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Don't ask for your privacy. Take it back.

"Mass surveillance is illegitimate. I'm taking steps to take my freedoms back and I expect governments and corporations to follow in my footsteps and take steps to stop all mass government surveillance." After you sign, protect yourself here.

Fight for the Future and Center for Rights will contact you about future campaigns. Privacy Policy

The Privacy Pack is now available. Get it here.

How to #ResetTheNet

The problem

The NSA is exploiting weak links in Internet security to spy on the entire world, twisting the Internet we love into something it was never meant to be: a panopticon.

The solution

We can't stop targeted attacks, but we *can* stop mass surveillance, by building proven security into the everyday Internet.

The plan

First, get hundreds of sites & apps to add proven security (like SSL). Then on June 5, we'll run a splash screen *everywhere* to spread NSA-resistant privacy tools.

What you can do, right now!


Pledge to add SSL, HSTS & PFS protection this year; it matters! Then, on June 5th, run the splash screen to promote free software for end-to-end encryption. Already rocking SSL & HSTS? Consider approaches to end-to-end crypto.


Mobile apps

If your app talks to a server, use SSL & cert pinning, and make sure all third party code like ads & analytics does too. If it's a messaging app, consider end-to-end encryption. Then on June 5th, send a push notification to promote a mobile privacy pack.


All of us

Pledge to try & share NSA-resistant privacy tools on June 5th, and join the Thunderclap to protest on social media. In the meantime, join the #ResetTheNet Twitter brigade & help get more sites to join in.


Wherever you are, whatever you do, there are concrete ways to win huge victories for privacy, right now.

More Ways to Participate



What others are saying:

"That's why I am excited for Reset the Net – it will mark the moment when we turn political expression into practical action, and protect ourselves on a large scale." Read Snowden's full statement.

Edward Snowden

"No government should accumulate so much information that it could easily decide to discredit people whose ideas it fears."

Jennifer Granick

"The NSA and others do mass surveillance because it's easier than targeting. Initiatives like Reset the Net force governments into targeted surveillance. That's how we win."

Bruce Schneier

Add your website, company, or app.

How you participate is up to you, but be ambitious! Sites: promise to add HTTPS, HSTS, and PFS this year. Mobile apps: add SSL & cert pinning, including for third party code like ad networks and analytics. Large companies should follow the Encrypt all the Things Data Security Action Plan. Everyone else: promote the privacy pack on June 5th to spread privacy tools!

Protect others. Share the Privacy Pack.

Put these on your site or page. We're going live June 5th midnight ET.

Modal - Splash Screen
For help putting this up, Click Here

Add this script right after the <body> tag. To see an example go here.

<script type="text/javascript">
   window._idl = {};
   _idl.variant = "modal";
   _idl.campaign = "reset-the-net";
   (function() {
     var idl = document.createElement('script');
     idl.type = 'text/javascript';
     idl.async = true;
     idl.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + '' + (_idl.url || '') + '&campaign=' + (_idl.campaign || '') + '&variant=' + (_idl.variant || 'modal');
Long Banner
<script src=""
Short Banner
Square Banner
Square Banner
Standalone Badge
Standalone Badge
Standalone Badge
Standalone Badge Corner
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