Tracheostomy Care: Submitted By: Asentista, Jan Alrick R. 3NRS-1
Tracheostomy Care: Submitted By: Asentista, Jan Alrick R. 3NRS-1
Tracheostomy Care: Submitted By: Asentista, Jan Alrick R. 3NRS-1
Submitted By:
Asentista , Jan Alrick R.
Tracheostomy care
A tracheostomy is surgery to make a hole in your neck that goes into your windpipe. If
you need it for just a short time, it will be closed later. Some people need the hole for
the rest of their life.
The hole is needed when your airway is blocked or for some conditions that make it hard
for you to breathe. You may need a tracheostomy if you are on a breathing machine
(ventilator) for a long time.
After the hole is made, a plastic tube is placed in the hole to keep it open. A ribbon is
tied around the neck to keep the tube in place.
The surgery is done in the hospital. Before you leave the hospital you should be able to:
Clean the hole with water and mild soap or hydrogen peroxide
You will have a small amount of mucus around the tube. This is normal. The hole in your
neck should be pink and painless.
It is important to keep the tube free of thick mucus. You should always carry an extra
tube with you in case your tube gets plugged. Once you put in the new tube, clean the
old one and keep it with you as your extra tube.
When you cough, have a tissue or cloth ready to catch the mucus coming from your
Your nose will no longer keep the air you breathe moist. Talk with your doctor about how
to keep the air you breathe moist and how to prevent plugs in your tube.
Some common ways to keep the air you breathe moist are:
Putting a wet gauze or cloth over the outside of your tube. Keep it moist.
Using a humidifier in your home when the heater is on and the air is dry
A few drops of salt water (saline) will loosen a plug of thick mucus. Put a few drops in
your tube and windpipe, then take a deep breath and cough to help bring up the mucus.
Protect the hole in your neck with a cloth or tracheostomy cover when you go outside.
These covers can also help keep your clothes clean from mucus and make your
breathing sounds quieter.
DO NOT breathe in water, food, powder, or dust. When you take a shower, cover the
hole with a tracheostomy cover. You will not be able to go swimming.
To speak, you will need to cover the hole with your finger, a cap, or a speaking valve.
Sometimes you can cap the tube. Then you might be able to speak normally and
breathe through your nose and mouth.
Fever or chills
Nausea or vomiting