Grade 2 Reading Rubric

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Reading Grade 2

Outcome (indicator)

4 - Mastery

CR2.1 Comprehend and

respond to a variety of gradelevel texts that address:
identity, community, and social
responsibility and make
connections to prior learning
and experiences.

Reads, responds and shows

comprehension by:
Discussing inferential
experiences and traditions from
Making significant connections
Identifying complex similarities
and differences

CR2.4 Read and demonstrate

comprehension of gradeappropriate literary and
informational texts read silently
and orally by relating and
retelling key events and ideas
in sequence with specific
details and discussing how,
why, and what if questions.

Reads and demonstrates insightful

comprehension of:
the key events and elements of a
story (including setting,
characters, character traits,
problem and solution, and
sequence of events)
key ideas and elements (including
main idea, supporting details,
diagrams, headings, table of
contents, glossary) of
informational texts including First
Nations and Mtis resources

(h). Read appropriate fiction and

non-fiction texts at a reasonable
rate (70-100 wcpm orally; 95-145
silently) with fluent pacing on
practiced texts.
Use of Strategies
CR2.4(b) Select and use taskrelevant before, during, and
after strategies to construct
meaning when reading.

3 - Proficient

Reads, responds and shows comprehension

Discussing experiences and traditions
from texts
Making connections
Identifying similarities and differences

2 - Approaching

Reads, responds and shows

comprehension by:
Simplistically discussing
experiences and traditions from
Making predictable connections
Identifying basic similarities and

1 - Beginning

Reads, responds and shows

comprehension by:
Limited or inability to
discuss experiences and
traditions from texts
Making few, if any
Identifying limited similarities
and differences

Reads and demonstrates comprehension of:

the key events and elements of a

story (including setting, characters,
character traits, problem and solution,
and sequence of events)
key ideas and elements (including
main idea, supporting details,
diagrams, headings, table of contents,
glossary) of informational texts
including First Nations and Mtis

Reads appropriate fiction and non-fiction

texts at a rate of (101+ wcpm orally;
146+ silently) with fluent pacing on
practiced texts

Reads appropriate fiction and non-fiction

texts at a reasonable rate (70-100 wcpm
orally; 95-145 silently) with fluent pacing
on practiced texts

Purposefully selects and uses taskrelevant before, during, and after

strategies to construct meaning when

Reads and demonstrates basic

comprehension of:

the obvious events and elements

of a story (including setting,
characters, character traits,
problem and solution, and
sequence of events)
simple ideas and elements
(including main idea, supporting
details, diagrams, headings, table
of contents, glossary) of
informational texts including First
Nations and Mtis resources

Reads and demonstrate partial

comprehension of:
the obvious events and
elements of a story (including
setting, characters, character
traits, problem and solution,
and sequence of events)
simple ideas and elements
(including main idea,
supporting details, diagrams,
headings, table of contents,
glossary) of informational texts
including First Nations and
Mtis resources

Reads appropriate fiction and non-fiction

texts at a rate of (60-69 wcpm orally)
with some pacing evident on practiced

Reads appropriate fiction and nonfiction texts at a rate of (30-59

wcpm orally) with little evidence of
pacing on practiced texts

Selects and use task-relevant before, during,

and after strategies to construct meaning
when reading.

Simplisticly attempts to select and use

task-relevant before, during, and after
strategies to construct meaning when

Ineffectively or inappropriately
attempts to select and use taskrelevant before, during, and after
strategies to construct meaning when

Activates and builds upon prior
knowledge and experience
Previews text
Sets a purpose

Activates and builds upon prior
knowledge and experience
Previews text
Sets a purpose

Activates and builds upon prior
knowledge and experience
Previews text
Sets a purpose

Activates and builds upon prior
knowledge and experience
Previews text
Sets a purpose





Reading Grade 2

Makes connections to personal

knowledge and experience
Uses the cueing systems to construct
meaning from the text
Makes, confirms, and adjusts
predictions and inferences
Constructs mental images
Interprets visuals
Identifies key ideas and supports ideas
Self-questions, self-monitors, and
Draws conclusions
Adjusts rate or strategy to purpose
or difficulty of text

Makes connections to personal

knowledge and experience
Uses the cueing systems to construct
meaning from the text
Makes, confirms, and adjusts
predictions and inferences
Constructs mental images
Interprets visuals
Identifies key ideas and supports ideas
Self-questions, self-monitors, and
Draws conclusions

Makes connections to personal

knowledge and experience
Uses the cueing systems to construct
meaning from the text
Makes, confirms, and adjusts
predictions and inferences
Constructs mental images
Interprets visuals
Identifies key ideas and supports ideas
Self-questions, self-monitors, and
Draws conclusions

Makes connections to personal

knowledge and experience
Uses the cueing systems to construc
meaning from the text
Makes, confirms, and adjusts
predictions and inferences
Constructs mental images
Interprets visuals
Identifies key ideas and supports ide
Self-questions, self-monitors, and
Draw conclusions



Recalls, paraphrases, and
Recalls, paraphrases, summarizes,
Interprets (identifying new knowledge
Interprets (identifying new knowledge
and synthesizes
Interprets (identifying new knowledg
and insights)
and insights)
Interpreting (identifying new knowledge
Evaluates authors/creators message(s)
Evaluates authors/creators message(s) and insights)
and insights)
Evaluates authors/creators
Responds personally, giving support
Evaluates authors/creators message(s) Responds personally, giving support
from text
from text
Responds personally, giving support
Responds personally, giving support
Views, listens, reads again, speaks, writes, and
Views, listens, reads again, speaks, writes,
from text
from text
and use other forms of representing to
Views, listens, reads again, speaks, writes, uses other forms of representing to deepen
Views, listens, reads again, speaks,
understanding and pleasure
deepen understanding and pleasure
and use other forms of representing to
writes, and use other forms of
deepen understanding and pleasure
representing to deepen
understanding and pleasure

Cues & Conventions

CR2.4(c) Understand and apply the
appropriate cues and conventions
to construct and confirm meaning
when reading.

Comprehensive understanding and

skillful application of the appropriate
cues and conventions to construct and
confirm meaning when reading.

Appropriate understanding and application

of the appropriate cues and conventions to
construct and confirm meaning when

Simplistic understanding and

inconsistent application of cues and
conventions to construct and confirm
meaning when reading.

Vague understanding and

ineffective application of cues and
conventions to construct and confirm
meaning when reading.

Reading Grade 2
Identifies and states reasons for reading
Recognizes and uses different text forms, features and elements
Recognizes and comprehends simple, compound, and complex sentences and their related punctuation including quotation marks
Uses knowledge of sentence structure to determine meaning of a sentence,
Uses punctuation to help understand what they read
Recognizes basic sight vocabulary
Uses context clues
Uses knowledge of simple prefixes and suffixes and recognize the same words in different forms;
Uses individual words to predict meaning of compound words
Recognizes word play.
Uses phonics to decode individual
Segments all sounds of a word into individual sounds
Deletes beginning or ending sounds and tell the remaining word
Decodes individual words and sounds heard in multisyllabic words
Recognizes features of words including possessives, double vowels, multi-syllabic words
Recognizes long vowel sounds, contractions, y as a vowel sound, consonant clusters, consonant digraphs, and double vowels.
Other Cues and Conventions
Interprets and responds appropriately to non-verbal cues including facial expression and gestures
Uses and interprets conventions of texts
Recognizes and uses discernible features such as labels, headings, sounds, colours.

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