Summer School Schüler beim Segeln
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Summer School Schüler mit Kayaks
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Salem International Summer Schools

"So, what is it really like to live at a boarding school?"

There are many answers to this question: a lot of exciting things happen. It's strenuous and demanding, but also a lot of fun. You will discover what your full potential can be, but also test your limits.

Anyone who wants to find out what Schule Schloss Salem is all about needs to experience our boarding school life first-hand. That is why we offer the Salem International Summer Schools for children and teenagers aged between 9 and 16. This two-week academic and extracurricular programme broadens the participant's cultural and academic horizons – true to the motto of our founder Kurt Hahn "Plus est en vous!" That is why we say to everyone who wants to discover more about themselves: "Welcome to Salem!"

Digital registration for the Salem International Summer Schools 2025 is expected to go live on our website in early November.

We are excited to receive applications from individual participants. Please note, that no commission is paid to agents applying on behalf of participants.

Please note that first-time registrations for each programme have priority. Repeat applicants for the same programme will be placed on a waiting list. Places will be offered if they become available, usually no earlier than May. Thank you for your understanding.

Get in touch
Natalie Lander, Ansprechpartnerin Summer Schools

Natalie Lander
Head of Salem International Summer Schools

Tel.: + 49 7553 919 - 490
Send email