Swdeluxe GM Screen
Swdeluxe GM Screen
Swdeluxe GM Screen
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademar s are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. !sed with permission. Pinnacle ma es no representation or warranty as to the "uality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.#
0ased on Savage Worlds 1elu2e, first printing, 3ugust -.//, and Errata from the PEG 4orums. This is a fan produced wor , which $ offer for free to all Savages. Than s for the ideas and encouragement. %emember fol s, buy the boo s. They can&t write more if we don&t support them.
$ire Da age
Dmg 9/d/. -d/. =d/. Description 0urning weapon Spot fire,# such as a burning arm or leg 4lamethrower *ava
Persuasion Tests
Raise Success ailure ! on Trait "ie $mprove ,P7 - levels ma2 $mprove ,P7 / level 1ecrease ,P7 / level 1ecrease ,P7 - levels
Tiebreaker 5 Spades, 6earts, 1iamonds, 7lubs Joker 8 Go whenever and $nterrupt others actions. 9- to all actions. G: shuffles dec . Interrupt 8 opposed 3gility roll, tie means simultaneous 3ction. Surprise 8 attac ers on hold, ;thers ma e ,otice roll or no action.
Trac#ing Modifiers
99> 99/ 8> 888Trac ing more than ( individuals %ecent snow :ud 1usty area %aining Trac ing in poor light Trac s are more than one day old Target attempted to hide trac s
Stealt" Modifiers
Crawling %unning 1im light 1ar ness Pitch dar ness *ight cover :edium cover 6eavy cover +2 89/ 99> 9/ 99>
Agility 0oating 4ighting Piloting Shooting Swimming Smarts Gambling $nvestigation ,otice Streetwise Taunt Strength 7limbing Spirit $ntimidation 1riving *oc pic ing %iding Stealth Throwing 6ealing Gnowledge %epair Survival Trac ing
Stealt" !ules
Guards are either inactive or active Success avoids inactive guardsH 4ailure ma es guards active. 3ctive guards ma e ,otice rolls to oppose the Stealth %oll. 4ailure means guards spot the character. *ast ? feet re"uires opposed chec .
Interlude !ules
Clubs+ Spades+ &earts+ "iamonds+ After Story' Tragedy Iictory *ove 1esire 0enny or 3dventure 7ard
:ove (2 Pace outside combat per Stealth 7hec . $n groups, use lowest Pace. $n combat, once chec per round.
Wild 7ards are $ncapacitated if they suffer more than three wounds. When a Wild 7ard becomes $ncapacitated, ma e an immediate Iigor roll+ K Total of ! or /ess' The character dies. K ailure' %oll on the $nJury Table. The $nJury is permanent and the victim is 0leeding ;ut. K Success' %oll on the $nJury Table. The $nJury goes away when all wounds are healed. K Raise' %oll on the $nJury Table. The $nJury goes away in -> hours, or when all wounds are healed.
*leeding +ut
:a e a Iigor roll at the start of each round before 3ction 7ards are dealt+ Raise: The victim stabiliAes and no further rolls are required. Success: The victim must roll again ne2t round, or every minut e t hereaft er if not in combat . Failure: The character dies from blood loss. For nonlet hal damage, hes rendered unconscious for 1d6 hours.
In,ury Table
Roll 2d$ 2 )nmentionables' $f the inJury is permanent, reproduction is out of the "uestion without miracle surgery or magic. *+# Arm' %oll left or right arm randomlyH itFs unusable li e the ;ne 3rm 6indrance. ,+.uts' <our hero catches one somewhere between the crotch and the chin. %oll /d?+ 1-2 Broken: 3gility reduced a die type Dminimum d>E. 3-4 Battered: Iigor reduced a die type Dminimum d>E. 5-6 Busted: Strength reduced a die type Dminimum d>E. !0 /eg' Gain the *ame 6indrance Dor the ;ne *eg 6indrance if already *ameE. !!+!2 &ead' 3 grievous inJury to the head. %oll /d?+ 1-2 Hideous Scar: <our hero now has the !gly 6indrance. 3-4 Blinded: 3n eye is damaged. Gain the ;ne Eye 6indrance Dor the 0lind 6indrance if he only had one good eyeE. 5-6 Brain Damage: :assive trauma to the head. Smarts reduced one die type Dmin d>E.
+bstacle Toug"ness
Armor 9/ 99= 9> 9? 9' 9/. (bstacle Glass, leather Plate glass window, shield :odern interior wall, sheet metal, car door ;a door, thic sheet metal 7inder bloc wall 0ric wall Stone wall, bulletproof glass
+b,ect Toug"ness
Object *ight 1oor 6eavy 1oor *oc 6andcuffs Gnife, Sword %ope Small Shield :edium Shield *arge Shield Toughness ' /. ' //. > ' /. /Damage Type 0lunt, 7utting 0lunt, 7utting 0lunt, Piercing 0lunt, Piercing, 7utting 0lunt, 7utting 7utting, Piercing 0lunt, 7utting 0lunt, 7utting 0lunt, 7utting
-ncu brance
3 character can carry (2 his Strength die type in pounds without incurring any penalties. This is your *oad *imit. 7arrying too much weight inflicts a 8/ penalty for every additional multiple of your *oad *imit. The penalty applies to all 3gility and Strength totals, as well as s ills lin ed to either of those two attributes. 7haracters cannot regularly carry weight that inflicts a penalty of more than 8=. They may be able to lift greater weights Dup to a 8> penaltyE for a few short steps at the discretion of the G:, however.
Test of Wills
$ntimidate Taunt Success Raise ail opposed by Spirit opposed by Smarts 9- to ne2t action vs target Target also Sha en 55
!ange Modifiers
Short :edium *ong C 88>
Advance ent
K Gain a new Edge. K $ncrease a s ill that is e"ual to or greater than its lin ed attribute by one die type. K $ncrease two s ills that are lower than their lin ed attributes by one die type each. K 0uy a new s ill at d>. K $ncrease one attribute by a die type, but only once per ran . 1ifferent rules apply for *egendary characters. .5/B -.5=B >.5(B ?.5@B '.9
;n their action, a Sha en character must attempt to recover from being Sha en by ma ing a Spirit roll+ K ailure' 7haracter remains Sha en. 6e can only perform free actions. K Success' 7haracter is no longer Sha en, can only perform free actions. 3 Raise' The character is no longer Sha en and may act normally.
0o1ice Seasoned 2eteran &eroic /egendary
!aise Calculator
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 13, 17, 6, 10, 14, 18, 7, 11, 15, 19, 8, 12, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 50 51 52
Attac# +)tions
Aim Area 5ffect Attacks :reaking Things Called Shots Co1er "arkness 6itch "arkness "efend "isarm "ouble Tap;* Rd :urst The "rop inishing Mo1e iring Into Melee ull "efense .anging )p .rappling Impro1ised <eapons 9- ShootingLThrowing if character does not move Targets under template suffer damage, treat cover as armorH missed attac rolls cause /d?# deviation for thrown weapons, /d/.# for launched weaponsH 2/ for Short, 2- for :edium, 2= for *ong See ;bstacle Toughness TableH Parry -H ,o bonus damage or 3ces *imb 8-H 6ead 8>, 9> damageH Small target 8>H Tiny target 8? *ight 8/H :edium 8-H 6eavy 8>H ,early Total 5?H 1im 8/H 1ar 8-, targets are not visible beyond /.# Targets must be detected to be attac ed at 8> 9- ParryH character may ta e no other actions 8- attac H defender ma es Str roll vs. damage or drops weapon 9/ attac and damageL9- attac and damage 9> attac and damage $nstant ill to helpless foe with lethal weapon See $nnocent 0ystanders 4ighting roll at9- replaces Parry if higher 9/ 4ighting per additional attac erH ma2imum of 9> ;pposed 4ighting roll to grapple. %aiseMopponent Sha enH 1efender ma es opposed Strength or 3gility to brea free Dany other action made at 8>EH 3ttac er can ma e opposed Str or 3gility to cause damage Small 'ea"ons: %ange =L?L/-, 1amage Str9d>, %o4 /, :in Str d>, 8/ attac and Parry (edium 'ea"ons: %ange -L>L', 1amage Str9d?, %o4 /, :in Str d?, 8/ 3ttac and Parry )arge 'ea"ons: %ange /L-L>, 1amage Str9d', :in Str d', 8/ attac and Parry :issed Shooting or Throwing roll of / D/ or - with shotguns or autofireE hits random adJacent target $f attac hits by the concealment penalty, the obstacle acts as 3rmor 8- to 4ightingLShooting with off5hand 3s :edium coverH prone defenders are 8- 4ighting, 8- Parry Bash: Push the target /# for every success and raise on the Strength roll Shield Bash: 3s above but causes Strength damage, 9/ for a small shield, 9- for a medium shield, and 9= for a large shield *nock +rone: The defender is noc ed prone Pistols onlyH Target ,umber is defenderFs Parry :a e up to = 4ighting attac s at 8>H or fire up to ? shots from a semi5 automatic weapon or revolver at 8> penalty to each dieH 5- Parry With successful Shooting roll, targets in :ed 0urst Template ma e a Spirit roll or are Sha enH roll of / are hit for normal damage 9- 4ighting 1escribe actionH ma e opposed 3gility or Smarts rollH opponent is 8- Parry until ne2t actionH with a raise, foe is 8- Parry and Sha en 8- attac H additional 8- for off5hand if not 3mbide2trous 3rmed attac ers gain 9- 4ighting 8- Shooting from a moving vehicle or animal 9- 4ightingH 9- damageH 8- Parry until ne2t action 3dJacent foes get one free attac at retreating character
Nonlet"al Co bat
:ust use fists or blunt weapon D5/ to fighting to use flat of swordE %oll damage normally. Wild 7ards ta e wounds as normal. $ncapacitated characters are down for /d? hours
Move ent
Crawling: May crawl -# per turn. This counts as being prone. Crouching: 3 character may move at half Pace. He m ay run while crouched. Ranged attacks suffer a 1 penalty. Going Prone: 3 character may fall prone at any time during his action. Getting up costs 2 of m o em ent. Difficult Ground: 1ifficult ground such as mud, steep hills, or snow! slows characters down. "ount each inch as two inches. Jumping: /# horiAontally from a dead stop# 2 with a $run and go. % successful &trength roll grants one e'tra inch of distance.
$rig"t Table
!d204 5ffect !+# Adrenaline Surge' 9- to Trait and dmg rolls on ne2t action. ,+% Shaken' The character is Sha en. -+!2 6anicked' The character immediately moves his full Pace plus running die away from the danger and is Sha en. !*+!$ Minor 6hobia' The character gains a :inor Phobia 6indrance somehow associated with the trauma. !7+!% Ma8or 6hobia' 6ero gains a :aJor Phobia 6indrance. !-+20 The Mark of ear' The hero is Sha en and also suffers some cosmetic physical alteration. 7harisma reduced by /. 2!9 &eart Attack' 6ero becomes $ncapacitated and must ma e a Iigor roll at 8-. $f successful, heFs Sha en and canFt attempt to recover for /d> rounds. $f he fails, he dies in -d? rounds. 3 6ealing roll at 8> saves the victimFs life, but he remains $ncapacitated. *Add the creature s !ear "enalt# as a "ositi$e num%er to this roll&
Ranged <eapons in Close Combat Rapid Attack Suppressi1e ire Touch Attack Tricks T=o <eapons )narmed "efender )nstable 6latform <ild Attack <ithdra= from Melee
+verland Travel
N slowest Pace in :P6. Subtract modifier, minimum N mile. 5asy 8 . mph Plains, road A1erage 8 / mph %oc y desert, light forest, low hills &ard 8 - mph Steep hills, sand, medium forest "ifficult 8 = mph :ountains, heavy forest, marsh