Vol. 63, No. 1 March, 1956 The Psychological Review
Vol. 63, No. 1 March, 1956 The Psychological Review
Vol. 63, No. 1 March, 1956 The Psychological Review
1 MARCH, 1956
the variance. And it also enables us to cles. Then the left circle can be taken
compare results obtained in quite dif- to represent the variance of the input,
ferent experimental situations where it the right circle the variance of the out-
would be meaningless to compare vari- put, and the overlap the covariance of
ances based on different metrics. So input and output. I shall speak of the
there are some good reasons for adopt- left circle as the amount of input infor-
ing the newer concept. mation, the right circle as the amount
The similarity of variance and amount of output information, and the overlap
of information might be explained this as the amount of transmitted informa-
way: When we have a large variance, tion.
we are very ignorant about what is go- In the experiments on absolute judg-
ing to happen. If we are very ignorant, ment, the observer is considered to be
then when we make the observation it a communication channel. Then the
gives us a lot of information. On the left circle would represent the amount
other hand, if the variance is very small, of information in the stimuli, the right
we know in advance how our observa- circle the amount of information in his
tion must come out, so we get little in- responses, and the overlap the stimulus-
formation from making the observation. response correlation as measured by the
If you will now imagine a communi- amount of transmitted information. The
cation system, you will realize that experimental problem is to increase the
there is a great deal of variability about amount of input information and to
what goes into the system and also a measure the amount of transmitted in-
great deal of variability about what formation. If the observer's absolute
comes out. The input and the output judgments are quite accurate, then
can therefore be described in terms of nearly all of the input information will
their variance (or their information). be transmitted and will be recoverable
If it is a good communication system, from his responses. If he makes errors,
however, there must be some system- then the transmitted information may
atic relation between what goes in and be considerably less than the input. We
what comes out. That is to say, the expect that, as we increase the amount
output will depend upon the input, or of input information, the observer will
will be correlated with the input. If we begin to make more and more errors;
measure this correlation, then we can we can test the limits of accuracy of his
say how much of the output variance is absolute judgments. If the human ob-
attributable to the input and how much server is a reasonable kind of communi-
is due to random fluctuations or "noise" cation system, then when we increase
introduced by the system during trans- the amount of input information the
mission. So we see that the measure transmitted information will increase at
of transmitted information is simply a first and will eventually level off at some
measure of the input-output correlation. asymptotic value. This asymptotic value
There are two simple rules to follow. we take to be the channel capacity of
Whenever I refer to "amount of in- the observer: it represents the greatest
formation," you will understand "vari- amount of information that he can give
ance." And whenever I refer to "amount us about the stimulus on the basis of
of transmitted information," you will an absolute judgment. The channel ca-
understand "covariance" or "correla- pacity is the upper limit on the extent
tion." to which the observer can match his re-
The situation can be described graphi- sponses to the stimuli we give him.
cally by two partially overlapping cir- Now just a brief word about the bit
very short exposures of the pointer po- for the long exposure. Curvature was
sition to 3.9 bits for longer exposures. apparently harder to judge. When the
These values are slightly higher than length of the arc was constant, the re-
Hake and Garner's, so we must con- sult at the short exposure duration was
clude that there'are between 10 and IS 2.2 bits, but when the length of the
distinct positions along a linear inter- chord was constant, the result was only
val. This is the largest channel ca- 1.6 bits. This last value is the lowest
pacity that has been measured for any that anyone has measured to date. I
unidimensional variable. should add, however, that these values
At the present time these four experi- are apt to be slightly too low because
ments on absolute judgments of simple, the data from all subjects were pooled
unidimensional stimuli are all that have before the transmitted information was
appeared in the psychological journals. computed.
However, a great deal of work on other Now let us see where we are. First,
stimulus variables has not yet appeared the channel capacity does seem to be a
in the journals. For example, Eriksen valid notion for describing human ob-
and Hake (6) have found that the servers. Second, the channel capacities
channel capacity for judging the sizes measured for these unidimensional vari-
of squares is 2.2 bits, or about five ables range from 1.6 bits for curvature
categories, under a wide range of ex- to 3.9 bits for positions in an interval.
perimental conditions. In a separate Although there is no question that the
experiment Eriksen (5) found 2.8 bits
differences among the variables are real
for size, 3.1 bits for hue, and 2.3 bits
and meaningful, the more impressive
for brightness. Geldard has measured
the channel capacity for the skin by fact to me is their considerable simi-
placing vibrators on the chest region. larity. If I take the best estimates I
A good observer can identify about four can get of the channel capacities for all
intensities, about five durations, and the stimulus variables I have mentioned,
about seven locations. the mean is 2.6 bits and the standard
One of the most active groups in this deviation is only 0.6 bit. In terms of
area has been the Air Force Operational distinguishable alternatives, this mean
Applications Laboratory. Pollack has corresponds to about 6.5 categories, one
been kind enough to furnish me with standard deviation includes from 4 to
the results of their measurements for 10 categories, and the total range is
several aspects of visual displays. They from 3 to IS categories. Considering
made measurements for area and for the wide variety of different variables
the curvature, length, and direction of that have been studied, I find this to
lines. In one set of experiments they be a remarkably narrow range.
used a very short exposure of the stimu- There seems to be some limitation
lus—%0 second—and then they re- built into us either by learning or by
peated the measurements with a 5- the design of our nervous systems, a
second exposure. For area they got limit that keeps our channel capacities
2.6 bits with the short exposure and in this general range. On the basis of
2.7 bits with the long exposure. For the present evidence it seems safe to
the length of a line they got about 2.6 say that we possess a finite and rather
bits with the short exposure and about small capacity for making such unidi-
3.0 bits with the long exposure. Direc- mensional judgments and that this ca-
tion, or angle of inclination, gave 2.8 pacity does not vary a great deal from
bits for the short exposure and 3.3 bits one simple sensory attribute to another.
more dimensions and requiring crude, a lot of different kinds of test materials
binary, yes-no judgments on each at- this span is about seven items in length.
tribute we can extend the span of abso- I have just shown you that there is a
lute judgment from seven to at least span of absolute judgment that can dis-
ISO. Judging from our everyday be- tinguish about seven categories and that
havior, the limit is probably in the there is a span of attention that will
thousands, if indeed there is a limit. In encompass about six objects at a glance.
my opinion, we cannot go on compound- What is more natural than to think that
ing dimensions indefinitely. I suspect all three of these spans are different as-
that there is also a span of perceptual pects of a single underlying process?
dimensionality and that this span is And that is a fundamental mistake, as
somewhere in the neighborhood of ten, I shall be at some pains to demonstrate.
but I must add at once that there is no This mistake is one of the malicious
objective evidence to support this sus- persecutions that the magical number
picion. This is a question sadly need- seven has subjected me to.
ing experimental exploration. My mistake went something like this.
Concerning the third device, the use We have seen that the invariant fea-
of successive judgments, I have quite a ture in the span of absolute judgment
bit to say because this device introduces is the amount of information that the
memory as the handmaiden of discrimi- observer can transmit. There is a real
nation. And, since mnemonic processes operational similarity between the ab-
are at least as complex as are perceptual solute judgment experiment and the
processes, we can anticipate that their immediate memory experiment. If im-
interactions will not be easily disen- mediate memory is like absolute judg-
tangled. ment, then it should follow that the in-
Suppose that we start by simply ex- variant feature in the span of immediate
tending slightly the experimental pro- memory is also the amount of informa-
cedure that we have been using. Up tion that an observer can retain. If the
to this point we have presented a single amount of information in the span of
stimulus and asked the observer to name immediate memory is a constant, then
it immediately thereafter. We can ex- the span should be short when the indi-
tend this procedure by requiring the ob- vidual items contain a lot of informa-
server to withhold his response until we tion and the span should be long when
have given him several stimuli in suc- the items contain little information. For
cession. At the end of the sequence of example, decimal digits are worth 3.3
stimuli he then makes his response. We bits apiece. We can recall about seven
still have the same sort of input-out- of them, for a total of 23 bits of in-
put situation that is required for the formation. Isolated English words are
measurement of transmitted informa- worth about 10 bits apiece. If the total
tion. But now we have passed from amount of information is to remain
an experiment on absolute judgment to constant at 23 bits, then we should be
what is traditionally called an experi- able to remember only two or three
ment on immediate memory. words chosen at random. In this way
Before we look at any data on this I generated a theory about how the span
topic I feel I must give you a word of of immediate memory should vary as a
warning to help you avoid some obvi- function of the amount of information
ous associations that can be confusing. per item in the test materials.
Everybody knows that there is a finite The measurements of memory span in
span of immediate memory and that for the literature are suggestive on this
2:1 Chunks 10 10 00 10 01 11 00 11 10
Receding 2 2 0 2 1 3 0 3 2
3:1 Chunks 101 000 100 111 001 110
Receding 5 0 4 7 1 6
gists, linguists, and anthropologists and for absolute judgment, the seven ob-
yet, probably because receding is less jects in the span of attention, and the
accessible to experimental manipulation seven digits in the span of immediate
than nonsense syllables or T mazes, the memory? For the present I propose to
traditional experimental psychologist has withhold judgment. Perhaps there is
contributed little or nothing to their something deep and profound behind all
analysis. Nevertheless, experimental these sevens, something just calling out
techniques can be used, methods of re- for us to discover it. But I suspect
coding can be specified, behavioral in- that it is only a pernicious, Pythagorean
dicants can be found. And I anticipate coincidence.
that we will find a very orderly set of
relations describing what now seems an REFERENCES
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