Secondary Data Analysis
Secondary Data Analysis
Secondary Data Analysis
• The person reviewing the secondary data can • Properly citing the publication date of
easily become overwhelmed by the volume the sources you used will allow subsequent
of secondary data available, if selectivity is researchers to use your work to make
not exercised. comparisons over time and between
countries, communities, towns, regions, etc.
• It is often difficult to determine the quality of
some of the data in question. • Proper citation allow subsequent
researchers to use your work, thus
• Sources may conflict with each other. preventing unnecessary duplication of
research efforts (Qualidata 1997)
• Because secondary data is usually not
collected for the same purpose as the
original researcher had, the goals and
purposes of the original researcher can SUMMARY
potentially bias the study.
Secondary data can be a valuable source of
information for gaining knowledge and insight
Secondary versus into a broad range of issues and phenomena.
Primary Data Review and analysis of secondary data can
provide a cost-effective way of addressing
issues, conducting cross-national comparisons,
Secondary data complements,
understanding country-specific and local
but does not replace, primary conditions, determining the direction and
data collection and should be magnitude of change -- trends, and describing
the starting place for any the current situation. It complements, but does
research activity. not replace, primary data collection and should
be the starting place for any research
Israel, Glenn D.
1993 Using Secondary Data for Needs
Assessment, Fact Sheet PEOD-10,
Program Evaluation and
Organizational Development Series,
Institute of Food and Agricultural
Services, University of Florida.
Novak, Thomas P.
1996 Secondary Data Analysis Lecture
Notes. Marketing Research,
Vanderbilt University. Available online