Study names TMI Episcopal San Antonio area's best high school

A mix of public, private and charter schools rounded out Niche's Top 10 High Schools in San Antonio list.

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click to enlarge TMI Episcopal's athletic complex on a cloudy day. - Screenshot / Google Street View
Screenshot / Google Street View
TMI Episcopal's athletic complex on a cloudy day.
With school back in session, school ranking website Niche released the 2025 edition of its annual Best San Antonio High Schools list — and there are a few surprises.

TMI Episcopal — the school where all the kids from the Dominion go — took home the title as the area's best high school, earning an overall grade of A+ from Niche.

Niche complies with its rankings by analyzing academic grades, state assessment proficiency, standardized test scores and survey responses from parents and students.

That stuff apparently doesn't come cheap, though, at least not in TMI Episcopal's case. Its annual tuition runs a steep $30,507 a year.
Saint Mary's Hall, another private school, took the No. 2 spot. Meanwhile, San Antonio's KeyStone School — ranked among the top 10 High Schools in Texas last — came in at No. 3.

Public charter school BASIS's Shavano Campus came in at No. 4, while San Antonio's International School of the Americas – another public magnate school – rounded out the top 5.

Northeast Independent School District's Reagan High School was the only true public high school — meaning all students have to do is live within the school districting limits to attend — came in at No. 6.

Even so, Reagan beat out tuition-based private schools, including Geneva School of Boerne, Lutheran High School of San Antonio and San Antonio Christian School.

In other words, paying a bunch of money to send your kid to a ritzy private school doesn't always equate to better education.

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Michael Karlis

Michael Karlis is a Staff Writer at the San Antonio Current. He is a graduate of American University in Washington, D.C., whose work has been featured in Salon, Alternet, Creative Loafing Tampa Bay, Orlando Weekly, NewsBreak, 420 Magazine and Mexico Travel Today. He reports primarily on breaking news, politics...

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