Provable Acceleration of Nesterov’s Accelerated Gradient Method over Heavy Ball Method in Training Over-Parameterized Neural Networks

Provable Acceleration of Nesterov’s Accelerated Gradient Method over Heavy Ball Method in Training Over-Parameterized Neural Networks

Xin Liu, Wei Tao, Wei Li, Dazhi Zhan, Jun Wang, Zhisong Pan

Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Due to its simplicity and efficiency, the first-order gradient method has been extensively employed in training neural networks. Although the optimization problem of the neural network is non-convex, recent research has proved that the first-order method is capable of attaining a global minimum during training over-parameterized neural networks, where the number of parameters is significantly larger than that of training instances. Momentum methods, including the heavy ball (HB) method and Nesterov's accelerated gradient (NAG) method, are the workhorse of first-order gradient methods owning to their accelerated convergence. In practice, NAG often exhibits superior performance than HB. However, current theoretical works fail to distinguish their convergence difference in training neural networks. To fill this gap, we consider the training problem of the two-layer ReLU neural network under over-parameterization and random initialization. Leveraging high-resolution dynamical systems and neural tangent kernel (NTK) theory, our result not only establishes tighter upper bounds of the convergence rate for both HB and NAG, but also provides the first theoretical guarantee for the acceleration of NAG over HB in training neural networks. Finally, we validate our theoretical results on three benchmark datasets.
Machine Learning: ML: Theory of deep learning
Machine Learning: ML: Optimization