificate not raised
before audit completed.
• If the PO/Customer has accepted a deviation to specification/ design
requirements the deviation needs to be identified on the Certificate of
Conformity. Certificate or test report number: NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if certificate not raised
before audit completed. Certification or test report date: N/A

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if certificate not raised
before audit completed.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 46 -


Appendix A content is no longer referenced from the checklist and has been deleted.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 47 -


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if hydrogen embrittlement
testing is not required.

B1.1 Are specimens manufactured and certified to the applicable specification, or YES NO
other customer requirement?


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if hydrogen embrittlement
testing is not required.

B2.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specs to which it is compliant.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory

B2.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B2.3 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B2.4 Is the testing performed in accordance with applicable specification? YES NO

B2.5 Is the test device constructed and maintained so as to minimize bending YES NO NA
stresses imparted to the specimen including lever arms properly balanced,
fulcrums clean and free from excessive wear, and load train self-aligning and
hanging freely from suspension point?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B2.6 Does test procedure include, at a minimum, a visual inspection prior to testing YES NO NA
to verify instrument operation in accordance with B2.5?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B2.7 Do test records include the results of visual inspection of the notch for cracks YES NO NA
after testing?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B2.8 Does the test procedure describe calculations to determine loading? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B2.9 Do test reports/certs show evidence of review, compliance to specification or YES NO

correct retesting/ replacement testing or customer notification?
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 48 -

B2.10 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a
batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.

B2.11 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by the customer if required?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed in-


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if metallography testing is
not required

B3.1 Is there an internal procedure covering the test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specifications to which it is compliant?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed by
external laboratory.

B3.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed by
external laboratory.

B3.3 Is testing performed in accordance with applicable specifications? YES NO

B3.4 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B3.5 Are precautions taken to prevent cutting or grinding induced specimen YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed by
external laboratory.

B3.6 Do metallographic mounts display good edge retention with minimal edge YES NO NA
rounding and with no gap between specimen and mount media?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed by
external laboratory.

B3.7 Does the preparation method produce section perpendicularity adequate for YES NO NA
measurement of surface dimensions in accordance with applicable
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed by
external laboratory.

B3.8 Does the test procedure specify the magnification to be used for thickness YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed by
external laboratory.

B3.9 Are the filar eye-pieces used for thickness measurement calibrated using stage YES NO NA
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 49 -

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed by
external laboratory.

B3.10 Do test reports/ certs show evidence of review, compliance to specification or YES NO
correct retesting/ replacement testing or customer notification?

B3.11 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a
batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.

B3.12 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if micro-hardness testing
is not required.

B4.1 Is testing performed in accordance with applicable specifications? YES NO

B4.2 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B4.3 Do test reports/ certs show evidence of review, compliance to specification or YES NO
correct retesting/ replacement testing or customer notification?

B4.4 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a
batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.

B4.5 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-

B4.6 Microhardness Testing Method Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if the test is
performed by external laboratory.

B4.6.1 Is there an internal procedure covering the test method that identifies the YES NO
specifications to which it is compliant?

B4.6.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO

B4.6.3 Does the test procedure specify the default sampling location (i.e., tested on YES NO
cross section or directly on surface)?
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 50 -

B4.6.4 Is testing performed in an area free from vibration? YES NO

B4.6.5 Is the specimen surface finish adequate that the perimeter of the indentation is YES NO
clearly defined in the field of the microscope?

B4.6.7 Are specimen flatness (lack of edge rounding) and alignment adequate to
assure that:

B4.6.7.1 Indentations closest to the edge are clearly defined in the field of focus? YES NO

B4.6.7.2 (Knoop) One leg of long diagonal is no more that 20% greater than the other? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if Knoop testing is not

B4.6.7.3 (Vickers) Both legs of same diagonals are not noticeably different? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if Vickers testing is not

B4.7 Are indentations, located closer to the edge of the specimen than the length of YES NO
the indentation diagonal when measured perpendicular to the edge,

B4.8 Are hardness test machines verified to applicable specification? YES NO

B4.9 Do written procedures establish periodicity of verification (to be “daily” when YES NO
machine is used)?

B4.10 Does repeatability conform to applicable specification? YES NO

B4.11 Does maximum error conform to applicable specification? YES NO

B4.12 Are hardness blocks certified to applicable specification? YES NO

B4.13 If microhardness values are converted to other hardness scales, is the YES NO NA
conversion table that was used recorded?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if conversion tables are
not used.

List table(s) used


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if corrosion testing is not

B5.1 Is there an internal procedure covering the test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specifications to which it is compliant?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed by
external laboratory.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 51 -

B5.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed by
external laboratory.

B5.3 Is testing performed in accordance with applicable specifications? YES NO

B5.4 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B5.5 Are specimens suitably masked or protected so as to prevent corrosion of cut YES NO NA
or otherwise uncoated edges?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed by
external laboratory or if test pieces are coated all over.

B5.6 Are specimens prepared and handled so as to preclude the introduction of YES NO
foreign materials to the test surface?

B5.7 Are the following items recorded? Section NA

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed by
external laboratory.
• The period for which the cabinet is open for daily checks (which should be
the minimum necessary to perform the checks and observe and record
any visible changes to the test pieces) is not required to be recorded.

B5.7.1 The type of salt and water used in preparing the salt solution? YES NO
B5.7.2 The chamber temperature? YES NO
B5.7.3 The collection rate? YES NO
B5.7.4 The specific gravity or concentration of the condensate? YES NO
B5.7.5 The pH of the condensate? YES NO
B5.7.6 The method of cleaning specimens before and after testing? YES NO
B5.7.7 The method of supporting or suspending the specimen in the chamber? YES NO
B5.7.8 The masking or protection used? YES NO
B5.7.9 The exposure period? YES NO
B5.7.10 Interruption in exposure? YES NO
B5.7.11 The angle at which the specimen is positioned? YES NO

B5.8 Does the procedure specify a method to determine the disposition of suspect YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed by
external laboratory.
• Referee magnification, see AC7108 section 2.4 is an example method of

B5.9 Does the salt used for the solution make-up fully conform to that required by YES NO NA
the latest issue of the test specification?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed by
external laboratory.

B5.10 Does the water used for solution make-up conform to the applicable YES NO NA
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 52 -

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed by

external laboratory.

B5.11 Do test reports/ certs show evidence of review, compliance to specification or YES NO
correct retesting/ replacement testing or customer notification?

B5.12 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a
batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.

B5.13 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if immersion/humidity
testing is not required.

B6.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specs to which it is compliant.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory

B6.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B6.3 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B6.4 Is testing performed in accordance with specification requirements? YES NO

B6.5 Does the test procedure specify the control of test water and is there evidence YES NO NA
that the correct water is used?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B6.6 Does the procedure specify a method to determine the disposition of suspect YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.
• Referee magnification, see AC7108 section 2.4 is an example method of

B6.7 Do test reports/ certs show evidence of review, compliance to specification or YES NO
correct retesting/ replacement testing or customer notification?

B6.8 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 53 -

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a

batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.

B6.9 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if heat resistance testing is
not required.

B7.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specs to which it is compliant?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory

B7.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B7.3 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B7.4 Is testing performed in accordance with the applicable specification? YES NO

B7.5 Does the procedure specify a method to determine the disposition of suspect YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.
• Referee magnification, see AC7108 section 2.4 is an example method of

B7.6 Do test reports/ certs show evidence of review, compliance to specification or YES NO
correct retesting/ replacement testing or customer notification?

B7.7 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a
batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.

B7.8 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if adhesion-wear testing is
not required.

B8.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 54 -

specs to which it is compliant?

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory

B8.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B8.3 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B8.4 Is testing performed in accordance with the applicable specification? YES NO

B8.5 Does the procedure specify a method to determine the disposition of suspect YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.
• Referee magnification, see AC7108 section 2.4 is an example method of

B8.6 Do test reports/ certs show evidence of review, compliance to specification or YES NO
correct retesting/ replacement testing or customer notification?

B8.7 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a
batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.

B8.8 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if taber wear testing is not

B9.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specs to which it is compliant.
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory

B9.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test.? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B9.3 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B9.4 Is testing performed in accordance with applicable specification? YES NO

B9.5 Are abrasive wheels resurfaced prior to each test? YES NO NA

PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 55 -

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by

external laboratory.

B9.6 Are abrasive wheels updated in accordance with their life limit date? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B9.7 Are test devices standardized in accordance with applicable specification prior YES NO NA
to each test?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B9.8 Are specimens conditioned in accordance with the specification and tested in YES NO NA
the conditioning environment or immediately upon removal from the
conditioning environment?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B9.9 Unless determined by weight change does the test procedure specify a method YES NO NA
to determine the disposition of suspect indications??
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory or if visual acceptance criteria is not defined.
• Referee magnification, see AC7108 section 2.4 is an example method of

B9.10 Do test reports/ certs show evidence of review, compliance to specification or YES NO
correct retesting/ replacement testing or customer notification?

B9.11 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a
batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.

B9.12 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if adhesion tape testing is
not required.

B10.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specs to which it is compliant?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory

B10.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 56 -

B10.3 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B10.4 Is testing performed in accordance with applicable specification? YES NO

B10.5 Does the test procedure specify conditioning environment and duration and the YES NO NA
allowable time between removal from the conditioning environment and
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory or if conditioning is not required.

B10.6 Does the test procedure specify tape characteristics and, when required, roller YES NO NA
mass and hardness?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.
• Use of a roller is not always required for tape adhesion testing. When a
roller is not required the question should just consider the tape used.

B10.7 Does the procedure specify a method to determine the disposition of suspect YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.
• Referee magnification, see AC7108 section 2.4 is an example method of

B10.8 Do test reports/ certs show evidence of review, compliance to specification or YES NO
correct retesting/ replacement testing or customer notification?

B10.9 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a
batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.

B10.10 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if scratch and chisel
testing is not required.

B11.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specs to which it is compliant?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B11.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 57 -

B11.3 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B11.4 Is scratch and chisel testing performed in accordance with the applicable YES NO

B11.5 Does the procedure specify a method to determine the disposition of suspect YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.
• Referee magnification, see AC7108 section 2.4 is an example method of

B11.6 Do test reports/ certs show evidence of review, compliance to specification or YES NO
correct retesting/ replacement testing or customer notification?

B11.7 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a
batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.

B11.8 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if adhesion bend testing
is not required.

B12.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specs to which it is compliant?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B12.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B12.3 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B12.4 Is the testing performed in accordance with applicable specification? YES NO

B12.5 Is the bend mandrel diameter in accordance with the test specification? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory or if a mandrel is not used.

B12.6 Does the procedure specify a method to determine the disposition of suspect YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 58 -

external laboratory.
• Referee magnification, see AC7108 section 2.4 is an example method of

B12.7 Do test reports/ certs show evidence of review, compliance to specification or YES NO
correct retesting/ replacement testing or customer notification?

B12.8 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a
batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.

B12.9 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if coating weight testing is
not required.

B13.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specs to which it is compliant?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B13.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.
Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B13.4 Is testing performed in accordance with the applicable specification? YES NO

B13.5 Does the test record include the initial and final weight and surface area of the YES NO NA
specimen determined as necessary to satisfy the level of precision specified by
the specification?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B13.6 Does the test procedure describe the calculations to determine coating weight? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B13.7 Are test specimens simple in geometry so as to minimize measurement YES NO

induced inaccuracies? (A thin panel with parallel sides is recommended)

B13.8 Are stripping solutions such that they do not chemically attack the basis YES NO NA
material. Is solution selection qualified by trial immersion of uncoated
specimens of the same basis material as the test specimens or is solution
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 59 -

specified by the specification being used?

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B13.9 Do test reports/ certs show evidence of review, compliance to specification or YES NO
correct retesting/ replacement testing or customer notification?

B13.10 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a
batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.

B13.11 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-


B14.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO
specs to which it is compliant?

B14.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO

B14.3 Is testing performed in accordance with applicable specification? YES NO

B14.4 If temperature compensation is not performed are the test specimen and YES NO NA
reference standard at the same temperature as surrounding medium?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the instrument performs
temperature compensation.


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if resistivity testing is not

B15.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specs to which it is compliant?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B15.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B15.3 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B15.4 Is testing performed in accordance with applicable specification? YES NO

B15.5 Are test specimens and reference standard the same temperature as the YES NO NA
surrounding medium?
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 60 -

• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by

external laboratory.

B15.6 Is certified resistivity based on more than one measurement per specimen? YES NO NA

B15.7 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved

Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if thickness measurement
is not required.

B16.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specifications to which it is compliant?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies for direct measurement
using mechanical instruments, e.g. micrometer, vernier caliper.

B16.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO

B16.3 Are both direct measurement and indirect measurement instruments YES NO
periodically calibrated?

B16.4 Is thickness measurement performed in accordance with the applicable YES NO


B16.5 Indirect thickness measurement e.g. magnetic, eddy current, XRF, etc. Section NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies if the supplier does not
use indirect measurement techniques.

B16.5.1 Are thickness standards controlled, available to operators, appropriate for the YES NO NA
range required and traceable to National Standards?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies if XRF that uses the
fundamental parameter technique is the only indirect method used.

B16.5.2 Is instrument verification carried out at the appropriate frequency for the YES NO NA
instrument type and technique used and is it defined in an internal instruction?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies if XRF that uses the
fundamental parameter technique is the only indirect method used.
• Full verification is not required for other XRF machines and other
instruments that have a stored calibration curve for the coating system and
substrate. Refer to refer to instrument manual and thickness measurement
specification for other instrument types.

B16.5.3 Is a record of verification maintained, and are values within tolerance? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies if XRF that uses the
fundamental parameter technique is the only indirect method used.
• The information recorded must be sufficient to demonstrate that the
instrument was correctly set up and verified for an historical job.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 61 -

• Record of verification is not required for in process checks, it is only

required for formal buy-off inspection.

B16.6 Are specific locations for thickness measurement defined for processed parts? YES NO

B16.7 Do thickness measurement methods and locations take into account error YES NO
associated with edge effect, curvature, and coating/base material properties as


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if solderability testing is
not required

B17.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specs to which it is compliant?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B17.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B17.3 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B17.4 Is testing performed in accordance with the applicable specification? YES NO

B17.5 Is testing performed on “as-coated” specimens without surface cleaning YES NO NA

beyond that specified in the coating procedure?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B17.6 Are specimen immersion and removal rates, as well as time in solder pot, YES NO NA
tightly controlled in accordance with the applicable specifications?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B17.7 Does the procedure specify a method to determine the disposition of suspect YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.
• Referee magnification, see AC7108 section 2.4 is an example method of

B17.8 Do test reports/ certs show evidence of review, compliance to specification or YES NO
correct retesting/ replacement testing or customer notification?

B17.9 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a
batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 62 -

B17.10 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if heat & quench testing is
not required

B18.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specs to which it is compliant?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B18.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B18.3 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B18.4 Is testing performed in accordance with the applicable specification? YES NO

B18.5 Do test reports/ certs show evidence of review, compliance to specification or YES NO
correct retesting/ replacement testing or customer notification?

B18.6 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a
batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.

B18.7 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if climbing drum peel
testing is not required

B19.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specs to which it is compliant?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B19.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B19.3 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 63 -

B19.4 Is testing performed in accordance with applicable specification? YES NO

B19.5 Is there a shop document that records and provides traceability for the test YES NO
piece manufacturer, including material certs?

B19.6 Is the test machine calibrated (load cell), serviced and in good condition? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B19.7 Does the test method show that the load is applied at the correct speed? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B19.8 Is the formula for determining the peel strength correct? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B19.9 Does the review also include trend analysis and action if negative trends are YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA Applies when the test is done as a
batch/lot acceptance test and not a periodic process performance test.

B19.10 If testing is sub-contracted is the Laboratory listed on the supplier's Approved YES NO NA
Supplier List and is it approved by customer if required?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if the test is performed in-


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if porosity testing is not

B20.1 Is there an internal procedure covering this test method that identifies the YES NO NA
specs to which it is compliant?
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B20.2 Is the person doing the testing identified as trained/competent to do the test? YES NO NA
• Compliance Assessment Guidance: NA applies if testing is performed by
external laboratory.

B20.3 Is the test carried out at the required frequency? YES NO

B20.4 Is testing performed in accordance with the applicable specification? YES NO

B20.5 Is the test solution made fresh each day or tested for effectiveness prior to YES NO

B20.6 Is the component, or test piece where permitted, being kept wet/submersed for YES NO
the required time?
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 64 -


• Compliance Assessment Guidance: Section NA applies if no other testing
is done or audited.

B21.1 Is testing performed in accordance with the applicable specification? YES NO NA

(Free text box for describing test and audit results)

PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 65 -


The example Test Matrix has been removed from here and placed in the Chemical Process Audit Handbook.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 66 -


Note: Temperature is typically controlled and recorded on a periodic basis, e.g.

daily, weekly. If the operator is required to change the temperature of a bath for
different specifications, e.g. sulfuric tank for type II or type III anodize then the
temperature must be recorded on the route card or on a log traceable to the route

None as long as method is non-etching. Process sheet must specify the
maximum time.
Immersion/Contact Time if etching.

It is only necessary to record the masking family, e.g. tape, lacquer, bung, etc.

Abrasive Blasting
Offset distance

None so long as method is non-etching. Process sheet must specify the
maximum time.
Immersion/Contact Time if etching.


Immersion Time.

Electrolytic Clean
Immersion time
Voltage or Amperage - as required by specification.
Surface area if current density (amperage) controlled.
Anodic/Cathodic/Reversing unless it is fixed.

Acid Desmut
None for dilute acid solutions used for alkaline etch desmut or
neutralizing. Process sheet specify maximum immersion time.

PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 67 -

Immersion Time

Chemical Milling
Immersion Time

Conversion Coating
Immersion Time

Electroless Plating
Immersion Time

Voltage or Amperage - as required by specification.
Surface area if current density (amperage) controlled.
Anodize Time

Immersion Time

Barrel Plating
Voltage or Amperage - as required by specification
Surface area if current density (amperage) controlled.

Brush Plating
Surface Area
Solution Type
Ampere Hours

Voltage or Amperage - as required by specification
Surface area if current density (amperage) controlled.

Voltage or amperage – as required by specification
Surface area – if controlled by amperage.
NOTE: Where a cathometer is used to control the plating current density the
actual current density, rather than amperage, shall be recorded.

Ramp Rates
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 68 -

Time current is initially applied

Time the required voltage/amperage is reached.

Painting/Dry Film Coating

Primer Mixing Information
Base Batch#
Mix Start Time
Spraying information
Coat 1 Start
Coat 2 Start
Cure Start
Coat Mixing Information
Base Batch#
Mix Start Time
Spraying information
Coat 1 Start
Coat 2 Start
Cure Start
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 69 -


This Appendix identifies the process and inspection steps that can be combined into a single buy-off when
carried out by the same person.
If a step(s) have been started by one person and finished by another person then each person must buy-off by
applying a stamp or signature/initial sign-off and dated for the step(s) or portion of the step they have done,
unless an alternative responsibility is clearly defined..
Thermal treatments at temperatures of greater than 250°F (121°C) require a separate buy-off.
If the sequence of steps contains more than one main process, e.g. conversion and paint, then each main
process must have a buy-off.

Potential Process Steps Buy-Off Requirement

Incoming inspection Buy-Off Step

Pre-process cleaning method(s)

Pre-coat thermal treatment (If greater than 250°F (121°C)
this requires a separate buy-off).
Fixturing, racking
Degrease / Alkaline Clean.
Rinse and Water Break Free Test (Note: The WBF test
requires a positive recognition, e.g. a tick box.) Buy-Off Step -These steps can be combined into a
single buy-off unless otherwise required above.
Etch Clean / Deox / Activation
Rinse and Water Break Free Test (Note: The WBF test
requires a positive recognition, e.g. a tick box.)
Strike / Prime
Process: (e.g. Anodize, Conversion, Passivate,
Electroplating, Painting, Etching …).
Drying (If greater than 250°F (121°C) this requires a
separate buy-off).
Post-process cleaning methods
Post-coating thermal treatment (If greater than 250°F
(121°C) this requires a separate buy-off).

Buy-Off Step -These inspections / tests can be

Lot Inspection and Testing e.g. Adhesion, Thickness, combined into a single buy-off unless otherwise
Visual. required above. Also see 5.17.2

Final Inspection
Buy-Off Step - These steps can be combined into
Packaging. a single buy-off unless otherwise required above.
NOTE: For manufacturing facilities, when final inspection, packaging and shipping operations are outside the
scope of the CP audit, buy-off of these steps is not applicable.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 70 -


The example Solution Matrix has been deleted from here and moved to the Chemical Process Audit
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 71 -




To define the default periodic test frequencies adopted by the Chemical Processing Task Group for
periodic tests where the specification or purchaser does not specifically define them. Other test
requirements (number of samples, size of samples, test parameters etc) shall be as defined in the
specification; where these are not defined customer agreement, or Prime agreement, shall be obtained.

To provide agreed clarification of specification requirements.


This document applies to National Specifications and Consensus Specifications flowed down in OEM
contracts from Prime Companies requiring AC7108 Accreditation for that process - it does not apply to
customer owned specifications.

An example situation where Table 1 Part A applies is AMS2412 Rev G. AMS2412 states, “Composition
(3.4.2), hydrogen embrittlement (3.4.4), and tests of cleaning and plating solutions (See 8.4) are periodic
tests and shall be performed at a frequency selected by the processor unless frequency of testing is
specified by purchaser.”


This Appendix does not contain any questions but does identify requirements that are to be applied to
audits subject to AC7108 Accreditation.


Lot Test: See AC7108 Para 2.4 for definition of Lot.

Daily Test: A test shall be done each day the process is used.
Weekly Test: Time between processing test pieces is not to exceed 7 calendar days.
Monthly Test: Time between processing test pieces is not to exceed 35 calendar days.
Quarterly Test: Time between processing test pieces is not to exceed 100 calendar days.
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 72 -


Table 1 Part A defines the default frequency requirements.

Periodic Test AC7108 App B Frequency

Adhesion Test – Paints. B6, B10 Monthly

Adhesion Test – B7, B8, B10, B11, B12, Monthly

Metallic Coatings B18, B19
Hydrogen Embrittlement B2 Monthly
Hydrogen Pick-Up Monthly
IGA/EGP B3 Monthly
Micro Hardness B4 Monthly

Corrosion Testing for Protective B5, B6 Monthly

Coatings (e.g. electroplate, anodise,
Testing for Passivated Surface. B5, B6 Weekly

Erosion or Wear Testing B9 Monthly

Coating Weight Testing B13 Monthly

Resistivity Testing B15 NA - no known periodic

test requirement for
chemical processing.
Thickness B16 NA - no known periodic
test requirement for
chemical processing.
Solderability B17 NA - no known periodic
test requirement for
chemical processing.
Porosity Testing B20 Monthly
Composition – Alloy Plate including Monthly
Electroless Nickel and Gold.
Composition – Pure Plate (e.g. Silver) Quarterly
PRI AC 7108 Revision E - 73 -


Table 1 Part B provides Task Group clarifications of specification requirements.

Specification Paragraph Clarification

Revision and

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