Applications For Jigs and Fixtures
Applications For Jigs and Fixtures
Applications For Jigs and Fixtures
Typically, the jigs and fixtures found in a machine shop are for machining operations.
Other operations, however, such as assembly, inspection, testing, and layout, are also
areas where work holding devices are well suited. Figure 1-7 shows a list of the morecommon classifications and applications of jigs and fixtures used for manufacturing.
There are many distinct variations within each general classification, and many work
holders are actually combinations of two or more of the classifications shown.
Flat-Surface Machining
Milling fixtures
Surface-grinding fixtures
Planing fixtures
Shaping fixtures
Cylindrical-Surface Machining
Lathe fixtures
Cylindrical-grinding fixtures
Irregular-Surface Machining
Band-sawing fixtures
External-broaching fixtures
Cylindrical- and Irregular-Hole Machining
Drill jigs
Boring jigs
Electrical-discharge-machining fixtures
Punching fixtures
Internal-broaching fixtures
Welding fixtures
Mechanical-assembly fixtures
(Riveting, stapling, stitching, pinning, etc.)
Soldering fixtures
Mechanical-inspection fixtures
Optical-inspection fixtures
Electronic-inspection fixtures
Painting fixtures
Plating fixtures
Polishing fixtures
Lapping fixtures
Honing fixtures
Layout templates
Testing fixtures
Heat-treating fixtures
Modular Fixtures
Modular fixtures achieve many of the advantages of a permanent tool using only a
temporary setup. Depicted in Figure 1-4, these workholders combine ideas and
elements of permanent and general-purpose workholding.
Figure 1-4. Modular workholders combine ideas and elements of both permanent and
temporary workholding to make inexpensive-yet-durable workholders.
The primary advantage of modular fixtures is that a tool with the benefits of permanent
tooling (setup reduction, durability, productivity improvements, and reduced operator
decision-making) can be built from a set of standard components. The fixture can be
disassembled when the run is complete, to allow the reuse of the components in a
different fixture. At a later time the original can be readily reconstructed from drawings,
instructions, and photographic records. This reuse enables the construction of a
complex, high-precision tool without requiring the corresponding dedication of the fixture
1: Body:
The jig body is generally made of cost iron by casting process or
fabricated by welding together various slabs and bars of mild
steel. It may be heat treated to relief the stresses. Body is the
most prominent feature of the jig. Its main purpose is to support
and house the job.
The various jig body are follows:
Leaf type jig is simple made from a block of steel fitted with two
adjustable locating screws and a spring loaded plunger. It is used
in case of measured large components where it may be both
unnecessary and construct a jig to hold the complete component ,
where madding is purely confined to a local section of the work
2:Locating Devices
The pins of various design and made of hardened steel are the
most common locating devices used to locate a work piece in a jig
or fixture. The shank of the pin is press fitted or driven into the
body of jig or fixture. The locating diameter of the pin is made
larger than the shank to prevent it from being forced into the jig
or fixture body due to the weight of the work piece or cutting
forces. Depending upon the mutual relation between the work
piece and the pin.
The pin may be classify as follows:
(F): C-Clamp:
To unload the work piece, the locking nut is unscrewed by giving it
about one turn and this releases the c- clamp. When the clamp is
removed or swing away the work piece can freely pass over the
nut. To reverse procedure is adopted for loading the work piece.
Jig bushes are used in drilling and boring, a bush fits into the hole
of the jig, through which the drill passes. The diameter of the
bush depends on the diameter of the drill. Different type of
bushes are spot welded or screwed with the jig. Headless type
bushes are press fit into the hole of the job. Bushes are general
made of a good grade of tool steel to insure hardening at a fairly
no temperature and to lesson the danger of fire cracking.
Sometime the bushes for guiding tools may be of cast iron.
Hardened steel bushes are always preferable for guiding drills,
reamers and taps etc.
American standard bushes are classified in three categories.
1: press- fit wearing bushes
2: renewable wearing bushes
3: linear wearing bushes
2: Renewable bushes:
When the guide bushes requires periodic replacement (due to
wear of the inside diameter of the bush). Its replacement is simply
by using a renewable bush. These are of the flanged types and
sliding fit into the linear bush, which is installed press fitted into
the jig plate. The linear bush provides hardened wear resistance,
3: Linear bushes:
These bushes are also known as master bushing, are permanently
fixed to the jig body. These acts as guides for renewable type
bushing. These bushes are be with or without head.