A True Letter of Our Saviour Jesus Christ

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A True Letter Of Our Saviour Jesus Christ

Consecrating the Drops of Blood which Our Lord Jesus lost on His Way to Calvary

Copy of a letter of the Oration found in the Holy Sepulchre of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Jerusale!" preserved in a silver #o$ #y His Holiness and #y the %!perors and %!presses of the Christian &aith Saint %li'a#eth" (ueen of Hungary" with Saint )atilda and Saint Bridget" wishing to *now so!ething of the +assion of Jesus Christ" offered fervent and special prayers" upon which there appeared to the! Our Lord Jesus Christ who spo*e to the! in the following !anner, - descended fro! Heaven to the %arth in order to convert you -n olden ti!es people were religious and their harvests were a#undant. at present" on the contrary" they are scanty -f you want to reap an a#undant harvest you !ust not wor* on Sunday" for Sunday you !ust go to Church and pray to /od to forgive your sins He gave you si$ days in which to wor* and one for rest and devotion and to tender your help to the poor and assist the Church Those people" who #rawl against !y religion and cast slurs on this Sacred Letter" shall #e forsa*en #y !e On the contrary" those people who shall carry a copy of this letter with the! shall #e free fro! death #y drowning and fro! sudden death They shall #e free fro! all contagious diseases and lightning. they shall not die without confession" and shall #e free fro! their ene!ies and fro! the hand of wrongful authority" and fro! all their slanderers and false witnesses

Wo!en in peril at child0#irth will" #y *eeping this Oration a#out the!" i!!ediately overco!e the difficulty -n the houses where this Oration is *ept no evil thing will ever happen. and forty days #efore the death of a person who has this Oration a#out hi! or her" the Blessed 1irgin )ary will appear to hi! or her So said Saint /regrorius To all those faithful who shall recite for 2 years" each day 3 +aters" /lorias and Aves" in honor of the drops of #lood - lost" - will concede the following 4 graces, 5st 3nd The plenary indulgence and re!ittance of your sins 6ou will #e free fro! the pains of +urgatory

2rd -f you should die #efore co!pleting the said 2 years" for you will #e the sa!e as if you had co!pleted the! 7th -t will #e upon your death the sa!e as if you had shed all your #lood for the Holy &aith 4th - will descend fro! Heaven to ta*e your soul and that of your relatives" until the fourth generation Be it *nown that the nu!#er of ar!ed soldiers were 548. those who trailed !e while - was #ound were 32 The e$ecutioners of 9ustice were :2. the #lows received on !y head were 548. those on !y sto!ach" 5:8. *ic*s on !y shoulders" :8 - was led" #ound with cords #y the hair" 37 ti!es. spits in the face were 5:8. - was #eaten on the #ody ;;;; ti!es. #eaten on the head" 558 ti!es - was roughly pushed" and at 53 o<cloc* was lifted up #y the hair. pric*ed with thorns and pulled #y the #eard 32 ti!es. received 38 wounds on the head. thorns of !arine 9un*s" =3. pric*s of thorns in the head" 558. !ortal thorns in the forehead" 2 - was afterwards flogged and dressed as a !oc*ed *ing. wounds in the #ody" 5888 The soldiers who led !e to the Calvary were ;8:. those who watch !e were 2" and those who !oc*ed !e were 588:. the drops of #lood which - lost were 3:"728 Benedetta DA S S " +ope Leo >---" ?o!a 4 Aprile 5:@8

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