Is 600 MM Sufficient To Keep BDV Functional

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Is 600mm Sufficient to Keep BDV Functional?

Saeid Rahimi
Figure 1 shows a typical arrangement for blow down valve (BDV)
with restriction orifice (RO) which is used to depressurize to the
safe pressure within a limited time. You might have noticed that a
600 mm spool piece is kept between BDV and RO.
Orifice plate is the main element to kill the pressure from upstream
system pressure to flare system back pressure. Pressure drop will
result in temperature drop due to Joule Thomson (JT) effect.
Figure 1 Automatic depressurization valve arrangement
This low temperature will migrate back to the upstream of RO and probably reaches BDV. It can potentially drop BDV body
temperature below zero where moisture from atmosphere may form ice and may prevent operator from closing the BDV after
accomplishing the depressurization. This may cause re-pressurization of process because of back flow from other BDVs/PSVs.
Therefore, 600 mm spool piece is supposed to be adequate length to increase the RO downstream temperature to a temperature
above zero.
This note is trying to answer questions like Why 600 mm not 1000mm? or Is 600mm sufficient to keep BDV functional?

Heat Transfer Modeling

Giving response to this question needs heat transfer modeling. Cold gas downstream of RO has very high velocity which will result
in high internal heat transfer coefficient. So pipe wall temperature downstream of RO will reach gas temperature and this
temperature will travel back to BDV. Cold temperature will dissipate after travelling some distance towards BDV gaining heat from
pipe internal fluid and ambient depends on overall heat transfer features of surrounding. Pipe internal fluid is a high velocity gas
which is released from process system so internal heat transfer mechanism is forced convection. Internal fluid is initially at system
operating temperature and as depressuring continues its temperature reduces. Ambient temperature and heat transfer condition is
independent of depressuring. Depend on weather conditions it can be forced or free convection but the most conservative
assumption is free convection. Outside heat transfer coefficient is much lesser than internal one.
The temperature profile of pipe can be predicted by energy balance for differential element shown in figure 2.
q x q x + dx dq conv, in dq conv, out = 0


Replacing q x = k A

d 2T
and q x + dx = k A
dx in equation
dx 2

(1) gives:


d T
dx 2

dx h out Pout dx (T t out ) h in Pin dx (T t in ) = 0


Further modifications will result in equation (3):

d 2T
dx 2

h out Pout
(T t out ) h in Pin (T t in ) = 0



T =Tb

Figure 2 Equation (4) boundary conditions

This equation can be solved with different assumptions. Most conservative assumption is to ignore internal or external heat transfer
then the last term in above equation will be omitted. I prefer to take another approach and assume tin = tout. This can be conservative
if the minimum of tin or tout is used for calculation. Rearranging equation (3) will result in following equation:

d 2T
dx 2

h P + h in Pin
out out
(T t ) = 0


If = (T t ) then equation (4) will be reduced to

d 2
dx 2

m2 = 0


The typical solution to equation (5) would be = C1 e mx + C 2 e mx

h out Pout + h in Pin

Where m =



, A = D out
, Pout = D out and Pin = Din

Boundary conditions for solving equation (6) are:

C1 e

At RO location (x = 0), T = Tb, so b = Tb t then C1 + C 2 = b

At distance where pipe temperature reached process or ambient temperature (x = L), T = t, so = 0 then

+ C 2 e mL = 0

From 2nd boundary limit, C1 = 0 then from the 1st one, C 2 = b .

So the final solution will be = b e mx


Case study
A 600# system initially at (tin) 50C is depressurized through 20 (500 mm ID, 525 mm OD) flare line upstream of RO.
Depressuring calculation dictates design temperature of -25C and -100C for pressure vessel and flare line respectively and you are
going to set piping spec break considering below typical criteria for material selection:
CS :

-29C < design temperature


-46C < design temperature < -29C

SS :

-105C < design temperature < -46C

According to above criteria, CS and SS can be used for pressure vessel and flare line. Below exercise is going to verify the distance
between RO and BDV to ensure that changing material from SS to CS at the edge of BDV is the correct design. Table -1 shows the
distance at which -29C will be obtained based on the result of equation (7) with different assumptions specified in the same table.
Other inputs are:
Depressuring flow rate:
Fluid heat capacity :
Fluid Viscosity :
Ambient Temperature (tout):

10,000 kg/hr
1 kJ/kg K
0.02 Cp

Pipe thermal conductivity (k):

Fluid density :
Fluid thermal conductivity :
Ambient heat transfer coe. (hout) :

45 W/m K
10 kg/m3
0.03 W/m K
5 W/m2 K

Table 1 Case study results

Internal heat transfer considered?
External heat transfer considered?
Fluid temperature, t (C)
hin (W/m2K)
x (mm)

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3



Case 4

Based on above results, piping material can be changed from SS to CS

at the edge of BDV if 600 mm is provided between RO and BDV. The
same arrangement has been shown in Figure-3. It should be note that it
is too unrealistic to ignore internal heat transfer which has the major
contribution in heating up the pipe (Case 3).
Figure 4 and 5 are graphical representations of equation (8) when
desired temperature at the edge of BDV (T) is 0C and RO temperature
(Tb) is -105C (Figure 4) and -46C (Figure 5). These figures can be
used as reference.

1 Tb t

m T t



600 mm
600# CS

600# SS

150# SS

Figure 3 BDV spec break arrangement

Figure 4 Piping spool length when Tb is -105C

Figure 5 Piping spool length when Tb is -46C

1) It can be clearly observed that for such a low temperature application, 600 mm is sufficient to increase the pipe wall temperature
from -100C to 0C. This basically because the area from which cold temperature back propagation takes place is much smaller
that the area from which heat is gained. But it should be noted that there might be some cases where detail calculation of length
is required especially if m coefficient is less than 5.
2) The same heat transfer model can be used to specify :

SS / Spec A
The location of pipe spec break when two pipes with different
PSV outlet
design temperatures are connected. The purpose is to calculate
the length of pipe which should be made of material suitable for
SS / Spec A
high/low temperature. For example, connecting PSV outlet SS
Flare Header
pipe carrying very low temperature fluid to the middle of LTCS
LTCS / Spec B SS / Spec A
flare header (Figure 6). The most conservative approach is to
upgrade the flare header material to SS but it is worth to optimize
flare header material using the same approach.
Figure 6 location of material/piping break

It should be noted that above heat conduction model does not predict the pipe metal temperature because of cold gas
infiltration from PSV outlet line into flare header (line packing) which may take place in this particular example.

The distance between vent (manual depressuring) valves where globe valve is used to throttle the flow (where temperature
drop takes pace) and upstream ball valve is used to isolate the process from flare after venting.

The distance between drain valves where there is a possibility of liquid flashing causing subzero temperatures at throttling
valve and upstream valve needs to remain operable.

3) Blow down valve can be subjected to subzero temperature in two scenarios:


Initial stage of depressuring when system pressure is high and minimum temperature takes place downstream of RO. This
temperature travels towards BDV by conduction. 600 mm spool
piece can safeguard this scenario.
Pipe wall cross section area
Ending stages of depressuring when process gas reaches low A
temperature. Although gas temperature is usually not as low as D
Pipe diameter
first scenario but BDV in contact with cold high velocity gas can h
Heat transfer coefficient
easily reach gas temperature. This scenario needs extra precaution
Pipe metal conductivity
as the risk of freezing ambient moisture on valve body persists. k
Pipe temperature upstream of RO (function
Depressuring study results should be reviewed to identify the T
of distance form RO)
pressure at which process gas reaches subzero temperature. If this
pressure is much lower than process design pressure (say below
Pipe temperature downstream of RO =
70% of design pressure), no extra provision is required. This is Tb
Minimum fluid temperature
because BDVs actuator sized for design differential pressure
Fluid temperature
(process design pressure minus zero) should be able to close the t
Heat transfer ratio coefficient
valve at lower differential pressure even in presence of ice. m
Otherwise, anti-condensation coating and heat tracing may be used P
Pipe perimeter
for BDV.
Heat transfer rate
Both scenarios can be ignored if the process vessel has been x
already designed for design pressure and minimum design SUBSCRIPTS
temperature (coincident) or stress calculation shows that
Inside pipe
pressurization of pressure vessel at low metal temperature to flare in
header back pressure is not a concern with respect to brittle

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