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Students Admissions at Schule Schloss Salem

Feeling Freedom. Developing Team Spirit.

Side by Side: We welcome your interest in Schule Schloss Salem! Changing schools is a big step for any family, especially if it involves entering boarding school. For this reason, we stand by your side with all our experience and competencies, ready to discuss with you and your child in detail the beginning of a happy and successful boarding school career.
We will be happy to speak with you personally by telephone or welcome you in person during a visit to Salem Castle. Simply contact us at the Office of Admissions.

Thus, we look forward to welcoming you personally and on site at our locations and ask you to make an individual appointment with our admissions team. If a visit to Salem is not possible for you, we also offer the admission procedure completely digitally.

The Path to Salem in Three Steps

  • Submission of a written application
  • Visit by parents and child to the school, a personal interview, tour of the castle grounds and the classroom and dormitory buildings
    Alternative: Digital meeting and virtual tour
  • Placement test

Prerequisites for Admission

Students who wish to complete their Abitur at Salem need to have sufficient mastery of the German language, both written and oral, to be able to take part fully in Gymnasium-level instruction.

Students in the international classes and the International Baccalaureate Programme need to be fluent in the English language, both written and oral, and show their competencies in various school subjects in an assessment test. 

All applicants from abroad, from other federal states, from other types of German schools or the G9 system will receive individual feedback based on their assessment test. We will explain our procedures to you and your child before the admissions interview.

Admission is possible at the beginning of each school year for entry into grades 5 to 11. Admission to grade 12 or in the course of a school year is not advisable but may be possible in individual cases.

Get in touch
Christine Ruhland

Christine Ruhland
Assistant to Admissions Office

Tel.: + 49 7553 919 - 352
Send email

Stephanie Nau

Dr. Stephanie Nau
Head of Admissions

For your initial approach please contact the Assistant to the Admissions Office.

Any more questions?
We are happy to advice you (Contact via Assistance to Admission)
Stephanie Nau
Dr. Stephanie Nau
Head of Admission
Christine Ruhland
Christine Ruhland
Assistant to Admissions Office
Jennifer Charni
Assistant to Admissions Office
Sabine Klause
Sabine Klause
Admissions national
Dr. Ulrike Niederhofer | Kunstgeschichte, Bildende Kunst, Fachberater Bildende Kunst, Aufnahme 10 PLUS, 11 & 12
Dr. Ulrike Niederhofer
Admissions national & international
Natalie Lander | IB Diploma CAS Koordination, Abitur AG Koordination, Vertrauensdozentin Salem Kolleg, Dienstekoordination Jahrgangsstufe 11 & 12, Leitung Salem International Summer School, Rekrutierung pädagogischer Mitarbeiter
Natalie Lander
Admissions international
Julie Benz
Julie Benz
Admissions national & international
Berit Schreiber | Mentorin Jahrgangsstufe 9 - 10
Berit Schreiber
School tours
Kathrin de Francisco
Kathrin de Francisco (on parental leave)
Assistant to Admissions Office

Information About School and Boarding Fees

Schule Schloss Salem is a not-for-profit enterprise. It is financed nearly entirely by parental contributions and donations. As a private school Salem receives subsidies from the federal state of Baden-Württemberg for a portion of the costs of classroom instruction. A detailed overview of school fees, the application fee and payment schedules, can be found here. 

Fees internal students in Euro, pro Monat Classes 5 - 10 Classes 11 - 12 Int. Classes 8 - 10 IB Students Year 1 + 2
Admission Fee, non-recurring 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900
School and Boarding Fee (SIG) 4,200 4,290 4,290 4,665
Security Deposit * with direct debit, one-off 4,2008,400** 4,2908,580** 4,2908,580** 4,6659,330**
Classes 5 - 10
Admission Fee, non-recurring 1,900
School and Boarding Fee (SIG) 4,200
Security Deposit * with direct debit, one-off 4,2008,400**
Classes 11 - 12
Admission Fee, non-recurring 1,900
School and Boarding Fee (SIG) 4,290
Security Deposit * with direct debit, one-off 4,2908,580**
Int. Classes 8 - 10
Admission Fee, non-recurring 1,900
School and Boarding Fee (SIG) 4,290
Security Deposit * with direct debit, one-off 4,2908,580**
IB Students Year 1 + 2
Admission Fee, non-recurring 1,900
School and Boarding Fee (SIG) 4,665
Security Deposit * with direct debit, one-off 4,6659,330**
* The security deposit will be refunded upon termination of the contract. ** Fee without direct debit.
Amount of admission, costs & fees

Upon conclusion of an enrolment and boarding school contract, we will charge a one-time admission fee. In addition, a security and incidental expenses deposit is required that will be refunded when the contract is terminated.

Costs and fees for schooling and boarding services – including pastoral care, accommodations, meals and incidental expenses (see "overview additional costs" in the download section, e.g., individual music lessons, exchange programmes, school uniform, excursions, totally approx. 200 Euro per month) – are established annually by the management board of Schule Schloss Salem gGmbH. Payment obligations for each school year extend to August 31 of each calendar year, regardless of the start of summer holidays or the completion of examinations for the Abitur or the International Baccalaureate.

Payment schedule

Fees for schooling and boarding can be paid annually (with a 2% discount) or monthly.

Payments can be made by direct debit or bank transfer.

Credit card payments are not accepted.

Transfers from non-EU countries with a foreign currency can be processed through the Flywire.

Sibling discount

We are very pleased when family siblings choose to attend Schule Schloss Salem together. In this case the schooling and boarding fees are reduced by 10% for each sibling.

Alumni (Altsalemer)

We are most happy when former students choose to place their own children in our care. For the children of former Salem students, a discount of 1.5 % is granted on the School and Boarding fees.

Tax benefits

At present (subject to legal changes) families can claim 30% of the pure costs of schooling as a special expense on their tax declarations. We will be happy to provide the necessary documentation. Additionally, pastoral care at school for children up to 14 years of age can be certified.  With regard to schooling and boarding fees Salem is obliged to provide such services outlined in Article V of the General Contract Terms (AVB). The incidental expenses enumerated in Article VII  of the AVB will be billed separately.

Parent Voluntary Donations

Over decades Salem has relied upon the close relationship between parents and school. Salem provide its students with both encouragement and challenges. To this end the on-going support of parents is irreplaceable. Hence we invite parents of our students to voluntarily contribute a supplemental payment into our scholarship fund so that families with lesser financial means can send their children to Salem.  All supplemental contributions will be used exclusively for this purpose. Payments may range from a monthly amount of 250 Euro to the coverage of a full scholarship. Naturally the school will automatically provide a donation receipt for all supplemental payments.

Voluntary Donations

Excess Payments

Additional Payment per month in Euro


250.- €


500.- €


750.- €


1.000.- €

E (50% Scholarship)

2.080.- €

F (100% Scholarship)

4.160.- €


Contact person
Stephanie Nau

Dr. Stephanie Nau
Head of Admission

Tel.: +49 7553 919-352
Send email

Salem is more than a good school

  • Intensive pastoral care in the boarding school (approx. 95 percent of students are boarders)
  • Small class sizes (with an average of 14 students)
  • Highly qualified teachers
  • International Classes in grades 8 – 10 and International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
  • Broad range of foreign languages
  • Socially oriented service groups and artisan guilds
  • Outdoor education
  • Supervised study hour and academic support programmes
  • Extensive sports curriculum and extracurricular sports programmes
  • Extraordinary learning environment near Lake Constance
  • Large libraries with extensive German and international literature (e.g. Advanced Placement Source von EBSCO)
  • State-recognized [or: Baden-Württemberg] Abitur or International Baccalaureate Diploma
  • Career and university counselling by school-based specialists
  • Extensive and highly renown alumni network in Germany  and abroad
  • Character development and education for responsible leadership
  • And above all: a life-long community of friends!